Según lo que hablamos, he hecho un listado con los

4th International Concentrated Solar Thermal
Power Summit, Sevilla (Nov 15th-17th)
International CSP Today Awards 2010
International CSP Today Awards 2010
In addition to the award specific criteria detailed below, all applicants applying for an award
need to demonstrate the extent to which they are:
Active in the concentrated solar thermal industry
Demonstrating activity aligned directly with the category they are nominating for
If your nomination was to make it to the five finalists a representative MUST be present
at the event
What to do to nominate your company for an award
Fill in one CSP Today Award Nomination form per category
Do not surpass the 300 word explanation limit but attempt to answer all the criteria
Send it to before 25th of September 21:00 GMT stating AWARD
NOMINATION in the subject line
Applications received after this deadline will not be accepted
Any questions/doubts? Email
It will be reviewed by the judges and the finalists will be revealed by press release in
Good luck!!! 
Once you have submitted your nominations entry form (By the 25th of September at the latest),
CSP Today will collate the entries and distribute to the CSP Today Award Pannel. Each panellist
will then submit their top 3 nominations per category based on the criteria set above.
The 3 nominees per category agreed by the panel will then be revealed and communicated
trough an emai, press releases etc.
Awards and announcement
The winners will be notified at the 2nd International CSP Today Award Ceremony Dinner, which
will take place on Tuesday 16th of November in Sevilla following the conference sessions of the
4th International Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit.
International CSP Today Awards * Belén Gallego
4th International Concentrated Solar Thermal
Power Summit, Sevilla (Nov 15th-17th)
International CSP Today Awards 2010
Awards categories and subcategories
There are 3 main categories of awards this year: general, specialized and individual.
Any company may apply for a general award and any specialized company may apply for the
general awards plus those that are concerned with the services that the company provides within
the CSP industry.
Individual awards are available with any individuals that work within the CSP industry and that
has the merits to justify a nomination for the award.
All nominations must justify the reasons why the company or individual is worthy of been
considered for the award. Most important is to make sure that you cover all of the main details
that the awards covers since the judges will be using them to consider your nomination.
General Awards
CSP commercialized technology innovation of the year
This award will reward the company that has managed to reduce costs & increase efficiencies
looking “outsider of the box” and has managed to take great leaps through a change in design,
modeling and/or even an improvement in key components. This award is available for any
innovation be it innovative components, design, a new project or technology. The judges will be
looking for nominations that answer most convincingly the following questions:
What is your technological innovation?
Why do you think that your technological innovation deserves to win this award?
How much costs reduction / increase in efficiency does your technological innovation
How is your technological innovation better than other technological innovations in CSP?
Where was your technological innovation applied and or commercialized?
Increased dispatchability solution of the year
Been dispatchable is the most important USP (Unique Selling Point) for CSP when comparing with
other sources of renewable energy. This award recognizes efforts in the CSP dispatchability
solution arena, be it components, designs or projects. The judges will consider batteries, thermal
storage of any nature and hybridization. Technology or projects that have been commercialized
will be given extra points:
Describe the nature of the technology/project and what increased dispatchability solution
it provides
How economically effective is it?
Has it effectively been implemented in commercial projects?
What is the long term viability for this solution?
International CSP Today Awards * Belén Gallego
4th International Concentrated Solar Thermal
Power Summit, Sevilla (Nov 15th-17th)
International CSP Today Awards 2010
Emerging markets achievement of the year
As the industry is growing, new markets are emerging worldwide and they are key to the CSP
development going forwards. This award aims to recognize the efforts that the leading
companies are taking to develop CSP plants in emerging markets. The judges will consider
technologies, designs and projects that have been undertaking in emerging markets anywhere in
the world but would favor those of a bigger size or with a larger innovation component
Describe the project and the main difficulties found on its development in the particular
market – be them political, of a permitting nature or technological
What technologies and innovations does it include?
Has it required any further R&D from your company and how did you handle it?
Are you looking at developing more in this market?
Newcomer of the year
The CSP industry is seeing a huge development year on year. As it is growing, new companies
are entering the industry that are creating the framework for a stronger industry going forwards.
Newcomers that will be consider include new manufacturers, developers, EPCs or engineering
firms of recent formation or that have started CSP operations in the last year and that are
contributing in some way to the furthering of the industry.
Describe the nature of the company’s involvement with CSP and how this company
What technologies and innovations does it include?
Has it required any further R&D from your company and how did you handle it?
Are you looking at developing more in this market?
Best CSP integration of the year
The CSP integration award is not an award for successful integration on the grid, but for
integration with other renewables, architecture and traditional energies such as but not limited to
combined cycles. It awards technologies, designs or projects that have successfully managed to
integrate CSP.
Describe the technology, design or project nature goals and nature of the integration
State the reasons why you think this award is deserved
How has this particular technology, design or project been applied commercially?
International CSP Today Awards * Belén Gallego
4th International Concentrated Solar Thermal
Power Summit, Sevilla (Nov 15th-17th)
International CSP Today Awards 2010
Specialized Awards
CSP technology supplier of the year
This award is open for component supplier companies that feel that their role has made a
remarkable difference to the CSP industry. The main factors that need to be met by the supplier
companies will be to satisfy the judges of an effort for innovation and cost reduction above any
others, but commercialization and application in real projects will also be taken into
Describe the technology or component you offer and why you believe this company
deserves the award
Please describe how R&D, innovation and cost reduction efforts have been made by the
How and when was this component commercialized or used in an actual project?
CSP engineering firm of the year
This award is open for engineering firm that feel that their role has made a remarkable difference
to the CSP industry. The main factors that need to be met by the engineering companies will be
to satisfy the judges of an effort for innovation and cost reduction above any others, but
commercialization and application in real projects will also be taken into consideration.
Describe how your engineering you offer and why you believe this company deserves the
award – please state clear case studies that justify this award
Please describe how R&D, innovation and cost reduction efforts have been made by the
How and when was your engineering used in an actual project?
Most effective CSP project development of the year
This award is open for project developers firm that feel that their role has made a remarkable
difference to the CSP industry. The main factors that need to be met by the project developing
companies will be to satisfy the judges of an effort for innovation and cost reduction above any
others, but commercialization and application in real projects will also be taken into
Describe how your project development was efficient this year and why you believe this
company deserves the award – please state clear case studies that justify this award
Please describe how R&D, innovation and cost reduction efforts have been lead by the
What makes your project different and relevant to receive this award? How has your
company excelled in this task
International CSP Today Awards * Belén Gallego
4th International Concentrated Solar Thermal
Power Summit, Sevilla (Nov 15th-17th)
International CSP Today Awards 2010
EPC contractor of the year
This award is open for EPC firms that feel that their role has made a remarkable difference to the
CSP industry. The main factors that need to be met by the engineering companies will be to
satisfy the judges of an effort for innovation and cost reduction above any others, but
commercialization and application in real projects will also be taken into consideration.
Describe how your company you offer and why you believe this company deserves the
award – please state clear case studies that justify this award
Please describe how R&D, innovation and cost reduction efforts have been made by the
Which projects are you involved on and how are they special or different?
Individual Awards
CSP special achievement award
This award is open for individuals working independently, in a company or as part of a research
or academic institution. The judges will consider the track record of the person and the
achievements within the CSP industry
Please name all the major achievements of this person on the CSP industry
Please describe how R&D, innovation and cost reduction efforts have been made by the
this individual
Please justify why this person deserves to win this award over all possible candidates
Lifetime achievement award
This award is open for individuals working independently, in a company or as part of a research
or academic institution. The judges will consider the track record of the person and the
achievements within the CSP industry. The lifetime achievement award is for outstanding services
to the industry and it isn’t enough to justify one particular event or achievement, but a large
series that is unmatched by anybody else.
Please name all the major achievements of this person on the CSP industry
Please describe how R&D, innovation and cost reduction efforts have been made by the
this individual
Please justify why this person deserves to win this award over all possible candidates
International CSP Today Awards * Belén Gallego