
SESSION - 2009-10
SUBJECT: Multimedia Systems
[1] Discuss the importance of text in a multimedia presentation.
[2] List some attributes of a block of text.
[3] List at least three styles for a font.
[4] Describe the difference between a typeface and a font.
[5] List at least three factors that affect the legibility of text.
[6] Discuss font encoding systems and HTML character encoding standards
[7] Define multimedia, interactive multimedia, hypermedia, hypertext, links, anchors, and
[8] Discuss the potential and limitations of hypertext and hyperlinking systems.
[9] Discuss the general principles of sound and how it can be used in a multimedia
[10] Define MIDI and list its attributes.
[11] Define MIDI and list its attributes.
[12] Define digital audio and discuss its attributes, including how sound is sampled and
sampling parameters
[13] Compare and contrast the use of MIDI and digitized audio in a multimedia
[14] List the important steps and considerations in recording and editing digital audio.
[15] Discuss audio file formats used in multimedia projects and how they are used.
[16] Cite the considerations involved in managing audio files and integrating them into
multimedia projects.
[17] Discuss the various factors that apply to the use of images in multimedia.
[18] Describe the capabilities and limitations of bitmap images.
[19] Describe the capabilities and limitations of vector images.
[20] Define various aspects of 3-D modeling.
[21] Describe the use of colors and palettes in multimedia.
[22] Cite the various file types used in multimedia.
[23] Define animation and describe how it can be used in multimedia.
[24] Discuss origin of cell animation and define the words that originate from this
[25] Define the capabilities of computer animation and the mathematical techniques that
differ from traditional cel animation.
[26] Discuss some of the general principles and factors that apply to creating computer
animations for multimedia presentation.
[27] Discuss important considerations in using digital video in multimedia.
[28] Describe the basics of video recording and how they relate to multimedia
[29] List important considerations in converting from digital video to television.
[30] List important consideration in shooting and editing video for use in multimedia.
[31] Define popular video recording formats and discuss their strengths and weaknesses
for use in multimedia.
[32] Discuss some important considerations for preparing video for the web and CDROM
[33] Define two computer platforms most often used in multimedia and how their
capabilities affect development and deployment choices.
[34] Discuss how computers communicate and what protocols and tools are available to
aid cross platform communications
[35] Describe how storage devices are connected to a computer, what storage choices are
available, and the benefits and drawbacks of each type.
[36] Describe various input devices available for personal computers and how they may
be used in multimedia production and delivery
[37] Describe various output devices available for personal computers and how they may
be used in multimedia production and delivery.
[38] Describe various communications devices available for personal computers and how
they may be used in multimedia production and delivery.
[39] List several common programs that are used to handle text in multimedia projects,
and discuss their uses.
[40] Discuss the factors affecting which graphics programs are used in multimedia.
[41] List several common types of graphics and animation programs used in multimedia
projects, and discuss their capabilities.
[42] Discuss the formats and architectures used to integrate video on computers.
[43] List the tools used to handle video in multimedia projects, discuss their capabilities,
and how they capture, process, and compress video.
[44] Define authoring systems, describe what they do, and list the three different types.
[45] List the main attributes, benefits, and drawbacks of the three types of authoring
[46] Describe how authoring system include multimedia elements, and how these
elements interact with each other and their environment, including programming tools
[47] List several advanced and /or desirable features of authoring system
[48] Describe additional characteristics and capabilities of three type of authoring
[49] Describe Macromedia Director and discuss the metaphors it uses in its authoring
[50] Describe the pitfalls of development for cross platform delivery and how to avoid
[51] Discuss the origins of Internet
[52] Define what a computer network is and how networks are conceptually structured.
[53] Describe what a computer network is and how the Domain Name System (DNS)
manages the identities of computers connected to the Internet.
[54] Define bandwidth and discuss how bandwidth limitations govern the delivery of
multimedia over the Internet.
[55] Define the most common protocols used on the Internet.
[56] Define how protocols, MIME-types, and URLs are used to identify, serve, and
deliver multimedia.
[57] Discuss the World Wide Web, HTML, the limitations of HTML, and how various
technologies are stretching the limitations of HTML.
[58] Discuss the current state of multimedia on the Internet.
[59] Define server and browser, and discuss their purpose, capabilities, and limitations.
[60] Discuss the uses of HTML and its limitations, and what tools are available to edit
HTML pages.
[61] Describe how HTML is extended through plug ins and helper applications.
[62] Define some of more common media types, their uses, and how browser or helper
applications handle them.
[63] Discuss other technologies gaining new ground on the Internet.
[64] Describe the limitations of the World Wide Web for delivering multimedia.
[65] Discuss HTML, how it is structured, and how to use several of the most important
tags for marking up a document.
[66] Recognize important limitations for presenting good looking images on the web.
[67] Lay out a web page using a background image
[68] Add interactivity to web page by making images clickable.
[69] Use the most common sound and animation functions.
[70] Determine the scope of multimedia project
[71] Recognize common obstacles to the successful completion of multimedia projects
[72] Identify tools and techniques to overcome project management problems.
[73] Determine the cost, timeline and tasks required completing a project.
[74] Discuss the process and elements of a multimedia project proposal
[75] Describe various strategies for creating interactive multimedia
[76] Discuss different types of multimedia structure and how they might be organized.
[77] Cite concepts that affect the user interface, including structures and navigation maps.
[78] Discuss hot spots, hyperlinks, and buttons and how they are typically used.
[79] Identify principles for successful project management of multimedia productions.
[80] Describe what content is, what production values are, and how to consider what a
project’s production values should be
[81] Identify the benefits and drawbacks of various sources of content such as clip art,
stock libraries, and public domain sources.
[82] Discuss the concepts of copyright, public domain, licensing, and derivative works.
[83] Determine to whom a work is copyrighted, depending on who contracted the work
and for what purpose.
[84] Discuss the process for identifying the appropriate talent for the production,
including unions, contracts, and releases.
[85] Discuss important considerations in preparing your project for delivery in the
[86] List the steps a project should go through as part of the testing process, and describe
their significance.
[87] List the considerations involved in preparing a product for distribution, including
installation routines and compression.
[88] Discuss the CD-ROM standards as they apply to multimedia, including the various
formats and file naming conventions
[89] List the considerations involved in selecting a CD-ROM file standard, in packaging,
and in delivering projects.