Global Studies I – Final Schedule and Review Your final exam will be in 3 parts. PART ONE- MAPPING – FRIDAY – Scantron – Bring a PENCIL All the places you will need to know are included below. PART TWO – MULTIPLE CHOICE – Taken during regular finals session Scantron- Bring a PENCIL PART THREE – SHORT ANSWER – Also taken during regular finals session You will NOT be able to use a note card for ANY PORTION of these tests!! Things to Study … In order of importance Test Reviews Power Point Lectures (they are all on the website) Homework and Journals (things we go over in class) Mapping Portion: Be able to locate these places Taiwan Mongolia Japan Bangladesh Pakistan India China North Korea Nepal Afghanistan South Korea Review Questions Unit 1: Intro. To Geography and Culture – approx. 10 multiple choice questions. Define: Absolute Location Relative Location Migration Imperialism Ethnocentrism Cultural Diffusion Cultural Identity Latitude Longitude Prime Meridian Equator What are the 7 elements of Culture? Explain each of the following systems of government: Communism Democratic Republic Dictatorship Explain each of the following types of economies Capitalism Command Economy Traditional Economy Mixed Economy Identify the following geographical places Archipelago Canal Strait Gulf Bay Peninsula UNIT 2: South Asia – Approx. 15 multiple choice questions. What are monsoons? What is the importance of the Khyber Pass and where is it located? Understand the basic elements of Buddhism Law of Cause and Effect Enlightenment The Middle Way The Buddha’s Four Noble Truths Siddhartha Guatama Understand the basic elements of Hinduism Karma Dharma What is the ultimate goal for Hindus? What are the Vedas? What is the Caste System? Who is at the top? Who is at the bottom? European Imperialism in India Which country colonized India? When did India gain its independence? Who was Mohandas Gandhi? What is non-violent protest (civil disobedience)? How did Gandhi use non-violent protest to gain independence for India? What type of government does India have today? What is outsourcing and why is India an attractive country for outsourcing jobs? What is the largest religion in India today? What is the second largest religion in India today? Why was Pakistan formed? Unit 3: China – Approx. 30 multiple choice questions. Why did China think of itself as the “Middle Kingdom”? What geographical features have caused China to be isolated from the rest of the world? What was the importance of the Silk Road? What was the Civil Service Exam and why did the Han Chinese use it? Which major religion is most popular with the Chinese? Understand the basic elements of all three Chinese Schools of Thought. Confucianism Daoism Legalism What was the mandate of Heaven? What form of the Chinese language is the official language of China? Who finished the Great Wall and used it to isolate China from the rest of the world? What was the last Chinese dynasty? When did the dynastic cycle end in china? Who was Mao Zedong? What were his basic beliefs? Who supported him in the Chinese civil war? What was Mao’s Great Cultural Revolution? What was Mao’s Great Leap Forward? Who was Chiang Kai-shek? What were his basic beliefs? Who supported Chiang in the Chinese civil war? Where did Chiang move after losing the war? What is propaganda? How would you describe the political and governmental system that exists in China today? How did the cold war affect America’s attitude toward China? Unit 4: Japan – Approx. 15 questions Understand the basic characteristics of the four major islands of Japan. What is population density and how would you describe the population density of Japan? How would you describe the cultural diversity that exists in Japan? What kinds of natural disasters affect Japan? How does the ring of fire affect Japan? Be able to describe the role of the following people. Shogun Emperor Samurai Daimyo What is Bushido? What was the Meiji Revolution? What happened in Japan during the Meiji Transformation? When did the Meiji Transformation occur? Understand how the following terms applied to Japan during the Meiji Transformation? Modernization Westernization Industrialization Imperialism Militarism Who were the Axis Powers? Who was the leader of the US occupation of Japan? What were the U.S.’s goals during the U.S. occupation of Japan? How did they go about achieving these goals? What religion is purely Japanese? PART III – SHORT ANSWERS The following 6 questions will be on the final. You must answer all 6. Fully answer them, using complete sentences to receive full credit. You may NOT use a note card. 1. Describe the changes that occurred in Japan during the Meiji Transformation and the build-up to World War II. You must use all the following vocabulary. Underline each word when you use it. Also, make sure you explain how each of these terms applied specifically to Japan. You will not receive full credit if you only define the terms. (12 pts.) Westernization Modernization Industrialization Militarism Imperialism World War II 2. Explain how each of the following cause cultures to change. Migration (2 pts.) Trade (2 pts.) 3. How did Mohandas Gandhi use non-violent protests (civil disobedience) to achieve independence for India? What kinds of non-violent protests were used? What affect did they have on the British and what affect did they have on the outside world? (4 pts.) 4. Explain why India and China are attractive countries for American companies to outsource jobs. (2 pts.) How have Americans suffered because of this outsourcing? (2 pts.) How have Americans benefitted because of this outsourcing? (2 pts.) 5. What influence did the Cold War have on America’s attitude toward China after Mao Zedong came into power? (2 pts.) 6. How have the wet monsoons been both good and bad for the people of South Asia? (2 pts.)