Grade 10 Science - Final Project Topic areas - Biology, Force, Chemistry, and Weather During the week of January 14th-20th you will be in the computer labs working on the following group (2 people per group!!) project. This project is worth 20% of your final mark!!!! Your project will be a 5 to 7 minute presentation in which you may choose to do a power point, a poster presentation, or any other oral presentation of a topic you have chosen. Your topic must connect 2 subtopics covered in the three major units that we covered in this class (ex. Biology, Force, Chemistry, and Weather). Note: These subtopics must come from 2 different units. You and your partner will present during the time of your regularly scheduled exam for Science 10. Period 2 will be Monday, January 24th @ 8:30 am and Period 4 will be Tuesday, January 25th @ 8:30 am. You and your partner will have to keep a Daily Log of your work that will be worth 20% of your total mark for this project. These will be kept by your teacher and handed out at the beginning of each class. If you are absent during this work week you will be responsible for your own presentation. If you miss days that force one member of the group to do more of the work, then your mark on the project will reflect your lack of contribution. Your project must include a minimum of 3 references; with at least one of them being a non-internet source. (See our teacher librarian to find out the proper format to show a reference) SCIENCE 10: FINAL PROJECT - LOG GROUP MEMBERS: TOPIC: DAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY WHAT WE DID TODAY WHAT WE PLAN TO DO TOMORROW GROUP MEMBERS ABSENT This Project Log is worth 10% of your final project This Project Log must be returned to your teacher at the end of each period. F.W. Johnson Science 10 Final Project Name: ________________________ Teacher: Poll/Taylor Date of Presentation: ____________ Title of Work: ___________________ Criteria Organization /4 Content Knowledge /8 Visuals (this is above and beyond having a power point for yourself) /4 Mechanics /2 Delivery /6 Student presents Audience cannot Audience has Students present information in understand presentation difficulty following information in logical, interesting because there is no presentation because logical sequence sequence which sequence of students jump which audience can audience can information. around. follow. follow. Students make Students make Students make little valid connections Students make no some connections connection with between units of connection to course with Units of Units of study and study and show a work and have no grasp study, but only show little full knowledge of the information show a good knowledge of (more than presented. knowledge of content. required) of the content. topic Students used no visuals. Students used Students occasional Visuals related to visuals that used visuals that text and/or reinforced screen rarely supported text presentation. text and/or and/or presentation. presentation. Presentation has no Presentation has no Student's presentation Presentation had more than two misspellings or had four or more three misspellings misspellings and/or grammatical errors. spelling errors and/or and/or grammatical grammatical errors. References are grammatical errors. No errors. With 1 or 2 All necessary listed and are in reference listed. references listed. references listed. proper format. Students mumble, Students incorrectly Students used a incorrectly pronounces Students voice is pronounces terms. clear voice and terms, and speaks too clear. Student Audience members correct, precise quietly for students in pronounces most have difficulty pronunciation of the back of class to words correctly. hearing presentation. terms. hear. Total----> Teacher Comments: Points ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____