

Sharael Kolberg

(949) 395-7116


June 2011-Present SEEDS Arts and Education, Inc.- Laguna Beach, CA

Community Liaison

Position requires skills in fundraising, program development, publicity, and Web site maintenance. Tasks include writing copy for press releases, grants, newsletters, Web site, social media and marketing materials, managing volunteers and grant recipients, and collaborating with other non-profits to offer high-quality programs.

May 1996 – Present Various Publications- Laguna Beach, CA

Freelance Journalist

Laguna Beach Magazine – Contributing Writer: Publish monthly articles related to life in Laguna Beach, plus an Eco Column.

Riviera Magazine (Orange County) – Contributing Writer: Publish monthly articles related luxury living in Orange County. – Family Travel Columnist: Publish monthly column about items related to traveling with kids. – Eco-Travel Columnist: Publish monthly column about items related to environmentally friendly travel.

Successfully pitched stories for publication in various magazines, newspapers and

Web sites, proving ability to meet deadlines and write intriguing articles.

 Published in Outside magazine, Working Woman magazine, Women’s Health & Fitness magazine, Marin Independent Journal, San Mateo Daily Journal, Palo Alto Weekly,

Pleasanton Weekly, Adventure Sports magazine, Rowing News magazine, Newport

Beach magazine,, Wired News,,,,,,, and many more.

June 2001 – July 2002 CNET San Francisco, CA

Research Editor/News Producer

Responsible for producing daily news articles under tight deadlines, which included editing content and copyediting. Used keen sense of news to select content to entice readers.

 Generated story ideas, interviewed sources, wrote articles, did background research

 Ability to write provoking headlines and subheads and do proofreading

June 2000 - June 2001 ZDNet News- Sydney, Australia

International News Editor/Web Producer

Worked with editors in various countries to coordinate international news efforts and produce a Web site focused on worldwide technology news.

 Built, edited and managed international news Web site

 Strong journalism skills used to edit stories from numerous foreign countries

Sharael Kolberg/resume

Oct. 1998 - May 2000 ZDTV (TechTV)- San Francisco, CA

Project Manager/Web Producer

Managed Web production group and oversaw all Web site projects and development.

 Met all launch dates on schedule and on budget, did quality assurance testing of sites


 Coordinated efforts with graphic artists, sales department, and engineers

 Ensured consistency of over a dozen sites within

 Skilled in HTML, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Illustrator

Oct. 1998 - Dec. 1998 San Francisco magazine- San Francisco, CA

Editorial Intern

Assisted Food Editor with various journalism projects including editing restaurant reviews and researching new restaurants to cover in the magazine.

 Position required proofreading, fact checking, writing, interviewing sources, and transcribing


 - Columnist: “Climbing,” 2000-2004

 - Contributing Editor, “Adventure Sports,” 1999-2002

 NBC/Quokka Sports - Media Engineer for, 2000

 ZDTV- Columnist: “AOL Help,” 1999-2000

 ZDTV- Broadcast Reporter, 2000

 Learning Annex - Instructor: “Writing for the Web,” 2000

 BAVC - Instructor: “Writing for the Web,” 2000

 - Web Correspondent, 1999

San Francisco Independent newspaper - Sportswriter, 1998

Hawaii Paddler magazine - Staff Writer, 1996

Ka Leo‘O Hawaii, University of Hawaii newspaper - Staff Writer, 1995


 B.A., Journalism; Minor in Spanish, University of Hawaii, 1996

 Certificate in Multimedia, Bay Area Video Coalition, 2000

 University of California Master Gardener Certification, 2011


 Laguna Beach Garden Club, Director of Publicity - 2014

 Thurston Middle School, Publicity Chair - 2014

 PTA Coffee Break – Parent Lecture Series, President - 2014

 Laguna Beach Interscholastic Mountain Bike Team, Publicity Manager - 2014

 SchoolPower, Trustee – 2014

 City of Laguna Beach Environmental Committee, Secretary, 2010-2012
