- Everyday Leadership

Session 2.2 Work Climate
Total Session Time: 2 hours (90 minutes for lecture/discussion, 30
minutes for learning activities)
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
 Describe how a work climate impacts performance and retention.
 Identify at least two ways to improve their work climate.
 List at least two non-financial incentives they can integrate into their programs.
Session Overview
05 minutes Presentation
Introduction to Session, Presentation
of Learning Objectives (Slides 1-2)
Small Group
20 minutes Activity,
Activity: Leader & Follower (Slide 3)
45 minutes
45 minutes Brainstorm,
Incentives for Staff Motivation
(Slides 17-28)
05 minutes Presentation
Key Points (Slide 29)
Creating a Positive Work Climate
(Slides 4-16)
LCD or
LCD or
LCD or
Handout 2.2.1
LCD or
LCD or
Resources Needed
Flip Chart, paper, and markers
LCD or Overhead Projector
Handout 2.2.1: Work Climate & Spheres of Influence
Advance Preparation
Review the entire session prior to facilitating, to familiarize yourself
with the slides, speaker’s notes, learning activities, and supporting
Prepare two flipcharts, labelled “Motivators” and “De-Motivators.”
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Refer to these materials for additional background reading, as needed.
Management Sciences for Health. 2005. Managers Who Lead: A Handbook for
Improving Health Services. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MSH.
Management Sciences for Health. 2002. “Creating a Work Climate that Motivates Staff
and Improves Performance.” The Manager, Vol. 11, No. 3. Cambridge, Massachusetts:
Available at: http://erc.msh.org/TheManager/English/V11_N3_En_Issue.pdf
Luoma, M. 2006. “Increasing the Motivation of Health Care Workers.” Capacity Project
Technical Brief 7. September 2006.
Available at: http://www.capacityproject.org/images/stories/files/techbrief_7.pdf
Perry, C. et al. 2005. “Validating a work group climate assessment tool for improving the
performance of public health organizations.” Human Resources for Health. Vol. 3, No.
Available at: http://www.human-resources-health.com/content/3/1/10
Yumkella F. 2009. “Worker Retention in Human Resources for Health: Catalyzing and
Tracking Change.” Capacity Project Technical Brief 15. March 2009.
Available at: http://www.capacityproject.org/images/stories/files/techbrief_15.pdf
Yumkella F. 2006. “Retention of Health Care Workers in Low Resource Settings:
Challenges and Responses.” Capacity Project Technical Brief 1. February 2006.
Available at: http://www.capacityproject.org/images/stories/files/techbrief_1.pdf
Yumkella F. 2005. “Retention: Health Workforce Issues and Response Actions in LowResource Settings. Capacity Project Resource Paper. Available at:
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Beginning the Session
Trainer Instructions: Step 1 (5 minutes)
Slide 1
Present Slides 1-2 using trainer notes to guide the presentation.
INTRODUCE Session 2.2 to participants.
• The aim of this session is to help you
learn to create a work climate that
supports employee performance and
INFORM participants that this session is
scheduled to take about 2 hours.
ENCOURAGE participants to ask
questions at any time.
Slide 2
All pictures and images in this session are
from Microsoft Office Clip Art Gallery, unless
otherwise noted.
ASK a volunteer to read the learning
objectives aloud to the group.
ASK participants if they have any
questions before continuing.
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Trainer Instructions: Step 2 (15 minutes)
Present Slide 3 using the trainer notes to guide the activity and discussion.
Slide 3
FACILITATE activity using the
instructions below. This activity should
take approximately 20 minutes.
EXPLAIN to participants that this activity
will help to get us started thinking about
fostering a positive work environment.
DIVIDE participants into groups of 4-5.
ASSIGN one person in each group to be
the leader. The remaining group members
are followers. (Tip: Assign leaders based
on an arbitrary characteristic, like
number of coins in pocket, longest hair,
Speaker notes continued here:
ASK leaders to instruct their followers, and begin the
ALLOW 5 minutes for activity.
RECONVENE the group.
CONGRATULATE participants for creating such a
positive atmosphere.
DE-BRIEF activity:
• Followers, how did it feel to follow the instructions
that your leader provided?
• Leaders, how did it feel to have power over your
• What lessons can we take from this activity that can
inform our work as leaders, managers, and
WRAP-UP with key point:
• Leaders and managers carry great influence within
their organizations. We can choose to use our
influence to help foster a positive atmosphere.
Note: If there is enough time, repeat this process several
times so that everyone has an opportunity to be in a
position of power. Then, ask groups to share their
experiences with power in this setting and formulate a
list of dynamics of power.
INSTRUCT participants as follows:
Leaders, you have absolute power over
your followers, but you must use your
power only to promote joy, celebration,
and positive spirit among them and with
the rest of the groups. Take a minute to
think of something positive that your
followers could do that would promote
laughter, joy, celebration, well-being,
vitality, peace, calm, or confidence for
people in the room.
Followers, it is your responsibility to
carry out your leader’s instructions
quickly and eagerly. After you receive
your instructions, circulate around the
room for 5 minutes fulfilling your
follower role. When you approach another
person or group, explain your leader’s
instructions and then carry them out as
For example: My leader says to smile at
you; my leader says to shake your hand;
my leader says to give you a compliment;
my leader says to sing you a song; my
leader says to make you laugh.
ASK if everyone understands the
CLARIFY as needed.
CONTINUE with speaker notes in lefthand column.
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Trainer Instructions: Step 3 (45 minutes)
Slide 4
Animation Clicks: 1
Present Slides 4-16, using the trainer notes and Handout 2.2.1: Work Climate & Spheres of
Influence to guide the presentation and discussion.
Note: slide is animated.
SHOW part 1 of slide: Heading (question)
ASK participants:
• What is a work climate? How would
you define it?
ALLOW time for 2-3 responses.
SHOW part 2 of slide (definition).
ASK a volunteer to read the definition of
work climate out loud.
ASK if participants have any comments or
questions before continuing.
Slide 5
Source: Management Sciences for Health.
2002. “Creating a Work Climate that
Motivates Staff and Improves Performance.”
The Manager. 2002, Vol. 11, No. 3.
ASK participants:
• How does it feel to work with your
colleagues, including your manager
and your staff?
ASK participants to reflect silently.
• You will not be asked to share your
feelings with the rest of the group.
• Think to yourself about whether your
overall work climate feels positive or
negative to you.
ENCOURAGE them to be as honest as
they can be with themselves.
ALLOW 1 minute for participants to
reflect silently.
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Slide 6
Animation Clicks: 1
Note: slide is animated.
ASK participants:
• What is a positive work climate?
ASK participants:
• Does this description reflect your
work climate?
• Have you ever worked in a place that
you would describe as a positive work
ALLOW a few moments for participants
to respond.
SHOW content of slide (definition of
positive work climate).
Slide 7
Source: Paul Wong, “The Positive Psychology
of ‘Climate Management.’” Quoted in
Management Sciences for Health. 2005.
Managers Who Lead.
PRESENT slide using the following
Motivation and Performance
• The relationship between work
climate and employee motivation and
performance has been demonstrated
in many fields.
• When staff feel motivated they want
to work harder and bring their full
capability to the task.
• This extra effort improves their
performance, often exceeding
Staff Retention
• A positive work climate can also
increase employee retention.
• A literature review conducted by the
Capacity Project on retention of health
workers in resource limited settings
concluded that retention solutions
must seek to improve the work
• A negative work environment is often
a significant “push” factor for
employees to leave jobs.
Source: Yumkella, F. 2005. “Retention: health
workforce issues and response actions in lowresource settings.” Capacity Project
Resource Paper. Available at:
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Slide 8
Animation Clicks: 1
Note: slide is animated.
SHOW part 1 of slide (heading and
ASK participants:
• What factors influence work climate?
ALLOW time for 2-3 responses.
SHOW Part 2 of slide (text boxes).
ASK a volunteer to read the factors out
Speaker notes continued here:
ASK participants:
• In your day-to-day work, which of these factors do
you feel that you have the most control over?
ALLOW a few moments for discussion.
EXPLAIN to participants that these are
common factors that influence a work
ASK participants:
• Can you think of some examples that
illustrate each factor on the slide?
• For example, what in an organization's
history might influence work climate?
Some potential responses include:
• Organizational Culture: Coming to
work on time, being polite, always doing
excellent work or never doing this.
• Management Strategy & Culture:
Promotion policy, professional
development, clear roles
• External Environment: President has
endorsed HIV prevention work, society
supports teenage pregnancy prevention
(or doesn’t), etc.
• Leadership (Management) Practices:
Supportive work environment,
teamwork, director listens to staff,
leadership supported at all levels
• Organization History: Reputation,
recent layoffs, successes, started by an
important person (Clinton Foundation).
ALLOW time for participants to provide
1-2 examples for each. Note that these
examples can have positive influence or
negative influence on work climate.
CONTINUE with speaker notes in lefthand column.
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Slide 9
ASK participants to think of the factors
influencing work climate from the
previous slide.
EXPLAIN to participants that:
• Most managers do not have direct
influence over organizational history
and culture.
• Senior level managers may have some
influence in establishing
organizational management strategy
and structure. These factors are
beyond the control of most managers.
• Managers have no influence on the
external environment that the
organization exists in.
• However, ALL MANAGERS can
influence their own leadership and
management practices.
ASK if there are any comments or
questions before continuing.
Slide 10
• Perry, C. et al. 2005. “Validating a work
group climate assessment tool for
improving the performance of public
health organizations.” Human Resources
for Health. Vol. 3, No. 10. Available at:
• Management Sciences for Health. 2005.
Managers Who Lead: A Handbook for
Improving Health Services.
ASK a participant to read this quote aloud
to the group.
EXPLAIN to participants that in their
jobs as managers, they can play pivotal
roles in establishing a positive work
Source: Stringer, Robert. 2002. Leadership
and Organizational Climate. Prentice
Hall/Upper Saddle River. Quote found in
Perry, C. et al. 2005. “Validating a work
group climate assessment tool for improving
the performance of public health
organizations.” Human Resources for Health.
Vol. 3, No. 10. Available at:
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Slide 11
REFER participants to Handout 2.2.1:
Work Climate and Spheres of Influence
on page 243 of the Participant Handbook.
PRESENT diagram, using the following
• This diagram illustrates the
importance of the leading and
managing practices and competencies
of a work group leader in influencing
work climate and, ultimately, staff
motivation and performance.
• Evidence has shown that while
organizational history, cultural,
management strategy and structure
and the external environment all
influence the work climate, a work
group manager influences the work
climate more than any other factor.
• Managers of a work group can even
create a work climate that differs from
the overall organization's culture.
This can sometimes create pressure on
the manager from the organization to
conform. However, if the manager’s
work group is successful, the pressure
may be reduced.
ASK if participants have any comments or
questions before continuing.
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Slide 12
PRESENT slide, using the following
Know your staff
• This is one of the most important
things you can do to develop a
positive work climate.
• The better you know your staff, the
better you can align their efforts with
yours to meet a challenge.
• You should try to learn:
o What motivates them
o What their work styles are
o What their interests are
• This helps to establish a good, caring,
and supportive relationship with each
• Positive relationships improve
employee retention.
Know what motivates you
• Know yourself – your values, what
motivates you, what drains your
energy, and what evokes strong
emotions from you.
• Your behaviour and how you respond
to stress have an impact on your staff.
It can influence their trust and
confidence in you as a leader.
Provide Challenge, Clarity, and
• You will be able to better provide
challenge, clarity, and support for
your employees based on your
knowledge of your staff, and yourself.
• We will talk more about this in the
next few slides.
Source: Management Sciences for Health.
2005. Managers Who Lead: A Handbook for
Improving Health Services. Chapter 3, pages
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Slide 13
Slide 14
EXPLAIN to participants that:
• Challenge, Clarity, and Support are
the key dimensions of work climate.
• All three dimensions—challenge,
clarity and support—are critical for
fostering performance.
• Each manager must find the right
balance for their group’s climate.
• We will cover each of the three
dimensions of work climate in the
next few slides.
Source: Management Sciences for Health.
2005. Managers Who Lead: A Handbook
for Improving Health Services. Chapter 3,
pages 56-58.
REVIEW slide.
ASK participants:
• What types of actions can a manager
can take to provide challenges to
ALLOW time for participants to provide
2-3 examples.
Slide 15
• Management Sciences for Health. 2005.
Managers Who Lead: A Handbook for
Improving Health Services. Chapter 3,
page 58.
• Management Sciences for Health. 2002.
“Creating a Work Climate that Motivates
Staff and Improves Performance.” The
Manager, Vol. 11, No. 3.
REVIEW slide.
ASK participants:
• Can you think of actions a manager
can take to provide clarity?
ALLOW time for participants to provide
2-3 examples.
• Management Sciences for Health. 2005.
Managers Who Lead: A Handbook for
Improving Health Services. Chapter 3,
page 58.
• Management Sciences for Health. 2002.
“Creating a Work Climate that Motivates
Staff and Improves Performance.” The
Manager, Vol. 11, No. 3.
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Slide 16
• A climate of support is created when
group members feel their capabilities
are acknowledged, when they
participate in decisions that impact the
work group, and when they sense
appreciation and reward for both
individual and group successes.
ASK participants:
• Can you think of actions a manager
can take to provide support?
ALLOW time for participants to provide
2-3 examples.
• Management Sciences for Health. 2005.
Managers Who Lead: A Handbook for
Improving Health Services. Chapter 3,
page 58.
• Management Sciences for Health. 2002.
“Creating a Work Climate that Motivates
Staff and Improves Performance.” The
Manager, Vol. 11, No. 3.
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Handout 2.2.1: Work Climate and Spheres of Influence
This diagram illustrates that leading and managing practices are a key factor in
influencing work climate and, ultimately, staff motivation and performance.
Evidence has shown that a work group manager influences the work climate more than
any other factor, including organizational history, culture, management strategy and
structure, and the external environment.
Managers may not have direct influence over organizational history and culture.
Some managers may influence the overall management strategy and structure.
Managers have little influence over the external environment.
All managers can influence their own
leadership and management practices!
Source: Management Sciences for Health. 2005. Managers Who Lead: A Handbook for Improving Health
See Chapter 3: Improving Work Climate to Strengthen Performance. Page 54.
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Trainer Instructions: Step 4 (45 minutes)
Slide 17
Present Slides 17-28, using the trainer notes to guide the presentation, brainstorm, and
ASK a volunteer to read the definitions of
Motivation aloud.
Slide 18
• Management Sciences for Health. 2002.
“Creating a Work Climate that Motivates
Staff and Improves Performance.” The
Manager, Vol. 11, No. 3. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: MSH. Available at:
• Business Dictionary. Motivation.
Available at:
ASK a volunteer to read the definitions of
incentive aloud.
• Management Sciences for Health. 2002.
“Creating a Work Climate that Motivates
Staff and Improves Performance.” The
Manager, Vol. 11, No. 3. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: MSH. Available at:
• Business Dictionary. Incentive. Available
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Slide 19
EXPLAIN to participants that:
• Motivation represents energy that we
can bring to our work. It is possible to
adequately complete a task with low
motivation. However, when our
motivation is high, we put more
energy into the task and we perform
better. When staffs are de-motivated,
performance suffers.
• This “extra effort” is at the
employee’s discretion. A good
manager will create a work climate
and incentives that encourage
employees to choose to put forth that
“extra effort.”
• Motivation is the energy to do
something. Incentive encourages the
mobilization of that energy.
Slide 20
PREPARE two flipcharts, labelled
“Motivators” and “De-Motivators.”
ASK participants to take a moment to
think about the following questions:
• In your career, have you ever been a
member of a high-performing team in
an organization? What motivated you
and your colleagues to perform well?
• If you have you ever been a member
of an unmotivated team or
organization, what held you back?
INVITE participants to share responses,
and WRITE on the appropriate flipchart.
THANK participants for sharing.
Tip: this activity may be uncomfortable if
participants are in a room with
supervisors/colleagues. It can be adapted
as a partner activity, or as a “paper fight”
activity for more anonymity. To adapt as a
“paper fight,” participants can write their
specific ideas for motivators/demotivators on slips of paper. When
everyone has had a few minutes to write
ideas down, participants crumple up the
papers and toss them around the room in
a “paper fight.” The goal is to mix up all
of the papers so that you do not read your
own responses. Everyone picks up a few
slips of paper near them, and reads the
ideas aloud.
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Slide 21
PRESENT slide.
EXPLAIN to participants that supervisors
and managers who pay attention to their
staff may notice these signs of low
ASK participants:
• Do you have any additional signs and
symptoms of low motivation that you
would like to add to this list?
Slide 22
ALLOW a few moments for participants
to respond.
EXPLAIN to participants that:
• There are two types of motivation-external and internal.
• External motivators are what
managers often think about first when
considering motivation and incentives
for employees.
• This is motivation based on incentives
that are provided to the employee by
someone else. Salaries and benefits
are examples of incentives provided
by an employer that come with a job.
• External motivation is often
associated with financial incentives.
REFER participants to the “Motivators”
and “De-Motivators” listed on the flip
charts from the previous discussion.
ASK participants:
• How many of the items in these lists
are related to external sources?
• Managers often under-estimate the
power of internal motivators for their
• Internal motivation comes from
within the employee themselves.
• Motivation is often based on
something valued by the employee or
related to their self esteem. Internal
motivation is often associated with
non-financial incentives.
ASK if participants have any questions or
comments before continuing.
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Slide 23
Speaker notes continued here:
• Motivation is likely to suffer when someone thinks that
nobody will notice their hard efforts or when they see
others who do not work as hard or produce as much
receiving rewards equal to those who try harder.
• Of the three motivational components, expectancy is
the easiest for managers to impact through incentives.
Incentive systems have been shown to improve and
sustain performance in numerous studies.
Slide 24
Source: Luoma, M. 2006. “Increasing the Motivation of
healthcare Workers.” Capacity Project Technical Brief No. 7.
PRESENT slide, using the following
• Valance, or the perceived importance of
the work, refers to the value someone
places on the work and tasks that they
are being asked to perform.
• If a person believes the value of their
work to be extremely high, they may be
willing to endure great hardships.
• To increase the perceived importance of
a task, managers can communicate what
they know about the impact of the work
and how clients, the community or
society and large will benefit.
• Self-Efficacy refers to perceived chance
of success. This refers to the extent to
which we believe we can be successful
in our work. If we think we have no
chance for success, we are unlikely to be
motivated to initiate and sustain a
particular task.
• To increase self-efficacy, managers can
point out where the individual has been
successful at similar tasks or show them
how people like them have been
successful at the task in question.
• Expectancy is what a person expects
will happen to them if the work goal is
reached. Will anyone notice? Will
anyone care? Will they be rewarded?
CONTINUE with speaker notes in lefthand column.
PRESENT slide, using the following
• This slide gives some examples of
negative work elements that can
influence staff turnover.
CONTINUE to next slide.
Source: Yumkella. 2006. “Retention of Health
Care Workers in Low Resource Settings.”
Capacity Project Technical Brief No. 1.
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Slide 25
EMPHASIZE to participants that:
• To address the problems related to
negative work environment, nonfinancial incentives are needed.
• A non-financial incentive is not
necessarily provided at no cost to the
• The non-financial incentive may
require the organisation to spend
money, but the money is not provided
in the form of compensation to
individual employees
ASK if participants have any comments or
questions before continuing.
Slide 26
Source: Yumkella. 2006. “Retention of Health
Care Workers in Low Resource Settings.”
Capacity Project Technical Brief No. 1.
EXPLAIN to participants that:
• Incentive systems intended to improve
team or individual motivation to
achieve a goal should be applied
openly and transparently.
• Incentives should be rewarded
contingent on reaching a wellunderstood work goal.
• Managers must have the ability to
measure what is being rewarded.
• Each worker should understand the
performance required for any kind of
reward and how it will be measured.
• Figuring out what to measure and how
to measure it can be the hardest part.
• The incentive system should be
applied fairly and consistently so the
rules apply to all workers without
ASK if participants have any questions or
comments before continuing.
Source: Luoma, M. 2006. “Increasing the
Motivation of healthcare Workers.” Capacity
Project Technical Brief No. 7.
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Slide 27
Animation Clicks: 1
Note: slide is animated.
SHOW part 1 of slide.
Speaker notes continued here:
Opportunities for professional development,
such as time for participating in a journal club,
time for learning a new skill, or an opportunity to
participate in a seminar, course, or other learning
Career advancement opportunities, such as
promotions and title changes
Staff awards, for demonstrating problemsolving, leadership, creativity, teamwork, service,
etc. These can be voted on by peers, awarded by a
committee, or awarded by managers.
EXPLAIN to participants that:
• Financial incentives are not the sole
source of employee motivation.
• As a manager you will have to
consider the best mix of financial and
non-financial incentives for your work
• Since it is often difficult to provide
financial incentives, managers should
think carefully and creatively about
non-financial incentives that may be
able to provide.
• For problems related to the work
environment, non-financial incentives
are often more effective.
ASK participants to brainstorm:
• What are some non-financial
incentives that can increase employee
ALLOW a few minutes for participants to
WRITE responses on a flipchart labelled
“Non-Financial Incentives.”
ASK if there are any comments or questions.
SHOW Part 2 of slide.
• Yumkella. 2006. “Retention of Health Care Workers in
Low Resource Settings.” Capacity Project Technical Brief
No. 1
PRESENT slide, building off of
participant responses.
• This is a brief list of ideas for nonfinancial incentives that can motivate
staff. It is not complete, but may help
you think of ideas that may work
within your organization.
• Non-financial incentives can include:
o Recognition of input,
contributions, and hard work
o Listening to staff ideas
o Offering appreciation and praise
for the efforts and
accomplishments of your staff
o Morale-boosting activities, such
as celebrations for milestones,
holidays, etc.
CONTINUE with speaker notes in lefthand column.
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Slide 28
FACILTATE a brief discussion on
implementing non-financial incentives in a
work setting.
ASK participants:
• Can anyone provide examples of nonfinancial incentives currently used by
your organization?
• Have you had experience
implementing any ideas like these in
your office?
• What are the challenges you might
face in trying to integrate motivation
incentives into your workplace?
• Do you have any strategies for
addressing the challenges that other
groups have mentioned?
THANK everyone for their participation.
ASK if there are any comments or
Trainer Instructions: Step 5 (5 minutes)
Slide 29
Present Slide 29 using the trainer notes to guide the presentation.
REVIEW key points from this
ASK if participants have any
comments or questions.
THANK everyone for their attention
and participation.
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide
Leadership and Management Course
Session 2.2: Work Climate
Facilitator Guide