Biology – Grade 10

10th Grade Biology
Syllabus for 2011-2012
10th Grade Biology – Syllabus Sequence
Introduction: Biology and Scientific Inquiry (1
1. Characteristics of living things
2. Scientific Inquiry and the Nature of
Unit 1. Evolution and the Diversity of Life (5
1. Origin and history of life on Earth
2. Evidence of Evolution
3. Classification systems
4. 5 Kingdoms vs. 3 Domains
5. Basic Characteristics of 5 Kingdoms
6. Dichotomous Keys (optional)
7. Lamarck vs. Darwin/Wallace
8. Natural Selection and other mechanisms
of evolution
Lab Activities: Natural Selection;
Dichotomous Key; Microscopic Examination of
Protists & Bacteria; Homologous Structures
Unit Test
Unit 2. Cells: The Basic Unit of Life (6 weeks)
1. Review: Microscope use
2. Reviews: Basic cell structures: prokaryotic
vs. eukaryotic cells
3. Review: Cytoplasmic organelles: structure
and function
4. Organization and specialization of cells
5. Passive and Active Transport
6. Cell Division: cell cycle, and mitosis
7. Basic photosynthesis, cellular respiration,
and fermentation as cellular processes
Lab Activities: Diffusion Inquiry Lab;
Mitosis of an Onion Root; Photosynthesis
(OPTIONAL); Respiration (OPTIONAL)
Unit Test
Unit 3. The Chemical Basis of Life (5 weeks)
1. Review Basic Chemistry (atoms,
elements, compounds, bonding)
2. Properties and functions of water
3. Organic macromolecules structure and
function (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins,
nucleic acids)
4. Monomer/polymer formation
5. Role of enzymes in biochemical
 Lab Activity: Enzyme Lab
 Unit Test
Unit 4. Nucleic Acids and Protein
Synthesis: The Hereditary Information of
Life (3 weeks)
1. History of DNA Discovery
2. DNA structure and replication
3. RNA structure, function transcription
and translation
Protein Synthesis Activities
Unit Test
Unit 5. Genetics: The Continuity of Life
(7 weeks)
1. DNA, genes, and chromosomes
2. Meiosis
3. Mendelian genetics
4. Punnett Squares (monohybrid and
dihybrid crosses)
5. Incomplete dominance and
codominance, multiple allele and
polygenic traits
6. Sex-linked traits
7. Karyotyping and chromosomal
mutations/Gene mutations
8. Linking Genetics to Evolution of new
Lab Activity: TBD
Genetic Worksheets
Unit Test
Unit 6. Ecology: The Interdependence of
Life (4 weeks)
1. Ecosystem Structure and Function
2. Community Interactions
3. Population Dynamics
4. Ecological Change & Human
Lab Activity: TBD
Unit Test
Unit 7. Current Events in Biotechnology
(3 weeks)