Venezuelan Boundary Dispute

Dr. Lee Bruce Kress
Fall 2008
Selected Names and Terms from Chapters 1-5, Paterson et al
Consider not only the meaning of these names or terms but also their significance in the
development of American foreign relations and their time of action.
Venezuelan Boundary Dispute
Grover Cleveland
Richard Olney
Monroe Doctrine
William McKinley
USS Maine
DeLome letter
Teller Amendment
“yellow press”
Spanish-American War
Treaty of Paris, 1898
Emilio Aquinaldo
Filipino War
Open Door
John Hay
Hawai’i annexation
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty I
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty II
Hay-Herran Treaty
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
Elihu Root
Russo-Japanese War
Portsmouth Conference
Big Stick Diplomacy
Roosevelt Corollary
Caribbean and Central American Interventions
Algeciras Conference
William Howard Taft
Philander C. Knox
Woodrow Wilson
William Jennings Bryan
Conciliation Treaties
Mexican Revolution
Porfirio Diaz
Francisco Madero
Henry Lane Wilson
Victoriano Huerta
Venustiano Carranza
Tampico Incident
Pancho Villa
John Lind
“Great White Fleet”
Dollar Diplomacy
Missionary Diplomacy
Taft-Katsura Agreement
San Francisco School Case
Gentleman’s Agreement
Root-Takahira Agreement
Lansing Ishii Agreement
Twenty-One Demands
Alaska Boundary Controversy
Virgin Island Purchase
Col. Edward House
Robert Lansing
Walter Hines Page
House-Grey Memorandum
Gore-McLemore Resolution
Sussex pledge
Zimmerrmann Note
Pershing and the AEF
Associated Power
Tasker Bliss
David Lloyd George
Georges Clemenceau
Vittorio Orlando
Versailles Treaty
Article 10
League of Nations
Henry Cabot Lodge
William Borah
Red Scare
Russian Intervention
Warren Harding
Charles Evans Hughes
Calvin Coolidge
Frank Kellogg
Herbert Hoover
Henry Stimson
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Cordell Hull
Rogers Act
London Economic Conference
Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act
Dawes Plan
Permanent Court of International Justice
(World Court)
Munich Conference
Neutrality Acts
Hiram Johnson
Manchurian Crisis
Stimson Doctrine
Panay Incident
Washington Naval Disarmament Conference
Five Power Treaty
Four Power Treaty
Nine Power Treaty
China Incident
Good Neighbor Policy
Rafael Trujillo
Platt Amendment
Cesar Augusto Sandino
Anastacio Somoza
Gerardo Machado
Sumner Wells
Fulgencio Batista
Lazaro Cardenas
Pan Americanism
How did the Spanish-American War affect the development of American foreign policy?
Consider also the controversy over the acquisition of the Philippines and the islands effect
on future developments. Why did this country obtain the islands, and how did it endeavor to
protect its position there over the years?
Discuss growing Anglo-American rapprochement between 1898 and 1914.
responsible for this arrangement, and what were its consequences for the future.
What was
Review the American struggle for neutral rights in the Great War. Was this policy
appropriate or not? Explain. Why did the United States decide to go to war with Germany in
According to Paterson et al, “Permeating Wilson’s policies was the traditional American
belief that others must conform to the U.S. prescriptions and that America’s ideals served as a
beacon for the world.” Comment on this statement.. Is it correct? Was Wilson’s outlook
correct or not? Explain, citing examples.
Discuss American efforts to shape the Versailles Treaty. What were the goals, provisions,
and results of the peace treaty? Was President Wilson’s personal attendance at the conference
a mistake? Explain.
Review the Allied intervention into Russia in 1919-22. What motivated the action, and why
was it carried out in that way? What was the role of the United States? What was the result
of the episode? Should the intervention have been attempted? If so, why; if not why not?
How did it affect future relations?
Review American relations with Latin America from 1900 to 1930? What were the principle
actions? What concepts motivated American foreign relations with the region? Explain and
cite examples to support your argument. How and why did that policy change over time?
Discuss American relations with Japan from 190 to 1940. How and why did that situation
change, and what motivated American policy in Asia?
Discuss international and American attempts at arms limitation in the 1920s and 1930s? Be
specific and cite examples. Why did these attempts fail?
Review the Constitutional provisions governing the practice of foreign policy. What are the
principal powers of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government? How
does it work in practice, and why?
Compare and contrast the foreign policies of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt as to
their style, goals and successes or failures. In particular comment on how they faced the
prospect of war in Europe. Be specific and cite examples in each instance.
Discuss American relations with Russia (Soviet Union) over time? How and why did that
situation change and what motivated American policy in Asia and with Japan?
What were American reactions to Japanese expansion in China?
ineffective, and what could have worked?
Whom do you feel was the most effective Secretary of State in the first 40 years of the 20 th
century and why? Cite examples to prove your point. Why was your choice more effective
than anyone else?
Why was this policy
Compare and contrast the two styles of diplomacy as practiced by Theodore Roosevelt and
William Howard Taft in the Caribbean region. Cite examples to support your answer. Which
policy do you think was the most effective and why?