DR.BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR MARATHWADA UNIVERSITY AURANGABAD SYLLABUS I, II, III YEAR BOTANY SYLLABUS : B.SC. I, II, III YEAR ( BOTANY) Effective From June 2006-2007 Onwards BOTANY (UG) COURSE STRUCTURE Each Paper Contanted 100 Marks B.SC. FIRST YEAR : PAPER I Diversity of microbes and Cryptograms. PAPER II Structure, development and reproduction PAPER III Practical Diversity of microbes and Cryptograms. PAPER IV Practical Structure, development and reproduction in flowering plants in flowering plants B.SC.SECOND YEAR : PAPER V Diversity of seed plants and their systematics PAPER VI Cell Biology Genetics PAPER VII Practical Diversity of seed plants and their systematics PAPER VIII Practical Cell Biology Genetics B.SC. THIRD YEAR PAPER IX Physiology, Biochemistry & Biotechnology PAPER X Ecology and Utilization of plants PAPER XI Practical Physiology, Biochemistry & Biotechnology PAPER XII Practical Ecology and Utilization of plants B.Sc. I YEAR (Theory) PAPER I : DIVERSITY OF MICROBES AND CRYPTOGAMS 1) Viruses and Bacteria :- General account of viruses and mycoplasma Bacteria structure, nutrution, reproduction and economic importance. 2) Algae :- General characters, classification and economic importence, important features and life history of chlorophyceace-volvox, oedogonium, xanthophyceae-vaucheria, phaeophyceae-sargassum, Rhodophyceae-polysiphonia. 3) Fungi :- General characters, classification and economic importance, important features and Life history of Mastigomycotina-Phytophthora zygomycotina-Mucor, AscomyctinaEurotium, Peziza, Basidiomycotina-puccinia, Agaricus. Deuteromycotina-cercospora. 4) Bryophyta :- Amphibians of plant-kingdom Alternation of generation, structure, reproduction and classification of Hepaticopsida-marchantia Bryopsida-funaria. 5) Pteridophyta :- The first vascular plants; important characteristics of Psilopsida, Lycopsida sphenopsida and pteropsida; structure, reproduction in Rhynia, Lycopodium, selaginella, Equisetum and marsilea. PAPER – II : STRUCTURE, DEVELOPMENT AND REPRODUCTION IN FLOWERING PLANTS 1) Basic body plan of flowering plant-modular type of growth. 2) Diversity in plant forms annuals, biennials and perennials, convergence of evolution of tree habit in gymmospeums, monocotyledons and dicolyletons, trees largest and longest lived organisms. 3) The shoot-system : The shoot apical meristem and its histological organization. Vascularization of primary shoot in monocotyledons and dicotyledens. Cambium and its function formation of secondary xylem. A general account of wood structure in relation to conduction of water and minerals. Characteristics of growth rings sapwood and heart wood secondary phloem-structure, function relationship peridem. 4) Leaf : origin development, arrangment and diversity in size and shape. Internal structure in relection to photosynthesis and water loss. 5) The root system : The root apical meristem differentiation of primary and secondary tissues and their roles structural modification for storage, respiration and reproduction. 6) Flower :- A modified shoot structure and varieties of flower, function, structure of anther and pistil, the male and female gametophytes; types of pollination, double fertilization, formation of seed, endosperm and embryo, fruit development and maturation. 7) Significance of seed darmancy, Ecological adaptation, dispersal strategies. 8) Vegetative reproduction : vegetative propagation grafting, Economic aspects. B.Sc. I YEAR (Practicals) PAPER – III PRACTICAL (BASED ON PAPER I) DIVERSITY OF MICROBES AND CRYPTOGAMS. 1) Study of the genera included under algae and fungi. 2) Study of morphology, reproductive structures and anatomy of the examples cited in theory under bryophyta and pteridophyta. 3) Observation of disease symptoms in hosts infeeted by fungi viruses and mycoplasma, section cutting of diseased material identification of the pathogens as per the theory syllabus. 4) Gram staining of bacteria. 5) Study of crustose, foliose and other types of Lichen thalli. 6) Study tour. PAPER IV (PRACTICALS BASED ON PAPER II) STRUCTURE, DEVELOPMENT AND REPRODUCTION IN FLOWERING PLATS. 1) Study of any commonly occuring dicotyledonous plant (e.g.solanum nigrum or kalanchoe) to understand the body plan and modular type of growth. 2) Life forms exhibited by flowering plants (by a visit to forest or a guarden) study of tree like habit in cycads. Bamboos, banana, traveller’s tree (Ravenala madagascariensis) or Yucca and camparison with true trees as exemplified by conifers and dicotyledons. 3) L.S. of shoot tip to study the cytohistological zonation and origin of leaf primordial. 4) Monopodial and sympodial types of branching in stems (especially rhizome) 5) Anatomy of primary and secondary growth in monocots and dicots using hand seactions (for or prepared slides) structures of secondary phloem and xylem growth ring in wood microscopic study of wood in T.S., T.L.S. and R.L.S. 6) Field study of diversity in leaf shape, size thickness, surface properties, internal structure of leaf, structure and development of stomata (using Epidermal peels of leaf). 7) Anatomy of the root, primary & secondary sturcture. 8) Examination of a wide range of flowers available in the locality and methods of their pallination. 9) Structure of anther, microsporogenesis (using slides) and pollen viability using in vitro pollen germination. 10) Structure of ovules and embryo sac development (using serial sections) 11) Test of self incompatibility (using petunia axillaries, brassica campestries, B oleracea or suitable available material) using field plollinations. 12) Nuclear and cellular endosperm. Embryo development in monocots and dicots (using slides / dissections) 13) Simple experiments to show vegetative propagation (leat utting in Bryophyllum, san sevieria, Begonia, stem cutting in rose salix, mony plant, sugarcane and Bougain villea.) 14) Germination of non-dormant and dormant seeds. B.SC II YEAR (Theory) PAPER V : DIVERSITY OF SEED PLANTS AND THEIR SYSTEMATICS 1) Characteristics of seed plants, evolution of seed habit, seed plants with (angiosperms) and without (gymnosperms) fruits. 2) General features of gymnosperms and their classification by sporne, evolution and diversity of gymnosperms, geological timescale, fossilization and fossile gymnosperms Lyginopteridaceae. 3) Morphology of vegetative and reproductive parts, anatomy of roots, stem and leaf, reproduction and life cycle of pinus, cycus and Ephedra. 4) Angiosperms, origin and evolution, some examples of primitive angiosperms. 5) Angiorperms taxonomy, brief history, aim and fundamental components taxonomy, holotaxonomy, identification, keys taxonomic literature. 6) Botanical nomenclature, principles and rules, taxonomic ranks, type concept, principle of priority. 7) Classification of angiosperms, salient features of systems proposed by Bentham and Hooker & Engler and prantel. 8) Major contribution of cytology, phytochemistry and taximetrics to taxonomy. 9) Diversity of flowering plants as illustrated by members of the families. Rananclulaceae, Brassicaceae, malvaceae, Rutaceae, Leguminales, Apiaceae, Acanthaceae, Apocynaceae, Asclepidaceae, Solanaceae, Lamiaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Liliaceae & poaceae. NOTE TO TEACHERS : The students should be made familiar with the families listed at serial no 9 only in the practical classes with representative species or any other that may be available locally, see the list for practical classes, However, questions pertaining to these may be asked in the theory Examination. The teacher should prevent students from collecting plant from the wild and submitting them for the practical Examination. Instead, the students should be asked to prepare field reports. PAPER VI – CELL, BIOLOGY AND GENETICS 1) Structure and function of nucleus Ultra structure, Nuclear memberance, nucleolus, chromosome organization, morphology, centromere and telomere chromosome alterational, deletions, duplication translocutions, inversions, variations in chromosome number, aneuploidy, Sex chromosemes. 2) DNA the Genetic material DNA structure, replication DNA protein interaction, the nucleosame model, genetic code, satellite and repetitive DNA. 3) Cell Division cell cyele mitosis, meiosis 4) Genetic inheritance, mendelism, law of segregation & independent assortment Linkage analysis, allelic and non-allelic interactions. 5) Gene expression, structure of gene transfer of genetic information, transcription, translation, protein synthesis, t-RNA, m-RNA, r-RNA, ribosomes regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. 6) Genetics variations, mutations, spontaneous and induced; transposable genetic elements DNA damage and repair, Extranuclear genosome, presence and function of mitochondrial and plastid DNA, plasmids. 7) Structure and function of other organelles, Golgi, ER, peroxisomes, vaculoes, The cell envelopes, plasma mombrance, bilaver lipid structure, functions & cell wall. Teachers should covers historical aspects & the basic experiments that led to major discoveries. B.SC II YEAR (Practicals) PAPER VII : DIVERSITY OF SEED PLANT AND THEIR SYSTEMATIC. GYMNOSPERMS a) Cycus 1) Habit armour of leafbases on the stem (if specimen is not available show photograph), very young leaf (circinate venation) and old foliage leaves, scale leaf, bulbils, made cone (specimen) microsporophyll, magasprophyll, mature seed. 2) Study through permanent slides normal root (T.S.) stem (T.S.) (If sections are not available show photographs) ovule (L.S.) 3) Study through hand sections or desetions coraloid root (T.S.) rachis (T.S.) leaflet (V.S. Microposrophyll (V.S.) pollen grains (W.M.) b) Pinus 1) Habit, long and dwarf shoot showing cataphylls and scale leaves, T.S. wood showing growth rings, male cone 1st year 2nd year 3rd year female cone, winged seeds. 2) Study through permanent slides root (T.S.) female cone (L.S.) embryo (w.m.) showing polycotyledonous condition. 3) Study through hand section or dissections young stem (T.S.) old stem (Wood) (T.L.S. and R.L.S.) needle (T.S.) male cone (L.S.) male cone (T.S.) pollon grains (w.m.) c) Ephedra 1) Habit and structure of whole male and female cones. 2) Permanent slides- female cone (L.S.) 3) Hand sections/ dissections node (L.S.) internodes (T.S.) macerated stem to see vessel structure, epidermal peel mount of vegetative parts to study stomata, male cone (T.S. & L.S.) pollen grains. ANGIOSPERMS Morphology of Flowering plants Theachers may select plants available in their locality of following families. (Exomorphic characters of dicot flowers) 1) Rananclaceae 2) Brassicaceae 3) Malvaceae 4) Rutaceae 5) Papilionaceae 6)Caesalpinioideae 7) Mimosoideae 8) Apiaceae 9) Acanthaceae 10) Asclepidaceae 11)Apocynaceae 12)Solanaceae 13) Euphorbiaceae 14) Lamiaceae 15) Chenopodiaceae 16) Liliaceae 17) Poaceae PAPER VIII : CELL BIOLOGY AND GENETICS 1) To study cell structure from onion leaf peels, demonstration of staining and mounting methods. 2) Comparative study of cell structure in onion cells. Hydrilla and spirogyra. Study of cyclosis in Tradescantia staminal cells. 3) Study of plastics to examine pigment – destribution in plants (e.g. cassia, Lycopersicons and capsicum) 4) Examination of electron micrographs of edkaryotic cells with special reference to organelles. 5) Study of electron micrographs of viruses, bacteria cyanobacteria and eukangotic cells for comparative cellular organization. 6) Examination of various stages of mitosis, and meiosis using appropriate plant material (e.g. onion root-tip, onion flower buds ) 7) Preparation of karyotypes from dividing roots tip cells and pollen grains. 8) Cytological examination of special types of chromosomes, Bar body, lampbrush and polytenechromosomes. 9) Working out the laws of inheritance using seed mixtures. 10) Working out the mode of inheritance of linked genes from test cross and / or f2 data. B.SC III YEAR (Theory) PAPER – IX PHYSIOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 1) Basic of enzymology – Discovery and nomenclature characteristics of enzymes, concept of holoenzyme apoenzyme, coenzyme and cofactors, regulation of enzymen acitivity mechanism of action. 2) Plant water relation : Importance of water to plant life, Physical properties of water. Deffuxsion and osmosis, absorption, transport of water and tranpiration, physiology of stomata. 3) Mineral nutrition : Essential macro and microelements and their role mineral uptake deficiency and toxicity symptoms. 4) Transport of organic substances. Mechanism of phloem transport source sink relationship factors affecting translocation. 5) Photosynthesis : Significance, historical aspects, photosynthetic pigments, action spectra and Emerson enhancement effects, concept of two photo systems, Z-scheme, Photophosphorylation, calvin cycle, C4 Pathway, CAM plants photo respiration, ATPthe biological energy currency, aerobic and anaerobic respiration Kerb’s cycle, electron transport mechanism (chemi- Osmotic theory). 6) Redox potential : oxidative photosphorylation, pentose phosphate pathway Nitrogen and Lipid metabolism : biology of nitrogen fixation importance of nitrate reducates and its regulation ammonium assimilation, biosynthesis, B-O-oxidation saturated and unsaturated fatty acids storage and mobilization of fatty acids. 7) Growth and development : Definition, Phase of growth and development kinetics of growth seed dormancy, seed germination and factors of their regulation plant movements the concept of photoperiodism. Physiology of flowering florigen concept, biological clocks, physiology of senescence, fruit- ripening. Plant hormones, a auxine, gibberllins, cytokinins abscisic acid and ethylene, history of their discovery biosynthesis and mechanism of action. Photomorphogensis, phytochromes and cryp to chromes, their discovery, physiological role & mechanism of action. 8) Genetic engineering : Tools and techniques of recombinant – DNA technology cloning vectors genomic and c-DNA library, transposable elements, techniques of gene mapping and chromosome walking. 9) Biotechnology functional definition basic aspects of plant tissue culture, cellular tot potency differentiation and morphogenesis. Biology of Agrobactesium, Vectors for gone delivery and maker genes salient achievements in crop biotechnology. PAPER X : ECOLOGY AND UTILIZATION OF PLANTS. A) ECOLOGY : 1) Plants and environment : Atmosphere (Gaseous composition) Water ( Properties of water cycle) light (global radiation, photo synthetically active radiation) temperature, soil (development, soil profiles, physico-chemical properties) and biota. 2) Morphological Anatomical and physiological responses of plants. Hydrophytes Xerophytes, Temperature, light and salinity. 3) Population Ecology – Growth curve, Ecotypes Ecads. 4) Community Ecology – Community characteristics frequency density, cover, life form, biological spectrum, Ecological succession. 5) Ecosystems structure, abiotic and biotic components, food chain, food web, Ecological pyramids, energy flow, biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. 6) Biogeographical regions of India, vgetation types of India, forests and grasslands. B) UTILIZATION OF PLANTS : 1) Food plants – Rice, Wheat, Jawar, Potato. 2) Fibers : Cotton, & Jute 3) Vegetable Oils – Groundnut, mustard & sunflower 4) General account of sources of firewood, timber and bamboos. 5) Spices general account 6) Medicinal plants general account 7) Beverages tea & coffee 8) coconut PAPER – XI : PHYSIOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 1) To study the permeability of plasma membrane using different concentrations of organic solvents. 2) To study the effect of temperature on permeability of plasma memberance. 3) To prepare the standard curve of protein and determine the protein content in unknown samples. 4) To study the enzyme activity of catalase and peroxidase as influenced by PH temperature. 5) Comparison of the rate of respiration of various plant parts. 6) Separation of chloroplast pigments by solvent method. 7) Determining the osmotic potential of Vacuolar sap by plasmatic method. 8) Determining the water potential of any tuber. 9) Separation of amino acid in a mixture by paper chromatography and their identification by comparison with standards. 10) Bioassy of auxin, cytokinin, GA, ABA, and ethylene using appropriate plant material. 11) Demonstration of the technique of micro propagation by using different explants. E.g. auxiliary buds shoot maristems. 12) Demonstration of the technique of another culture. 13) Isolation of protoplasts from different tissue using commercially available enzymes. 14) Demonstration of root and shoot formation from the apical and based portion of stem segments in liquid medium containg different hormones. PAPER XII : ECOLOGY AND UTILIZATION OF PLANTS A) ECOLOGY : 1) To determine minimum number of quadrates required for reliable estimate of biomass in grasslands. 2) To study the frequency of herbaceous species in grassland and to compare the frequency distribution with Rawnkari’s standard frequency Diagram. 3) To estimate importance value index for grassland species on the basis of relative frequency, relative density and relative biomass in protected and grazed grassland. 4) To measure the above ground plant - biomars in grassland. 5) To measure kemps constant for dicot and monocot leaves and to estimate the leaf area index of a grassland community. 6) To estimate bulk density and porosity of grassland and woodland soils. 7) To Determine moisture content and water holding capacity of grassland and woodland soil. 8) To study the vegetation structure through profile diagram. 9) To estimate transparency. PH and temperature of different water bodies. 10) To measure dissolved exygen content in polluted and unpolluted water samples. 11) To estimate salinity of different water samples. 12) To determine the percent leaf area injury of different leaf samples collected around polluted sites. 13) To estimate dust holding capacity of the leaves of different plant species. B) UTILIZATION OF PLANTS : 1) Food plants : Study of the morphology, structure and simple micro chemical tests of the food storing tissue in rice, wheat, jawar & potato. Microscopic examination of starch in these plants. 2) Fibers : Study of cotton flowers, sectioning of ovules / Developing seed to trace the origin and development of cotton and test cellulose. Sectioning and staining of jute stem to show the location and development of fibers. Microscopic structure test for lignocelluloses. 3) Vegetable oils study of hand section of groundnut, musterd, and coconut and staining of oil droplets by sudan III and sudan black. 4) Field visits : To study sources of firewood (10 plants) timber yielding trees (10 trees) and bamboos a ist ot be prepared mentioning special features. 5) Spices – Examine black pepper, cloves cinnamon (Hand sections) and opened fruits of cardamom and describe them briefly. 6) Preparation of an illustrated inventory of 10 medicinal plants used in indigenous system of medicinde or allopathy. Write their Botanical & common name parts used and diseases / disorders for which they are prescribed. 7) Bevarage section boiled coffee and tea leaves to study the characteristic structural features. 8) Coconut list the many used of coconut Suggested Readings 1) Cryptogamic Botany by Vol.1 - Algae & fungi smith G.M. 1971 Tata mcgraw Hill publishing co.New Delhi. 2) Cryptogamic Boteny Vol.II Bryophstes and pteridophytes by smith G.M. 1971. 3) Text-book of Thallophstes by Sharma o.p. 1992 mcgrow Hill publishing co. 4) Text-Loole of pteridephsta by Sharma o.p. 1990 mcgrow Hill publishing co 5) The fungi by Sharma P.D. 1991 Rastogi co. meerut. 6) An Introduction to fungi by Dube H.C. 1990 vikas publishing house pvt. Ltd. Delhi. 7) Bryophsta by Puri P. 1980 Atmaram & sons Delhi. 8) Introduction to Bacteria by cliften A 1958 mcgraw Hill & co. New york. Suggested Readings 1) Taxonomy of Angiospenum - V. N.Naik 2) Plant Taxonomy - O.P. Sharma 3) Taxonomy of Angiosperms - B. P. Pandey 4) The morphology of Gymnosperms - K.R. Sporne 5) Gymnosperms - O. P. Sharma 6) Plant Anatomy - Esau 7) Plant Anatomy - B.P. Pandy 8) Biodiversity - L. K. Daphich 9) Biodiversiy - L. K. Daphich 10) The embryology of Amgioerms - S.S. Bhojwani & S.P. Bhatnagar. 11) The paleobiology of plant protists by Helon Tappan 12) An Introduction to Taxonomy of Agniosperms by Priti Shukla & Shital P. Misra 13) An Introduction to the embryology of Angiosperms by P. Maheshwari 14) Taxonomy of Vascular plants by George H.M. Lawrence 15) Plant Anatomy & Embyology - S.N. Pandy & A. Chadha 16) An Introduction to Structural Botany - F.T. Brooks & D. H. Scott. 17) College Botany Vol. III Mukerjee 18) Flora of Marathwada - V. N. Naik 19) Gymnosperms by P.C. Vaishta 20) Morphology of Angiosperms by Eames. 21) Plant Classification by Benson. 22) anatomy of Seed Plant by Singh, Pande & Jain. 23) A Text Book of Botany Gymnosperms by B.P. Pandey Suggested & Readings 1) Gymnosperms Bhatnagar S.P. & moitra A 1996 New Age International Limited New Delhi. 2) Principles of Angiosperms Taxonomy Devis P.H. & Heywood V.H. 1963 oliver & Boyd Londen. 3) Morphology of Evolution of vascular plant. G ford E.M. & foster,A.S. 1988 morphology & Evolution of vascular plant W.H. freeman & company, New Delhi. 4) Heywood Y.H. & more D.M. (Eds) 1994 current Academic press Londen 5) An Introduction to plant Taxonomy Jettery C 1982 cambridge Londen. 6) Plant systematics Jones S.B. Jr. and Luchsinger A.E. 1986 (II nd edition) Mcgraw-Hill Book Co. Newyork. 7) Flora of Delhi Maheshwari J.K. 1963 CSIR, new Delhi. 8) Fundamentals of plants systematics Radford A.E. 1986 Harper & Row Newyork. 9) Plant systematics theory and practicals singh a 1999 Axford University and IBH Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 10) The morphology of gymnosperms Hutchinson & Co. Cpullishers) Ltd. Londan. Suggested Readings 1) Molecular Bilolgy of cell Alberts B. Bray D lewis, J. Raff, om Roberts, K and Waston I.D. 1999. Garland publishing Co.Inc., Newyork USA. 2) The science of genetics, Atherihy, A.G. Girton J.R. & me Donald J.F.1999 saynders College publishing fort, worthm USA. 3) Text-book of cell and molecular Biology Gupta P.K. 1999 Rastogi Publication, meerul, India. 4) Drincibles of cell and molecular Biology (II nd Edition) Kleinsmith L.J. & Kish V.M. 1995- Happer collin College publishers, Newyork, USA. 5) Molecular cell Biology – Lodish H. Berk A Zipursky, S.L. matsudaira P. Baltimore D. and Darnell, J 2000 W.H. freeman & Co., Newyorj, USA. 6) Genetics Russel P.J.1998 The Benjamin / Cummigins publishing Co. Inc. USA. 7) Principles of genetics, snustad D.P. & Simmons MJ 2000, John wiley & sons Inc. USA. 8) Molecular aenetics stent G.S. 1986 CBS publications 9) Molecular and cell Biology wolfe S.L. 1993 wadsworth publishing co. california USA. Suggested Readings 1) Gupta P.K. - 1999 A Text Book of Cell & Molecular Biology. Rastogi Publication, Meerut India. 2) Gupta P.K. - 1977 - Genetics-Rastogi Publication, Meerut, India. 3) Gupta P.K. - 1997 - cytology, Genetics & Evolution-Rastogi Publication, Meerut, India. 4) Dalela & Verma-1996-A Text Book of Genetics-Jai-Prakash Nath & Co.Meerut India. 5) Dalela & Verma-1994-A Text Book of Genetics-Jai-Prakash Nath & Co.Meerut India. 6) Pawar C.B.-1994-Cell Biology-Himalaya Publishing House Mumbai. 7) Varma & Agarwal-1995-Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology & Evolution, SChand & Co.New Delhi. 8) S.Sundara Rajan - 1998-Introduction to Cell Biology-Vikas Publishing House,New Delhi. 9) Strick Bargar M.W.-1999-Genetics-Prentice-Hall of Inda, New Delhi. 10) Kumar H.D.-1998-Molecular Biology-Vikas Publishing Course, New Delhi. 11) Sing & Tomar-1996-Cell Biology-Rastogi Publication, Meerut India. B.SC. I YEAR (Practical Pattern) PAPER - III : Diversity of microbes and cryptogams Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Time : 4 Hrs Marks : 100 Note : Draw well labeled diagrams wherever necessary Identify, Classify and Two algae from the given mixture. Identify, Classify any describe the given Specimen ‘A’ (Fungi). Identify and Classify the given specimen ‘B’ (Bryophtya) on the Basis of external and internal characters. Identify and describe the internal structure of specimen ‘C’ (Pteridophyta) with well labeled diagrams. Identify and describe the specimen (Spotting) D,E,F,G, H Submission i) Record Book ii) Collection iii) Field note book 10 10 15 15 25 10 10 05 PAPER IV : Structure, Development and reproduction in flowering plants. Time : 4 Hrs Mark : 100 Note : Draw well labeled diagrams wherever necessary. Identify and describe the structure, modification and pollination of the given specimen ‘A’ (Flower) 15 Q.2 Identify and describe the structure of stomata in the given specimen ‘B’. 10 Q.3 Prepare a double stained permanent preparation of specimen ‘C’ Identify and describe with well labeled diagrams. 20 Q.4 Identify and describe the specimen D,E,F,G,H,I. 30 Q.5 Submission a) Record Book b) Permanent Slide c) Field note Book 10 10 05 Q.1 B.SC. II YEAR (Practical) PAPER - VII : Diversity of sees plants and their systematic Time 4 Hrs Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Mark 100 Describe, Identify and classify up to genus and species giving reasons specimen ‘A’ give formula formula & Draw a floral diagram. Describe, Identify and classify up to family giving reasons specimen ‘B’ give floral formula. Describe anatomical feature of specimen ‘C’ (Gymnosperm) & Make double stained slide. Spotting (5) D,E,F,G,H. (4 mark each) Spot D - Angiopsperm E – Angiopsperm F – Angiopsperm G – Gymnosperm H – Gymnosperm / foosils. (Submission, Field Report, Slide) Record Book Viva voce 20 15 20 20 10 10 5 PAPER VIII : Cell Biology & Genetics Time 4 Hrs Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Mark 100 Prepare temporary squash of the given material and identify any two stages (Mitosis)…. Prepare smear from the given material and identify and one stage (Meiosis) Prepare an idiogram of the given Karyotype and comment. Identify and describe in brief the electron micrographs (Any two) Preparation of temporary slide of the given specimen and describe cyclosis / cell structure. Problem based on laws of inheritance gene interaction Viva voce Record Book Submission 15 10 15 10 10 15 05 10 10 B.SC. III YEAR (Practical) PAPER XI : Physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology Time : 4 hrs. Q.1 Mark : 100 Make a list of materials required for the physiological experiment allotted to your. Show it to the exminer. Write the procedure and record the result. 20 Q.2 Conduct the biochemical experiment ‘A’ 20 Q.3 Describe the procedure of the experiment ‘B’ 20 Q.4 Describe the principle and role of the phytohormonc ‘C’ 15 Q.5 Submission i) Project – work ii) Record Book ii) Viva voce 10 10 05 PAPER XII : Ecology & utilization of plants Time 4 Hrs Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q,5 Mark 100 Conduct the ecological experiment allotted to you. To measure / estimate / determine…. From the given sample. Micro chemical tests (any two) Spotting (5 spots) (Identification, Botanical names, family and economic importance) Submissio 1) Record Book 2) Collection of samples / plant – parts / product with description and use report of hold visit. 3) Viva voca 20 20 10 25 10 10 05 PAPER – XII KEY OF EXAMINORS : Not to be included in syllabus only for communication to examiners. Use of experiments for Q.1 1 To determine minimum size of quandrls required for reliable estimation of Biomass in grassland. 2 To study the frequency of herbaceous species in grassland to compare the frequency distribution with remarks frequency diagrams. 3 To estimate importance value index for grainzed grassland, 4 To estimate importance value index for protected grassland. 5 To measure the vegetation cover of grassland through stem cover by verneaalyper method. 6 To above ground biomass in grassland 7 To estimate the leaf area index of a species in grassland community. 8 To diversity index by simpson method in protected grassland. 9 To determine diversity index by simpsion method in grassed grassland. 10 To determine diversity index by Shannon weaver method in protected and grassed grassland. Q.2 1) To estimate bulk density of grassland soil. 2) To estimate bulk density of woodland soil 3) To estimate prosity of grass and woodland 4) To determine maisture cut out of grassland soil. 5) To determine moisture context of woodland soil. 6) To determine water holding capacity of grassland soil. 7) To determine water holding capacity of woodland soil. 8) Vegetation structure through profile dilutor. 9) To estimate transparency of dift. Waterbodies. 10) To estimate PH of dift. Water bodies. 11) To estimate temp. of diff. Water bodies. 12) To measure DOC in polluted water sauples. 13) To measure DOC in unpolluted water samples. 14) To estimate saliently of dift. Water samples. 15) To determine percent (%) leaf are injury of dift. Lead samples collected around polluted sites. 16) To estimate durk holding capacity of the leaf of dift. Plant species. B.Sc. III (Theory) PAPER – IX : Physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology Time : 3 Hours Q.1 Marks : 3 Long answer question ……….. 20 OR Describe in brief a) b) (Based on chapeter ……. 2,3,4) Q.2 Long answer question 20 OR Explain in brief a) b) (Based on chapters ……..5, 6) Q.3 Long answer question 20 OR Write in brief a) b) (Based on chapters …….. 7,8) Q.4 Long answer question 20 OR Describe in brief a) b) (Based on chapters 01, 09, 10) Q.5 Write short notes on (any four) a) b) c) d) All topics e) f) PAPER – X : Ecology and Utilization of Plants Time : 3 Hour Q.1 Marks : 100 Long answer question ……… 20 OR Describe in brief a) b) (Based on chapters ……… 1,2.3 Ecology) Q.2 Long answer question ……… 20 OR Explain in brief a) b) (Based on chapters ………4,5,6,7 Ecology) Q.3 Longer answer question ………….. 20 OR Write in brief a) b) Q.4 Long answer question ……….. 20 OR Describe in brief a) b) Q.5 Write short notes on (any four) a) b) Ecology c) d) e) f) All topics. Utilizations & Plants Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. Faculty of Science Pattern of Teeory Question Paper, V (B.Sc.II Year Botany) Diversity Of Seed Plants and their Systematics Time : 3 Hour Marks : 100 Q.1 Long answer question (Gymnosperms) ……… OR Describe in brief (Gymmosperms) a) b) 20 Q.2 Long answer question (Gymnosperms) ……… OR Explain in brief (Gymnosperms) a) b) 20 Q.3 Longer answer question (Familiy(s) of Angiosperms) ………….. OR Write in brief (Based on Chapter 4 & 5) a) b) 20 Q.4 Long answer question (Familiy(s) of Angiosperms) ……….. OR Describe in brief (Based on Chapter 6 & 7) a) b) 20 Q.5 Write short notes on (any four) .......................... a) Gymnosperms b) Gymnosperms c) Gymnosperms d) Angiosperms e) Angiosperms f) Angiosperms Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. Faculty of Science Pattern of Teeory Question Paper VII (B.Sc.II Year Botany) Diversity Of Seed Plants and their Systematics Time : 4 Hour Marks : 100 (Note : Draw well labelled diagrams wherever necessary) Q.1 Describe morphological and anatomical featuresof the specimen ‘A’ Gymnosperms) Q.2 Explain in brief Slide / Specimen ‘B’ ……… 10 Q.3 Describe, Classify and Identify with giving reasons the specimen ‘C’ and specimen diagram ………….. 30 Sportting (Five marks & Five minutes each) ……….. 20 Q.4 ‘D’ (Fam Spot - E (Gymnosperms) Spot - F (Gymnosperms) Spot - G (Angiosperms) Spot - H (Angioosperms) Q.5 Submission Record book .............................. Field report & Viva voce ....................... 10 10 Faculty of Science B.Sc. II (Second Year) Examination Subject : Botany Paper VI - Cell Biology & Genetics (Pattern Question Paper) Q.1 Long answer (based on Nucleus & other cell organelles). ……….. OR Describe in brief a) b) 20 Q.2 Long question (based on Chromosomes & Cell division) OR Describe in brief a) b) 20 Q.3 Long question (based on DNA:genetic material & Gene expression) OR Describe in brief a) b) 20 Q.4 Long question (based on Genetic inheritance, Genetic variations & Extra nuclear OR Describe in brief a) b) Q.5 Write short notes on any four. (based on all chapters) a) b) c) d) e) f) g Faculty of Science B.Sc. II (Second Year) Examination Subject : Botany Practical Paper VIII - Cell Biology & Genetics (Pattern Question Paper) Q.1 Prepare temporary squash of the given matrial and identify any two stages. (Mitosis) ....................... 20 Prepare smear from the given material and identify any one stage. (Meiosis) ....................... 10 Q.3 Prepare an idiogram of the given karyotype and comment ....................... 15 Q.4 Identify and describe in brief the karyotype and comment ....................... 10 Q.2 Q.5 Carry out the given experiment. (Pigment distribution / cell structure study). .... 10 Q.6 Problems based on law of inheritance / linked genes. ....................... 20 Q.7 Viva ....................... 10 Record book ....................... 10