Freefall SPH 3U Introduction An object near the surface of the earth will fall due to the force of gravity created by the Earth. The object will accelerate towards the centre of the earth at 9.8 m/s2 (980 cm/s2). This acceleration will be reached if there is no friction. As previously discussed, friction is a force which opposes motion and it can not be eliminated from this lab. Scientist have performed experiments in a vacuum, a frictionless environment to confirm that a feather and bowling ball fall at the same rate - 9.8 m/s2 (980 cm/s2)[towards the centre of the earth]. The total frictional forces acting on an object in freefall depends on the objects shape and the speed of the object. As the speed increases for a given shape, the force of friction also increases. When someone goes parachuting, the frictional forces will eventually offset the force of gravity and the jumper will fall to the ground with a constant velocity. This is referred to as the objects terminal velocity. Once the chute opens, the shape of the object is changed and the frictional forces will be greater than the force of gravity creating an upward acceleration. It is unlikely that the jumper will travel upwards because as they slow down the frictional forces change and a new terminal velocity is reached. The object you drop should only accelerate at 9.8 m/s2 (980 cm/s2) for a brief moment at the very beginning of its freefall before frictional forces lower its acceleration. As much as possible, try and get as many tangents as possible from the beginning of the position time graph. Graphing provides us with a very visual tool to examine a relationship. Unfortunately, graphing is a very tedious and delicate art. In theory, drawing tangents to determine instantaneous velocity should produce an accurate account of the objects motion. However, in practice, the uncertainty around drawing lines of best fit and tangents creates too much error. Students within the same group will produce completely different results even though they use the same method and data. This raises serious questions for scientists concerned with reproducibility. Averaging techniques eliminate the uncertainty associated with lines of best fit and tangents. Although averaging values will never produce a true value, it succeeds where the tangent method fails in creating results that are reproducible. It must be stressed however that these values are only averages and often averages can be misleading. Recall that friction cannot be eliminated from this lab and that a value of 9.8 m/s2 should only exist at the beginning of an object's freefall. The non-graphing method we will use will allow us to produce many estimates of the rate of acceleration for many different intervals Purpose: 1) To determine if the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2 (980 cm/s2). 2) To compare 3 different methods in obtaining an acceleration value from the same position time data. Materials small mass ticker timer ticker tape carbon disc tape Procedure Drop a small dense object and use the ticker timer to record its position and time during the fall. The ticker timer generates dots at 60 Hz. (60 dots/second) Since the object will only accelerate at 9.8 m/s2 at the beginning of the fall, we will record its position every 3 dots or 0.05 s.Observations Time (s) 0 Position (cm) Time (s) Position (cm) 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 Method 1 – Tangents 9 (generate 2 graphs) Plot the position time data and determine the instantaneous velocity at 5 different locations by drawing tangents. Show your calculations on the back of the graph and record these slopes in the table below. Time (s) Velocity (cm/s) (where the tangent touches the curve) Plot these points (t,v) on a velocity-time graph. If the acceleration is uniform, the dots will suggest a straight line of best fit. Determine the slope of this line. Questions to consider Is (0,0) a point on your velocity time graph? Was it moving at your reference point? Was your acceleration constant? How can you tell? How will you determine precision with a graph and only 1 trial? Method 2 – Averages from averages Using the same data used in method 1, complete the following table. Time (s) Position (cm) Average velocity Average Acceleration vavg = (d2-d1)/(t2-t1) aavg = (v2-v1)/(t2-t1) Time (s) Position (cm) Average velocity Average Acceleration vavg = (d2-d1)/(t2-t1) aavg = (v2-v1)/(t2-t1) tavg (s) Vavg (cm/s) tavg (s) aavg (cm/s2) 0 0.025 0.05 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 Questions to consider Was your acceleration constant? How can you tell? How will you determine accuracy with so many values calculated? How will you determine precision with a graph and only 1 trial?Method 3 – Assuming that v1 = 0 when (t,d) = (0,0) If one can assume that v1 = 0 then the displacement equation for uniform acceleration can be simplifed. The calculated accelerations apply for the entire time interval used. (The average accelerations apply only to the specific time interval used for the calculation.) Complete the following table Time (s) Position (cm) Acceleration Estimate assuming a zero initial velocity a = 2Δd/Δt2 (cm/s2) Time (s) Position (cm) Acceleration Estimate assuming a zero initial velocity a = 2Δd/Δt2 (cm/s2) 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 Questions to consider Was your acceleration constant? How can you tell? How will you determine accuracy with so many values calculated? What is different between these values calculated and the ones used from the average's table? Lab Report Will be discussed in class tomorrow.