ENGINEERING THE SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS: AN ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE APPROACH OVIDIU NORAN N44 1.23 Nathan Campus Griffith University Brisbane QLD 4111 Phone: +61-7-3735-5382 Fax: +61-7-3425-3704 E-Mail: ENGINEERING THE SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS: AN ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE APPROACH Short Biography: Ovidiu Noran holds a PhD in Enterprise Architecture, a Masters in Information and Communication Technology and an Engineering degree in Building Services and Automation. He has worked as an engineer and business architecture/management consultant for companies in Europe and Australia and is currently lecturing Enterprise Architecture and Systems Engineering at Griffith University. He is a member of several professional bodies (Engineers Australia, Australian Institute of Management, etc) and standardization committees ISO/IEC/SC7/WG42 and ISO/TC184/SC5/WG1. His seminars, publications and regular involvement in conferences and journals highlight research interests in Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering and Enterprise Architecture and a preference for Action Research. Manuscript Exceeding 5000 words. Reasons: 1) the chapter presents the use of two highly complex concepts : an Enterprise Architecture Framework and a Meta-methodology that required proper introduction. In addition, explanation of other essential environmental-specific concepts (necessary in an EA-oriented book) make up to around 850 words. 2) the proposed chapter is thoroughly referenced. The references alone constitute almost 1000 words. The manuscript has not been presented at any conference. However the EA concepts presented have been validated in several published case studies (referenced in the proposed chapter). ENGINEERING THE SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS: AN ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE APPROACH Abstract: Sustainability has always been an essential issue for the profitable business. Nowadays however, environmental responsibility is fast becoming just as important as economic viability as climate change theories turn into a grim reality and relevant regulations are expected to tighten significantly in the near future. Businesses typically react to this challenge by implementing environmental reporting and management systems; however; often the company does not reap the full benefits from such initiatives, mostly because the environmental approach is not integrated in the overall strategy and management is not supported by appropriately aggregated and available environmental information. This chapter argues for the necessity and benefit of integrating the proposed environmental management (EM) project into the ongoing ‘extended’ enterprise architecture (EA) initiative present in all successful companies. This is done by demonstrating how a reference architecture framework and a meta-methodology using EA artefacts can be used to co-design the EM system, the organisation and its information system in order to achieve a much needed synergy between the business and environmental strategic management. Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Engineering, Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Environmental Management System, Meta-methodology, GERAM, ISO15704, ISO 14001 Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author ENGINEERING THE SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS: AN ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE APPROACH ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY – THE OTHER ISSUE OF THE NEW CENTURY One of the main concerns of businesses of all times has been their capacity to survive and adapt to changes in the commercial environment and thus to remain productive for their entire envisaged life span – hence, to be an economic sustainable business. History has shown however, that the continued existence of businesses also strongly depends on their impact on the natural environment and the way they treat their workers. This basic truth was emphasized by Elkington’s (1998) Triple Bottom Line (TBL) approach to business sustainability: one must achieve not only economic bottom-line performance but environmental and social performance as well. Blackburn (2007) compares economic sustainability to air and environmental and social sustainability to food: the first is more urgent but not more important than the second. Blackburn also rightfully asserts that ‘the 2Rs’ – Respect for humans (and all life) and judicious management of Resources – form an essential component of overall sustainability of the business (in this chapter also called ‘enterprise’, ‘company’ or ‘organisation’). Hence, a successful enterprise must take a whole-system, integrated approach towards sustainability, understood in this chapter as an abbreviation for the Brundthal Report notion of sustainable development that “…meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (UN World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987). Tackling Environmental Sustainability Challenges The current mainstream consensus is that climate change is real and happening at a rate faster than initially thought. In these conditions it is to be expected that environmental legislation will become considerably more restrictive, customer and stakeholder expectations will be much higher and environmental damage clean-up and prevention expenses will increase substantially. On the opportunity side however, sustainability will become an even more effective device to manage intangible but essential assets such as corporate image, brand and reputation (Aust. Dept. of Environment and Heritage, 2003). Presently, it appears that the main challenges brought by sustainability are integration and coherence. Thus, environmental responsibility must permeate all aspects and levels of the business and the environmental constraints must be consistently understood and managed across the organisation, in an integrated manner, in order to preserve the coherence of the business units. Meeting these challenges requires setting up an environmental management (EM) project with: a) top-management support for the project champion(s) (CEO can be one, however not the only one); b) sufficient authority and appropriate human / infrastructure resources allocated; 1 Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author c) a suitable environmental strategy, integrated in the general company strategic direction; d) a cross-departmental approach, horizontally and vertically; These prerequisites are essential if the project is to trigger organisational culture change (to determine permanent changes in the way people do things) and to include changes in the enterprise’s information system (IS) for effective access to environmental information facilitating the decision-making process (Molloy, 2007; Nilsson, 2001). The above-mentioned issues match to a good extent the scope of a typical ‘extended’ (i.e. applying to the entire organisation, not only to its IS / IT subsystem (Doucet et al., 2008)) enterprise architecture (EA) project. This match may provide a solution to an integrated, coherent approach to the introduction of environmental issues in the management and operation of all business units. This is desirable because a company whose architecture includes environmental management, competencies and responsibilities in an integrated fashion will have the necessary agility and preparedness not only to cope with, but even thrive on the challenges brought about by climate change and global warming, thus turning a potential weakness into a strength. Hence, changes in the economic, natural and/or social environment will produce less knee-jerk, interventionist management behaviour and organisational turbulence, since the capacity to cope with change will be built-in rather than imposed. The company will be able to adapt promptly and naturally, according to well-defined and effective policies including environmental adaptability. Environmental Sustainability and Enterprise Architecture The quest to evolve a business towards environmental sustainability occurs in a complex environment: there are risks, legal and financial constraints, government agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), public opinion, stakeholders and corporate social responsibility (CSR) considerations. On the other hand, there is also a growing body of specialised literature, current and emerging standards, reporting frameworks and consultant companies, all offering to help and guide towards business sustainability assessment, design, implementation and reporting / monitoring in various degrees of detail. This has the potential to assist but at the same time compound what already constitutes a complex enterprise engineering (EE) task. The project to create or evolve the environmentally sustainable business involves several typical steps, such as: identifying the business processes and understanding their impact on the environment (the ASIS), defining a vision and concept(s) for the future state (the TO-BE), eliciting and specifying requirements to reach the selected TO-BE state, (re)designing the processes, policies and often the entire organisation according to these requirements, implementing them, continually monitoring the effects and applying some of the previous steps for correction and enhancement. These phases reflect the continuous improvement Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle (Shewhart, 1986) which is underlying the majority of the 2 Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author mainstream environmental sustainability support artefacts available nowadays. As in any project start-up, the stakeholders and project manager are faced with several immediate problems. What is the state of the business now (AS-IS), and how sustainable (TBL-wise) is it? What are the requirements and the baseline? What is that the business wants to achieve (TO-BE state): minimum compliance with the law in the short term, or forward-looking policies and processes, with the afferent risks and unknown productivity effects in the short term? How are they going to get to the desired TO-BE state, namely what do they actually do next? And if help is available, which artefacts can be used, when and where? Should they require outside help (e.g. sustainability consultants) - and then what to ask for? This chapter argues for the necessity and benefit of integrating the proposed EM project into the ongoing extended EA initiative present in all successful companies (note that in this chapter, EA is understood as extended EA unless otherwise stated). For example, strategic integration of EM is only achievable if necessary information is quickly available and is of high quality (Molloy, 2007). Thus, information must be at the fingertips of managers in the form and level of aggregation they need as agility is not compatible with delays due to digging out and filtering suitable information separately for each request. Moreover, companies need the environmental aspect to be present on all levels of management, which effectively calls for an environmental decision support system. For such reasons, the ongoing EA project needs to be fully aware of the environmental sustainability project so that all information / process / organisational / technical aspects are taken care of in an integrated manner. CURRENT PROBLEMS AND SOME PROPOSED SOLUTIONS While initially environmental activities were mostly triggered by legal action and involved addressing the effect (compensation, treatment, etc) rather than the cause, climate change, changing regulations and growing public awareness and pressure have resulted in the environmental aspect being considered in all life cycle phases of the company and its products. In addition, the intended environmental scope has gradually extended from the operational level (reflex reactions to regulations and law suits) to tactical and strategic level. However, to date most of these efforts are still disjointed, i.e. specific to business units and not properly supported by the ICT infrastructure. This means that a) the company loses coherence as different units approach environmental sustainability in different levels of detail and at a different pace and b) top management cannot effectively use the information generated by the environmental reporting functions due to language, format, level of aggregation etc. The Environmental Management System: A Silver Bullet? Companies typically address the mandated and / or perceived requirement to introduce environmental responsibility in their business units by attempting to implement some type of environmental reporting 3 Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author and environmental management system (EMS). An EMS is intended to be part of an organization's management system that is used to develop and implement its environmental policy and manage its environmental aspects (ISO, 2004). Thus, it is typically seen as an add-on to the existing management that also enables the organisation to benchmark its environmental performance and evaluate its performance and improvement (note that in this chapter, environmental measurement and reporting are seen as functions of the EMS acting as a decision support system). While an EMS is a significant step in the right direction, when implemented in isolation it will not trigger the cultural change necessary to make environmental responsibility ‘stick’ in the company. Some authors (Coglianese and Nash, 2001) argue that the implementation of an EMS alone (especially if imposed on the organisation for various reasons), is irrelevant if the company does not have a real commitment to environmental improvements as a prerequisite. For example, ISO 14001:2004 only requires that EMS-s be designed in such a way that companies can work toward the goal of regulatory compliance and seek to make improvements, not that the company actually achieves environmental excellence or even full compliance with existing laws! Hence, it appears that to be effective, EMS-s must be backed by regulation and enforcement by e.g. environmental protection agencies (EPAs). Various reference models (frameworks, methods etc) for EMS design have emerged. However, each company is different and therefore EMS implementations using such reference models require their customisation - which needs knowledge of those artefacts and may result in ‘locking’ the company in a particular proprietary solution. Methods, Frameworks, Standards … and other Artefacts Generally, the available definitions of sustainability do not provide enough detail to translate into action effectively. (Blackburn, 2007) addresses this problem by proposing a ‘Sustainability Operating System’ (rather than an EMS) which is in fact a management method to achieve sustainability based on the Brundthal report, the ‘2R’s and the TBL approach applied to sustainability. Willard (2002) also recommends a TBL-based approach encompassing economy / profit, environment / planet and equity / people with seven benefits: easier hiring and retention, increased productivity, reduced manufacturing / commercial sites expenses, increased revenue / market share and reduced risk. Clayton and Redcliffe (1998) propose a systems approach to integration of sustainability aspects into the business and define the concept of environmental quality as capital (and thus the feasibility of ‘tradable pollution’). EM frameworks aim to provide a structured set of artefacts (methods, aspects, reference models, etc) specialised for the EM area. Some examples are The Natural Step (TNS) Framework, using a systemsbased approach to organisational planning for sustainability (Upham, 2000), The Natural Edge Project (TNEP, 2007) which proposes a holistic approach (‘Whole System’) taking into account system life cycle 4 Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author and Life Cycle Management, a framework of concepts, techniques and procedures aiming to achieve continuous environmental improvement from a life cycle perspective. (Hunkeler et al., 2001). Assessment and reporting frameworks aim to assist the measurement and reporting functions of the EMS. For example, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method measures the environmental impacts of products or services relative to each other during their life cycles (EPA, 2008). The Global Reporting Initiative’s Sustainability Reporting Framework (GRI, 2002) contains reporting principles, guidance and standard disclosures that are claimed to be applicable to all types of businesses. International Standards also cover the EM issue. ISO 14000 is a set of reference models for setting up EMS-s, life-cycle assessment, environmental auditing of processes, environmental labelling and environmental performance evaluation. ISO 14001:2004 deals specifically with EMS-s, aiming to provide a framework for a holistic and strategic approach to the organization's environmental policy, plans and actions (ISO, 2004). Standards provide a good starting and reference point for design and assessment; however, current EM standards do not define EM performance levels that the company should meet. As can be seen, many frameworks, methods, etc recognize the need to analyse the life cycle of the products. However, often there is a need to take into account the life cycle of the host company, the project set up to create the EMS and especially of the EMS itself and analyse the interactions between these entities in the context of their life cycles. This approach provides a holistic approach allowing to represent and clarify business, EM project, EMS and product AS-IS and TO-BE states and identify potential problems and aspects that may not be otherwise obvious. Suitable frameworks describing systems during their entire life (not just at particular points in time), or life cycle architectures are commonly used in EA. Therefore, in this chapter we argue that EA artefacts can systematize and provide guidance and coherence in implementing an EMS, while at the same time creating a synergy between EM and EA and providing am integrated solution for environmental, social and economic sustainability. ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE FRAMEWORKS, GERAM AND GERA Enterprises are highly complex systems. Therefore, sets of models (sometimes aggregated in architectural descriptions corresponding to viewpoints (ISO/IEC, 2007)) are produced using various languages in order to control this complexity and allow the enterprise architect and other stakeholders to focus on various aspects of the business. As models themselves can get complex, modelling frameworks (MFs) are often used to structure them according to various criteria. In addition, several other types of artefacts are commonly used in EA practice, such as methods, reference models (synonymous with ‘partial models’ in this chapter), ontologies, meta-models, glossaries, etc. All these are typically organised in architecture frameworks (AFs), some of which have underlying metamodels formally describing their structure. Currently there are several mainstream AFs, generic (e.g. PERA (Williams, 1994), or TOGAF (The Open 5 Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author Group, 2006)) or aimed at various domains such as manufacturing (CIMOSA (CIMOSA Association, 1996), ARIS (Scheer, 1999), GRAI (Doumeingts, 1984)), defence (DoDAF (DoD Architecture Framework Working Group, 2003)) and information systems (Zachman (Zachman, 1987)) to name a few. GERA EEM Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture Identifies concepts of Enterprise Integration 1..* EML 1..* Enterprise Engineering 0..* 1..* Methodology employs Describes process of enterprise engineering utilises 0…* Enterprise Modelling Language Provides modelling constructs for processes, technologies and human role implemented in GEMC 0..* 0..* Generic Enterprise Modelling Concept 1..* implemented in supports 0..* Defines the meaning of enterprise modelling constructs 0..* EET Enterprise Engineering Tool Supports Enterprise Engineering used to build PEM 0..* supports EM Partial Enterprise Model Provides reusable reference models and designs of processes, technologies and human roles 0..* 1..* Enterprise Model is a kind of Supports Enterprise Engineering 1..* used to implement 1..* EMO EOS Enterprise Module Enterprise Operational System Provides implementable modules of operational processes, technologies and human professions 0..* 1..* used to implement Supports the operation of the particular Enterprise Figure 1. A possible high-level meta-model of GERAM (based on (ISO, 2000)) In this chapter we have selected a reference AF obtained by generalising other AFs and thus considered to be expressive enough to contain all the elements necessary for the EE task at hand, namely achieving environmental sustainability using EA artefacts. This AF is GERAM (Generalised Reference Architecture Framework and Methodology), described in Annex C of ISO 15704:2000. Despite its name (owing to historical reasons), GERAM contains several other elements in addition to its reference architecture (GERA) and methodologies (EEMs, see Figure 1). Among others, GERAM has been used in practice to guide EE projects (Bernus et al., 2002; Mo, 2007; Noran, 2004c) and in theory to assess other enterprise AFs (Noran, 2003, 2004a, 2005a; Saha, 2007) and to build a structured repository of AF elements for a proposed decision support system (Noran, 2007a). GERAM is fully described in (ISO, 2000). The main component of the Reference Architecture of GERAM, called GERA (see Figure 2), is an MF containing an extensive set of aspects including management, life cycle, organisational, human (with extent of automation) and decisional – all of which are considered instrumental for the following analysis. 6 Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author Generic Partial Particular Views Instantiation Management and Control Identification Concept Product or Service Requirements Software Hardware Prelim. design Design Resource Organisation Information Function Detailed design Implementation Operation Decommission Machine Human LC phases Figure 2. The GERA Modelling Framework (ISO, 2000) AN ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE APPROACH TOWARDS ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROJECTS A Meta-methodology for Enterprise Engineering Projects To illustrate the EA approach towards setting up and operating the EMS and the EM project we propose to use the set of steps described in (Noran, 2005b, 2007b) that are structured in a meta-methodology, i.e. a method to build methods applicable for specific types of EE tasks. The proposed meta-methodology comprises three major steps and a set of sub-steps. In the first step, the user is prompted to create a list containing entities of interest to the project in question, making sure to include project participants, target entities (organisations, other projects) and importantly, the EE project itself. The second step comprises the creation of business models showing the relations between the previously listed entities in the context of their lifecycles, i.e. illustrating how entities influence each other within each life cycle phase. The third step assists the user in inferring the set of project activities by reading and interpreting the previously represented relations for each life cycle phase of the target entities. The resulting activities must be detailed to a level deemed as comprehensible (and thus usable) by the intended audience. The first meta-methodology sub-step calls for the selection of suitable aspects (or views) to be modelled in each stage; the life cycle aspect must be present since it is essential to the meta-methodology. The selection of a MF is also recommended, as MFs typically feature structured collections of views that can 7 Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author be used as checklists of candidate aspects and their intended coverage. This sub-step also calls for the identification and resolution of any aspect dependencies. The second sub-step asks the user to determine if the present (AS-IS) state of the views previously adopted needs to be shown and whether the AS-IS and future (TO-BE) states should be represented in separate or combined models. Typically, the AS-IS state needs to be modelled when it is not properly understood by the stakeholders and / or the TO-BE state is to be evolved from the AS-IS (i.e. no radical re-engineering is likely to occur). The third sub-step requires the selection of suitable modelling formalisms and modelling tools for the chosen aspects, according to the target audience of the models and to competencies and tools available in the organisation. Project Scope Best Practice Environment Factors Reassess Context knowledge Build Entity List Build Business Model Build Activity Model (tacit, reasoning, explicit,..) New Knowledge (expressed in Models) Substeps Aspects (Views) Language, Tools AS-IS, TO-BE Legend: (NIST, 1993) Architecture Framework Elements Enterprise Architect, CxO, Tools control output input Activity resource Figure 3. Simplified meta-methodology concept (Noran, 2007a) Note that all the above-described steps and sub-steps have underlying logic usable to automate the metamethodology (Noran, 2007a) and to guide the user in the decision-making process. This task is also assisted by additional models and artefacts built and adopted during the second stage. A full description of the meta-methodology is beyond the scope of this chapter and can be found in (Noran, 2004b, 2008). In this particular case, the main meta-methodology deliverable would be a model of a method to set up the EM project and the EMS taking into consideration the internal and external business life cycle context. Since the management of the organisation and all other entities (business units, other organisations, agencies, laws etc) that need to be involved in the EM project and the EMS are to be included in the entity list (first step in Figure 3, left), their influence will be taken into account throughout 8 Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author the life cycle of the EM project and the EMS. An important initial premise for EM integration into the organisation is thus fulfilled. As can be seen from Figure 3, the meta-methodology assists in creating new knowledge – in this case, how to go about setting up and operating the EM project and the EMS – based on context knowledge – i.e. know-how of running the business including its corporate culture (‘how things are done around here’), relations with suppliers, clients, authorities etc, typically available at middle and top management level and within CxO and enterprise architect roles. The involvement of these roles in the methodology creation process establishes the conditions for management buy-in and support for the upcoming EM project and early involvement of the EA department in the EM project. This will create the best conditions for integrated development of the EMS and supporting functions of the IS. First Step: Creating the Entity List Often, selecting views or an MF (as required by the first sub-step) is unnecessary in this early stage, as too many details can in fact be counter-productive. The AS-IS and TO-BE states (sub-step two) can be represented in a combined manner as the low complexity of the models does not justify the overhead of consistency checking. The modelling formalism chosen in sub-step three can be simply text at this stage. As a result, an entity list can built in the first meta-methodology step using text to represent a combined AS-IS and TO-BE state. Proposed members in the entity list are the company as a whole, business units, the EM project, the EMS, environmental reports, NGOs, the government, EPA, EM Principles (e.g. 2R, TBL), EM laws, EM standards, EM frameworks, assessment and reporting frameworks, social responsibility standards, Quality Standards and EM consultants. Second Step: Building the Business Model This step requires the creation of a business model showing interactions of the entities previously elicited in the context of their life cycle phases. In sub-step one the life cycle, management, decisional and organisational aspects are selected to be modelled for the entities participating in the project. This choice is obvious due to the nature of the system being designed (management) and also due to the importance attached to the decisional and organisational aspects as essential factors in the integration of the EMS and the intent to trigger cultural change. The GERA MF (see Figure 2) is adopted as the most likely to provide a suitable formalism for the mandatory life cycle dimension and for the other selected aspects. In this case, the TO-BE state is incremental and based on the AS-IS rather representing radical change. Therefore in sub-step two, it can be decided that the AS-IS state needs to be represented for all aspects. While there is no tangible advantage in showing separate AS-IS and TO-BE states in the business model, it is very useful to do so in the decisional / organisational structure. This is because as previously shown, in this particular EE task it is imperative to show where and how the functions of the EMS interact with 9 Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author the existing system so as to ascertain the degree of integration and effects of the EMS on the decisional and organisational structure of the host company. Separate AS-IS / TO-BE decisional / organisational models may also help define several TO-BE (‘what-if’) scenarios. A modelling formalism based on the GERA MF is chosen for the business model in sub-step three (see Figure 4). GRAI–Grid (Doumeingts et al., 1998) is selected to represent decisional and organisational aspects, together with a plain graphical editor as a modelling tool. GRAI-Grid is optimal in this case due to its ability to represent both the decisional and organisational aspects on the same diagram (minimal number of languages and formalism reuse in building the models, as best-practice, is one of the rules attached to the selection criteria within the automated version of the meta-methodology). Formalism used in the Business Model Partial level of GERA Modelling Framework P Identification Management and Control Concept Cust Service Requirements Prelim. design Software Hardware Implementation C R PD Resource Organisation Information Function DD I Op Operation Decommission Id Simplify Design Detailed design M Machine Human D Figure 4. Formalism used for the business model As previously shown, the business model is constructed based on context knowledge (often tacit and requiring eliciting (Kalpic and Bernus, 2006)) owned by stakeholders, i.e. CxO, enterprise architect, top management, etc. Any partial models that can help in this effort are considered for use, e.g. high-level guidelines contained in the EMS standards, EM assessment and reporting frameworks, etc. Note that before use, all such artefacts should be first assessed using the GERAM reference AF to determine their actual scope and usefulness. A Structured Repository containing AF elements organised based on the results of such assessments exists and is being further developed (see (Noran, 2008) for details). A possible outcome of this second step is shown in Figure 5. As can be seen, the relations between the relevant entities can be explicitly represented for each life cycle phase. Note that some entities’ life cycle representation has been reduced to the phase(s) relevant for the EM project. For example, we are only 10 Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author interested in the Operation life cycle phase of Auditors, EM Standards and EM assessment / reporting frameworks since they are not being designed / built as part of the EM project. The figure also shows the relations between the company, the EM project and the EMS, which allows to build consensus, achieve a common understanding and explicitly represent what needs to be done, phase by phase, at a high level. A few examples: the EMS is built by the EM project; however, EM consultants may also be involved in the design. The company is lobbied by NGOs and has to abide by EM Laws. Auditors perform either certification audits (affecting the concept and design of the EMS) or surveillance audits (to check if the EMS is still compliant). The EPA will look into the EMS operation and receive information from external auditors. Importantly, the EMS should be able to redesign itself (arrow from Mgmt operation to the other life cycles) to a certain extent and thus be agile in the face of moderate EM regulation and market changes. Reaction to major changes should be however delegated to the upper company management. P M Id C R EML PD DD I Op D Comp EMP NGO CL Gvt EMSt SP AU EMC BU AF RF EPA EMS Id: Identification; C=concept; R=requirements, PD=preliminary Design DD=Detailed Design, I=Implementation, Op=operation, D=decommissioning Legend: Comp: Company; EMS: Env. Mgmt System EMP: Env. Mgmt Project EML: Env. Mgmt Laws EMSt: Env. Mgmt Standards EMC: Env. Mgmt Consultants; EPA: Env. Protection Agency NGO: Non-Gov’t Organisation BU: Business Unit AF: Assessment Framework RF: Reporting Framework SP: Sustainability Principles Gvt: Government AU: Auditor CL: Client : Possible scenario Figure 5. Business model showing relations of relevant entities in the context of their life cycles. Modelling Additional Aspects: Decisional and Organisational Models The formalism selected for the decisional / organisational aspect allows to present essential concepts present in the design and implementation of an EMS (e.g. as specified in ISO 14001:2004) in an integrated manner (see Figure 6). The GRAI-Grid is based on Decision Centres (DCs) that operate within 11 Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author the boundaries of Decisional Frameworks (DFs) set by the upper echelon. DCs can provide feedback on the DFs allocated via information links (IL) to the upper echelon. Planning in GRAI-Grid means balancing the management of resources and products and is represented in the central column of the grid to reflect its paramount importance. In this particular case, the GRAI-Grid allows to clearly represent the EMS planning requirements for products, services and activities. Legal requirements, policies, etc can also be represented as DFs consisting of constraints, objectives (fixed) and decision variables (that the target DC can manipulate). Horizons and Periods represent the extent of time that the decisions at a particular level (Strategic, Tactical etc) aim to cover and are to be revised at, respectively. The resources and products are represented in two columns adjacent to planning. Resources can be further split into e.g. budget, people and infrastructure, while products can also be subdivided depending on the specific profile of the company (see Figure 7). The representation of the DFs will ensure that EM problems are spotted early. Such problems may include narrow and paternalistic management – whereby EM may be isolated from other relevant management aspects, or the EM DCs are not given enough authority, respectively. As previously shown, these are aspects considered essential to the effectiveness of an environmental sustainability initiative and if neglected may indeed produce a ‘toothless’ EMS, useful to obtain certification to a standard or ease EPA scrutiny, but not to make the organisation more environmentally sustainable (and thus profitable). Ext. Info Products Strategic Resources Plan Int. Info Decision Centre (DC) Role 3 Horizon Period Tactical Role 4 Horizon Period Role 1 Role 2 Operational Horizon Period Control Legend: Decision Framework (DF) Information Link (IL) Horizon Period = decisional centre (DC); = role; = decisional framework (DF); = DFs showing turbulence; Information Aggregation = information flow (IF) = DFs showing good design Figure 6. GRAI Grid formalism and notations A large number of horizontal DFs from the planning DCs to product and resources DCs at all levels would indicate an interventionist management style (see Figure 6). This is detrimental to the EMS and the 12 Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author company as a whole as it involves the Planning DC (sometimes the CxO) spending valuable time ‘putting out fires’ (resolving urgent, short-term surges and imbalances between resources and production) due to the incapacity of the DCs to deal with the problem (typically owing to a defective strategy). This management style creates turbulence and incoherence in the entire organisation as there is no stable and effective overarching strategy reflecting the EM and other goals. In contrast, vertical DFs indicate that the DCs can cope with the objectives allocated and the balance is maintained without intervention – i.e. the organisation (including its integrated EMS) is agile and can thus adapt ‘naturally’ to a certain amount of changes (including environmentally triggered) in regulations, resource and product requirements. Communication / information flow is also present in the GRAI-Grid in the columns adjacent to Product and Resources. Information aggregates in a bottom-up fashion and reaches the DCs via ILs. Thus, environmental reports for example can be tracked and checked to originate in the right DCs so that they contain the required information and also reach the intended target DCs so that appropriate corrective action is taken if required. Direct communication between DCs is achieved via ILs as well (see Figure 6). Roles can be represented in the GRAI-Grid by areas covering one or more DCs (see Figure 6). The organisational structure can then be obtained by allocating human resources (HRs) to these roles. Competence, training and awareness can be represented in the DCs content as HR management; for example, at strategic level decide on necessary competencies and at tactical level decide on training / hiring plan. The EMS documentation aspect is reflected in the need to maintain internal information on each level, e.g. operationally: report, tactically: aggregate reports and trends and strategically: decide on action plan based on policies, regulations and objectives. It must be noted that the actual sustainability issues are instances of objectives – therefore the GRAIGrid in fact shows DFs that consist of types of objectives, constraints and decision variables, which define the management roles. These types are instantiated when implemented (in every period, or if triggered by a significant event); thus, the instances of objectives can be different from time to time. The DC (management role) has to decide (based on higher level objectives and the inputs it received from the outside world and EM reporting entity) what the objectives for its horizon are. For example, the constraint type may be ‘abide by the current emission regulations’, while the constraint instance is the set of actual values that the current regulations prescribe. The objective type may state ‘abide by current ISO and country standards’, while the instances are actual current standards. One may ask: well, what about the organisational culture aspect that triggers behavioural change and makes changes ‘stick’? The culture is often a consequence of the type of organisational design (who does what), staff training and management style / strategy. For example, the feedback provided in the environmental reporting can be used to set a strategy that encourages and rewards excellence in EM and to implement it at tactical and operational levels. 13 Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author Manage… Manage… External Information Input Products & Services Output Products & Services Infrastructure / Technology Staff Budget Internal Information Cumulative Decide EM Decide EM Decide new prod & expenditure / strategy; Contribute Contribute to Staffing Infrastructure Secure EM budget services strategy staffing to revision of strategy Strategy; Contrib allocation considering environmantal policies, procedures using EM criteria to pruduction their enviro impact reports, long & processes tech strategy term trends Enviro Decide prod & Strategic forecasts, services sourcing H=3y Govt policies, laws, market strategy considering P=1y their enviro impact trends Market analysis, Plan & Coordinate Decide yearly EM plan Contribute to hiring, Manage Renewal of EM staff development & infrastructure; Distribute allocated promotion Evaluate EM budget using EM principles production technology Propose prod & Tactical yearly forecasts, services sourcing Propose Marketing public enviro approach and (supply chain) H=1y reports, approach considering product revisions P=6m feedback Performance evals, product / environmental reports, expenditure, int enviro audits Client profiles env impact Operational H=6m P=2w Public enviro reports, feedback from public / NGOs / EPA / clients Monitor enviro aspects of incoming goods & services Manage short-tem / unexpected probs Schedule EM activities Manage unexpected EM savings / expenses Manage unexpected staff issues (e.g. unavailability, surge in demand) Maintain EM infrastructure Monitor Production Technology’s EM performance enviro feedback, events Control H=1d P=real time Significant external events Control production Control Service N/A Control budget N/A Control Infrastructure Significant internal events (e.g. spills) = info. link (IL); = decisional framework (DF); = Enviro manager / Board; = EMS auditor H = horizon; P = period Figure 7. Sample GRAI Grid ns o i it ag an lM nm d ad t en m e ta en o vir En g m m ge a an t en s sk a t in ist Ex Figure 8. EM addition to the host company management tasks 14 Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author Figure 7 shows a sample GRAI-Grid and Figure 8 shows (symbolically) the way the EM DFs would overlay the host company management tasks. In practice, DCs need to be further detailed using a functional model (for example expressed in IDEF0 (NIST, 1993) or UML (Rumbaugh et al., 1999) activity diagrams), down to the level of understanding of the HR(s) fulfilling the role covering those DCs. Third Step: The Functional Model The main deliverable of the third (and last) meta-methodology step is an activity model describing the creation and operation of the EM project and of the EMS. This is achieved by analysing the life cycle representation of the entities in Figure 5 and expressing the interactions shown in that figure in terms of the aspects selected from the chosen MF. In terms of the first meta-methodology sub-step, the type of deliverable (a method) mandates the functional aspect. However, to be understood and enacted, the activities represented in a functional model must be detailed using other aspects and views contained in the MF selected in step two – in this case management / service, human / machine and software / hardware. The present state will be represented (sub-step two) and it will be shown in a common diagram with the TO-BE, since the activity model depicts in fact the transition from the AS-IS to the chosen TO-BE state. As for sub-step three, the IDEF0 language is chosen to represent the functional model and the AI0Win tool (KBSI, 2007) is selected to support model creation. The choice is justified in the following section, along with a brief generalisation. Important Side Note: The Benefit of using EA languages and tools in EM tasks The over-arching and cross-departmental features of EA are reflected in the languages and tools used in this domain. Families of languages (some integrated by metamodels) and tools aware of the implemented languages’ syntax and often featuring a common repository underlying all models depicting various enterprise aspects, provide the premise for integrated development. We have attempted to illustrate the advantage of using such EA artefacts in the sustainability effort by selecting a sample EA tool and language for the third meta-methodology step applied to the EM project. IDEF0 provides for complexity control by implementing multiple model levels. Thus, model components and levels can be independently developed; however, their interfaces called ICOMS (inputs, controls, mechanisms and outputs, see Figure 9) must be kept consistent. This essential feature can enforce coherence and discipline in the EMS life cycle design process. For example, management, business unit teams and EA personnel can work on various aspects / levels of a model in a (quasi-) independent fashion, knowing that the overall coherence of the model is preserved at all times. ‘Aware’ tools implementing this language (such as the one selected) will enforce such conditions and automatically carry through and provide the ICOMS necessary for a particular level. 15 Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author Controls Inputs C1 C2 (used in activity, but do not get transformed) (transformed in the activity) Outputs (results of activity) I1 Activity O1 I2 O2 Mechanisms M1 M2 (who / what makes it happen) Figure 9. IDEF0 generic model, context level (A-0) Back to the Method Model: The Context Level This level provides a bird’s eye view of the EM project and its outcome (i.e. the EMS). Such a simple model may look trivial; however, it is very useful for high-level management, enterprise architect and other stakeholders to quickly grasp the big picture and make sure that all the necessary elements are present, e.g. necessary inputs, adequate resources, mandatory constraints and required deliverables. Getting a common understanding of ‘what is to be done’ and agreeing upon this overall picture can make a significant difference in achieving a favourable attitude and commitment towards the EM project. EM Laws Company Audits Policies NGOs Org Design principles EM Certification Internal Information EM Frameworks Create and Operate EMS EMS A-0 Management EA HR IT Group Services Services Environmental Reports Business Unit Staff Figure 10. Context (A-0) level of the EMS creation and operation model . 16 NGO Figure 11. A0 level of the EMS creation and operation model 17 Mgmt Bus Units Staff EM Std (e.g. ISO14001) EM Group A4 Arch Design EMS EM Reporting Frameworks Confirmed EMS structure A3 Requirements of EMS EMS Goals Objectives Policies Changes To Concept EA Group Relevant Entities Develop EMS Concept A2 Company Policies EM Ref Models Sust Issues Identify sustainability issues A1 EM Frameworks Internal Info EM Principles EM Laws HR Audits A5 IT EM Transition Plan EMS change requests Certification Audit Detail Design EMS Approved EMS Arch Design Org Design Principles A6 Implement EMS EMS Initial EM Certifica Confirmed tion EMS Detailed Design Operate EMS A7 Env. Reports EPA Audit EM Certifica tion Surveillance Audit Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author The Second Level The functional model can be now developed by creating one main activity for each EMS life cycle phase shown in Figure 5 (see Figure 11 for a potential result). The modelling formalism chosen will assist in developing the model as each activity represented must be investigated for content, inputs, outputs, controls and resources that execute it. The Third and Further Levels The third (and lower) levels are obtained by further decomposing each relevant activity considering aspects used in previous steps and / or present in the chosen MF, such as human vs. machine and hardware vs. software (see Figure 12). This will ensure that the EM(S) requirements are represented and integrated into the business at all necessary levels and aspects. For example, as can be seen in Figure 12, the decomposition of the Detailed Design activity takes into account proper resourcing of the EMS with human resources (EM Group, A 5.2) and software / hardware (A5.1). Organisational design will provide the premise for organisational culture change while the partial redesign of the IS (A 5.3) can enable it to provide timely and appropriate type of information for the strategic integration of the EM in the business. Approved Company EMS Arch. Policies Design Org. Design Principles EM Standards Certification Audit ISO 14001 Info on exist. IS/IT infrastructure EMS Equip / Sw Detailed Design ISO 14001 Design EMS Equipment / Software A5.1 EM Ref Models ISO/DIS 26000 Info on present Org. roles HR Transition Plan Design Human / Organisational Structure A5.2 EM Ref Models Info on existing IS/IT infrastructure Human / Organis. structure Design (incl. EM Group) IS Equip / Sw. Transition Plan Re-design IS Equipment / Software A5.3 IS Equip / Sw. Detailed Design EM Ref Models Proposed Detailed Designs Proposed Transition Plans EM Group Transition to EM Plan Confirm Detailed Design, Transition plans A5.4 IT Services EA Group HR Services Mgmt Bus Unit Staff EMS Confirmed Detailed Design Initial Certification Figure 12. One of the A1 levels (Detailed Design) of the EMS creation and operation model 18 Engineering the Sustainable Business: an EA Approach Author How far will the decomposition go? The activities must be detailed down to the level where they are understood and thus can be executed by the human(s) and/or machine(s) that need to perform them. A full decomposition of the example is beyond the purpose of this chapter, which aims to introduce the approach and test the concept rather than to perform a complete design of the EMS. In addition, each business is different; therefore, additional specific information is required to enable deeper level decompositions. For the interested reader, several worked examples are contained in (Noran, 2008). CONCLUSION Environmental sustainability and EM are no longer pursued only following law suits, or to appease NGOs and alleviate scrutiny by EPAs. Companies are realising the financial benefits of environmental sustainability; EM is becoming a commodity (Molloy, 2007). However, currently there seem to be several issues that prevent the business from achieving maximum return from implementing and operating a concerted approach to EM. Firstly, there seems to be a lack of integration of the EM initiative in the business, especially at the strategic level - meaning that the management cannot take advantage of the knowledge present in the environmental reporting, either due to the wrong format and/or level of aggregation, or due to stale data content - hence the need for automation and an integrated IS architecture. 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