Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2009
Mr. Jeff Gooch called the Board of Directors’ meeting to order at 12:00 on June 3, 2009, in the boardroom of
Visual Tech. The reporting period for committee reports is April 16 – May 15, 2009.
Present: Kathy Blalock, Joe Hatfield, Jeff Gooch, Don Jamison, Jeff Patterson
Guest: Chan Caudell
Staff: Steve Dougherty, Mark Ivester, Mike King, George Sanders, Larry Culpepper, Vicki Nichols, Gail Taylor, and
Jeannie Barrett
Absent: Lynn Doss, Beth Wright, Jim Wade, Al Huber, Joe Wilbanks
A. Invocation and Introductions
 Gail Taylor gave the invocation for the meeting.
B. Approval of Agenda
A motion to approve the agenda was made by Mr. Jamison and approved by all.
C. Approval of Minutes
A motion to amend the adjournment section of the minutes of the May 6, 2009, to state that “Mr. Gooch
adjourned…” was made by Mr. Jamison and approved by all.
D. Committee Reports
Administrative Services (presented by Jeff Patterson)
 Pre-bid construction meetings were held for two projects. The first project is to replace one of the chillers on
the Blairsville Campus. The project is estimated to cost $120,000. The second project is to renovate the Dining
Hall on the Clarkesville Campus. The project is estimated to cost $150,000. All interested contractors must
attend pre-bid meetings to be eligible to submit a bid on the project.
 The college is working to obtain funding through various grants to construct a new welding facility on the
Clarkesville Campus.
 Pond & Company has completed and submitted an inspection report of six of our campus buildings. Parker
Nellis Classroom Building, Collins Hall, Mobley Administration, and Hoyt Coe were determined to be
structurally sound. Hoyt Coe was of particular interest due to the recent funding of a major renovation to that
facility. The Porter Yearwood Building, while it is a safe building, shows some evidence of stress through the
years by various cracks on exterior walls. POND is working on an estimate for the repair and expects it to be in
the $10,000 range. Cy Grant Gym also showed some stress cracks in the basement around the outside walls. A
request was made to POND to provide an estimate for needed structural support for the building.
 State revenues for April continued to lag behind the same accounting period last year. An adjustment to
reduce the final 2009 allocation of 25% is necessary. $182,000 was returned to the state.
 Year-to-date savings on gas and electric costs over all three campuses is $155, 802 from prior year. In response
to Don Jamison’s question regarding addition energy savings, Mark responded that according to an energy
audit conducted by Georgia Power, lighting could be replaced and the gas could be turned over to Atlanta Gas.
Steve commented that the four-day work week has helped tremendously with savings.
 Budget hearings will be held on May 26 and 28 to review budget requests submitted by various program and
department areas. Adjustments will be made to establish a balanced 2010 budget.
 The financial report was reviewed.
A motion to approve the financial report as presented was made by Mr. Hatfield and approved by all.
Blairsville Campus (presented by Larry Culpepper)
 April 15 – May 14 Conference Center hosted 13 events with 2,112 in attendance.
 Bookstore sales for period April 16 – May 15 totaled $6,127.91
 Blairsville English instructor, Michael Rice, participated in a Smarthinking webinar on April 21 and a SoftChalk
webinar on May 6.
 On May 14, Blairsville Campus hosted their 10th Anniversary Celebration. Around 200 people attended. The
staff did a marvelous job organizing and planning this event. The Alumni Chapter of the Blairsville Campus was
kicked off at this event also.
 Thursday – Saturday of this week, Wal-Mart is conducting initial hiring interviews in the conference center
prior to their opening. They need 250 positions filled and have received 700 applications.
Currahee Campus (presented by George Sanders)
 There were 13 Compass Tests, 259 Work Ready Tests (many from Franklin County High School, and five Asset
Tests conducted.
 There were 423 people served on Thursdays by the Culinary Arts program for this reporting period. This is an
average of 84.6 people every Thursday.
 Bookstore sales for this period totaled $5,731.85.
 The Conference Center hosted several events with 1012 people attending.
 Currahee Relay for Life raised $1,600 for the American Cancer Society.
Economic Development (presented by Joe Hatfield)
 Brad Cagle, Safety/Technology instructor, set a new record for Continuing Education generated revenue. His
old record was $26,953 set in FY03. As of May 13, the total is $27,349. Courses that contribute to this
revenue include QuickBooks and Microsoft Office classes (Excel, Word, Access, Outlook, etc.).
 In addition to computer application classes, non-credit services such as Forklift and OSHA training were
conducted for business and industry in the area.
 Ruth King, Economic Development Department Chair, attended the Georgia Logistics Summit in Atlanta on
April 16. The summit noted that Georgia is recognized as the “State of Logistics” and credit was given to the
statewide university and technical college systems, which offer over 100 programs with logistics-related
classes, certificates and degrees.
 Electrical Line-worker Job Fair is today. Students are getting jobs from this program through Georgia Power,
HEMC, and contractors.
 Georgia School Bus Technician Workshop June 15 – 19. This is an annual events and a large number of people
 Summer Day Camps in June and July
Institutional Effectiveness (presented by Don Jamison)
 Perkins signature forms for FY2010 Funding Application were approved by TCSG on April 20.
 Submitted revised improvement activities for increasing participation in non-traditional programs to TCSG on
May 19.
 Notified SACS/COC of new Health Care Assistant TCC program.
 Conducted needs assessment survey for an Ophthalmic Medical Assistant TCC program at the Currahee
 Implementing process of surveying using Zoomerang, an online technology. This is much more cost effective
and once the survey is closed, the results are almost instant.
 Submit final Perkins budget amendment for FY09 to TCSG by June 1.
 Develop an abbreviated prospectus for SACS/COC for the Basic Automotive Service Technician TCC program to
be offered at Franklin County High School.
Academic Affairs (presented by Kathy Blalock)
 Two full-time Criminal Justice faculty members, Mr. Mike Bush and Dr. Dan Healy, were hired effective June 1.
 Twenty-three NGTC faculty and staff members attended the TCSG Trimester Conversion Workshop at
Gwinnett Tech on April 29. Work is beginning on curriculum conversion for all programs to be effective
January 2012.
 The Photography program hosted the Georgia Professional Photographers’ Association on the Clarkesville
Campus on May 17-22 for its annual photography school.
 The Cosmetology program hosted a “Spa Day” on May 23 on the Clarkesville Campus.
 Articulation agreement signing with Young Harris College on May 27. Mr. Dougherty, Vicki Nichols, Larry
Culpepper, and Mark Ivester will be attending.
 Vicki Nichols, Buddy Raper, Dan Pressley, and Walt Dundore are meeting with representatives from Turner
Broadcasting to discuss possible program in digital broadcasting on May 29.
 Friends of Adult Education Luncheon on May 27 in the Dining Hall Annex. Mr. Dougherty and Vicki Nichols
A motion to terminate the Gas Metal Arc Welder Fabricator TCC on the Currahee Campus was made by Mr.
Patterson and approved by all. This program was originally approved when the Currahee Campus opened;
however, there was never any equipment purchased or faculty hired for this program.
A motion to terminate the Automotive Basic Maintenance and Detailing Technician TCC on the Clarkesville
Campus (Lee Arrendale State Prison) effective Summer Quarter 2009 was made by Mr. Jamison and approved by
all. The Department of Corrections has decided to no longer offer the program.
Student Affairs (presented by Mike King)
 NGTC Non-Traditional Student Calendar completed.
 Student Affairs office locations have changed with only a few left to be moved including the EXCELL Center
(Excellence through Commitment to Education and Lifelong Learning) which will be in the former VPSA office
 Leadership NGTC Graduation was held on May 5.
 Eaglefest was held on May 12 for all students along with the debut of the NGTC IDOL Talent Competition.
 Preparing for Dual/Joint Enrollment with Fannin, Habersham, and Franklin counties.
 The ASSET test has been given to more than 500 high school students in preparation for the students being
program ready for entrance to NGTC.
 Submitted COPS Grant Application for $121,648 for salary for one replacement police officer for three years.
 Open Registration, Summer Quarter, Friday, June 5, 10am-5pm. Regular Registration, Summer Quarter,
Monday, July 6, 10am-6pm.
Chairman’s Report (Presented by Jeff Gooch)
 Reporting period is April 16 – May 15.
 Chan Caudell attended certification training sessions in May.
 We will not have a meeting in July. The board will begin meeting on the second Wednesday of every month
beginning in August. A handout of the meeting dates was distributed. Next meeting is August 12 at
Clarkesville. Jeff Gooch will serve as Chair (two-year term) and Jim Wade will serve as Vice Chair in the new
fiscal year.
 New committee assignments were distributed. Committees are changed every year to give everyone an
opportunity to learn about the different areas.
 Alumni Day is June 14.
 Newspaper Articles
President’s Report (Presented by Steve Dougherty)
 John Chastain resigned from the board.
 Renovation on the dining hall is out to bid.
 Adult Education has been holding classes at a church in Lavonia. The church terminated the agreement so
classes have been moved to the Currahee Campus.
 Budget Hearings were held this year which gave all departments an opportunity to present their proposed
 Met with Barbara Kesler Tuesday, May 26, concerning the Water Tower. Several years ago (15-20 years) it
was going to cost $100,000 - $150,000 to renovate the tower. It will cost $15,000 - $18,000 to tear it down
and the city can construct a new one six times the size with the NGTC property easement.
 Young Harris Articulation Signing was held on Wednesday, May 27.
 June 14 is Alumni Day—everyone is invited.
 On Monday, June 1, Rob Alden and Laura Gammage from the central office and senators and representatives
toured old buildings on campus.
 The results of two surveys were distributed—Dining Hall and Colleague—were distributed.
 This is Joe Hatfield’s last official meeting. Joe has served three three-year terms (9 years) as a Local Board of
Director and we are very grateful to him. His attendance at meetings has been remarkable. A plaque was
awarded to Joe for his dedicated service to NGTC. Joe remarked that during his service on the board many
changes have taken place and many changes are underway. He emphasized how important it was for board
members to attend meetings.
Mr. Gooch adjourned the meeting at 12:55 p.m. The next meeting will be August 12, 2009, at the Clarkesville
Minutes submitted by:
North Georgia Technical College
Approved by:
North Georgia Technical College