2. YEAR (ENGLISH) MODULE CODE NUMBER : MAT 265 NUMBER OF CREDITS : 4 NAME OF THE MODULE : HIGHER MATHEMATICS YEAR /TERM : 3rd /Fall PRE REQUISITIES : TYPE OF COURSE : (COMPULSARY ) MODULE LECTURER : Prof. Dr. M. Necdet ÇATALBAŞ TEXT BOOK/ RECCOMENDED READINGS :Advanced Calculus : Murray,R.Spiegel,McGraw –Hill Book Company MODULE CONTENTS : Functions with two or more variables, neighborhoods,limits,continuity ,differentials,composite,homogen,implicit ffunctions ,curvelinear coordinates ,mean value theorems ,vector functions ,gradient , divergens,curculation,applications of partial differential equations to geometry ,double integrals ,calculating areas,polar ccordinates ,triple integrals ,center of gravity of solids ,moment of inertia, changing variable in the triple integral,cylindirical coordinates,spherical coordinates MODULE CONTENTS : Week Topics 1 Functions with two or more variables 2 neighborhoods,limits,continuity ,partial derivatives 3 Differentials,composite ,homogen ,implicit fonctions 4 Jakobiens 5 Transformations,curvelinear coordinates ,mean value theorems 6 Vector functions,gradient,divergence,curcilation 7 Application of partial differential to geometry 8 Applications to error calculations 9 Double integrals,iterated integrals ,calculating areas 10 Changing the variables in the double integrals ,polar coordinates 11 Triple integrals,calculating the volumes ,The mass calculating 12 The center of gravity of solids,Th moment of inertia 13 Changing the variables in the triple integrals 14 Cylindirical coordinates ,spherical coordinates AIMS OF THE MODULE 1. To provide the general tools of partial differentials and multiple integrals . 2. Applications of the fundamental concepts which are gained to the mechanical engineering. THE MATERIALS TO REALIZE OF THE MODULE : Lecturing, solving problems,one written midterm exam ( 40% ) and one written final exam (60%). EXPECTATIONS 1.To gain the details knowledge about the partial derivatives and multiple integrals . 2Applications of these knowledges to the problems which are encountered in the mechanical engineerings. ASSESMENT : SUCCES IN THE MIDTERM= one written midterm exam (40%) PREPARED BY : Prof . Dr. M. Necdet ÇATALBAŞ DATE: March 2005 MMÜ 201 MATERIALS SCIENCE Instructor : Assoc. Prof. Mehmet EROĞLU (e-mail: meroglu@firat.edu.tr) Assistant : Research Assist. S. Hale MAHMUTOĞLU Course Description : The aim of this course is to teach basic knowledge about materials science, types of materials, behaviors and properties of materials, material testing and microstructural characterizing. Text Book : 1-) The Science and Engineering of Materials, Donald. R. Askeland, 3rd edition, PWS publishing, 1994 2-) Malzeme Bilgisi ve Muayenesi, Temel Savaşkan, 3. Baskı, Akademi Kitabevi, 2004. Lecture Hours : Theory hours : Wednesday 13:15 – 15:00, Thursday 13.15-14.00 Application hours (Material laboratory) : Thursday 14:15 – 15:00 Course Contents : Introduction to material science, types of materials. Atomic bonding and bond types, atomic arrangement and unit cells. Concept of alloy and types of alloys. Cooling curves, phase diagrams and phase rule. Ferrous alloys and steels. Cast irons. Heat treatment of steels, surface hardening methods. Nonferrous metals and alloys. Destructive and non-destructive testing of metals. Corrosion and types of corrosion. Protection methods against corrosion. Wear and types of wear. MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION: Midterm Evaluation System Number Impcat Rate % 70 Exams 1 Quizzes 5 10 Homework (Application in Computer) 10 20 COURSE CODE : MMÜ-202 COURSE NAME SEMESTR : NUMERICAL ANALYSIS : SPRING CREDİT (TYPE) : 3 (COMPULSORRY) COURSE HOURS : Theory hours : Tuesday 10:00 – 120:00 Application hours (In Computer Center) : Friday 10:00 – 12:00 COURSECOORDINATER : Assoc. Prof. Dr. İhsan DAĞTEKİN TEXTBOOK AND THE OTHERREFERENCES : 1-) Numerical Methods for Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics, John H. Mathews, Prentice-Hall, 1987. 2-) Nümerik Analiz, İbrahim UZUN, BETA 3-) Sayısal Çözümleme, Hasan Kürüm, Sefa Akpınar, F.U. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Why numerical analysis? Numerical errors. Taylor series. The solution of non-linear equations ( f(x)=0). Bisection Method, False Position Method, Secant Method, Newton_Raphson Method. Direct Methods For Solving Linear systems: Cramer’s rule, Inverse matrix method, Gauss elimination, Cholesky method. Iterative Methods For systems of Equations: Gauss-Siedel iteration, Jacobi iteration, Relaxation method. Iterative Methods For non-linear systems : Newton_Raphson Method. Numerical Interpolation. Numerical Integration. Numerical Differentiations. Solution of Differential Equations. COURSE PLAN: Week Topics 1 Why numerical analysis? Numerical errors. Taylor series 2 The solution of non-linear equations ( f(x)=0). 3 Bisection Method, False Position Method 4 Secant Method, Newton-Raphson Method 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Methods For Solving Linear systems: Cramer’s rule, Inverse matrix method, LU Decomposition method Gauss elimination, Gauss –Jordan method Iterative Methods For systems of Equations: Gauss-Siedel iteration, Jacobi iteration, Relaxation method Iterative Methods For non-linear systems : Newton_Raphson Method Finite Difference Methods Numerical Interpolation Numerical Integration Numerical Differentiation Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations Solution of Partial Differential Equations COURSE OBJECTIVE: The aim of this course is to give students the ability of solving problems encountered in engineering applications via a computer programming language (C++, Fortan etc.) using numerical solution techniques. COURSE MATERIALS TO OVERCOME COURSE OBJECTIVES: Teaching and Problem Solving,, homework, computer project applications, midterms (2), final exams (2). COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of this course, the students will acquire the following outcomes: 1. 2. 3. Ability to perform numerical solution of problem of different sciences. Choosing suitable numerical methods for their own problems. Using a computer as an effective tool for solutions to problems. Assessment Criteria Quantity Perce ntage Midterm Exams 1 70 Quizzes 2 10 Homework (computer applications) 14 20 Projects - - Term Paper - - Laboratory Work - - Other - - RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE COURSE AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM M.E. Program Outcomes 1 2 1 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering on mechanical engineering problems 2 An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data and use modern tools and equipment. 3 An ability to select, develop and/or design a system, component, or process to meet desired performance, manufacturing capabilities and economic requirements. 4 An ability to function on and/or develop leadership in multi-disciplinary teams. 5 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve mechanical engineering problems. 6 An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility X 7 An ability for effective written and oral communication in Turkish and English. X 8 An ability to understand and comment on the impact of engineering solutions in a national and global context. X X 9 A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning X 10 A knowledge of contemporary issues in mechanical engineering 11 An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering Tools, such as computer programs, necessary for engineering design and analysis and use modern information systems 12 A detailed knowledge of and experience on a specific application field of textile engineering X X X X X X X X Contribution of the course: 1: None, 2.: Partially, 3: Completely. Prepared by Assoc. Prof. Dr. İhsan DAĞTEKİN Date: February, 2005 MAKİNA MÜHENDİSLİĞİNDE UYGULAMALI MATEMATİK MMÜ204 (218) (3-0-3) Semestr Credit(Type) Coordinator Textbook-Ref. 3 : Spring : 3 (compulsory) : Prof. Dr. Vedat TANYILDIZI (Makina Müh. Böl. Öğr. Üyesi) : 1.Calculus and Analytical Geometry, G.B Thomas, R.L. Finney, Addison-Wesley, 1992, 2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics., 7th Ed., Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley, 1994. 3. Calculus, S.L. Salas, E. Hile, J.T.Anderson, 5th Ed., Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley, 1979. 4. Dif. Denkl. ve Uyg., M. Aydın, B. Kuryel, G. Gündüz, G. Oturanç, Barış Yayınları, 2003. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Classification of differential equations. Linear equations with Variable Coefficients; First order equations, modeling. Separable equations, Reduction to Separable form; Exact equations and integrating factors; Linear differential equations, Reduction to Linear form, Bernoulli Equation; Homogeneous equations with constant coefficients, initial value problem; Differential operators, Linear independence and the Wronskian; method of reduction of order; Second order linear diff.equations, Nonhomogeneous equations; Second order linear diff.equations, Nonhomogeneous equations; method of undetermined coefficients, method of variation of parameters; Systems of differential equations, Theory and basic concepts, method of elimination; method of operator, method of matrix; Ortogonality, Boundary Value problem, Sturm-Liouville problem, Fourier Analysis and partial differential equations; Solution of partial differential equations by the separation of variables Course Plan : Hafta Konular Classification of differential equations. Linear equations with Variable Coefficients 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 First order equations, modeling. Separable equations, Reduction to Separable form, Exact equations integrating factors Linear differential equations, Reduction to Linear form, Bernoulli Equation Homogeneous equations with constant coefficients, initial value problem, Differential operators, Linear independence and the Wronskian, Second order linear diff.equations, Nonhomogeneous equations method of undetermined coefficients, Systems of differential equations, Theory and basic concepts, method of elimination metodu, method of operator, method of matrix, Ortogonality, Boundary Value problem, Sturm-Liouville problem, Fourier Analysis and partial differential equations Solution of partial differential equations by the separation of variables. COURSE OBJECTIVES: To describe and classify the differential equations. To teach their modeling and the method of solutions with special applications for mechanical engineering. COURSE MATERIALS TO OVERCOME COURSE OBJECTIVES: Teaching and Problem Solving, homework, quiz, midterms (2), final exams (2). COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of this course, the students will acquire the following outcomes: 4. Repeat and intensify the subjects on derivatives, integrals and set of linear algebraic equations. 5. Modeling ability for the differential equations for Mechanical Engineering problems. 6. To solve and physically interpreting skills for the problems. 7. Skill to solve the differential equations with several methods. Assessment Criteria Quantity Perce ntage Midterm Exams 1 85 Quizzes 5 10 5 Homework Projects 5 - - Term Paper - - Laboratory Work - - Other - - RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE COURSE AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM M.E. Program Outcomes 1 1 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering on mechanical engineering problems 2 An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data and use modern tools and equipment. 3 An ability to select, develop and/or design a system, component, or process to meet desired performance, manufacturing capabilities and economic requirements. X 4 An ability to function on and/or develop leadership in multi-disciplinary teams. X 5 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve mechanical engineering problems. 6 An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility X 7 An ability for effective written and oral communication in Turkish and English. X 8 An ability to understand and comment on the impact of engineering solutions in a national and global context. X 9 A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning 10 A knowledge of contemporary issues in mechanical engineering X 11 An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering Tools, such as computer programs, necessary for engineering design and analysis and use modern information systems X 12 A detailed knowledge of and experience on a specific application field of textile engineering X 2 X X X X Contribution of the course: 1: None, 2.:Partially, 3: Completely. Prof. Dr. Vedat TANYILDIZI COURSE CODE : MMÜ-212 COURSE NAME : THERMODYNAMICS-I SEMESTR : SPRING PREREQUISITE COURSES :- CREDİT (TYPE) : 4 (COMPULSORRY) COURSE COORDINATER : Prof. Dr. Kăzım PIHTILI 3 TEXTBOOK AND THE OTHER REFERENCES : 1-) Termodynamics Course Notes , Dr. K. PIHTILI, 2-) Thermodynamics : An Engineering Approach ,Dr.Y. A. ÇENGEL,Dr.Michael A. BOLES, Mc Graw-Hill,1998. 3-) Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics, 3rd Edition, GORDON J. VAN WYLEN,1993. 4-) Applied Thermodynamics For Engineering and Technologists , T.D.EASTOP-SI Units, 1989. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Basic Concepts, Thermodynamics and Energy , Relationships among the various form of energy such as, internal, heat, work energy, Thermodynamics Systems, The properties of a system, A Note On Dimensions and Units , Properties of a pure substance, properties of vapors, Gas equation of state, Conservation of mass, conservation of energy ,The fırst law of thermodynamics, Internal energy and enthalpy , The applıcatıon of the fırst law of thermodynamics to closed systems and control volumes, Fluid Processes, İsothermal- İsentropicPolitropic Processes , Some Steady flow Engineering Devices. COURSE PLAN: Week Topics 1 Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics 2 Thermodynamics and energy, forms of energy, energy conversion methods 3 Thermodynamics Systems and Thermodynamics Properties, Processes and cycles 4 A note on Dimensions and Units 5 Pure Substance, Phases of a pure Substance 6 Properties Vapors and Property tables 7 The İdeal gas Equatıon of state and applications-problems 8 Compressibility Factor –A measure of Deviation from İdeal gas behavoir 9 Conservation of mass, conservation of energy , Heat and Work 10 The Fırst Law of Thermodynamics and Enthalpy Properties 11 The Fırst law of Thermodynamics-Closed Systems 12 The Fırst law of Thermodynamıcs-Control Volumes 13 Fluid Processes-İsothermal-İsentropic-Politropic Processes 14 Some Steady Flow Engineering Devices- Gas Mixtures COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. 2. To teach basic knowledge about basic engineering thermodynamic, Ability to formulate and obtain solutions Engineering Problems COURSE MATERIALS TO OVERCOME COURSE OBJECTIVES: Teaching and Problem Solving, Animation of Thermal systerms by internet, homework, quiz, midterms (2), final exams (2). COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of this course, the students will acquire the following outcomes: 8. 9. Ability to perform thermal analysis of engineering Systems. Design Methodology betweenThermal-Mechanical Systems and matter. Design and Analysis of thermal engines 10. Thermal-Mechanics design skills and energy management Assessment Criteria Quantity Perce ntage Midterm Exams 1 80 Quizzes 2 15 Homework - 5 Projects - Term Paper - - Laboratory Work - - Other - - - RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE COURSE AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM M.E. Program Outcomes 1 2 3 1 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering on mechanical engineering problems 2 An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data and use modern tools and equipment. 3 An ability to select, develop and/or design a system, component, or process to meet desired performance, manufacturing capabilities and economic requirements. 4 An ability to function on and/or develop leadership in multi-disciplinary teams. 5 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve mechanical engineering problems. X 6 An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility X 7 An ability for effective written and oral communication in Turkish and English. 8 An ability to understand and comment on the impact of engineering solutions in a national and global context. X 9 A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning X 10 A knowledge of contemporary issues in mechanical engineering X 11 An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering Tools, such as computer programs, necessary for engineering design and analysis and use modern information systems X 12 A detailed knowledge of and experience on a specific application field of textile engineering X Contribution of the course: 1: None, 2.:Partially, 3: Completely. Prepared by Prof. Dr. Kăzım PIHTILI Date: September, 2004 COURSE CODE COURSE NAME : MMÜ 231(271) : ENGINEERING MECHANICS II (DYNAMICS) SEMESTR : FALL PREREQUISITE COURSES :- CREDİT (TYPE) : 3 (COMPULSORRY), BASIC ENGINEERING % 100 COURSE COORDINATER : Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa GÜR TEXTBOOK AND THE OTHER REFERENCES : Mühendisler İçin Mekanik (Dinamik) F.P.Beer, E.R.,Johnston, Çev: S.S. Tameroğlu, T.Özbek- Dinamik, J.L. Meriam, Çev: M. Sabuncu - Teknik Mekanik Problemleri, H.Goldner, Çev: E. Erdoğan, M.Savcı – Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics): Irving H. Shames - Müh. Mekaniği(Statik-Dinamik) Schaum’s Series. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Description and Classification of Mechanics, The aim of Mechanics, Principles of dynamics, Newton’s law, Dimensional Analysis, System of units, Kinematics of particles, uniform motion of particles, Linear motionChange linear motion, To make clear of motion of particles, Curved motion of particles, Derivatives of vector functions, Curved motion in the plane, Dependent motion, Angular motion of a correct line, Curved motion in the space, transformation of coordinate systems, Dependent motion in the space, Kinetics of particles (force, X X X X X mass and acceleration), Equations of motion, Work and energy, Impulse and momentum, Angular momentum, Conservation of momentum, Properties of inertia. COURSE PLAN: Week Topics Description and Classification of Mechanics, The aim of Mechanics, Principles of dynamics, 1 Newton’s Dimensional Analysis, System of unitsLinear motion-Change linear motion 2 Kinematicslaw, of particles, uniform motion of particles, 3 To make clear of motion of particles 4 -5 Curved motion of particles, Derivatives of vector functions 6 - 7 Curved motion in the plane, Dependent motion, Angular motion of a correct line 8 - 9 Curved motion in the space, transformation of coordinate systems, Dependent motion in the space 10 Kinetics of particles (force, mass and acceleration), Equations of motion 11 Work and energy 12 Impulse and momentum 13 Angular momentum,Conservation of momentum 14 Properties of inertia COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. Teaching to the students particles, kinematics of solid body and basis principles of kinetics. 2. Teaching relation with location, velocity, acceleration and relation motion. 3. Earning to them setup ability the mathematics models with dynamic purpose of engineering mechanism and machines. 4. Earning to them calculation ability the arise motion because forces and moments in the applied engineering problems and required forces and moment for ensure to the give motion. Method of assessment One written midterm exam (50%) and one written final exam (50%) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE COURSE AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM M.E. Program Outcomes 1 2 3 1 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering on mechanical engineering problems 2 An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data and use modern tools and equipment. 3 An ability to select, develop and/or design a system, component, or process to meet desired performance, manufacturing capabilities and economic requirements. 4 An ability to function on and/or develop leadership in multi-disciplinary teams. 5 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve mechanical engineering problems. 6 An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility X 7 An ability for effective written and oral communication in Turkish and English. X 8 An ability to understand and comment on the impact of engineering solutions in a national and global context. X 9 A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning X 10 A knowledge of contemporary issues in mechanical engineering 11 An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering Tools, such as computer programs, necessary for engineering design and analysis and use modern information systems X 12 A detailed knowledge of and experience on a specific application field of textile engineering X X X X X X X Contribution of the course: 1: None, 2.:Partially, 3: Completely. Prepared by Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa GÜR Date: September, 2004 COURSE CODE : MMÜ-233 COURSE NAME : STRENGTH OF MATERIALS I SEMESTR : FALL PREREQUISITE COURSES :- CREDİT (TYPE) : 3 (COMPULSORRY), BASIC ENGINEERING % 100 COURSE COORDINATER : Prof. Dr. Aydın TURGUT TEXTBOOK AND THE OTHER REFERENCES : 1-) Mustafa İNAN., Cisimlerin Mukavemeti, İ.T.Ü. Vakfı, 1988, Yayın No: 25, 2-) Hilmi İLERİ., Grafostatik ve Mukavemet, Birsen Kitabevi Yayınları, 1976, İstanbul, 3-) Bekir POSTACIOĞLU, Cisimlerin Yapısı ve Özellikleri, İ.T.Ü., 1981, 4-) S. TIMOSHENKO, D.H. Yong, Çeviri İlkan Kayan, İ.T.Ü. Yayınları, 1983, 5-) Dr. Egor P. PAPOV, Çeviri Hilmi Demiray, Mukavemet, Çağlayan Kitabevi, İstanbul 6-) İlhan KAYAN, Cisimlerin Mukavemeti, İ.T.Ü. Yayınları, 1983, İstanbul, 7-) Orhan ÜNSAÇ, Mukavemet, Kutulmuş Matbaası, 1963, İstanbul, 8-) Norman E. DOWLING, Mechanical of Behaviour of Materials, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1993 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Science brunch of Strenght of Materials, Commenting and history of the Strength of Materials, Principles of the strength of materials, Basis of strength of bar materials, internal and external forces, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Diagrams of normal load, shear load and bending moment, Solution of problems relation cutting and area methods, Stress analysis and one-dimensional stress formulations, Two-dimensional stress analysis and graphically solution methods of problems, Three-dimensional stress analysis and examples, Mechanical properties of solid bodies, Shape change and equations of stress-shape change, Energy of shape change, Normal forces (tensile or pressure) and problem types relations normal forces. COURSE PLAN: Week Topics 1 Science brunch of Strenght of Materials, Commenting and history of the Strength of Materials 2 Principles of the strength of materials 3 Basis of strength of bar materials, internal and external forces, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 4 Diagrams of normal load, shear load and bending moment 5 Solution of problems relation cutting and area methods 6 Solution with examples of diagrams of NTM with area methods 7 Midterm Exam 8 Stress analysis and one-dimensional stress formulations 9 Two-dimensional stress analysis and graphically solution methods of problems 10 Three-dimensional stress analysis and examples 11 Mechanical properties of solid bodies 12 Shape change and equations of stress-shape change 13 Energy of shape change 14 Normal forces (tensile or pressure) and problem types relations normal forces. Method of assessment One written midterm exam (50%) and one written final exam (50%) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE COURSE AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM M.E. Program Outcomes 1 2 3 1 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering on mechanical engineering problems 2 An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data and use modern tools and equipment. 3 An ability to select, develop and/or design a system, component, or process to meet desired performance, manufacturing capabilities and economic requirements. 4 An ability to function on and/or develop leadership in multi-disciplinary teams. 5 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve mechanical engineering problems. 6 An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility X 7 An ability for effective written and oral communication in Turkish and English. X 8 An ability to understand and comment on the impact of engineering solutions in a national and global context. X 9 A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning X 10 A knowledge of contemporary issues in mechanical engineering 11 An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering Tools, such as computer programs, necessary for engineering design and analysis and use modern information systems X 12 A detailed knowledge of and experience on a specific application field of textile engineering X X X X X X Contribution of the course: 1: None, 2.:Partially, 3: Completely. Prepared by Prof. Dr. Aydın TURGUT Date: September, 2004 COURSE CODE : MMÜ-234 COURSE NAME : STRENGHT OF MATERIALS II SEMESTR : SPRING PREREQUISITE COURSES :- CREDİT (TYPE) : 3 (COMPULSORRY), BASIC ENGINEERING % 100 COURSE COORDINATER : Prof. Dr. Aydın TURGUT TEXTBOOK AND THE OTHER REFERENCES : 1-) Mustafa İNAN., Cisimlerin Mukavemeti, İ.T.Ü. Vakfı, 1988, Yayın No: 25, X 2-) Hilmi İLERİ., Grafostatik ve Mukavemet, Birsen Kitabevi Yayınları, 1976, İstanbul, 3-) Bekir POSTACIOĞLU, Cisimlerin Yapısı ve Özellikleri, İ.T.Ü., 1981, 4-) S. TIMOSHENKO, D.H. Yong, Çeviri İlkan Kayan, İ.T.Ü. Yayınları, 1983, 5-) Dr. Egor P. PAPOV, Çeviri Hilmi Demiray, Mukavemet, Çağlayan Kitabevi, İstanbul 6-) İlhan KAYAN, Cisimlerin Mukavemeti, İ.T.Ü. Yayınları, 1983, İstanbul, 7-) Orhan ÜNSAÇ, Mukavemet, Kutulmuş Matbaası, 1963, İstanbul, 8-) Norman E. DOWLING, Mechanichal of Behaviour of Materials, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1993 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Plasticity and fracture hypotheses, The state of shear forces, Applications of shear force- rivets, welding, The state of torsion, Applications of the state of torsion- torsion of tubes, Moments of inertia and applications of moments of inertia, The pure bending, The unsymmetrical bending, Introduction to shear bending, Applications of shear bending, The compound beams, The bending of antisymmetrical cross-sections, Elastic curved, Applications of elastic curved. COURSE PLAN: Week Topics 1 Plasticity and fracture hypotheses 2 The state of shear forces 3 Applications of shear force- rivets, welding 4 The state of torsion 5 Applications of the state of torsion - torsion of tubes 6 Moments of inertia and applications of moments of inertia 7 Midterm Exam 8 The pure bending 9 The unsymmetrical bending 10 Introduction to shear bending 11 Applications of shear bending 12 The compound beams, The bending of antisymmetrical cross-sections 13 Elastic curved 14 Applications of elastic curved Method of assessment One written midterm exam (50%) and one written final exam (50%) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE COURSE AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM M.E. Program Outcomes 1 2 3 1 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering on mechanical engineering problems 2 An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data and use modern tools and equipment. 3 An ability to select, develop and/or design a system, component, or process to meet desired performance, manufacturing capabilities and economic requirements. 4 An ability to function on and/or develop leadership in multi-disciplinary teams. 5 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve mechanical engineering problems. 6 An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility X 7 An ability for effective written and oral communication in Turkish and English. X 8 An ability to understand and comment on the impact of engineering solutions in a national and global context. X 9 A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning X 10 A knowledge of contemporary issues in mechanical engineering 11 An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering Tools, such as computer programs, necessary for engineering design and analysis and use modern information systems X 12 A detailed knowledge of and experience on a specific application field of textile engineering X Contribution of the course: 1: None, 2.:Partially, 3: Completely. Prepared by Prof. Dr. Aydın TURGUT Date: September, 2004 COURSE CODE : MMÜ 252 COURSE NAME : MANUFACTURING PROCESSES SEMESTR : SPRING PREREQUISITE COURSES :- CREDIT (TYPE) : 2-2 (COMPULSORY) COURSE COORDINATER : Assist. Prof. Dr. Nihat TOSUN, Assist. Prof. Dr. Latif ÖZLER TEXTBOOK AND THE OTHER REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. N. TOSUN, L. ÖZLER “İmal Usulleri Ders Notları”, 2004 E. Poul de Garmo, “Materials and Processes in Manufacturing”, 8. Baskı, John Wiley& Sons, New York, 1999. J.E.Schey, “Introduction to Manufacturing Processes”, 2. Baskı, McGraw Hill, 1987. A. Aran, “Metal Döküm Teknolojisi”, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 1999. S. Kalpakjian, “Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials”, 3. Baskı, Addison Wesley, California, 1977 X X X X X X L. M. Gourd, “Kaynak Teknolojisinin Esasları”, Çev. İ.B.Eryürek, O.Bodur, A. Dikicioğlu, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul 1996 7. S.Anık, A.Dikicioğlu, M.Vural, “İmal Usulleri”, Birsen Yayınevi İstanbul 2000 8. M. Çiğdem, “İmal Usulleri”, Çağlayan Kitabevi, İstanbul 1996 9. L.Çapan, “Metallere Plastik Şekil Verme”, Çağlayan Kitabevi, İstanbul 1999. 10. A.M. Cerit, Üretim ve Tasarım, Makina Mühendisliği El Kitabı, Cilt 2, MMO, Yayın No:170, 1996. 6. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Introduction to manufacturing processes. Principles and classifications of processes in manufacturing. Casting, models, casting sands, pattern making, molding. Melting Furnaces. Solidification. Casting processes. Cleaning and finishing processes. Casting defects and quality control. Plastic deformation. Cold, warm and hot working. Forging. Rolling. Extrusion. Wire and pipe drawing. Forming of sheet metals. Introduction to welding processes. Gas welding. Arc welding. Electrical resistance welding processes and other welding processes. Weld defects, health and safety. Powder metallurgy. COURSE PLAN: Week Topics 1 Introduction to manufacturing processes. Principles and classifications of processes in manufacturing 2 Casting, models, casting sands, pattern making, molding 3 Melting Furnaces. Solidification 4 Casting processes 5 Casting processes 6 Cleaning and finishing processes. Casting defects and quality control 7 Plastic deformation. Cold, warm and hot working 8 Forging. Rolling 9 Extrusion. Wire and pipe drawing. Forming of sheet metals 10 Introduction to welding processes. Gas welding 11 Arc welding. Electrical resistance welding processes 12 Other welding processes. Weld defects, health and safety 13 Powder metallurgy 14 Powder metallurgy COURSE OBJECTIVES: 3. To teach students the descriptions and application fields of manufacturing processes. 4. To select the best manufacturing method at the designing stage of a machine component 5. To be able use the combination of manufacturing processes. COURSE MATERIALS TO OVERCOME COURSE OBJECTIVES: Teaching and animations and application examples belong to manufacturing processes by computer project. Technical tours to Factory and workshop relevant the manufacturing processes. Homeworks, midterms and final exam. COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of this course, students will demonstrate their ability to: 1. To familiarize the students with the principles of manufacturing processes 2. To familiarize the students with the advantages and limitations of manufacturing technologies with respect to each others depending on the application fields. 3. To be able to understand the basic calculations of traditional manufacturing methods in practice Assessment Criteria Quantity Percentage Midterm Exams 2 50 Quizzes - - Homework - - Projects - - Term Paper - - Laboratory Work - - Final exam - 50 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE COURSE AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM M.E. Program Outcomes 1 2 3 1 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering on mechanical engineering problems 2 An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data and use modern tools and equipment. X 3 An ability to select, develop and/or design a system, component, or process to meet desired performance, manufacturing capabilities and economic requirements. X 4 An ability to function on and/or develop leadership in multi-disciplinary teams. X 5 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve mechanical engineering problems. 6 An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility 7 An ability for effective written and oral communication in Turkish and English. X 8 An ability to understand and comment on the impact of engineering solutions in a national and global context. X 9 A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning 10 A knowledge of contemporary issues in mechanical engineering 11 An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering Tools, such as computer programs, necessary for engineering design and analysis and use modern information systems 12 A detailed knowledge of and experience on a specific application field of textile engineering X X X X X X Contribution of the course: 1: None, 2.:Partially, 3: Completely. Prepared by Assist. Prof. Dr. Nihat TOSUN, Assist. Prof. Dr. Latif ÖZLER Date: January, 2005 COURSE CODE : YDI 207 COURSE NAME : ENGLISH SEMESTR : FALL PREREQUISITE COURSES :CREDIT (TYPE) : 2 (COMPULSORRY), COURSE COORDINATER : Lecturer Perihan A. AKSOY TEXTBOOK AND THE OTHER REFERENCES : Full Steam Ahead, 3rd edition., Gündüz Eğitim ve Yayıncılık., Ankara. COURSE DESCRIPTION Comparisons with adjectives/adverbs; to be going to; The Present Perfect Tense; The Past Continuous Tense. X COURSE PLAN Week Topics 1 Comparisons: as … as, … er than, the …est, more than, the most 2 Comparisons: as … as, … er than, the …est, more than, the most 3 Comparisons with adjectives 4 Comparisons with adjectives 5 Comparisons with adverb 6 Planned future and strong predictions 7 Recent actions: yet, just, already 8 Recent actions: yet, just, already 9 Have you ever … ? : before, ever, never, once, twice, three times 10 Have you ever … ? : before, ever, never, once, twice, three times Actions that started in the past and continuing in the present: how long … ?, for …, since …, 11 enough, too Actions that… started in the past and continuing in the present: how long … ?, for …, since …, 12 enough, too … 13 Interrupted , incomplete or continuing actions in the past … when …, … while … 14 Interrupted , incomplete or continuing actions in the past … when …, … while … COURSE OBJECTIVES This course aim is to make the students gain the ability of speaking, writing, reading and understanding English correctly. COURSE MATERIALS TO OVERCOME COURSE OBJECTIVES Reading dialogs and short passages, doing exercises, homework, midterms (2), final exams (1). COURSE OUTCOMES At the end of this course, the students will acquire the following outcomes: 11. Ability to speak English. 12. Ability to write in English. 13. Ability to read and understand English. Quantity Percentage 2 50 Term Paper - - Laboratory Work - - Other - - Midterm Exams Quizzes Assessment Criteria Homework Projects RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE COURSE AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM M.E. Program Outcomes 1 2 3 1 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering on mechanical engineering problems 2 An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data and use modern X tools and equipment. 3 An ability to select, develop and/or design a system, component, or process to meet desired performance, manufacturing capabilities and economic requirements. X 4 An ability to function on and/or develop leadership in multi-disciplinary teams. X 5 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve mechanical engineering problems. X 6 An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility X 7 An ability for effective written and oral communication in Turkish and English. X 8 An ability to understand and comment on the impact of engineering solutions in a national and global context. X 9 A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning X 10 A knowledge of contemporary issues in mechanical engineering X 11 An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering Tools, such as computer programs, necessary for engineering design and analysis and use modern information systems X 12 A detailed knowledge of and experience on a specific application field of textile engineering X Contribution of the course: 1: None, 2.:Partially, 3: Completely. Prepared by Lecturer Perihan A. AKSOY Date February, 2005 COURSE CODE : YDI 208 COURSE NAME : ENGLISH SEMESTR : SPRING PREREQUISITE COURSES :CREDIT (TYPE) : 2 (COMPULSORRY), COURSE COORDINATER : Lecturer Perihan A. AKSOY TEXTBOOK AND THE OTHER REFERENCES : Full Steam Ahead, 3rd edition., Gündüz Eğitim ve Yayıncılık., Ankara. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Unplanned future and weak predictions; If Clause (type 1); Direct and indirect speeches; Passive Voice. COURSE PLAN Week Topics 1 Unplanned future and weak predictions 2 Unplanned future and weak predictions 3 Unplanned future and weak predictions 4 If Clause (type 1) 5 If Clause (type 1) 6 If Clause (type 1) X 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Direct and indirect speeches Direct and indirect speeches Direct and indirect speeches Passive Voice Passive Voice Passive Voice Passive Voice Passive Voice COURSE OBJECTIVES This course aim is to make the students gain the ability of speaking, writing, reading and understanding English correctly. COURSE MATERIALS TO OVERCOME COURSE OBJECTIVES Reading dialogs and short passages, doing exercises, homework, midterms (2), final exams (1). COURSE OUTCOMES At the end of this course, the students will acquire the following outcomes: 14. Ability to speak English. 15. Ability to write in English. 16. Ability to read and understand English. Quantity Percentage 2 50 Term Paper - - Laboratory Work - - Other - - Midterm Exams Quizzes Assessment Criteria Homework Projects RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE COURSE AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM M.E. Program Outcomes 1 2 3 1 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering on mechanical engineering problems 2 An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data and use modern X tools and equipment. 3 An ability to select, develop and/or design a system, component, or process to meet desired performance, manufacturing capabilities and economic requirements. X 4 An ability to function on and/or develop leadership in multi-disciplinary teams. X 5 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve mechanical engineering problems. X 6 An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility X 7 An ability for effective written and oral communication in Turkish and English. X 8 An ability to understand and comment on the impact of engineering solutions in a national and global context. X 9 A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning X 10 A knowledge of contemporary issues in mechanical engineering X 11 An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering Tools, such as computer programs, necessary for engineering design and analysis and use modern information systems X 12 A detailed knowledge of and experience on a specific application field of textile engineering X Contribution of the course: 1: None, 2.:Partially, 3: Completely. Prepared by Lecturer Perihan A. AKSOY Date February, 2005 X