Keywords to choose from

#1 Question Keyword: Gourmet Chocolate
Today's gourmet chocolate has historic roots in the ancient Aztec culture. Do
you speak the language of Montezuma? What does the word "xocolatl" mean?
Sweet liquid
Bitter water
Brown goo
May I have a marshmallow with this, please?
Answer: B - Bitter water.
Surprised? Don't be. The Aztecs roasted and ground cacao
beans into a paste, mixed it with water (not milk) and maize, flavored the
drink with chilies and beat it to a froth. This they called "xocolatl"
(pronounced "shoco-latle"). The great Aztec ruler Montezuma and his court
consumed up to 50 pitchers of the bitter, spicy xocolatl drink per day. Chances
are that your gourmet chocolate consumption is lower…but just a little!
#2 Question Keyword: Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Americans just love a happy couple, and chocolate covered strawberries -pairing sweet berries with smooth chocolate -- are a perennial favorite. But what
chocolate do people use for dipping?
Turn on the lights, people want dark chocolate!
Put the cows to work, people want their milk chocolate!
Even if it's name is not what it implies, people love white chocolate.
People are greedy and like to double-dip in dark and white
Answer: A - dark chocolate
According to CNN "Milk chocolate may be the most consumed chocolate in the
world, but when it comes to making desserts, dark chocolate takes the cake."
Dark chocolate is perceived to be more sophisticated than other chocolates,
perfect for enrobing luxurious chocolate covered strawberries.
Choco-Factoid: White chocolate, made with vegetable fats, colorings, and
flavorings contains no chocolate liquor, so is not "officially" chocolate.
#3 Question Keyword: Chocolate Fountain (an imaginary online bridal site that we just made up
when we were writing this question) says that there's a hot new trend in wedding
desserts that brides are just "eating up." Can you name it?
Cupcake wedding cakes - instant "portion control"
No dessert - brides are watching their figures…and their checkbooks
Chocolate fountains - sure beats a water cooler
Jello - watch it wiggle
Answer: D - chocolate fountains
Chocolate fountains are the sweetest new addition to weddings, bar mitzvahs,
and really put the "sweet" in a Sweet 16. Usually constructed in three levels just
like a wedding cake, chocolate fountains feature a flow molton chocolate
cascading from tier to tier.
Guests congregate at the chocolate fountain to chat, dip fruit and cake pieces,
and savor the smell of all that richness.
#4 Question Keyword: Truffles
What sinfully decadent confection that is usually ball-shaped with a ganache
interior and coated with chocolate takes its name from a rare and highly prized
fungus that pigs are sent to hunt for in special areas of France?
La Whatchamacallit
Answer: A - truffles! (Oh come on now, you didn't REALLY think it was La
Whatchamacallit Barre, did you?)
Les (pigs in France) and I maiali (pigs in Italy), too, are crazy about truffles
(mushroom) and will go to any lengths to hunt them down. Chocolate truffles,
were once found only in gourmet candy stores, but today truffles of all sizes,
shapes and flavors may be hunted freely by two-legged piggies online.
#5 Question Keyword: Flowers
When Valentine's Day rolls around, the hamsters on the chocolate-hearts-andflowers wheels go into high gear to meet the demand. Can you identify the
flower that when sent with a heart-shaped box of chocolates says, "I just called to
say I love you"?
Hint: This flower was named because of its resemblance to a turban.
Answer: C - Tulip
The flower we call the tulip, whose name went from tulbant (turban in Turkish) to
tulipan and finally tulip -- is considered a declaration of love AND the symbol of
the perfect lover (hot dog!). It's a perfect Valentine's day flower and pale pastels
are the perfect accent for dark, milk, and especially white chocolate hearts.
Ladies sending a Valentine's remembrance should forego flowers and consider
birch leaves, traditionally given as a sign of encouragement.
#6 Keyword: Electric Wheelchair
#7 Question Keyword: Nostalgic Candy
Chocolate is America's #1 candy favorite, but there's a popular disk-shaped
candy that has been in production since the 19th Century. It hasn't changed it's
recipe of 90% sugar, plus a dash each of corn syrup, gelatin, gums and artificial
colors and flavorings in more than 100 years. Can you name it?
York Peppermint Patty
Necco Wafers
Butter mints
Olympic Rings
Answer: B - Necco Wafers
If you're old enough to remember when "penny candy" really WAS a penny…or
sometimes 2-for-a-penny…you must be a fan of nostalgic candy. And you're not
alone! There's never been a bigger demand for chocolate nostalgic candy and
favorites like Skybars and $100,000 bars are flying off the shelves.
But it's the simple pastel NECCO wafers, made without a spot of chocolate and
named for the acronym of the New England Confectionery Company, that have
remained unchanged for more than a century.
#8 Question Keyword: sugar free chocolate
Sugar free chocolate and other sugar-free candy isn't just for diabetics anymore!
The "new wave" of sugar free chocolate has a unique flavor all its own and if
you're one of the smarties who's already tried sugar free chocolate, you know
that its supreme sweetness is likely to come from:
The Dark Side
Answer: D - Isomalt
The apis mellifera (aka "a bee") gives us honey to use in sugar free baked
goods, but honey doesn't work in the preparation techniques for sugar free
chocolate. Isomalt, a natural substance made from sucrose that looks and
tastes a lot like table sugar, is the replacement ingredient that gives sugar free
chocolate the same gloss, texture and taste as its sugary chocolate "brothers and
#9 Question Keyword: fudge
It's a mild exclamation of annoyance, a way to dodge or avoid responsibility, and
a small section of type matter in a box in a newspaper allowing late news to be
included without the whole page having to be remade. But it's also a sweet, soft
taste sensation made with sugar, butter, cream and chocolate. Can you name it?
Answer: C - Fudge
Yes, frosting is made with sugar, butter, cream, and chocolate, but only fudge is
also an expression AND a newspaper term.
#10 Question Keyword: chocolate molds
Delicious candy treats may be shaped by hand, but to get chocolate to hold a
form, you really need:
A lot of patience
Chocolate molds
Chocolate girdles
A lot of luck
Answer: B - Chocolate molds.
Chocolate molds are the perfect way to shape molton chocolate into interesting
and tasty shapes. Victorian cooks struggled with hinged chocolate molds made
of heavy metal. Theyfrequently depicted holiday characters like Santa Clause
and the Easter Bunny. It took a lot of skill and no small amount of luck to unmold
the candies so that they retained their shape.
Today's candy chefs use chocolate molds made of non-stick metal or transparent
polycarbonate which enhances shine and offers easy un-molding and cleanup.
You've come a long way, chocolate molds!
#11 Question Keyword: chocolate gifts
You Vote Counts!
Opinion Poll: What's Your Favorite Chocolate Gift?
They say almost everyone loves chocolate, and given the number of chocolate
gift choices on the market, we'd have to agree. We've scoured the 'net to identify
the top-selling chocolate gifts that people think are the perfect marriage of sweet
and treat. What's YOUR favorite?
Chocolate roses
Chocolate dipped fruit
A box of assorted chocolates
Who cares…as long as it's chocolate!
Answer: We'll reveal the results of our highly UN-scientific poll soon.
The interesting thing about chocolate gifts is that they're perfect for every
occasion…even a diabetic's birthday! Sugar-free chocolate is a wonderful gift for
people with a variety of health problems. And good old sugar-rich chocolate is a
always in good taste for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, special holidays
like Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, and even run-of-the-mill days like Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday…
#12 Question Keyword: old fashioned candy
Some people say we're hopelessly stuck in the past, but we don't care -- we love
old-fashioned candy, especially sweet, chocolate treats. And apparently, so do
you! There are dozens of websites devoted to old-fashioned candy and
chocolates. Even television programs like "Unwrapped" frequently go
"undercover" at the factories that produce time-honored favorites like Squirrel Nut
Zippers, chocolate Chunky, and Candy Buttons.
But everything old is new again. The oldest candy company in America reports
that an old fashioned candy favorite is enjoying a comeback. Can you guess
what it is?
Chocolate covered Divinity
Toll House Chips
Chocolate Kisses
Black Jack sticks
Answer: B - Black Jack sticks
Despite our affection for chocolate, this old-fashioned candy favorite has returned
with a bang. It debuted in the 1800's. Black Jacks are made with black strap
molasses giving them a smooth, rich long-lasting flavor that can't be duplicated
by artificially flavored candies.
If you said Chocolate Kisses…what were you thinking?! Those sweet little
morsels have NEVER gone out of style since they were first introduced in 1907
by Milton Hershey.
#13 Question Keyword: Wedding Candy
A wedding wouldn't be a wedding without the bride, the groom, and the rice, but
based on sales of ???, the bride's special day just isn't special without this
wedding candy favorite. Can you name it?
Jordan Almonds
Chocolate-Dipped Reception Sticks
Edible Underwear
Answer: B - Jordan Almonds
For a wedding candy, Jordan almonds have a lot to offer. Tinted in whisper pale
pastels to match any bride's color scheme and packing both sugary sweetness
and a nutty crunch, this is one wedding candy that should be invited to every
ceremony! Closing in on Jordan almonds are chocolate-dipped reception sticks.
In addition to offering the everyone--loves-it flavor of chocolate, the sticks are
easier on Grandpa and Grandma's dental work!
#14 Question Keyword: Infomercials
It's all the rage with celebrities. Cher does it. So do Victoria Principal and Vanna
White. But it's not just women -- supermodel Christie Brinkley recently did it with
action star Chuck Norris.
What is "it"?
Adopting a child
Getting a tattoo
Acting stupid in public
Making infomercials
Answer: D - Making Infomercials (Credit will be given for answer C, too)
Informercials are a cash bonanza. And although once upon a time it was
considered "career death" to hawk a product in infomercials, better products and
improved production techniques make it far more attractive (and lucrative) for
celebrities like George Foreman, Suzanne Sommers, and Bruce Jenner to
#15 Question Keyword: Private Jet
If you're like most Americans, you've been munching on a bowl of chocolate
bridge mix and enjoying NBC's reality show "The Apprentice." In an early first
season episode, a team of women came up with a steamy photo ad campaign for
a private jet company's credit card. What was the name of the high-flying firm
that Trump's wanna-be staffers worked their magic for?
Trump By Air
Marquis Jet
Trump Ice
Answer: B - Marquis Jet
"We received exposure to more than 20 million viewers," says Bill Allard, CEO of
the private jet service. 20 million viewers means a lot of chocolate bridge mix
AND a lot media coverage. So while chocolate stocks are certainly going up, so
is Marquis Jet -- it is now one of the most recognizable brands in private aviation
thanks to The Apprentice.
Of course Trump doesn't use Marquis. He's got his own private jet…a fleet of
private jets, in fact! (Must be nice to be The Donald.)
#16 Question Keyword: weight loss
Weight loss…you can't open a magazine, turn on the TV, or look in the mirror
without thinking about it. We were just about to give up chocolate when we
heard the good news: the war on fat seems to be less about giving up chocolate
and more about taking up exercise. Do you know how long you need to walk on
a treadmill to "work off" a chocolate candy bar?
What's a treadmill?
60 minutes
30 minutes
3 hours
Answer: C - 60 minutes
Believe it or not, a 1 inch square of chocolate with nuts has just 90 calories and
the average candy bar size weighs in at just over 200 calories. So don't deprive
yourself of your favorite chocolate delight. Indulge and enjoy…then get your but
to the gym!
#17 Question Keyword: corporate gifts
You Vote Counts!
Opinion Poll: What Do You Want For Christmas…or Hanukkah…or
Every year, companies spend millions of dollars on corporate gifts. Some are
given to preferred customers, others go to potential clients, and still other
corporate gifts -- like t-shirts, monogrammed chocolates, gift baskets, etc. -- are
presented to employees at holiday time.
We'd like to know what YOU think about corporate gifts:
As long as it's free, I'll take it
As long as it's chocolate, I want it
As long as I can wear it, I like it
Keep the corporate gifts -- show me the money!
Maybe we're biased, okay,,,we ADMIT we're biased…but we think a box of
gourmet chocolates is still the best gift to share with clients and colleagues.
Unlike clothing which has to be sized, chocolate is a perfect fit for everyone.
Affordable, edible, and always welcome, chocolate corporate gifts always bring a
#18 Question Keyword: hair loss
Hair loss has never been a happy subject, but we think we've stumbled on some
news that's really cause for rejoicing. Carl Keen, PhD, professor and chairman of
the Department of Nutrition, at the University of California, Davis, conducted a
pilot clinical trial in which participants who ate semi-sweet chocolate had
significant reductions in "platelet activity" in their blood. Do you know why this is
good for chocolate-loving folks with receding hairlines?
Reducing platelet activity causes new proteins to develop
Reducing platelet activity contributes to normal blood-flow
Reducing platelet activity enlarges pores on the head
Give me a break! My scientific knowledge stops at flour and water make
Answer: B
Reducing platelet activity contributes to normal blood-flow
If you want your hair to stay thick and gorgeous, one of the most important things
you can do is ensure a good blood supply up to each wee follicle. Who know
that good old chocolate could be a medical "miracle." 18 healthy volunteers got
to chow down on 25 grams of semi-sweet, dark chocolate pieces, provided by
Mars, Incorporated, makes of Dove chocolate bars. The chocolate was rich in
flavanols, which researchers believe may have heart-healthy benefits.
Researchers tested the subjects' blood before and after they ate the chocolate
and found that platelet reactivity decreased significantly after chocolate
consumption. Spread the word…and pass the chocolate!
#19 Question Keyword: diamond
The song says that diamonds are a girl's best friend, and while we think
CHOCOLATE is a girl's best friend, we admit that diamonds are useful for adding
a bit of sparkle to an engagement ring. The first diamond engagement ring was
given by Archduke Maximilian of Austria to Mary of Burgundy; the wedding took
place 24 hours later. Must have been some ring! But prior to the 15th Century,
diamonds were uncut and valued not for their beauty. Do you know why the
Columbus generation treasured diamonds?
Diamonds were prized because they could reflect the sun
Diamonds were a symbol of strength and protection
Diamonds were used to cut skins and wood
Diamonds didn't tear like folding money.
Answer: B - Diamonds were a symbol of strength and protection.
According to the Bible, the diamond was one of the gemstones in the breastplate
of Aaron: "And thou shalt set in it settings of stones…the first row shall be a
sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle: this shall be the first row. And the second row
shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond."
But wait, chocolate has IT's powers, too! Cocoa contains three chemicals that
may be used in herbal healing: Caffeine, Theobromine, and Phenylethylamine.
But wait, your chocolate has more to offer: cocoa contains minerals including
copper, magnesium, iron, and zinc. All that…and so delicious!
#21 Question Keyword: gourmet chocolate
You Vote Counts!
Opinion Poll: What's Your Favorite Gourmet Chocolate?
According to Brandweek Magazine, Marie Read, a candy buyer for the 507-unit
WaWa convenience store chain, believes that Americans are ready to see more
specialty chocolate and gourmet chocolate in the everyday places they shop.
Taking advantage of this buying trend are gourmet chocolate manufacturers like
Toblerone and Rocher.
But there's no denying the "cachet" of a designer chocolate. We'd like to know
which gourmet chocolate maker YOU like best:
Gourmet chocolate? Give me a break! And give me a Hershey Bar.
According to the World Atlas of Chocolate, in just one year Americans consume
3 billion pounds of gourmet chocolate, totalling $13.1 billion in sales spread
across quite a few brands. That's a lot of calories! But before you feel guilty for
all those luscious gourmet chocolates you've been popping into your mouth,
consider this: a survey of healthy 65-year-old men conducted by the Harvard
School of Public Health revealed that those who ate sweets containing chocolate
reportedly lived longer. So go ahead -- indulge!
#22 Question Keyword: Nostalgic candy
Every generation thinks they've discovered the nostalgia craze, embracing retro
clothing, old music, and even nostalgic candy from bygone eras. One of the
most entertaining ways to go back in time is to remember the silly jingles and
funny mottos that were the heart of nostalgic candy commercials. Can you
identify the product that used the slogan, "The milk chocolate melts in your
mouth-not in your hand"
Junior Mints
Answer: C - M&Ms
According to their website, chocolate M&Ms were first sold in 1941. Packaged in
cardboard tubes, they were sold to the military as a convenient chocolate snack
that traveled well in any climate. Soldiers loved them and by the late 1940s, the
public did, too. The adorable chocolate morsels been going strong ever since.
#23 Question Keyword: Electric Wheelchair
We'd like to send a chocolate bouquet to Dr. Al Stiller, professor of chemical
engineering at West Virginia University's College of Engineering and Mineral
Resources. Thanks to his efforts, handicapped citizens in WV -- the state with
the highest per capita rate of differently abled citizens -- may now navigate the
area's mountainous terrain like never before. Can you name the "gift" that Dr.
Stiller has given to his patients?
He designed a special saddle so disabled citizens can ride more easily
He bought electric wheelchairs for people who didn't own them
He started a "mini van" service especially for disabled residents
He invented a device that makes wheelchairs work better
Answer: D - He invented a device that makes wheelchairs work better
Dr. Stiller's Mountaineer Mover attaches to a standard wheelchair and allows the
user to propel the chair in both the push and pull strokes of the handle. This
innovation has opened up a whole new world for West Virginians who don't have
or prefer to use an electric wheelchair. That's two thumbs up, Doc…and save
one of those chocolate roses for us!
#24 Question Keyword: fudge
The science of chocolate and the art of love come together beautifully in
chocolate fudge. The chocolate in the box of fudge a fella gives his gal for
Valentines Day contains a chemical that is soetimes referred to as "chocolate
amphetamine" because of the way it makes us feel. Do you know its name?
Answer: C - Phenylethylamine
No wonder we love chocolate. Phenylethylamine stimulates the brain's pleasure
centers. Eat chocolate and before you know it you'll feel excitement, giddiness
and apprehension. Why, it's almost like being in love!
#25 Question Keyword: gourmet chocolate
As well as tasting delicious, gourmet chocolate is an outstanding energy source.
A single chocolate chip, just one little morsel of goodness, provides "food
energy"…enough to enable you to go 150 feet (if you're an adult). So, put on
your thinking cap and figure out…how many gourmet chocolate chips would you
need to eat in order to have enough energy to talk around the equator?
I need to eat some gourmet chocolate chips and think about this
Answer: C - 875,000 (Wow! That would leave a lot of toll house cookies mighty
There are 5280 feet in a mile, so you'd need 35 chips for every mile you want to
cover and the Earth's circumference is 24,902 miles at the equator. (Okay all
you math wizards -- the EXACT number of gourmet chocolate chips is 87,220)
You know, I'll be if they had taught arithmetic this way when WE were in school,
we'd have been straight-A students!