Eyewitness to History: America in the 1950s-1990s Name: _____________________ Per# ____ Overview: To help us learn about major events from the 1950s (Civil Rights events) through the 1990s, you will create a Glogster project summarizing a key event from the perspective of a fictional character who was at that event. Read the following for more details. Your Event: Write down the event that you drew for this project: __________________________________ Gather Info: Look up information on the internet about your event. Read about it, learn about it, find out about the era that it happened in and then move on to step two. TAKE NOTES!!! Become Someone: “Create” your character. You will be a fictional person (or if you really want to be, an actual person from the event) who was present at this event. Look up the era that you were “living in” and find out what kind of dress, work, music, etc. was popular during that time and make your character fit the times. Put the Project Together: Your Glogster should have some different “sections” to it. How you decide to lay it out, design it, etc. is completely up to you. Just make sure it is done in a “Quality Work” fashion! Section 1 (10 pts): Glogster Page Visuals/Design/Bibliography A) related info B) pictures that fit the era/event C) music link from the era D) video clip related to event - organized - neatness - fills page well, etc - eye-catching layout - sources cited Section 2 (10 pts): Explain your fictional character (from a FIRST PERSON “I, me, we, etc” point of view) - who are you? - how old are you? - where do you work? - what year did your event happen? - what are some popular fashion trends for that year? - what are some popular songs/artists for that year? - what are some popular TV shows and movies for that year? – who are some popular people that year? Section 3 (10 pts): Explain your event (from a FIRST PERSON point of view again – like you were actually there!) - This should almost be written as if you are writing a diary entry, or a letter to your kids, etc. (something like that – just tell about the event like a real person would. Thoughts, feelings, etc help add voice!) - the date (day, month, year) - key people involved in the event - key info about the event (explain what happened) - your thoughts, feelings, etc. about the event - how many Americans reacted to the event Writing Quality (10 pts): The overall quality of your writing is an important part of your project quality! - Ideas: is your information accurate? is there enough? does it “fit” the project? etc - Organization: is your information split into paragraphs? does it seem “orderly” when you read it? - Sentence Fluency: did you write in complete sentences? are they too long? are they too short? - Word Choice: did you write in your own words? do you have “book talk”? did you summarize? - Voice: can the reader sense the “person” behind the writing? can the reader sense the feelings, etc? - Conventions: - correct use of capital letters, etc - correct punctuation (periods, commas, etc) - correct spelling - indented paragraphs - correct grammar - neat enough to read easily Costume (5 pts): Did you put in effort to “dress the part” when you presented? How much? TOTAL POINTS: ____ / 45 possible (*goes into gradebook 2 times; worth 90 pts total) Project due date: _____________________________________________________________