Field of Dreams Reflection Paper/Discussion Option One: Your task is to write a response to the movie Field of Dreams. Where in the movie did you see some of the major concepts we have discussed from our text chapters 1-3? You may pick and choose which concepts you wish to discuss. You will need at least three concepts in your paper. Where in the movie did you see: Chapter 1 Sacramental awareness Sacramental blindness Grace Flesh-and-blood communication God speaking through friendships Listening for God Responding to God OR where did you see: Chapter 2 Signs Symbols Cultural symbols Universal symbols Symbols from the natural world Literal thinking Symbolic thinking OR where did you see: Chapter 3 Rituals- symbolic actions that help us concretely, or physically express our beliefs, values, and concerns. Routine- an action we do on a regular basis that has no deeper meaning. Rituals and Play- as playful activities, rituals enable us to pause from our daily routine. Eight characteristics of Ritual: Movements and Gestures with Meaning Repeated Actions Symbolic Celebrations Important Events Significant Words Linkages to the Past Communal Actions Participation, Not Observation 1 Rituals and Worship- Rituals worship is an attempt to get in touch with the spirit world, to put oneself in harmony with the spiritual powers. Magic, on the other hand, is an attempt to manipulate spiritual powers. Christianity and Rituals- The New Testament shows us that rituals have been a part of Christianity from its very beginning. +Gathering together for the breaking of the bread +Converts to Christianity undergo a ritual washing + Laying on of hands which developed out of the Apostle’s experience of receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Option 2: Respond to this quote in light of your viewing of the movie. Where in the movie did you see these ideas best illustrated or were some of these ideas missing from the movie? Use three of the ideas mentioned in this quote. Margaret Mead, a famous American anthropologist, claimed that every culture develops rituals. Like symbols rituals seem to be at the core of what it means to be human. Ritual celebrations open people up to the life-giving Spirit of God. They help people break through the barriers of isolation and boredom. When rituals are public, community ceremonies, they symbolize in word and action people’s deepest hope and dreams. Through rituals people can re-establish their connection with the Earth, the cosmos, and their Creator. In other words, rituals are symbolic actions that speak to and for people. (From Celebrating SacramentsPg.40) Option 3: Answer this question: What would you say is the overall meaning of the movie Field of Dreams? Here listed are some quotes from the movie. You may use these quotes and your own selected examples from the movie to help you express what you think is the meaning of the movie. You will want to be clear in your examples. “Build it and he will come.” “Ease his pain.” “Go the Distance.” “ You’re not seriously listening to this are ya?” “Is this heaven?” “ No, it’s Iowa.” “ Is there a heaven?” “Oh, yeah, it’s where dreams come true.” “I wanted to come home but I didn’t know how.” “Why’d you say it?” “I was seventeen.” “ You can’t go back!” “ I have done everything I was asked. I didn’t understand why but I did it.” “ But you’re not invited. Is that why you did this, for you?” Are there some favorite quotes you have written down that you would like to use? 2 For All: No matter what option you choose: The last part of your paper should be a personal response to the movie. In what ways did it help you understand the ideas we have been discussing in class? In what ways has the movie helped you become more aware of the sacred in the everyday? And finally do you think this movie should continue to be shown to Sacrament students in the future? Why or Why not. Notes: The first half of your paper should clearly address the question posed by the option you have chosen. For Example: If you choose to do Option One you would choose at least three concepts to Point out in the movie. That would be three paragraphs. Your fourth paragraph would be the FOR ALL paragraph. You are writing at least four paragraphs. Total points for this assignment is 30. Content, spelling and mechanics all contribute to your grade. Date Due: _______________________ 3