UG STAFF STUDENT LIAISON COMMITTEE Tuesday 13th February 2007 at 1.00pm Dorothy Hodgkin Building Lab 2, Room DH0.44 MINUTES Present: Dr Nicky Edelstyn (NE) (Chair & Programme Director BSc) Dr Claire Farrow (CFa) (Year 1 Tutor) Dr Sue Sherman (SS) (Year 2 Tutor) Dr Richard Stephens (RS) (Year 3 Tutor) Dr Andrew Rutherford (AR) (PSY-20004 Module Leader) Dr Claire Fox (CFo) (Pastoral Care Co-ordinator) Penny List (PL) (Learning & Teaching Assistant) Sue Wilshaw (SW) (Administrator & Minutes) Gemma Burke (GB) Shamma Baig (SB) Daniel Fenton (DF) Rosalind McKenna (RM) Claire Briant (CB) Emma Dove (ED) Liam Kirwan (LK) Y1 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y3 Y3 Y3 Dr Nicky Edelstyn introduced herself to the committee and explained that as Programme Director for the BSc course, she had taken over from Dr. Mark Trueman as committee chair. 1 Apologies: There were apologies from Dr Mark Trueman (HoS), Mike Phillips (Y1), Becky Ramshaw (Y1), Chris Whittle (Y1) and Charlotte Malcolm (Y3) 2 Minutes of the last meeting 07/11/06: These were agreed. However, PL would like it noted that there was an error in item 8c), i.e. where it states “using e-journals”, this should be amended to read “using Electronic Literature Searching” 3 Matters Arising: 3 (8) Changes to Student Handbook – This was discussed at the BSc Course Committee meeting on 15/11/06 and duly noted in the minutes. NE also referred students to page 46 (Categorical marking scheme) and Appendix 1 (Plagiarism and academic dishonesty) of the current Undergraduate Student Handbook. 5a) Year 2 Independent Study Lectures – NE had received an email from Dr Martin Rowley which stated that the item minuted in the meeting of 7th November 2006 was inaccurate. The query came from one student who left university early for the weekend and then found she couldn't download the material off-campus until she got back to Keele. The request was that the materials were posted prior to the Friday (when the lecture would normally take place). For the one subsequent independent study lecture that replaced a Friday lecture, MRow posted the notes on the Thursday. This was what was agreed in the meeting and that seemed to satisfy everyone. 7e) StAR Training by the Students Union – It was noted that Year 1 student reps had attended a one day training event. NE suggested that student reps enquire whether follow-up further training was available. 1 4 Level 1 Business: None 5 6 Level 2 Business: a) Web CT – PSY-20004 lecture slides – RM requested clarification of the School policy for placing lecture slides onto the Learning & Teaching server and subsequently onto WebCT. Dr Andrew Rutherford, PSY20004 module leader, reminded students of the School’s policy on placing lecture/lab material on the LTS or WebCT, referring them to page 32 of the current Undergraduate Student Handbook. He also explained that the module team’s decision not to make lecture material available on WebCT was made after discussing the views of a student focus group that addressed last year's PSY20004 course, which ran in 2006. The aim of dispensing with the electronic provision of lecture material was to dispel the notion that the electronically provided lecture material was in itself sufficient to develop an understanding of the topics addressed in lectures and to encourage students to engage with the lecture material mainly through the use of the recommended text. Nevertheless, the module team are providing handouts at lectures, although it was noted that since the first handout was provided, lecture attendance has diminished substantially. b) PSY-20009 Lab Report Feedback – SB reported that an unspecified number of students had contacted her regarding the inconsistency of feedback given by markers on the PSY-20009 Lab Reports in comparison to the feedback they had received for PSY10004 lab reports, and that one student had complained that some of feedback written on her PSY-20009 lab report was offensive. In relation to the first point, NE confirmed that level 1 and level 2 lab reports are marked according to clear marking guidelines which are accessible to students. In addition, CB stated that in her experience, whilst different markers may indicate their preferred styles, marks are not deducted if students had not conformed to these stylistic preferences. In relation to the second point, NE replied on behalf of the Module Leader, Dr Mark Tarrant who had emailed his comments to her. Dr Tarrant had seen one student who had complained about the nature of some of the markers' comments of her lab report. MTa had gone through the student’s lab report with her and explained that the comments had been directed at getting the student to reflect about what she had written. NE re-iterated the School’s view on the nature of feedback, that it is intended to be constructive and to focus on helping students improve their work. Markers certainly do not intend these comments to cause offence. Level 3 Business: a) PSY-30026 Exam – LK reported that several students had been dissatisfied with the questions asked on the PSY-30026 exam paper. The module leader for PSY-30026, Dr Sue Sherman explained the background to the questions that appeared on the exam paper. She also stated that information had been given to students during the dedicated special study sessions and the more general revision sessions prior to the exam, advising them revise more widely and not to subject spot. NE reminded students that it was generally expected that it was the students’ responsibility to be fully prepared for exams by revising thoroughly. b) Timetabling of seminar classes – CB reported that some Year 3 students had attended their seminar classes before the lecture relating to the topic in question had taken place. NE replied that there had been some unavoidable timetabling changes to lectures and that this had lead to some confusion. She urged year 3 student reps to encourage their cohort to discuss any problems with their seminar tutors and where possible achieve a compromise. 2 c) Classroom allocation - CB raised a point of concern regarding classroom allocation, specifically the use of the Leisure centre Gym. She stated that although students’ are aware that the allocation of rooms is beyond the control of the School Office she wanted the University to note that Leisure Centre Gym is wholly unsuitable for large number of students to attend a lecture. NE replied that the School is aware of the problem and that the School Manager, Ann Ireson had already raised this concern with the department who allocated the rooms and that she was doing everything she could not to have the Gym allocated to Psychology in the future. d) 7 Cancelled lectures and seminars – CB asked if there was a minimum amount of notice required to inform students when lectures and seminars had to be cancelled. NE replied that the Office staff acted on any information given to them by tutors regarding cancellations as soon as they are told there is a problem. Unfortunately, this means that it is not always possible to provide adequate notice of class cancellations. Student Evaluation of Modules: NE presented module evaluation summaries for: PSY-10002, PSY-10008, PSY-10013, PSY-30015, PSY-30022, PSY-30023, PSY-30038, PSY-30039 and PSY-30046 from Semester 1, 2006-7 and invited comment. 8 Chairing of UG SSLC Committee: NE presented information downloaded from the Academic Quality & Standards Manual found on the Academic Affairs website in respect of SSLC committees. She invited the student reps to elect a chair to the committee from among themselves. As there were no volunteers at the meeting, NE requested that the student reps contact her if anyone wishes to take on the role of chair and informed them that support and training would be offered. Action: Student Reps 9 Any other Business: a) DF (Y2) reported that there had been an on-line test for module PSY-20009 on WebCT, and asked if general guidance could be feedback to students about what areas had been tackled particularly poorly. NE agreed to speak to the module leader, Dr Mark Tarrant. Action: NE b) RM (Y2) reported that whilst revising for the PSY-20001 exam, she had emailed one of the tutors requesting references in support of lecturing material from the lecture he had given but had not received adequate information. She stated that the information the tutor had supplied (the name of the author plus the year) was insufficient when trying to locate the article. She requested that the tutor provide a full set of references. NE agreed to speak to the module leader, Dr Martin Rowley. Action: NE c) RM (Y2) reported that her fellow students were uncertain how to access “Psych Talk” in respect of module PSY-20005. AR explained how to access the information using the email maillists. NE agreed to speak to the module leader, Dr Jonathan Ling, to clarify what students had been told about the purpose of the mail list and how to use it. Action: NE d) RM (Y2) informed the committee that students would have liked to attend seminar classes for module PSY-20005. NE explained that in previous academic years, seminars had been poorly attended; therefore, it had been decided that classes should be withdrawn. She thanked RM and stated that the way the module is run is under review and that her comments would be taken into consideration for the future. 3 e) 10 SB (Y2) requested clarification on how feedback is given for lab books. RS commented that the markers complete a tick list for each book and that this is included with the lab books when they are returned to the students. Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 1st May 2007, 1.00 to 2.00 The Year 3 students commented that the next meeting would be during their exam period and requested that it be re-scheduled to 8th May 2007. SW agreed to contact the School Manager, Ann Ireson with this request. However, if this was not possible, NE thanked the reps for their contributions to the committee during their time at Keele. Action: SW NE/sjw130207 4