Intro to Anthro

Intro to Anthro
Study Guide - Exam 3
what is it, defining features, characteristics
cultural relativism
emic and etic
Peoples & Films:
Gwi/!Kung - Bitter Melons
Ju/=hoansi/!Kung - N!ai: Story of a !Kung Woman
Kypsellians - Kypseli: Men & Women Apart
Kpelle - The Cows of Dolo Ken Paye
Waiapi - At the Edge of Conquest
Subsistence Strategies:
what is it, types, associated with what societal levels Guaraní
environmental determinism
cultural ecology
how is subsistence associated with other aspects of life
Exchange, Stratification, & Leadership:
what are they, types associated with what societal levels
reciprocity (generalized, balanced), redistribution, market/commercial
gift & barter
power and authority
achieved and ascribed
open and closed classes
Sex, Gender, & Sexuality:
what differentiates
gender roles
associations with societal levels
Social Control & Warfare:
levels of conflicts
characteristics of war
laws and legal codes
variables in resolution
moots and official courts
special purpose groups
Marriage, Family, & Kinship:
what are they, function(s), associations with societal levels
arranged marriages
dowry, bride price/wealth, bride service
Development, Change, & Anthropology:
monogamy, polygamy, polygyny, polyandry
acculturation, innovation, diffusion,
incest taboo theories
stimulus diffusion
consanguinity and affinity
revitalization movements
nuclear and extended families
development and sustainable development
rules of descent
role of anthropologist
unilineal and cognatic/bilateral
lineages and other kinship groups
Forest Dwellers:
how to read/interpret a kinship chart
kinship terminology
agroforestry, key elements
residence rules
sustainability and sustainable development
forces behind development
effects of development B positive &
what is it, functions, associations with societal levels
problems with sustainable development
life transitions/rites of passages, phases, importance
Durkheim, Marx, Weber, Malinowski interpretations