English 11 April 25, 2011 Ms. Swift Found Poem The Great Gatsby Assignment: Write a “found poem” about the character of Jay Gatsby that responds to the question, Who is Gatsby? 1. as a class: Accumulate words, phrases, and sentences from the novel as raw material (share, on the board, the words and phrases you were assigned to find individually). o These words and phrases should pertain to Gatsby (primarily from Ch. 3 & 4, but a few can be from previous chapters); these are words and phrases that describe Gatsby (by Nick or others) are spoken about Gatsby Gatsby speaks about himself o You may not add words of your own o Note: in addition to using words and phrases that we put on the board in class, you should return to the text to find additional words and phrases that are unique to your “reading” of the character, and incorporate some of these in your poem. 2. as an individual writer: Play with the words and phrases you’ve accumulated: o Cut up, shuffle, and re-arrange phrases and lines. o Choose vivid images and powerful, concise language. o Make selections and discard the leftovers. Create a unifying idea for the poem, one that responds poetically to the question: Who is Gatsby? o Use that unifying idea to make additional selections and deletions, and to edit and shape a coherent whole. Arrange line breaks to emphasize sound and meaning. o Keep in mind that a poem must make sense—it should be more than a series of words and images placed side-by-side Create an original title that relates to the central idea of the poem. 3. for homework: Put finishing touches on the poem. Bring a printed version of your poem to class on Friday. Total points: 10