Central region, Bromwich Court, Highway Point, Gorsey Lane, Coleshill, Warks B46 1JU. Tel: 01675 437000 Fax: 01675 437043 Northern region, Eden Point, Three Acres Lane, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire SK8 6RL. Tel: 0161 488 5000 Fax: 0161 488 5076 Eastern region, W2 Building, 7 High Street, Great Cambourne, Cambridgeshire, CB3 6GX. Tel: 01954 714300 Fax: 01954 714333 South East region / Group Services / Retirement Living, The Manor House, North Ash Road, New Ash Green, Longfield, Kent DA3 8HQ. Tel: 01474 872427 Fax: 01474 876287 Retirement Living Fax: 01474 876369 South West region / Group Services, Cleeve Hall, Cheltenham Road, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL52 8GD. Tel: 01242 662400 Fax: 01242 662607 Please tick appropriate region Site waste management plan for: Development name and address Principal contractor: Name here Site manager: Name here Initial plan prepared by: Name here Date: Date here Project commencement date: Date here Anticipated completion date: Date here Review/ revision date Scope of change Signed (ABM/RBD) Commencement + 6 months Commencement +12 months Commencement + 18 months Commencement + 24 months Copies held: Site Office/ Regional Office/ Group Services. Revisions to be issued to all copy holders. Reviews due every 6 months during construction and a final review and cost savings estimate within 3 months of completion Version number: Enter version number here Date: Enter date here 1 Nature of project Compilation instructions : Insert bullet point list to outline project ensuring key environmental features & waste management issues are identified. state whether demolition or enabling works required 2 Project aim Bovis Homes is committed to minimising our environmental impact. To that end we are expending time and effort to develop and implement a SWMP for each site to ensure that the company procedures are consistently implemented, maintained and effective in reducing the volume of waste requiring disposal during the construction of this development. Specific Environmental aims, relating to waste management on this development are: Recycle all plasterboard waste from the development via British Gypsum Recycle all concrete, brick & block waste into inert fill/ sub formation material in drives/ hard standings recycling scheme withininstruction: new homes as well as parkingspecific courts, “SMART” temporary waste haul roads and material Compilation Itemise development management targetsstorage. commensurate with scope of works 3 Management The Site Manager is the environmental co-ordinator for the project and as such is responsible for instructing workers, overseeing and documenting the results of the SWMP. The SWMP will be monitored by both Area Build Manager and Regional Build Director during routine site visits. A copy of the document together with all appendices will also be amalgamated into a Regional SWMP which will be issued to Group Services who will on a six monthly basis aggregate the individual developments into a Group SWMP. Feedback and best practice will also be collated and disseminated via this mechanism. In order to check arrangements have been implemented at site the Site Manager is required to complete the checklist contained in Appendix 1. 4 Waste management strategy on site The fundamental strategy applied on all Bovis Homes sites is to minimise waste by applying the waste hierarchy as below and to implement actions to Eliminate, Reduce, Reuse and Re-cycle before considering disposal. The removal of waste for recovery via a Transfer station is included with stage 4. Surplus or waste materials arise from either the materials imported to site or from those generated on site. Imported materials are those, which are brought to the project for inclusion into the permanent works. Generated materials are those, which exist on the project such as topsoil, sub-soil, trees and materials from demolition works etc. The minimisation techniques which relate to design efficiencies and procurement of materials are excluded from this SWMP which deals solely with the on site issues during production. 5 Waste management 5.1 Identifying and quantifying waste streams A review of the works during the design stage and pre construction planning processes has identified the waste streams and approximate quantities likely to be generated at site as set out in Appendix 2 Key decisions within the design process to minimise waste within this development include: Decision impacting on waste Recycling of plasterboard via British Gypsum “take back” service Date of decision Record document 5.2 Managing waste on site A specific areas shall be laid out and labelled to facilitate the separation of materials for potential recycling, salvage, reuse and return. Recycling and waste bins are to be kept clean and clearly marked in order to avoid contamination of materials. The control of waste is not only a key issue for Bovis Homes but also for all our contractors. Together we need to minimise waste production – and reduce the expense of disposing of any waste materials that we produce. We are adopting this scheme to ensure that all our waste is sorted into suitable categories, which is where we need your help and co-operation. We have highlighted four key categories of waste and organised to have those four different types of waste collected separately from four colour coded skips. These skips will be clearly marked and located on each Bovis Homes site within a central Waste Control Zone. Inactive waste Active waste To be recycled on site All items must be less than 600mm in length Inert/clean waste includes Lightweight active waste includes Broken bricks Hardcore Broken blocks Broken clay pipes Broken kerbs Broken concrete pipes Broken paving Broken roof tiles Paper Cardboard Plastic products Wood off cuts Metal Electrical waste Inactive waste/red skip Broken pallets Polythene shrink wrap Polystyrene Insulation Any material packaging Active waste/blue skip Hazardous waste Hazardous waste includes: Solvent based paint Mastics Thinners Solvents Diesel Powder form cement Oil Cleaning chemicals Fuel Aerosols Antifreeze Other types of contamination in the ground Hazardous waste/Mini skip Located in site compound 5.3 Plasterboard waste Is recycled under our agreement with our plasterboard supplier Where available, dumpy bags or skips should be used for dry-lining contractors to dispose of plasterboard off-cuts only Plasterboard waste/ Yellow skip or Plasterboard waste/Bag Managing waste removal Waste being removed from site either to transfer station for recovery, or to landfill for disposal shall comply with the wast e duty of care. 6 Managing the off site disposal process 6.1 Disposal of Waste Waste being removed off site for disposal includes waste for recovery and potential reuse/ recycling and waste destined for landfill. Wherever possible waste should be directed to transfer stations for recovery as this is preferential to sending to landfill. Under the Waste duty of care all waste leaving a Bovis Homes site must: accompanied by a transfer note including the 6 digit waste description code be carried by a registered carrier, and be destined for a licensed waste facility It is a Bovis Homes responsibility to ensure, as the producer of the waste, to ensure it is properly disposed of, and is handled only by authorised/ licensed persons. 6.2 Licence details Appendix 4 details the carrier & waste facility license details for waste leaving this site. the table will be expanded to reflect the scope of works. Licence details are collected during the specific contractor pre start meetings and updated as necessary during the regular contractor planning and liaison process. 7 Monitoring The site will compile a monthly summary of waste generated by the site activities, and include any wastes delivered into site for recycling/ transfer to disposal facility. To achieve this requirement subcontractors will be required to complete the summary sheets set out in Appendix 4. This together with waste transfer notes and hazardous waste consignment notes will form the basis of the regular reconciliations which are undertaken. Appendix 1 Site waste management plan Waste management plan implementation checklist Checks (please tick ) Yes Have terms and commercial rates been agreed with waste management contractor(s)? Have data reporting procedures been agreed with waste management contractor(s)? For off site waste management or disposal are all the waste destination details verified? Has a waste segregation/collection area been prepared? Has the waste management area been adequately signed and identified in induction? Have all necessary BHL staff read and contractors discussed meetings? the SWMP at adjudication Have all the WM training/briefing requirements for staff been met? Have all the WM training/briefing requirements for contractor’s been met? Have the waste management targets been set? Has the SWMP been approved by the Area Build Manager? Comments/further actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Discuss/debate with the Internal members and agree quantities/values etc Discuss /agree strategy with the Waste Management Subcontractors (Thompsons) Issue the Weekly Monitoring – “Data Collection Sheet” to Subcontractors Include waste Management Plan within Tender Documentation Relevant signatures Principal Contractor: Date: Site Manager: Area Build manager: Client: Bovis Homes Date: No Appendix 2 Site waste management plan 2.1 Identified waste streams Inert Trade Concrete Brick and Block Demolition Groundworker Bricklayer Carpenter Roof Tiller Scaffolder Electrician Dryliner Insulator Painter Plumber Renderer Fencer Window Fitter Sealant Carpet Fitter Cleaner Fireplace Installer Landscaping To be recycled and used on site Active Tiles Timber Plastic Polythene Plasterboard Hazardous Office Canteen Hazardous Appendix 2 Site waste management plan 2.2a Forecast Volumes (m³) of Potential Waste on Site WASTE Category & Types e.g. concrete Inert waste Rock Gravel Sand Aggregates Concrete Tarmac Brick/Blocks Top soil (uncontaminated) Sub soil (uncontaminated) Bulk Excavated (uncontaminated) Glass Polystyrene Plastics (non biodegradable) Other: Other: Other: Sub TOTAL Active/biodegradable waste Plasterboard Gypsum products Metals – reinforcement Metals - steel Metal - offcuts Timber Cardboard Paper Biodegradable plastic Canteen waste Trees Vegetation (shrubs, bushes) Other: Other: Other: Sub TOTAL Hazardous waste Topsoil (contaminated) Sub soil (contaminated) Bulk excavated (contaminated) Asbestos Explosive Flammable Toxic Other: Other: Other: Sub TOTAL TOTAL VOLUMES Tic k ENABLING WORKS (Including DEMOLITION) Estimated Quantity (m³) 400 CONSTRUCTION WORKS Tic k Estimated Quantity (m³) 50 Appendix 2 Site waste management plan 2.2b Forecast Volumes (m³) of Potential Waste on Site (Alternative format) Material Quantity (in m³) Re-used on-site Inert Active Hazardous Totals (in m³) Re-used offsite Recycled for use on-site Recycled for use off-site Sent to recycling facility Sent to WML exempt site Disposal to land-fill Appendix 3 Site waste management plan Waste Carriers and disposal site licences The table below details the carrier & waste facility license details for waste leaving this site. The table will be expanded to reflect the scope of works. Carrier Details Waste type Inert Active Plasterboard Hazardous EWC Name Licence No Disposal site Expiry date Name Licence No Appendix 4 Site waste management plan Site waste management plan Progress update Period covered: Trade: Prepared by: Material Quantity (in m³) Reused on-site Inert Active Hazardous Totals (in m³) Re-used offsite Recycled for use on-site Recycled for use off-site Sent to recycling facility Sent to WML exempt site Disposal to land-fill Review by: Name: Signature: Date of review: Appendix 5 Site waste management plan Post-Construction review Development: Date of review: Construction completion: [Within three months of the construction work being completed] Confirmation This plan has been monitored on a regular basis to ensure that work is progressing according to the plan and has been updated to record details of the actual waste management actions and waste transfers that have taken place. Attendees at review: Regional Build Director Regional Commercial Director Regional Technical Director Issue Date Details Explanation of any deviation from the planned arrangements Inert Waste forecasts – exceeded Active Hazardous Inert Waste forecasts – not met Active Hazardous Cost savings achieved Copies: DRS, Technical Director, Commercial Director, Group Services