ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ Level 2 / 219-223 Castlereagh Street, SYDNEY, NSW 2000 Tel: +61 2 9264 9130 - Fax: +61 2 9264 6135 Email: ecocom-sydney@mfa.gr Βαϊανός Ωραιόπουλος-Κελένης, Προϊστάμενος Γρφ. ΟΕΥ Σύδνεϋ ΜΑΪΟΣ 2015 ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ ΜΕΟΔΟΛΟΓΙΑ ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓIKΩΝ ΔΙΑΔΙΚΑΣΙΩΝ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗ ΑΓΟΡΑ Διαχείριση Επώνυμων Προϊόντων στην Αυστραλιανή Αγορά [τρόπος ανάδειξής των στην Ελλάδα και στρατηγική για την Αυστραλία (πέντε κύριες αστικές περιοχές), συνεχής επικαιροποίηση ιστοσελίδας εξαγωγικής επιχείρησης με επακριβείς αναρτήσεις των ιδιοτήτων των προϊόντων, συμμετοχές σε γεγονότα προβολής των προϊόντων και συνεργασίες με Φορείς και εξειδικευμένες Εκθέσεις] Προϋποθέσεις Εισαγωγής Τροφίμων και Ποτών από το Υπ. Γεωργίας (DAFF) Τελωνειακές Εξαγωγικές/Εισαγωγικές Διαδικασίες προς την Αυστραλία Δασμολογικό Καθεστώς Τροφίμων και Ποτών [στατιστικοί κωδικοί εναρμονισμένου συστήματος] Κόστος Διαμετακομιστικό [κατηγοριοποίηση ανά συσκευασία -ψύξη ή μη-] Συνήθεις Όροι Πληρωμών από τους Αυστραλούς Εισαγωγείς [ανέκκλητη τραπεζική πίστωση, ποσοστιαία προ-πληρωμή] Ανάλυση Πρόσθετου Κόστους Διανομής στην Αυστραλιανή Αγορά [ΦΠΑ, Επιβάρυνση Διανομής Προϊόντος] Ανάλυση Κόστους Εμπορευματοποίησης των Προϊόντων [Διαχείριση του κόστους εισόδου στο σουπερμάρκετ, ανάρτησης στα ράφια, προβολής μέσω προσφορών, ένταξης σε πιθανά προγράμματα ανάδειξης της Μεσογειακής Κουζίνας ή της Κουζίνας της Ελλάδος] Όσον αφορά στις διαδικασίες ανάρτησης προϊόντων στα ράφια των σουπερμάρκετς έχουμε τα επί μέρους κόστη (promotional, advertising, logistics -container/intnl freight-, warehouse/storage, supermarket trading terms). Σε αυτά προστίθενται και τα κόστη απόκτησης των εισαγωγικών αδειών και των συναφών πιστοποιητικών (Import Permit and Certificates). Επιπρόσθετα, αναφέρθηκε στα τέσσερα βήματα της διαπραγματευτικής διαδικασίας με τους ”category buyers” του δυοπώλιου των σουπερμάρκετς (Coles/Woolworths), ώστε τα προϊόντα να μπορούν να μπορούν να γίνουν αποδεκτά (product presentation/pricing/samples in excellent condition/stock requirements). Χωρίς αυτά τα βήματα οιαδήποτε συνάντηση με αυτή την κατηγορία των στελεχών είναι αναποτελεσματική. Στη συνέχεια αναφορά έγινε στις σχετικές γραφειοκρατικές διαδικασίες εισόδου (universal buying form/universal item submission form) και στις απαιτήσεις περί του κύκλου ζωής των προϊόντων (MLOR-SSDC/Minimum Life on Receival of Stock sent to Supermarkets’ Distribution Centres). Ο ψηφιακός έλεγχος των αποθεμάτων/ της ημερομηνίας λήξης / της τοποθέτησης παραγγελιών διενεργείται αυτόματα και σε καθημερινή βάση μέσω των βάσεων δεδομένων ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 1 (Suppliers’Portals) που καταγράφουν τη σχέση πελάτου-σουπερμάρκετ, παρακολουθώντας έτσι επακριβώς όλα τα σημεία εφοδιασμού. Μη εξαιρέσιμος είναι και ο υπερβολικά λεπτομερής διενεργούμενος έλεγχος από εξειδικευμένα στελέχη του λιανεμπορικού οργανισμού στα σημεία αποθήκευσης των προϊόντων (waregouse auditing). Όσοι δεν δύνανται να ανταποκριθούν στις ανωτέρω διαδικασίες καταφεύγουν σε διαπραγματεύσεις είτε με IGAs/Independent Grocery Agencies είτε με μεμονωμένα μινι-μάρκετς και ντελικατέσσεν (αν και τα τελευταία συνασπίζονται ώστε να ελέγχουν αποτελεσματικότερα το δίκτυο προμηθευτών τους). Η θέση του παλαιόθεν επιτυχούς σημείου πώλησης και μικρο-συναντήσεων «μπακάλικου/ παντοπωλείου» (στοιχείο ανάδειξης των καιρών) ολοένα φθίνει. Σημαντικό βήμα και εξαιρετικά σημαντικό αποτελεί η υποβολή ολοκληρωμένου σχεδίου προώθησης των προϊόντων που έχουν γίνει αποδεκτά, διασφαλίζοντας ένα απαραίτητο προϋπολογιστικό κεφάλαιο προβολής (in-store tastings, participation in bulk customers’ catalogues, adverting in the State media) το οποίο δέον αντιστοιχεί σε ποσοστό τουλάχιστον 20% επί του αρχικού εισαγωγικού κόστους. Παραθέτω σημαντικές παραμέτρους που θα πρέπει να λαμβάνονται υπ’ όψη κατά την εισαγωγική και διαπραγματευτική διαδικασία από τον εισαγωγέα για την αποτελεσματική είσοδο των προϊόντων στην Αυστραλιανή αγορά: Κύριες Παράμετροι Εισόδου των Προϊόντων στην Αυστραλιανή Αγορά Κατηγορία Σχέση με Τελωνείο Διαδικασία Εισαγωγικά Έγγραφα Απόκτηση όλων των εισαγωγικών αδειών των προϊόντων Συμπλήρωση όλων των εισαγωγικών εγγράφων Διαπραγμάτευση του κέντρου κόστους των προϊόντων Διαπραγμάτευση των όρων πληρωμής Σχέση με Κεντρικό Στέλεχος Αγορών Σ/Μ Διαδικασίες [Supermarket Category Νέοι Πληρωμής και Manager] Κωδικοί Προϊόντων Προβολής Σχέση με Κατά Τόπον Σ/Μ Διαδικασία Παραγγελιοληψίας Υποστήριξη τοποθέτησης νέων γραμμών προϊόντων στο σουπερμάρκετ συμπληρώνοντας την Ενιαία Φόρμα Αγορών [UBF/Universal Buying Form] Συμπλήρωση πιστοποιητικών για την κιβωτιοποίηση [GS1 Bar-Codes Certificates] Τακτική επικοινωνία (ηλεκτρονική και δια ζώσης) περί της απόδοσης των προϊόντων Διαπράγματευση επί στρατηγικής προώθησης υπαρχουσών κωδικών και γραμμών νέων κωδικών [Arrange Promotions and Discuss Future Products’ Lines] Συναντήσεις με δ/ντή καταστήματος για προβολή προϊόντων εκτός των συνήθων ραφιών ανάρτησης [Off Location Displays] Συζητήσεις παραγγελιοληψίας από το κατάστημα Ορθολογική διαχείριση των αποθεμάτων στην κεντρική αποθήκη Σχέση με Εξαγωγέα Προμηθευτή Πρακτικές Προετοιμασία Κλίματος Παραγγελιοδοσίας Εμπορευματοποίησης Γενική Απαιτούμενη Γνώση Εισαγωγέα Παροχή αναλυτικής διαχείρισης αποθεμάτων με βάση δείκτες απόδοσης [Monthly/Weekly Παροχή [MonthlyScanning Stock on Sales] Hand] Παρακολούθηση πρακτικών εμπορευματοποίησης [Checking Module Layouts, Stock Rotation, Replenishment] Εκτεταμένη γνώση και εμπειρία περί της Αυστραλιανής αγοράς. [Act as Go Between Supplier and S/M Chain] ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 2 ΕΚΚΙΝΗΣΗ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΗΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑ Παράδειγμα: Πολιτεία της Βικτώριας http://www.business.vic.gov.au/#69961 AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE https://www.ato.gov.au ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 3 AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS & LICENCE OFFICE https://ablis.business.gov.au/pages/home.aspx Business Type Requirement: What do you need for your business? Business Type Australian Business Number (ABN) Individual Tax File Number (TFN) Business Tax File Number (TFN) Pay As You Go (PAYG) Withholding Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) Sole Trader Yes Yes No No No Sole Trader with employees Yes Yes No Yes Yes, if providing benefits to staff Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes, if providing benefits to staff Partnership/Trust/Company without employees Partnership/Trust/Company with employees BUSINESS MIGRATION AT THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES http://www.trade.nsw.gov.au/live-and-work-in-nsw/visas-and-immigration/business-migration Business migration to NSW Important Notice: Commonwealth temporary suspension of Significant Investor visa (SIV) nominations Please read Significant Investor visa for more information. Business Migration New South Wales has a dynamic business environment that is truly world class. With our growing economy, the opportunities here are abundant making NSW the top destination in which to launch your future. New South Wales has a diverse economy and a stable and low-risk business environment that is supported by world's bestpractice financial and legal systems. Major investments in infrastructure such as roads and public transport are further boosting growth and improving services that support business in our state. There is no better time to make the move and take advantage of the abundant opportunities available in New South Wales. The New South Wales (NSW) Government welcomes business migrants who plan to set up a business or invest in NSW. Generally, business migrants enter NSW initially on a Provisional (Temporary Residence) visa for two to four years and then apply for a permanent visa. NSW Trade & Investment nominates suitable applicants to apply for a Business visa under the Department of Immigration and Border Protection's (DIBP) Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP). NSW may nominate you for a Business Innovation and Investment (subclass 188/888) visa or Business Talent (subclass 132) visa if you meet the NSW criteria. Once successful in obtaining state nomination, you must then apply to the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) for your visa. All applicants need to meet DIBP criteria for the visa for which they apply. You should be aware that simply being nominated does not guarantee that the Department of Immigration and Border Protection will grant a visa. Business Innovation and Investment Visa The Business Innovation and Investment visa program is generally a two stage process for most applicants. Applicants require nomination from a State/Territory Government agency to apply for a visa. The visa classes are: o Business Innovation & Investment (Provisional) (subclass 188) visa o Business Innovation & Investment (Permanent) (subclass 888) visa The Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) (subclass 188) visa has three streams: o The Business Innovation stream is for people who wish to own and manage a new or existing business in Australia. o The Investor stream is for people who wish to make a designated investment in an Australian state or territory and want to maintain business and investment activity in Australia after the original investment has matured. o The Significant Investor stream is for eligible applicants who are willing to invest at least AUD5 million into complying investments in Australia. The Business Innovation and Investment (subclass 188) provisional visa allows you to travel in and out of Australia for the life of your visa. The Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888) is a permanent visa that you can apply for after you have fulfilled the requirements of your provisional visa. To be eligible for a New South Wales nomination you must meet the Department of Immigration and Border Protection criteria and NSW nomination criteria. ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 4 Significant Investor Visa NSW welcomes applications for NSW nomination for the Significant Investor visa (SIV) from eligible investors who seek the many business and investment opportunities in NSW. As part of the ongoing work to promote NSW as an attractive destination to eligible investors, NSW has further streamlined NSW SIV nomination requirements. Effective 1 September 2014, NSW nominees for a Significant Investor visa are no longer required to invest at least $A1.5 million in NSW Waratah Bonds. Applicants will be eligible for NSW nomination for this visa if they agree to invest at least $A5 million in complying investments in Australia. The new policy offers investment flexibility to NSW nominees and demonstrates the NSW Government's ongoing Open for Business commitment. Whilst no longer a requirement for NSW nomination, applicants may still wish to invest in Waratah Bonds as a safe, fee-free, low risk investment option. Waratah Bonds are Complying Investments for the Significant Investor Visa. For more information and to apply please read the NSW Waratah Bond program: Complying Investments for Visa applicants. Applications for NSW nomination under the Significant Investor visa are prioritised and assessed within 5 working days. The Australian Government is reviewing the requirements for Complying Investments. Details are at http://www.austrade.gov.au/invest/significant-investor-visa-and-premium-investor-visa-programmes. View the NSW Government feedback to the suggested changes (PDF). Business Talent (Permanent) (subclass 132) visa This permanent visa has two streams: The Significant Business History stream is for owners or part owners of a business who want to have a major management role in a new or existing business in Australia. The Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream is for people who have obtained at least AUD1 million in funding from an Australian venture capital firm. To apply for this visa, you must be nominated by a State/Territory Government. NSW nominates eligible applicants who meet both Department of Immigration and Border Protection and NSW nomination criteria for this visa. Download the Business Talent (subclass 132) - Significant Business History Stream - NSW nomination criteria [PDF] Download the Business Talent Visa 132 Venture Capital Entrepreneur Stream - NSW nomination criteria [PDF]. Find out more about the State Nominated Business Innovation & Investment Visa Find out about the State Nominated Business Innovation & Investment Visa streams How to apply for NSW sponsored visas More information For assistance on starting, running and growing your business in NSW visit Small Biz Connect. For a complete and free elearning program for all business operators, visit the Small Business Tool Kit. NSW Trade & Investment does not provide a general migration assistance service however applicants seeking migration advice may wish to engage a Migration Agent. Applicants who engage a migration agent should ensure the agent is registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority. For information on how to apply and application forms see our application and forms page. ΠΙΣΤΟΛΗΠΤΙΚΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΟΣ ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΩΝ ΠΡΟΣ ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗ ΑΓΟΡΑ HOOVERS (affiliate company of Dan & Bradstreet) http://www.hoovers.com/company-information/company-reports-industryreports.html Company Reports o Up-to-the moment intelligence tool to help you prepare for sales calls, close business, and better understand your customers o High-quality and easy-to-digest reports that will save you hours of research View Sample Search for a Company Now Industry Reports from First Research o In-depth background on industries to tailor your marketing and sales strategy o Industry-specific context and relevant questions o Challenges and opportunities facing your next prospect's business View Sample Search for an Industry Now IT Spotlight Reports ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 5 o Reports geared specifically for high-tech companies o Insights on IT strategy, software, and platforms o List of IT leaders View Sample Search for a Company Now Competitive Landscape Reports o The facts you need to best position and sell your company's products and services o Competitive benchmarks, strategies, and company information to best position and sell your company's products and services View Sample Search for a Company Now Business Credit Reports o The facts you need to avoid risky customers and protect your cash flow o Financial snapshot of company’s payment track record Search for a Company Now VEDA Applied Intelligence http://www.businesscreditexpress.com.au Investigative Report For larger investments: a detailed investigation into an organisation including detailed financial information, company structure and operations. Learn more Company & Director Credit Report A Director's credit history can be more important than the company itself: a fast, comprehensive assessment of a company & its Directors including a risk score. Learn more Company Credit Report A quick assessment of a company's credit history including a risk score. Suitable for small to medium businesses. Learn more Company Extract Check ASIC records for legal entity name, structure, address, director/s, shareholder/s and more. Recommended for verifying legitimacy of an organisation. Learn more Bankruptcy Check An online check of bankruptcy details including information such as on administration type and number and grounds of bankruptcy. Learn more International Report Access to a database of international reports totalling more than 65 million companies & a one-stop global network of credit investigators. Learn more ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 6 ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ ΚΑΘΕΣΤΩΣ ΠΡΟΪΟΝΤΩΝ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑ Ι. ΔΙΑΔΙΚΑΣΙΕΣ Όλα τα αγαθά που εισάγονται στην Αυστραλία πρέπει να εκτελωνίζονται από τις αρμόδιες Τελωνειακές Υπηρεσίες της Αυστραλίας. Εισαγωγές μικρής αξίας, συνήθως, αποδεσμεύονται από τις Τελωνειακές αρχές, προκειμένου να αποσταλούν στον αποδέκτη (Consignee). Για εισαγωγές αγαθών αξίας άνω των 250 δολλαρίων Αυστραλίας, όταν αυτές γίνονται από αέρα ή θάλασσα και άνω των 1000 δολ. όταν γίνονται ταχυδρομικώς, υπεύθυνος για τον σωστό εκτελωνισμό των προϊόντων είναι ο εισαγωγέας. Εμπορεύματα, μικρότερης ή ίσης με τα ανωτέρω ποσά αξίας, μπορούν να εκτελωνισθούν με την έγκριση σχετικής φόρμας (Informal Clearance Document) που διατίθεται από τα Τελωνεία. Υπάρχουν τέλη εκτελωνισμού που αφορούν στις διαδικασίες καταχώρησης και εγγραφής των προϊόντων κατά τον εκτελωνισμό τους. Τα τέλη αυτά διαφέρουν ανάλογα με το αν πρόκειται για ηλεκτρονική ή παραδοσιακή (χειρόγραφη) εγγραφή. Στα βασικά έγγραφα εκτελωνισμού περιλαμβάνονται: Customs Entry ή Informal Clearance Document Air Waybill ή Bill of Lading (Φορτωτική) Τιμολόγια και άλλα έγγραφα σχετικά με την εισαγωγή Για ορισμένα αγαθά ανάλογα με τη φύση τους και ανεξάρτητα από την ποσότητα απαιτείται επίσης άδεια εισαγωγής πχ φαρμακευτικά προϊόντα, χημικά, οινοπνευματοειδή, όπλα, κλπ. Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες http://www.customs.gov.au Η Αυστραλία, ως νησιωτική χώρα, δίνει ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στη διατήρηση της ισορροπίας του φυσικού περιβάλλοντος της. Για το λόγο αυτό, όλα τα προϊόντα του φυτικής και ζωικής προέλευσης υπόκεινται στο ιδιαίτερα αυστηρό έλεγχο της Αυστραλιανής Υπηρεσίας Φυτοϋγειονομικών ελέγχων (καραντίνα). Για ορισμένα προϊόντα απαγορεύεται πλήρως η εισαγωγή τους στην Αυστραλία ενώ για άλλα επιτρέπεται υπό αυστηρές προϋποθέσεις προηγούμενης επεξεργασίας μέσω της οποίας εκμηδενίζονται οι όποιες πιθανότητες παρείσφρησης «βλαβερών» οργανισμών στο περιβάλλον της Αυστραλίας. Για το λόγο αυτό, ο εισαγωγέας θα πρέπει πριν εξάγει το προϊόν του στην Αυστραλία να ενημερώνεται είτε επικοινωνώντας άμεσα με την υπηρεσία του Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service AQIS είτε μέσω της ειδικής ενημερωτικής ιστοσελίδας ICON http://www.aqis.gov.au/icon32/asp/ex_querycontent.asp. Σημειωτέο τέλος, ότι κάθε επιμέρους Πολιτεία δύναται να επιβάλλει αυστηρότερες υγειονομικές προϋποθέσεις για την διακίνηση συγκεκριμένων αγαθών στην επικράτειά της. Ενδέχεται συνεπώς, αν και είναι σχετικά σπάνιο, στις περιπτώσεις αυτές να απαιτείται ειδική έγκριση από την αρμόδια υπηρεσία της συγκεκριμένης Πολιτείας. Θα πρέπει να σημειωθεί ωστόσο η έμμεση προστασία που συνεπάγεται η εφαρμογή του ως άνω συστήματος, γεγονός για το οποίο η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση έχει προσφύγει ήδη στον Π.Ο.Ε. επιτυγχάνοντας όμως μόνο μερική εκλογίκευση και διαφάνεια του συστήματος όχι όμως και την κατάργησή του. Κατόπιν τούτου οι προσπάθειες υπέρβασης από ξένους εξαγωγείς των περιορισμών φυτουγειονομικής φύσεως που θέτει η Αυστραλία παραμένουν σε μεγάλο βαθμό ad hoc. Εξαιρετικής σημασίας είναι συνεπώς η προσπάθεια που καταβάλλεται εντός Ε.Ε. για την αμοιβαία ενημέρωση και συντονισμό μεταξύ των εξαγωγέων με τη λειτουργία της ηλεκτρονικής βάσης δεδομένων http://mkaccdb.eu.int, όπου καταγράφονται τα εμπόδια που συναντούν οι τελευταίοι προκειμένου να εξάγουν τα προϊόντα τους στην Αυστραλία. Τέλος θα πρέπει να ληφθούν υπόψη και οι προϋποθέσεις που θέτει η Αυστραλία αναφορικά με την συσκευασία και την ετικέτα στα τρόφιμα η αρμόδια υπηρεσία Foodstandards Australia and New Zealand FSANZ (http://www.foodstandards.gov.au/thecode/assistanceforindustry/userguides/index.cfm) και στα λοιπά αγαθά η υπηρεσία Standards Australia (http://www.standards.org.au/). Επίσης σημαντικές είναι και σχετικές προβλέψεις του νόμου περί αθέμιτου ανταγωνισμού Fair Trading Act τον οποίο διαχειρίζεται η αυστραλιανή Επιτροπή Ανταγωνισμού (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission ACCC). Ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον έχει το παράδειγμα των βιολογικών προϊόντων. Οι σχετικές αυστραλιανές προδιαγραφές πιστοποίησης των εν λόγω προϊόντων υποχρεώνουν μόνο τους εγχώριους παραγωγούς και εξαγωγείς και όχι τους ξένους εισαγωγείς ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 7 στην Αυστραλία. Οι τελευταίοι δύναται συνεπώς να εισάγουν τα χαρακτηριζόμενα από τη χώρα προέλευσής τους προϊόντα ως βιολογικά, υποκείμενα μόνο σε εκ των υστέρων ανάκληση στη περίπτωση που ανταγωνιστές κινηθούν δικαστικά κατ’ εφαρμογή των διατάξεων περί αθέμιτου ανταγωνισμού (πχ σε περίπτωση καταφανώς αδικαιολόγητου και ψευδούς χαρακτηρισμού ενός προϊόντος ως βιολογικού). ΙΙ. ΔΑΣΜΟΙ & ΦΟΡΟΙ Οι δασμοί του οποίους επιβάλλει η Αυστραλία υπολογίζονται στη FOB τιμή του προϊόντος και ανέρχονται σε γενικές γραμμές σε 5%. Έναντι των εισαγομένων προϊόντων ορισμένων αναπτυσσόμενων χωρών ή χωρών με τις οποίες η Αυστραλία έχει συνάψει Συμφωνίες Ελευθέρου Εμπορίου οι δασμοί δύναται να είναι χαμηλότεροι. Τα μοναδικά προϊόντα στα οποία επιβάλλονται υψηλότεροι δασμοί είναι τα κλωστοϋφαντουργικά συμπεριλαμβανομένων και των υποδημάτων (TCF) 7%-15%. Επίσης θα πρέπει να σημειωθούν και ορισμένοι δασμοί επί εισαγώμενων ποσοστώσεων που επιβάλλει η Αυστραλία πχ στα γαλακτοκομικά όπου σε ποσότητες μέχρι 11.500 τόννους επιβάλλεται τέλος 96 Α$ ανά τόννο και για επιπλέον ποσότητες το τέλος ανέρχεται σε 1.220 Α$/τόννο. Στο τελικό κόστος του εισαγόμενου προϊόντος θα πρέπει να συνυπολογισθεί και ο φόρος προστιθέμενης αξίας GST (Goods and Services Tax), της τάξεως του 10%, που επιβάλλεται κατά κανόνα επί της πώλησης αγαθών και υπηρεσιών (αναλυτικές πληροφορίες για τις κατηγορίες προϊόντων οι οποίες υπόκεινται σε GST περιέχονται στην σχετική ιστοσελίδα της Εφορίας http://www.ato.gov.au). Επίσης αξιοσημείωτοι είναι οι ειδικότεροι φόροι τους οποίους η Αυστραλία επιβάλλει στη χονδρική πώληση του κρασιού (Wine Equalisation Tax WET 29%) Σημειώνεται ότι ο εν λόγω φόρος επιστρέφεται στους εγχώριους παραγωγούς οίνου, γεγονός που και αυτό συνιστά άνιση μεταχείριση έναντι των εισαγωμένων προϊόντων της κατηγορίας και στη λιανική πώληση των αυτοκινήτων από κάποια συγκεκριμένη τιμή και πάνω (Luxury Tax). ΦΟΡΟΛΟΓΙΑ Κάθε επίπεδο διοίκησης στην Αυστραλία (ομοσπονδιακό, πολιτειακό,τοπικό) επιβάλλει τους δικούς του φόρους. Η σημαντικότερη φορολογική αρχή είναι η ομοσπονδιακή Κυβέρνηση. Ο φόρος επί των Αγαθών και Υπηρεσιών (GST) επιβάλλεται στα περισσότερα αγαθά και υπηρεσίες (10%) και ένα μέρος του επιστρέφει στις Πολιτειακές Κυβερνήσεις. άλλοι σημαντικοί φόροι είναι ο φόρος επί του οίνου και ο φόρος πολυτελών αυτοκινήτων. Το φορολογικό σύστημα της χώρας είναι πολύπλοκο και αλλαγές της φορολογικής νομοθεσίας είναι πολύ συχνές σε ομοσπονδιακό και πολιτειακό επίπεδο. Στις παρακάτω ιστοσελίδες μπορούν να αναζητηθούν πληροφορίες σχετικά με την φορολογία: http://australia.gov.au/topics/economy-money-and-tax/tax http://www.ato.gov.au/entry.aspx?menuid=9230 http://law.ato.gov.au/atolaw/index.htm http://law.ato.gov.au/atolaw/Browse.htm?ImA=fake&Node=0~5~0&OpenNodes=0~4,0,0~5,0~0&DBTOC=05%3APLR%3 AExcise%20(Including%20Customs,%20Working%20Pages%20and%20Bylaws)%3ACUSTOMS%20ACT%3AView%20list%20of%20provisions%3B#0~5~0 The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) compliance The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) compliance Risk management Legal considerations Intellectual property Corporate governance Business structures Australian Taxation Office (ATO) compliance General tax compliance Employment taxes & superannuation obligations Goods and services tax (GST) Business licenses ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 8 ΙΙΙ. ΔΙΑΥΛΟΙ ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗΣ Γενικά οι δίαυλοι εισαγωγών στην Αυστραλία προσομοιάζουν με τους αντίστοιχους των υπολοίπων ανεπτυγμένων κρατών περιλαμβάνοντας: – – – – εισαγωγείς - χονδρέμπορους, οι οποίοι εισάγουν ορισμένες κατηγορίες προϊόντων και τα μεταπωλούν χονδρικώς σε λιανοπωλητές, αντιπροσώπους επί προμηθεία στο εξωτερικό, μεταποιητές ή τελικοί χρήστες, οι οποίοι εισάγουν την πρώτη ύλη απευθείας από το εξωτερικό. λιανοπωλητές. Οι μεγάλου μεγέθους λιανοπωλητές εισάγουν έως και 20% των χρειωδών τους σε εμπορεύματα από τους αντιπροσώπους τους στο εξωτερικό. Τις υπόλοιπες ποσότητες εμπορευμάτων προμηθεύονται είτε από εγχώριους παραγωγούς-βιομηχάνους είτε από το εξωτερικό μέσω εισαγωγέων. Ενδεικτικά τα περιθώρια κέρδους που διαθέτουν οι εκάστοτε μεταπράτες εκτιμώνται σε: 3-6% επί της τιμής FOB του προϊόντος για τους αντιπροσώπους επί προμηθεία 40-80% αναλόγως του προϊόντος, επί της τιμής του, μετά την πληρωμή των δασμών για τους εισαγωγείς/χονδρεμπόρους μεγάλου όγκου καταναλωτικών αγαθών, 35-40% επί της τιμής πωλήσεως για τα πολυκαταστήματα που πωλούν με έκπτωση (discount department stores) 40-75% επί της τιμής πωλήσεως για τα πολυκαταστήματα (department stores) 50-100% επί της τιμής πωλήσεως για τα μικρά καταστήματα λιανικής πωλήσεως (groceries), 15-35% επί της τιμής πωλήσεως για τις αλυσίδες supermarkets. Τέλος θα πρέπει να ληφθεί υπόψη ότι ο μέσος χρόνος μεταφοράς ενός προϊόντος από την Ευρώπη μέσω θαλάσσης είναι 6 εβδομάδες. ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΠΛΑΙΣΙΟ ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗΣ ΑΓΡΟΤΙΚΩΝ ΠΡΟΪΟΝΤΩΝ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑ Λόγω του ιδιαίτερα αυστηρού καθεστώτος εισαγωγών στην Αυστραλία, οι εξαγωγείς δέον να συμβουλεύονται τον Αυστραλό εισαγωγέα σχετικά με τις διαδικαστικές λεπτομέρειες ολοκλήρωσης της εισαγωγικής διαδικασίας. Γενικές Πληροφορίες για το Καθεστώς Εισαγωγής στην Ασυτραλία: http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/import Σύμφωνα με την Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS), για να εξασφαλισθεί η επιτυχής εισαγωγή αγροτικών προϊόντων στην Αυστραλία και να αποφεύγονται τυχόν καθυστερήσεις με την αποστολή προϊόντων, υπάρχουν δύο προϋποθέσεις που πρέπει να πληρούν τα εισαγόμενα τρόφιμα: α) της καραντίνας (Quarantine) και β) της ασφάλειας των τροφίμων (Food Safety). 1. Για τις απαιτήσεις καραντίνας: Όλα τα τρόφιμα που εισάγονται στην Αυστραλία πρέπει να συμμορφώνονται με τον νόμο Quarantine Act 1908 ( http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/C2007C00617 ). Η ICON (Import Conditions) (http://www.aqis.gov.au/icon32/asp/ex_querycontent.asp) περιέχει τους όρους εισαγωγής προϊόντων και μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για να καθοριστεί εάν ένα προϊόν που προορίζεται για εισαγωγή στην Αυστραλία απαιτεί άδεια καραντίνας ή θεραπεία, ή εάν υπάρχουν άλλες προϋποποθέσεις. ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 9 Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες για την αυστραλιανή καραντίνα ή απαιτήσεις άδειας εισαγωγής, ή αν υπάρχουν προβλήματα στον εντοπισμό πληροφοριών σχετικά με την ICON, οι ενδιαφερόμενοι μπορούν να επικοινωνήσουν: - Σχετικά με τα τρόφιμα ζωϊκής προέλευσης: http://www.daff.gov.au/feedback?query=biologicals&SQ_DESIGN_NAME=aqis ή http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/import/biological (τηλ. +61 2 6272 4578) - Σχετικά με τα τρόφιμα φυτικής προέλευσης: http://www.daff.gov.au/feedback?query=horticulturegrains&SQ_DESIGN_NAME=aqis ή http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/import/biological (τηλ. +61 2 6272 3917) Τα τρόφιμα πρέπει να είναι σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις καραντίνας. Αν δεν πληρούν τις απαιτήσεις καραντίνας, δεν επιτρέπεται η είσοδος τους στην Αυστραλία. 2. Για τις απαιτήσεις ασφάλειας των τροφίμων: Μόλις οι απαιτήσεις καραντίνας έχουν αντιμετωπιστεί, τα τρόφιμα πρέπει επίσης να συμμορφώνονται με το νόμο Imported Food Control Act 1992: http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/quarantine/legislation/imported-food Τα ισχύοντα πρότυπα για τα τρόφιμα στο πλαίσιο του Νόμου καθορίζονται στον Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code: http://www.foodstandards.gov.au/thecode/foodstandardscode/index.cfm Όλα τα εισαγόμενα τρόφιμα πρέπει να πληρούν τις απαιτήσεις του κώδικα στο σύνολό του, εξασφαλίζοντας με ευθύνη του εισαγωγέα ότι είναι σύμφωνες με τις απαιτήσεις της Αυστραλίας. Υπάρχουν οδηγίες χρήσης που διευκολύνουν τους εισαγωγείς να κατανοήσουν τις απαιτήσεις του Australia-New Zealand Food Standards Code: http://www.foodstandards.gov.au/foodstandards/ Η Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) παρακολουθεί τη συμμόρφωση με τον ανωτέρω κώδικα μέσω του Imported Food Inspection Scheme (IFIS): http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/import/food/inspection-scheme. Πάντως σε κάθε περίπτωση, λόγω του ιδιαίτερα αυστηρού καθεστώτος εισαγωγών στην Αυστραλία, οι ενδιαφερόμενοι θα πρέπει να συμβουλεύονται τον Αυστραλό εισαγωγέα, ο οποίος είναι υπεύθυνος για την εισαγωγή των προϊόντων, για ενημέρωση σχετικά με όλα τα έγγραφα που απαιτούνται καθώς επίσης και για τον χρόνο περάτωσης της διαδικασίας ο οποίος μπορεί να είναι μακρύς. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE http://www.agriculture.gov.au/import/food/info-for-food-importers Information for food importers To ensure successful importation and to avoid any delays with your shipment, there are two requirements that imported food must meet. Quarantine requirements Food safety requirements Information released under the FOI Act Quarantine requirements All food imported into Australia must comply with Australia’s biosecurity laws in the Quarantine Act 1908. The Department of Agriculture's import conditions database can be used to determine if a commodity intended for import to Australia requires a quarantine permit and/or treatment, or if there are any other quarantine conditions. For further enquiries on Australian biosecurity or import permit requirements, or if you are experiencing trouble locating information on the import conditions database, contact us: • Foods of animal origin, contact Biological Imports Program or phone +61 2 6272 4578, or visit Biological Products. • Foods of plant origin, contact Plant Import Operations or phone +61 2 6272 3917, or visit Plants. You must be sure that food complies with biosecurity requirements. If food does not meet biosecurity requirements, it will not be allowed entry into Australia. Food safety requirements Once all quarantine requirements have been addressed, food must also comply with Australia’s imported food laws in ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 10 the Imported Food Control Act 1992. The applicable standards for food under the Imported Food Control Act 1992 are set down in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code). All imported food must meet the requirements of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code in its entirety, ensuring imported food complies with Australia’s requirements is the responsibility of the importer. Food Standards Australia New Zealand publishes User Guides that assist importers to understand the requirements of the Code. Labelling is where most imported food fails to meet requirements. For detailed information on the labelling and compositional requirements for food it is suggested that importers seek the advice of a consultant food technologist, obtain legal advice or contact a relevant industry association to ensure that their product complies with the Code. The department does not review labels or provide advice on labelling or compositional requirements. The department monitors compliance with the Code with the Imported Food Inspection Scheme (IFIS). Testing that may be applied under the IFIS is published in Tests applied to risk food and Tests applied to surveillance foods. There may also be Bovine Spo ngiform Encephalopathy (BSE) requirements for any beef product that is imported. Please refer to the BSE food safety requirements webpage for more information. Information released under the FOI Act The department has received a Freedom of Information Act 1982 request (FOI 2013/14-56) for copies of the current policy in relation to the importation of meat and personal consignments. In response, 27 documents were released to the applicant on 2 June 2014: • Documents 1-12 Full ICON listings • • Documents 13-24 Public ICON listings PDF [1.5 MB] Document 25. Minute R192 - Review of Import Conditions for the Non-Commercial Importation of Various Animal-Derived Products • PDF [1.8 MB] PDF [6.9 MB] Document 26. Minute R244 - Product Prioritisation Round 2 - Personal Consignments of Animal Products PDF [2.9 MB] Document 27. Minute R259 - Product Prioritisation - Personal Imports of Meat Jerky, s22(1)(a)(ii) and s22(1)(a)(ii) PDF [3.5 MB] ΝΩΠΑ ΦΡΟΥΤΑ ΡΟΔΙΑ: Η εισαγωγή στην Αυστραλία επιτρέπεται μόνον από την Ν. Ζηλανδία, το Ιράν και τις ΗΠΑ: http://www.aqis.gov.au/icon32/asp/ex_QueryResults.asp?Commodity=pomegranate&Area=All+Countries&EndUse=Hu man+consumption&QueryType=Search Όσον αφορά στους χυμούς από ρόδια οι προϋποθέσεις εισαγωγής περιγράφονται στην ιστοσελίδα: http://www.aqis.gov.au/icon32/asp/ex_casecontent.asp?intNodeId=8902239&intCommodityId=27403&Types=All&Wh ichQuery=Go+to+full+text&intSearch=1&LogSessionID=7921063 Εταιρείες Εισαγωγής Χυμών: http://pomegranate-juice.com.au/contact.html ΓΑΛΑΚΤΟΚΟΜΙΚΑ Προϋποθέσεις Εισαγωγής Γαλακτοκομικών στην Αυστραλία: http://www.aqis.gov.au/icon32/asp/ex_casecontent.asp?intNodeId=8943549&intCommodityId=10448&Types=none& WhichQuery=Go+to+full+text&intSearch=1&LogSessionID=0 ΕΛΑΙΟΛΑΔΟ Προϋποθέσεις Εισαγωγής Ελαιολάδου σύμφωνα με το Υπ.Γεωργίας: http://www.aqis.gov.au/icon32/asp/ex_casecontent.asp?intNodeId=8001282&intCommodityId=1169&Types=none&W hichQuery=Go+to+full+text&intSearch=1&LogSessionID=0 Προβλήματα Πώλησης Ελαιολάδου στα Ράφια των Σουπερμάρκετς: http://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/article/2011/11/16/407721_national-news.html Aυστραλιανό Ελαιόλαδο που Κατέχει Μεγάλα Μερίδια στα Ράφια: ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 11 http://www.cobramestate.com.au/ ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΕΣ ΒΑΣΕΙΣ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΩΝ ΑΝΑΖΗΤΗΣΗΣ ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΤΩΝ http://eatability.com.au http://yellowpages.com.au http://hotfrog.com.au http://gourmettraveller.com.au/top_10_restaurants_by_region.htm http://www.startlocal.com.au/retailfood/delis/ http://www.localbuzz.com.au/products/delicatessen-stores http://www.eatability.com.au/public/search.jsp?searchLocationId=co-au&searchLocationAcParentId=coau&searchClassificationId=&search=GOURMET&loc=Australia&submitSearch= AΛΚΟΟΛΟΥΧΑ / ΟΙΝΟΙ http://www.winebiz.com.au/statistics/ http://www.winebiz.com.au/wineries/Default.asp?Winery_Name=A&Brand=&Winemaker_Last_Name (Wineries) http://www.winediva.com.au/wineries/wineriesAZ.asp (Wineries and vineyards) http://www.eatanddrink.com.au/wine_outlet_results.cfm?state=&base_area=&geo=au&name=&outlet_type=Winery+ -+Cellar+Door&australian_area=&x=48&y=7 http://www.wfa.org.au/industry_organisation.aspx (Wine Industry Organisations) https://winetitles.com.au/bookstore/bookstore.asp?action=details&item=405 (Australian and NZealand Wine Industry Directory 2011 - επί πληρωμή) ΓΕΝΙΚΕΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΟ ΚΑΘΕΣΤΩΣ ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑ AUSTRALIAN CUSTOMS & BORDER PROTECTION SERVICE http://customs.gov.au/site/page4414.asp General imports There is no requirement for importers (companies or individuals) to hold an import licence to import goods into Australia. However, depending on the nature of the goods and regardless of value, importers may need to obtain permits to clear certain imported goods from Customs control. Importers are required, amongst other things, to ensure that imported goods are correctly labelled. For example, imported goods that require a trade description must be marked with the name of the country in which the goods were made or produced, and where specified, a true description of the goods. Further information about trade description goods and ownership of trade marks and copyright can be found under the headings Commerce Trade Descriptions and Intellectual Property Rights on this page. Other information for goods that are prohibited or restricted on importation can be found at Prohibited and restricted goods. Some permit issuing authorities also publish brochures/pamphlets about their areas of concern, but these publications may not always reflect current Customs legislation and procedures. Contact us to check these issues: • Import entry costs http://customs.gov.au/site/page4368.asp#ImportEntryCosts • Valuation http://customs.gov.au/site/page4368.asp#Valuation ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 12 • • • • • • • Rules of Origin http://customs.gov.au/site/page4368.asp#RulesofOrigin The Australian Business Number http://customs.gov.au/site/page4368.asp#theAusBusNum Concessions http://customs.gov.au/site/page4368.asp#Concessions Commerce Trade Descriptions http://customs.gov.au/site/page4368.asp#commerceTradeDescr Intellectual Property Rights http://customs.gov.au/site/page4368.asp#intPropRight Assistance http://customs.gov.au/site/page4368.asp#Assistance Tariff Classification http://customs.gov.au/tariff/tariff.asp Import entry costs A listing of all current fees and charges for declarations and licenses that we collect is summarised in Australian Customs and Border Protection Notice No. 2014/41. Further information on the cost of processing entries is available from the Customs Information and Support Centre. Valuation While there are several methods of valuing goods for Customs purposes, the method most applied (transaction value) is based on the price actually paid (or payable) for the imported goods subject to certain adjustments. A major condition for using the transaction value is that there is no relationship between the buyer and seller which may influence the price. Valuation of imported goods can be complex and importers are urged to seek advice from a customs broker or to contact a Customs Information Centre. Customs valuation of imported goods (40KB) Valuation treatment of free of charge goods (33KB) Valuation treatment of production assist costs (33KB) Information on Valuation Advice Advance rulings are formal advices on how Customs and Border Protection will apply certain laws to goods for importation. A Valuation Advice provides rulings on specific matters relating to the assessment of the Customs value of imported goods. Valuation Advice enquiries can be sent to valvic@customs.gov.au. The following links to relevant documents and forms about Valuation Rulings and how to apply: • Advance Rulings Factsheet– Overview on Tariff, Valuation and Origin advices and their application processes • Practice Statement 2009/21 – Applying for a Valuation Advice Relating to Transfer Pricing • Practice Statement 2009/01 – Valuation Instructions & Guidelines – Exchange Rates Instructions & Guidelines – Valuation Instructions & Guidelines – Valuation Advices • Form B174 – Application for a Valuation Advice – for applicants without access to ICS TAPIN Transfer pricing During November 2006 Customs sought comments on a pricing discussion paper that set out policy, legislative and system issues. Submissions from clients and other government agencies have been considered in finalising the Business Practice Statement on Transfer Pricing. Rules of origin Rules of origin are the rules applied to determine from which country a good originates for international trade purposes. Rules of origin are necessary for preferential reasons i.e. determining eligibility for benefits such as reduced rates of duty. For detailed information, including information booklets, refer to the separate section of this guide dedicated to Rules of Origin. Information on Origin Advice An Origin Advice provides rulings on whether particular imported goods qualify as originating from a particular country. Origin Advice enquiries can be sent to Origin@customs.gov.au. The following links to relevant forms and documents about Origin Rulings and how to apply: • Practice Statement 2009/13 – Rules of Origin sets out Customs policy in relation to preferentail rules of origin for Australia's Free Trade Agreements. The associated Instructions and Guidelines are also available. • Form B659 – Application for Origin Advice Ruling • Advance Rulings Factsheet– Overview on Tariff, Valuation and Origin advices and their application processes If you are seeking general valuation or rules of origin information, please contact the Customs Information and ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 13 Support Centre on 1300 363 263 or by email to information@customs.gov.au. The Australian Business Number If you have an Australian Business Number (ABN) you will need to supply it to us when formally entering goods. You need to be registered for GST purposes and have an ABN in order to claim input tax credits or access the GST deferral scheme. For advice on any GST matters, including registration, deferral and claiming of input credits, contact your local taxation office. Concessions On importation, if you or your goods meet eligibility requirements, you may make use of concessional treatment for imported goods under Schedule 4 to the Customs Tariff Act 1995 (the Tariff). Schedule 4 of the Tariff lists 55 items covering various categories of goods and the respective concessional rates of duty payable. Schedule 4 supports a range of industry assistance objectives, as well as tariff concessions arising from international treaties including Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). Read more information about FTAs at Free trade agreements - Rules of Origin Concessional treatment for imported goods may also be obtained if you are granted a Tariff Concession Order (TCO). A TCO can be obtained under the Tariff Concession System (TCS). Further information about the TCS can be found in the fact sheet Tariff Concession System. Commerce Trade Descriptions Importers are required to ensure that goods entering the commerce of Australia are correctly labelled. It is an offence to import goods that do not bear a required trade description, or bear a false trade description. Imported goods that require a trade description must be marked with the name of the country in which the goods were made or produced, and where specified, a true description of the goods. When a trade description is required, it must be: • in the English language; and • in prominent and legible characters and; • on a principal label or brand affixed in a prominent position and in as permanent a manner as practicable and; • if labelling on the goods includes a weight or quantity, it must also say if that weight or quantity is net or gross. Any other information included must not contradict or obscure the required trade description. This includes illustrations, wording or size of lettering. A false trade description can be any description of goods that is incorrect or misleading. This may include direct or indirect details of size, weight, quality, quantity, origin, manufacturer, ingredients or the application of a patent, privilege or copyright, and includes all possible alterations of a trade description, whether by way of addition, effacement, or otherwise. A trade description may also be false if information is omitted from the description and this misleads the consumer as to the true description of the goods. Goods imported in contravention of these regulations may be seized. Read more details about Commerce Markings. If you would like further information about Customs requirements on labelling, please email iprights@customs.gov.au or phone Customs Information on 1300 363 263. Intellectual Property Rights Import provisions under the Trade Marks Act 1995, Copyright Act 1968 and Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987 allow Customs, under certain circumstances, to seize goods that infringe trade marks, copyright and protected Olympic insignia. If you are the owner of a trade mark, a copyright work or licensed user of Olympic insignia, protecting your Intellectual Property (IP) through the border measures available will allow us to seize goods that infringe your IP rights if they are detected at the time of importation. To protect IP rights from counterfeit, pirated or unauthorised importation, the owner, or in some cases an authorised user, must have a Notice of Objection in place with Customs. Notice of Objection A Notice of Objection is a legal document that allows us to seize imported goods that infringe trade marks, copyright or Olympic insignia. A Notice of Objection under the Trade Marks Act or Copyright Act is valid for two years, and four years under the Olympic Insignia Protection Act. These Notices can be re-lodged to ensure ongoing protection. If the Notice is no longer required, the owner may withdraw it at any time. Separate Notices are required for trade marks, copyright and Olympic insignia. A security in the form of a guarantee from an approved financial institution (documentary security) or a cheque (cash security) must also accompany the Notice. The security is required to reimburse the Commonwealth for costs associated with the seizure and disposal of infringing goods. Any unused portion of the security is returned when the Notice is no longer in place. A Notice of Objection only protects goods, not services, which are imported into Australia. We're restricted to seizing infringing goods that are subject to the control of Customs and Border Protection and are covered by a Notice of Objection. A Notice of Objection cannot act retrospectively for goods that have already been imported. Where a Notice of Objection is in place and Customs and Border Protection seizes importations that infringe IP, ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 14 the seized goods are held for 10 working days. In this period: • The objector will commence legal action, or • The objector will consent to the release of the goods, or • The importer will voluntarily forfeit the goods, provided civil action has not commenced. If the right's owner does not commence legal proceedings within 10 working days of receiving the notification of seizure, or within 20 working days if we've agreed to extend the period, Customs and Border Protection must release the goods unless the importer has voluntarily forfeited them. This is subject to all other legislative requirements being met. At the conclusion of any legal action, the court will make an order about the goods, for example forfeiture of infringing goods to the Commonwealth. Customs and Border Protection disposes of forfeited goods as directed by the Chief Executive Officer, usually by destruction or donation to a charity, as appropriate. We encourage trade mark, copyright and Olympic insignia rights owners and the public to provide information that will assist us to identify and intercept suspected infringing goods. Read more detail about Intellectual Property including forms and guides. See our list of goods covered under current Notices of Objection. If you would like further information about protecting Intellectual Property rights or to obtain copies of the relevant forms, please email iprights@customs.gov.au or phone Customs Information on 1300 363 263. Need help? If you want to clear your own goods you should contact us for advice on Customs requirements and operating hours. Please note that we do not complete customs import entries on your behalf. Customs import entry procedures are based on self-assessment by importers who should be aware of all their obligations. Penalties may be imposed for the submission of incorrect or misleading information or for the omission of information to mislead. Details of the information requirements of the "Entry For Home Consumption" and guidance for its completion are contained in the Documentary Import Declaration Comprehensive Guide. We recommend that you use the services of a customs broker to complete customs import entries and related clearance formalities. Brokers specialise in the clearance of imported goods and are licensed by Customs. They may be contacted by reference to the yellow pages of local telephone directories under "Customs Brokers", or by contacting the local branch of the Customs Brokers and Forwarders Council of Australia. Importing Goods General information Includes information about entry costs, concessions, tariff classification and assistance Labelling requirements, commerce marking Includes information about labelling requirements for imported goods Import by post / mail Includes information on the clearance process for goods imported by post Prohibited and restricted imports Includes information about what goods are prohibited or restricted Commercial goods and samples o Includes information about regulations applying to commercial goods and samples. Temporary importations o Includes information about goods brought into Australia for up to 12 months Sending your belongings as unaccompanied goods o Includes information about importing unaccompanied household and personal items Importing a motor vehicle o Includes information and guidance on duty and taxes Facilitation and concession schemes o Includes the facilitation and concession schemes we administer Frequently asked questions o Includes frequently asked questions regarding importing goods through Customs Excise equivalent goods Commerce Markings • • Goods being imported into Australia must meet labelling requirements. Trade description markings must follow certain standards in order to comply. ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 15 • • Goods with a false trade description must not be imported or exported. Goods that are imported that do not meet the requirements may be seized and forfeited. Which goods must be labelled? The Commerce (Trade Descriptions) Act 1905 and the Commerce (Imports) Regulations 1940 (CI Regulations) set out the labelling required for goods being imported into Australia. Certain goods must be correctly labelled with a trade description before they can be imported. Not all goods require labelling. The CI Regulations set out which goods or classes of goods require labelling when being imported, what labelling is required and where it is to be applied. What do I need to know about trade description markings? Trade description markings must be: • • • in English in prominent and legible characters on the main label or brand attached to the goods, in a prominent position and in a way that is as permanent as practicable It must include the name of the country where the goods were made or produced. A trade description must also include a true description about the goods. “True description” is not defined in the legislation so is taken to be anything that is true and accurate about the goods. Goods with a false trade description must not be imported or exported. A false trade description is one that is likely to mislead about key characteristics of the good. Examples include the weight, origin, manufacturer, preparation and contents. If you import goods and do not meet the requirements of the Act and/or the CI Regulations, the goods may be seized and forfeited. Where can I get more information? For more information, please read the fact sheets and legislation about commerce marks. Fact sheets: • • • • • • • False Trade Descriptions Labelling Requirements for Exported Goods Labelling requirement for watches Labelling requirement for clothing Labelling requirements for goods from leather, vulcanite and plastics or their imitations Labelling requirements for shoes Labelling requirements for surfboards Legislation • • • Commerce Trade Descriptions Act 1905 Commerce (Imports) Regulations 1940 Customs Act 1901 Where can I get help? To get help on any labelling or trade descriptions matter, please email your inquiry to: labelling@customs.gov.au. Importing Goods Through Customs - Frequently asked questions http://customs.gov.au/faq/ClearingCustoms.asp What should I consider before importing something? There are several pieces of legislation that control what can and what cannot be imported into Australia. This is administered and controlled by several different Government departments and agencies. While certain goods may require a permit to import them there are very few goods that are prohibited absolutely. Absolutely ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 16 prohibited imports are goods that nobody can import into Australia under any circumstances. Most goods however, can be brought into Australia without the need for a permit. Further information on prohibited imports is available on the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service website. It is also advisable to contact the Department of Agriculture to ask about their controls and permit requirements. Importing goods with a value at or below A$1,000. Goods, other than alcohol and tobacco products, valued at or below A$1,000 may be imported free of customs duty and taxes. If your goods (not including tobacco and alcohol products) are brought into Australia through Australia Post, no paperwork for Customs and Border Protection will be required, except for the parcel declaration or if a permit is required. Australia Post will deliver the goods straight to you. If the goods are being delivered via air freight or sea freight, there will be no payment of customs duty or tax for goods valued at or below A$1,000 (not including alcohol or tobacco products). Goods (excluding tobacco and alcohol products) below the entry threshold (A$1,000) that you import do not require an import declaration. These goods must be reported to Customs and Border Protection on a Self-Assessed Clearance (SAC) declaration. SAC declarations are usually made on your behalf by the freight forwarder handling your consignment but sometimes you may be required to make a SAC declaration for yourself. SAC declarations can only be made electronically to Customs and Border Protection by way of the Integrated Cargo System (ICS). If you own or obtain a digital certificate you can communicate directly with the ICS and make your own SAC declarations at no cost. You may also use the services of a licensed customs broker to make SAC declarations on your behalf or have a SAC service provider make SAC declarations for you. While there are no Customs fees or charges for making a SAC declaration service providers and brokers do charge for the service. Digital certificates (required for secure and verified computer communications) can be purchased through companies like Verisign for a fee and once you have one you will need to register in the ICS as a user. Please see Digital Certificates for further information. Importing goods with a value of more than A$1,000. Your imported goods will be assessed for customs duty and Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10%. The rate of duty depends on the nature of the goods. Your items may also be subject to Wine Equalisation Tax (WET) or Luxury Car Tax (LCT) and other taxes or levies as determined by law. The duty and GST that may be applied to your goods is assessed as follows: Duty is determined by the Tariff classification of the goods (Customs Tariff Act 1995). The duty, if any, is calculated on the customs value of the goods. The customs value is usually the price you paid converted to Australian dollars, it is also known as the transaction value. Customs and Border Protection can require you to produce receipts or invoices etc to substantiate the customs value you have claimed applies, so keep all your documents for a minimum of 5 years as required by the Customs Act 1901. GST (at a rate of 10%) is calculated on the Value of the Taxable Importation known as the VoTI. The VoTi is the sum of: • • • the customs value any duty payable; and the amount paid or payable to transport the goods to Australia and to insure the goods for that transport. To obtain a Tariff Classification and an exact duty rate rate, refer to the Customs Tariff. Once you have reached this page, you can scroll through the chapters to find the classification for your goods. Alternatively, you can apply for a tariff advice by completing form B102 (Application for Tariff Advice), for each "invoice" item. Information on how to complete a B102 is on the back of the form, so it is important to print and view both sides. Where to lodge a Tariff Advice Application or make an enquiry regarding an existing application. Please send applications and supporting information within 5 days of TAPIN submission (for brokers) to the Tariff Section at: tariffclassification@customs.gov.au ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 17 or to Tariff Section, Australian Customs and Border Protection Service, GPO Box 2809, MELBOURNE VIC 3001 or to the Customs House in your region. If you have any enquiries about a tariff advice application please email tariffclassification@customs.gov.au or phone 1800 053 016. The Customs Information and Support Centre (CI&SC) can also provide general information about importing goods to Australia. However, they cannot give you the exact tariff classification for your particular item If you need the exact tariff classification submit an Application for Tariff Advice. You can contact the CI&SC by telephone on 1300 363 263 or by e-mail at information@customs.gov.au. Other costs to consider before importing something Other costs to consider before importing something into Australia are the costs of manufacturing the good/s, agent fees, overseas transportation, transporting the goods to Australia, wharf or handling fees in Australia, costs for reporting the shipment to Customs and Border Protection, customs broker fees, the department of Agriculture examination and treatment fees, and Australian transportation costs etc. This is not a complete list of all the fees and charges that you may be liable for, but it gives you an indication of what you need to research before importing. You may find that you do not have to pay all of these fees depending on your circumstances. The Australian Customs and Border Protection Service does not charge these fees, nor do we determine what fees will be charged. As a result, we cannot give any advice on these fees and charges. Contacts Website: www.verisign.com.au Email: sales@verisign.com.au Phone: 03 9674 5500 Department of Agriculture Website: http://www.agriculture.gov.au/ Email: pr@agriculture.gov.au Mailing Address: GPO Box 858, Canberra ACT 2601 Office Address: 18 Marcus Clarke Street, Canberra City ACT 2601 Phone: 1800 020 504 (from within Australia) +61 2 6272 3933 (from outside Australia) Australian Customs and Border Protection Service Website: www.customs.gov.au Phone: 1300 363 263 (from within Australia) +61 2 6275 6666(outside Australia) Email: information@customs.gov.au Fax: (02) 8339 6714 Mailing Address: Customs Information and Support Centre, Locked Bag 3000, Sydney International Airport NSW ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 18 2020 Fact sheets Digital Certificates and Clients Registration Self Assessed Clearance (SAC) Declarations Import Declarations Do I need a licence to import something? There is no requirement for companies or individuals to hold an import licence. However, depending on the nature of the commodity, regardless of value, owners may need to obtain a permit to facilitate the clearance of the goods. Some goods are not allowed to be imported under any circumstances, and others may only be imported with written permission in the form of a permit. Permits must be obtained from the relevant Australian government department prior to the goods being imported into Australia. Information on prohibited goods is available on the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service website. If you are importing goods such as food items, plant, wood, animals or animal products please contact the Department of Agriculture. Contacts Australian Customs and Border Protection Service Website: www.customs.gov.au Mailing address: Customs Information and Support Centre, Australian Customs and Border Protection Service, Locked Bag 3000 Sydney International Airport NSW 2020 Phone: 1300 363 263 (from within Australia) Email: information@customs.gov.au Department of Agriculture Local: 1800 020 504 International: +61 2 6272 3933 Email: pr@agriculture.gov.au http://www.agriculture.gov.au/ Related: Prohibited and Restricted Imports Fact sheets What are the rules for importing goods? As of 12 October 2005, new import rules took effect for low value consignments. Goods, other than alcohol and tobacco products, valued up to A$1,000 are imported free of customs duty and ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 19 taxes. If these goods are imported through the postal system (i.e. Australia Post delivers the goods in Australia) usually you will not be required to present any paperwork to Customs and Border Protection and Australia Post will send the goods straight to you. If the goods are being delivered airfreight or sea freight, there will still be no payment of customs duty and/or GST required for the goods valued up to A$1,000 (not including alcohol or tobacco products), however electronic Customs and Border Protection clearance will be required via the Customs Integrated Cargo System (ICS) and this may incur a processing fee from the carrier of your goods. Goods over the value of A$1,000 will require an Import Declaration to be lodged electronically via the Customs Integrated Cargo System (ICS). Duty and/or taxes will more than likely be payable. It is may be wise to engage the services of a licensed customs broker to facilitate the Import Declaration and to assist you to ensure you have met all obligations relating to the importation of your goods. You need to be aware that the Department of Agriculture may require an inspection of your shipment and fees will apply. You can either telephone them on 1800 020 504, or visit the Department of Agriculture website. Importing/Exporting goods What are the labelling requirements for imported goods? Commerce Trade Descriptions Importers are required to ensure that goods entering the commerce of Australia are correctly labelled. The Commerce (Trade Descriptions) Act 1905 and the Commerce (Imports) Regulations 1940 set out the labelling requirements for goods imported into Australia. Customs and Border Protection administers this legislation. It is an offence to import goods that do not bear a required trade description, or bear a false trade description. Imported goods that require a trade description must be marked with the name of the country in which the goods were made or produced, and where specified, a true description of the goods. When a trade description is required, it must be: • • • • in the English language; and in prominent and legible characters; and on a principal label or brand affixed in a prominent position and in as permanent a manner as practicable; and if labelling on the goods includes a weight or quantity, it must also say if that weight or quantity is net or gross. Any other information included must not contradict or obscure the required trade description. This includes illustrations, wording or size of lettering. A false trade description can be any description of goods that is incorrect or misleading. This may include direct or indirect details of size, weight, quality, quantity, origin, manufacturer, ingredients or the application of a patent, privilege or copyright, and includes all possible alterations of a trade description, whether by way of addition, effacement, or otherwise. A trade description may also be false if information is omitted from the description and this misleads the consumer as to the true description of the goods. The Commerce (Trade Descriptions) Act provides that goods imported in contravention of the Commerce (Imports) Regulations may be seized by Customs and Border Protection. If you would like further information about importing goods into Australia, or you are uncertain of any aspect of Customs requirements on labelling, please visit the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service website at www.customs.gov.au, email information@customs.gov.au or labelling@customs.gov.au or phone Customs Information on 1300 363 263. What is an Import Declaration (Nature 10 entry)? Imported goods with a value above A$1000 require an Import Declaration to be lodged with Customs and Border Protection. Once this declaration has been lodged and accepted by Customs and Border Protection and all duties and taxes paid goods are released into “home consumption”. Import Declarations are required by law to be entered in the Integrated Cargo System (ICS). There are three options for importers to do this: Complete an Import Declaration (Form B650) or Import Declaration - Post (Form B374) and present it to a Customs and Border Protection counter. Note: The Import Declaration - Post (Form B374) can be emailed to Customs and Border Protection. ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 20 Purchase a digital certificate which allows you to communicate with Customs and Border Protection electronically using the Customs Interactive website. Use the services of a licensed customs broker who will complete the Customs and Border Protection requirements for you based on the information you provide. Forms B650 and B374 are available from Customs and Border Protection counters or can be downloaded from the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service website. The Documentary Import Declaration Comprehensive Guide available on the Customs and Border Protection website provides information on completing an Import Declaration (N10). A guide to completing the Import Declaration - Post is attached to Form B374. Related: Importing goods Imports by post How do I file an Import Declaration (Nature 10 entry) for goods valued at above A$1000? Irrespective of how your imported goods arrive in Australia, you will be required to lodge an Import Declaration if the Customs Value is above A$1000. An Import Declaration may be lodged in the following three ways: electronic lodgement - obtain a digital certificate in order to communicate with Customs and Border Protection electronic systems to complete an Import Declaration. Further details on electronic lodgement are available on the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service website; or engage the services of a licensed customs broker (listed in your local telephone directory or through an internet search) or complete an Import Declaration and present it at a Customs and Border Protection counter (a 100 points evidence of identity is required). Related: Customs and Border Protection offices Fact Sheet Import Declarations What documents do I require to clear goods imported to Australia? If you wish to clear the goods yourself, the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service will provide assistance to first time importers in the clearance of their goods. The minimum documentation required is an invoice, bill of lading/air waybill and any other papers such as packing list, insurance documents, etc. relating to the shipment. Imported goods entering Australia may need to meet a number of requirements for clearance prior to release. Further information may be sourced at importing goods. This will detail the documents required to complete Customs and Border Protection formalities when the imported goods arrive. The Documentary Import Declaration Comprehensive Guide provides detailed information, advice and examples on how to complete an Import Declaration (Customs form B650). Persons lodging documentation at a Customs office will be required to provide 100 points Evidence of Identity. Details on Evidence of Identity are provided below. Evidence of identity EOI occurs in relation to the person lodging the declaration, which may be the importer or importer agent. The types of document that may be accepted as evidence of identity, and their point values, are: Document type ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ Points σελ. 21 Primary documents • • • • • 70 a full birth certificate an Australian Citizenship Certificate an International Travel Document: Passport - current Passport - expired within last 2 years, but not cancelled Other document of identity having the same characteristics as a passport 40 Secondary documents - including photograph or signature of client a licence or permit issued under a law of the Commonwealth, a State or Territory (for example, an Australian driver's licence or an Australian shooter's permit) a public service employee identity card an identification card issued to a student at tertiary education institute an identification card issued by the Commonwealth, a State or Territory as evidence of a person's entitlement to a financial benefit Other documents 35 Mortgage documents a letter from employer (current or within last two years a rating notice (e.g. land rates) Other documents 25 a marriage certificate (for maiden name) a credit card a council rates notice a Medicare card a foreign driver's licence Customs notices - intellectual Property InstanceBeginEditable name="MainContent" Intellectual Property, often known as IP, is defined as creations of the mind that can be protected by law once they take a tangible form. Import provisions under the Copyright Act 1968, Trade Marks Act 1995 and Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987 allow Customs, under certain circumstances, to seize goods that infringe trade marks, copyright and protected Olympic expressions. These provisions give rise to Australia's Notice of Objection Scheme. This list provides details of the trade marks, copyright material or protected Olympic Expressions covered by Notices of Objection. It should not be considered exhaustive and is subject to change without notice. Notices of Objection For further information regarding these or any other Notices of Objection, please contact the Intellectual Property Rights Group in Canberra on (02) 6275 6157 or email iprights@customs.gov.au. Duty rates and taxes http://customs.gov.au/businesses/duty-rates-and-taxes.asp Exchange rates Includes exchange rates published weekly in the Government Gazette. Indirect taxes Includes information about the GST and other indirect taxes Indirect taxes - brokers Includes detailed information about indirect tax issues for brokers. ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 22 Low-value import threshold taskforce Includes information about the processing of low value imported parcels Refund of customs import duty Information about the management of refunds of Customs import duty Advice for retailers Includes what is the Tourist Refund Scheme and how it works Frequently asked questions Includes frequently asked questions regarding Customs Duty and GST and WET (for wines). Paying Customs and Border Protection Invoices What is a Customs Invoice? Payment Options Customs and Border Protection issues clients with a number of different documents to notify them of the amounts payable depending on the system calculating the payment. Payment can be made to Customs and Border Protection in the following ways:• • • • • Integrated Cargo System (ICS) EFT facility; http://customs.gov.au/site/page6065.asp#ics Online payment facility; http://customs.gov.au/site/page6065.asp#Online BPay; http://customs.gov.au/site/page6065.asp#bpay Automated telephone payment service; http://customs.gov.au/site/page6065.asp#phone In person at a Customs and Border Protection client services counter; and http://customs.gov.au/site/page6065.asp#inPerson • Post in Payment (cheque or money order); http://customs.gov.au/site/page6065.asp#Post AUSTRALIAN DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS & TRADE (DFAT) PROTOCOL GUIDELINES DIPLOMATIC TAXES EXEMPTIONS http://dfat.gov.au/about-us/publications/corporate/protocol-guidelines/Pages/6-exemption-from-dutiesand-taxes.aspx 6. Exemption from duties and taxes 6.1 Goods attracting excise and Customs duties 6.2 Exemption of excise and Customs duties 6.3 Customs clearance 6.4 GST and ITCS 6.4.1 Concessions available under ITCS 6.4.2 Definition of official use 6.4.3 Property leases 6.4.4 Arrangements for making claims 6.4.5 GST concessions on construction or renovation projects 6.5 Honorary consular officers 6.6 Income earned in Australia Within the subsequent paragraphs the following abbreviations are used: • ACS = Australian Customs Service ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 23 • • • • • ATO = Australian Tax Office GST = Goods and Services Tax ITCS = Indirect Taxation Concession Scheme LCT = Luxury Car Tax WET =Wine Equalisation Tax 6.1 Goods attracting excise and Customs duties Excise duty is imposed by the Excise Tariff Act 1921 on the production of certain goods in Australia. Alcoholic beverages (excluding wine), tobacco products and fuel (e.g. petrol, diesel and heating oil) are excisable goods. Excise duty is administered by the ATO. An equivalent Customs duty is levied on similar imported goods. Customs duty is imposed by the Customs Tariff Act 1995 on imported goods either at the time of importation or, if the goods have been stored in a Customs-licensed bonded warehouse, at the time of their release from bond. Customs duty is administered by the ACS. 6.2 Exemption of excise and Customs duties Goods imported or purchased by diplomatic missions, consular posts and their eligible staff may be exempted from excise and Customs duties, subject to certain conditions. Exemptions are not available to any staff member who is a citizen or permanent resident of Australia. Where staff members have both Australian and foreign nationality, Australian nationality prevails. Except in the case of fuel, exemption privileges from excise duty are available at the time the goods are being released from an Excise-licensed premise. Orders for the purchase of excisable goods free of duty may be placed with suppliers holding an excise license. Limits apply to purchases by diplomatic missions, consular posts and their eligible staff, and certain international organisations, of excise-free alcohol and tobacco products. The current limits per six-month period for the official use of a mission or post are: 260 litres of spirits, liqueurs or spirituous liquors; 1,000 litres of beer; and 20,000 cigarette sticks. Eligible privileged staff members have half the official-use entitlements for their personal use. Refunds of excise duty on fuel can be claimed by diplomatic missions or consular posts both on behalf of the mission or post and on behalf of eligible privileged staff. Applications by individuals are not accepted. Diplomatic missions and consular posts resident in Australia and their privileged staff may import or purchase goods duty-free provided they are intended for the official use of a mission or post, or for the personal use of an privileged staff member or a dependent family member forming part of the staff member's household in Australia. Exemption from Customs duty is available only at the time the goods are being cleared on importation or released from bond. There is no mechanism to provide refunds of Customs duty once it has been paid. Goods acquired under privilege may not be resold, lent, hired, given away, exchanged, traded or otherwise disposed of to a non-privilege person in Australia within a set minimum period. In making application for exemption from Customs duty on imported goods, diplomatic missions, consular posts and their eligible staff are required to acknowledge and sign an undertaking that if any of the goods are resold or otherwise disposed of in Australia to a non-privileged person within two years, or in the case of motor vehicles three years, after the date of importation or purchase, the mission, post or privileged person will be liable to pay to the Commonwealth an amount (less a depreciation for the period of ownership) equal to any customs duty, taxes and related charges that, but for the relevant exemptions, would have been payable in respect of those goods. Only in exceptional circumstances will permission be granted to allow goods acquired under privilege to be disposed of to a non-privileged person in Australia before two years in the case of general goods or three years in the case of motor vehicles. Goods imported or purchased under privilege by a diplomatic mission or consular post must be necessary to meet the reasonable requirements of the mission or post. Similarly, goods imported or purchased under privilege by diplomatic or consular officers, or by administrative and technical staff or consular employees, or members of their immediate family who form part of their household in Australia, must be necessary to meet their reasonable personal requirements and, in the case of administrative and technical staff or consular employees, must be imported or purchased within six months of the staff member's arrival in Australia ('first installation'). The Head of Mission or Post (or authorised delegate) is required to confirm that the proposed importation or purchase does not relate to articles of the same or similar kind to articles already imported or purchased under privilege and which have already met the reasonable requirements of the mission, post or privileged staff member. 6.3 Customs clearance Exemption from Customs duty, GST and LCT is granted under the provisions of the Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act 1967 or the Consular Privileges and Immunities Act 1972. All applications for release of goods (except motor vehicles) from Customs control to diplomatic missions, consular posts and privileged individuals must be submitted to the ACT Regional Office of ACS at Customs House, 5 Constitution Avenue, Canberra ACT 2600. Applications for the purchase of motor vehicles under privilege should be submitted to Protocol Branch. The ACT Regional Office of ACS allocates a Customs identification number to each mission, post, member of a mission or post, and to administrative and technical staff and consular employees if they are claiming privilege in respect of a motor vehicle. Administrative and technical staff and consular employees must quote their ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 24 mission's (or post's) identification number when clearing goods other than motor vehicles covered by their first installation entitlements. For goods cleared from bond (i.e. Customs licensed bonded warehouses, including duty-free shops), Customs entry formalities are normally handled by either a licensed customs broker or the bond proprietor. 6.4 GST and ITCS GST of 10 per cent is imposed on most goods and services sold or consumed in Australia. Related indirect taxes are the WET, which is applied to all wines, ciders, mead and sake, and the LCT, which applies to motor vehicles whose value exceeds the LCT threshold. A limited number of items do not attract GST. These include basic food items (but not restaurant meals, takeaway food or catering), education fees, child care costs, visits to medical practitioners, hospital costs, international transport of passengers and goods to and from Australia, prescription medicines, council rates, water and sewerage rates and residential (but not office) rents. This list is a guide only and its coverage is not exhaustive. ITCS allows diplomatic missions and consular posts headed by career officers in Australia to claim refunds of GST and related indirect taxes on goods and a limited number of services. ITCS is implemented on the basis of reciprocity where a broadly comparable range of tax concessions is granted to Australian overseas missions, posts and accredited staff. Certain international organisations in Australia may also be entitled to indirect tax concessions. 6.4.1 Concessions available under ITCS The range of goods and services for which missions, posts and accredited staff may seek refunds depends on the nature of the package of indirect tax concessions negotiated with each country represented in Australia. Different arrangements apply to international organisations. Eligible missions, posts and international organisations may lodge applications for refund under ITCS for any single tax invoice of at least $200 (including indirect tax) for the taxable supply of: goods (by purchase or lease); diplomatic or consular mail services; telecommunications services; electricity and gas services; protection of official premises services; removal of goods services; freight and cartage other than removal of goods; and commercial rent of official premises. ITCS also covers alcohol and tobacco products purchased from Excise licensed premises (including duty-free shops) and purchases of fuel. The single tax invoice minimum value of $200 is not applied to claims for refunds of GST on goods that attract excise duty and for which an exemption from the excise duty has been granted. This would cover alcohol (excluding wine), tobacco products and fuel. However, where such goods are purchased without any exemption from excise duty (for example from a normal retail outlet), the minimum invoice value of $200 for claims would apply. Acquisitions not covered by ITCS include regular maintenance of property, insurance services, travel services, membership subscriptions, hotel accommodation and restaurant services. Information about ITCS entitlements and ITCS refund claim forms are available from ATO website http://www.ato.gov.au/itcs or by telephoning the ATO ITCS Claims Processing Team in Brisbane on 1300 880 283. Full details of individual country entitlements and arrangements may be found in the Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities (Indirect Tax Concession Scheme) Determination 2000 and the Consular Privileges and Immunities (Indirect Tax Concession Scheme) Determination 2000 and related amendments. The texts of these Determinations may be obtained online at http://www.comlaw.gov.au. Any requests for new or upgraded concessional packages under ITCS should be directed to Protocol Branch. 6.4.2 Definition of official use Official use is defined as having a direct relation to the exercise of the functions of the mission or post in accordance with the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic and Consular Relations. If electricity, gas and telecommunications accounts are in the name of the mission or post, even though they may cover staff residences, or if such accounts relate to staff residences but are paid directly to the service provider by the mission, they would be acceptable for reimbursement under ITCS as it is considered this would reflect an official cost. If, however, the account is in the staff member's own name and paid by the staff member it would not qualify for a refund under ITCS. 6.4.3 Property leases Residential leases do not attract GST. Commercial leases do attract GST. Commercial leases would include rent of office accommodation. Diplomatic missions and career consular posts are entitled to claim a refund of GST on such leases where it is included in their package of indirect tax concessions. Crown leases for diplomatic land in the ACT - that is, long term leases (as defined under GST legislation) for land specifically designated for diplomatic use that is leased through the National Capital Authority - do not attract GST. 6.4.4 Arrangements for making claims The following administrative arrangements apply: orders for duty-exempt excisable goods may be placed with licensed suppliers on official stationery of the relevant diplomatic mission, consular post or international organisation (see Section 6.2); claims for refund of excise and GST on purchases of fuel should be submitted quarterly to the ITCS ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 25 Claims Processing Team, Australian Taxation Office, GPO Box 9977, Brisbane QLD 4001 using ATO Form NAT 3152 Fuel Claim: Application for refund under Indirect Tax Concession Scheme. ATO Form NAT 3153 Running Sheet for Fuel Purchases should be used to record cash purchases of fuel - the totals from which should be transferred to fuel claim Form NAT 3152 - and submitted with claims; general applications for exemption from Customs duty on imported goods (except motor vehicles) should be submitted to the ACT Regional Office, Customs and Border Protection Service, Customs House, 5 Constitution Avenue, Canberra ACT 2600 using the yellow Customs Form B615 Application for Release of Goods from Customs Control to Diplomatic and Consular Personnel. Where possible, Form B615 should be accompanied by shipping and/or commercial documentation. Once approved, Form B615 can either be collected from the ACT Regional Office of ACS or arrangements made for it to be sent by mail to diplomatic missions, consular posts or certain international organisations (see Section 6.3); applications for the purchase of an imported motor vehicle free from Customs duty or an Australian manufactured motor vehicle should be submitted individually for each vehicle to Protocol Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, John McEwen Crescent, Barton ACT 0221 using the blue Application for the purchase of a motor vehicle under privilege form (see Appendix 18); For items other than motor vehicles, personal effects, those carried in diplomatic or consular bags (which cannot be opened or detained) or purchased through a Customs-licensed bonded warehouse, a Customs Import Declaration (N10) must be completed and submitted to ACS for any direct imports valued in excess of $1,000 (price paid plus transport and insurance). Licensed customs brokers are familiar with these procedures; general claims for ITCS refunds where the invoice value being claimed is $200 or greater should be submitted on a quarterly basis (January to March, April to June, July to September, October to December) to the ITCS Claims Processing Team, Australian Taxation Office, GPO Box 9977, Brisbane QLD 4001 using ATO Form NAT 3154 Application for refund under the Indirect Tax Concession Scheme (see Section 6.4.1); claims for refund of GST and any LCT paid on the purchase of a motor vehicle should be submitted individually for each motor vehicle purchased to the ITCS Claims Processing Team, Australian Taxation Office, GPO Box 9977, Brisbane QLD 4001 using ATO Form NAT 3155 Motor Vehicle Claim: Application for refund under Indirect Tax Concession Scheme, together with a copy of the completed Application for the purchase of a motor vehicle under privilege form (which must have approvals from both the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and ACS), the original tax invoice and proof of payment (see Section 7.5); all claims and applications must be made through the mission or post, not by an individual, and signed by the Head of Mission or Head of Post or delegated official with the official mission or post stamp affixed; the original tax invoice/receipt showing GST and any WET or LCT paid must be attached to any claim for ITCS refunds - purchasers should ensure they request a tax invoice at the time of purchase showing these details and tax invoices for $1,000 or more must also show the name and address of the purchaser; and ITCS refunds to a mission, post or organisation will only be paid to a single, nominated bank account. 6.4.5 GST concessions on construction or renovation projects Under ITCS legislation, the Australian Government may negotiate bilateral arrangements for reciprocal tax concessions on certain construction or renovation projects relating to mission premises. To be eligible, work must relate to chancery premises or a Head of Mission residence and the total cost of the project must be at least $10,000. Other residential accommodation and consular premises are not normally eligible for tax concessions. Missions proposing to undertake construction or renovation projects that may qualify for tax concessions on a reciprocal basis should direct enquiries to Protocol Branch before any work is undertaken. 6.5 Honorary consular officers Limited exemption from excise or customs duties is available to consular posts headed by honorary consular officers. There is no exemption from Customs duty or entitlement to claim refunds of GST and LCT on the purchase of motor vehicles. Consular posts headed by an honorary consul are permitted limited purchases of alcohol free of excise duty for use at National Day celebrations. They are also permitted limited purchases of wine for use at National Day celebrations where claims for refunds of WET and GST are submitted as part of the official claims by responsible diplomatic missions or consular posts headed by a career consular officer. 6.6 Income earned in Australia The official salary and allowances paid to home-based diplomatic and consular personnel (including administrative and technical staff, consular employees and service staff) posted to Australia are exempt from all forms of taxation in Australia. Other income derived by diplomatic and consular personnel from sources outside Australia is also exempt from Australian taxation. Diplomatic missions and consular posts are ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 26 reminded, however, that locally engaged staff and any other staff who may be citizens or permanent residents of Australia (in accordance with the migration regulations) will generally be liable to pay Australian tax on their salaries and allowances. Interest arising in Australia, being interest from banks, building societies or credit unions from all types of accounts, including transaction, savings and term deposit accounts, accruing to missions and posts in the course of their official duties is exempt from taxation in Australia. This exemption also applies to interest from government securities, bonds, debentures, and distributions from unit trusts, including cash management trusts, to which missions and posts are beneficially entitled. Article 34(d) of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 and Article 49(d) of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963 permit a receiving State to tax private income having its source in that State. Australia regards “private income” as including all income derived from Australian sources, some examples being the proceeds of share market dealings, dividends from public companies, dealings in real estate, and the interest that accrues to personal accounts operated by individuals at financial institutions in Australia. Individuals who receive such income are liable to pay Australian tax. This position is consistent with the abovementioned articles and is adopted by a number of other countries. Diplomatic and consular personnel are generally considered to be in the same position as Australian residents for taxation purposes and may apply to the Australian Taxation Office for a Tax File Number. This has no bearing on their status under the Vienna Conventions or migration regulations and in no way reduces, modifies or otherwise affects their privileges and immunities. It does, however, mean that where individuals quote their Tax File Numbers to investment bodies (such as banks, building societies, credit unions or public companies) with which they have accounts or investments, those bodies will not automatically withhold tax amounts from the interest or dividends payable on those investments. Where Tax File Numbers are not quoted, investment bodies are, unless the account holders or investors are non-residents for tax purposes, liable to withhold tax from any income earned on the investments and to do so at the highest marginal tax rate applicable to individuals (currently 46.5% of the income payable). As residents of Australia for tax purposes, diplomatic and consular personnel have access to the annual tax-free threshold on their taxable Australian income; currently this threshold is $6,000. (The tax-free threshold may be less than $6,000 if a tax payer entered or left Australia permanently during the financial year). This means they can earn private Australian income, including interest, up to this amount without having to pay Australian income tax. They do not have to take any formal action to be treated as Australian residents for tax purposes. The question of whether a person is a resident for tax purposes is one of fact, with the status flowing, generally, from the intention to live in Australia during a normal-term posting. Where diplomatic and consular personnel are in Australia on short-term postings they should, if necessary, clarify their residency status for tax purposes with the Australian Taxation Office. Where missions or posts represent a country with which Australia has concluded an agreement for the avoidance of double taxation, the tax position of diplomatic and consular personnel accredited to those missions or posts will also be governed by the terms of that agreement. One consequence that generally flows from this is that, where diplomatic and consular personnel are residents for tax purposes and earn Australian income in excess of $6,000, the average rate of Australian tax payable on that income will, in the case of interest and dividend income, be limited to 10% of the gross interest or 15% of the gross dividends so included. While this limitation is only applicable to diplomatic and consular personnel from agreement countries, it is worth noting that the average rate of Australian tax currently only exceeds 10% or 15% where taxable Australian income exceeds $18,000 or $36,000 respectively. Persons who are Australian residents for tax purposes are normally required to complete an income tax return each year. Home-based diplomatic and consular personnel who do not derive any private income from sources in Australia are completely outside the scope of the Australian taxation system. They do not have to obtain Tax File Numbers, lodge income tax returns or take any other tax-related actions. Individuals who wish to be in this position have the option of opening a standard, non-interest-bearing cheque account with an Australian bank or other financial institution that offers such accounts. As such, those accounts do not accrue interest and the question of taxation does not arise. Those diplomatic and consular personnel who derive some private income in Australia but are confident that the total amount will be below the resident tax-free threshold can apply to the Australian Taxation Office for exemption from this requirement. However, if tax has been deducted from any income, the person taxed may need to complete a tax return in order to secure a refund of that tax. There are various provisions of the law that allow the Commissioner of Taxation to refund tax correctly deducted or withheld other than by lodgement of a return. These provisions operate where the Commissioner is satisfied of certain matters (primarily that the income will not be subject to tax and that the individual will suffer hardship if the amount is not refunded prior to a return being lodged). If individuals have not quoted their Tax File Numbers and wish to avail themselves of these provisions in relation to tax deducted or withheld, they should contact the Australian Taxation Office to obtain further details. The Department is aware that as a result of confusion about their taxation status, some diplomatic and consular personnel may have informed investment bodies with which they have accounts or investments that they were non-residents. As a result, they have had deducted from any interest that accrued to their accounts, or dividends paid to them, an amount to cover the withholding tax liability imposed on non-residents. It is suggested that any diplomatic and consular personnel ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 27 affected in this way may now wish to obtain a Tax File Number and notify it to the relevant investment body. After doing so no Australian tax will be payable on interest or dividend income, provided the total Australian income earned in the financial year does not exceed the resident tax-free threshold. Where amounts have been deducted from interest or dividends based on advice that the individual was a non-resident for tax purposes, the individual can request a refund of the amount of tax withheld by writing to the Deputy Commissioner of Taxation, PO Box 9811 Moonee Ponds VIC 3039. The request should outline the circumstances in which the amount was deducted, the amount(s) deducted, the name of the investment body making the payment, the date(s) of payment and any other information that will assist the Tax Office in identifying the amount(s) to be refunded. Diplomatic and consular personnel can request a refund only if they are not required to pay any tax in Australia. If tax is to be paid, the amount of tax withheld by investment bodies will be credited against the individual’s tax assessment. Depending on the total tax to be paid, the individual may get a refund when the Tax Office sends the notice of tax assessment. Any enquiries should be directed to the Australian Taxation Office, GPO Box 9990, in the capital city of the state or territory where you are located. For telephone assistance please call the Australian Taxation Office enquiries line on 13 28 61. Importing to Australia: http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/import General Importing Information - Documentary Requirements: http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/import/general-info/documentary-requirements Importing Therapeutic Goods: http://www.tga.gov.au/industry/import-export.htm http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/import/food/therapeutic_goods http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/import/biological/therapeutic-foods-dietary ΣΗΜΑΝΣΗ ΕΙΣΑΓΟΜΕΝΩΝ ΑΓΑΘΩΝ Στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις τα τρόφιμα για λιανική πώληση υποχρεούνται να φέρουν ετικέτα που να περιλαμβάνει όλα τα στοιχεία που προβλέπονται στον κώδικα Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Σε γενικές γραμμές, τα περισσότερα συσκευασμένα τρόφιμα, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των εισαγόμενων τροφίμων, πρέπει να περιλαμβάνουν τις ακόλουθες βασικές πληροφορίες: Όνομα ή μια περιγραφή του τροφίμου επαρκής για να υποδεικνύει την πραγματική φύση του τροφίμου (Standard 1.2.2 - απαιτήσεις αναγνώρισης τροφίμων) Tαυτοποίησης παρτίδας (Standard 1.2.2 - απαιτήσεις αναγνώρισης τροφίμων) Όνομα και διεύθυνση των επιχειρήσεων (Standard 1.2.2 απαιτήσεις αναγνώρισης τροφίμων) Υποχρεωτική προειδοποίηση και παροχή συμβουλών και δηλώσεων που προβλέπονται στον κώδικα (Standard 1.2.3 ) Αναγραφή των συστατικών (Standard 1.2.4 - Αναγραφή των συστατικών) Ημερομηνία σήμανσης (Standard 1.2.5 - Ημερομηνία σήμανσης των συσκευασμένων τροφίμων) Πλαίσιο πληροφοριών Διατροφής (Standard 1.2.8 - απαιτήσεις πληροφόρησης Διατροφής) Απαιτήσεις αναγνωσιμότητας (Standard 1.2.9) Επισήμανση Ποσοστού (Standard 1.2.10 - Χαρακτηρισμός συστατικών και στοιχεία των Τροφίμων) Οδηγίες για τη χρήση ή την αποθήκευση (Standard 1.2.6 - Οδηγίες για Χρήση και Αποθήκευση) Προσθετικά τροφίμων (Standard 1.3.1) Σχετικές Iστοσελίδες: Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code: http://www.foodstandards.gov.au/foodstandards/foodstandardscode.cfm http://www.foodstandards.gov.au/foodstandards/userguides/ User Guides to the Food Standards Code: http://www.foodstandards.gov.au/contactus/contactform.cfm?action=filter&query=Imported+foods ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 28 ΔΙΑΔΙΚΑΣΙΕΣ ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗΣ ΦΥΤΩΝ Η ΖΩΝΤΩΝ ΖΩΩΝ Η Αυστραλία, εφαρμόζει αυστηρότατες προδιαγραφές εισαγωγής στην γεωγραφική επικράτειά της οργανισμών που ενδέχεται να μολύνουν την αυτόχθονα χλωρίδα ή πανίδα και να καταστρέψουν τμήματα του οικοσυστήματος. Σύμφωνα με το Αυστραλιανό Υπουργείο Γεωργίας και την Υπηρεσία Βιοασφάλειας (Biosecurity Australia) για την εισαγωγή φυτών ή ζώντων ζώων που είτε δεν έχουν εισαχθεί προηγουμένως είτε δεν έχουν εισαχθεί προηγουμένως από την συγκεκριμένη χώρα αποστολής, χρειάζεται να κατατεθεί πρόταση εισαγωγής (Import Proposal). Με την υποβολή της πρότασης η Biosecurity Australia θα εξετάσει εάν χρειάζεται ανάλυση κινδύνου εισαγωγής (Import risk analysis) και αν επαρκούν οι πληροφορίες για να γίνει (χωρίς όλες τις απαραίτητες πληροφορίες δεν επιτελείται ανάλυση κινδύνου). Η ανάλυση κινδύνου εισαγωγής θα γίνει όταν : Δεν έχουν ληφθεί σχετικά μέτρα διαχείρισης κινδύνου Τέτοια μέτρα έχουν ληφθεί στο παρελθόν αλλά εκτιμάται πως οι συνθήκες έχουν αλλάξει Η ανάλυση κινδύνου εισαγωγής μπορεί να είναι απλή ή εκτεταμένη όταν θεωρείται πως ο κίνδυνος για την τοπική πανίδα ή χλωρίδα είναι υψηλός ή όταν η ανάλυση εμπεριέχει σημαντικές διαφορές επιστημονικής τεκμηρίωσης. Την απόφαση για εκτεταμένη ανάλυση λαμβάνει ο γενικός Διευθυντής της Υπηρεσίας Βιοασφάλειας. Το χρονικό διάστημα για την εκπόνηση της ανάλυσης κινδύνου εισαγωγής είναι 24 μήνες για την απλή και 30 μήνες για την εκτεταμένη. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες περιέχονται στην ιστοσελίδα της Υπηρεσίας Βιοασφάλειας: http://www.daff.gov.au/ba ΚΑΘΕΣΤΩΣ ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗΣ ΦΑΡΜΑΚΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΛΛΥΝΤΙΚΩΝ ΦΑΡΜΑΚΑ Στην κατηγορία των φαρμάκων συμπεριλαμβάνονται: 1. φάρμακα που δίδονται με ιατρική συνταγή 2. φάρμακα που πωλούνται άνευ συνταγής (OTC – over the counter). Αυτά περιλαμβάνουν γνωστά συστατικά με μακρά χρήση (για καταπολέμηση κρυολογήματος, μυκητοκτόνα, αντηλιακά, παυσίπονα) αλλά και συμπληρωματικά φάρμακα – βότανα, βιταμίνες, αρωματοθεραπεία και ομοιοπαθητικά φάρμακα. Για να διακινηθούν τα φάρμακα στην αγορά της Αυστραλίας χρειάζονται άδεια. Ο αρμόδιος κρατικός φορέας είναι το TGA – Therapeutic Goods Administration. Για να πωληθεί το προϊόν στην Αυστραλία θα πρέπει να καταχωρηθεί στο Αυστραλιανό Μητρώο Θεραπευτικών Αγαθών (Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods -ARTG). Τα φάρμακα είτε εγγράφονται στο μητρώο είτε καταχωρούνται (registered/listed). (α) Αυτά που εγγράφονται είναι τα φάρμακα της κατηγορίας 1. καθώς και ορισμένα από την κατηγορία 2. στα φάρμακα αυτά δίδεται αριθμός εγγραφής (AUST R 12345) που αναγράφεται κατόπιν στη συσκευασία. Η διαδικασία εγγραφής διαρκεί αρκετούς μήνες. (β) Τα υπόλοιπα φάρμακα που καταχωρούνται λαμβάνουν αριθμό AUST L 12345 ο οποίος αναγράφεται στη συσκευασία. Η διαδικασία καταχώρησης διαρκεί 5-10 ημέρες. Ιστότοπος της TGA: www.tga.gov.au ΚΑΛΛΥΝΤΙΚΑ Καλλυντικά θεωρούνται τα προϊόντα τα οποία χρησιμοποιούνται στο δέρμα και την στοματική κοιλότητα με σκοπό την καθαριότητα, την διατήρηση της κατάστασης, την αλλαγή της εμφάνισης, την προστασία, την εξαφάνιση ή αλλαγή της οσμής. Παραδείγματα καλλυντικών είναι τα ενυδατικά προϊόντα, τα προϊόντα καθαρισμού, οι περισσότερες οδοντόκρεμες, τα προϊόντα περιποίησης των μαλλιών και τα αποσμητικά. Υπάρχουν προϊόντα όπως βακτηριοκτόνα καθαριστικά δέρματος τα οποία ανάλογα με την παρουσίασή τους δύνανται να χαρακτηρισθούν ως καλλυντικά. Οτιδήποτε προϊόν διατείνεται πως έχει θεραπευτικές ιδιότητες κατηγοριοποιείται ως φάρμακο. Τα καλλυντικά δεν χρειάζονται ειδική άδεια από τις κρατικές αρχές. Ωστόσο οι εισαγωγείς και κατασκευαστές θα πρέπει να εγγράψουν το προϊόν στην υπηρεσία National Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS). Τα συστατικά που περιέχονται στο προίόν θα πρέπει να καταχωρηθούν στην τράπεζα πληροφοριών της υπηρεσίας NICNAS, ούτως ώστε αξιολογηθούν αναφορικά με τις υγειονομικές και περιβαλλοντικές τους επιπτώσεις και λάβουν σύσταση για ασφαλή χρήση. Δεν υπάρχουν πρότυπα και προδιαγραφές για την κατασκευή καλλυντικών στην Αυστραλία. Επίσης δεν χρειάζεται έγκριση για την διαφήμιση των καλλυντικών. Ιστότοπος της NICNAS: www.nicnas.gov.au ΘΕΜΑΤΑ ΠΡΟΣΒΑΣΗΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΟΡΑ ΤΗΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΣ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΣ ΠΡΟΜΗΘΕΙΕΣ ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 29 Η Αυστραλία είναι η μοναδική ανεπτυγμένη βιομηχανικά χώρα η οποία δεν έχει υπογράψει την πλειονομερή Συμφωνία για τις Δημόσιες Προμήθειες στο πλαίσιο του Παγκόσμιου Οργανισμού Εμπορίου. Το ρυθμιστικό πλαίσιο στις σχετικές οδηγίες προβλέπει πως «οι δυνητικοί προμηθευτές θα έχουν ίση μεταχείριση ανάλογα με τις δυνατότητές των και όχι τον βαθμό της αλλοδαπής συμμετοχής, την έδρα ή το μέγεθός των». Μία σημαντική εξαίρεση αποτελούν οι προμήθειες που γίνονται από ΜΜΕ (ορισμένες ως εταιρείες με δυναμικό < 100 εργαζομένων) οι οποίες καλύπτουν το 25% του συνολικού όγκου σε εθνικό επίπεδο. Από τους περιορισμούς καθώς και τις πολιτικές διάκρισης εις βάρος ευρωπαϊκών εταιρειών αναφέρονται οι εξής: Δεν υπάρχει υποχρέωση σε πολιτειακό επίπεδο για τις πολιτειακές αρχές να εφαρμόζουν πολιτική ίσης μεταχείρισης σε όλους τους προμηθευτές. Οι πολιτειακές κυβερνήσεις έχουν υιοθετήσει την ελάχιστη υποχρέωση να εφαρμόζουν εθνική μεταχείριση σε επιχειρήσεις των ΗΠΑ (που απορρέει από την διμερή συμφωνία ελευθέρου εμπορίου AUSFTA) για προμήθειες άνω του αναφερθέντος ορίου. Κάποιες πολιτείες, όπως η Νότια Αυστραλία, επιβάλλουν πρόσθετα τέλη σε αγαθά με συγκεκριμένο ποσοστό εισηχθέντος περιεχομένου που ευνοεί Αυστραλούς προμηθευτές. Οι αρμόδιοι κυβερνητικοί φορείς εφαρμόζουν 20% τιμολογιακή προτίμηση σε αγαθά ή υπηρεσίες αυστραλιανής προέλευσης (και προέλευσης Ν. Ζηλανδίας). Πρόσφατα οι πολιτείες της Victoria (Μελβούρνη) New South Wales (Σύδνεϋ) έχουν ενισχύσει αυτές τις πολιτικές διάκρισης. Οι δημόσιες προμήθειες στην Αυστραλία δεν διενεργούνται από ένα ενιαίο φορέα. Κάθε δημόσια υπηρεσία είναι υπεύθυνη για τον καθορισμό τόσο των εξοπλιστικών αναγκών της, όσο και για τη δρομολόγηση της συγκεκριμένης διαδικασίας προμήθειας του αναγκαίου υλικού. Κάθε δυνητικός προμηθευτής οφείλει, ως εκ τούτου να παρακολουθεί και να μελετά τις απαιτήσεις, τους κανόνες και προδιαγραφές λειτουργίας εκάστης υπηρεσίας που τυχόν τον αφορά προκειμένου να καταστεί σε θέση να ανταποκριθεί στις συγκεκριμένες εξοπλιστικές ανάγκες της τελευταίας. Παρά την ως άνω διάσπαρτη ευθύνη και επιχειρησιακή αυτοτέλεια των αυστραλιανών δημοσίων υπηρεσιών, η ομοσπονδιακή κυβέρνηση έχει θεσπίσει ένα γενικό πλαίσιο – οδηγό υλοποίησης των προμηθειών του δημοσίου (Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines), στόχος του οποίου είναι η εξασφάλιση του ανταγωνισμού, της αποτελεσματικότητας, της χρηστής διαχείρισης και τέλος της διαφάνειας της διαδικασίας. Για την άμεση και έγκαιρη ενημέρωση των προμηθευτών αναφορικά με τρέχοντες και μελλοντικούς διαγωνισμούς, οι ενδιαφερόμενοι μπορούν να ανατρέξουν στην ιστοσελίδα http://www.tenders.gov.au. Προτείνεται επίσης η εγγραφή ως μέλος ενός προμηθευτή στην προαναφερομένη ιστοσελίδα, μέσω της οποίας δύναται επίσης να ζητήσει την τακτική ενημέρωση του για τυχόν διαγωνισμούς, αλλά και να υποβάλλει αιτήσεις συμμετοχής κάνοντας χρήση του σχετικού ασφαλούς ηλεκτρονικού περιβάλλοντος. Ιδιαίτερα όσον αφορά στην ενημέρωση και την υποβολή προσφορών που αφορούν σε προμήθειες του Υπουργείου Άμυνας υπάρχει η ιστοσελίδα http://www.defence.gov.au/dmo. ΓΕΝΙΚΑ ΣΥΜΠΕΡΑΣΜΑΤΑ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΑΓΟΡΑ ΤΗΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΣ Η αγορά της Αυστραλίας είναι γενικά ανοικτή σε υπερπόντιους προμηθευτές - το ύψος των εισαγωγικών δασμών διαμορφώθηκε σταδιακά στο 5% (γενικό ποσοστό) και 0% για επιλέξιμες αναπτυσσόμενες χώρες από την 1η Ιουλίου 1996. Ο μέσος καταναλωτής της Αυστραλίας μπορεί να χαρακτηριστεί ως αρκετά συντηρητικός και έχοντας επίγνωση της "αξίας των χρημάτων". Τα τελευταία χρόνια επικρατεί η τάση ο καταναλωτής να απαιτεί την πραγματική ποιότητα για τα χρήματα που πληρώνει. Σε πολλά τμήματα της αγοράς, οι πωλήσεις φθηνών αγαθών μειώθηκαν καθώς οι καταναλωτές είναι διατεθειμένοι να πληρώσουν περισσότερα χρήματα για ένα προϊόν που θα διαρκέσει. Αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι οι καταναλωτές είναι διατεθειμένοι να πληρώσουν εύκολα υψηλές τιμές καθώς οι περισσότεροι συγκρίνουν τις τιμές από διάφορα καταστήματα πριν αποφασίσουν για την αγορά τους. Από την άλλη πλευρά, υπάρχει μια προτίμηση για ορισμένα εισαγόμενα προϊόντα στα πιο δαπανηρά τμήματα της αγοράς. Τα γυναικεία ενδύματα και υποδήματα από την Ιταλία και Γαλλία για παράδειγμα, πωλούνται σε σχετικά υψηλές τιμές όπως και τα αυτοκίνητα από την Ευρώπη. Ένα άλλο σημείο αφορά την ποιότητα η οποία αναμένεται από τους καταναλωτές. Πολλές επιχειρήσεις λιανικής πώλησης στη χώρα λειτουργούν με μια πολιτική επιστροφής των χρημάτων, ακόμη και εάν ο καταναλωτής απλώς άλλαξε την άποψή του για την αγορά του προϊόντος. Ο καταναλωτής της Αυστραλίας για το λόγο αυτό έχει πολύ υψηλές ποιοτικές προδιαγραφές που υποστηρίζονται από ένα ευρύ φάσμα νομοθεσίας προστασίας των καταναλωτών. Οι εισαγωγείς και οι έμποροι λιανικής πώλησης αφομοιώνουν τη στάση αυτή και δεν θα δεχθούν προϊόντα που δεν πληρούν τα προτύπων ποιότητας και ελέγχου. ΘΕΜΑΤΑ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΟΥΛΤΟΥΡΑΣ Χαρακτηριστικά Εισαγωγέων: ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 30 Ο μέσος εισαγωγέας της χώρας θα ζητήσει σχετικά αρκετά μικρές ποσότητες προϊόντων αλλά θα αναμένει χαμηλότερες τιμές σε σύγκριση με αγοραστές από τις ΗΠΑ ή τις περισσότερες ευρωπαϊκές χώρες καθώς επίσης και ακρίβεια για την παράδοση σε εύθετο χρόνο. Οι κύριες ανησυχίες των εισαγωγέων της Αυστραλίας είναι η τιμή, η ποιότητα, η αξιοπιστία και η προθεσμία παράδοσης των αγαθών, με την τιμή να παίζει τον μεγαλύτερο ρόλο. Ορισμένοι από τους λόγους αυτής της σκληρής στάσης από τους εισαγωγείς είναι: ο έντονος ανταγωνισμός στους τομείς των εισαγωγέων και του λιανικού εμπορίου ο ανοικτός χαρακτήρας του καθεστώτος εισαγωγών ο μεγάλος αριθμός προμηθευτών στις γειτονικές χώρες που προσπαθούν να πωλήσουν στην Αυστραλία το γεγονός ότι η αυστραλιανή αγορά των περιόδων εμπορίας είναι αντίθετη από το βόρειο ημισφαίριο και πολλοί υπερπόντιοι προμηθευτές είναι διατεθειμένοι να προσφέρουν "εκτός εποχής" εκπτώσεις στις πωλήσεις στην Αυστραλία. Κατά την πρώτη φορά που εισάγει προϊόντα από έναν νέο προμηθευτή, ο εισαγωγέας συχνά κάνει δύο ή τρεις δοκιμαστικές παραγγελίες για να εξασφαλιστεί ότι ο προμηθευτής πληροί τα πρότυπα ποιότητας. Το στοιχείο αυτό βέβαια δεν ισχύει για τις περιπτώσεις που οι προμηθευτές είναι δυνατά ονόματα της αγοράς. Άλλος σοβαρός κώδικας εμπορίου είναι ότι οι προμηθευτές να μην μπορούν να αψηφούν οποιαδήποτε συμφωνία για να πωλούν και σε άλλους εισαγωγείς, χωρίς προηγούμενη προσυνεννόηση. Ένα άλλο σημείο σχετικά με τους εισαγωγείς είναι στάση τους απέναντι στους νέους προμηθευτές. Οι περισσότεροι εισαγωγείς δεν θα ήθελαν να απομακρυνθούν από τους προηγούμενους προμηθευτές τους λόγω των δυσκολιών που αναμένονται από τις επιχειρηματικές δραστηριότητες με έναν νέο προμηθευτή. Ενώ οι εισαγωγείς μπορεί αρχικά να προσελκύονται από μια ανταγωνιστική τιμή, είναι απρόθυμοι να ασχοληθούν με έναν προμηθευτή, ο οποίος δεν τους παρέχει κάποια βεβαιότητα σε σχέση με την ποιότητα του προϊόντος, αξιόπιστη παράδοση και τακτική επικοινωνία. Παράλληλα εφαρμόζουν το σύστημα αγοράς μέσω “Buyers” που εδρεύουν στο εξωτερικό και που λειτουργούν ως εμπορικοί σύμβουλοι κάνοντας “trade scouting”. Το εξωτερικό εμπόριο της Αυστραλίας έχει εστιαστεί κατά τα τελευταία χρόνια όλο και περισσότερο στις αναπτυσσόμενες οικονομίες της Ασίας και κυρίως στην Κίνα. Οι εισαγωγές ενός ευρέως φάσματος βιομηχανικών και καταναλωτικών αγαθών από τις χώρες αυτές (ηλεκτρονικά είδη ευρείας κατανάλωσης, παιχνίδια, υφάσματα, είδη ένδυσης και υπόδησης), έχουν αυξηθεί και αναμένεται ότι οι προμηθευτές από τις χώρες αυτές θα συνεχίσουν να αποτελούν ισχυρούς ανταγωνιστές για τους νεοεισερχόμενους στην αγορά. Το βασικό μήνυμα για νέους προμηθευτές είναι ότι η Αυστραλία θα παραμείνει μια σημαντική αγορά για ένα ευρύ φάσμα βιομηχανικών προϊόντων (μηχανήματα κ.λ.π.) και στα καταναλωτικά αγαθά υπάρχουν ευκαιρίες για τις αναπτυσσόμενες χώρες για την πλήρωση κενών που αφήνουν οι -πλέον ακριβοί σχετικά- προμηθευτές όπως από την Ιαπωνία, Ταϊβάν και Κορέα. Ωστόσο, υπάρχει πολύ ισχυρός ανταγωνισμός από τη ΛΔ Κίνας και οι νέοι προμηθευτές θα πρέπει να υιοθετήσουν μια αποτελεσματική και ιδιαίτερα αποδοτική στρατηγική εμπορίας και μάρκετινγκ για να κατακτήσουν ένα αρχικό μερίδιο στην αυστραλιανή αγορά. Αοαιτείται όμως πρώτιστα σοβαρού προϋπολογισμού μάρκετινγκ. ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΥΠΟΒΑΘΡΟ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ-ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΣ Το γεγονός που συνδέει τις οικονομίες Ελλάδας και Αυστραλίας και δημιουργεί προϋποθέσεις συνεργασίας είναι η μεγάλη ομογενειακή παρουσία των Ελλήνων στην Αυστραλία. Οι Έλληνες ομογενείς διατηρούν δεσμούς με την Ελλάδα, και θέτουν τις προϋποθέσεις ανάπτυξης των εμπορικών και οικονομικών δεσμών. Ο αριθμός των Αυστραλών τουριστών που επισκέφθηκαν την Ελλάδα τα τελευταία πέντε έτη είναι σχετικά μικρός δεδομένου του πληθυσμού της χώρας καθώς και του εισοδηματικού επιπέδου των κατοίκων και υπάρχει μεγάλη δυνατότητα αύξησης του αριθμού αυτού με ευεργετικές συνέπειες για την ελληνική οικονομία. Η αγορά των τροφίμων συνεχώς εξελίσσεται στην Αυστραλία καθώς από κοινωνικής απόψεως η χώρα προσεγγίζει περισσότερο πολύ-πολιτισμικά μοντέλα κοινωνικής αποδοχής και συνεπώς καθίσταται πιο δεκτική σε ξένες επιρροές. Αυτό σημαίνει πως η Ομογένεια δεν θα πρέπει να θεωρείται απαραίτητα ο μοναδικός καταναλωτής των Ελληνικών τροφίμων αλλά ότι αυτά θα μπορούσαν να προορίζονται για την ευρύτερη κατανάλωση. Υπάρχει περιθώριο περεταίρω αύξησης των Ελληνικών συσκευασμένων τροφίμων στην Αυστραλία, συγκεκριμένα στους τομείς γαλακτοκομίας και ελαιολάδου αλλά και στους ειδικότερους τομείς των συσκευασμένων έτοιμων και προκατασκευασμένων τροφίμων. Θα πρέπει να σημειωθεί πως η αγορά ελαιολάδου στην Αυστραλία βρίσκεται σε μία ουσιαστική καμπή διότι το εγχώριας παραγωγής ελαιόλαδο αποτελεί πλέον σημαντικό ανταγωνιστή των ευρωπαϊκής προέλευσης ελαιολάδων. Άλλος τομέας που μπορεί να καταστεί ιδιαίτερα πρόσφορος για τις Ελληνικές επιχειρήσεις είναι ο τομέας των δομικών υλικών (μάρμαρα, γρανίτες, προφίλ αλουμινίου όπου η χώρα υστερεί εμφανώς). Ιδιαίτερα σημαντική αναμένεται να καταστούν οι ναυτιλιακές εμπορικές μεταφορές ιδιαίτερα στον τομέα της ενέργειας (φυσικό αέριο) όπου η Δυτική Αυστραλία, μέσω διεθνών παικτών, θα πρωταγωνιστήσει ως κύρια πηγή παραγωγής και μεταφοράς. ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 31 ΚΥΡΙΑ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΑ ΚΛΑΔΙΚΑ ΟΡΓΑΝΑ & ΦΟΡΕΙΣ Treasury Websites An Australian Consumer Law Asian Insolvency Reform Australian Financial Centre Forum Australian Government Actuary Australian National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation Australia's Future Tax System Board of Taxation Budget (Commonwealth) Consumer Credit Consumer Credit Code Financial Reporting Council Financial Reporting Panel Foreign Investment Review Board Graduate Careers in Treasury Ministerial Council for Federal Financial Relations Retirement and Income Modelling Super System Review Takeovers Panel Trans Tasman Accounting and Auditing Standards Advisory Group Trans Tasman Outcomes Implementation Group http://www.consumerlaw.gov.au http://insolvencynet.treasury.gov.au http://www.treasury.gov.au/afcf http://www.aga.gov.au http://www.ausncp.gov.au http://www.arpc.gov.au http://taxreview.treasury.gov.au http://www.taxboard.gov.au http://www.budget.gov.au http://www.treasury.gov.au/consumercredit http://www.creditcode.gov.au http://www.frc.gov.au http://www.frp.gov.au http://www.firb.gov.au http://graduates.treasury.gov.au http://www.federalfinancialrelations.gov.au http://rim.treasury.gov.au http://www.supersystemreview.gov.au http://www.takeovers.gov.au http://www.treasury.gov.au/ttaasag http://www.treasury.gov.au/ttoig Portfolio Agencies and Other Related Websites Australian Bureau of Statistics Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Australian Office of Financial Management Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Australian Securities and Investments Commission Australian Taxation Office Commonwealth Grants Commission Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee Inspector-General of Taxation National Competition Council National Register for Responsible Business Practice Productivity Commission Reserve Bank of Australia Royal Australian Mint Standard Business Reporting Tax Issues Entry System (TIES) http://www.abs.gov.au http://www.accc.gov.au http://www.aofm.gov.au http://www.apra.gov.au http://www.asic.gov.au http://www.ato.gov.au http://www.cgc.gov.au http://www.camac.gov.au http://www.igt.gov.au http://www.ncc.gov.au http://www.goodbusinessregister.com.au http://www.pc.gov.au http://www.rba.gov.au http://www.ramint.gov.au http://www.sbr.gov.au http://www.ties.gov.au Chambers of Commerce (Private Bodies) Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia Chamber of Commerce Northern Territory Chamber of Commerce Queensland New South Wales Chambers of Commerce ACT Chamber of Commerce and Industry Business Council of Australia Local Chambers Australian Businesswomen’s Network ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ http://www.acci.asn.au/ http://www.cciwa.com/ http://www.chambernt.com.au/ http://www.commerceqld.com.au http://www.actchamber.com.au/ http://www.bca.com.au/ http://www.localchambers.com/ http://www.inspiringwomen.com.au/ σελ. 32 ACT and Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry 12A Thesiger Court DEAKIN ACT 2600 Telephone: 02 6283 5200 Facsimile: 02 6282 5045 Email: chamber@actchamber.com.au www.actchamber.com.au Australian Federation of Employers & Industries PO Box A233 SYDNEY SOUTH NSW 1235 Telephone: 02 9264 2000 Facsimile: 02 9261 1968 Email: admin@afei.org.au www.afei.org.au Business SA Enterprise House 136 Greenhill Road UNLEY SA 5061 Telephone: 08 8300 0000 Facsimile: 08 8300 0001 Email: enquiries@business-sa.com www.business-sa.com Chamber of Commerce & Industry Queensland Industry House 375 Wickham Terrace BRISBANE QLD 4000 Telephone: 07 3842 2244 Facsimile: 07 3832 3195 Email: info@cciq.com.au www.cciq.com.au Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Western Australia (Inc) PO Box 6209 EAST PERTH WA 6892 Telephone: 08 9365 7555 Facsimile: 08 9365 7550 Email: info@cciwa.com www.cciwa.com Chamber of Commerce Northern Territory Confederation House 1/2 Shepherd Street DARWIN NT 0800 Telephone: 08 8982 8100 Facsimile: 08 8981 1405 Email: darwin@chambernt.com.au www.chambernt.com.au NSW Business Chamber Level 15 140 Arthur Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 Telephone: 13 26 96 Facsimile: 1300 655 277 Email: navigation@nswbc.com.au www.nswbusinesschamber.com.au Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce & Industry Ltd GPO Box 793 HOBART TAS 7001 Telephone: 03 6236 3600 Facsimile: 03 6231 1278 Email: admin@tcci.com.au www.tcci.com.au ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 33 Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce & Industry GPO Box 4352QQ MELBOURNE VIC 3001 Telephone: 03 8662 5333 Facsimile: 03 8662 5367 Email: vecci@vecci.org.au www.vecci.org.au Agribusiness Employers' Federation GPO Box 2883 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Telephone: 08 8212 0585 Facsimile: 08 8212 0311 Email: aef@aef.net.au www.aef.net.au Australian Beverages Council Ltd Suite 4 Level 1 6-8 Crewe Place ROSEBERRY NSW 2018 Telephone: 02 9662 2844 Facsimile: 02 9662 2899 Email: info@australianbeverages.org www.australianbeverages.org Australian Food and Grocery Council Level 2, Salvation Army Building, 2 Brisbane Avenue BARTON ACT 2600 Telephone: 02 6273 1466 Email: Patsy.Dinnen@afgc.org.au www.afgc.org.au Australian Retailers Association 6 Overend Street, East Brisbane Qld 4169 Telephone: 1300 368 041 Facsimile: 03 8660 3399 Email:info@retail.org.au www.retail.org.au National Baking Industry Association Head Office: Bread House 49 Gregory Tce Spring Hill QLD 4000 Phone: 1300 557 022 Email: nbia@nbia.org.au Website: www.nbia.org.au National Retail Association Ltd PO Box 91 FORTITUDE VALLEY QLD 4006 Telephone: 07 3251 3000 Facsimile: 07 3251 3030 Email: info@nra.net.au www.nra.net.au Restaurant & Catering Australia Suite 17 401 Pacific Highway ARTARMON NSW 2064 Telephone: 02 9966 0055 Facsimile: 02 9966 9915 Email: restncat@restaurantcater.asn.au www.restaurantcater.asn.au ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 34 ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΟ ΠΛΑΙΣΙΟ “DOING BUSINESS” ΣΤΗΝ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗ ΑΓΟΡΑ Η Αυστραλία διακρίνεται ιδιαίτερα για τις υπηρεσίες “e-Government” και ιδιαίτερα για τις Υπηρεσίες “G2BGovernment To Business” και “G2C-Government to Consumers”. Oι κατωτέρω ηλεκτρονικοί τόποι δίδουν με σαφήνεια και πληρότητα εικόνα για τις διαδικασίες ίδρυσης και λειτουργίας επιχείρησης, σύμφωνα δε με την πρόσφατη μελέτη της Παγκόσμιας Τράπεζας “Doing Business 2013” η Αυστραλία κατετάγη συνολικά 10η χώρα για διευκόλυνση επενδύσεων και 2η για τις διαδικασίες διευκόλυνσης έναρξης ιδιωτικής επιχείρησης. http://australia.gov.au/ http://www.business.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx http://www.business.gov.au/BusinessTopics/Taxation/Pages/default.aspx http://www.enterpriseconnect.gov.au/Pages/Home.aspx http://www.becaustralia.org.au/ http://www.commercialisationaustralia.gov.au/Pages/Home.aspx Αποτυπώνεται το Γενικό Πλαίσιο Ανάπτυξης της Χώρας (ανά Κλάδο Οικονομικής Δραστηριότητας) όπου η Αυστραλιανή Κυβέρνηση αποδίδει ιδιαίτερη σημασία στον 21ο αιώνα. Το Πρόγραμμα φέρει την ονομασία “Grants, assistance and referrals for business at every stage of the business life-cycle” και εξειδικεύεται στους ακόλουθους τομείς υψηλής τεχνολογίας: http://www.ausindustry.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx Clean Technology Energy and Fuels Import and Export Assistance Innovation and R&D Manufacturing Regional Innovation Funds Small Business Venture Capital ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ ΓΡΑΦΕΙΩΝ ΔΙΕΥΚΟΛΥΝΣΗΣ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΟΥ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΕΝΔΥΤΙΚΟΥ ΟΔΗΓΟΥ ΣΤΗ ΧΩΡΑ http://www.austrade.gov.au/Invest/default.aspx R&D Tax Incentive Australian Government's Major Project Facilitation Program Foreign Investment Review Board Business Entry Point http://www.austrade.gov.au/Invest/Doing-business-in-Australia/default.aspx ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΟΙ ΤΟΠΟΙ «ΟΔΗΓΩΝ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΕΙΝ» ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΩΝ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΣ Σύμφωνα με το Αυστραλιανό Ομοσπονδιακό Σύστημα Διοίκησης η εκτελεστική εξουσία ασκείται από επιμέρους 6 Ομόσπονδες Πολιτείες (States) και 2 Περιοχές (Territories): Australian Capital Territory (ACT) New South Wales (NSW) Northern Territory (NT) Queensland (QLD) South Australia (SA) Tasmania (TAS) www.business.act.gov.au www.business.nsw.gov.au www.otd.nt.gov.au www.investqueensland.com.au www.sacentral.sa.gov.au www.investtasmania.com.au ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 35 Victoria (VIC) Western Australia (WA) www.invest.vic.gov.au www.doir.wa.gov.au ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΟ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΣ Πηγή: DFAT (Dept of Foreign Affairs & Trade) Κύριοι 10 Εξαγωγικοί Προορισμοί Αυστραλίας 2011 (A$ δισ) Κύριοι 10 Εισαγωγικοί Προορισμοί Αυστραλίας 2011 (A$ δισ) ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 36 ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΟ ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΟ Π Ρ Ο Ϊ Ο Ν Τ Ω Ν ΠΡΟΪΟΝΤΑ: Κύριες ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΕΣ ΕΞΑΓΩΓΕΣ (2011) Iron ore & concentrates Coal Gold (b) Crude petroleum Natural gas Aluminium ores & concentrates (incl. alumina) Copper ores & concentrates Other ores & concentrates Aluminium Beef Wheat Medicaments (including veterinary) Copper Refined petroleum Meat (excl. beef) Alcoholic beverages (mainly wine) Wool & other animal hair (incl. tops) Passenger motor vehicles Confidential mineral ores Milk & cream ΣΥΝΟΛΟ ΕΞΑΓΩΓΩΝ ΠΡΟΪΟΝΤΩΝ ΠΡΟΪΟΝΤΑ: Κύριες ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΕΣ ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΕΣ (2011) Crude petroleum Passenger motor vehicles Refined petroleum Medicaments (incl. veterinary) Telecom equipment & parts Computers Gold Goods vehicles Civil engineering equipment & parts Monitors, projectors & TVs Furniture, mattresses & cushions Measuring & analysing instruments Vehicle parts & accessories Prams, toys, games & sporting goods Electrical machinery & parts, not elsewhere specified Heating & cooling equipment & parts Pumps (excl. liquid pumps) & parts Rubber tyres, treads & tubes Household-type equipment, not elsewhere specified Office machines ΣΥΝΟΛΟ ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΩΝ ΠΡΟΪΟΝΤΩΝ ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ Α$ εκ. % μερίδιο 49,376 42,967 15,005 10,502 9,425 5,293 5,036 4,441 4,409 4,369 4,178 3,601 3,160 2,438 2,258 2,238 2,225 1,802 1,655 1,171 21.3 18.5 6.5 4.5 4.1 2.3 2.2 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.5 232,188 100.0 Α$ εκ. % μερίδιο 16,218 15,917 9,970 7,896 7,534 6,526 6,520 6,019 3,049 2,822 2,629 2,616 2,572 2,565 2,447 2,247 2,220 2,173 2,054 2,025 7.7 7.5 4.7 3.7 3.6 3.1 3.1 2.8 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 211,850 100.0 σελ. 37 ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΟ ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΟ Υ Π Η Ρ Ε Σ Ι Ω Ν ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ: ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΕΣ ΕΞΑΓΩΓΕΣ (2011) Manufactured services on physical inputs owned by others Maintenance & repair Transport Passenger(b) Freight Other(c) Postal & courier services Travel Business Personal Education-related Other personal Other Construction Insurance & pension Financial Intellectual property charges Telecommunications, computer & information Other business services Personal, cultural and recreational Government services, not included elsewhere ΣΥΝΟΛΟ ΕΞΑΓΩΓΩΝ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΩΝ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ: ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΕΣ ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΕΣ (2011) Manufactured services on physical inputs owned by others Maintenance & repair Transport Passenger Freight Other Postal & courier services Travel Business Personal Education-related Other personal Other Construction Insurance & pension Financial Intellectual property charges Telecommunications, computer & information Other business services Personal, cultural and recreational Government services, not included elsewhere ΣΥΝΟΛΟ ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΩΝ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΩΝ ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ Α$ εκ. % μερίδιο 230 54 6,339 2,713 425 2,251 950 32,817 2,966 29,851 17,685 12,166 12,951 92 324 956 1,027 1,816 7,117 767 852 0.4 0.1 12.1 5.2 0.8 4.3 1.8 62.6 5.7 57.0 33.8 23.2 24.7 0.2 0.6 1.8 2.0 3.5 13.6 1.5 1.6 52,391 100.0 Α$ εκ. % μερίδιο 6 283 14,670 5,708 8,542 291 129 24,398 3,150 21,248 906 20,342 16,565 0 615 664 3,706 2,038 7,277 1,377 888 0.0 0.5 26.2 10.2 15.3 0.5 0.2 43.6 5.6 38.0 1.6 36.4 29.6 0.0 1.1 1.2 6.6 3.6 13.0 2.5 1.6 55,922 100.0 σελ. 38 Australia's top 25 Exports (goods & services), Rank Commodity 2010 2011 (A$ million) 2012 % Growth 2011 /2012 % Growth 5 year 5 1 Iron ores & concentrates 49,380 64,097 54,689 -14.7 2 Coal 42,967 46,691 41,273 -11.6 3 Gold 14,438 15,077 15,525 3.0 4.9 4 Education-related travel services 16,597 15,155 14,487 -4.4 2.7 5 Natural gas 9,425 11,084 13,418 21.1 17.4 6 Personal travel (excl education) services 12,165 11,784 11,865 0.7 0.1 7 Crude petroleum 10,502 11,451 10,989 -4.0 6.7 8 Wheat 4,178 6,076 6,530 7.5 23.2 9 Copper ores & concentrates 5,035 5,437 5,305 -2.4 8.3 10 Aluminium ores & conc (incl alumina) 5,293 5,443 5,273 -3.1 -3.2 11 Beef, f.c.f. 4,370 4,684 4,754 1.5 0.4 12 Business travel services 2,969 3,573 4,104 14.9 9.3 13 Professional services 3,094 3,252 3,856 18.6 1.1 14 Medicaments (incl veterinary) 3,601 3,278 3,849 17.4 0.3 15 Aluminium 4,409 4,657 3,777 -18.9 -7.6 16 Technical & other business services 3,566 3,455 3,486 0.9 1.0 17 Copper 3,160 3,861 3,349 -13.3 2.4 18 Refined petroleum 2,438 2,938 3,275 11.5 -1.0 19 Cotton 1,042 2,537 2,627 3.5 47.5 20 Wool & other animal hair (incl tops) 2,225 2,837 2,524 -11.0 1.2 21 Meat (excl beef), f.c.f. 2,258 2,375 2,370 -0.2 3.2 22 Passenger transport services (c) 2,709 2,636 2,491 -5.5 -9.1 23 Other transport services (d) 2,242 2,231 2,286 2.5 1.1 24 Alcoholic beverages 2,238 2,033 2,009 -1.2 -8.1 25 Oil-seeds & oleaginous fruits, soft 569 1,287 1,780 38.3 59.4 283,481 313,232 300,054 -4.2 6.1 Total 5 28.7 10.6 Australia's top 25 Imports (goods & services), (A$ million) Rank Commodity 2010 2011 2012 % Growth 2011 / 2012 Growth 5 year 1 Personal travel (excl education) services 20,361 22,118 22,278 0.7 9.0 2 Crude petroleum 16,217 20,827 21,567 3.6 7.9 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 39 Australia's top 25 Imports (goods & services), (A$ million) Rank Commodity 3 Passenger motor vehicles 4 2010 2011 2012 % Growth 2011 / 2012 Growth 5 year 15,917 14,159 16,918 19.5 3.5 Refined petroleum 9,968 14,306 15,871 10.9 9.2 5 Freight transport services 8,542 8,357 9,229 10.4 -0.1 6 Telecom equipment & parts 7,534 8,323 8,747 5.1 5.4 7 Goods vehicles 6,019 6,153 8,560 39.1 6.3 8 Medicaments (incl veterinary) 7,896 8,530 8,201 -3.9 5.6 9 Passenger transport services (d) 5,745 6,389 6,900 8.0 0.2 10 Civil engineering equipment & parts 3,049 4,264 6,823 60.0 11.0 11 Computers 6,526 6,634 6,777 2.2 4.0 12 Technical & other business services 4,536 4,749 5,943 25.1 8.4 13 Gold 7,047 6,396 5,841 -8.7 -4.9 14 Charges for intellectual property 3,718 3,967 4,074 2.7 4.0 15 Professional services 2,524 2,664 3,586 34.6 6.9 16 Business travel services 2,902 2,840 3,314 16.7 1.6 17 Rubber tyres, treads & tubes 2,173 2,672 3,053 14.3 11.9 18 Measuring & analysing instruments 2,616 2,635 2,949 11.9 1.4 19 Vehicle parts & accessories 2,572 2,648 2,932 10.7 2.0 20 Furniture, mattresses & cushions 2,629 2,780 2,905 4.5 2.5 21 Electrical machinery & parts, nes 2,447 2,509 2,608 3.9 2.3 22 Mechanical handling equip & parts 1,663 1,987 2,540 27.8 4.0 23 Specialised machinery & parts 1,847 1,886 2,460 30.4 3.9 24 Pumps (excl liquid pumps) & parts 2,220 1,726 2,418 40.1 -0.8 25 Prams, toys, games & sporting goods 2,565 2,352 2,316 -1.5 -0.8 269,155 294,436 316,325 7.4 4.5 Total KYΡΙΕΣ ΔΙΕΘΝΕΙΣ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΕΣ ΕΚΘΕΣΕΙΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑ (ανά σημαντικότερο Κλάδο Οικονομικής Δραστηριότητας Ελληνικού Ενδιαφέροντος)Λ (γίνεται αναγωγή στα επόμενα έτη) Agriculture & Forestry The Good Food & Wine Show Melbourne 07 - 10 June, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia The Good Food & Wine Show Melbourne will be ideal event for wine lovers. Various visitors will become the part of the show from all over the world like professionals of generic promotional bodies, associations and institutions and many more... Good Food & Wine Show-Perth 19 - 21 July, 2013 | Perth, Australia The Good Food & Wine Show consistently produces a different demographic than the traditional wine event - and that's good for business. The Good Food and Wine Show allows Casella Estate to meet many new and interested wine lovers in a relaxed environment that is informative and family orientated... Farm Fantastic ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 40 20 - 21 July, 2013 | Caboolture, Australia Farm Fantastic is an international trade show which will be held for a period of two days in Caboolture, Australia. This expo will give prime importance to all kinds of products and services related to industries like food and beverage, travel and tourism, agriculture, entertainment and household consumables... Fine Food Australia 09 - 12 September, 2013 | Sydney, Australia Fine Food Australia's cross concept aims to provide an all-encompassing spread covering everything from the processing of foods to packaging, storage and linked technologies. It showcases all kinds of food processing and packaging machines, materials, systems and products under one roof... Fine Food Queensland 09 - 11 March, 2014 | Brisbane, Australia Fine Food Queensland is the largest food industry event in northern Australia. It will feature over 1,000 exhibitors & is a showcase of the best food & drink ideas from around the world. Profile for exhibit include Food Processing Machinery & Equipment: Assorted Food & Beverage Processing Equipment, Drink / Juice Processing Equipment, Food Sterilizing Machinery / Equipment, Bakery & Confectionery Equipment... Foodpro Sydney 13 - 16 July, 2014 | Sydney, Australia Foodpro Sydney is a cost effective environment where you can network, sell and promote to thousands of food industry professionals. Showcasing every aspect of the food processing industry, foodpro 2011 will put on display the freshest and most innovative ideas, the latest technologies and the newest developments in food products and services... Food And Wine Expo Gold Coast 18 - 20 January, 2013 | Gold Coast, Australia Food And Wine Expo Gold Coast is an event which takes place in the Gold Coast, Queens Land, Australia is dedicated to gourmet food and wine. The show takes place for consecutive 3 days. It houses more than 100 exhibitors who would take responsibility for providing the best of the cuisine in Australia. Food And Wine Expo Canberra 15 - 17 February, 2013 | Canberra, Australia Food And Wine Expo Canberra is an exotic event which showcases exquisite spread of wine and food for 2 days. The event is held at Canberra, Australia and attracts thousands of visitors. More than100 of visitor participates in the event where the y display and demonstrate their culinary creation. Fine Food Perth 14 - 16 April, 2013 | Perth, Australia Fine Food Perth is an exclusive event related to foodservice and the hospitality industry of western Australian. This event will be held for 3 days in Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre, which is located in Perth, Australia. Food & Beverages Adelaide Food Wine & Cooking Show 19 - 21 April, 2013 | Adelaide, Australia Adelaide Food Wine & Cooking Show showcases a comprehensive range of food and beverage processing equipments and finished products. Leading exhibiting companies will be participating in this show and the attendees can reach to the renowned firm just under one roof. Speciality Food & Drink Fair 06 - 07 May, 2013 | Sydney, Australia Speciality Food & Drink Fair is a distinctly different trade event with a unique theme. The event expects retailers, restaurateurs, hoteliers, caterers, farm shop owners and others to come together and make most of the event by meeting the suppliers of specialty food and drinks. Melbourne International Coffee Expo 23 - 26 May, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Melbourne International Coffee Expo concentrates on the overall growth and development of the Australian coffee industry. This event will be one of the best forums where the Australian coffee industry will get an international exposure. FoodService & Bakery Australia 02 - 04 June, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia FoodService & Bakery Australia is the only national trade show dedicated to the foodservice industry. It provides you with the perfect opportunity to connect with a diverse group of buyers. This is an ideal environment to generate new sales, maintain and service existing clients and use the show to introduce new products, services or special promotions. Lunch Australia 24 - 25 June, 2013 | Sydney, Australia ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 41 Lunch Australia is expected to be a premiere trade event that will be held over a period of two days. The event will be held in Sydney. The mega event will be organized by Diversified Exhibitions Australia... Food Technology Queensland 14 - 16 July, 2013 | Brisbane, Australia Food Technology Queensland is the ideal meeting podium for the food and beverage industries. The exhibitors can explore their business networks and create their own identity in this competitive market. Lunch Melbourne 12 - 13 August, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Lunch Melbourne is a one stop show for the food and beverage industries as this huge platform is known to be the absolute place where the attendees will get to see a whole new range of wine and other food stuffs. A Very Vintage Wedding Fair 16 - 17 February, 2013 | Brisbane, Australia A Very Vintage Wedding Fair will be held for a period of two days in Brisbane, Australia. The primary objective of this international trade show is to make the leading experts related to wedding industry aware of the latest and advanced techniques which helps in the improvement of this industry... FASHION EXPOSED 10 - 12 March, 2013 | Sydney, Australia In the FASHION EXPOSED event, several designers like Danielle Barrett and Shauna Goodman - Neemah Designs, Leisa Flannery and Melissa Stanley will showcase their innovative products and designs... Apparel & Fashion Sydney Bridal Expo 06 - 07 April, 2013 | Sydney, Australia Sydney Bridal Expo, Darling Harbour, is the largest gathering of exhibitors seen under the one roof at the Sydney Exhibiton Centre. The Expo will be held between 06 to 07 April 2013. It's every bride's fairytale fantasy with outrageous and brilliant ideas for every type of wedding... The Baby & Toddler Show Melbourne 12 - 14 April, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia The Baby & Toddler Show Melbourne, will provide an ideal business platform for the exhibitors of the event. Covering a vast area, this event will gather the top key players of the industry along with a large number of enthusiastic attendees, under one roof... Brownes Every Women Expo 21 - 23 June, 2013 | Perth, Australia Brownes Every Women Expo features among the most comprehensive trade events in Australia, dedicated to the fashion, cosmetics and beauty sector for women. The event provides ample scopes for all participants get a proper idea about all the latest product innovations and fashion trends... Bridal Ideas 26 - 27 October, 2013 | Adelaide, Australia Bridal Ideas will be the largest trade show for wedding services and bridal Fashion in Adelaide. The trade show will be providing new and innovative ideas to organize a dream wedding. Apart from Bridal Fashion, the Bridal Ideas will be covering areas like ceremony and reception venues, photography, wedding decor, flower service at the wedding, catering and honeymoon travel packages... DesignBuild Sydney 08 - 10 May, 2013 | Sydney, Australia DesignBuild Melbourne will showcase the updated and customized range of construction and building equipments and materials which will surely aid the professionals working in this sector. The exhibitors have also added in the effort of arranging a seminar sessions, live demonstrations and competitions which will enrich the skills of the professionals coming to this show... Architecture, Design, Construction Building & Home Improvement Expo 12 - 14 July, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia The The Building & Home Improvement Expois Australia's most popular show and caters the interest of most of the industry professionals and buyers of the industry. Last year, the show witnessed more than 25,000 visitors who made their choice at the show... Home Buyer & Property Investor Show-Sydney 19 - 21 July, 2013 | Sydney, Australia Home Buyer & Property Investor Show-Sydney is a leading Building & Construction Industry trade show. The show will provides the opportunity to dream of owning own home. This show will be held three days at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre... Herald Sun Home Show 15 - 18 August, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 42 For all those building and renovating their home, the Herald Sun Home Show is an event not to miss this August! Celebrating its 40th anniversary this year marks a special milestone. Find over 300 exhibitors with the latest products and services for building, renovating, kitchens, bathrooms, home interiors and outdoor living at the Herald Sun Home Show, taking place at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre. Grand Designs Australia Live 01 - 03 November, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Grand Designs Australia Live would be an event that would be dedicated to the entire industry of construction, architecture and home designing. This event would converge industry insiders, enterprises of large, medium and small sizes and also various interior designers and artists who work in this related field. Salon Melbourne 14 - 15 April, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Being organized by Reed Exhibitions at Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre, the Salon Melbourne is widely acclaimed event for beauty sector. Enriched with years of expertise and knowledge, it is a world renowned fair which will be attended by eminent beauty therapists, nail technicians, make up artist, massage therapist, hairdresser, aromatherapist etc... Beauty Cosmetics All Woman Expo 25 - 26 May, 2013 | Sydney, Australia All Woman Expo will be held for two consecutive days in Northern Beaches Indoors Sports Centre Jacksons Rd, Warriewood. This international event will give more importance on all sorts of entertainment which draw the attention of the women of the contemporary times... Sydney International Spa & Beauty Expo 25 - 26 August, 2013 | Sydney, Australia As the largest and longest running event in the Southern hemisphere, the International Beauty Expo is an essential event to attend for everyone in the beauty and nail professions. It presents the ideal opportunity to be updated on every possible new product, treatment and technology. FRANCHISING & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXPO - SYDNEY 15 - 17 March, 2013 | Sydney, Australia If you are a franchisor, have a business or license opportunity for sale, or are a service provider or adviser to the franchising industry, then the Franchising & Business Opportunities Expos are an invaluable chance for you to meet face to face with thousands of potential new investors... Visitor Registration Book a Stall The Home Buyer And Property Investor Show - Perth 23 - 24 March, 2013 | Perth, Australia The Home Buyer And Property Investor Show Perth is considered to be an extremely significant event that will be dedicated to the entire field of home and property buying as well as investment. Armed with highly qualified property educators from around Australia, this event will impart knowledge to all the buyers and property investors to take practical and not emotional decisions that will prove to be beneficial for them in the near future... Third Sector Expo 15 - 16 April, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Third Sector Expo is the perfect platform where the people who want to enhance their business and execution skills and get to know about the varied topics that will enrich their growth in the careers can attend this show... Adelaide Retirement and Lifestyle Expo 03 - 05 May, 2013 | Adelaide, Australia The Adelaide Retirement and Lifestyle Expo will be organized in Adelaide for three days. This is one of the renowned shows that will be presenting the latest products and services related to the retirement, retirement living and lifestyle issues.. Retail World Conference and Tradeshow 13 - 14 May, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Retail World Conference and Tradeshow will be held for two consecutive days in Melbourne, Australia. In this international trade show all kinds of latest and advanced techniques which are taking place in the retail industry will be given supreme importance. Trading & Investing Expo ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 43 19 - 20 July, 2013 | Sydney, Australia Trading & Investing Expo will be held between 19 to 20 July 2013 at Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre (SCEC), Australia. The Expo is being organized by Event Management International. Trading & Investing Expo is unique opportunity to access local and international experts across a variety of fields. Franchising & Business Opportunities Expo - BRISBANE 20 - 21 July, 2013 | Brisbane, Australia If you are a franchisor, have a business or license opportunity for sale, or are a service provider or adviser to the franchising industry, then the Franchising & Business Opportunities Expos are an invaluable chance for you to meet face to face with thousands of potential new investors. National Careers & Employment Expo-Melbourne 26 - 27 July, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia National Careers & Employment Expo provides the opportunity for students, graduates, skilled and mature age workers, and those looking for a change to meet face to face with Australia's leading organisations, government bodies, educational and training providers. Sydney Retirement & Lifestyle Expo 26 - 28 July, 2013 | Sydney, Australia The pioneering events in the retirement planning and lifestyle sector are the Sydney Retirement & Lifestyle Expo. The main objective of the event will on offering products, services and information regarding to plan for the retirements. Herald Sun Melbourne Trade Expo 17 - 18 August, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Herald Sun Melbourne Trade Expo is going to prove beneficial not just to the attendees seeking a change in career or looking to enhance skills, but also for the exhibitor companies as well, as it will help them sell their tools and devices to a larger base of customers, launch new services, form network with others participating and also engage in various activities. Australasian Oil & Gas Exhibition 20 - 22 February, 2013 | Perth, Australia In Australasian Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference, the attendees will be engaged with one another throughout this fair by networking, considering effective practices and discussing assessment strategies in oil & gas industry. FutureGas 12 - 14 March, 2013 | Brisbane, Australia Future Gas is an important exposition which would be bringing exhibitor from exploration and production to the end user under one banner. The event would be emphasizing on the promotion of the gas industry, unconventional opportunities and innovation in the sector of the gas industry. Oz Water 07 - 09 May, 2013 | Perth, Australia Oz Water, will be a great marketing event that will provide the pioneers in water industry to come together to indulge in selling spree and also gain immediate feedbacks from customers. Ideal venue for launching new products and promoting their brands, the expo will attract key decision makers and potential customers. Energy, Utilities & Waste Management AIR Technology 07 - 10 May, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Air Technology Exhibition incorporates pneumatics, hydraulics and compressed air technologies. On show will be breakthrough technology led by intelligent pneumatics, bus technology and the world of nanotechnology. The Australian PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition 23 - 24 May, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Australian PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (AUPVSEE2013) reflect the strong growth and potential of solar energy in Australia. The event will feature on international exposure and growth of solar energy industry, policies, market, investment and technology as well. East Solar Expo Conference 23 - 24 May, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia The East Solar Expo Conference will be held in Melbourne which will be a two days program. The show will provide a lucrative platform for the exhibitors to forge new opportunities, build relationships, and establish new partnerships. ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 44 The Utility Show Australia 18 - 19 June, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia The Utility Show Australia is listed amongst the leading utility show that offers a comprehensive and energy saving equipments. The participants are availed with ample of networking opportunities which help them to increase their revenue count as well aid them to create a strong footage in the domestic as well as in the international market. Australian Gas Technology Conference & Exhibition 01 - 03 July, 2013 | Perth, Australia Australian Gas Technology Conference & Exhibition offers an absolute place for the gas processing and construction department. The exhibition focuses on the development of the LNG industry and supports them to achieve great success. Queensland Gas Conference & Exhibition 10 - 11 September, 2013 | Brisbane, Australia The Queensland Gas Conference & Exhibition (QGCE) is an event that will emphasize on the latest developments and issues facing Queensland's Coal Seam Gas (CSG) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) industry. All-Energy Australia 09 - 10 October, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia All-Energy Australia is the Asia Pacific region's only event devoted to all forms of clean energy. The event will features areas of the renewable energy industry - wind (onshore and offshore), wave, tidal, hydro, hydrogen and fuel cells, solar and biofuels. Waste Expo Melbourne 09 - 10 October, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Waste Expo Melbourne is an event that cannot be missed for a professional looking for innovative and cost effective solutions in the field of waste management and sustainability. Held over two days in Melbourne, it is the largest exposition for waste management and recycling in Australia. JAA Melbourne Jewellery Fair 02 - 04 February, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia The JAA Melbourne Jewellery Fair is the perfect start to the year. Visitors can top up their stocks after the busy Christmas period. Retailers will be searching for products to replenish their stocks, and to fionlaise thier plans for Mothers day promotions. JAA Australian Jewellery Fair - Brisbane 17 - 18 March, 2013 | Brisbane, Australia JAA Australian Jewellery Fair - Brisbane is an International trade fair for the Gems, Jewellery, Precious Stones & Beads Industry. It will be held at Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre from 17 to 18 Mar 2013. Jewellery Australian Opal Exhibition 01 - 02 August, 2013 | Gold Coast, Australia Australian Opal Exhibition is a trade only exclusive opal exhibition featuring the largest range of opal and opal jewellery ever seen in the one location. The exhibition will showcase the Black opal, boulder opal, light opal, fine jewellery, fashion jewellery, collectors pieces and much more. JAA International Jewellery Fair Sydney 01 - 03 September, 2013 | Sydney, Australia JAA Australian Jewellery Fair is the only international trade event dedicated to fashion jewellery and accessories industry in Australia, which is a major manufacturing base of costume jewellery, as well as from Europe and the Americas, fashion capitals of the world to exhibit here. Logistics CQEXPO 13 - 14 March, 2013 | Rockhampton, Australia The Central Queensland Transport Trades and Mining Expo will be taking place in Queensland. This is one of the premier events that will take place for two days. The show will gather number of leading professionals who will discuss about the topics related with the mining industry and its improvement. Brisbane Truck Show 16 - 19 May, 2013 | Brisbane, Australia Brisbane Truck Show is a show which will portray the true image of this changing sector. The event will take place for four days in the city of Brisbane, Australia. The event will see the exhibitors from the sectors presenting an array of truck vehicles in order to make them noticeable and attractive to the visiting ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 45 customers. Safety in Action 19 - 21 March, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia The Safety in Action is now Australia's Largest trade show bringing you the latest in workplace health and safety products and services, featuring over 250 manufacturers and suppliers. The Safety in Action is expected to double in size this May with over 300 companies already booked to exhibit at Melbourne Exhibition Centre. Manufacturing Austech 07 - 10 May, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Austech is one of the major manufacturing as well as machine tool exhibition where the manufacturers, dealers as well as agents of the business will meet together and exhibit their equipments and devices. AUSPACK PLUS 07 - 10 May, 2013 | Sydney, Australia At the AUSPACK PLUS attendees linked to various industries such as Automotive, Pharmaceutical / Medical, Beverages, Fruit & Vegetables, Plastics, Printing, Household Products, Manufacturing, Confectionary Meat / Small goods / Seafood, Contract Packaging, Textiles / Fashion and lots more will come and explore the innovative packaging, processing and plastics machinery, material and associated technology. Ad-Tech Sydney 12 - 13 March, 2013 | Sydney, Australia Ad-Tech Sydney is firmly established as the industry's must-attend interactive marketing show. Ad-Tech Sydney will bring together companies operating in the digital advertising and marketing space' and German decision-makers who understand the value of investing in interactive marketing. Screen Media Show Australia 14 - 15 March, 2013 | Sydney, Australia Screen Media Show Australia will take place for a period of two days. There event will showcase the digital signage related topics such as n store TV, digital media, ad screens, content and solutions. There will be experts and professionals harboring the passion to share freely their ideas and experiences. Supanova Pop Culture Expo Melbourne 12 - 14 April, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Supanova Pop Culture Expo Melbourne undertakes all the necessary precautions to preserve the smiles in the faces of visitors of the world when they shall ensemble in the trade show to meet face to face with superstars, celebrities and television stars, and also eek out fun from exhibitors exhibiting toys, comic books, games, science fictions, animation shows, and many more. Media, Advertising, Entertainment Supanova Pop Culture Expo Sydney 21 - 23 June, 2013 | Sydney, Australia Supanova Pop Culture Expo Sydney is dedicated towards offering a comprehensive platform to the music industry members and the traders who are involved in manufacturing related products to display their range of latest creations as well as consolidate their position in the international market. AD-TECH Melbourne 17 - 18 July, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia AD-Tech Melbourne has become a leading event for the growth of digital marketing and advertising community in Australia and New Zealand. The event has been a reputed platform in delivering content that educates and promotes the industry, thought leadership keynote addresses that inspire and enthuse, vibrant and contentious panel debates that influence the direction of the industry, well respected platforms showcasing the best in new technology and services, numerous unique networking opportunities to expand and deepen critical industry relations. ENTECH INTECH Exhibition 23 - 25 July, 2013 | Sydney, Australia ENTECH INTECH Exhibition & Conference is the entertainment technology event for the professional audio, broadcast, lighting, vision and staging industries. A MUST SEE event for all professional entertainment technology users. SMPTE Conference & Exhibition 23 - 26 July, 2013 | Sydney, Australia SMPTE Conference & Exhibition is the premier event for suppliers to the motion picture and television engineering industries in the South-East Asian region. This integrates all sectors on a platform and provides ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 46 a link to the academic world and the authorities through workshops, seminars and conferences. Connected Entertainment 21 - 22 November, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Connected Entertainment will take place in Melbourne, Australia for a period of two days. The primary objective of this international expo is to bring into lime light the importance and value of products and services related to media and advertising industry. Australian Pharmacy Professional Conference and Trade Exhibition 21 - 24 March, 2013 | Gold Coast, Australia In Australian Pharmacy Professional Conference and Trade Exhibition lots of highly qualified audiences will come from pharmacy industry. The exhibitors of this exhibition will showcase the latest products and services related to this industry. Adelaide Pregnancy Babies & Childrens Expo 22 - 24 March, 2013 | Adelaide, Australia Adelaide Pregnancy Babies and Childrens Expo is an event designed to explore a whole new world of the latest products and services that would help parents and would be parents to take better care of their children... Visitor Registration Book a Stall ATSA Daily Living Expo 15 - 16 May, 2013 | Sydney, Australia ATSA Daily Living Expo is the premier event for showcasing products and services designed for the rehabilitation, aged care, home care markets and leisure & recreation markets. There will be more than 100 exhibitors displaying a wide range of products and services for people with disabilities and the elderly. Medical & Pharmaceutical General Practitioner Conference & Exhibition 17 - 19 May, 2013 | Sydney, Australia General Practitioner Conference & Exhibition will provide various reasons for the exhibitors to participate at the event; the general practitioners, practice managers; practice nurses and registrars will get an opportunity for face-to-face interaction and develop a quality database over three days... Sydney Pregnancy Babies & Childrens Expo 24 - 26 May, 2013 | Sydney, Australia Sydney Pregnancy Babies & Childrens Expo explores various ways in which parents and to be parents can have more information on the correct methods of parenting. Lots of time and energy will be saved if the parents and the to be parents visit the expo. Brisbane Pregnancy Babies & Childrens Expo 14 - 16 June, 2013 | Brisbane, Australia Brisbane Pregnancy Babies & Childrens Expo is a kind of event which encompasses fun, knowledge and business all under one roof. From government experts to health organizations all would meet hands to provide expert advice to future parents. Melbourne Pregnancy Babies & Childrens Expo 25 - 27 October, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Melbourne Pregnancy Babies & Childrens Expo knows that good relationships are those that involve mutual care and consideration. And so this bit of knowledge they share with all the participants in the fair. ADX14 Sydney Dental Exhibition 21 - 23 March, 2014 | Sydney, Australia At the ADX14 Sydney Dental Exhibition Members of the Australian Dental Industry Association will exhibit their range of service at the event. Members like 3M ESPE, A-dec, Ainsworth Dental, Heraeus Kulzer Australia, Horseley Dental Supplies, ID health, Alphabond Dental, Independent Dental Supplies, Anthos in Australia, Inline Medical and Dental, Ark Health and other various health service providers will showcase their products and services to its customers and participants. Metals & Mining Singleton Mining OH&S Expo 13 - 15 February, 2013 | Sydney, Australia Singleton Mining OH&S Expo will put the spotlight on Singleton nationally and internationally. The Singleton Mining & OH&S Expo 2012 provides a unique and extraordinary opportunity to share in billions of dollars worth of investment made by thousands of companies throughout this entire industry base. Mining Australia 20 - 22 March, 2013 | Perth, Australia Mining Australia, though is a newbie in the category of mining events in Australia, has steadily gained ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 47 grounds in the mining industry as it will bring forth a host of latest technology, equipments and services used in the mining sector. Newcastle Mining & OH&S Expo 18 - 20 April, 2013 | Newcastle, Australia Newcastle Mining & OH&S Expo is the place to learn about the current state of the coal industry including the challenges ahead and ways to overcome them, the latest topics affecting coal-fueled power plants and cutting edge products and services. Mackay-Bowen Mining & Resource Expo 14 - 16 May, 2013 | Mackay, Australia The Mackay-Bowen Mining & Resource Expo 2013 will showcase the latest and greatest in mining and resource sector products, services and technology available in this massive region. Meet major decision makers in mining, oil and gas industries from all over Australia including local councils, Government and businesses looking out for new distributors. Surat Basin Energy and Mining Expo 19 - 20 June, 2013 | Toowoomba, Australia Surat Basin Energy and Mining Expo will showcase the entire Australian Industry Sectors including Mining/Engineering. Oil & Gas, Computer & Technology, Materials Handling, Mining, Industry & Engineering, Oil & Gas, Power Generation & Distribution, Safety, First Aid & Security, Trades and Water. Gladstone Resource & Industry Expo 18 - 20 July, 2013 | Gladstone, Australia This world-class event will provide your business with the opportunity to meet thousands of genuine major decision-makers from the diverse and ever growing Queensland mining sector. Gladstone is fast establishing itself as the powerhouse of the Queensland industry having signed the world's first $60 billion LNG SEAM Gas deal, it looks set to become the resource and industry hub for Australia. Pilbara Mining & Resource Expo 11 - 13 September, 2013 | Karratha, Australia Pilbara region of Western Australia continues to experience unprecedented and accelerated growth in the mining, gas and oil sectors. With exports running at more than $50 billion, its massive iron ore industry is the Nation's largest export earner, dwarfing all other sectors. Queensland Mining & Engineering Exhibition 22 - 24 July, 2014 | Mackay, Australia Queensland Mining & Engineering Exhibition has become a must-attend biennial event for all buyers, specifiers and industry professionals to come together to catch up on the latest products and technologies, keep abreast of industry trends and network with industry colleagues in a vibrant business environment. Mining & Engineering New South Wales 07 - 09 October, 2014 | Newcastle, Australia Mining and Engineering New South Wales ranks among the leading mining industry related trade events in Australia. The show brings together a large number of qualified industry experts from this sector, including well targeted professional buyers, specifiers, mining and engineering professionals and power generation experts. Australian Coal Mining Expo 16 - 18 October, 2013 | Sydney, Australia Australian Coal Mining Expo will take place in Sydney, Australia for a period of three days. The primary objective of this international expo is to make the coal mining industry aware of the latest and advanced technologies and the developmental changes which are taking place in this sector. Electrical & Electronics Mobile Retail World Australia 14 - 15 March, 2013 | Sydney, Australia Mobile Retail World Australia is an event that will take place for a period of two days. The show will be characterized by the attendees and the exhibitors communicating with each other and exchanging ideas and facts. Light Source 18 - 21 July, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Light Source is a leading international trade show that will bring together the professionals from the lighting and the allied sectors. This exhibition provides a unique opportunity for the exhibitors where they can present their respective range of products to the domestic as well as international clients. ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 48 INTEGRATE 27 - 29 August, 2013 | Sydney, Australia INTEGRATE is an International exhibition for sound, light and vision industry. This is Australia and New Zealand's only national platform for the worlds of Concert Production, AV, Installation, Recording, Broadcast, Lighting & Entertainment Technology, Post Production, MI, DJ Technologies and Multimedia. Electronex 11 - 12 September, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Electronex is the new dedicated electronics industry event for Australia. Staged in Sydney in September 2010 the show established itself as the largest dedicated electronics event to be staged in many years and the electronics sector had applauded the return of a specialized, dedicated event for all sectors of the electronics market. Cisco Live Melbourne 05 - 08 March, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Cisco Live Melbourne is highly appreciated as an event of international standards which has created a benchmark for others in the IT industry. This event will primarily highlight the latest developments in the IT sector that are creating waves in the market. Information Security World Australia 14 - 15 March, 2013 | Sydney, Australia Information Security World Australia is a must attend show for the professionals and technicians who wish to see the new inventions made in the security or protection sector. The participants in this exhibition find this exhibition to be the ultimate meeting place where the renowned entrepreneurs, managers and directors will come together under a single roof and with them they can get into business dealings. ICT Search Marketing Expo Australia 03 - 04 April, 2013 | Sydney, Australia Search Marketing Expo Australia is a perfect destination which mainly deals with quality content that creates a favorable environment of community engagement. The concept of engaged community is the main USP of this exhibition and advertisers, sponsors, exhibitors and partners can fetch huge revenues from this community engagement. CeBIT Australia 28 - 30 May, 2013 | Sydney, Australia CeBIT Australia is a tradeshow and conference strictly for business. Our exhibitors focus on technology solutions for the corporate market. Whether you're a C-level executive, IT professional, software developer, or business line manager, one day at CeBIT will keep you informed of the latest and best practices in integrated business technology solutions. No Dig Down Under 01 - 04 September, 2013 | Sydney, Australia No Dig Down Under is an important and unique international event which would be specifically emphasizing on trenchless technology. Trenchless technology is an upcoming technology which is continuously expanding and it is related to enhancement of underground construction technology. MyState Financial Australian Wooden Boat Festival 08 - 11 February, 2013 | Hobart, Australia MyState Financial Australian Wooden Boat Festival is a wooden boat show displaying a huge collection of wooden boats. It not only attracts a huge number of crowd form all across the globe but provides for the display of boats on water as well as on the docks. Marine Boats Rosehill Trailer Boat Show 16 - 17 March, 2013 | Sydney, Australia Rosehill Trailer Boat Show is the most important specialised event of its kind in Australia. Rosehill Gardens Boat Show will offer a unique show of equipment and services ranging from water sports through surfing, water skiing, and diving technologies, to charters, motorboats, and luxurious yachts. Club Marine Pittwater Sail Expo 16 - 17 March, 2013 | Newport, Australia Club Marine Pittwater Sail Expo will be held for a period of two days in Newport, Australia. In this international all kinds of products and services related to marine industry will be given supreme importance. The Sydney International Boat Show 01 - 05 August, 2013 | Sydney, Australia ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 49 Sydney International Boat Showwill assemble a huge gathering from interstate as well as international regions in addition to a large number of local and regional visitors. The event will provide a wonderful opportunity for the leading industry participants to launch their new products. Holiday and Travel Show - Sydney 02 - 03 February, 2013 | Sydney, Australia Holiday and Travel Show allows potential travellers to research their next holiday and talk directly to suppliers about their desired destination. The face to face contact facilitates more detailed information than travellers could usually get from a travel agency. Newcastle Caravan Camping & Holiday Expo 08 - 10 February, 2013 | Newcastle, Australia The Newcastle Caravan Camping & Holiday Expo will be organized in Newcastle located in Australia and will take place for a period of three days. The show will be exhibited by 150 participants who will display a huge range of latest models and makes of caravans, motor homes, campervans, camper trailers, 5th wheelers, slide-ons, tents and camping equipment, caravan and 4WD accessories, Holiday Park displays, tourism destinations and much more. Sunday Mail Holiday Expo 09 - 10 February, 2013 | Adelaide, Australia The Sunday Mail Holiday Expo is a great place for the one who loves to discover and explore new places. The Travel Show provides perfect atmosphere to its visitors to shop, enjoy and learn about the new destinations around the world. Perth Holiday & Travel Expo 16 - 17 February, 2013 | Perth, Australia Perth Holiday & Travel Expo is the only independent travel Expo in Western Australia. The event is a onestop-shop showcasing thousands of travel destinations under one roof at Burswood Entertainment Complex. Travel, Tourism Holiday and Travel Show - Melbourne 23 - 24 February, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Holiday and Travel Show-Melbourne allows potential travellers to research their next holiday and talk directly to suppliers about their desired destination. The face-to-face contact facilitates more detailed information than travellers could usually get from a travel agency. & Hospitality Asia Pacific Incentives & Meetings Expo 26 - 27 February, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Being held at Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia, Asia Pacific Incentives & Meetings Expo (AIME 2013) is recognized as one of the highly viable show for demonstrating local products. Holiday and Travel Show-Brisbane 23 - 24 March, 2013 | Brisbane, Australia Holiday and Travel Show-Brisbane allows potential travellers to research their next holiday and talk directly to suppliers about their desired destination. The face-to-face contact facilitates more detailed information than travellers could usually get from a travel agency. WA Liquor & Hospitality Conference & Expo 14 - 15 May, 2013 | Perth, Australia Hospitality Expo (WA Liquor & Hospitality Conference & Expo) Exclusive to the WA hospitality industry, the expo is renowned for showcasing hospitality products and services and provides delegates with new ideas and key business networks. Snow Travel Expo Melbourne 19 - 19 May, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia Snow Travel Expo Melbourne will take place in Melbourne, Australia only for one day. In this international expo all kinds of snowboard courses and base camp ski will be highlighted and will be given supreme importance. Snow Travel Expo Sydney 26 - 26 May, 2013 | Sydney, Australia Snow Travel Expo Sydney will be held only for one day in Sydney, Australia. The primary objective of this international expo is to make the snow enthusiasts and the leading experts related to travel and tourism industry conscious of the latest and technologies and advanced travel products and tourism products and services. ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 50 Hotel Hospitality + Design Expo 30 May - 01 June, 2013 | Melbourne, Australia The most comprehensive hotel, hospitality and design expo in Australia unfolding under one roof over three days, Held at Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), Australia. Hotel Hospitality Design Expo is one of the largest & biggest trade expo which is dedicated to Travel, Tourism, Recreational & Other Hospitality Services by professionals from throughout the world. Cairns Home Show & Caravan, Camping & Boating Expo 31 May - 02 June, 2013 | Cairns, Australia Cairns Home Show & Caravan, Camping and Boating Expo is shaping up to be one of the largest events ever run by Australian Event Management. There will be thousands of products and services on display including Air Conditioning, Alarms, Awnings, BBQ's, Beds, Blinds, Camper Trailers, Camping, Cookware, Doors, Education, Fencing, Finance. - - - ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ / ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΔΗΓΟΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΗΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ σελ. 51