DATE: 08-21-2008
BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Hugo Ferlito, Jay Cook, Dave Dixon, Kevin Smith, John Mutty,
Franca Garguilo, Sharon Gillette, Buzz Joseph, Jim Poulos, Ben Balester, Andrew Creely, Mike Dove, Tino
Tangelbad, Michael Klein, Wayne Ritchie, Kevin Smith
ABSENT: Janet Lesniak
ASSOCIATES IN ATTENDANCE: Carol Dixon, Brian Robinson, Phil Yarbrough, Dave Terry, Dave Randall,
Judy Ritchie, Whit Rambach, Brandi Stout, Alan McKee
STAFF IN ATTENDANCE: Wally Kastner, Chris Balog, Sally Smith, Susan Love, Julie Armstrong
The meeting was called to order at 5:40 p.m.
Annual board meeting will be held Wednesday, September 17. At this time we will approve the budget
and vote on new board members
Treasurers Report: Jim Poulos reviewed the financial statement through June 30, 2008. Our profit is
down $150K due to higher unforeseen costs (bus increases and CHP fees) which may affect the total
amount given to charity this year. It was voted (Franca made motion; Dave Dixon 2nd) to table the
discussion on approving a grant funds total until the next meeting. The grants will be awarded in
October as has been done in the past.
Race Directors Report: Prior to each staff member giving a report of their respective areas, Mike Dove
‘passed the hat’ for donations to JUST RUN. We would like to be able to report that 100% of the board
has contributed to this program, which is helpful in grant proposals.
Chris – Race logistics
 Working on permits for Half Marathon, including the 3K and 5K to be held on Saturday a.m.
 Several upcoming Expos were listed – if anyone is interested in working an Expo, contact Chris
 Working on obtaining items for goody bags
 Passed around list of potential grant recipients. Board members need to approve or contact
groups if they haven’t already submitted an application
 Working on year-end financial information and 2009 budget
Sally – Registration, Publications, Website
 Registration for all Half Marathon events is ahead of last year; Price increase begins 9/1; Special
offer (extending pre 9/1 price through 9/15) is available for locals with a couple code
 Marathon registration opens 9/1; New D-tag will replace former chip timing.
 New enewsletter produced and mailed to 10,000+ audience; Printable finishers certificate now
 New Mud Run website developed; JUST RUN website revamped and updated
Julie – Marketing & Communications
 Working on soliciting new sponsorships in a variety of categories, and renewing existing ones.
Julie appealed to board members to provide contacts for any companies. Personal relationships
are key to getting a foot in the door
 Media outreach for Half Marathon will begin soon
 Have set up fund raising pages and online training pages through
 Asked board members to submit ideas for the 25th Presentation in 2010
Susan – JUST RUN
 Affiliate and satellite program legal papers have been completed and are available on website
 Incentives (shoe laces and t-shirts) have been created for participating high school students
 Has presented a proposal to CHOMP to implement JUST RUN and refer kids to participate in this
hospital-based program
 Attended Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness to determine this year’s award recipients
 Monterey School District after school program has 18 schools participating
 Article on JUST RUN will be coming out in October issue of Runner’s World magazine
 Met with Mel Kaplan & Rod Dixon re: potential funding of JUST RUN program; also Skip
Marquardt presented JR info to Bowerman (Nike founder) family for potential support
 Running USA is developing a youth running web portal – JR will feature prominently
 Kickoff receptions for Monterey County schools will take place August 27 and 28
 Board volunteers are needed for school visits, promotions and presentations
Wally – Race Directors Report
 A budget meeting will be held on September 3
 A list of race committee members for the Half Marathon was presented. Here are the names as
follows. If anyone needs to switch committees, please contact Wally.
 Awards: Karen Kerstan, Darcey Rambach
 Concessions: Tino Tangelbad, Lydia Bowers, Ute Battig, Sophia Robinson, Claudia
Campbell (?)
 Course: Alan McKee, Chuck Faxon, Mike Klein, Whit Rambach, Phil Yarbrough,
Wayne Richey, Doug Stickler
 Signs: Dan Hamilton
 Aid Stations: Brian Robinson, Brad Van Dalen
 Event Support: Chris Balog
 Regisration: Sally Smith
 Expo Reg: Ben Balester
 Goody Bags: Edie Ellis, Shari Hastey
 Music: Mike Marotta
 Photography: Edie Ellis
 Publications/Website: Sally Smith, Tom Rolander
Elites: Greg Mislick, Steve Butler
Start: Andrew Creely, Charley Carroll, Jonathan Miller, Loy Vincent
Finish: Kevin Smith, Dave Dixon, Hal Laughlin, Marcello Dutra
Announcer: Alan Richmond
Sweats: ?
Medallions: Carol Dixon
Volunteers: Dave Terry
Medical: John Ellison, Paula Sheltrown
Hospitality: Jefferson Seay, Liz Fagan, Donna George
VIP Party: Susan Love, Sally Smith
High 5: Susan Love
Expo: Shirley Faxon, Carolyn Walter (t shirts)
Marketing: Julie Armstrong, Heidi Short, Mary Rice, Franca Gargiulo
RFR 5K: Dave Trombetta, Alan McKee, Phil Yarbrough, Brandi Stout
JRJK 3K: Greg Mislick, Andy Lipsig (?), Karen Kerstan, Beck Jones, Ben Balester, Sally
A list of upcoming Half Marathon committee meeting dates was presented:
 09.09.08 5:30 CHOMP
 10.16.08 5:30 CHOMP
 11.05.08 “Last Supper” at Bubba Gump
 11.09.08 “High 5” at PF Changs (tentative)
A new watercolor painting for the Half Marathon by Marie Gabrielle was presented at the
meeting. The race shirts will be a copper color.
Andrew Creely addressed the full board on issues of term limits for board members and for officers’
terms. A proposal had been sent to board members in advance of the discussion. He opened the
discussion first to the full board and staff, followed by a closed session of only voting members with the
exclusion of the chairman.
Several voting and nonvoting members expressed thoughts and posed questions about incorporating
term limits into the bylaws. This would require a 2/3rds vote of the board to approve. Terms of office
for officers would be included in Big Sur policies, not bylaws, according to Andrew.
Notes from the closed session were not taken by staff.