law week 2007 program

Law Week is an annual community event organised by the Law Week Committee in
conjunction with the South Australian Institute of Justice Studies and the Law Foundation
of South Australia. Activities in Law Week are made possible through the contributions
of the people in these organisations.
The Law Week theme this year is ‘Human Rights: Whose Rights?’ Events will focus on
ways to improve community access to justice and explore issues relevant to a fair and
equitable justice system.
Activities during Law Week include:
 The South Australian Institute of Justice Studies Annual Oration
 The Law Week Debate
 The Courts Open Day
 The Elliott Johnston Tribute Lecture
 Free Legal Advice
 Law Society of South Australia – Mock Trial Competition
 Law Week Youth Parliament
On behalf of The Law Week Committee I hope you find the program interesting and
informative and are able to participate in Law Week 2007.
Michael O’Connell APM
Chair, Law Week Committee
Heralding Law Week
Tuesday 8 May 2007
Law Week Youth Parliament
1.00 pm – 3.00 pm
Senior Secondary students from throughout South Australia present a ‘grievance debate’
on an issue from their local area and a second reading debate on an agreed Bill topic in
the House of Assembly Chamber in the South Australian Parliament. Open to the Public.
Not required
House of Assembly Chamber in the South Australian Parliament
North Terrace
Wheelchair access available
Ending Impunity – the Role of International Criminal Tribunals and Courts
Australian Red Cross International Humanitarian Law – Evening Seminar
5.30 – 7.45 pm with drinks and nibbles
Proudly supported by Finlaysons, this seminar will foster greater understanding of IHL
and International Criminal Tribunals and Courts, highlighting important recent case law
addressing serious violations of laws in conflict.
Seminar presenters are Grant Niemann, senior lecturer in law at Flinders University and
former Senior Trial Attorney for the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for
the former Yugoslavia. Co-presenting is Pia Riley, National Coordinator of the IHL
Program with Australian Red Cross. Pia previously worked as a lawyer in the Office of
the Prosecutor, at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda".
RSVP by Wednesday 2 May to Petra Ball, Australian Red Cross, 08 8100 4695 or email
Finlaysons’ Board Room
Level 12
81 Flinders Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Wheelchair access available
South Australian Institute of Justice Studies
Presented by
Professor Frank Brennan SJ AO
Institute of Legal Studies, Australian Catholic University
10 May 2007
7.15 for 7.30pm
Lecture Theatre N210
TAFE SA, Adelaide City Campus
120 Currie Street, Adelaide
This is a Free Event
RSVP to Sarah no later than 5 pm Thursday 3 May 2007
Tel: 8207 8819
The SAIJS Oration is an annual event to increase community awareness of justice
administration issues.
Week of Events – 13 – 19 May
Law Society of South Australia – Online Referral Service
Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
The Law Society of South Australia has a Referral Service Website at then click on Referral Service
Each year the Law Society receives thousands of calls from members of the community
requesting a referral to a Solicitor. They often have specific requirements of a Solicitor
such as:
A specific field of practice, such as family or criminal law
A geographical preference, either locally or city based
Foreign language needs
Home or Hospital visits
This service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for access by members of the
community. There is no cost to use the Referral Service website.
If you are not able to gain access to the Internet, you can phone the Law Society on (08)
8229 0222
Mock Magistrate Courts for school students
Court rooms and times to be confirmed.
14 May – Pt Adelaide Magistrates Court
16 May – Adelaide Magistrates Court*
17 May – Elizabeth Magistrates Court
18 May – Christies Beach Magistrates Court
Senior school students act out summary guilty pleas before a magistrate or senior
criminal lawyer in the magistrate’s court. Students are free to develop their own
scenarios or to use web-based scenarios as they currently appear.
Also consider attending Conciliation – An Alternative to Court on this day. This event is
detailed under Wednesday 16 May.
As per notifications sent to schools.
Wheelchair access available
Saturday 12 May
Courts Open Day
10am – 3.30pm
The public are invited to view court rooms, cells, demonstrations and an historical
display. Mock trials and justice-related agencies will provide displays and information
about their role in the justice system.
Displays include:
Central Community Legal Service
Come and find out about how the Central Community Legal Service can help YOU!
We provide free legal advice, assistance, referrals and representations to the community,
specialising in Children’s and Youth issues, and Disability Discrimination. Come and
grab a balloon and a brochure.
Australian Red Cross- International Humanitarian Law
‘Children Should Never Go To War’ – A display exploring how IHL protects the right
every child has to a normal childhood and to develop as a human being, even in times of
armed conflict.
Equal Opportunity Commission.
Discrimination is all around us but its not always illegal. Come and find out what your
rights are and what we are doing to protect them. The display includes fact sheets and
Public Trustee
Meet representatives of the Public Trustee and discuss your will and estate management
needs. Learn about the importance of having a will, and Enduring Power of Attorney and
Enduring Power of Guardianship. Staff will then follow-up after to make an appointment
for you to discuss the details of your will, estate administration or other documentation.
Legal Services Commission
Interpreting & Translation Centre
SA Police
Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement
Sir Samuel Way Building
Victoria Square (Market side)
Adelaide SA 5000
Wheelchair access available
Monday 14 May
Law Society of South Australia - Legal Advisory Service
5.30 pm – 7.30 pm
Appointments for legal advice are available through the Law Society’s Advisory Service.
This service is available on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings between 5.30
pm and 7.30 pm. A twenty minute interview with a Solicitor through the Advisory
Service normally costs $22 (or $10 for pension or concession card holders), however
during 2007 Law Week on Monday 14 May, Wednesday 16 May and Thursday 17 May
this service will be available free to members of the public.
An experienced Solicitor is available to answer basic questions on any legal problem.
The Law Society has been running the Legal Advisory Service for more than 20 years.
In that time it has assisted more than, 25,000 people.
Please note that this service is by appointment only. Appointments can be made by
calling the Law Society on (08) 8229 0222.
Law Society of South Australia
124 Waymouth Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Tuesday 15 May
Criminal Justice System Seminar for Workers
9.30 am – 4.30 pm
This seminar is offered as a joint initiative of Victim Support Service, Yarrow Place and
the Witness Assistance Service of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. This
seminar is for service providers supporting a client who has reported a crime and can be
very useful in providing an understanding of the various components of the adult criminal
justice system and related support services available.
RSVP to Yarrow Place by 9 May 2007 Ph: 8226 8777
Court Room 8
Sir Samuel Way Building
Victoria Square (Market side)
Adelaide SA 5000
Law Society of South Australia – Mock Trial Competition
(for Senior Secondary Students)
5 pm onwards
The Law Society of South Australia’s Mock Trial Competition has been involving South
Australian Secondary Schools since 1988. A Mock Trial is a simulated court case in
which the participating student teams contest a fictional legal matter in a Mock Court.
Each team consists of up to seven students. The Law Society provides the cases used by
the participating school. One side acts for the plaintiff or prosecution and the other for
the defence. The cases are designed to reflect matters which may confront the students as
lawyers in their daily lives.
The competition is limited to 32 schools who each participate in three rounds. The
leading four schools after the three rounds then advance to the semi-finals followed by
the grand final. In 2007, Round 2 is conducted during Law Week on Tuesday 15 May at
the District Court, Sir Samuel Way Building.
No bookings required.
Sir Samuel Way Building
241-259 Victoria Square
Adelaide SA 5000
Elliott Johnston Tribute Law Lecture:
5.30 pm
RSVP to Sandra Brooks on 82015542 or
State Library of SA
Institute Block
Lecture Theatre
Wheelchair access available
Wednesday 16 May
Federal Court Jurisdiction – Interesting Recent Cases
2.00 pm
Some of the more interesting cases before the Federal Court will be discussed at this
presentation, covering several of the Court’s civil jurisdictions, such as Native Title,
Migration and Admiralty. An opportunity to view the public areas of the new
Commonwealth Law Courts Building on Victoria Square will also be provided.
Contact Julie House on 8219 1043 before 9 May 2007
Roma Mitchell Commonwealth Law Courts Building
3 Angas Street
Meet on the ground floor, near the information desk.
Wheelchair access available
Law Society of South Australia - Legal Advisory Service
5.30 pm – 7.30 pm
Appointments for legal advice are available through the Law Society’s Advisory Service.
This service is available on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings between 5.30
pm and 7.30 pm. A twenty minute interview with a Solicitor through the Advisory
Service normally costs $22 (or $10 for pension or concession card holders), however
during 2007 Law Week on Monday 14 May, Wednesday 16 May and Thursday 17 May
this service will be available free to members of the public.
An experienced Solicitor is available to answer basic questions on any legal problem.
The Law Society has been running the Legal Advisory Service for more than 20 years.
In that time it has assisted more than, 25,000 people.
Please note that this service is by appointment only. Appointments can be made by
calling the Law Society on (08) 8229 0222.
Law Society of South Australia
124 Waymouth Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Conciliation – An Alternative to Court.
Going to court can be a scary experience but there is an alternative. Come and see a
demonstration of how the Equal Opportunity Commission helps people resolve
discrimination complaints. A conciliation conference based on real events shows how we
get the results people are looking for without going to court.
Thursday 17 May 2007
Lawyers on the Mall – Free legal advice and information in Rundle Mall
All day
Come and find out about how the Central Community Legal Service can help YOU!
We provide free legal advice, assistance, referrals and court representations to the
community, specialising in Children’s and Youth issues, and Disability Discrimination.
Come and grab a balloon and a brochure.
For More Information
Call Central Community Legal Service
Ph: 8342 1800
Located at the marquee in between the fountain and the Mall’s Balls, in front of Charles
Government decisions and your rights
9.30 am – 12.30 pm
‘Access to Justice: the role of State and Commonwealth Ombudsmen and
Commonwealth Merits Review Tribunals’
An information session for community workers and other interested persons on the
review of Commonwealth decisions and the handling of complaints about
Commonwealth and State government agencies. Representatives from the
Commonwealth review tribunals including the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Social
Security Appeals Tribunal, Migration Review Tribunal, Refugee Review Tribunal, the
Veterans’ Review Board and the Commonwealth and State Ombudsman’s Office will
each present information sessions.
The State Ombudsman deals with complaints about State Government agencies such as
education, Correctional Services, Workcover, local councils and reviews under Freedom
of Information legislation.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman deals with complaints about Commonwealth agencies
such as Centrelink, Veterans’ Affairs, the Australian Taxation Office, Child Support
Agency and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
The remaining organisations referred to above are tribunals, which deal with appeals
against decisions made by the above Commonwealth agencies, as well as (in the case of
the Administrative Appeals Tribunal) Comcare and many other agencies.
Invitations are being sent to community groups, however other interested persons who
wish to attend should contact David Smith on 08 8290 0268 or
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Hearing Room 2
Level 11 Chesser House
91 Grenfell Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Wheelchair access available
Law Society of South Australia - Legal Advisory Service
5.30 pm – 7.30 pm
Appointments for legal advice are available through the Law Society’s Advisory Service.
This service is available on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings between 5.30
pm and 7.30 pm. A twenty minute interview with a Solicitor through the Advisory
Service normally costs $22 (or $10 for pension or concession card holders), however
during 2007 Law Week on Monday 14 May, Wednesday 16 May and Thursday 17 May
this service will be available free to members of the public.
An experienced Solicitor is available to answer basic questions on any legal problem.
The Law Society has been running the Legal Advisory Service for more than 20 years.
In that time it has assisted more than, 25,000 people.
Please note that this service is by appointment only. Appointments can be made by
calling the Law Society on (08) 8229 0222.
Law Society of South Australia
124 Waymouth Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Law Week Debate
8 pm
Be informed and entertained as members of the legal profession present fierce and often
hilarious arguments on the proposition
“That a lawyer’s bill is a bitter pill”
Bookings are essential
Contact: Sarah Fletcher on 8207 8819 or
Regency Ballroom
Hyatt Regency Adelaide
North Terrace
Friday 18 May 2007
Regional Events
For events to be held in the Riverland please contact Riverland Community Legal Service
Inc. on 8582 2255 or