- Jay Sands


Media Kit

Morgan Films Entertainment, LLC


“Palmetto” a new Webisode Series

What it's about: PALMETTO is a TV/internet series/sitcom.

Our characters: The story itself begins with Garrett. He's just moved to Palmetto with his family and has made it very well known that he's not happy about the move. He tries to fit in, and his best intentions lead to trouble not only for himself but his family. Our next character is a troubled teen named Tyler. Tyler was raised by an abusive and neglectful mother and father. Tyler, a very introspective young man, dives through the peeks and valleys of life struggling to find a meaning to this world. Tyler and Garrett quickly become friends and together with the help of Amy (a positive, friendly young woman who wants to be an actress), Mallory (a young woman raised by her grandmother), Hunter, and eventually Ryan they are able to overcome a tragedy, heal their wounds, grow closer to their families, and get involved in the community.


Press release: 5/30/07

Press Release: 5/14/07

Press Release: 5/3/07

Press Release: 4/11/07

History of Morgan Films Entertainment, LLC

To contact Morgan Films Entertainment, LLC

Chris Morgan

Executive Producer and Director


407-427-3803 cell www.morganflims.net/

Press Releases and Media Kit: www.morganfilms.net/media


Chris Morgan

Morgan Films

Entertainment, LLC

407-886-4927 chris@morganfilms.net www.morganfilms.net

Webisode Series “Palmetto” looking for Corporate and Individual Sponsors

May 30, 2007

Morgan Films Entertainment, LLC is now accepting corporate or individual sponsors for their upcoming Webisode Series entitled “Palmetto.” Details


What it is: “PALMETTO” is a TV style internet series called a webisode series.

Our characters: There are 5 main characters: Tyler, Garrett, Hunter, Mallory, and

Amy. They are sophomores and juniors in high school. In addition to meeting them, throughout the course of the first webisodes we get to know their families and other friends as well.

What we’re going to do: Currently, we have 5 full seasons of webisodes mapped out. Each webisode will be approximately 40 minutes of run time. The first webisode, the Pilot, will be made available for a free download for anyone who wants to watch. The second and each following webisode will be a “pay-perview” with each download costing only $1. We feel that with our marketing plan, this series could reach hundreds of thousands of viewers.

When the webisodes are going to air: We are going to begin filming June 8 th . We have a total of 36 production days through the end of August planned in order to complete filming the first 3 webisodes. We anticipate launching our first webisode September 18, 2007.

Distribution: The pilot webisode will be freely distributed on every known online video website. This would include, Apple’s I-Tunes, Youtube.com,

Google Video, and Yahoo Video among others (we have a total of 16 video sites planned at this time). Each webisode after that will be a pay-per-view and only viewable through our secure server. However, there will be “trailers” for the following webisodes placed on each of the original 13 video sites enticing viewers to purchase and view subsequent episodes.

Who else is doing this: Every major network is airing their episodes on their website. TV Show enthusiasts often visit the network website, Apple’s I-Tunes, or various other podcasting sites to download and view their favorite shows.

However, a new series entitled “In the Motherhood” staring Leah Remini has just started airing their webisodes. ( www.InTheMotherhood.com

) “In the

Motherhood” is shown only on the internet. Sprint and Suave are their major corporate sponsors. The show’s target demographic is mothers. They invite mothers to share stories, vote on the funniest stories, and offer prizes.

We feel that our target demographic of males and females ages 13 to 45 is a much wider and more lucrative demographic. Our target audience will live in the US and Europe, and be middle to upper middle class computer owning families.

How you can help: We’re currently looking for individuals or companies interested in being sponsors. Of course the most obvious way to become a sponsor is to make a monetary contribution. However, we are also very open to other forms of sponsorship such as helping us defray costs of promotional materials, donating food or beverages for our cast and crew, cross promotional advertising, donating items such as makeup supplies, or letting us use items you manufacture or sell to be used as props. You can even being a sponsor by letting us film at your location!

In exchange for sponsorship, we could air a commercial you provide during our webisode, do product placement within the scene, place your logo on our website, announce your sponsorship on our MySpace page, or name you or your firm in the beginning or end credits. Your level of sponsorship is negotiable. We do not have set thresholds in order for you to participate. To see our other sponsors, visit our sponsorship page at www.morganfilms.net/sponsors .

For More Information: Visit our website at www.morganfilms.net

or our myspace page at www.myspace.com/PalmettoTheTVSeries . You could also contact me directly at chris@morganfilms.net

or on my cell at 407-427-3803.

Morgan Films Entertainment, LLC is a company licensed to do business in the state of Florida.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to speaking with you!


Christopher K. Morgan

Executive Producer and Managing Member of Morgan Films Entertainment, LLC


For Immediate Release

Chris Morgan

Morgan Films Entertainment, LLC

407-427-3803 cell chris@morganfilms.net

May 14, 2007

Cast List Released for Television/Internet Drama Series entitled "Palmetto" to be

Shot in Central Florida

After auditioning over 100 very talented actors and actresses from throughout Florida, the casting director and executive producers had some very tough decisions to make. However, we are excited to have the following individuals casted to appear in our upcoming Television style

Webisode entitled "Palmetto."

Below is a complete cast list of PALMETTO:

Tyler McKlane—Anthony Bowden

Mallory Hamlin--Kaitlyn Dalton

Garrett Alderson—Charlie Forrest

Amy Howard—Rebecca Finer

Hunter Frost--Luis Burbano

Jess Hamlin (Mallory's sister)-- Brandy Mitchell

Ken Mooneyhan-- Matt Ramsey

Ryan Miller-- Mark Laurnoff

Mitch Alderson--Tony Riha

Sue Alderson--Annie Haines

Grandma Gloria Hamlin-- Jeanne Steding

Principal Richard Wallace-- Mark Emerson

David McKlane--Jay Sands

Lisa McKlane-- Nancy Kryer

With the collective talent of these actors and the assistance of nationally acclaimed acting coach, Karen Storms (see Press Release from May 3, 2007), we are positive that Palmetto is going to deliver the drama, intrigue, and storytelling that has been missing from prime time television.

Additional information on these individuals as well as production updates can be found on our myspace page at www.myspace.com/palmettothetvseries


"Palmetto" is a television style drama designed to be aired and distributed via online media. With the popularity of online video sites, and the decline of mainstream television ratings, we feel that this is the best time to introduce online "webisodes" as an alternative to network and cable programming.

"Palmetto" was designed and created by Christopher K. Morgan. The television show is loosely based around his experiences growing up in the town of

Palmetto, FL. The webisodes will be 40-50 minutes long and will feature 5 teens, their parents, families, and friends. The target demographics include the 14-45 age brackets.

A Media kit including past press releases can be found by going to www.morganfilms.net/media .

Please note: Requests for interviews with the executive producers, actors, or

crew need to be addressed to Chris Morgan at the email address above.



Chris Morgan

Morgan Films Entertainment

407-427-3803 cell chris@morganfilms.net

May 3, 2007


Nationally known Acting Coach, Karen Storms has signed on to the crew of

Palmetto. Karen has been coaching actors all over the US for years and her students have been cast in TV sitcoms, soap operas, feature films and National

Commercials. “Getting to work with a coach like Karen Storms is like a dream come true,” commented executive producer, Christopher K. Morgan. ‘I know that anyone who comes out of her acting school is definitely someone I need to take a look at.”

After the Executive producers and casting director of Palmetto had cast three of

Karen’s acting students in lead roles, they knew she would be a perfect fit on this production.”‘ I am honored to be part of such a professional team as Morgan

Films, and to work with such a creative Director. I have been on sets with some of Hollywood’s best, and Chris Morgan is right up there with them,” said Karen.

“This is an amazing opportunity to have an on-going TV series being shot here in

Central Florida. The story line is compelling, the concept innovative, and it’s wonderful for actors to be a part of this without going to Los Angeles, Miami or

New York!” adds Karen.

Karen Storms accomplishments are nationally renowned. Through her years of being in the business, she has come to have her finger on the pulse of the entertainment industry. Her acting students benefit from her numerous contacts within the industry as well as her insights and excellent coaching. Her success stories are too numerous to even count.

From offering private coaching lessons, summer camps, workshops and classes,

Karen Storms has a full schedule. She keeps her classes small to offer better individualized attention to her students.

Having Karen sign on to be our acting coach is truly a blessing,” continued

Morgan. “Having her on our crew brings additional credibility, and increased enthusiasm from our cast and crew.”

More information on Karen Storms and her Studio can be found at www.stormsacting.com


History of Palmetto:

"Palmetto" is a television style drama designed to be aired and distributed via online media. With the popularity of online video sites, and the decline of mainstream television ratings, we feel that this is the best time to introduce online "webisodes" as an alternative to network and cable programming.

"Palmetto" was designed and created by Christopher K. Morgan. The television show is loosely based around his experiences growing up in the town of

Palmetto, FL. The webisodes will be 40-50 minutes long and will feature 5 teens, their parents, families, and friends. The target demographics include the 14-45 age brackets.

A Media kit including past press releases can be found by going to www.morganfilms.net/media .

Please note: Requests for interviews with the executive producers, actors, or

crew need to be addressed to Chris Morgan at the email address above.



Morgan Films Entertainment

407-886-4927 chris@morganfilms.net www.morganfilms.net

New Television Series to be filmed in Central Florida – Broadcast on Internet

April 11, 2007

For the millions of television viewers, reality television is growing old. As evidenced with the downturn in ratings seen by FOX's "American Idol" and

ABC's "Dancing with the Stars," reality television is on it's way out...finally. But when they are gone, what will we have to talk about in the breakroom at work?

For the fans of good old-fashioned prime time television Morgan Films

Entertainment, LLC is announcing their forthcoming "television style" internet drama series, "PALMETTO." As evidenced by the explosion of YouTube, Google

Videos, and MySpace.com watching videos on your home computer is not as difficult as it once was. In the world of streaming video, high speed internet, and social networking sites, internet users such as "lonelygirl15" quickly gained steady viewership of her online diaries.

"We're not restricted to the four basic television networks anymore," commented

Christopher K. Morgan, Creator and Executive Producer of "PALMETTO." With the networks slashing budgets, canceling television shows, and the constant pressures of "sweeps week" it has become increasingly difficult to approach and get the attention of the corporate networks. Morgan continues, "With the popularity of internet video sites, launching a television style internet drama over the internet could result in a wider and more diverse audience than over the public airwaves."

Many ask, "What is 'PALMETTO' and how are you going to get people to watch?" As Morgan explained to his production team, "'PALMETTO' is about real people with real lives." Most non-reality television dramas focus on detectives, doctors, rich housewives, or worse yet spoiled rich kids.

"PALMETTO" is loosely based on five teenagers, their families, their triumphs, and their problems. Most teens, adults, and even grandparents will have a chance to identify at some point with the ongoing storyline.

When pushed on the subject of viewership, Morgan stated, "Well, hopefully word of mouth will be the number one way we get viewers, but just in case

we've established and already started implementing strong, methodical marketing plan." That marketing plan includes a profile on MySpace

(insert myspace profile link here) where fans have already started visiting and getting updates on the show's progress. Speaking of the show's popularity, Morgan said, "We just feel really good about how great a reception the internet community has already given us, and we haven't even launched the series yet! But its not just the internet community, I've already heard people around town talking about it"

Principal photography on "PALMETTO" begins June 8th and will be shot in the

Orlando, Florida area. Casting announcements will be made May 4th.

For More information and a Media Kit, visit www.morganfilms.net/media


History of Morgan Films Entertainment, LLC

Founded by Chris Morgan in 1999 while he was attending Manatee Community

College in Bradenton, Florida. Originally Chris worked primarily on short college films. Gradually and with more experience, Chris began working on original scripts and productions. Completing his degree with Florida

Metropolitan University in May 2004, Chris pursued freelance work in and around Orlando.

Morgan Films Entertainment, LLC has commercials, wedding videos, corporate videos, music videos, short films, movie trailers, and PSA’s to their credit.

Today, Morgan Films Entertainment LLC is owned and operated by husband and wife team Chris and Sarah Morgan. Morgan Films Entertainment is actively involved in preproduction of “Palmetto” a weekly television style drama (not reality) to be aired on the internet.

For more information please contact Chris or Sarah Morgan at webmaster@morganfilms.net

