Spanish Montessori Learning Centre

Spanish Montessori Learning Centre
Parent Orientation Handbook
Spanish Montessori Learning Centre
1208 3rd Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB
T!J 0J9
Phone: (403)524-3436
Fax: (403)524-3437
Parent Orientation Handbook
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Our Philosophy and Program Content
At Spanish Montessori Learning Centre we use the Montessori Methodology, with an
immersion program in Spanish, being respectful of the children’s individuality and their
freedom to learn at their own pace.
In the Montessori Method there is an emphasis on the social development structures of
children. The materials used by this method are specially designed to develop the child’s
abilities within Sensory, Mathematical, and Language development, with extended learning in
Biology, Geography and Practical Living. Within this practice the child formulates his/her
own concepts of the self-learning materials.
When using the Montessori Method we motivate the child to develop all his/her intellectual
potential so he/she can achieve a better academic and social development. At the same time
we want to inspire him/her to become an excellent citizen. At our centre these special
materials will be offered to the children ages 2 ½ and up.
A very important aspect of the Montessori Methodology is that children must interact with
other children of different ages and who are in different stages. We believe the interaction of
children teaching and learning from one another is very enriching to them; this teaches them
to share and be kind to others. We also believe that it is very important that children feel free
to explore the materials individually or/and in groups. The children are encouraged to teach,
learn from and help each other.
The teachers play an active role in setting up the activities in the classroom, but they do not
control the activities in the classroom. The children are active participants in the learning and
teaching process. Each child chooses his/her own work according to his/her interests and
abilities. We believe in both individualized and in group teaching methods and adapt them to
each learning style of the child.
For our infants (0-18 months) we offer activities that work the Sensory and Motor
development. They enjoy a calm environment, where they are also exposed to lots of
opportunities for active learning. They also have time to have some fresh air in the back yard
and learn from the outdoors.
For our Toddler group (18 months – 3 years) we work the Sensory and the Motor
development as well. We have a short daily introduction to the Montessori Method, as well as
many activities on Practical Living. Their learning is complemented with the following
* Science
* Paint
* Quiet/Reading Area
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* Water Centre
* Puppet Centre
(… among others)
* Sand Table
* Block Centre
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The Centre is divided into four groups:
Infants: 0 to 18 months
Toddlers: 19 months to 3 years
Toddlers transition to Preschool: 3 to 4.5 years
Preschool and Kindergarten: 4.5 to 6 years
Goals and Objectives
Spanish Immersion for all the groups.
To use and familiarize the children with all the Montessori Methodology and
To achieve the maximum level of social and intellectual development of each child,
being respectful of their age and level.
The teachers are facilitators of the Montessori Method, showing the children how to
work the materials in each area. When the children are doing the activity, the teacher
becomes an observer and an evaluator, and he/she will be ready to assist the child with
questions, and to give instruction again as many times as the child needs.
Infants and Children with Special Needs
Our doors are open to receive children of all abilities; children who have physical disabilities,
behavioral problems, attention or hyperactivity problems. In the case we were to receive
children with these needs, we would look for assessment, and governmental help through
Children’s Services to hire a special needs Teacher or an Aide to focus their attention on the
Holiday Closures
* Thanksgiving Day
* Remembrance Day
* Christmas Holidays Dec 22 – Jan 2
* Good Friday Easter day
* Family Day
* Victoria Day
* Civic Day
* Canada Day
* Labour Day
If any of these holidays fall on a Saturday or Sunday the centre will then close on the
immediate following Monday.
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Registration Forms
Each Parent must complete and return to the Centre a registration form which contains
important background information on your child/ren as well as necessary medical information
and emergency contacts in the event parents are unavailable. Parents also must provide a
copy of the child’s immunization records from their health authority.
Daily Time Tables
1) Daily Schedule for the Infants Group (0-18 months of age)
7:00 am - 8:00 am
8: 00 am - 8: 30 am
8:30 am - 8: 45 am
Breakfast Clean Up / Bathroom / Diaper Change
8:45 am - 9:00 am
Magic Circle
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Free Play
10:30 am - 11:00 am
Diaper Change
11:00 am - 11:30 am
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Nap Time OR
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Diaper Change
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Free Play
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Story Time
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Diaper Change
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Clean Up / Get ready to go Home
5:30 pm
Free Play
( Welcome Songs and Games)
Quiet Time
The infants’ schedule is flexible. We believe infants have individual needs and schedules
(e.g. sleep and feeding times) and we want to respect them and make them feel as
comfortable as possible.
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2) Daily Schedule for the Toddlers Group (18 months to 3 years of age)
7:00 am - 8: 00 am
8: 00 am - 8: 30 am
8:30 am - 8: 45 am
Breakfast Clean Up / Bathroom / Diaper Change
8: 45 am - 9:00 am
Magic Circle
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Introduction to Montessori
10:30 am - 11:00am
Outside Play
11:00 am - 11:30 am
Wash Hands / Diaper change/ Bathroom / Wash Hands
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Nap Time / Quiet Time
2:00 pm - 2:10 pm
Wake Up
2:15 pm - 2:30 pm
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Outside Play
3:45 pm - 4:30 pm
Story /
4:30 pm - 4:45 pm
Free play
4:45 pm - 5:00 pm
Get Ready To Go Home / Clean Up
5:30 pm
Free Play
( Welcome Songs and Games)
/ Practice Life / Sensory - Motor
Story Time
Arts and Crafts
In all the activities and routines we would like to encourage and provide plenty of
opportunities for the children to learn and practice self-help skills such as: eating by
themselves at meal times, helping themselves in the toilet, and dressing themselves. We
will do this respecting each child’s development stage and readiness.
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3) And 4) Daily Schedule for the Preschool/Kindergarten Group (3 to 6 years old)
7:00 am - 8:00 am
8:00 am - 8:30 am
8:30 am - 8:45 am
Clean Up /
8:45 am - 9:00 am
Magic Circle
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Montessori Activities
11:00 am - 11:30 am
Outside Play
11:30 pm - 12:15 pm
Wash Hands Lunch
12:15 pm - 2:00 pm
Bathroom /
2:00 pm - 2:15 pm
Wake Up / Clean Up Mats / Bathroom
2:15 pm - 2:30 pm
Free play
2:45 pm - 3:00 pm
Snack time
3:00 pm - 3:45 pm
Outdoor Play
3:45 pm - 4:30 pm
Story Time /
4:30 pm - 4:45 pm
Free play
4:45 pm - 5:00 pm
Clean Up / Get Ready To Go Home
5:30 pm
/ Free Play
Bathroom / Wash Hands
(groups together or separate)
Nap Time / Quiet Time
Arts and Crafts
In this age group we will also encourage the children and will provide for them plenty of
opportunities to develop and practice self-help skills (e.g. meal times, toilet times,
dressing themselves, etc.).
The children will also have many opportunities to make their own choices. The children
who do not sleep will be provided with quiet time activities such as reading books,
making puzzles, etc. The opportunity of laying down just to get rested will be available
as well, and the teacher will decide with the child what is best for him/her, or the teacher
will encourage what the parent has requested for that specific child.
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Parental Involvement
The Centre will have a get together with all the parents and children maybe in the form of an
informal BBQ, at the beginning and at the end of the school year. The Centre will encourage
parents to be volunteers if they want, or to come in and see their children at work, as long as
this does not disrupt the program being followed.
The goal of the Centre is to have a very open and ongoing communication with the parents,
but if there is no time at a particular date, there will also be a suggestion box where parents
can bring their suggestions, comments, cares or concerns, and they will be given a time to talk
about them with a staff member or the Director if needed.
Please allow the children’s teachers the opportunity to be prepared for the day. Do not
arrive earlier than 7:00 am.
When dropping off your child/ren please:
*come into the room with your child/ren
*check them in on the attendance sheet
*notify the teacher of any special information necessary
When arriving to pick up your child/ren please:
*write the time you picked your child up on the attendance sheet
*be on time depending on your child’s schedule
*in case of emergency contact the Centre at (403)524-3436
The Centre will make parents aware of the Day Care Program by posting the calendar of
events for a whole month close to the entrance, so they can know what is happening and what
will happen. There will also be a monthly update provided in the form of a newsletter to
inform parents of important issues with more detail.
We believe strongly in open communication. We practice the use of daily communication
journals in which the teachers report the learning, behavior, and development of each child on
a daily basis. The parents can also write in the journal if there is something to be aware of as
health or family situations. This information is kept confidential between parents and staff
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What to bring to the Centre
The following list of items applies for all Infants, Toddlers, Preschool and Kindergarten
groups accordingly. Parents are requested to bring them in a bag properly tagged with their
children’s name.
Inside shoes (slip on, non-skid, no slippers)
2 changes of clothing (pants, shirt, underwear and socks)
Diapers and diapering supplies (enough for all the changes during the day)
Bottles, milk (including formula, soy milk or breast milk) and complete lunch (main
dish, beverage, dessert)
Seasonal: Waterproof boots (i.e. rubber boots) and waterproof pants (i.e. “muddy
Seasonal: Waterproof rain jacket with hood, warm hat and gloves/mittens
Water bottle (stainless steel is recommended)
Seasonal: Sun hat and sunscreen (for hot and sunny days)
Blanket, bed sheet and soft rest toy
Photo of your child
Earthquake Comfort Kit (please put all the following items in a large ziplock with
child’s name clearly labeled):
- Family photo (including pets and/or friends)
- A note with some words of encouragement for your child
- Phone numbers of out of town friends or family
- Bottle and a can of ready made formula
- Cereals your child can eat
- Diapering supplies (wet wipes, cream and diapers)
- Soother
- Foil emergency blanket (found at Canadian Tire, camping supplies)
Some items may need replenishing. Please note expiry dates.
Please bring the above items to the Centre on your child’s first day, except for seasonal items.
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Child Participation
a) Clothing
Please think of your child’s comfort and provide simple clothing that is free of complicated
fastenings and which is washable and will not be harmed by messy activities. Running shoes
should be worn at all times. Label school bags, jackets, boots, etc. Please send a bag for
artwork to be taken home.
On field trip days, please provide appropriate footwear and warm or fresh clothing depending
on the season and weather conditions. Have your child prepared in case of sudden weather
b) Personal Toys
Children’s personal toys should stay at home. It is difficult for them to share these special
If the teacher has assigned a “show and tell” day, one item might be brought in: ONLY ONE
PLEASE! At one point during the day, the child will be asked to show the item and say
something about it.
c) Attendance
When you drop your child off at the Centre, please check him/her in on the “Children’s Time
and Attendance Sheet” provided at the entrance. You are requested to write the time in when
arriving as well as the time out when picking up your child at the end of the day. If you are
going to be away on holidays, etc., please forewarn his/her teacher. If your child is
unable to attend, please advise his/her teacher by phoning the Centre at (403)524-3436.
Please leave a message if no one is available to answer the phone at that moment.
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General Policies and Procedures
a) Hours of Operation
The Centre will have its doors opened at 7:00 am and it will be closed at 5:30 pm from
Monday through Friday.
The penalty for late pick-up is $10 for every 5 minutes, so that staff overtime can be
covered. The Centre will strictly follow this policy. If there is an emergency causing the
delay, please call the Centre and let the staff know the situation.
b) Registration and Fees
Because the Centre will welcome children for a variety of schedules and programs, the
established rates are as follows:
Registration Fee: $50
This will hold the space for the registered child, but it is non refundable if the child does not
end up attending the Centre.
Full Time:
Any child attending the Centre for more than 20 hours a week is on a full time basis and
corresponding fees are as follows:
$750 for children 0-18 months of age.
$730 for children 19 months to 4 years old.
$700 for children 4 to 6 years old.
Part Time:
Any child attending the Centre 1 to 20 hours a week is on a part time basis. Parents have the
option to choose whether their children will be attending in the morning, in the afternoon or
specific full days, but not a combination of these. Parents of children to be on a part time
basis must discuss the situation with Centre Director and set a convenient schedule for them.
Fees for part time basis are $500 regardless of age.
If parents need their children to stay at the Centre more time than their scheduled hours, an
additional fee must be paid. For example, if a child attends the Centre on a part time basis all
mornings and needs to stay the afternoon, parents will be charged $30 for every additional
afternoon or morning if the child usually attends in the afternoons. If a child attends two full
days per week, every additional day will be charged at $60.
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There will be a $30 charge for each NSF cheque received by the Centre. The Centre will
have debit and credit card payment services.
There is no reimbursement for vacation or sickness. Parents will be required to pay full
month fees even if their children will not attend the Centre due to vacation periods or other
reasons, this will allow the Centre to keep and reserve a space for them.
Fees will be due, in advance, the first day of each month. For example, fees for the month
of February are due on February 1st. Receipts will be issued every month.
c) Health and Safety
The Spanish Montessori Learning Centre may provide or allow for the provision of health
care to a child only if:
- the written consent of the child’s parent has been obtained, or
- the health care provided is in the nature of first aid.
Our staff is required to maintain a current First Aid and CPR certificate.
Teachers must be notified of any communicable diseases as these are to be reported to the
Health Unit. Where a staff member knows or has reason to believe that a child may be
suffering from a disease listed in the Communicable Diseases Regulation (AR 238/85), the
Centre will ensure that the child’s parent removes the child from the program premises
Teachers will administer medications to the children ONLY when the parent has filled out a
MEDICATION RECORD FORM with all the necessary details, has signed it, and dated it.
Parents are asked to provide the medication in its original container and original label.
Medication will be administered according the original label directions. Parents will also be
asked not to put medications in their child’s backpack or other place where they can be
reached by children.
If the Centre is to administer medication to a child, the following records will be kept:
- name of medication
- time of administration
- amount administered
- initials of the person who administered the medication
All medication will be stored in a place that is inaccessible to children.
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If a child has an allergy, the Centre will ensure that the staff is fully aware of it as well as any
other special requirements. We have arbitrarily divided allergies into two categories: those
causing discomfort, and those which may result in a life-threatening situation. Some people
are drastically affected by nuts, often by the smell or touch alone. All allergies will be posted
and all parents will be made aware for purposes of lunch preparation. If a child has a very
severe allergy or requires a restricted diet, the parents will be asked to provide their child’s
d) Emergency Evacuation Procedures
We would like to emphasize that, in case of an emergency or injury, it is essential for parents
to leave a phone number where they can be either reached or where a message can be left for
them. An alternate emergency contact must also be provided in case the parent(s) can not be
Our Emergency Procedure will run as follows:
Upon hearing the fire alarm, children will line up with their teacher at the south exits.
An alternate exit would be the north doors that lead to the back yard, and we can get to
the back alley and walk away from the building towards Third Avenue.
One of the teachers, who will have that established role, will immediately check all the
classrooms, bathrooms, back yard and kitchen for children. She/he will then take the
attendance list and follow the teacher and the children onto the side walk or back
When everyone is gathered on the sidewalk or back alley, the teacher will check the
attendance list assuring that all are present.
The group will then cross 3rd Avenue and go directly to the Southminster United
Church located at 1011 4th Avenue South.
The children’s parents will be then contacted and advised of their children’s location.
The above procedure will be practiced at regular intervals.
Visitors will be made aware of their responsibilities as volunteers or as parent observers in
this regard.
e) Illness and Injuries
If a child injures him/herself at school and is in need of immediate medical attention, an
ambulance will be called. Another staff member will accompany the child to the hospital and
every effort will be made to contact the parent. The Director’s information/ registration form
includes space for relevant medical history, doctor’s name, clinic address, and phone number,
as well as the parent’s signature for medical consent.
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The parents will be reminded that all information should be complete at the time of
If a serious accident occurs, it is mandatory to report to the Child Department. For minor
accidents and incidents, a form must be filled out with the details of what happened, it has to
be signed by the teacher and presented to the parent. Parents must also sign the form in
acknowledgement of being informed.
In case of an ill child, the teacher will make the child as comfortable as possible in a quiet
corner in the classroom, until the parent or alternate emergency contact can be reached to pick
up the child.
Every attempt will be made to keep parents informed daily of minor cuts and bruises and their
Pick-Up / Drop-off / Custody
The safety and security of children are very important to the Centre. We request that all
persons who will be picking-up or dropping-off children at the Centre be listed on our
records. If there are any changes, parents will be asked to notify our staff immediately.
g) Freedom of Information
The signature of parents on our registration form indicates their acceptance of our Freedom of
Information and Protection of the Privacy Act Policy which is as follows:
The Spanish Montessori Learning Centre has permission:
To use individual and class photos and/or video of school activities within the school
for advertising.
To use student names and other related contact information, phone numbers and birth
h) Setting Boundaries
All teachers, volunteers and aides will encourage the children to learn the boundaries:
*giving children real and clear options
*giving children clear instructions that are at their level
*reminding children of specific boundaries and rules
*encouraging children to do what they ought to do instead of telling what NOT to do
Teachers, volunteers and aids will intervene if a child is misbehaving, by calling the child by
his/her name, will talk to the child at his/her level, will encourage the child to do the right
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thing and will explain the importance of doing it right. If the child continues misbehaving or
ignoring the boundaries, he/she may be removed by a staff member to another area when
needed. The staff may never threaten, ridicule or humiliate a child when intervention is
needed. The removal of a child will be used as a last resource. The use of any physical
punishment or force will not be allowed.
Teachers, volunteers, and aides will plan ahead in order to make transition times as short as
possible. If we have to wait, we will try to use that time in a positive way, teaching,
practicing songs or short finger puppet plays and rhymes. We will make out of those times a
funny learning experience and will also minimize incidents that require disciplinary actions.
Children will be encouraged to try a little of every food. They will not be forced to eat and
food will not be used as a reward for good behavior. We will not hold food from children if
they don’t eat other foods (i.e. we will give every one snacks, even if a child did not finished
his lunch).
Temper Tantrums
In case of temper tantrums, the child will be ignored if he/she is not harming him/herself,
others or damaging materials or the building. The child will be removed to another secure
area where he/she and other children will be out of danger. The Director of the Centre will be
notified if the tantrums continue on a regular basis, the child’s parents will also be notified so
that we as a team can help him/her overcome them.
The teachers, volunteers and aides will observe the children in this age group very closely,
and if there is an incident, hopefully the staff can give a report with details on the situation.
This report will be presented to the Director and the child’s parents so that everyone knows
what the circumstances were and how the children involved can be helped and corrected from
this negative behavior. The bitten child will be cared for immediately and given first aid if
The child who bit will be removed from the situation and after a short talk about what
happened and after being reminded that his/her “teeth are for chewing food and not for biting
friends”, he/she will be guided to continue with another activity. Parents of the child who bit
will be notified the same day of the incident.
Toilet Training
Teachers, volunteers and aides will maintain an open communication with parents to make of
this training a positive one for the child. The child will be trained when he/she shows that
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he/she is developmentally ready and interested in training him/herself. Children who
experience accidents will be changed and never will be humiliated or reprimanded because of
The Centre will provide the children with breakfast and two snacks during the day and the
staff will warm up and serve lunches that will be brought from home by each child. For the
breakfast and snacks the Centre will be following the Canadian Food Guide. The staff will
count how many snacks were consumed by the children and if any children did not eat much
in one day, parents will be notified at dismissal time that day.
The Centre will be willing and interested in educating parents so that they understand how
important it is to give their children a good and balanced diet. The Centre could invite a
nutritionist or a health nurse to inform parents on proper ways to feed their children.
The Centre will be careful to monitor children’s allergies, as long as the parents have notified
the Centre of such conditions by using a written form on the child’s registration package. The
staff will make sure that the particular allergen will stay out of the Centre.
Children will wash their hands, sit at the tables, have their food, juice or any beverage they
bring from home will be provided to them at this moment. Children will not be provided
with any beverages on the sleeping pads during nap time. All children must be seated at
the tables while eating or drinking. Children will wash hands again after having food.
For the infants group, food will be provided while being seated on the high chairs. No bottles
will be provided to them in the cribs.
Infants will be fed what parents provide for each child.
Toddler / Preschooler / Kindergarten Menu Sample
Cereal with milk/Fruit/Juice
Muffins and Fruit
Some snack Possibilities
Cheese and apple slices
Ham and cheese rolls
Cinnamon Toast and Milk
Cookies and Hot
Banana Bread and Milk
Apple Sauce
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Toast and Juice
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Termination Notice
Written notice of termination must be given to the Centre Director prior to the first day of the
child’s last month at the Centre (e.g. notice must be given December 31st if the child is exiting
the program February 1st).
Subsidy Parents
Subsidy is available through provincial government. Further information regarding subsidies
may be obtained through the Centre.
Parents are responsible for submitting their subsidy application to the Child Care Department
as well as keeping up to date all documentation required. Some parents need to renew their
application every two or three months. Parents are responsible of complying with the Child
Care Department requirements.
The amount of subsidy to which a child is allowed, is determined by the Child Care
Department depending on the child’s age and other considerations. Parents are responsible
for paying any balance left after applying the subsidy amount. For example, if due fees for a
child are $700 and the subsidy amount is $400, the parent must pay the resulting balance of
$300. This balance must be paid, in advance, during the first five days of each month (e.g.
fees for the month of February are due on the first five days February). If this balance is not
paid for a certain month, the following month parents will be given 10 days to pay that
month’s dues and any other past dues in order to keep their child’s space in the Centre and a
2% late payment fee will be applied.
In order to keep the subsidy approved by the Child Care Department, children must attend the
Centre the total number of hours they are approved for. For example, a child who has been
approved for a subsidy of 140 hours per month but attends the Centre for only 70 hours, will
loose such subsidy and parents are responsible of paying all dues.
Thank-you for choosing the Montessori Learning Center for your child/ children. We are
excited to work with your family and be a part of your child’s/children’s lives as they grow
and learn. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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