Dietary Analysis Assignment - Daniel J. Sandberg Dietetics

NDFS 300
Dietary Analysis Assignment
30 points
The purpose of this assignment is to conduct a 24 recall and a 3-day food diary analysis,
then analyze the diet on ESHA Food Processor SQL. There are three parts to this
assignment: 1. Conduct a 24 recall; 2. Conduct a 3-day food diary; and 3. Compare the
two methods of dietary analysis. Please label which printout is the 24 diet and which is
the 3-day diet.
Part 1 (10 points)
 Identify a client who is willing to allow you to analyze their diet. It needs to be
someone with whom you can meet in person.
 Personally meet with the person and conduct a 24 recall. You will do a better
recall if you have measuring utensils, food models, etc.
 Compare their 24 recall to the mypyramid (3 points)
 Analyze their one day diet on ESHA Food Processor SQL (7 points)
Part 2 (10 points)
 AFTER you have completed the 24 recall on your client, ask them to keep a 3day food diary. Again, it is important to practice with them, explain and
demonstrate serving sizes.
 Compare their 3-day food diary to MyPyramid (3 points)
 Analyze their three day diet on ESHA (7 points)
Part 3 (10 points)
Overall summary of the diet. What do you think about this person’s diet, is it
adequate and healthy? Question 8 in the assignment. (6 points).
Write a summary of your experiences with the 24 recall and the 3-day food
diary. Consider each of the following: (4 points)
o Which food analysis was likely to be more accurate
o What were some challenges, and advantages/disadvantages with each one
o What other observations, if any, did you have after completing this
Food Processor SQL
Food Processor SQL is located on a Server in the College. The computers in the
computer lab have access to this server. There are only 15 site licenses for the software
so only 15 people can access it at one time. If all 15 licenses are being used, it will tell
you the system is busy. It will automatically kick you off the server if there has been no
activity for 15 minutes.
Please generate the following reports from Reports PLUS:
1. MyPyramid
2. Spreadsheet—be sure that all major vitamins and the common minerals are
included in the analysis
3. Comparison Bargraph
Do the following activities and analyses on the 3 day food record only.
Daniel Sandberg
October 13, 2010
NDFS 300
Dietary Analysis
1. For each of the three days analyzed, please highlight all the nutrients for which they
consumed less than 66% of the recommended amount (from the Bar graph).
2. Did the percent of calories consumed in the diet from protein, carbohydrates, and fat
reflect those recommended in the US dietary goals for Americans (Calories and
Their DIET
DAY 1: CHO 45-65%
FAT 20-35%
PROTEIN 12-15%
10% less
7% greater
7% greater
DAY 2: CHO 45-65%
FAT 20-35%
PROTEIN 12-15%
DAY 3: CHO 45-65%
FAT 20-35%
PROTEIN 12-15%
8% greater
7% less
2% greater
2. Did they consume 100% of the recommended amount of fiber based on the
computer’s recommended intake?
Day 1: No
Day 2: Yes
Day 3: No
3. The desirable range for sodium consumption is < 2,400 mg per day. How much
sodium did they consume and what were their 3 highest sources each day?
Amount consumed
Day 1: 4676.41 mg Exceeded
3 highest sources
Turkey meat, cheddar cheese, pizza
Day 2: 4918.85 mg
Cream of broccoli soup, pork and beans with
sauce, and flour tortilla
Day 3: 1150.20 mg
Acceptable range
Milk 1%, whole wheat bread, grilled
chicken breast
4. Did they meet, exceed, or fall short (less than 66%) of their calcium requirement for
their age and stage of life for each day? What were their 2 best sources of calcium each
Amount consumed
Day 1: 2195.01 mg Yes-exceeded
2 highest sources
Cheddar cheese, two slices of cheese
Day 2: 1957.55 mg
Low fat vanilla yogurt and cheddar
Day 3: 923.63 mg
Milk 1% and one slice whole wheat
5. How much fat did they consume each day and what were their 3 highest sources?
Amount consumed
Day 1: 94.41 g
3 highest sources
Turkey meat, slices of pizza, cheddar cheese
for nachos
Day 2: 76.52 g
Cheddar cheese slice, Ranch salad dressing,
and tres leches cake
Peanut butter, chicken breast, egg noodles
Day 3: 22.65 g
6. Did they consume less than 300 mg of cholesterol each of the three days? What were
their 3 highest sources of cholesterol each day?
Amount consumed
Day 1: 449.44 mg
3 highest sources
Eggs, Pizza, Cheddar cheese
Day 2: 318.09 mg
Day 3: 124.58 mg
Vanilla low fat yogurt, Café Rio Salad, tres
leches cake
Milk 1%, chicken breast, egg noodles
7. Did they meet 66% of their RDA for iron? What where their 3 highest sources?
Amount consumed
Day 1: 8.75 mg
RDA Not met
3 highest sources
Eggs, Turkey sandwich, Pizza slices
Day 2: 24.38 mg
RDA met
Honey nut cheerios, cream of broccoli soup,
and café rio salad
Day 3: 7.56 mg
RDA Not met
Whole wheat bread, chicken breast, egg
8. Overall, summarize the nutritional adequacy of this diet. How would you counsel this
person to improve their diet? (Advise them how they could eat more fiber, less fat,
improve calcium intake, etc. You might choose to list specific foods, or talk about
specific food groups, or teach the food guide pyramid as a whole.)
On average for the three days I would say that the diet is overall healthy. There were a
few things that could be of concern and changed. Potassium and Vitamin E were
nutrients that were not receiving the recommended amounts. Potassium could be easily
corrected with more bananas, lots of different types of seafood, and some starchy
vegetables like potatoes and white beans. Vitamin E could be found in eating nuts and
foods cooked with oils, and vegetables like spinach and broccoli also would provide
decent amounts of Vitamin E.
The diet was heavy in dairy products, especially cheese that gave a lot of extra sodium
and fat. Possibly some of the dairy, like cheese, could be replaced with some vegetables
at meal times or snacks to decrease the overall sodium and fat content. As well the
vegetables could be cooked in some oils that have more Vitamin E. In addition, this
suggested increase of vegetables in the diet would also get the patient closer to the 100%
recommended fiber content.
After working with both the 24 hour recall and the 3-day food diary I have found
the 3-day food diary to be more accurate because the individual has been keeping food
and serving sizes in mind. If someone was already educated in foods and serving sizes or
measurements I could see a 24 hour recall just as effective especially since they would
not have had time to modify their diet to make it look like they normally eat better than
they actually do. Similar to how as a child I would always brush my teeth before seeing
the Dentist. We want to give the illusion that we are better than we really are.
Obviously the challenge with the 24 hour recall is that it is restricted by the
memory of the individual and the knowledge of measurements and servings. With the 3day food diary the greatest challenge is to make sure the individual stays on top of
keeping up to date the diary and understands servings and measurements. In addition
there is still the problem if the individual is not honest in their recordings. The benefit to
the 3-day food diary is that it contains more information to pull from. As said before the
benefit to a 24 hour recall is it doesn’t allow the patient to modify their diet so it gives an
actual representation of what a normal day is probably like. As well, it is quick tool to use
since it allows the RD to work on ideas while the patient can leave and work on a 3-day
food diary until the next appointment.
I think both serve a purpose when made available. Therefore I most likely think
an RD could and will be found using either. Both are valuable sources of information to
the RD and can be used well if the patient has been clearly educated on serving sizes and
measurements to make correct notes of what is normally eaten.