TALLAHASSEE COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYLLABUS ART1150C INTRODUCTION TO JEWELRY MAKING INSTRUCTOR: JULIE BAROODY FALL 2013 MAIN Mon/Wed 12:20 – 3:10am Classroom CH245 Office Ch183 Phone # 201-8713 baroodyj@tcc.fl.edu OFFICE HOURS M 3:30pm-4:30pm W 11:00am-12noon Or by appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION (Catalog) ART 1150C Introduction to Jewelry Making (3) FA, SP A course focusing on jewelry design and the technical fundamentals of metal smithing and stone setting including sawing, soldering, forming and fabrication. Lecture and Lab: 6 hours. TEXT None COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Students will gain experience with jewelry design and metal smithing techniques in order to more fully and creatively express their ideas in terms of this medium. 1. Students will exhibit familiarity and competence with the basic skills of metal smithing, including Fusing, Soldering, Fabrication, Stone Setting, Hammering, Shaping, Cutouts and Overlay. 2. Students will demonstrate facility with jewelry design and aesthetics by producing a body of work consisting of five or more pieces of jewelry. 3. Students will demonstrate knowledge of lab safety and good working practices. 4. Students will become familiar with the history of jewelry design from ancient times to present. 5. Students will demonstrate working knowledge of the vocabulary of jewelry making. COURSE OUTLINE Unit 1 Introduction to Jewelry Design and History Unit 2 Tools, Materials and Vocabulary Unit 3 Melting, Fusing, Hammering, Bending, Cutting Free-Form Fabrication Unit 4 Soldering and Finishing Wire Ring Unit 5 Measuring, Marking and Sawing Simple Band Ring Unit 6 Multiple Solder Design with Bale and Hand-made Findings Pendant with Hanging System Unit 7 Drilling and Interior Sawing / Positive and Negative Space Design Overlay Project Unit 8 Bezel Soldering and Resin Setting Resin Project Unit 9 Stone Setting – both Regular (Cabochon) and Irregular (natural) stones Stone Setting Project REQUIRED MATERIALS LIST (To be purchased by students) Approximate cost: $200.00 Jewelrymaking Supply Kit (to be purchased at Lively Bookstore off of Appleyard Drive) Wet Dry Sandpaper (320 and 600 grit) Scissors Small Glass Jar with Lid Large Glass Jar without Lid Ziplock Bags Small Containers (Altoid containers, Gum containers, Pill containers, etc.) Jeweler’s Pliers (Cone Nosed) Chain Link Pliers with Nylon Coating Small Ball Peen Hammer Wire Cutters Tweezers Yucky Little Paint Brush Lighter Safety Glasses REFERENCES OR SOURCE MATERIALS www.thunderbirdsupply.com www.riogrande.com EVALUATION AND GRADING Final Grades will be determined in the following manner: 80% In-class Projects and Oral Critiques 20% Lab – Safety and In-Class Preparedness Jewelrymaking is a hands-on, studio class. The instructor will be conducting on-going evaluation and assessment during each class period as well as conducting demonstrations, which cannot easily be repeated. Therefore, attendance (or lack thereof) will play a role in the determination of the final grade. A student may miss class without penalty three (3) times. After that, the final grade will be lowered by one third of a letter grade for each additional absence. Arriving late or leaving early will result in ½ an absence and be factored into the final grade accordingly.