Self-Check Quiz 7-1 – SOLUTIONS This quiz is designed to help

Self-Check Quiz 7-1 – SOLUTIONS
This quiz is designed to help you determine if you are “keeping up” with things
and/or understanding the NOTES/TEXTBOOK. It will NOT be collected
1) TRUE or FALSE: Any sample of matter is either a single pure substance or a mixture of multiple pure
2) A substance is considered pure if it CANNOT be separated into multiple distinct by _____ means. A)
physical B) chemical C) institutional D) electrical E) theoretical
3) The type(s) of substance(s) that are considered as pure is/are: A) elements
molecules D) A, B, and C E) B and C only
4) Which of the following is/are characteristics of mixtures?
i) mixtures can be separated into two or more distinct substances using only physical means
ii) mixtures do NOT have a definite composition
iii) mixtures DO have a formula just like compounds and molecules have formulas
A) i, ii, and iii B) i and iii only C) i and ii only D) ii and iii only E) i only
5) The types of mixtures are: A) heterogeneous mixtures
instantaneous mixtures
D) A, B, and C E) A and B only
6) A suspension is an example of a: A) heterogeneous mixtures
instantaneous mixtures
D) A, B, and C E) A and B only
B) homogeneous mixtures
7) An important property of suspensions is that eventually, the more massive part(s): A) interact
coalesce C) settle out D) evaporate E) melt
8) Which of the following is/are example(s) of a heterogeneous mixture? A) a shovel full of dirt
B) a
granite rock
C) orange juice
D) pens and pencils in a drawer
E) ALL are examples of a
heterogeneous mixture
9) TRUE or FALSE: If the solid particles in a heterogeneous mixture are so small in mass that they don’t
settle out BUT the particles can be removed by filtration, the heterogeneous mixture is still called a
10) TRUE or FALSE: Your blood is a suspension of cells and other solids in a liquid that is mostly water.
11) EVERY suspension is a(n): A) heterogeneous mixture
D) element E) molecule
12) The solid particles in a suspension can be removed from the suspension by: A) animation
fascination C) arbitration D) excavation E) filtration
13) TRUE or FALSE: Colloids are heterogeneous mixtures that are NOT suspensions because their
components do NOT separate by one component “settling out” from the other component.
14) An emulsion is a(n): A) heterogeneous mixture
B, and C E) A and B only
B) homogeneous mixtures
B) homogeneous mixture
B) particular kind of colloid
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Physical Science Self-Check Quiz 7-1 – SOLUTIONS
B) compounds
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C) compound
C) solution
D) A,
15) Which of the following is/are heterogeneous mixture(s)?
i) suspensions
ii) colloids
iii) emulsions
A) i, ii, and iii B) i and iii only C) i and ii only D) ii and iii only
E) i only
16) A homogeneous mixture: A) is a pure substance B) is also called a solution
or more solute(s) and one or more solvents
D) A, B, and C E) B and C only
17) Based on the state of the solute(s) and solvent(s) in a solution, there are _____ different types of
solutions. A) 1 B) 3 C) 5 D) 7 E) 9
C) consists of one
18) The most common kind of solution is a _____ solute dissolved in a _____ solvent.
FALSE 19) TRUE or FALSE: ALL solutions consist of a solid dissolved in a liquid.
20) If two liquids are miscible, combining the two liquids will form a: A) homogeneous mixture
solution C) pure substance D) A, B, and C E) A and B only
21) Miscible liquids with sufficiently different boiling points can be separated by the process of: A)
animation B) distillation C) arbitration D) excavation E) fascination
22) A mixture of elements that has metallic properties is called a(n) _____ .
FALSE 23) TRUE or FALSE: The properties of an alloy are an “average” of the properties of its components.
24) Which of the following mixtures is homogeneous? A) pulp-free orange juice
cinnamon and sugar D) concrete E) NONE is a homogeneous mixture
B) sweat
FALSE 25) TRUE or FALSE: Formic acid, HCOOH, the “sting” found in some ants, boils at 100.7C. Water
boils at 100C. Formic acid and water are miscible liquids. If you wanted to separate a mixture of
formic acid and water, distillation is a reasonable method to use.
26) Key characteristic(s) of liquid solutions is/are: A) they are clear in the sense that you can see a clear
(distorted) image if you look through them
B) dissolved solid substances are not visible as individual
particles C) there is no visible distinction between miscible liquids D) A, B, and C E) A and B only
27) A clear colloidal mixture can be distinguished from a solution of salt dissolved in water by observing
the: A) Newton Effect B) Tyndall Effect C) Archimedes Effect D) Hooke Effect E) Dalton Effect
FALSE 28) TRUE or FALSE: When a molecular substance such as table sugar dissolves in water the individual
atoms in the sugar molecule are separated into distinct and separate particles.
29) TRUE or FALSE: When an ionic substance such as table salt dissolves in water the individual ions
in the table salt crystal are separated into distinct and separate particles.
30) Since table sugar, a molecular compound, dissolves in water, it can be assumed that table sugar
consists of _____ molecules. A) non-polar B) hydrophobic C) hydrostatic D) polar E) immobile
31) TRUE or FALSE: A key difference between a suspension and a colloid is that suspensions “settle out”
while colloids do not “settle out.”
smaller than
32) In general, the size of the particles in a suspension are (larger than, smaller than, the same
as) the size of particles in a colloid.
Physical Science Self-Check Quiz 7-1 – SOLUTIONS
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