Centre for Business Law WIPO Worldwide Academy World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO-UNISA Intellectual Property Specialization Programme Objectives and Targets The Specialization Programme in Intellectual Property is a Certificate Programme, designed for academics and professionals who already have some knowledge of IP or possess practical experience in IP and wish to strengthen and expand their future role in this field. The focus of the curriculum is on the special circumstances prevailing in developing countries. The modules approach the subjectmatter against the background of international conventions and the obligations they impose on developing countries. It is the n demonstrated, using South African law as an example, how these obligations can be discharged. Students will be expected to examine the law of their own countries to determine how these obligations have been discharged, or how they should be discharged. Although the Programme is not a formal qualification, it is subject to the quality assurance requirements of Unisa. All the modules are offered on NQF level 5 with 12 credits per module, (completed 8 modules will have 96 credits). Although it is possible to complete the Programme in one year, most students register for two modules per semester and complete the Programme in two years. On the successful completion of the Programme, the student will receive a certificate issued jointly by the University of South Africa and the World Intellectual Property Organization. Each academic year the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), through its Worldwide Academy, offers a limited number of scholarships for students who otherwise would not be able to afford the fees. About the Institutions The University of South Africa, also known as Unisa, is one of 11 mega universities in the world. Over fifty years ago, in 1946, Unisa pioneered tertiary distance education in the western world. Currently, Unisa has about 250 000 students from all over the world. The Centre for Business Law is housed in Unisa’s Department of Mercantile Law. With over 50 academic members of staff, the Department is the largest in South Africa specializing in all aspects of commercial law. Six members of staff specialize in Intellectual Property Law. The WIPO Worldwide Academy is a division of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It is entirely devoted to providing teaching, training, and research services in intellectual property. Its services, designed to meet the individual needs of diverse groups of users, are organized under three main programs: Distance Learning, Professional Training, and Policy Development. The Academy was founded in March 1998 to help Member States of WIPO attain specialized knowledge and skills that will enable them to derive benefits from the intellectual property system. Through its various programs, the Academy constantly strives t o expand its tailor-made teaching and training services to an ever-growing audience of users and beneficiaries, including those at grass-roots level. Admission Requirements Admission to the programme is subject to Unisa’s requirements for admission to degree studies. Applicants should qualify for admission to a university or a degree programme in the country of which they are a citizen, or where they reside permanently. These qualifications include, for example, full matriculation exemption, high school diploma, A-levels, HIGCSE or IGCSE plus a minimum age requirement. The Curriculum The modules of the programme are taught using distance teaching methods. To qualify for the Certificate, students must take 8 modules out of the 9 that are listed below: IPSP01X - Essential Copyright Law The topics covered in this module include the nature of copyright, the works protected by copyright, the requirements for the subsistence of copyright and copyright infringement. IPSP02Y - Essential Competition Law This module deals with aspects of private law relating to unfair competition. Topics include the liability for unfair competition as well as specific forms of unfair competition such as passing off, damaging another’s goodwill, misleading the public, discrediting another’s enterprise and misappropriation of confidential information. IPSP033 - Essential Patent Law In this module the following topics are covered: the nature of patentable inventions, the requirements for patent protection, the exploitation of patented inventions and patent infringement. IPSP044 - Essential Trademark Law The topics dealt with in this module include the nature of a trade mark, the registration of trade marks, the assignment and licensing of trade marks and trademark infringement. IPSP055 - Essential Industrial Design Law 1|P a g e This module deals with the nature of and requirements for design protection, the infringement of design rights and the protection of layout designs of integrated circuits. IPSP066 - Internet Aspects of Copyright and Trademarks The topics discussed in this module include copyright and related rights in the digital environment, copyright infringement on the Internet, the protection of electronic databases, digital licensing of intellectual property, domain names, conflict of laws and jurisdiction. IPSP078 - Legal Aspects of Electronic Commerce This module provides an overview of the Internet and major role players. The following topics are also dealt with: contracting through the Internet, copyright implications of the Internet, electronic databases, domain names, trademarks and dispute resolution. IPSP089 - Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity The topics dealt with in this module include the protection of folklore including traditional crafts, ethnobotanical knowledge, biodiversity and genetic resources. IPSP09A - Collective Rights Management: Performers’ Rights This module deals with the evolution of performer’s rights, the exploitation of intellectual property, and the collective management of copyright and related rights. Examination Procedures For each module, students have to submit two midterm written assignments for evaluation. Final Examination papers will be posted on MYUNISA for students to download. Students must then answer in writing and submit their paper within 24 hours. The duration of each module is 14 weeks. We recommend that students register for no more than two modules per semester. Registration dates: Deadline for submission of applications and payment of fees First semester: Registration date from January until February (last day for registration) for the first semester Second semester: Registration date from 3 June until 26 July (last day for registration) for the second semester Tuition fees: ZAR1200.00 per module Fees are payable in full on registration, unless an application for WIPO financial assistance has been submitted. FOR REGISTRATION FORMS AND MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT — Mrs MA Roux / Mrs Puseletso Mofokeng / Mr Jerry Skhosana e-mail: cbuslaw@unisa.ac.za Centre for Business Law, University of South Africa, PO Box 392, UNISA 0003, South Africa tel: (+27 12) 429-8348 / 8774 / 8432 Docex: DX 163, Pretoria FOR INFORMATION ABOUT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, PLEASE CONTACT — Ms Altaye Tedla WIPO Worldwide Academy 34, chemin des Colombettes 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland e-mail: dlunisa@wipo.int tel: (+41 22) 338-9395 fax: (+41 22) 740-1417 Deadline for submission of applications for FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Applications for financial assistance must be received by November 31, for enrollment in the following academic year. WIPO Financial Assistance In addition to satisfying the requirements listed above by UNISA, applicants for WIPO financial assistance must complete the Registration and Financial Assistance Form and submit it to the WIPO Worldwide Academy with the following documentation: Required Attachments for Financial Assistance 1. Copies of diplomas or degrees and additional academic qualifications; 2. Curriculum vitae; 3. An essay stating the applicant’s motivation and reasons for wanting to enroll in this Programme as well as the need for financial assistance; 4. A letter of recommendation from someone fully acquainted with the applicant’s academic and professional career (please note that in special circumstances, a letter endorsing the applicant’s request for enrollment in the Programme may be requested from the applicant’s employer.) N.B: The information provided in this form is requested by WIPO only for the purpose of considering the grant of your scholarship. It will be treated as strictly confidential and will not be communicated outside WIPO. 2|P a g e READ CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU REGISTER: REGISTRATION PROCEDURE AND HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR STUDY MATERIAL AFTER YOU HAVE BEEN REGISTERED The registration procedure is as follows in short: APPLY, PAYMENT AND REGISTER, ACTIVATE Complete the registration form and email it together with a clear copy of your IDENTITY DOCUMENT and MATRICULATION EXEMPTION or SENIOR CERTIFICATE or ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS to the Centre for Business Law. Once a student number has been allocated to you, proof of payment and registration form must be e-mailed to the Centre of Business Law, indicating very clearly which course you are registered for. The reference on the bottom right of the deposit slip must be the following: Your student number, followed by a space and 3102X74764, eg: XXXXXXXX 3102X74764. Immediately activate and claim mylife email account and myunisa for your studies when receiving the notification on your private email address or sms. STEP 1: APPLY Only if you do not have a student number starting with the number 7………..). If you have studied any short course or short learning programmes at Unisa and have received a student number with 8 digits, starting with a 7, you can use that number. PLEASE: DO NOT PAY ANY STUDY FEES BEFORE YOU HAVE RECEIVED YOUR STUDENT NUMBER! 1. Complete your registration form and attach the following: a. Matriculation exemption OR senior certificate OR highest qualification. b. Non South African students – Attach a copy of your passport document. c. South African students - Attach your copy of your Identity document 2. Submit your registration form with your id and qualifications to cbuslaw@unisa.ac.za. PLEASE NOTE ALL THE STUDENTS MUST HAVE ACCESS TO INTERNET FOR STUDY MATERIAL, ASSIGNMENTS, EXAMINATION PURPOSES and communication with the Lecturers and Administrators) 3. On receiving your registration form, you will be issued with a student number by email from the Centre. You will need your student number as a reference on your payment. PLEASE COMPLETE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS AND CELL/MOBILE NUMBER ON THE APPLICATION FORM! 4. NO STUDENT NUMBERS WILL BE ALLOCATED TO STUDENTS REGISTERING FOR CONFERENCES, IN HOUSE TRAINING AND WORKSHOPS for Labour Arbitration Workshop, Cross Examination Workshop, Workshop in Practical Discipline, In-House Training for Line Managers and different Conferences offered through the Centre for Business Law from time to time. PLEASE NOTE THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS. THE SEMINARS are OFFERED IN CONJUCTION WITH A PROGRAMME WITHOUT ANY EXTRA COSTS WHICH HAS A COURSE CODE AND A QUALIFICATION CODE for CALL01R, CPLL01D, CPFL01J, ACSL01N, Short Learning Programmes offered at the Centre for Business Law: Course Codes and Qualification CodesCALL01R - 72737 CPLL01D - 72710 CPFL01J - 72729 CICG01E - 71978 ACSL01N - 76228 IPSP01X - 7621X IPSP044 - 7621X IPSP033 - 7621X IPSP02Y - 7621X IPSP078 - 7621X IPSP066 - 7621X IPSP055 - 7621X IPSP089 - 7621X IPSP09A - 7621X ADIPMNF - 76818 ASCB018 - 76790 5. As soon as we receive your registration form AND proof of payment, we will process your registration on the UNISA STUDENT SYSTEM. Once your registration is completed, you will be notified on your mobile via sms or via email that you have been registered. 6. The reference on your payment MUST be in the following format: student number AND allocation number, eg, 70701954 3102X/74764. Please note that there must be a space between your student number and the allocation. As soon as we receive your proof of payment and the registration form you will be registered and you will receive your textbooks for CALL01R and CPLL01D by INSURED MAIL and the tutorial letters on MYUNISA which must be activated. 7. The CPFL01J, ACSL01N, IPSP’s ADIPMNF, CICG01E Short Learning programmes are ONLY online on MYUNISA which must be activated. STEP 2: PAYMENT AND PROCESSING OF REGISTRATION: A. PAYMENT DETAILS FOR PROGRAMME COURSES (Take note that the beneficiary on different payments are not always the same.) 1. INDIVIDUAL STUDENTS ONLY (UNISA student deposits) CASH/CHEQUE DEPOSITS – (No cash or cheques will be accepted at the UNISA offices. Cash or cheques can, however, still be paid into the bank account of the University at any Standard bank branch in South Africa.) BENEFICIARY UNISA STUDENT DEPOSITS BANK STANDARD BANK ACCOUNT NR 096R BRANCH CODE 010645 REFERENCE STUDENT nr(leave 1 space) 3102X74764 (for example 71001117 3102X74764) NB: Leave one space open between student number and allocation ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFERS 3|P a g e UNISA is a prepaid beneficiary (select from your bank’s list of preapproved beneficiaries) BENEFICIARY UNISA STUDENT DEPOSITS BANK STANDARD BANK REFERENCE STUDENT nr(leave 1 space)3102X74764 (for example 71001117 3102X74764) IT WILL GO AUTOMATICALLY TO THE ACCOUNT – NO NEED TO ENTER 096R AND THEN YOU MUST USE THE STUDENT NUMBER AS REFERENCE FOR EXAMPLE STUDENTNR 3102X74764 2. 3. CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS – (Credit cards are restricted to Visa and MasterCard) The preferred method of payment for national or international students is via the UNISA website. The web payment link is as follows: https://registration.unisa.ac.za/info/payment/index.html REFERENCE STUDENT nr(leave 1 space)3102X74764 (for example 71001117 3102X74764) Student must process the payment on internet. We do not offer this serves from our Centre. However, we need this proof of payment before student can be registered. CORPORATE CLIENTS/BULK PAYMENTS BENEFICIARY UNISA BANK STANDARD BANK ACCOUNT NR 011554622 BRANCH CODE 010645 REFERENCE 3102X74764 COMPANY NAME NB: A list of students with student numbers and amounts should be e-mailed to sambota@unisa.ac.za or faxed to 0866 24 21 72 AND cbuslaw@unisa.ac.za. No students will be registered without receiving this list with each students registration form. FOREIGN STUDENTS BENEFICIARY UNISA BANK STANDARD BANK ACCOUNT NR 011554622 BRANCH CODE 010645 SWIFT CODE SBZAZAJJ REFERENCE STUDENT nr(leave 1 space) 3102X74764 (for example 71001117 3102X74764) B. PAYMENT DETAILS ONLY FOR CONFERENCES, IN-HOUSE TRAINING AND WORKSHOPS Students will not be issued with student numbers for Conferences, In-House Training and Workshops!! BENEFICIARY UNISA BANK STANDARD BANK ACCOUNT NR 011554622 BRANCH CODE 010645 REFERENCE 3102X1155X INITIALS AND SURNAME OF STUDENT 1. 2. 3. 4. Student numbers can only be allocated by Centre for Business Law. Your study material will be issued to you by Insured post for some of the courses for example Advanced Labour Law, Practical Labour Law, Corporate Governance, and Advanced Short Course in Tax Law. Please note that notices, feedback on assignments and examination information etc will also be made available on the internet on MYUNISA for these courses/programmes. Intellectual Property Law, Pension Funds Law and Advanced Corporate Law & Securities Law are offered online ONLY and no study material will be posted for these courses. All study material will be made available on MyUNISA. Student numbers can only be allocated by Centre for Business Law. Your study material will be issued to you by Insured post for some of the courses for example Advanced Labour Law, Practical Labour Law, Corporate Governance, and Advanced Short Course in Tax Law. Please note that notices, feedback on assignments and examination information etc will also be made available on the internet on MYUNISA for these courses/programmes. Intellectual Property Law, Pension Funds Law and Advanced Corporate Law & Securities Law are offered online ONLY and no study material will be posted for these courses. All study material will be made available on MyUNISA. STEP 3: ACTIVATE MYUNISA AND MYLIFE EMAIL ACCOUNT: 5. 6. 7. 8. After registration has been processed by UNISA you will need to activate and claim your MYLIFE email account and join MYUNISA accessing the following URL link at http://my.unisa.ac.za This will enable you to download your assignments which you must submit on MYUNISA. Assignment feedback from lecturers on assignments, tutorial letters, announcements placed by lecturers or administrators, assignment and examination marks, the EXAMINATION paper and due dates of examinations for some of the courses/programmes will ONLY be made available on MyUNISA. The textbook(s), where applicable, will be posted to you by Insured Mail by the Centre for Business Law for March for Practical Labour Law March for Advanced Labour Law The study material and tutorial letters will be available on MYUNISA for – February 1st semester and July for 2nd semester for Intellectual Property Law modules April for Pension Funds Law April for Advanced Corporate Law and Securities Law February 1st semester and July for 2nd semester for Introduction to Corporate Governance February 1st semester and July for 2nd semester for Advanced Short Course in Intellectual Property Management and Innovation Instructions on how to Activate MYUNISA and MYLIFE email account – As soon as you receive a notice of your registration by email, you must activate your MYUNISA and MYLIFE email account. You will receive notices, announcements, assignment feedback and examination et cetera during this year on MYUNISA. The study material will be posted on MYUNISA. Students need to download their study material from MYUNISA by 4|P a g e registering MYUNISA and MYLIFE email account. NB: TAKE NOTE OF OUR ONLY OFFICIAL EMAIL ADDRESS AT – cbuslaw@unisa.ac.za If you do have a problem to activate the MYLIFE EMAIL ACCOUNT and MYUNISA you must contact via email myunisahelp@unisa.ac.za.OR Bugmaster@unisa.ac.za Give them your STUDENT NUMBER, COURSE CODE, ID, FULL NAMES, CELL/mobile NR, EMAIL ADDRESS AND STATE VERY CLEARLY THE PROBLEM WHICH YOU ENCOUNTER. LETTER FROM MYUNISA SUPPORT TEAM Dear Student This year, we're all about making things easier for you. What with family and friends, full-time jobs and a never ending to-do list, we know your time is precious. So, to free up some of your hard-earned minutes, we've made it easier for you to activate both your myLife e-mail account and login for myUnisa. Now, you can use one set of login details for both. Setting up your account and getting your details is just as simple. Here's how: Step 1: Visit the myUnisa website at my.unisa.ac.za. Step 2: Click on the “Claim Unisa login” link on the top left menu. Step 3: A new page will load, prompting you to enter your student number. Add your student number and click “Continue”. Step 4: Enter your surname, your full name, your date of birth and, finally, your South African ID number for South African citizens, or your passport number for foreign students, on the page that loads and then click“Continue”. Remember to enter either an ID number or a passport number, not both. Step 5: Read through the page that loads and check all the boxes to acknowledge that you've read all of the information provided. Then click the “Acknowledge” button to redirect to the final page in the process. Step 6: The final page will display your myLife e-mail address and your initial Unisa password which is for both the myLife and myUnisa systems. Your initial Unisa password will also be sent to the cellphone number displayed on the page for safekeeping. Remember, the password provided is your initial myUnisa and myLife Password password. You can change it at any time on myUnisa. Submitting assignments There are two methods to find and submit your assignments. Firstly, you can select the “Assignments” link under “My Admin” and this will display a list of all your subjects and their assignments which you can submit or cancel. Secondly, you can select the relevant subject code and on the left hand side of the screen you will see various links. One of the links is called “Assignments”. When you click this you will see a table of assignments available for that particular subject only whereby you can submit or cancel your assignments. Resubmit assignment The resubmit button automatically appears once you have submitted your assignment. The resubmission process is available to replace the assignment if you think you may have submitted the wrong assignment or answers. The resubmit button will cancel the previous request. You will only be allowed to resubmit an online assignment if that assignment has not been processed for marking. Also, be aware of the due date for each assignment. Resubmission of an assignment replaces your previous file and you cannot revert back to a previous assignment submission. Please also note that there is a limit on the number of times you will be able to resubmit the same assignment. Delivery of assignments To see whether your assignments have been submitted, you can select the “Assignments” link under “My Admin” and this will display a list of all your subjects and their assignments as well as show you the closing dates, received dates and marks if the assignment has been processed. Also, whilst submitting your assignment you are prompted to print/save the screen as proof of your assignment having been submitted. You will also see that there is a reference number which must be kept and referred to should you have any enquiries regarding that particular assignment. Please note that this is very important and can only be to your benefit. Please note that you can only submit ONE file as a written assignment, so if there are 3 different sections to a written assignment they must all be included in the same file. To submit a written assignment please follows the instructions below. Find the course code Find the course code of the assignment you want to submit in the Course column Find the corresponding number of the assignment, e.g. 2 in the Ass. No. column Click on the Submit link in the Action column next to the assignment number Step 1: Load assignment file from your PC to myUnisa Click on the Browse button next to File Name In the Choose File dialog box, select the file you want to upload, and then click OK Select the correct programme format from the File Format drop-down list (i.e. MS Word, Excel, WordPerfect, PDF etc.) Click on the Continue button. Step 2: Verify the file details for final submission of your written assignment Use this step to verify that you are uploading the correct file to the correct course and assignment number. Click on the Continue button to submit your assignment file. If you do not click Continue, no submission action will take place. Large files will take longer to upload than small files. Please be patient after you've clicked Continue. If the wrong details, e.g. file name, appear on the screen, click Back to restart the file upload process. Step 3: Assignment submission report This is your proof that your assignment was submitted. It is advisable to print this page for your record purposes. Click on the Return to Assignment List button to go back to the Assignment overview screen 5|P a g e IMPORTANT 13. This registration form will be used as PRIMARY SOURCE for all future communication with students. If the details are incorrect you will not be registered / notified of important details (via sms or email). 14. If your details should change – it is your responsibility to inform the Administrator by email (only email notifications will be accepted). 15. Your application can only be processed when we receive your registration form TOGETHER WITH proof of payment which indicates that you register and paid for a particular course/programme!!!! (No need to attach your id and qualifications if we already received them when have you applied for student number on the first round) 6|P a g e Application/Registration Form & WIPO Bursary Application Form Please complete in typed block letters CENTRE FOR BUSINESS LAW WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION WORLDWIDE ACADEMY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIZATION PROGRAMME REGISTRATION FORM Surname Mr / Last Family Name / Nom 1. NAME First Name / First Given Name / Prénom 2. DATE OF BIRTH: (DD-MM-YY) 3. GENDER: M F 4. STUDENT NUMBER (ONLY APPLICABLE FOR 5. ID NUMBER (ONLY SOUTH AFRICAN CITIZENS): PASSPORT NUMBER ONLY FOR NON-SOUTH AFRICAN CITIZENS): 6. NATIONALITY: 7. OCCUPATION: Mrs Ms EXISTING STUDENTS): 8. ETHNIC GROUP ONLY FOR SOUTH AFRICAN CITIZENS: 9. Postal address: Postal code: 10. E-mail address: 11. Mobile / Cell number: 12. Telephone number: 13. THIS APPLICATION Year Semester 14. FIRST REGISTRATION Year Semester 15. ARE YOU APPLYING FOR A WIPO SCHOLARSHIP? YES NO 16. IMPORTANT: MARK PREFERRED MODULES IN APPROPRIATE BOX FOR NEW MODULES AND COMPLETED MODULES. PLEASE NOTE THE Modules have been divided into Group A and Group B for the purposes of WIPO scholarship applicants only. Only WIPO scholarship applicants must complete modules in Group A before enrolling for modules in Group B. However, all applicants are advised to complete Group A before enrolling for Group B. GROUP A Completed Year New Fee MODULE CODE - NAME OF THE MODULE IPSP01X - Essential Copyright Law - (ZAR1200) IPSP044 - Essential Trademark Law - (ZAR1200) IPSP033 - Essential Patent Law - (ZAR1200) IPSP02Y - Essential Competition Law - (ZAR1200) GROUP B IPSP078 - Legal Aspects of Electronic Commerce - (ZAR1200) IPSP066 - Internet Aspects of Copyright and Trademarks - ZAR1200) IPSP055 - Essential Industrial Design Law - (ZAR1200) IPSP089 - Legal Aspects of Traditional Knowledge & Biodiversity - (ZAR1200) IPSP09A - Collective Rights Management; Performers’ Rights - (ZAR1200) TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED 17. DECLARATION BY STUDENT 1 2 3 4 5 R I declare that all the particulars furnished by me on this form are true and correct. I undertake to comply with the rules, regulations and decisions of Unisa and Center for Business Law, including any amendments to these rules, which may apply to students generally and to the field of study for which I am registered. I agree that my registration as a student will not be finalized until the tuition fees have been paid in full, or until my application for a WIPO scholarship has been accepted. I am aware that no fees will be refunded to me once I have been registered as a student, even if I subsequently withdraw from the programme. I undertake to respect and protect Unisa’s copyright and not to make unauthorized copies of any programme tutorial matter, or to allow such copies to be made. SIGNATURE : DATE : 7|P a g e WIPO Bursary Application Form Application No. ______________/201… (for official use only) Date Received ______/______/_____ 18. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE APPLICATION SECTION FOR WIPO-UNISA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SPECIALIZATION PROGRAMME All applicants must satisfy the criteria required for entering a university in their respective countries 18 (a) EDUCATION (list all degrees, completed or in process, starting with the most recent) Institution (Full Name) Degree/Diploma Obtained Date Completed 1. 2. 3. 18 (b) EMPLOYMENT (list the last two, starting with the most recent or current employer) Name and Address of Employer Duration of Employment (start-end) Position Held Salary (USD)/Month 1. 2. 18. (c) SOURCE OF REVENUE Amount: Employer USD Other Employer Please specify Total Annual Income USD USD In case you need to add more information for any of the above please use additional paper. 19. DECLARATION I, ____________________________________________________(your name), hereby declare that: 1. I intend to undertake my studies for the joint WIPO – UNISA specialization programme in good faith. 2. Within two weeks of completion of each module, I will submit the prescribed evaluation form for that module to the WIPO Worldwide Academy in Geneva. 3. I accept that further financial assistance from WIPO will be dependent upon successful completion of preceding modules. 4. Should I fail to obtain a pass grade for any of the modules for which WIPO has sponsored me, I accept that WIPO will no longer provide me with financial assistance and any further participation in the Programme will be at my own cost. Date: Signature: 8|P a g e PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS Only pay fees for the module that you wish to take. PLEASE NOTE WE HAVE NEW BANKING DETAILS. PLEASE FOLLOW PROCEDURES CAREFULLY WHEN APPLYING, PAYMENT, PROCESS OF REGISTERING AND ACTIVATING MYUNISA AND MYLIFE EMAIL ACCOUNT. FOR ATTENTION STUDENTS ONLY: Prospective students: Please note the following information: Students must have online access to enroll for the Intellectual Property Law Specialization Programme. Study material, examinations etc will be available on MYUNISA. Student registration process after the Centre for Business Law has finalised the registration: After the finalization of registration by our office, students must claim their MYLIFE email account and join MYUNISA by accessing the following URL link at – http://my.unisa.ac.za Existing students: Please note the following information: For registration purposes, students MUST complete a NEW registration form every NEW semester. We do not register students using data from previous registration forms. Existing students of this course will retain their existing student number starting with 7………… which was issued on first registration this course. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: EXAMINATION CENTRE: 99899 – THE EXAMINATION PAPER WILL BE POSTED ON MYUNISA ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION BL; ACCOUNT TYPE 9555; QUALIFICATION CODE 7621X; DURATION OF ONE MODULE: 6 MONTHS 9|P a g e