Book List - Newcastle University

University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, School of Marine Science & Technology, Book List
Book List
Some Books Recommended for Purchase
by Marine Technology Students
for all courses & modules including B.Eng., M.Eng., M.Sc., M.Res.
degrees, diplomas & certificates in Marine Technology including Marine
Engineering, Naval Architecture, Offshore Engineering, Small Craft
Technology, Pipeline Engineering, & others. M.Res. in Technology in the
Marine Environment. (M.Sc Tropical Coastal Management not on this list)
Compiled by Mr R.O. Carter (Information Assistant), School of Marine Science
& Technology, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
MAST Resource Centre, Reading List No.001, Oct 2004 edition.
It is essential that you build up a small personal library for your course work and future
professional careers.
This will include your lecture notes, textbooks, photocopies of articles and papers from
periodicals (journals & magazines) and conferences, exam papers, trade literature from
companies, websites, etc, both printed and electronic.
Think before purchasing books
This “book list” contains only selected recommendations. Read your “Course Handbooks”
(given to every student!!) containing module descriptors with recommended books and reading
lists. Reading Lists are given out during lecturers to all students, and they contain details of
books and many other materials.
If you are uncertain, listen to advice during lectures, then consult library or bookshop copies,
then decide which you really need. Very few books are essential for purchase, most are only
optional purchases, or recommended or optional reading in our libraries.
Marine technology subjects: there are few good books published and most of them go 'out of
print' with in a few years of publication, partly because to the small size of the marine student
market. Reprints or new editions are slow in being produced. In some cases you can use older
editions of books if the content has not changed drastically. Many books are now very expensive,
some of them are very useful but you are expected to use a copy in our libraries, rather than to
purchase them.
Non-marine subjects: there is a much better choice of books for Mechanical, Electrical, Civil
Engineering, Management, etc. Books for courses by these Schools are NOT usually included
on the Marine Technology Book List, due to difficulties of keeping up to date with any changes.
Books vs other materials for purchase
Books for purchase are only a small part of your reading lists, and because books tend to be
produced slowly, they do not cover some recent engineering developments. This gap is covered
by articles and papers in periodicals and conferences and the Internet : periodicals = magazines mainly for short articles on current industrial & research news &
journals mainly for research papers. e.g. “MER Marine Engineers Review”, monthly; “The
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Naval Architect”, monthly; “Maritime Policy and Management”, quarterly. Many now available
online as e-journals and the University subscribes to 5,000+ titles so our students are use
them at no cost! – see also The Internet below.
 conference proceedings mainly for research papers e.g. “ENSUS 2002: Marine Science
and Technology for Environmental Sustainability; International Conference; 17-18 Dec 2002;
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK”.
These are published quickly, and are an accepted and valuable source of information. You are
not usually expected to purchase these, but you should consult copies in our libraries. Useful
papers in these can be photocopied/scanned for your personal collection. Some will be readily
available to you if you join one of the UK professional engineering institutions (students are
briefed during your Induction Week!!)
 Royal Institution of Naval Architects = RINA
URL London, UK
 Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology = IMarEST
URL London, UK
 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers = SNAME.
URL New York, USA
The Internet. Surfing the web using search engines, e.g. Google, can be extremely useful.
But much of the useful information (99.9% yes 99.9% !!) is hidden in databases and other
subscriber-only systems. Surfing does not find this information !! e.g. the 5,000+ e-journals
mentioned above.
Purchasing books
New books from bookshops can usually be purchased or ordered at local bookshops. But they
only stock a few marine technology titles, because of high cost and the fact that we do not
recommend many books for purchase. You can order books which are not in stock which takes
from a few days usually, to months in the worst cases. They will have a reasonable selection of
non-marine books in stock.
 Blackwells Book Shop (in the Haymarket, beside the University)
and at other bookshops such as
 Waterstones
 Dillons (both by Grey's Monument).
bookshops listed on Univ Library website
 New books from professional societies. Publications of the three main professional
societies RINA, IMarEST, SNAME can be ordered at reduced rates for members
direct from the society (10-30% reduction), but only after your membership has been
accepted (or your book order is accompanied by your “membership application form”
together with payment – ask your tutor when applying). See also their websites
(above) for prices and ordering – usually cheque or credit card. SNAME by credit
card which is much cheaper than International Money Order from your bank. Note
that surface mail USA to UK takes eight weeks!! - you can pay a lot extra for airmail.
Second-hand books. Consult university notice boards and Student Union Book Shop for
availability of second-hand books -- a few if you are lucky.
Prices and availability are subject to alteration without notice. If you have any difficulties
purchasing or borrowing these books, then please ask your lecturers or library staff.
Libraries:MAST Resource Centre (Library) = School of Marine Science & Technology, Armstrong Building
(open Term Time, Monday-Friday, 9.00-5.00 pm, Vacation time, some afternoons). All materials
for reference use within the library during opening hours! Borrowing is not usually allowed!). Use
the Robinson Library for borrowing.
Robinson Library (Newcastle University Library) see website for opening hours
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Book lists on School websites
 School of Marine Science & Technology (for MAR) (for Modules MAR) [MAST library home
page] [search MAST library catalogue]
School of Mechanical & Systems Engineering (for Modules EFY & ENM)
School of Electrical, Electronic & Computer Engineering (for Modules EEE)
School of Chemical and Process Engineering. (for Modules CPE)
Key (to Book List below)
= absolutely essential purchase. Students required to buy this book in order to complete
the course!
= essential purchase. Students required to buy this book.
= recommended purchase. Not essential but still recommended to buy.
= optional purchase. Consider buying this book but you should certainly consult a library
Holdings = our libraries, where MTL = MAST Resource Centre, Armstrong Building; MAIN =
Newcastle University Library (Robinson Library).
Book List for marine technology students
A selected list. See your “Course Handbooks” for complete lists.
‘Missing’ numbers, e.g. Book 6, have been deleted.
Books 001 MTL Record No.: 10424
Principles of naval architecture. 2nd revision (3rd ed). Vol.I, stability and strength. Vol.II, resistance, propulsion
& vibration. Vol.III, motions in waves and controllability. [PNA]. Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
(SNAME). Lewis, E.V. (editor). USA; SNAME, 1988-89, 3 v. Holdings: MTL books 01.054/7 MTL books 01.054/8 [], MTL
books 01.054/9 ask to see these items]; MAIN Quarto 623.81-PRI. URL [confirmed 13- 01-2003
abstract only]. PNA is still one of the best textbooks on the subject. Every marine technology student (Stage 1 recommended but not essential; Stage 2 upwards - essential) should buy a copy by joining the society to purchase at the
members rate, approximately US $130, see their web page for current price, order direct from SNAME. Recommended
for almost every marine technology course. Represents value for money in view of its size and scope, which covers all
aspects of the subject. The previous edition 1967 reprint 1974 also contains useful information not included in the new
edition. Contents also includes: v I, ship geometry, lines, displacement, weight, form, rulses, hydrostatics, wetted
surface, subdivision, damage stability, structures, girders, loads, stress; v II,. Wave-making, models, hull form,
advanced marine vehicles, powering, propellers, cavitation, trials; v III.
EFY026 Industrial Design Studies. (c, Oct). MAR103 Naval Architecture I. (a, Oct). MAR201 Marine Dynamics. (a,
Oct). MAR206, MAR207 Marine Structures I. (a, Oct). MAR208 Naval Architecture II. (a, Oct). MAR210 Resistance
and Propulsion I. (a, Oct). PNA covers more or less the same ground as the lectures. MAR323 Naval Architecture
III. (a, Oct). MAR327 Resistance and Propulsion II. (a, Oct). MAR822 Ship Propulsion and Performance. (a, Oct).
MAR842 Ship Performance at Sea. (a, Oct). MAR843 Ship Propulsion. (a, Oct).
See also Book 2
Books 002 (1994 4th edition) MTL Record No.: 12627
Basic ship theory. 4th ed. V 1, Ch 1-9, Hydrostatics & strength. V 2, Ch 10-16, Ship dynamics & design. Rawson, K.J. &
Tupper, E.C. Longman Scientific & Technical, 1994, 2 v, p 1-374 & 375-702. Holdings: MTL books 01.066 [v1]; MTL books 01.067
[v2]; MAIN 623.1-RAW. Probably the best general textbook on 'naval architecture', together with "PNA", to be of long-standing
value. Tends to show naval bias, but includes worked examples. This book or PNA should form a valuable permanent place in
your personal library. Contents include symbols & nomenclature; art or science?; some tools; flotation & trim; stability; hazards &
protection; the ship girder; structural design & analysis; launching & docking; environment & human factors; powering of ships principles & applications; seakeeping; manoeuvrability; major same courses and same recommendations as Book 1, PNA above
 same courses and same recommendations as Book 1, PNA above
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Books 002 (2001 5th edition) MTL Record No.: 16782
Basic ship theory. 5th ed. V 1, Ch 1-9, Hydrostatics & strength. V 2, Ch 10-16, Ship dynamics & design. Rawson,
K.J. & Tupper, E.C. Butterworth Heinemann, Sept 2001, v1, 400 p; v 2, 400 p. ISBN 0 7506 5396 5 (v1), 0 7506 5397 3
(v2). Holdings: MTL [not in stock, on order]. MAIN 623.81 RAW. BLACKWELLS BOOKSHOP [asked for some copies in
stock to sell to students]. Probably the best general textbook on 'naval architecture', together with "PNA", to be of
long-standing value. Tends to show naval bias, but includes worked examples. Cost paperback ca.£25 each vol.
same courses and same recommendations as Book 1, PNA above
Books 003 MTL Record No.: 995
Naval architecture. 2nd ed. Baxter, Brian. Hodder & Stoughton, Teach Yourself Series, 1976, reprinted Warsash
Nautical Books, ca.1992. ISBN 0948646535. Holdings: MTL books 01.058/1 [not on shelves, please ask to see this item].
MAIN 623.8 BAX. A recommended textbook on this subject but 1992 was a reprint of 1976 with only minor amendments..
Price ca.£13 in 1997 but probably out of print now.
 MAR103 Naval Architecture I. (c, Oct)
 MAR208 Naval Architecture II. (c, Oct from your Stage 1 course)
Books 004 (1999 5th edition) MTL Record No.: 16781
Ship stability for masters and mates. 5th ed. Derrett, D.R. (author) & Barrass, Bryan (revisor). Butterworth
Heinemann, Sept 1999, 464 p. ISBN 0 7506 4101 0. Holdings: MTL books 06.095. MAIN 623.8171 DER. Useful
textbook on the subject. Publisher abstract (04-02-2004): A study of ship stability. It emphasizes the basic principles of
ship stability, together with the provision of worked examples and exercise questions with answers.
 MAR103 Naval Architecture I. (b, Oct)
Books 005 MTL Record No.: 11740
The running and maintenance of marine machinery. 6th ed. Cowley, J. (editor). UK; IMarE, 1992, 456 p. Holdings:
MTL books 16.083. MAIN Quarto 623.85 RUN [several copies, lending]. Usfeful textbook on marine engineering
including marine diesel engines, etc. To purchase order direct from IMarE (now IMarEST), members ca.£30,
non-members ca.£40.
 MAR101 Marine Engineering I. (c, Oct)
 MAR202 Marine Engineering II. (c, Oct)
 MAR316 Marine Engineering III. (c, Oct)
 MAR826 Marine Machinery Systems. (c, Oct)
 MAR827 Marine Transmission Systems. (c, Oct)
Books 008 (1998 7th edition) MTL Record No.: 16945
Mechanics of fluids. 7th ed. Massey, Bernard Stanford (author); Ward-Smith, John (reviser). S. Thornes, 1998, 722 p.
ISBN 0748740430 (pbk.). Holdings: MTL [not in stock]. MAIN 532 MAS. Essential textbook for the subject.
 EFY026 Industrial Design Studies. (c, Oct)
 MAR101 Marine Engineering I. (a, Oct)
 MAR202 Marine Engineering II. (a, Oct)
 MAR316 Marine Engineering III,. (a, Oct)
Books 009 (2003 edition) MTL Record No.: 18985
Ship Design and Construction. [4th edition]. Lamb, Thomas (editor). SNAME, 2003[?], 2 v, 883 p. ISBN 0939773406
(v1), 0939773414 (v2). [publication delayed?]. Holdings: MTL [not in stock, still on order]. MAIN [not in stock, still on
order]. Essential textbook for many of our courses but expensive.
 MAR206, MAR207 Marine Structures I. (b, Oct) recommendation to be confirmed!
 MAR319, MAR 320 Marine Structures II. (c, Oct) recommendation to be confirmed!
Books 010 MTL Record No.: 15632
Ship design for efficiency and economy. 2nd edition. Schneekluth, H. & Bertram, V. Butterworths, Nov 1998, 220 p.
ISBN 075064139. Holdings: MTL books 03.152 [please ask about this item]. MAIN 623.81 SCH. Useful for some of our
modules but expensive.
 MAR302 Marine Design. (c, Oct)
Books 011 (1987 3ed edition) MTL Record No.: 9961
Engineering economics and ship design. 3rd ed. Buxton, I.L. (University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Dept of Marine
Technology). BSRA, 1987, 143 p. Holdings: MTL books 03.068/3 [please ask to see this item]; MAIN Quarto
623.81-BUX. Recommended background reading for those attending Dr Buxton's lectures on the subject. Copies
available for purchase by students in MTL at student price £15 instead of £35. For students taking MAR840, it is
assumed they will be familiar with Parts I & II of the book.
 MAR315 Maritime Economics and Safety. (b, Oct) covers part of Dr Buxton’s course .
Books 012 MTL Record No.: 16035
Merchant ship construction. 4th edition. Taylor, D.A. Institute of Marine Engineers (IMarE), Nov 1998, 284 p. ISBN 1
902536 00 2. Holdings: MTL books 02.075. MAIN 623.824 TAY. Useful textbook on the subject. Chapters include: The
ship, functions, features, types; ship stresses & shipbuilding materials; shipbuilding; welding & cutting processes; major
& minor structural items; outfit; oil tankers, bulk carriers, container & ro-ro ships; liquefied gas carriers [LNG] & chemical
carriers; ventilation; organisations & regulations; corrosion; surveys & maintenance; pple ship dimensions & glossary.
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Price ca.£30.
 MAR205 Marine Production Technology I. (c, Oct)
 MAR318 Marine Production Technology II. (c, Oct)
Books 013 (1994 4th edition) MTL Record No.: 13725
Ship construction. 4th ed. Eyres, David J. Butterworth Heinemann, 1994 reprint 1998, 340 p. Holdings: MTL books
02.074. MAIN STC 623.82-EYE. Basic texbook on the subject. 4th also still useful. Superseded by 5th ed 2001.
Books 013 (2001 5th edition) MTL Record No.: 16783
Ship construction. 5th ed. Eyres, D.J. Butterworth Heinemann, Jul 2001, 352 p. ISBN 0 7506 4887 2. Holdings: MTL
[not in stock, o/o c1, 04-02-2004]. MAIN 623.82 EYR. Useful textbook on shipbuilding and naval architecture. Price
 MAR205 Marine Production Technology I. (c, Oct)
 MAR318 Marine Production Technology II. (c, Oct)
Books 014 (1993 3rd edition) MTL Record No.: 12334
Strength of materials and structures: with an introduction to finite element methods. 3rd ed. Case, J. (John);
Chilver (Lord, of Cranfield); Ross, C.F.T. (Carl). Edward Arnold/ Hodder & Stoughton Educational, 1993 , 502 p.
Holdings: MTL books 08.107. MAIN 620.11 CAS. Recommended textbook for this subject. Superseded by 4th edition
 [4th ed still useful but 5th ed preferred]
Books 014 (1999 4th edition) MTL Record No.: 16946
Strength of materials and structures: with an introduction to finite element methods. 4th ed. Ross, Carl; Case,
John; Chilver, A.H. Arnold, 1999, 706 p. ISBN 0340719206 (pbk.). Holdings: MTL books 08.122. MAIN 620.112 CAS.
Recommended textbook on the subject. Publisher abstract (04-02-2004): Includes composite materials and finite
element methods.
 MMM114 Materials Science I. (a+, Oct) check on MMM Book List!
 MMM211 Materials Science II. (a+, Oct) check on MMM Book List!
Books 015 MTL Record No.: 10813
Metallurgy for engineers. 4th ed. Rollason, E.C. Edward Arnold, 1973 repr 1989, 448 p. Holdings: MTL books 08.098.
MAIN 620.11 CAS. [See also holdings for newer editions, if any]. Textbook recommended for a few of our
courses/modules. May be out of print now.
 MMM114 Materials Science I. (a+, Oct) check on MMM Book List.
 MMM211 Materials Science II. (a+, Oct from your Stage 1 course) check on MMM Book List.
Books 018 MTL Record No.: 14466
Sea transport: operation and economics. 4th edition. Alderton, Patrick Mitchell. Thomas Reed, 1995, 302 p. ISBN 0
901281 63 8 (pprbk). Holdings: MTL books 15.151. MAIN 397-ALD. A recommended textbook on this subject for marine
transport. Price £19.50 (confirmed 21-10-2003). Contents: the ship; types of ship; trends in ship type, size, speed; the
crew; navigation or moving the ship economically; cargo- the only reason for ships; why things are moved; the costs &
revenue; the nature of supply; dry cargo tramp & tanker markets; the liner market & multimodal transport; economics of
safety; economics,etc.
 MAR321 Marine Transport. (c, Oct)
 MAR840 Marine Transport. (c, Oct)
Books 019 MTL Record No.: 14467
Maritime economics. Revised 2nd edition. Stopford, Martin. Routledge, Feb 1997 , 512 p. Holdings: MTL books
15.148 [please ask to see this item]. MAIN 387.51 STO. Recommended textbook on marine transport. Some chapters
also useful for marine production technology. Price ca.£30 paperback, ca.£85 hardback. Contents include: economic
organisation of the shipping market; the shipping market cycle * ; the four shipping markets - freight, sale & purchase,
newbuilding, demolition * ; supply, demand & freight rates; costs, revenue & financial performance; financing ships &
shipping companies; the economic principles of maritime trade; the global pattern of maritime trade; bulk cargo & the
economics of bulk shipping; the general cargo & the economics of liner shipping; the economics of ships & ship design;
the regulatory framework of maritime economics; the economics of shipbuilding & scrapping; maritime forecasting &
market research; an introduction to ship market modelling; tonnage measurement & conversion tables.
 MAR321 Marine Transport. (c, Oct)
 MAR840 Marine Transport. (c, Oct)
Book 21. Statistics for technology: a course in applied statistics. 3rd rev. ed. By Chatfield, C. Chapman &
Hall, 1983 reprinted with revisions 1989, 381 p. A useful textbook. Recommended on several courses. Price ca.£28
(confirmed 22-01-2003).
MAR210 Marine Dynamics. (b, Oct)
MAR801 Research Skills & MAR871 Research Skills, (c, Oct)
Books 022 (1995 7th edition) MTL Record No.: 14468
Hughes electrical technology. 7th ed. Hughes, Edward (author); McKenzie Smith, Ian (reviser). Longman Scientific &
Technical, 1995, 803 p. Holdings: MTL [not in stock]. MAIN 621.3 HUG. Recommended textbook on the subject.
Previous editions are still useful. Price ca.£18 paperback. See also new/revised edition ca.2002.
 EEE136 Electrical Engineering I. check on EEE Book List
 EEE235 Electrical Engineering II. check on EEE Book List.
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Books 023 (1995 edition) MTL Record No.: 13721
Ship production. 2nd edition. Storch, Richard L.; Hammon, Colin P.; Bunch, Howard M.; Moore, Richard C. USA;
Cornell Maritime Press & SNAME, 1995, 512 p. Holdings: MTL [not in stock]. MAIN 623.8-STO. One of the few
textbooks on this subject. Useful for our Marine Production Technology courses/modules. This revised edition seems to
be very similar to the first edition 1988 so use either. See SNAME internet pages for current price and ordering.
 MAR205 Marine Production Technology I. (c, Oct)
 MAR318 Marine Proudction Technology II. (c, Oct)
Books 025 (The Naval Architect. RINA) MTL Record No.: 10627
The Naval Architect: The International Journal of RINA. The editor. UK; RINA, v1=1972 - bimonthly/monthly - to date.
Also 1999- to date, on CD-ROM. ISSN 0306 0209. Holdings: MTL periodicals RINA [v1-to date]. MAIN PER 623-NAV
[v1-to date]. URL [some abstracts, not fulltext, unless to Membs?). The main journal of the RINA,
members get this journal free. Contents include: technical papers & editorial articles & current marine news. Some
technical pprs are reprinted in "Trans RINA". Editorial articles are not reprinted in Trans RINA. Contains papers of
interest in design, occasionally with body plans, but few contain general arrangements. Essential reading for all our
marine technology students for current awareness. "Warship Technology" and "Shiprepair and Conversion Technology"
are separate titles and "The Naval Architect".
 EFY026 Industrial Design Studies. (c, Oct)
 Naval Architecture all modules. (a, Oct)
 Small Craft Technology. all modules. (a, Oct)
Books 025 (Trans RINA) MTL Record No.: 10713
Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects. ["TRINA", "Trans RINA", "TINA"]. The editors (RINA).
UK; the society, v1=1860 - annual/quarterly/bimonthly - to date. ISSN 0035-8967 (Trans RINA); 0969-0174 (SRC).
Holdings: MTL periodicals RINA [v1- to date. "Trans RINA", "Naval Architect", "Warship Tech", "Shiprepair & Conv
Tech", "Spring Meeting Pprs" shelved here]. MAIN PER 623-TRA [v1 - current sub, "Trans RINA" only. See holdings for
other titles. Essential periodical for naval architects. All students should scan newest volumes for current awareness.
Annual "transactions", mostly technical papers from Spring Meetings. Contents include technical papers & annual report,
but not editorial news of world marine industries. Many papers are of world repute and are referenced during your
courses. "Trans RINA" continues ca.2004 split into various titles :Books 025 (Trans RINA, Part A, IJME) MTL Record No.: 18588
Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, Part A, International Journal of Maritime Engineering.
[TRINA, IJME; Trans RINA IJME]. The editors. [including Birmingham, R.W.]. RINA , [first year=v146=2003]. ISSN
1479-8751. Holdings: MTL periodicals RINA [2003-to date]. MAIN [o/o pending 12-12-2003, please ask]. URL [confirmed 12-12-2003, possible online, we do not subscribe].
Books 025 (Trans RINA, Part B, IJSCT) MTL Record No.: 19045
Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, Part B - International Journal of Small Craft
Technology (IJSCT). ["Trans RINA", "TRINA"]. The editors. UK: RINA , first year =v.146 Part B1 June 2003 - to date.
ISBN [reference to be confirmed]. Holdings: MTL periodicals RINA [not in stock, 2003- o/o 12-12-2003 confirmed please
ask]. MAIN [not in stock; subscription o/o pending 12-12-2003, to be confirmed!!].
 EFY026 Industrial Design Studies. (c, Oct)
 Naval Architecture all modules. (b, Oct)
 Small Craft Technology. all modules. (a, Oct)
Books 026 (Significant Ships. RINA) MTL Record No.: 11559
Significant ships. Lingwood, John. (editor/compiler). UK; RINA, annual, first published for 1990 - to date. ISSN [not
stated]. Holdings: MTL periodicals RINA [1990-to date]. MAIN Quarto 623.82-SIG. URL [abstracts
not fulltext]. Very useful summary description and general arrangement of ca.50 new merchant ships (cargo &
passenger) built in each year. Recommended for students to purchase, RINA member price ca.£25, order direct from
RINA (see their Web page for full details). Especially useful for ship design student courseworks in Stage 2 & 3.
Students should scan these issues to familiarise themselves with the main features of the various ship types. Lifeboat
arrangements can also be seen.
 MAR208 Naval Architecture II. (b, Oct)
 MAR302 Marine Design. (b, Oct)
Books 026 (Significant Small Ships. RINA) MTL Record No.: 13514
Significant small ships. The editors. (RINA). UK; the institution, annual ca.Jan/Feb 1991, then next part 1998 - to date.
ISSN [not stated]. Holdings: MTL periodicals RINA [1991, 1998 – to date]. MAIN Quarto 623.82-SIG. URL [confirmed 05-12-2003, abstracts, not fulltext]. Useful summary descriptions of various small craft
general arrangements. Includes: fishing vessels, offshore support vessels, pilot craft, patrol craft, fast ferries,
Boatbuilding--Designs and plans. Naval architecture. All marine tech students should consider buying.
 MAR208 Naval Architecture II. (b, Oct)
 MAR302 Marine Design. (b, Oct)
 Small Craft Technology. all modules. (a, Oct)
Books 027 MTL Record No.: 10609
"Marine Technology and SNAME News" and "MT Online". The editor. USA; SNAME, v1=1964 - quarterly - to date.
ISSN 0025 3316. Holdings: MTL periodicals MARINE [v1=1964-v39=2004]. MAIN PER 623-MAR [v8=1971- to date].
URL [12-6-01, fulltext, SNAME membs].
Http:// [12-06-2001, we subscribe]. A recommended periodical for
all marine technology courses generally. The main journal of SNAME, members get this "free" with their membership.
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Contents include: some industrial news but mostly technical papers. All marine technology students should scan every
new issue for your current awareness. See also web edition "MT Online" at the SNAME & Newcastle Univ Library
 Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering, Offshore Engineering, Small Craft Technology, M.Sc Marine Technology - all
modules. (a, Oct).
 EFY026 Industrial Design Studies. (c, Oct)
Books 028 (1995 edition) MTL Record No.: 14469
Engineering mathematics : programmes and problems. Stroud, K. A. Macmillan, 1995 , 1032 p. Holdings: MTL [not
in stock]. MAIN 620.00151 STR.
Books 028 (2001 edition). MTL Record No.: 20063
Engineering mathematics. 5th edition. Stroud, K. A.; Booth, Dexter. Palgrave, 2001, 1236 p + CD. Holdings: MTL [not
in stock]. MAIN 620.00151 STR. Recommended textbook but students please confirm on engineering maths module
book lists. Previous editions are still useful.
 ENM101 Engineering Maths IB. (a, Oct) check on ENM Book List.
 and later modules.
Books 029 (1998 7th ed) MTL Record No.: 16171
Pounder's marine diesel engines. 7th edition. Pounder, C.C.; Woodyard, Doug. (editor). Butterworth Heinemann,
1998, 637 p. ISBN 0 7506 2583 X. Holdings: MTL books 16.118. MAIN 623.8723 POURecommended textbook on the
subject. ca.£65. Chapers: theory & general pples; gas-diesel engines; exhaust emissions & control; fuels & lubes,
chemistry & treatment; performance; engine & plant selection; pressure charging; fuel injection; low speed diesels; MAN
B&W, Mitsubishi, Sulzer low speed diesels, Burmeister & Wain, Doxford, GMT engines; medium speed engines;
Caterpillar, W H Allen, Alpha Laval, Deutz MWM, MaK, MAN B&W, Ruston, SEMT-Pielstick, Sulzer, Ulstein Bergen,
Wartsila, other; Low speed four-stroke trunk.
 MAR101 Marine Engineering I. (c, Oct)
 MAR202, MAR203 Marine Engineering II. (c, Oct).
Books 029 (2003 8th ed) MTL Record No.: 20274
Pounder's marine diesel engines and gas turbines. 8th edition. [Pounder, C.C.]; Woodyard, Doug. (editor). Elsevier,
Butterworth Heinemann, Dec 2003, 912 p. ISBN 0-7506-5846-0. Holdings: MTL [not in stock, on order]. MAIN [not in
stock, several copies on order], please ask]. URL [announcement only confirmed
11-05-2004]. Essential textbook for marine engineering. £75 too expensive for students to purchase. Publisher abstract
(11-05-2004): new chapters on monitoring control systems and governor systems, gas turbines and safety aspects of
engine operation. Important developments such as the latest diesel-electric LNG carriers that will soon be in operation.
Contents: Preface; Introduction; Theory and general principles; Gas-diesel and dual-fuel engines; Exhaust emissions
and control; Fuels and Lubes; Chemistry and treatment; Performance; Engine and plant selection; Pressure charging;
Fuel injection; Low speed engines - including: MAN B&W, Mitsubishi, Sulzer, Burmeister & Wain, and Doxford; Medium
Speed Engines - including: Allen, Alpha diesel, Caterpillar, Deutz, MaK, MAN B&W, Rolls-Royce, and Wartsila; Low
speed four-stroke trunk piston engines; High speed engines; Gas turbines; Index.
 MAR101 Marine Engineering I. (c, Oct)
 MAR202, MAR203 Marine Engineering II. (c, Oct).
Books 030 MTL Record No.: 14126
Marine auxiliary machinery. 7th edition. McGeorge, H.D. Butterworth Heineman, 1995 , 514 p. ISBN 0750618434.
Holdings: MTL books 16.102. MAIN 623.873 SMI. Standard textbook on the subject. Recommended for MAR318 &
others. Contents include: main propulsion services & heat exchangers; machinery service systems & equipment; ship
service systems; valves & piping; pumps & pumping; tanker & gas carrier cargo pumps & systems; auxiliary power;
propeller shafting; steering gear; bow thrusters, stabilizers & stabilizing systems; refrigeration; heating, ventilation & air
conditioning; deck machinery & cargo equipment; fire portection; safety & safety equipment; control & instrumentation;
 MAR101 Marine Engineering I. (c, Oct)
 MAR202, MAR203 Marine Engineering II. (c, Oct).
Books 032 MTL Record No.: 12621
Marine engineering. [1992 edition]. Written by a group of authorities [SNAME members]; Harrington, Roy L. (editor).
USA; SNAME, 1992, 953 p. Holdings: MTL books 16.068 [sorry not available at present]. MAIN Quarto 623.87 MAR.
Important textbook, every marine engineering student should buy a copy, price ca.$100 members, ca.$190
non-members. See SNAME internet page for price and ordering. Contents include: basic concepts; thermodynamics &
heat engineering; diesel engines; gas turbines; boilers & combustion; steam turbines; nuclear marine propulsion;
electric propulsion drives; reduction gears; propellers, shafting, & shafting system vibration analyses; bearings &
lubrication; fuels & fuel treatment; noise control; pumps, compressors, blowers & ejectors; main & auxiliary condensers;
heat exchangers; desalination plants; hull machinery; electrical systems; piping systems; heating, ventilation, air
conditioning, & refrigeration; construction materials;
 Marine Engineering, all modules, including: MAR101 Marine Engineering I. (c, Oct)
 MAR202, MAR203 Marine Engineering II. (c, Oct).
 MAR826 Marine Machinery Systems. (c, Oct).
 MAR827 Marine Transmission Systems. (c, Oct).
Books 033 MTL Record No.: 14047
Introduction to naval architecture. Formerly Muckle's naval architecture. Tupper, Eric. [E.C.] (reviser); Muckle,
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W.("Bill"]. (author). Heinemann, June 1996, 416 p. ISBN 070625295. Holdings: MTL books 01.068. MAIN 623.8 MUC. A
recommended textbook on the subject. Price ca.£25 at 12-09-2001. Contents include: introduction; definiation &
regulations; ship form calculation; flotation & stability; the environment; seakeeping; strength; resistance; propulsion;
manoeuvring; vibration, noise & shock; ship design; units, notation & sources; index. The old editions of Muckle are now
out of date.
 MAR202, MAR203 Marine Engineering II. (c, Oct).
 MAR208 Naval Architecture II. (c, Oct).
 MAR323 Naval Architecture III. (c, Oct).
 MAR826 Marine Machinery Systems. (c, Oct).
Books 034 (5th edition) MTL Record No.: 14471
Mathematics for engineers and scientists. 5th edition. Jeffrey, Alan. Chapman and Hall, Mar 1996 , 911 p. Holdings:
MTL [not in stock]. MAIN 510-JEF. Recommended textbook on this subject. Price ca.£25. Previous editions are still
useful. Students check on our engineering maths module book lists to confirm recommended books.
 ENM101 Engineering Maths IB. (a, Oct) but check on ENM Book List
Books 035 MTL Record No.: 14480
Marine electrical practice. 6th edition. Watson, G.O. (author); BP Shipping Limited (revisor). Butterworths, 1990, 308
p. Holdings: MTL books 16.104 [please ask to see this item]. MAIN 623.8503 WAT. MAST Recommended textbook for
this subject. Consider buying only if advised to do so by lecturer. Contents include: introduction; insulation &
temperature ratings; protection & discrimination; AC generators; AC switchgear; automatic voltage regulators; DC
generators; DC switchgear; distribution; electric cables; motors; motor control gear; semiconductors; storage batteries &
battery control gear; lighting; impressed current cathodic protection; tankers; programmable electronic systems;
electomagnetic compatability; insulation testing; symbols;
 EEE136 Electrical Engineering I. (c, Oct).
 MAR202, MAR203 Marine Engineering II. (c, Oct).
Books 036 (MER. IMarEST) MTL Record No.: 10604
Marine Engineers Review. MER. The editors. UK; Institute of Marine Engineers, Scientists and Technologists
(IMarEST), 1971 monthly - to date. ISSN 0047-5955. Holdings: MTL periodicals MARINE [1984-to date]. MAIN PER
623-MAR [1971-to date]. URL [confirmed 10-12-2000, if fulltext we do not subscribe].
Recommended The main monthly periodical from IMarEST, members get free of charge. The quality and breadth of the
articles in very good, all students should scan new parts every month for their current awareness. Contents include:
news of world shipping industry with emphasis on marine engineering. Contents include: bunker quality & bunker prices,
a few ship prices. Few articles include any use of statistical techniques. Includes good April annual "Propulsion /
Directory of Marine Diesel Engines", a world summary giving principal particulars of each engine.
 All modules but especially Marine Engineering. (a, Oct).
 EFY026 Industrial Design Studies. (c, Oct)
Books 036 (MITE. IMarEST) MTL Record No.: 17851
Maritime IT & Electronics. [Maritime IT and Electronics]. The editors. UK; IMarEST, n1=Feb2002, bi-monthly - to
date. ISSN [not stated]. Holdings: MTL periodicals INSTITUTE [n1=Feb2002- to date]. MAIN [not in stock, o/o
04-02-2004 under consideration, to be confirmed]. URL [confirmed 11-06-2002, if fulltext we do
not subscribe. Useful magazine but not recommended for purchase by students unless this is your special interest.
Difficult to know correct title of this magazine . IMarEST website abstract: "Maritime IT & Electronics is the only journal
offering the latest IT developments and application of new techniques directed at the utilisation of modern technology in
analysis, design and practice across all disciplines of marine engineering, science and technology. No other journal
covers the whole spectrum of the maritime industry: shipping, subsea, offshore, hydrography and oceanography.
Features will include software solutions, communications, navigation systems, control, monitoring, and diagnostics".
Editorial articles rather than technical papers.
 All modules but especially Marine Engineering. (c, Oct).
Books 036 (PIMSET, C, JMES. IMarEST) MTL Record No.: 19991
Proceedings of the Institute of Marine Science, Engineering and Technology, Part C, Journal of Marine Science
and Environment. The editors. IMarEST, first part=Mar2004 - to date. ISSN [to be confirmed]. Holdings: MTL
periodicals INSTITUTE. MAIN [not in stock, sub on order 28-01-2004 pending approval]. URL
[confirmed 15-12-2003, announce only, if fulltext we do not subscribe]. Should be a useful new journal. Publishers quote
(28-01-2004): The collection of papers aim to solve thorny scientific problems by the application of novel technologies
such as remote-sensing from satellites, new in-situ sensors or instruments, new numerical models, or new analysis
techniques. The papers take a unique approach and are not about the technologies per se, but the excellent science that
could not have been done without them. The "Journal of Marine Science and Environment" will comprise top quality
marine scientific papers with an interdisciplinary approach addressing scientific problems and new technologies in
ocean science. Of relevance to all marine scientists, oceanographers, hydrographers, subsea engineers working in
ocean science, and in the offshore oil and gas industries". Contents includes: Propulsion systems Marine resource
acquisition and exploitation Noise and vibration Power transmission and distribution ; Bearing and lubrication
Automation and control ; Environmental assessment Electrical and mechanical machines ; Materials and corrosion ;
Stabilisation and manoeuvring ; Pollution reduction and control Operational safety ; Communication and navigation
Pumping and piping ; Cargo handling and containment Refrigeration ; Heating and ventilation Air conditioning ;
Electronics and power systems Boiler and heat exchangers ; Renewable energy Heat engines ; Fuels and combustion
Computing and IT ; Charting Forecasting ; Ballast Water Ship Design ; Operations Submersibles ; Robotics Salvage and
Safety ; Impact of maritime environmental changes.
 All modules but especially Marine Engineering. (c, Oct).
Books 037 MTL Record No.: 14127
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Introduction to marine engineering. Revised 2nd edition. Taylor, D.A. Butterworth Heineman, 1996, 372 p. Holdings:
MTL books 16.103. MAIN 623.87 TAY. Recommended textbook on the subject. Price ca.£25. Contents include: ships &
machinery; diesel engines; steam turbines & gearing; boilers; feed [feedwater] systems; pumps & pumping systems;
auxiliaries (air compressors; heat exchangers; distillation equipments; oil/water seperators; sewage treatment plants;
incinerators); fuel oils, lubricating oils & their treatment; refrigeration, air conditioning & ventilation; deck machinery &
hull equipment; shafting & propellers; steering gear; fire fighting & safety; electrical equipment; instrumentation & control;
engineering materials; watchkeeping & equipment operation; appendix:- SI units; engineering terms [glossary]; power
measurement; fuel estimation; engineering drawing; index.
 Marine Engineering, all modules, including: MAR101 Marine Engineering I. (b, Oct)
 MAR202, MAR203 Marine Engineering II. (c, Oct).
Books 046 MTL Record No.: 14475
Basic naval architecture. 6th ed. Barnaby, Kenneth C. Warsash Nautical Bookshop, Oct 1992, 508 p. Holdings: MTL
[not in stock]. MAIN 623.8 BAR. A recommended textbook on this subject. Students might buy this book, Price ca.£35.
Still useful althogth still in Imperial Units (not SI). It is really a reprint of the 1967 edition with perhaps very minor edits.
Publisher abstract (04-02-2004). This is a reprint of "Basic Naval Architecture", a reference which has been a standard
text for naval architects and yacht designers for many years. Table of Contents: Hull form - delineation and geometry;
the calculation of areas and moments; fluids at rest - first principles; transverse stability; trim, longitudinal stability and
addition of weights; hydrostatic curves and the displacement sheet; rules for freeboard, etc.
 MAR103 Naval Architecture I. (c, Oct)
 MAR208 Naval Architecture II. (c, Oct)
 MAR210 Resistance and Propulsion I. (c, Oct)
 MAR323 Naval Architecture III. (a, Oct)
 MAR327 Resistance and Propulsion II. (c, Oct)
Book 49. Principles of yacht design. 2nd edition. Larsson, Lars.; Eliasson, Rolf E. Adlard Coles Nautical,
2000, 352 p. ISBN 0713651814. Recommended textbook on the subject. Contents include: design methodology;
preliminary considerations; hull geometry; hull geometry; hydrostatics & stabiity; hull design; keel & rudder design;
sail & rig design; balance; propeller & engine; high speed hydrodynamics; rig construction; hull construction;
materials; scantling determination; layout; design evaluation. Yacht students should consider purchasing this
MAR304 Small Craft Design. (c, Oct).
Books 050 MTL Record No.: 12407
Examination / assessment / tutorial / coursework questions and solutions; lecture notes for marine technology
modules & courses. The lecturers. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, [various Schools]. Holdings: MTL modules
ENG / ENM /MAR / MMM [a few parts in stock]. URL [fulltext, exam questions
without solutions]. BB [search for materials, if any, restricted Blackboard password]. Search the Univ
websites for available materials, if any. Materials are usually only available to our registered students. Our libraries do
not hold any materials unless specifically stated: Exam questions - a few old years for MAR modules only, in MAST
Library but only those not available on the web. Exam Solutions - a few are available in the MAST Library but most are
not available unless the lecturer has specificially asked for them to be made available - otherwise students should attend
lectures, practicals, and revision classes
All modules. (a, Oct) Not available for purchase!! Attend lectures and check availability of materials on University
Books 051 MTL Record No.: 16413
A foundation course in statics and dynamics. By Plum, D.*; Downie, M.J.** (University of Newcastle upon Tyne, * Dept
Mech Mtls Mining; ** Dept Marine Tech). Addision Wesley Longman, 1997, 179 p. ISBN 0582-21060-7. Recommended for
statics and dynamics courses by these ecturers. Also listed on our publications list as "Univ Ncle, Dept Marine Tech, Report No.
 EFY026 Industrial Design Studies. (c, Oct)
Books 053 MTL Record No.: 17747
Research methods for postgraduates. 2nd edition. Greenfield, Tony. (Industrial Research Consultant). (Editor).
Arnold, 2002, 370 p. ISBN 0340806567. Holdings: MTL books 20.074. MAIN STUDY 371.30281 RES. Recommended.
Postgrad students should buy this book. Also useful for undergraduates. Cost £21.99 pprbk at 20-03-2002. Contents:
Part One: Introduction ; A view of research ; The research journey ; Managing your PhD ; Documenting your work ; Word
processing tips ; Ethics of research ; Part Two: Support ; Research proposals ; Finding funds ; Who can help? ; Part
Three: Tools of research ; Information technology and computers ; Choosing and using software for statistics ;The
internet ; Library and information services ; Searching in unfamiliar fields ; Part Four: Creativity ; Darwin and creativity ;
When to use creativity ; synthesis and evaluation of creativity ; Software and websites for creativity ; Part Five: Research
Types ; Randomized trials ; Laboratory and industrial experiments ; Agricultural experiments ; Survey research ; Part Six:
Data: Measurement ; Principles of sampling ; Sampling in human studies ; Sources of population statistics ; Interviewing ;
Problems of measurement.
MAR801/MAR871 Research Skills (a, Oct)
Books 054 MTL Record No.: 14090
Thermodynamic tables in SI (metric) units (Systeme International D'Unites) with conversion factors to other
metric and British units and enthalpy-entropy diagram for steam, pressure-enthalpy diagram for … Haywood,
R.W. (Univ of Cambridge). Cambridge University Press, 1990 reprint 1993, 42 p. Holdings: MTL books 16.052 [please
ask to see this item]. MAIN 536.7-HAY. Known as "steam tables".This is the current edition, confirmed 21-01-1997.
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Recommended for this subject. MAR101 by Moss, R.M. (03-10-2002): Often supplied for use in examinations but is well
worth having your own copy so you are familiar with them, usually in stock at Blackwells bookshop.
MAR101 Marine Engineering I. (a, Oct).
Books 055 MTL Record No.: 10796
Thermodynamic and transport properties of fluids. SI units. 5th ed. Rogers, G.F.C.; Mayhew, Y.R. Basil Blackwell,
1995 reprinted 1996, 27 p. Holdings: MTL books 16.053 [please ask to see this item]. MAIN 621.4021 ROG. Standard
booklet of tables. Often supplied for use in examinations. Recommended for purchase by our students so they are
familiar with the tables, usually in stock at Blackwells Bookshop.
MAR101 Marine Engineering I. (a, Oct).
Books 056 (MS. IMarEST) MTL Record No.: 18146
The Marine Scientist. The editors. UK; IMarEST, n1=Aut 2002 - to date, bi-monthly. ISBN 1478-1328. Holdings: MTL
periodicals MARINE [n1- current sub]; MAIN [not in stock, confirmed 05-02-2004, considering subscription]. URL [confirmed 27-10-2002, some abstracts but not fulltext]. Bi-montly magazine. Editorial articles on
current news worldwide. A new journal for professional marine scientists. Essential reading for those working is this
subject area. Useful for marine technologists to see the marine scientists world. Subjects include: environment,
oceanography, biology, renewable resources, policy, ecosystems, research. See IMarEST website for reduced-cost
subscriptions to members.
All modules. (b, Oct).
Books 057 MTL Record No.: 18089
Engineering thermodynamics work and heat transfer solutions manual. Mayhew, Y. R. (Yon Richard);
Hollingsworth, Michael; Rogers, G. F. C. (Gordon Frederick Crichton). Longman, 1996, 254 p. ISBN 0582088461.
Holdings: MTL [not in stock]. MAIN 621.4021 ROG. [See also previous editions]. A basic textbook on the subject. Useful
for module MAR101.
MAR101 (b, Oct)
Books 060 (IMarEST) MTL Record No.: 18566
Design of propulsion and electric power generation systems. Woud, Hans Klein; Stapersma, Douwe. (authors). BP
(sponsor). IMarEST, 2002, 494 p. ISBN 1-902536-47-9. Holdings: MTL books 16.141. MAIN 623.8503 WOU. URL [announcment only, not fulltext]. Recommeded for all marine
engineering students. £48 but possible cheaper bulk order via MAST School, please ask MTL. Publishers abstract: This
book gives an overview of the main components of the propulsion and electric power plant and their power requirements.
Based on a fundamental understanding of all types of energy conversion, the present and future architecture of power
plants on board ships is then presented. After an overview of the main equipment. (prime movers, transmission
equipment, electrical equipment and propulsors), the diesel engine, gas turbine, electric machinery, power electronics
and propellers are analysed in more depth. Matching the propulsion engine to the propeller and the calculation of ship
fuel comsumption and exhaust emissions conclude this essential volume for marine engineering students, lecturers and
practising professionals.
MAR202/MAR203 Marine Engineering IIA &B (a, Oct)
MAR316 Marine Engineering III (a, Oct)
Books 061 MTL Record No.: 19411
Introduction to practical marine engineering. Rowen, A.; Gardner, Raymond.; Femenia, Jose.; Chapman, David.;
Wiggins, Edwin. USA; SNAME, in press Oct 2003, 2 v, 170 p (text), 280 p (illustrations). ISBN [?]. Holdings: MTL [not in
stock, still on order]. MAIN [not in stock, still on order]. Student edition, spiral bound, pre-publication edition available for
US $48 Oct 2003, then double price. Should be an essential textbook for this subject. Contents: introduction to the
marine power plant; steam plant overview; boilers: basic features, heat recovery equipment, operations; steam tubines:
basic principles, examples & features, details, operations; diesel engines: basic principles, four-stroke cycle engines,
types, configurations, fuels & features, components; diesel plant arrangement & operations; propulsion power
transmission; shafting, bearings, propellers; gas turbine plants; nuclear propulsions; pumps; piping components; power
plan auxiliaries; piping systems; electric systems; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC); hull machinery; etc.
MAR101 Marine Engineering I (b, Oct)
MAR202/MAR203 Marine Engineering IIA &B (b, Oct)
MAR316 Marine Engineering III (b, Oct)
Books 062 MTL Record No.: 19761
Ship knowledge: a modern encyclopedia. van Dokkum, Klaas. Dok Mar Press, 2003, 314 p. ISBN 90-806330-2-X.
Holdings: MTL [just rcvd please ask to see this item, c1, 07-01-2004]. MAIN [not in stock, still on order]. URL [confirmed 02-12-2003, abstract only]. Recommended textbook. Excellent presentation.
Publisher abstract (02-12-2003): In a state-of-the-art lay-out the book’s 16 chapters lead the reader in great detail
through the multitude of facts related to ships and shipping. The parts and systems together forming a modern ship from
design drafts up to the finished construction including paint systems and legal aspects, are extensively dealt with. The
incorporation of pertinent drawings, cross-section drawings, diagrams and many full-colour pictures etc.
All modules. – recommendation to be confirmed.
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