Sci Methods- Lesson plan

Subject of Lesson: Meiosis Review Day
Grade Level: 9
Course: Honors Biology
Amount of Time: 60 min
During this lesson, students will review the information that they have learned about meiosis over the
past week in order to prepare for the quiz.
How do cells divide? What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction?
Cells can divide by mitosis or by meiosis. Offspring can either be clones of their parents or genetically
GOALS: By the end of this class students should be able to define Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis,
Asexual Reproduction, Sexual Reproduction, and Clone. Students should also be able to discuss
how organisms that produce sexually differ from organisms that produce asexually. Students
should also be able to list and describe the stages that occur during meiosis.
FIT: Students have learned about cell structures and different types of cells. They have learned
about genetic engineering and karyotype mutations. Students have been learned about the
concept of cell division, genes, and chromosome structure. Students have defined and drawn
the different stages of the cell cycle. Students have learned about the process of mitosis and
meiosis and have identified the different stages of mitosis and meiosis. They have learned about
crossing over, production of gametes and have defined and compared asexual and sexual
Students will:
• Review the concepts of meiosis in order to prepare for an assessment
3.3.10 A - Explain the structural and functional similarities and differences found among living things.
3.3.10 B - Describe and explain the chemical and structural basis of living organisms.
3.3.10 C - Describe how genetic information is inherited and expressed.
Teacher Materials: PowerPoint presentation with do now, activity information and exit ticket; taboo
cards; whiteboards for students; dry erase markers
Student Materials: Notebook, pen/pencil, colored pencils
1) Do Now – 5 minutes
a. What is an advantage to having one copy of the sickle cell gene?
b. What is one negative?
2) Reminder - Quiz Tomorrow – 3 minutes
a. Meiosis, Sexual and Asexual reproduction will be covered
3) Reminder - Meiosis cell models are due tomorrow – 5 minutes
a. If you present your cell to the class after we take the quiz, you will gain 5 extra credit
points to be added to the quiz
b. Will answer any questions about the cell models at the point
4) Taboo Review for Quiz – 15 minutes
a. Students will work in pairs to play taboo game
b. Each pair of students will be given a set of cards
i. See cards and documents used to make cards
c. They are to describe the word at the top of their cards in an effort to get their partner to
guess the word. They cannot use any of the words on the card in their description.
Hopefully, this game will help students to put the vocabulary terms into their own words.
5) Jeopardy Quiz Review – 20 minutes
a. Class will play jeopardy style review game
b. Students will use “whiteboards” to give answers
c. See powerpoint slides for questions
CLOSURE – 5 mins
Review main points covered during today’s review games.
Exit Ticket:
If you had the opportunity to write a question for tomorrows quiz, what would it be?
HW: Study for quiz; Complete cell models
1) Whiteboard review game
Taboo Cards: