index to both volumes

[Description of the Volume]
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Volume One
Adams, Constance, 89
Constantine, 281
James, 69
Nancy, 281
William, 95
Adkins, Davidson, 106
Edward, 219, 220
Isaac, 50, 74, 289, 294
Polly, 87
Adkinson, L L. T., 314
Akerling, Samuel, 19
Albert, James, 166
Alcorn, Robety, 20
Alderson, C., 317, 318,
Mary C., 317, 318
Aldridge, Thomas, 141
Alexander, John, 206,
M. J., 333
M. P., 333
Alford, Russell, 137
Alizer, Mary, 85
Allen, Al(l)in, David, 58, 308
Elizabeth, 101
Eunice, 53
James, 130
John, 80, 254, 257, 259, 293
Madison, 162
Robert, 64, 233
Sally, 49
Sally D., 96
Thomas, 265, 306
William, 122
Alley, Ally, Allie, Asa, 121
R. F., 328
Al(l)ison, S. F., 323
Alsop, Nathaniel, 96
Altizer, Alltizer, Altiser, (also see Alizer), Anna, 102
J. T., 325
James B., 325
John, 116
Katy, 105
Lilly, 113
Riley, 134
Sally, 129
Thomas, 151
William, 109, 312
Amiss, Lewis, 185, 265
Anderson, James, 15
John, 26
Louisa J.B., 121
Micajah, 288
Nancy, 130
Nancy S., 106
William, 101, 216, 252, 257, 259, 328
Andrews, Adam, 20
Reuben Q., 67
Ar(e)nhart, Louisa, 117
Lucinda, 106
Susanna, 68
Argabright, John W., 320
Ariome, Batest, 422
Arm(i)stead, Ben, 327
Ben M., 330
Arms, Armes, Susan, 139
Theodore, 322
Armstrong, Thomas, 23
Asberry, Asbury, Aaron, 77, 275
Albert P., 162
Amanda, 282
Ann, 53
Archibald, 75
Betsy, 73, 275
Charlotte, 96, 152
Darcey, 123
Eli C., 282
Eliza, 118
Elizabeth H., 130
George, 62, 79, 171
Haner, 134
Han(n)ah, 100, 273
Hannah (Harrison), 273
Henry, 173, 184, 275
Jacob, 104
James, 57, 104, 145, 275
Jane, 96
Jean, 66
Jerusa, 98
Jesse, 275
Jinny, 275
John, 54, 288, 296
Kesiah, 296
Keziah, 288
Levina, 51
Louise, 246
Lowisa, 279
Malinda, 107
Martha, 161, 275
Mary Ann, 67
Moses, 77, 270, 275
N., 317
Nancy, 124
Nelly, 51
Patse, 94
Polly, 54, 66, 86, 275
Rebecca, 275
Smith, 162
Taba, 52
Tabitha, 118
Thomas, 66, 99, 275
Thomas H., 103
William, 52, 123, 134, 180, 275, 288, 295, 413
Witt, 56
Aston, George, 301
Susanah, 301
William B., 250
Athey, John, 299
Atkins, (also see Adkins) Anderson, 117
Annaliza, 117
David P., 242
Davidson, 243
Larkin, 80
Legcy, 80
Peter, 127
Rebeca, 72
Robert T., 142
Austin, Samuel W., 128, 253
Bagley, Margaret, 50
Bailey, Bayley, Bal(l)ey), Alexander, 167
Archibald, 67, 174, 278, 298
Betsey, 57
Clay, 72
David, 83
Dilly, 61
Dodrigge, 56
Edward B., 207
Elizabeth, 61, 72, 277, 301
Elizabeth Virginia, 278
Ellie, 101
Elijah, 277
G. M., 332
George, 278
George C., 322
Gorden, 105
Henry, 82, 187, 207, 212, 219, 275, 277
Henry Buren, 278
Hugh S., 252, 312, 320, 311
Isaac, 108
J. C., 323
James, 99, 278, 281, 298, 411
James M., 277
Jesse, 167
John, 72, 82, 98, 99, 212, 264, 265, 278, 298, 411
John C., 323
John Madison, 278
John P., I, 215, 218
John W., 145
Jonathan, 278
Martha, 51
Mastin, 102, 278
Micajah, 93, 298
Milley, 281
Nancy, 87, 97, 101, 103
Naomi, 298
Omy, 82
Peggy, 97
Philip P., 277
Policy, 55, 74, 82, 99, 278
Polly F., 82
Rebekah, Rebecca, 67, 82
Reuben, 87, 88
Reuben, Jr., 281
Reuben, Sr., 281
Richard, 69
Richard, Sr., 300, 301
Sally, 71, 91, 95
Sarah, 48
William, 53, 63, 66, 281
William R., 277
Bainey, Jene, 70
Bainheart, George, 413
Baird, Lucy, 73
Baker, Andrew, 147
D.D., 333
F.H., 314
George, 12
Humphrey, 18, 20
James W., 315, 316
Maria T., 152
Narcisa, 158
Baldwin, Andrew, 93, 257
B. D., 318
D.B., 317, 318
Harvy, 316
Lucy L., 332
R.E., 332
Wesley, 163
William M., 157
Ball, Benjamin, 68
Green, 120
Peter, 149, 157
Ballard, Rebecca, 79
Bandy, Ellen, 112
James, 323
John C., 108, 307
Nancy, 274
Polley, 71
Rees, 314
Sallie, 323
Thomas, 117, 161, 165
Thomas R., 317
William, 323
Bane, Ban, Bean(e), Bain, C.A., 323
Elizabeth P., 112
Emma G., 324
Howard, 104, 184, 251, 264, 301, 304, 310
James, 19, 244, 299
James T., 243, 246, 247, 258
Jesse, Jessey, 163, 165
Joseph, 99
Lee, 321
Lettice, 301
Margaret H., 105
Martha, 284
Martha L., 159
Nancy, 91, 277, 310
Russell, 277
Sally, 84
W.E., 321, 324
William R., 93, 256, 309, 310
Banks, C.A., 316
Henry, 295, 300
Barbe(e), Lee J., 332
Barbour, Barber, James (Gov.), 37
Barnet(t), Anna, 85
Archibald, Archable, 64, 148, 308
Catherine, 129
James, 73
John H., 144
Joseph, 90
Larissa J., 144
Mary, Marry, 125, 137
Nelly, 106
Poll(e)y, 71, 137, 161
Rachel, 151
Susan, 108, 139
Susanah E., 163
Thomas, Sr., 309
Barns, Barnes, family, 357
Capt., 198
C. J., 318
C.O., 331
Florence, 327
J. G., 331
John, 62, 189, 191, 192, 203, 271
Joseph G., 326, 328
Marian, 116
Mary B., 122
Matilda, 116
Nancy W., 130
Robert, 171, 175, 250, 258, 271, 312
Rush, 327
Susan, 102
William, 41, 66, 201, 202, 208, 212, 235, 236, 242, 248, 261, 271, 382, 413, 433
Barr, George R., 119
Barret(t), Elizabeth M., 144
James, 256, 293
Mary, 300
Nancy, 62
Rebecca M., 124
Robert, 71
Sally, 97
Thomas, 124, 291, 300, 309
Barrum, John J., 85
Bartlett, Henry, 97
Bartrum, John, 51
Bateman, Elizabeth, 143
Bates, Charles, 52
Jesse, 130
Batton, Henry, 19
Baugh, Abram, 80
Baunnon, Jesse, 78
Bayan, Rebecca, 76
Baylor, E.R., 311
Edward R., 262
Eldred R., 362
J. E., 332
John G., 144
William, 322
Beamer, Beemer, Gustavus A., 115
Beard, William, 21
Beavers, Beevers, A.R., 329
Adam, 243, 244
Alex(ander), Elexander, 76, 151, 153
Amiable, 76
Andrew, 115
Armendy, 116
James, 149, 317
Jane, 141
John, 69
John W., 317
Katherine, 116
Lucy, 317
Lydia, 116, 132
M. J., 317
Matthias H., 134
Moses, 64, 208
Nancy, 64, 98
Polly, 64, 69
Rebecca, 148, 151
Robert, 151, 163
Sally, 116
Thomas, 147
William, 57, 81
Beckelheimer, Abram, 166
Beckem, Charles, 214
Bedners, Adam, 113
Belcher, Belsher (also see Belshe), Anderson, 126
Andrew, 151
Ase, 275
Bartley, 102
Benjamin, 111
Eliza, 152
Elizabeth, 151
Harvey, 137
Henry, 97, 109, 275
Isaac, 143
Isom, 82, 275, 281
James, 275, 413
Jane, 89, 273
Jesse, 58, 63
John, 57, 60, 72, 178, 180, 183, 185, 188, 275
John L., 315
Johnathan, 275
Joseph, 411
Jude, 275
Judy, 88
Lewis, 93, 115
Lizabeth, 70
Martha, 108, 151
Mary Ann, 97
Micaga, 275
Milley, 88
Moses, 102, 275, 310
Nancy, 68, 70, 152, 275
Obadiah, 150,155, 275, 313
Phebe, 56, 275
Polly, 80
Rhoda, 127
Robert, 70, 96, 275, 411
Sally, 246
Tobias, 126
William, 105
Z., 312
Zechariah, 301
Bell, David, 140, 320
Isaac, 82
James, 153
John, 12
Samuel, 153
William, 22
Belshe, Belchy, Belche(e), Belsha (also see Belcher),
Bernetta Emily, 134
Daniel, 308
David, 51, 271
Elizabeth, 271
Hanna, 289
John, 193
Joseph, 214, 271
Joshua, 271
Mary, 271, 286, 287
Peggey, 51
Phebe, Pheby, 63, 271
Richard, 80, 89, 271
Robert, 271, 286, 287, 294, 295
Samuel, 172
Shan, 281
Thomas, 271, 304
William, 289
Bengot, Dolly, 157
Joshua, 157
Benham, Isaac, 248
Isaac M., 246, 262, 360
Temperance, 87
Benours, Catay, 86
Benton, John, 24
Titus, 24
Berry, William, 50
Betille, C.G., 315
Bets, John, 23
Beus, 19
William, 19
Beverly, Hannah, 56
Bickley, G. W. L. (Dr.), 361
Biliter, Bileter, Charles, 105
Edward, 85
Bille, William Walker, 149
Billips, Billups, Elizabeth, 105
Gus, Sr., 323
Harriet, 157
Hezekiah, 127
J. T., 323
Jameson Richard, 57
Jane, 115
John, 126
Martha, 137
Birchfield, Noah, 155
Bird, Col., 7, 11, 12
Bishop, Catherine, 78
David, 50, 103
Elizabeth, 128, 162
George, 114
John, 86
Joseph, 143
Larkin, 73, 78
Mary, 124, 145
Mary Jane, 109
Rebecca, 77
Ruth, 94
Black, John, 18
Joseph, 23
Blackwell, Betsey, 56
Nancy, 57
Blagg, John, 11, 21
Blangy, Isaac, 24
Blankenship, Arthur, 294, 297, 304 304
Beca, 135
Betsy, 54, 97
Charlotte, 117
Clinton, 156
Condly, 141
Conl(e)y, 150, 158
Daniel, 115
Edward, 109
Eleanor, 114
Elender G., 98
Eli, 54
Elizabeth, 135
Eveline, 142
Henry, 61
Hezekiah, 57, 105
Hiram, 142
Jane, 94
John, 78, 147
John M., 135
Jonathan E., 121
Joseph, 114
Kiah, 118
Lairsinda, 147
Lucy, 53
Lusinda, 79
Mahala, 93
Mahaley, 93
Martha, 99, 128
Mary, 125
Mary Jane, 11
Milly, 54
Molley, 51
Nancy, 109, 151
Nathan, 127
Obadiah, 132
Peggy, 142, 150
Polly, 130, 149, 155
Presby, 106
Purlina, 164, 166
Rachel, 49, 137
Ralph, 294, 302
Rawley, 97
Rebecca(h), 119
Ruth, 108
Sally, 114
Steph., 49
Tolbert, 63
W.J., 332
William, 53
Willia, 138
Blead, Dorothy, 271
Bledsoe, Anthony, 12, 22
Bogle, Dunn, 213
E.R., 312
H.R., 382
Hamilton R., 113, 249, 251, 252, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258
John, 143
John [Methodist preacher], 108
Margaret, 144
Mark, 213
Mark R., 158, 251, 308
Polly, 213
Rachel, 213
Rachel Ann, 158
Bonham, Hezekiah, 208
Nehemiah, 50, 52, 53, 55, 71, 79, 209, 210, 298, 299
Rachel, 299
Boone, Daniel, 27, 28 ,
Squire, 28
Borders, Caty, 298
John, 298
Bosang, 361
Bostick, Anne, 66
Isaac, 413
James, 89, 98, 109
Jane, 63
Sarah, 58
George, 324
Bourne, Bourn, Felix, Sr., 329
J.C., 329
James, 256
Lucinda M., 320
Lula, 320
Stephen, 320
T. M., 320
Thomas M., 320
Bowen, 387
Elizabeth, 64, 275
Ella, 299
Ellen, 283
Ellen E., 112
H., 302
H.S., 357
Henry, 39, 42, 168, 169, 170, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 191, 193, 211, 212, 235, 242, 243,
244, 258, 261, 263, 264, 265, 271, 276, 283, 286, 292, 297, 299, 300, 328, 413
Henry, Jr., 283
Henry S., 310, 312
Jean C., 58
John, 170, 292
Levicie, Levicy, Levisa, 49, 70, 170, 275
Levise S., 61
Lillie, Lilly, 66, 275
Louisa, 283
Mary Jane, 156
Rebecca, Rebeckah, 86, 275
Rees(e), 79, 172, 175, 177, 265, 275, 283, 344, 410, 412
Rees T., 99, 256, 258, 275, 355, 357, 360, 382, 387
Thomas, 208
Bowers, Patterson, 150, 155
Bowles, Edward A., 137
Bo(w)ling, Bol(l)en, Bol(l)and, Bolin (g) , Bolwing, Bo(w)len, Bala(a)m, 59
Catherine, 130
David, 121
Eleaner, 123
Elizabeth, 51, 114
George, 321
George W., 121
Henry, 53
Henry H., 98
Henry P., 130
Hiram, 70
James B., 139
Jane, 114, 123
Jane G., 104
Janey, 48
Jar(r)ed, 110, 234, 295
Jared W., 92
Jar(r)et, 86, 412
Jicy, 145
Jordan E., 104
Jordan W., 138
Joseph, 170
Lavica, 138
Lindsay B., 139
Linney, 100
Lynsa, 68
Melinda, 133
Nancy, 57
Polley H., 83
Polly, 49
Sarah, 145
William, 51, 303
Bowman, Daniel, 85
Robert W., 316
Virginia, 166
Boyd, Alexander, 294
Edward, 217
Robert C., 139
Susannah, 63,66
Boyl(e), Boil(es), Elizabeth, 146
John, 69, 71
Polly, 69
William, 64
Bradshaw, John, 344
Breckenridge, Alex(ander), 23
George, 23
Robert, 23
Breeden, Syndesty, 121
Breeding, Alfred H., 138
John, 255, 262
Nancy, 142
Priscilla, 138
Stacy, 138
Brent, Col., 195
Brewster, Bruster, Andrew, 163
Archibald, 82, 309
Benjamin, 158
Bird, 132
Bird L., 144
Ebb., 238
Ebeneser, 124
Ebenezer, 173, 252, 289, 301, 302, 320
Elizabeth, 94
George F., 326
H. Addington, 27
Hannah, 59
Isabel, 61
James, Jeames, 64, 162, 165, 247
Margaret, 144
Nancy, 55, 103, 146
Patsy, 326
Polly, 121
Rebecca, 99, 163
Sally, 52
Sarah, 291, 302
Thomas, 59, 64, 171, 178, 198, 203, 274, 291, 302, 303, 411
Thomas G., 323
Thominas, 159
William, 93, 141
Zilpha, 49
Bright, George, 18
Tobias, 18
Brison, Amanda E., 159
Bristo(w), Elizabeth, 294
Isaac, 170, 299
James, 294
John, 301, 302
Margaret, 299, 301
Brittain, H.P., 333
Rufus, 160, 313, 372, 385
Britts, Adam, 307
Broadhead, General, 230
Brockenborough, Judge, 381
W., 264
William, 263
Brodskie, Robert, 37
Brooks, Angeline, 142
Ann, 279
Anna, 246
Betsey, 49
Eleanor, 164
Elizabeth Jane, 139
James, 66, 246, 279, 413
Jane, 64, 146, 271
Jinney, 272
John, 67, 75, 246, 279, 288, 304
John B., 160
Levicie, 68
Levicy, 66
Margaret, 79
Nancy, 53, 79
Peggy, 304
Polly, 246, 279
Richard, 100, 176, 178, 181, 246, 265, 279, 288, 304
Robert, 110
Sallie, Sally, 100, 135
Sarah, 51
Thomas, 98, 246, 279
Thomas J., 145
William, 123, 171, 173, 245, 246, 263, 279
William, Jr., 279
William, Sr., 184
Broomfield, 431
Brotherton, F. F., 320
Brown (e), A. A., 317
Abigail, 85
Admuel, 19
Andrew, 208, 209, 210, 212, 279
Andrew D., 246
Andrew L., 140
Ann, 85, 272
Bathsheba, 118
Betsey, 68
C. C., 330
C. E., 318
C. M., 328
Caty, 67
Cinthy, 279
Cornelias [alias Stump], 58
Cosby T., 100
Cynthia, 76
E.G., 320
Elizabeth, 113, 156, 279
El(l)enor, 113
Esther, 272, 286, 293
F.J., 328
G. H., 325
G.W.G., 361, 362, 385
George, 122, 127, 198, 203, 279
George D., 86, 246
George G., 147
George W., 126, 143, 313
George W.G., 102, 108, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 121, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 131, 132,
133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, 155, 159, 161, 167,
235, 237, 241, 242, 248, 252, 257, 307, 309, 310, 360
Granger, 308
H.C., 331
H. Y., 331
Henry, 19
Isaac, 49, 175, 180, 181, 182, 187, 198, 212, 246, 261, 263, 264, 265, 302, 306
J. A., 313
J. O., 328, 331
J. R. G., 328
Jacob, 18, 92
James, 130, 168, 171, 272, 286, 293, 302
James A., 148
James E., 201, 266
James M., 150
James P., 313
James W., 155
Jane, 279, 298, 302
Jane, 91
Jane A., 124
Jeremiah, 135
John, 49, 188, 192, 197, 203, 246, 257, 272, 280, 303
John A., 114, 254, 322
John M., 113, 162, 311
John R., 139, 311
John W., 320
Joseph, 68, 78, 246, 279
Joseph C., 257, 311
Julia A. W., 144
Kary, 272
L. W., 290
Larrissa, 81
Low(e), 63, 97, 220, 221, 245, 246, 288, 290, 297, 298, 302, 412
Low, Jr., 246, 279
Low, Sr., 279
Lydia Annis, 105
Lydia E., 163
M. F., 317
M. J., 151
Margaret, 49, 272
Mariah, 99
Martha, 280
Mary, 94, 296, 317, 331
Nancy, 113
Nannie E., 331
O.M., 328
Polly, 48, 94, 246, 270, 280
Polly A., 150
R.J., 314
Rebec(c)a(h), 52, 163
Rhoda, 147
Sally, 72, 103
Sara(h), 58, 128, 279
Thomas, 57, 187, 188, 198, 210, 213, 272, 311, 317
William, 67, 85, 180, 181, 185, 186, 233, 246, 251, 255, 262, 270, 272, 280, 296, 306, 307, 310
William B., 151
William P., 322
William W., 143, 174
Zarilda, 328
Browning, Hariet, 130
Richard, 52
Bruce, James, 71
John G., 158
Josiah, 75
Joshua, 71, 79
Noah, 259, 270
Noah B., 258
Brumfield, Sally, 61
Bryan(s), William, 12, 22
Buchanan, 354
Alexander, 23
Ann C., 102
Annie, 320
Archibald T., 144
Edward A., 320
George W., 156
Henry, 123
John, 12, 21, 22, 161
Nancy, 92
Nicholas, 23
Polly, 99
Robert, 23
Sallie J., 329
W.A., 329
William H., 129
William P., 320
Buck, John A., 328
V. Alice, 328
Buenty, Matilda, 110
Buffalow, Robert, 324
Bully, Andrew Jackson, 119
Burcham, Iredell, Iradel, 128
Ruth, 136
Burchet, Mary, 82
Burchfie(l)d, Byrchfield, Charitoty, 138
John Henry, 137
Noah, 150
Buren, John J., 91, 92
Burge, John, 133
Burgess, Edward, 411
John, 48
Burgot, Dilla, 149
Burk(e), 357
Isaiah J., 157
James, 19, 117, 139
John, 298
Peggy, 298
Thomas, 108
William, 95
Burkett, Birkett, Jacob, 156
Burress, Burris(s), Burrass, Daniel, 80
Sophrinia, 133
Thomas, 165, 179, 183
William, 294, 299
Burton, Anne, 106
Caty, 278
Elias, 133
Fielding, 55
Jacob, 90, 307
Sally, 111
Thomas, 329
W. L., 328, 331
William, 320
Burum, John I., 87
John J., 215
Joyce, 84
Butcher, Jacob, 56
Butler, Col., 206
William, 344
Butt, B.R., 330
C.D., 323
Celie V., 323, 324
Charles W., 323, 324
George A., 322
Maggie A., 330
Byars, William, 38
Byles, Paulina, 159
Byrd, Colonel, 21
Cabell, Cable, William H. (Gov.), 37
Caldwell, Alberts., 333
Calfee, Caffee, Charle(s), 101
James, 130, 145, 154, 159, 160, 167
James, Jr., 149
Calhoun, 17
Ezekiel, 17, 18, 19
George, 18
Hames, 17
James, 17, 18
Patrick, 17, 18
Polly Ann, 149
William, 17, 18
Calloway, Calaway, H.C., 333
Richard, 28
Calvert, Eliza Ann, 166
Calvin, Harry, 321
Calwell, Samuel, 68
Cameron, Duncan, 234, 236
J. P., 332
Jacob, 122
Olivia, 332
Campbell, Arthur, 15, 23, 38
Audley, 289, 290
Coleman, 127
David (Gov.), 38
David, 41
Edward, 38
James, 18, 19, 191, 266
James M., 172, 176
John, 23, 175
Mary, 274
Maxwell, 274
Robert, 23
William, 190, 231
Canada, Rachel, 163, 165
Cannen, William, 88
Canter, Cynthia, 288
Truman, 288
Caperton, Allen T., 39
Carlock, Frederick, 20
Carnahan, Carnaham, Thomas S., 136, 239, 251, 261
Carpenter, Emily, 162
John C., 309
Carr, 343
John G., 127
Carrane, William G. W., 90
Carroll, Carrel(l), James L., 320, 321
James P., 54
Martha G., 276
Samuel L., 322
Carter, Adaline, 95
Betsey, 91, 111
Catherine, 272
Celia, 137
Charerie, 82
Charles, 24
Dale, 215
Daniel, 146, 272, 313
Delila, 164
Dickson, 129
Elizabeth, 277, 284
James, 277
Jeman, 288
Joel, 272
John, 56, 97, 272
Letitia Ann, 126
Marinda, 109
Matilda, 115, 146
Nancy, 109, 115, 277
Polly, 80, 99
Randolph, 146
Sally, 92
Samuel, 115, 272, 309
Simon, 272
Smith, 131
Thomas, 38
Veincon, 90
William, 57
Wilson, 130
Cartmill, Elizabeth, 50
James, 299, 300, 412
Jenny, 53
John, 172, 177, 288, 299, 301
Margaret, 300
Nancy, 276, 305
Sally, 50
Thomas, 48, 177, 288, 301, 304, 305
Carver, Betsey, 56
James, 163, 165
Mily, 101
Robin, 74
Casey, Simpson, 125
Cassell, Mary, 111
Cassiday, Cassad(a)y, Betsey, 77
Thomas, 63, 186, 188, 189, 193, 213, 214, 215, 265
Castle, 354
Jacob, 18, 20, 21
Catlet, Thomas K., 214
Cecil, Cisil, Cecel(l), Cisel, Cessel (also see Cerril), (Capt.), 186
Aaron, 316
Ann Eliza, 68
Betsey, 52
Catherine M., 152
Derinda, 71
Derry, 158
Dorind C., 106
Elizabeth, 71
Elizabeth Jane, 138
George, 84, 91
Granville G., 144
Henry W., 68
James, 170, 171
James M., 311
Jeremiah, 144
John, 39, 40, 54, 99, 172, 173, 175, 179, 180, 181, 182, 185, 188, 193, 208, 211, 214, 217, 233, 236, 248,
261, 264, 265
Joshua, 49, 294
Julia A., 151, 139
Keziah, 294
Linna, 276
Linny, 52
Louisa M., 105
Margaret, 117
Mary, 149, 157
Mary B., 162
Miles, 317
Milly, 56
Nancy, 34, 57, 223, 224, 225, 228, 240, 288, 295
Nancy J., 251
Nancy Jane, 130
Peggy, 93
Philip, 63
Rachel L., 136
Raches, 60
Rebecca, 94
Robert M., 320
Rush F., 320
Russell F., 251
Sally, 61
Samuel, 62, 114, 179, 208, 210, 214, 215, 248, 251
Samuel, Jr., 252
Samuel W., 139, 144, 251, 253, 256
Sarah Ann, 113
Thomas, 54, 308, 310
W. P., 307
William, 171, 173, 192, 223, 224, 225, 226, 228, 229, 240, 244, 249, 263, 264, 288, 291, 293, 294, 295
William C., 320
William P., 248, 313
William S., 106
Witten, 148, 241, 243, 246, 251
Zachariah, 71
Cerril, Ceral, Cosby J., 123
Samuel, 70
Chaf(f)in, Betsey, 56
Christopher, 193, 411
Patsey, 70
Peggy, 86
Polly, 62
Ruth, 70
Thomas, 54
Chalmers, Fanny, 152
Chambers, (Col.), 199
Benjamin, 196
Thomas, 181
Champ, Elkanah, 115
Chapman, 361, 362
Augustus A., 39
Henley, 40, 175, 263
Isaac, 252
Isaac E., 360
John, 180, 209
M., 217
Chapple, Chappell, George, 100
James, 104
Nancy, 99
Nelson, 99
Silas, 104
Charles, Charels, Anna, 273
Catheraner, 126
Elizabeth, 158
G.W., 150
Isaac, 306
James, 57, 59, 62, 64, 67, 70, 73, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 84, 85, 88, 90, 92, 97, 99, 102, 108, 110, 113, 117, 119
Lidey, 154
Charste, Marte, 150
Cheatham, J.T., 327
John, 330
Chiddix, Chittix, Chiddic, John, 309
William, 97
Childers, Flemmon, 85
Mary Ann, 129
Chiswell, (Col.), 22
Christian, A.M., 325
Ad(d)ison, 144
Alexander, 140, 312
Anthony, 140
Dan(i)el, 90, 144, 147, 233
David, 69
Elijah, 196
Israel, 12, 21
J. W., 325
John, 73, 105
Lavisa, 112
Levica, 147
Lil(l)y, 161, 165
Louisey, 136
M. T., 322
Mastin, Masteon, 70, 243, 244, 246
Moses, 64, 234
Nancy, 88, 147
Rebecca, 144
Ruth, 65
Ruthy, 150, 155
Sausaniah, 136
Susanah, 163
Syndia, 162
Thomas, 85, 102, 137
Thomas C., 320
Thomas S., 312
William, 12, 129
Church, Thomas, 158
Cipers, John G., 129
Clark, Betsey, 61
Daniel, 61
Elizabeth, 65
Fred(e)rick, 64
George B., 85, 281
George Rogers Clark, 221
Jane, 287
Jean, 299
Joseph, 208, 296
Joseph M., 190
Mary, 52
Polly, 275
William, 53, 106, 176, 178, 287, 299, 425
William L., 156
Clary, Elisha, 344
Claughton, R.A., 143
Richard A., 141
Clay, William, 102
Claypool, Amy, 114
Charity, 282
Elizabeth, 94
Ephriam, 282
Harvey, 113
James, 282
Jeremiah, 187, 282, 289, 292, 303
Jeremiah B., 282
John W., 135
Joseph, 61
Mary, 272, 292
Miles, 106, 282
Phebe, 49
Rebecca, 68
Sabina, 151
Cla(y)tor, James H., 160
Mary E., 153
Samuel A., 153
Clear (also see Clare), James, 116
Clevenger, Clevinger, James, 158
Levi, 151
Polly, 78
Susannah, 58
Clinch, 354
Cline, Claine, Herenten, 151
Henry, 160
John, 98, 160
Michael, 18
Mikel, 118
Mitchell, 119
Polly, 98
Cloud, Peter, 23
Cloyd, (Col.), 231
Gordon, 300
Cliborne, James A., 142
Clyburn (also see Clytum), Lennel, 53
Nancy, 246, 279
Coales, Julius, 315
Cob(b)ler, (Rev.), 380
Cobbs, Charles, 314
Coburn, Lizabeth, 48
Cochrall (also see Cotterel), Sally, 49
Cochran, J. M., 321
Cock(e), William, 28
Col(d)well, Col(e)well (also see Caldwell), Elizabeth, 148
James, 61
Cole, (also see Coales) 14
Augustus, 112
Elizabeth, 316
L.C., 319
Rhoda, 316
Timothy, 14, 20
William, 316
Coleman, Ann, 81
Betsey, 90
Charlotte, 129
Hannah, 93
J.W., 315
James, 161
Jane, 72
John, 68
Peter, 119
Sally, 179
William, 88
Collins, Collums, Edward, 243, 244, 262
George, 22
Hannah, 54
Isom, 252
Louisa, 138
Lucinda, 167
Margaret, 150, 155
Randal, 103
Wilkinson, 113
William, 142, 163,165
Comb(s), Luisa, 131
Shadrach, 114
Comer, Lawrence, 289, 290
Margaret, 289
Compton, Cumpton, Anna, 87
Benjamin W., 117
Cornelius, 109
Elen, 133
Ele(a)nor, Ellenor, 63, 276, 291, 295
Elihu, 276
Elisha, 89
Elizabeth, 162, 280
G. S., 322
Hickman, 55, 276, 280
Hiram, 61, 276
Hiram C., 136
Hugh A., 105
James, 114
James M., 118, 251, 255, 256, 262
John, 51, 173, 287, 293, 299, 300
John, Jr., 291, 295
John, Sr., 184, 276
John M., 239
Joseph, 95, 276
Nancy, 48, 119
Rebecca, Rebecka, 57, 110, 287
Sally, 276
Sarah, 68
Squire M., 93
Stephen, 111
William W., 68, 119, 212
Comwell, James, 50, 179, 182, 411
John, 20
Layer ? [female], 97
Peggy, 95
R.B., 328
Robert, 146
Contrel, John (Lieut.), 21
Cook, Addison, 315
Alexander, 64
Anderson, 116
Catherine, 283
Elizabeth, 95
Fred(ertck), 51, 179, 188, 189, 198, 203, 277, 291, 302
George, 247, 249, 277
Harviley, 107
John, 239
John Augustus, 70, 203
Mary, 70
Nancy, 106, 277
William, 150, 157, 277
Cooksey, Lemaster, 296
Nancy, 296
Cooper, Debbe, 124
Francis, 24
Lewis, 118
William, 130
Copenhaver, Cuppenheffer, Henry, 331
Jackson, 324
Jane, 131
Corbit, Peggy, 59
Cordell, Cordill, Cordele, (also see Cordle) Isam S., 139
Joseph, 144
Susannah, 98
Corder, Edward, 288
John, 69
Polly, 64
Cordle (also see Cordell), Reece, 332
Cornet (t), Harvey George, 189
Cornwell, William, 136
Corpley, Mary Ann, 143
Cor(r)el(l), Cur(e)l, Burdine H., 73
Elizabeth, 83
Henery, 106
Joshua, 79, 208, 210
Luvicey, 116
Margaret, 116
Mary, 92
Mary Ann, 160
Rebecah, 89
William, 54
Cothan, Mary, 94
Cotterel, (also see Cochrall) John, 411
Simon (Rev.), 380
Cotton, Betsy, 58
Coudon, James, 12
Counce, Martin, 20
Cove, James, 20
Cowan, Andr(ew), 24
David, 86
Cowden, Amos, 145
Cox, Benjamin, 111, 243, 244, 251
John, 22
William, 215, 218, 220, 235, 238, 241, 251, 261, 313, 360, 362, 382
Crabtree, Catherine, 282
Elizabeth Ann, 121
Gabrial, 282, 320
Gabriel, Jr., 282
James, 24
James B., 309, 322
Jemima, 282
Martha, 107
Polly, 282
Rees, 113, 241
Rees H., 282, 309
Sarah Ann, 148
Thomas, 82, 86
Thomas B., 282
Craig, Charles, 199
John, 11, 21
Samuel, 196, 199
Craven(s), John, 344, 357
Crawford, Crafford, Cranforces, (Col.), 418
(Rev.), 380
Charles, 281
Christopher Q., 98
James M., 112
Oliver, 64
Cray, Charles (Capt.), 196
Creed, Elizabeth, 151
Shadrack, 323
Creswell, Criswell, Elizabeth, 85
Henry, 188, 189
John Y., 104, 249
Crismond, John M., 114
Crockett, 17, 388
Addison, 42, 76, 209, 210, 220, 234, 236, 241, 247, 248, 249, 255, 256, 279, 312
Albert, 316
Araminta, 279
E. K., 332 B-138
Eleanor, 69
Eliza, 311
Elizabeth, 154
Elizabeth Jane, 279
Fransis, 76
George, 320
George P., 328, 332
Gustavus R., 140, 258
Hannah, 73
Hugh, 22
James R., 315
Jane, 76
Jean, Jeen, 279
John, 48, 54, 55, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 77, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 95, 99, 101, 169,
174, 178, 190, 191, 192, 197, 210, 213, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 233, 237, 242, 247, 263, 264, 265,
266, 274, 279, 289, 294, 303, 411
John, Jr., 107
John C., 279
Joseph, 19, 22
Julia A., 123
Madison S., 257
Margaret, 279
Margaret E., 118
Maria(h), 65, 279
Maria(h), 150
Maria(h) Letitia, 155
Mary, 156
Nancy, 319
Polly, 75, 77
Robert, 22, 161, 274, 279, 311, 410, 434
Robert G., 156
Rufus, 274, 279
Rufus K., 108
Rush F., 319
Samuel, 279, 316
Samuel C., 258
Simon, 305
Stuart, 316
Thomas G., 319
Thompson S., 136
Tilman, 208, 210, 279
Virginia, 150, 155
Walter, 38, 222, 226, 227, 228, 229
Croel, Rebecca An, 113
Cross, Martha, 119
Crouch, L.W., 148
Crow, Elecy, 107
Hannah, 303
John, 57, 59, 291, 303
Crum, Chrum, Henry, 240
Priscilla, 240
Crunk, John, 14
Crutchfield, W. J., 362
Wm. J., 259, 361
Cummin(g)s, George, 53, 194, 195
Jane, 49, 110
John, 59
Nancy, 115
William C., 88
Cundiff, Julia, 163, 165
Cunningham, G.C., Jr., 326
Curde, (also see Cord), Nancy, 114
Currin, Cur(r)en, Curain, Catherine T., 107
Hugh, 51, 272
Peggy, 273
Waddy P., 310
Waddy T., 109, 244, 249, 251, 252, 254, 256, 310
William, 273
William G. W., 310
Dabney, Charles, 196
Dailey, Da(y)l(e)y, Daile, A.F., 312
Charles, 59
Elnor, 106
I.M., 312
Isaac, 71, 170, 280, 292
Isaac M., 312, 313
James T., 134
Madison, 144
Marg(a)ret, 58, 280, 312
Rebecca, 92
Sally, 59
Samuel, 51
Samuel C., 135
Thomas, 58, 305
Dalton, Allen, 103
Dandrtdge, Alexander Spottswood, 28
Daniel (s), Dexter B., 316
George, 150, 155
John W., 316
Manville, 150, 155
Nancy, 49, 292
Rebecca, 48
Sarah, 294
Wyett, 294
Danoy, Irene, 127
Darrset, Henry, 101
Darter, Anne, 294
Henry, 288, 294
Daugherty, Doughtry, Giles, 96
Henry, 24
Isaac K., 152
J. B., 76
John, 75
John S., 120
Josiah B., 75
Michael (Capt.), 229
Thompson, 86
William H., 161
Davidson, (Col.), 438
An(drew), 172, 173, 177, 296, 298, 299, 431
Betsy, 303
Caleb, 68
George, 50, 172, 177, 179, 180, 297, 298, 300
George, Jr., 177
Henry, 186, 187, 190, 191, 208, 209, 234, 284
Henry P., 212, 214, 215, 217
J. R., 328
James, 208, 284
James C., 41, 198, 199, 201, 209, 211, 233, 251, 259, 261, 309
Jane G., 69
Jennie, 297, 298, 300, 303
John, 62,172, 174, 177, 190, 193, 197, 198, 200, 211, 212, 213, 261, 275, 284, 297, 298, 299, 413, 438
Joseph, 168, 171, 172, 179, 185, 189, 192, 193, 196, 197, 198, 199, 211, 212, 261, 264, 265, 266, 284, 287,
297, 298, 303, 321
Julia Ann, 93
Julia H., 309
Martha Shone, 181
Matilda, 284, 298
Matilda J., 163
Matilda P., 104
Matilda S., 165
Mattey, 53
Millinde, 303
Nancy, 127
Peggy, 53
Phebe, Pheby, 273, 300, 304, 305
Polly, 99, 281, 297, 298, 303
Robert, 73, 284
Robert W., 309
Sally, 296, 298
Samuel, 284
Tabitha, 247
William, 51, 191, 210, 284, 297, 298, 300
William, Sr., 303, 304, 305
William G., 101
Davis, (Capt.), 196, 199
(Col.), 205
A.L., 325
Abraham, 173, 176, 286, 288, 293
Abram, 264, 291
Azariah, 28
Caty, 51, 57
Dorinda, 162
Eleanor, 51
Elenda, 101
Eliza, 75
Elizabeth, 48, 148, 149, 155
James, 20, 23, 88, 256, 274
James C., 201
James L., 284
Jesse, 98
Joel, 90
John, 18, 176, 180, 264, 265, 288, 294, 300
John [big], 264
John [little], 180, 184, 265
John, Jr., 301
Jonathan, 177
Joseph, 284
Julia A., 323
Katherine, 284
Kissy, 158
Louisa, 274
Morgan, 132
Moses, 67, 113
Nancy, 288
Peggy, 300
Poll(e)y, 51, 277, 284
Presley, 49
Rebecca C., 317, 325
Rees, 112, 144
Robert, 23
Ruth, 69
Simon, 76
Squire, 147
Thomas, 81, 110, 210, 213, 242, 248, 259, 262, 277, 309
W. A., 323
W. P., 323
Wilburn, 284
William, 23, 156, 173, 188, 204, 265, 300
William, Jr., 284
William, Sr., 284
William A., 323
Dawson, Dosson, Helen, 115
John, 60
Joseph H., 108
Day, Betsey, 55
Christena, 60, 278
Daniel, 50, 278
Edy, 99, 103, 278
Elizabeth, 84
Hames, 269
Isabella, 278
James, 97, 198, 203, 278, 287, 289
Jane, 131
John, 176, 177, 179, 182, 231
Josh(ua), 115, 175, 184, 215, 269, 295
Lavinia, 115
Lucinda, 100
Lucy, 278
Malinda, 278
Margaret, 269
Martha, 89, 91
Mary, 81, 289
Peggy, 88
Peter, 52, 269
Polly, 63, 128
Rebecca, 51, 97, 98, 269
Rhoda, 77, 105
Solomon W., 115
Travis, 269
William, 73,181, 185, 187, 188, 189, 304
Deal, Deel, Diel, Catharne, 117
Conley, 132
Dorcas, 117
Elisabeth, 122
Joshua, 108, 138
Rachel, 97
Richard, 102
Smithy, 108
Thomas, 112
Walker, 334
Dean, Nancy E., 150, 155
Deaton, C.A., 320
Maria E., 157
Debais, Henry, 194
DeHass, 410
Deigs, Thomas (Lieut.), 21
Deskins, Annie, 296
Berdine, 113, 309
Catherine, 112, 139
Christener, 94
Christopher, 139
Daniel, 53
Elizabeth, 82
G.W., 317
George, 112
George, Jr, 309
George W., 123, 249, 257, 259
Harvey, Hervey, 41, 129, 203, 209, 210
Henry, 121
Jacob, 120
James, 109, 125, 309
Jefferson, 93
John, 58, 109, 189, 192, 271, 290, 296, 345
Lilly, Lille, 76, 147
Lucinda, 108
Margaret, 145, 296, 300, 309
Mary, 271, 390
Mary Jane, 139
Muncy, 105
Nancy, 99
Polly, 64, 96
Rebecca, 89
Sally, 49
Sarah, 50
Smith, 96, 173, 271, 290, 296, 300, 306, 371
Stephen, 48, 184, 204, 210, 214, 271, 287, 290, 296, 305
Washington, 109
William, 67, 89
Devor, Deavor, James, 213
Margaret, 213
William, 154
Dials, 436
Andrew, 180
Polly, 180
Dicke(n)son, Dickinson, Dickerson, Benjamin, 315
Catherine, 315
Henry, 38
James C., 149
Joshua, 294
Robert, 324
Susanna, 294
William, 73
Dill(i)on, Christopher, 60
Elizabeth, 63
Hervey E., 259
Hervey G., 256
Jane, 313
Jesse, 82
Martha, 72
Masten, 91
Nathaniel, 313
Polly, 69
Rebecca, 93, 137
Rolin, 61
Samuel, 62
Samuel W., 153
Tempy, 153
Dills, Alex, 321
Elizabeth, 82
Evalina, 299
Henry, 217
Henry W., 93, 249
J. T., 325
James, 99
John, 19
Lydia, 86
Margaret, 96
Mary, 50
Nancy, 280
Peter, 19, 50, 175, 176, 184, 204, 243, 251, 254, 275, 288
Peter H., 141, 251
Rebecca, 48, 63, 73, 275, 288, 299
William, 51, 97, 173, 208, 215, 217, 218, 265, 275, 280, 288
William P., 148
Dingus, Charles, 314
Dinwiddie, Gov., 355
Doak, Doke, Do(a)ck, (Prof.), 380
Elizabeth, 64
G.W., 318
James, 196
James R. (Dr.), 361
Jenny, 51
Lydia, 73
Lydia (Thompson), 274
Mary, 125
Nancy, 107
Polly, 96
Rachel, 287
Rachel (Thompson), 274
Robert, 23, 49, 263, 287
Rose A., 318
Sinia, 83
William, 23
Dodd(s), George, 314
Richard, 21
Doddridge, Dr., 391
Dol(s)bwy, Liles, Lyles, 283, 412
S., 258
Dolton, Allen, 145
Rebecca, 93
William, 87
Donahy, John, 18
Donal(d)son, 424
Col., 9, 230
Donnahue, C. N., 329
Douglas (s), Doeglass, George, 327
James, 28
Margaret, 304
Downing, John, 19
Drake, Celia, 124
George, 97
Joseph, 25
Margaret, 94
Mary, 80
Rachel, 86
Robert M., 139
Samuel, 96
Draper, family, 20
George, 18, 427
John, 12
Joseph, 203, 235, 267
Drew, Newett, 294
Sarah, 294
Dudley, D.W., 316, 326
Hugh D., 308
J. F., 328, 331
Duff, Elizabeth I., 110
O. C., 106, 107
Rebecka, 292
Rees B., 66
Samuel, 292
Dunbar, Dumbar, Ephriam, 57, 59, 204, 207, 211, 261
Duncan, Dunkin, Chapman, 131
Landon, 70
Dun(n), 269
A,.J., 362
Christina, 269
Mary, 213
Thomas, 213
W.W., 362
William W., 152
Dye, Die, Jane, 141
Dyer, Colvin F., 118
Dysart, James, 24
Eagle, Silas, 104
Eakin(s), (also see Ekin), George, 59
Earnh(e)art (also see Arenhart), Josh, 87
Polly, 78
Early, Earley, Jeremiah, 413
Mordecai, 19
Edde, Edea, Elizabeth, 291
Elizabeth (Harrison), 273
John, 287, 291
Edmonds, Preston, 90
Edmanson, Edmundson, Edmun(d)son, Edmon(d)son, 229
Andrew, 58
Edward (s), Orphey, 272
Eheart, Abraham, 172
Eiler, John, 309
Rebecca, 309
Ekin, (also see Eakins) George, 119
Elett, Elijah, 96
Elkins, Archabald, 57
Dicey, 51
Hannah, 75
Rachel, 302
Zachariah, 302
Ellett, E.J., 332
Elliot(t), Capt., 422
John, 164
Ellis, Robert L., 333
Elphistone, Frederick, 21
Elswick, Basil, 151
Bazewell, 313
Bird, 313
Chapman, 313
Eliza J., 159
Henderson, 143
Isaac, 164
John, 160
John W., 128
Josiah, 162
Lucy, 160
Nancy, 124
Sarey, 128
William, 108, 109
Winny, 160
Emshwil(l)er, Isaac, 146
Engledove, John, 294
Robert, 294
English, family, 20
Mathew, 18
Thomas, 18, 344, 437
William, 14, 18
Epperheart, Henry, 60
Ervin, Mary (Harrison), 273
Essex, Margaret, 291
Este(e)s, (also see Estis), Lucinda, 103
Uriah, 103
Estep, Estept,, Samson, 127
William, 128
Estham, Francis, 19
Estill, B., 268
Benjamin, 266
John M. (Dr.), 361
Evans, Dan(iel), 416, 417, 418
David, 271
Elizabeth, 299
James, 271, 290, 293, 299
Jane T., 133
Jesse, 221, 344, 414, 417, 418
John, 194, 195, 196, 287, 289, 293, 301, 302, 414, 418
John, Jr., 411
John, Sr., 411
Mark, 19
Martha, 424, 425
Mary, 271, 416
Moses, 271, 290, 293, 299
Peter, 21
Robert, 271, 290, 293, 299, 416, 417, 418
Samp., 21
Thomas, 271, 293, 424
Uriah, 19
William, 271, 290, 293
Ewing, Samuel, 301, 305
Fannon, Fannin(g), Acles, 70
David, 180
Jane, 52
Farley, Betsy, 298
Jessee, 298
Farmer, W. P., 325
Farrar, Jacob, 104
Feraby, Isaac, 160
Ferguson, Forguson, Furgeson, Furgison, etc., Elizabeth, 143
Greenville, 146
Henry, 21
Isabella, 380
John, 286
Margaret, 286
Mary, 286,291, 294
Mary Ann, 100
Nancy, 291, 292
Samuel, 168, 169, 170, 173, 286, 290, 291, 292, 294, 344, 380, 412
Samuel, Sr., 286
Thomas, 48, 172, 175, 291, 292
William, 176
Ferrell, Ferrill, (also see Fenell), Richard, 321
Ferrimer, H. J., 327
Fickle, Betsy, 213
Mary, 213
Thomas, 213
Fields, Elizabeth, 147
James J., 332
Martha, 144
Samuel, 132
Tilman, 159
Wesley, 93
Files, Henry, 112
Fishback, Jacob T., 266
Fisher, Henry J., 267
Fitzgerel, William, 24
Fleming, Flemming, David, 216
Fletcher, Aron, 184, 292
Daniel, 81
Elizabeth, 82
Milam, 72
Polly, 106
Polly Ann, 284
Rachel, 163, 165
Rhoda, 154
William, 184
Floyd, Ben Rush, 285
Benjamin R., 237
George, 285
George R. C., 245, 248, 262
John, 38, 285
John B., 235, 244, 246, 247
John Buchanan, 38
Lavalette, 285
Letitia, 285
Letitia, Jr., 285
Nicket(t)i, 285
Nicketti B., 131
William, 285
Flummer, Flemmer, El(l)e(a)nor, 75, 77
Elizabeth, 85, 281
Harriet Ludema, 161
J. H., 320
Minerva Frances, 161
Nancy, 89
Samuel, 281, 300, 306
Solomon, 281
William, 79, 281
Foglesong, Chrisley, 83
Folio, Thomas Dunn, 106
Follen, Follin(g), Pattey, 57
Sarah, 58
Forester, Forster, John, 107
Forman, John, 20
Former, Forkner, Hardy, 80
Nancy, 57
Sally, 74
Temperance, 68
Violet, 103
Foster, Edward, 327
Gideon, 300
Hampton, 63, 269
Jemima, 269
John, 213
Julia, 327
Fowler, David S., 319
Gideon, 288
I.C., 311
Isaac C., 312
James, 212
Robert, 24
Thomas, 220
Fox, Barbara, Barbary, 277
Barbary, Jr., 277
Catherine, 93
D. T., 107
David S., 277
Edward, 380
John, 325
Maltady, 277
Margaret, 122
Mathias, 137, 277, 301
Mathias, Jr., 277
Peggy Ana, 277
Peter, 76, 277
Sally, Sallie, 88, 90
Francisco, Caty, 57
Jacob, 264, 302
James, 113
Nancy, 76
Peggy, 53
Franklin, Laodician, 75
Lavisa, Levisa, 279
Peggy, 278
Pleasant, 112
Thomas, 75, 77
Thomas H., 119
Tilman, 110
William, 155
Freeman, James M., 116
French, Andrew L., 97
Catherine, 277
Charles, 78
David, 263
Elizabeth, 166
Ezekiel, 82
George, 333
Isaac, 77
James, 88
James S., 147
John N., 133
Levicy, 278
Rebecca, 277
Shell E., 183
William, 278
Froe, Frow, Cheshire, 322
Frugate, James, 287
Fudge, C.A., 318, 319, 323, 325
M. G., 318, 319, 323, 325
Nancy N., 281
Reuben C., 243, 244, 256, 258
Reuben S., 90
Fugate (also see Frugate), Francis, 24
Fulcher, Levi F., 164
Fulk(s), Priscella, 51
Ralph, 52
Fuller, G.B., 317
Stephen, 106
Fulton, Andrew S., 242
James O., 314
John H., 41, 267
William M., 214
Gamble, Josiah, 23
Gardner, A.C., 322
Garlock, Conrad, 20
David, 20
Frederick, 20
George, 20
Garnett, S.W., 315, 328
Gar(r)ison, Garretson, (also see Tanetson), Jane, 303
Paul, 18
Reuben, 82, 281
William, 54, 94, 170, 171, 184, 303, 344, 357
Garwood, Noah, 20
Obadiah, 20
Samuel, 20
Gates, Elizabeth, 103
John H., 136
Polly, 110
Richard, 113
William H., 166
Gender, George, 23
Jasper, 23
Geneans [?], Nancy, 86
Genebened [?], Ester, 87
Gent, Eleanor, 272
Josiah, 272
Joshua, 272
Kuziah, 272
Mark, 49, 272
Obadiah, 171, 288, 292, 294, 300
Phebe, 135
Polly, 93
Ransom, 161
Sally, 98
William, 49, 272
Gentry, Bettie, 330
J.W., 330
George, George P., 248, 249, 250
Harvey, Hervey, 43, 196, 198, 200, 201, 203, 208, 211, 212, 217, 235, 238, 247, 248, 250,
253, 254, 261, 307, 312
Henry P., 41, 65, 187, 197, 209
Jane M., 127
Jenny, 185, 303
John, 185
John B., 38, 40, 41, 186, 187, 188, 189, 198, 207, 212, 215, 248, 249, 252, 260, 261, 266, 359, 360, 381
Laura J., 147
Martha C., 76
Mary A., 81
Mary E., 184
Patton, 194
R.B., 316
Sallie, 307
Thomas J., 41, 198, 199, 208, 209, 212, 213, 215, 237
William, 125, 169, 171, 172, 174, 177, 287, 290, 293, 294, 297, 298, 299, 303
William O., 123, 254, 312, 429, 436
Gibbit, John, 59
Gibson, Gipson, Alex(ander), 101,
Andrew P., 104
Charles C., 71
Elizabeth, 150, 155
George, 142, 147, 149, 155, 158, 160, 164, 166, 257
Henry, 108
Jane, 155
Joel, 97
John, 64
Martin, 246, 249, 251, 255, 257
Natten, 101
Parmala, 276
Peggy, 303
Polly, 276
Prudence, 138
Rebeccey, 132
Samuel T., 107
Sarah, 132
Thomas, 107
Tilda, 112
Tyron, 175, 301, 303
Wesley, 107, 152, 310, 313
William, 60
Gilbert, (see also Gibbit), John, 57
Joseph, 411, 434
Gildersleeve, G.S., 329
Giles, William B. (Gov), 38
Gilfin, Sally, 122
William, 156
Gill(s), Gilles, Joseph, 130
Gillenwaters, Joseph, 140
Gillespie, Gelaspy, etc., family, 357, 381-412
(Capt.), 208
Barbara, 329
Calvin, 130
Daniel H., 142, 259
Elender, 96
Emerine V., 115
Emily, 152
George W., 315, 329
George W., Jr., 333,
Henry, 70, 96, 198, 203, 208, 254, 257, 258
Henry H., 97
J. H., 317
J. Sam, 326
James, 52
James H., 320
James M., 110
John, 54, 110, 188, 193, 207, 212, 214
John B., 119, 198, 207, 217, 236
John B., Jr., 215
John C., 136, 253
John W., 250, 252, 257, 259, 316
Leuece, 54
Levsa B., 123
Lisey, 89
Lorenzo D., 215, 236
Louisa, 138
Margaret, 79, 87, 107, 112, 162, 316
Maria T., 153
Maria(h), 112, 278
Mary, 276
Mary A. . 140
Mary F., 159
Mary G., 332
Nancy, 118
Nancy W., 146
Poll(e)y, 52
R. B., 316
R. K., 317, 325
Rees, 49, 173
Rees B., 71, 204, 247, 249, 250, 256, 257, 360
Rees B., Jr., 115
Robert, 41, 42, 63, 188, 189, 191, 203, 208, 209, 210, 214, 215, 217, 240, 259, 267
S. L., 333
Sarah Ann, 102, 123
Thomas, 85, 96, 168, 170, 171, 184, 192, 193, 2-8, 209, 211, 212, 214, 215, 261, 264, 267, 271, 278
Thomas H., 43, 237, 241, 243, 244, 246, 248, 249, 250, 388
Thomas R., 145
Thomas S., 115, 242
W. J., 331
W. T., 333
William, 41, 76, 87. 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 188, 189, 191, 193, 197, 198, 200, 201, 212, 215, 219,
242, 250, 251, 252, 283 H-203, 360, 366, 382, 383, 384, 388, 391, 392, 393, 397, 408, 410, 411,
William, Jr., 214
William B., 146
William L.D., 141
William M., 233, 248, 249, 256, 257, 313, 332
Zerilda, 140
Gilmer, Gilmore, James H., 258
Thomas Walker (Gov.), 38
Girty, Simon, 423
Gison, Thomas, 48
Glandon, Mary Ann, 140
Stephen, 140
Godfrey, Absalom, 411
Absolum, 55
Julina, 97
Peggy S., 98
Susanna, 289
Thomas, 289
Goff, Mary Ann Susan, 141
Coins, William H., 318
Goldman, Henry, 20
Jacob, 19, 20
John, 19
Goldsby, 415
Gollehen, [see also Galliher], Peter, 51
Gooden, David, 217
Goodman, Ann, 282
David, 217
Isaac, 131
Lettie A., 315
Goodson, Thomas, 22
Goodwin, [see also Goodwyn], Betsey, 69
C. E., 333
David, 105, 234, 283
Elizabeth, 139, 283
Gracey, 86
Isabella, 110
John, 176, 271, 283, 287, 296
Louisa M., 148
Lucy, 70
Nancy, 283
Peggy, 80
Robert, 283
Robert, Sr., 283
Sally, 106
Samuel D., 283
Thomas, 283
William B., 259
Gooldy, Clarinda, 166
Gose, Ann(e), 62
Barbara, 154
Betsy, 277
Catherine, 84
Christopher, 83
David, 110, 216, 242, 243
Elizabeth, 88, 277
Eveline, 277
Isabella, 277
John H., 83
Malinda, 133
Peggy, 65
Peter, 62, 75, 182, 183, 187, 192, 193, 208, 211, 212, 221, 233, 238, 261, 265, 301, 303, 4l3
Philip, 264, 294, 301, 303, 306
Sarah, 106
Stephen, 193, 251, 277, 308
Theressa, 79
J. L., 332
Graham, 369
Aaron, 143
Cosby, 284
John, 49, 292, 294
Julia A., 317
Robert C., 126, 255, 262
S. L., 157, 163, 165, 166
S. M., 333
Sam(uel), 118, 324, 360
Samuel C., 259
Samuel L., 154, 160, 165, 313
Thomas Witten, 294
W. R., 324
William L., 137
Grant, John Vincent, 288
Gray, (Genl.), 229, 230
John G., 209
Grayson, Thomas, 12
Gree(a)r, Grear, David (Capt.), 202
T. M., 332
W. B., 331
Green(e), (Gen.), 219, 231
C. H., 331
Charles, 334
D., 324
Deskins, 73, 99
Eleanor, 146
Fanny, 144
George, 66
Henry, 146
James, 81
John, 129, 324
Mary, 105
Nancy, 164
Nelson, 81
Poley, Poll(e)y, 64, 66
Rees B., 145
Robert, 9
T. W., 327
Thomas W., 330
William, 58, 413
Greenup, Elizabeth, 287, 294, 296, 300, 306, 380
John, 52, 171, 287, 294, 296, 300, 306, 344
John, Sr., 287
Polly, 52
Susanna, 48
Thomas, 172, 173, 178, 287, 296, 300, 306
Greever, Griever, C. W., 323
Charles, 215
David B., 245, 246, 249, 252, 253, 254
J. J., 131, 155, 156, 164
John H., 315
John J., 246, 262
Lettice C., 315
Philip, 63, 70
Sallie, 319
Gregary, Gregory, Daniel, 307
Daniel P., 307
Francis R., 235
John Munford (Gov.) 38
Martha T., 159
Mary C., 138
Mary J., 307
Griffith, Griffiths, Griffey, Griffitts, Grifeth, Griffy, Griffits, Abel, 49
Alethia, 73
Catherine, 64, 113
Evans, 70
George, 98
James, 54, 73, 141
Jocab, 74
John, 265, 289
Marg(a)ret, 52, 98, 139
Margaret J., 142
Martin, 161
Mary, 50, 289
Methyselah and sons, 19
Morris, 358
Nancy, 66, 68
Phebe, 58
Rachel, 99
Rhody, 120
Sarah J., 164
Susannah, 62
William, 57, 107, 164, 184, 187
William, Jr., 186
William, Sr., 289
Grills, Christina, 159
Elizabeth, 123, 149
Hannah, 299, 301
John, 39, 72, 171, 299, 301, 303
Grimes, Grymes, William, 12, 21
Grose, Gross, Caly, 83
Harry, 327
Harvey, 129
Mary, 151
Raleigh, 103 C
Thomas, 151
Tishe, 129
William, 112
Groseclose, J. G., 326
Gruan, David B., 107
Grubb, George, 80, 297
Joseph D., 156
Guillion, Hugh, 24
Guthrie, James G., 82
Hacklyt, 407
Hac(k)ney, Jane, 289
John, 289
Hager, Alam, Alem, 72
Caty, 63, 66
Elizabeth, 50
Jacob, 174, 283
James, 71
Jeremiah, 87, 164
Polly, 91, 283
Russell, 133
Sarah, 283
Squire, 80, 283
Thursza, 55
Hagy, Hagey, Daniel, 116
John, 103
Polly, U2
Rhoda V., 328
W. P., 328
Hale, Charles A., 308
Conrad P., 130
E. E., 331
Elias, 140
Elias J., 315
Elizabeth, 138
John E., 157
M. C., 315
Mary E., 331
R. A., 321
Hall, Ambrose, Ambrus, 50, 172, 176, 178, 179, 182, 186, 188, 193, 197, 211, 212, 233, 244, 245, 246, 248,
251, 261, 264, 304
Benjamine, 293
David, Jr., 240
George, 217
George P., 234, 236
Isham, 142
Jane, 116
John, 181
Juliett, 67
Margaret, 104
Mary, 287, 288, 291, 293, 301
Nancy, 48
Nebba, 122
Peggy, 276
Polly, 76
Pricilla, 293
Reeca, 110
Thomas, 244
Thomas K., 320
W. I., 323
William, 168, 171, 185, 186, 187, 194, 195, 197, 234, 264, 265, 266, 287, 288, 291, 293, 300, 301, 411
Hamilton (also see Hambleton), Isaiah, 20
John, 174
Shoemaker, 20
William, 19, 20
Hammer, Mary Martha, 293
Michael, 293
Ham(m)ond, Ham(m)onds, Hammond(s), Nathan, 28
Hampton, J. H., 318
Hanchos, Barbara, 90
Hancy, Jane, 291
John, 291
Hand, Colo. 199
Hankins, 380
Abel, 101
Carter, 122
Charlotte, 103
Cynthia, 147
Elizabeth, Elizabet, 76, 305
Haley, 78
J. B., 330
James, 109, 247, 252, 314
John, 204, 211
John, Sr., 305
Joseph, 58, 204, 253, 265
Lucy, 104
M. M., 323, 329, 512
Milton, 113, 252
Moses, 210, 252, 253, 265, 305
Nancy, 122
Patty, 111
Polly, 151
Rebecca(h), 76
Robe(u)rt, 98, 105
Sally, Sallie, 57
Susan, 105
William, 103, 134
Hanlow, William, 18
Hannon, August Edward, 75, 77
Hanshaw, Hanshew, Hanshue, Hanshea, Barbary, 282
Catherine, 282
Elizabeth, 81, 282
Gemima, 282
John, 282
Samuel, 282
Hanson, D., 184
David, 168, 169 173, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 261, 264, 286, 287, 297, 302
G. M., 324
Hardy, Orie, 33
W. M., 333
Hargrave, A. F., 318
Harkrider, John, 76, 123
Lizabeth, 70
Nancy, 102
Rebecca, 129
Harless, Charity, 302
Henry, 302
Phil(l)ip, 63, 66
Harman Family, 14
Harman, 354
Adam, 18, 19,20, 47, 59, 65, 179, 183, 185, 197, 236, 250, 256, 257, 273, 274, 282, 292, 300
Adam, Jr., 197
Anna, 280
Bettie, 314, 316, 329
Buse, Bues, 57, 216, 237, 265, 273, 414
Campbell, 217
Cecil, 328
Charles, 317, 323, 328
Charles Creigh, 259
Charlie, 327
Christen, 85
Christina, Christiner, Christena, 128, 135, 239, 247, 269, 273, 282, 290, 291, 293, 299
Daniel, 14, 47, 109, 124, 137, 173, 176, 183, 188, 197, 203, 216, 218, 234, 240, 247, 250, 273, 274, 287,
289, 290, 292, 297, 299, 303, 436
Daniel, Sr., 273, 290, 293
Daniel C., 87, 243, 245, 246, 249, 257, 268
Daniel H., 249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 283
E. G. W., 312
Edwin H., 259
Eleanor, 51
Elias, 172, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 186, 199, 265, 274
Elias C., 262
Elias G. W., 244, 257, 281, 311
Elias V., 283
Eliza, 167
Eliza Jane, 247
Elizabeth, 57, 59
Elvira, 259
Erastus G., 209, 213, 214, 215, 216, 219, 238, 239, 242, 245, 248, 251, 259, 261, 281
Erastus Granger, 84, 207, 211
Erastus H., 215
G. W., 359
George, 18, 209, 274, 299, 316, 323, 324, 328, 427
Granger, 198
H. B., 312, 320
Henry, 14, 47, 50, 51, 63, 112, 125, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 178, 181, 184, 186, 193, 197, 198, 203, 207,
212, 239, 240, 241, 248, 265, 273, 274, 282, 287, 290, 299, 300, 344, 359, 427
Henry, Jr., 168, 184, 241, 261, 290, 291, 292, 293, 298, 299
Henry, Sr., 174, 288, 289, 292
Henry (Heinrich), Sr., 274
Henry A., 135
Henry B., 233, 237, 239, 243, 245, 259, 281, 311
Henry D., 138, 252, 259
Henry H., 262, 280
Henry J., 282
Henry M., 136
Hesecia, 48
Hezekiah, 168, 170, 171, 172, 174, 175, 176, 178, 179, 182, 191, 193, 197, 198, 200, 201, 209, 211, 212,
214, 216, 218, 217, 233, 237, 238, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 261, 263, 264, 265, 267, 269, 274, 281,
289, 290, 291, 292, 299, 301, 306, 308
Hezekiah A., 259
Howard Bane, 259,
J. N., 314, 316, 326, 329
Jacob, 18, 344
James A., 322, 325
James A. C., 328, 332
James H., 256, 280
James M., 268
James P., 237, 268, 312
Jane, 87, 142, 237, 268, 280
John, 237
John B., 247, 249, 252, 253, 254, 256, 257, 258, 259, 268, 280, 309
John C., 245
John P., 156
Kiah, 198, 203, 216, 237, 239, 240, 247, 252, 253, 259, 281, 359, 360, 435
Latttia Sanders, 283
Lavisa, Lavicy, Lavisy, Leyicy, etc., 59, 236, 268, 273
Lettisia, 76
Let(t)itia, 212
Lewanne, 282
Louisa, 156, 280
Loves, 109
Lydia, 287, 290, 303
Malvina, 63, 102,
Margaret, 268
Margaret L., 142
Margaret P., 112
Mariah, 118
Marietta, 280
Marinda Jane, 107
Martha, 85, 278
Martha Ann, 259
Martha P., 131
Mat(t)hias, 71, 237, 268, 269, 273, 274, 283, 287, 290, 292, 293, 297, 300, 303, 344, 427, 436
Mathias, Jr., 268, 292, 298
Mathias, Jr. ("Ticy"), 238
Mathias (old), 238
Mathias, Sr., 216, 238, 268, 290, 292, 302
Mathias B., 237, 268
Mathias H., 283
Matilda, 107, 136, 268
Morton, 315
Nancy, 47, 65, 90, 97, 112, 207, 282, 283, 288, 290, 293, 297, 303
Nancy B., 97, 107
Nancy Jane, 141
Nettie, 328
Nettie E., 332
Olivia, 259
Peggy, 99
Peggy Ann, 105
Peter, 344
Phebe, Pheby, 51, 64, 176
Polly, 51, 73, 94, 213, 246, 282, 291, 292, 299, 301
R. P., 313
Rebecca, 102, 141, 268
Ressie, 316
R(h)oda, 54, 99, 136
Rhoda N., 281
Rissa, 328
Rissa (Whitten), 168
Robert, 99, 259
S. S. F., 316
SaUie, Sally, 282
Sarah, 290
Sarilda, 136
Sheffie, 328
Sophia, 71
Susan, 72
Valentine, 14, 18, 20, 23, 24
W. H., 331
William, 149, 180, 214, 216, 236, 237, 265, 273, 280, 359
William B., 133, 259, 283
William F., 168, 316
William M., 130
William R., 150, 155, 280
William W., 132, 248, 281
Harper, Asa, 73
George, 164
James, 103, 301
Jane E., 163
Jesse(e), 250, 253, 293, 412
Leonard, 57, 117
Marissa, 121
Oliver, 315
Patton, 102
Polly, 166
Rachel, 120
William, 94
Harris(s), A. N., 118
Abraham, 56
Ardelia, 323
Elijah, 145
James, 20, 87
Jane G., 281
Jessie J., 323
Retsey N., 110
Harris(s)on, Alexander, 43, 63, 103, 193, 203, 209, 234, 239, 261, 276
Anna D., 273
Audly, 276
Benjamin (Gov.), 37
Charles E., 214, 267
Clerica, 141
Cozbi, Cozby, Cosby, 118
Edmon(d), 76, 101, 208
Edward, 241
Eleanor, 156, 273
Eliza, 104
Elizabeth, 84, 273
George T., 129
Guy, 209, 214, 217, 233
Guy T., 146, 210, 215
Hannah, 90, 276, 295, 297
Henry, 154
James, 52, 86, 130, 181, 213, 215, 238, 239, 276
James, Jr., 284
James, Sr., 284
James Samuel, 273
John, 207
John C., 110, 239, 243, 284
Joseph, 49, 162, 273, 276, 284, 313, 359
Julian Ann V., 119
Levisa, 100
Margaret, 102 11-157, 180, 182, 441, 443, 522
Nancy, 81
Polly, 276, 284
Rebecca, Rebec (k)a, 304
Robert G., 238
Rufus K., 138
Samuel, 276
Sarah Ann, 121
Thomas, 40, 48, 174, 175, 177, 179, 185, 188, 192, 197, 212, 233, 261, 265, 273, 276, 292, 294, 297, 313,
Thomas, Jr., 188, 295, 304
Thomas, Sr., 295, 297
Thomas G., 284, 357, 359
Harrod, James, 28
Harry, Adeline, 115
John, 251, 310
Harson, George, 104
Joseph, 111
Hart, 28
Charles, 18
Simon, 18
Hartley [or Hastley], Thomas (Col.), 202
Hartwell, Andrew, 94
Harvey, Harriett,
Hasbury, James, 147
Haselrig, Arch(ibald), 292, 293
Hatch, Ebenezer C., 73
Elizabeth, 98
James G., 90
Rynda, Rinda, 133
Susan, 124
Haven(s), Havins, Abigail, 119
Eleaner, 159
Elijah, 95
Eliza, 128
Howard, 53, 92, 136, 277
John, 277, 284
John D., 105, 280
Lewis K., 313
Martha, 104, 277
Mary, 99
Matilda, 85
Nancy, 93
Peggy, 280
Rhodicen, 140
Sarah, 90
Havn(e)s, Dicey, 97
Hawkin(s), John R., 255
Martha Elizabeth, 255
William F., 255
Hawry, James, 111
Haws, Milton, 75
Hay(e)s, James, 23
John, 294
Rebecka, 294
Hayter, James E., 135
Haywood, Samuel, 77
He(a)rn, William, 58
Heburn, Andrew, 296
Eunice, 296
Hedric(k), Abigal, 73
Adam, 307, 112
Angeline, 121
Archibald, 250
Archibald T., 258, 259
Barbara, 90
Elizabeth M., 156
Granville H., 146
Henry, 99
Marieta, 146
Oscar, 327
Phebe Clara, 123
Sussanah, 103
William, 156
Heldreth, Heldrith, Hildreth [see also Heldridge], Lilley, 62
Heldridge, Heldrith, Lilly, 276
Helmandollar , Helemdollar, Elizabeth, 112
Jane, 92
John, 116
Livy, 159
Nancy, 84
Helm(s), Caroline, 130
Jacob, 308
Mary Ann, 114
Nancy, 273
Helton, Asa, 106
Henderson, 27
Arthur M., 193
Granville, 187
Richard, 27, 28
Samuel, 28
Stephen, 253
Hendri(c)k(s), Betsy, 280
Mary, 280
Hendrickson, Mark, 117
Henkle, Henkel, Hinkel, etc., Dicy, 129
Mary, 135
Milton, 41
Nancy, 93
Nicy, 112
Polly, 58, 101
Randle, 61
Susannah, 162
W. J., 331
William, 86, 93, 94, 98, 101, 104, 105, 108, 112, 113, 116, 122, 125, 129, 131, 137
Hennegar, Henneger, Hen(n)inger, Heni(n)ger, Henniger, Henager, Abraham, 280
Anna, 279
Catherine, 76
Charles, 279
Christopher, 279
Elizabeth, 280
Harvey, 280
Henry, 59
Isaac, 280
Joseph, 278
Matilda, 156
Nicholas, 279
Philemon, 279
Phillip, 280
Polly, 80
Rees, 156
Sallie, 277
Sally, 278
Samuel, 280
Shadrach, 279
Solomon, 278
Thomas, 280
William, 203, 210, 278, 279, 280
Henry, John, 344, 433
Patrick (Gov.), 37
R. R., 317, 318
Hens(e)ley, (Lieutenant), 21
Chrisly, 344
Daniel, 303
Henshaw, John, 107
Herbert, William, 23, 24
Hern(an)don, Vernie, 332
Herv(e)y, George, 42
Joshua, 63, 66
Heyward, 11, 12
Hiat, Garland, 302
Hickman, Elizabeth, 139, 314
G. G., 362
George G., 152
Levi, 314
Marget, 125
Michal, 101
Ruth, 120
Hicks, Hix, Joseph, 12, 63, 174,
Levina, 58
Lucinda, 118
R. H., 154
Rhoda, 52
Sally, 59
William, 116
Hictenridge, Margaret, 111
Higginbotham, Aaron, 275
Augustus, 115
Betsy, 275, 308
Charles, 54, 79, 308, 275
Charles G., 135
Clarissa, 98
Fannie, Fanny, 54, 59
Frances, 275
George, 70, 275
Grace, 283
J. B., 321
James, 110, 308, 413
James G., 325 11-101, 150, 190, 462, 463, 466, 467, 469, 470
Jennie, Jinney, 69
John A., 321
Joseph, 61, 275
Laura J., 325
Lilly, 96
Louisa, 145
Margaret, 104, 134
Mary, 53
Moses 96, 265, 275, 287
Nancy, 312
Polly E., 104
Rachel, 83, 275
Reece, 115
Robert, 173, 265, 291
Salina J., 145
Samuel M., 106
Samuel W., 248, 249, 253, 254, 257, 259
Thomas, 86, 275, 283, 460, 462, 463
Thomas J., 256, 262, 312
William, 179, 180, 189, 190, 275, 308, 309, 413
William E., 92, 247, 262
William K., 51
Hill, A. L., 324
Hilt, Mattie T., 333
W. A., 333
W. E., 333
Hilton, B. H., 334
Hines, 345
Hite, Isaac, 28
Hobbs, Elender, 124
James, 50
Hogan, Dennis, 324
Hoge, J. H., 153, 162
John H., 103
Joseph, 288
Hoilman, John H., 153
Hol(l)brook(s), Holebrook, Hoolbrook, Colby, 97
Isaac, 82, 111
Louisa, 162, 165
Randal, Randle, 90, 91, 309
Randolph, 269, 310
Vertin, 103
James, 23
Holl(e)y, C. C., 321
Edmond, 126
J. C., 331
Robert, 321
Sarah W., 41
William, 141
Holmes, George F., 252, 384
George Frederick, 254, 362
J. P., 333
Nelson, 314
William T., 163, 165
Honaker, Henaker, Andrew J., 133
Eliza Jane, 133
Margaret, 167
Peter, 249, 252, 253
Peter C., 254, 256, 257, 259, 309
Hoofman, Wade, 87
Hook, Michael, 20
Hoopaugh, George, 14
Hoops [also see Hopes], Nancy A., 152
W. L., 319
William, 152
Hoover, Abraham, 24
Felty, 24
John, 24
Hopes [also see Hoops], Robert (Capt.), 202
Hopkins, 362
George W., 216, 267
J. C., 312
John C., 123, 311, 360
Polly, 149, 157
Hoppis, Henry, 299
Hord, Joseph, 12
Horton, Daniel, 92, 180, 181, 182, 185, 187, 243, 301, 302, 303
Daniel, Jr., 241
Daniel W., 113
John, 128
Levi, 208
Lewis, 69, 207, 208, 210, 213, 214, 215,
Louis, 217
Robert, 73
Houchins, Floyd, 327
Hough, John, 23
Houn(d)shell, Andrew, 320
Howard, Ebenezer S., Ebenezar S., 159
Howe, Daniel, 231, 232
Howell, John, 76
Nancy, 113
How(e)ry, William, 140
Hubbard, Wesley, 413
Hubble, W. M. L., 312
Huckaly, Huckaby, Eleanor, 278
Huckley, Ellen, 240
Joshua, 240
Huddle, S. G., 362
Hueff, Harrison I., 111
Huffacre, Hoofacre, James, 23
Huffard, Hufford, S. N., 329, 330 288, 320
Sam(uel) N., 330
Hughes, T. C., 327
Hummer, Ommer, Martha, 271
Humphrey (s), Umphres, B. D., 332
Baker, 12
Ber(r)y, 75, 76
Garland, 92
David T., 145
Minnie, 332
Hurst, Campbell, 106
George W., 139, 150
James M., 155
Hurt, J. B., 317, 325
James F., 322
John M., 117
Louisa M., 161
William D., 128
Husk, Jas., 52
Margaret, 94
Huston, James, 21
Hutchi(n)son, Hutchenson, Alexander, 298
John, 210
Hut(t)on, Nancy, 279
Hyden, Hiram H., 130
Hysam, 283
Ingles, (Captain) (Ferry), 23
John, 16, 19, 24, 303
Thomas, 16, 19
William, 287, 289, 290, 299, 318
Ingoldsby, P., 362
Ingram, Hiram, 234
Ireson, J. F., 323
John F., 323
R. H., 317, 325
Irwin, Mary (Polly), 290
William, 290
Isaac(s), Elisha, 18
Izzard, John, 318
Jackson, (Gen.), 418
Elender, 73
Ize, 132
James, 82
Jane, 161
John E., 318
Lucinda, 151
R. L., 327, 330
Sally, 272
Smith, 85
William, 70
Jefferey, William, 177
Jefferson, Peter, 22
Thomas, 297, 360
Thomas (Gov.), 37
Jenkins, Abraham, 159
Jennings, Gin(n)ings, Alamanda, 89
Elizabeth, 100
Jessie J., 316
Miles, 96
Sarah J., 316
Jent, Jane, 129
Jemima, 79
Jewell, Jewel, Juell, Daniel, 132
Job, Isaac, 12
Johnson , Jonson 344, 385, 429
Danial, Daniel, 70, 129, 278
David, 314
Ellen, 146
George W., 143
Hannah, 278
Hugh, 104
Isaac, 139
Jackson, 98
Jacob, 128
Joseph (Gov.), 38
Levicy, 142
Mahala, 109
Mary Jane, 160
Peter, 381
Rinda, 117
Sarah, 105
William C., 143
Johnston, Charles C., 193, 266, 267
Cornelius, 190, 208, 209
Daniel, 240, 302, 303
Daniel, Sr., 293
Elizabeth, 78
Hannah, 240
Hugh, 98, 103, 214
Isaac, 94, 265
James, 293
John W., 43, 61, 131, 146, 243, 249, 307, 313, 361, 360
Mary, 56
Neely, 57
Peter, 265, 266
Polly, 62
Rachel, 302, 303
Sarah, 103
Squire, 64
William, 77
Jones, A. L., 311
Abigail, 127
Andrew L., 321
Arminda, 101
Christena, 112
Elizabeth, 54, 80, 93, 275, 311, 321
George W., 235
Granville, 262, 310, 360, 362
Harvey, 275
J. W., 333
Jacob, 321
James, 178, 182, 288
John, 51, 112, 189, 275
Joseph, 129
Jubal, Jubel, Juble, 69, 209, 210, 275
Lewis, 275
Lockey, 68
Lorthy, 131
Margaret, 113
Mary, 48
Minatree, 283
Polly, 108
Rachel, 137
Rebecca, 275
Reginna, Rejina, 90, 283
Rhoda, 83, 288
Rhody, 275
Rutha, 106
Sally, 283
Sena, 275
Solomon, 275, 299
William, 283, 322
William (Do), 53
Jordan, Jordon, J. P., 327
Joslin, Benjamin, 344
Justice, Allen, 75, 77, 281
Ann, 276,
Daniel, 276, 280, 287
Daniel, Jr., 186, 280
Daniel, Senr., 301
Elizabeth, 55, 71, 276, 287
George, 48, 280, 302
Henderson, 276
James, 276, 287
Jane, 276
Jehu, 276
Jesse, 276
Jesse R., 255, 262
Joab(b), 149, 155
John, 179, 186, 236, 276, 280, 295
Manervy, 276
Moses, 48, 280
Nancy, 276
Polly, 141, 276
Sally, 75, 276
William R., 149, 155
William W., 142, 150
Kain(e), Henry S., 235
J. J., 315
Karn(e)s, Kearns, Moses, 307
Keen(e), Elizabeth, 139
Jefferson, 167
John, 139
John P., 158
Jonas, 161
Judith A., 161
Mary, 151
Mathias, 85
Rhoda, Rhody, 142, 150
Sara(h), 139, 150, 155
Kell(e)y, Edward, 49, 50, 52
George, 156
J. A., 312
J. P., 312
James P., 311
John A., 249, 258, 311, 361
William H., 320
Kendall, Kendle, Elizabeth, 246
Jane, 246
Lewis, 214
Susanah, 305
Travis, 188, 189, 303, 305
Kendrick, Kindrick(s), Elizabeth, 73, 296
Elizabeth (Sr.), 275
George, 301
Isabella, 72, 73
James Q., 82, 116, 275, 311
Jean, 67
Lucinda M., 149
Lydia, 82, 275
Lydia J., 141
Mary E., 136
Nancy, 93, 275
P., 296
Patrick, 275, 305, 303
Polly, 64
W. P. [T.E.], 73
W. S., 72
William P., 275, 311
William T., 153
Kent, Jacob, 22
Kerr, Karr, J. S., 319
Moses E., 217
Moses E. [M.G.], 124
Moses E. [M of G], 101
Kesky, Betsey, 64
Kid(d), Ellas, 50
Elijah, 55, 177, 308
Elisha, 84
George, 80
Henry C., 308
Julia, 137
Larkin, 173, 293, 294, 298
Larkin S., 54
Rinda, 86
William, 133, 171, 298
Kimberling, Michael, 22
Kimbrough, Cimbrough, Isabella, 62
Kinder, Jacob, 23
Jesse, 118
Lucinda, 167
Melinda, 148
Peter, 19, 289
Rees T., 159
Teely, 159
Kindle, Jesse, 91
May H., 86
Susanah H., 92
Kindser, Franklin, 150
King, Dorcas, 126
Elijah, 173, 175, 255, 272, 282, 286, 294
Isaac, 73, 272, 413
James, 344
John, 304
Martha, 272
Rebecca, 136
Susan(n)ah, 256, 257, 272, 283
Thos. S., 104
W. S., 315
William, 120, 300, 301
William R., 165, 166, 267
Kinnaman, Kinnamon, Margaret, 137
Kinser, Kincer, Kinzer, David, 159
Mary, 322
T. H., 322
Kirk, Delila, 92
Margaret, 246, 279
Kiser, H. M., 322
N. W., 330
Kitts, Kittz, John, 154
Kneel, Caty, 86
James, 86
Lincy, 96
Knuckles, Jenny, 67
William, 67
Kwass, Norman, 327
La(i)rd, Leard, Cornelius, 277, 284
Elizabeth, 277, 284, 295, 301
J. R., 325
J. W., 325
Jinney, 58
John, 176, 177, 179, 181, 182, 184, 186, 191, 192, 193, 195, 197, 209, 211, 212, 216, 217, 261, 263, 264,
277, 295, 301, 308
Lettay, 62
Malvina Jane, 143
Mary, 81
S. H., 325
Samuel, 43, 214, 218, 237, 241, 243, 245, 268, 277, 291, 295, 296, 313
Lam, Josiah, 155
Lambert, Clarassa, 149
Delila, 277
Garret P., 132
George, 324
Gordon, 249
Hiram D., I -154
Isaac, 80
Isaac W., 167
J. C., 531
Jemima, 84
Jeremiah, 177, 179, 213, 236, 241, 243, 246, 277, 289
Jeremiah, Junior, 91
John, 56, 74, 183, 211, 313
John P., 309
Joseph P., 192, 210
Josiah, 150
Louise (y), 112
Martha, 101, 160
Mar threw, 118
Mary, 130, 313
Mary M., 150, 157
Milton, 236
Nancy, 60, 134, 163, 165
Philip, 120, 186, 193, 197, 198, 201, 208, 209, 211, 233, 261, 269, 278, 288
Philip, Jr., 191
Rebeccah, Rebeckah, 82, 83
R(h)oda, 269
Richard, 56, 57, 66
Sally, 57, 59, 269, 277, 278
Sarah, 151
Selah, 163
Solomon, 91
Stephen, 149, 177
Thomas K., 118, 151, 153, 262
Thomas P., 257
William T., 137
Lam(m)ie, Andrew, 15
John L., 332
Samuel, 15
Landon [also see Langdon], G. H., 329
Landenhavn, Nancy, 112
Lane, Lain, Layne, Benjamin, 118
John, 18, 299
Margaret, 299
Samuel, 85
Sary, 128
Langhry, John, 177
Lanwell, William, 70
Larch, Mathias, 20
La Salle, 407
Latham, Robert, 248
Laughry, John, 177
Lawson, Betsy, 294
John, 293, 294
Mary Jane, 152
Matilda, 134
Pleasant M., 134
R. M., 138, 325
S. W., 319
W. W., 319
Lazewell, William, 58
Leathco, W. M., 333
Ledfords, (all the), 19
Lee, 195, 204
Elizabeth, 96
Henry (Gov.), 37
Leece, Leese , Leech, Thomas, 315
Leeper, William, 20
Leftwich, William, 23
Leftwick, Isaac, 216
Lesley, Las (t)ley, Lasly,
Lusley, John, 179, 186, 264, 265, 290, 296, 301, 304, 305, 306, 412
Martha, 304
Robert, 297, 411
Ruth, 56
William, 290
Lester, Luster, Lurster, Aner H., 143
Bresey, 105
Catherine, 147
Cintha, 114
E. W., 324
Elihu, 107
Hannah, 101
Harvey, 78
Henry, 295
Isaac, 109
J. H., 324
J. T., 324
James, 98
James C., 135
John, 239, 242
John G., 324
JohnV., 151
Linsey, 112
Martha, 120, 132
Michael, 128
Paluy, 156
Patsey, 77
Polly, 64, 109, 154,121
Robert, 324
Ruth(y), 51, 143
Sarah, 109
Sophia, 115
Susanna, 111
Thomas, 94, 108
Timothy, 117
William, 51, 94, 114, 143, 154
Lewis, 10, 13
Andrew (Maj.), 355
Benjamin, 241
Barman, 126
James J., 163
James M., U8
John, 80, 158
Lewisa, Louisa, 158, 278
Nicholas, 14
Page, 12
Pheby, 48
Rachel, 240, 278
Sally, 278
William, 278, 287
Zachariah, 9
Linam, Andrew, 20
Lindamood, Lindimoed, Leindamood, Elizabeth, 113
Polly, 46
Linkous, Lincus, H. P., 330
M. B., 315
Martha J., 315
Mary J., 330
William P., 162
Linn, Virginia, 120
Linsen, Elizabeth, 84
Linn, Elizabeth, 160
Little, Thomas, 53
Litz , Litts, Elizabeth S., 156
John, 102, 216
Peter, 208, 216
Lockh(e)art, Lockhard, Andrew, 273
Aseby, 163
Bird, 48, 96, 135, 163, 234, 241, 244, 264, 309
Bird J., 323
Bird W. P., 163
Caroline, 322
Charity, 49
Daniel, 49, 89, 273
Elijah, 145
Elizabeth, 82
Emanuel, 83
George W., 113, 311
James, 49, 100, 171, 173, 177, 273, 287
Jane, I - 293
John, 248
John M., 70, 243, 246
Mark T., 99, 323
Martha, 128
Mary, 135, 273
Milley, 143
Milton, 99, 163
Milton L., 234
Nancy, 104, 114
P. J., 322
Patton J., 144, 322
Rachel, 49, 64,
Rebecha, Rebecca, 100
Sally, 59
SarhAnn, 121
Scynthia, 117
William, 273, 291, 300
William, Jr., 293
Logan, James V., 119
John B., 133, 134, 135, 142, 143, 146
Long, (Capt.), 195
J. E., 319
William (Capt.), 195
Loon(e)y, Absalom, 344, 354
Catherine, 143
Elizabeth, 128, 164, 166
Henry, 164, 166
John, 160
Joseph, 108, 111, 114, 115, 119, 121, 124, 129, 132, 138, 143, 151, 158, 162, 243, 251, 261
Mary, 158
Robert, 243
Sally, 128
Syntha, 160
Thomas, 18
Lorton, Israel, 18, 19
Louthan, Louthen, Louthian, Francis, 156
Henry, 100
John, 105
Louther, John, 100
Love, 17
Philip, 12, 22
Lovelady, Thomas, 23
Lowder, David, 156
Elizabeth, 112
Nancy, 97
Sarah Ann, 137
Low(e), Bennyon, 124
Calvin, 108
Luther, 112
Stephen, 62
Lucas, Lukis, John (Lieutenant), 21
Lusk, Abraham, 288
Absolum, 61
Benjamin, 87, 124
Charles, 55
Chloe, 293, 304
David, 233, 293, 297, 304, 311, 413
Eli, 61
Elizabeth, 67, 83
Floyd, 149
John C., 64
Nancy, 79
Peggy, 74
Polly, 51, 74
Ruth, 69
Samuel, 48, 177, 180, 181, 183, 187, 190, 265, 289, 411, 434
Susanna (h), 63, 66
William, 51
Luttrell, 28
Lynch, D. W., 326
Lyon(s), Humberston, 18
Humber(t)son, 20
Steven, 20
William, 75
Lythe, John (Dr.), 28
McAdam, Samuel, 23
McAfee, George, 22
William, 24
McBroom, 48
Henry, 173
William, 175
McBrown, James, 134
McCabe, James, 383
McCall, C. O., 324
Exie, 326
George R., 326
McCamant, Samuel, 42
McCarthy, James, 23
McCarty, 361
Calvin, 255
Calvin M., 256
McCenville, John, 121
McClaa, John R., 109
McClan(n)ahan, Alexander, 138, 251
McClaugherty, Nelson H., 320
McClure, McCluer, John (Rev.), 178
McCom(m)as, David, 41, 42, 193, 266, 267 ,
James, 67
Rebecca, 278
McCormick, Samuel, 118
McCoy, Samuel, 48
Walter, 302, 303
McCrary, McCrery, James, 94
McDaniel, Jacob, 103
McDilda, Kate (Mrs.), 332
McDonald, Amy, 145
Cyrus, 157
Edward, 176
Gordon, 110
John C., 360, 362
Lewis E., 110
Mary Jane, 115
Sally Buchanan, 283
William, 203, 207, 253, 262
McDowell, Henry P., 167, 213, 236, 241, 251
James, 330
James (Gov.), 38
Matilda, 167
McEwin, (Rev. Mr.), 380
McFarlan(e) , McFarland, McFarlon, Daniel, 289
James, 289
John, 19
John S., 209
Martha, 48
Nancy, 74
Robert, 20
McG(h)ee, William (McGaughey), 23
McGlochlin, McGlachlin, Patrick, 76
McGlothlin, McLaughlin, McGloughlin, McGochlin, Jacob, 65
John, 232, 233
Mary, 111
Robert, U3, 312
McGran(n)ahan, Anne, 64
Cynthia, 246
Henry, 280
James, 305
James P., 76
McGuire, McGuyer, McGuier, McQuire, 269
Analiza, 151
Andrew, 76
Caroline S., 144
Charles, 331
Colenius, 79
Cornelius, 73, 298
Cosby J., 163
Edley, 68
Elener D., 113
Elijah, 94, 311, 322
Elisha, 96, 234
Elizabeth, 128, 272, 282
EUen, 240
Est(h)er, 73, 298
George P., 319
Hannah, 27
Harvey W., 162
J. M., 321
J. Marion, 322
James, 331
James M., 322
Jeames, 68
Jemima L., 139
John, 90, 94, 124, 151, 240, 278
Joseph, 65, 272, 304
Joshua, 61, 72, 240, 278
Linney S., 144
Louisa M., 117
Louisa S., 117
Lourinda, 136
Mary, 49, 278
Matilda, 116
Nancy, 96, 240, 278
Nealy, 412
Nelinda, 121
Polly, 61, 98, 240, 273
Pricilla, 278
Sallie, Sally, 70, 116
Sarah, 273
Skillen, 80
Squire, 278
Virginia, 139
Wesley, 145
William, 49, 77, 78, 82, 85, 88, 90, 98, 102, 106, 109, 113, 114, 117, 124, 128, 130, 136, 139, 144, 147,
152, 162, 165, 197, 212, 240, 241, 268, 272, 278, 299, 304
William [a different McGuire], 120
William [LP], 81, 94, 99, 105
McHenry, Andrew, 264
McIntosh, McEntosh, McKintosh, (Gen.), 229, 230
Anne, 48
Anny, 274
Elizabeth, 58, 274
George, 61, 274
John, 171, 287, 296, 274
John, Jr., 274
Katherine, 274
Nancy, 48, 274
Peggy, 274
Polly, 274
Rachel, 57, 274
Rebecah, 59
Sally, 58, 274
McIntyre, Dugald, 88, 95, 101
Dugald (Rev.), 380
McKee, (Col.), 423
McKensey, McKenzie, McKinsey, Sophia, 58
McKenster, Cathan, 73
McKinley, William, 297
McKinney, McKinnie, Joseph, 72
McMeans, McMeanes, Anny, 98
Edward, 159
Elihu, 66
Elijah, 162
Margery, 128
Phebe, 105
McMillan, McMillen, McMillin, McMillon, Andrew, 38, 293, 302
Jane, 75, 272
John, 272
Martha, 80
Nancy, 89, 272, 302
Robert, 272
McMullin, McMullen, Benjamin, 137
Eliza, 140
James H., 146
Robert, 80
McMurtry, Joseph, 22
McNeil(l), McNeel, James, 92, 133, 215, 233, 236, 242, 243
Malcolm, 320
Mary E., 320
McNeely, James, 58
McPhaethus, William, 424
McPhatridge, A., 362
McVaughlin, John, 255
Judith, 255
McVeinster, Jane, 70
McWa(y)ne, C. P., 316
C. W., 316
Madison, Elizabeth, 305
Maeeil, Maeel, Edward [b. Giles Co., Va.], 158
Mahoney, Benjamine Porter, 287
Ma(y)hood, Alexander, 254, 257, 259
Angeline, 131
Cynthia Ann, 131
James, 212, 214, 216
Polly C., 164
Maloney, Meloney, Malony, Archer, 412
Archibald, 72, 205, 206, 244, 252, 254, 279, 295, 304
Esther, 304
John, 244, 279, 304,
Mary, 50, 244
Rachel, 244, 252, 279
Malory, James, 96
Maloy, Abel, 100
Dabney C., 104
Marcum, Elizy, 142
Mares, William, 100
Marlow, Allen, 295
Jane, 295
Mar(r)s, 411
Betsy, 284
Christopher, 74, 288, 305
Elizabeth, 159, 288
Henry, 170, 171, 284, 288
Henry H., 152, 319
James, 55, 163, 230, 231
James, Jr., 310
Jane, 110, 284
John, 104, 284
John B., 122
Louisa, 320
Louisa Jane, 158
Margaret, 284
Maxwell, 64, 284
Nancy, 105
Oliva, 109
Polly, 284
R. W., 307
Rebecca, 75
Robert, 284
S. E., 329
Sally, 284
Samuel, 153, 344
Sarah M., 163
Thomas, 127
Wesley W., 167
William, 284
Marshal, James, 138
Mary, 159
William, 150
Mart(a)in, Marten, 433, 554
Barbary Ann, 143
Betsey, 73
Brooks, 127
Elizabeth, 162
James, 411
James A., 146
John, 269
Joseph, 344
Joseph (Captain), 27
Louisa, 141
Mary, 137
Matilda, 129
Nancy, 82
Robert, 162
Susanah, 269
William, 311
Mason, John, 19
John Y., 36
Mary, 52
Mastin, Maston, Thomas, 345
Thomas (Capt.), 221, 223, 224, 226, 227, 228, 229
Mathena [also see Matheny], F. J., 331
J. A., 331
John A., 331
Matheny [also see Mathena, Masteny, and Matteny], James, 93
John, 99
Mat(t)hews, C. W., 328, 332, 333, 334
Richard P., 239
Thomas, 145
Mat(t)ingley, Matinglee, Matenle(e), Matinlee, Matinglee, Mat(t)ingley, Matenler [see also Matteny], Abigale,
Brooks, 193
Charily, 85
Charles, 78, 85
Jean, 70
Margret, 85
Mary, 61
Nancy, 106
Walter, 296, 303
William, 85
Mat(e)ney, Matteny [see also Mattingley, etc.], David, 254
Elizabeth, 82
Jefferson, 123, 243, 245, 246, 248, 249, 253, 254, 259
Jinney, 73
Nancy, 119
Pricey, 151
Walter, 128, 147
Maxey, B. P., 321
Maxwell, Maxfeel, (Major), 381
Audley, 263
Campbell, 69
Edley, 91, 171, 173, 192, 286
Edley C., 99
Elizabeth, 50, 274
Elizabeth Jane, 154
J. W., 319
James, 175, 176, 221, 222, 223, 224, 226, 227, 228, 229, 263, 264, 273, 274, 290, 294
James (Colonel), 24
James, Jr., 265, 309
James, Sr., 264, 303
Jane, 75, 77, 273, 274, 280
Jane W., 105
Jean, 51
Jennie, Jenny (Jane), 290
John, 51, 172, 179, 274, 411
Margaret, 113, 274
Nancy, 48, 274
Peggy, 71
Rebeah, 53
Robert, 274, 304
Robert (Do), 53
Sally, Sallie, 84, 109
Susannah, 151
Thomas, 344, 411, 473
William, 49, 50, 184, 274
William H., 259
William Henry, 361, 382
William M., 92
William P., 129
May [see also Mays], A. J., 318, 324
H. T., 317
Henry, 136, 314
Mary M., 324
Rhoda, 314
Maynard, Charlotte, 162
Mays, Males, G. W., 330
J. J., 307
James, 20
Sarah E., 330
Meadows, Floyd G., 123
Larkin, 113
Lucinda, 75
Polly, 81
Samuel, 164
Meek, Eliza Jane, 100
James, 208, 215, 216, 220, 235, 240, 306
Meriwe(a)ther, (Colo.), 195
David, 22
Thomas, 22
Messersmith, Andrew, 305
Messick, George W., 82, 215, 218, 261
Metcalf, O. A., 316
Michen, Johnny (Mrs.), 331
Michie, Thomas J., 207
Milam, Milem , Milum, Adam, 48
Allen, 120
Andrew, 115
Charity, 153
Christena, Christina, 50, 115
Edward, 184
Elizabeth, 88
Henry, 115
James, 53, 184, 186, 215
Jane, 115
John, 58, 197
Levisey, 69
Lewis, 103, 184, 188, 288, 292, 297
Margaret, 126, 284
Molley, 292
Nancy, 97, 273
Polly, 105
Solomon, 47, 289, 303
Millard [see also Miller], Embly, 49
Miller, Ellin, 79
Hannah, 78
Henry W., 114
James, 20
Jane, 83
John, 20
Melinda, 119
N. P., 331
Patsey, 68, 69
Robert, 20
Samuel A., 132
William, 20
Mil(l)ner, H. (Widower), 327
Mollie, 327
Mills, David, 87, 281
Hugh, 21
Minar, Archibald, 154
Minter, Virginia B., 135
William H., 243
Mitchel(l), Michel(l), Ames, 287
Charles, 97, 258, 309
Charter, 122
Cornelia, 107
James, 132
John, 57, 287, 291, 304
Lavila, 134
Lydia, 100, 134, 151
Malinda, 145
Martha, 131
Moses, 124
Nancy, 58, 94
Owen, 151
Polly, 103
Rebecca(h), 57
Susannah, 82
Thomas, 51, 274
Thos. H., 81
William, 274
William E., 322
Mi(t)cham, Mi(t)chem, Mi(t)chum, Elijah, 122
Francis, 115
Jedediah, 59
Nancy, 132
Rebecca, 278
Sary, 120
Susy, 120
Thomas, 135
Ziba, 56
Mofflt, Maffit, 344, 423, 435
Mollery, Daniel A., 152
Montague, Robert, 250
Robert R., 116, 249
Montgomery, Montgomeries, 17
Alexander, 24
James, 18, 23
John, 24, 75
John (Col.), 221
Robert, 23
Samuel, 20
W. A., 332
William, 89
Monuts, Sarah, 147
Moody, Samuel, 22
Mooney, Joshua S., 97
Mo(o)r(e), Amanda M., 135
Andrew, 132
Andrew P., 115, 310
Attillia, 282
Cynthia, 282
Dama, 69
Eliza Jane, 161
Elizabeth, 103
Enos, 177
Isaac A., 140
James, 48, 124, 171, 263, 265, 295, 297
James (Capt.), 344, 412, 419, 424
James, Jr., 419
James H., 93, 247, 262, 281, 309
Jane, 161, 281, 425
Jane S., 93
Jeptha F., 179
John, 302, 425
John S., 97, 167
Joseph, 47, 53, 54, 75, 169, 173, 174, 178, 241, 252, 263, 265, 282, 297, 298, 300, 304, 424
Joseph [D. CC.], 59
Joseph A., 90, 309, 310
La vena W., 157
Margaret (Peggy), 425
Martha, 282
Martha P., 90
Mary Kezia, 282
Mary R., 157
Nancy, 282, 295, 297, 310
Patsey P., 69
Peggy, 280
Polly, 282, 425
Polly B., 83, 85
Rhoda, 140, 282
Samuel Lycurgess, 282
Sara Christina, 282
Susan, 75, 76
Susannah, 51
William, 28, 94
William, Esq., 419
William T., 84, 91, 122, 218, 261, 310, 335
Moors, Francillo M., 122
Moran, Moron, Charlotte, 162, 165
Morgan, (Colo.), 204, 205
John, 23
Nancy, 51
Samuel, 50
Thomas, 49
Morris, Robert, 242
Morris(s)on, Ephram, 71
Morton, James W., 254, 312
Margaret, 321
William B., 321,
William T., 151
Moser, Adren, 18
Moss, B. R., 325
Barbara J., 319
George, 325
Herrmann, Leopold, 254, 255
J. S., 319
Mulingburg, (General), 195
Mullin(s), Amy, 326
Austin, 308
Benjamin, 122
Dorcas, 132
G. M., 326
Margaret, 158
Polly, 90
Thomas, 150, 153, 155, 158, 163, 165, 166, 167
Thomas M., 141, 142
William, 117, 163, 165
Muns (e)y, Munc(e)y, David, 252
Elenor, 113
Elizabeth, 48
Jane, 166, 167
Margaret, 109
Moses, 137
Samuel, 293
Thomas, 141
W., 59
Murph(e)y, Euell S., 308
Herndon, 166
John, 157
Samuel H., 308
Zilla, 156
Murr(a)y, M., 317
Lawrence, 185
Muse, Nancy, 276
Richard. 295
Mustard, Elisha, 234
Myers, Mires, Myres, Myars [also see Mayers], Anthony, 141
Catherina, 90
Emely, 164
H. B., 118
Jacob, 20, 131
James T., 158
Jefferson L, 117
Leonard, 146
Louisa, 126
Mary, 84, 92
William, 327
Naff, (Rev. Mr.), 362, 380
Isaac N., 153, 160, 163, 259, 313
Naler, Peter, 79
Nash, John T., 160
Joseph, 250
Margaret D., 146
Neel(e), Neal, Neil, Alex, 314
Anna, 86
Augustus, 123
David L., 149
David S., 157
Eleanor, 133
Elias H., 182, 187, 193
Elias H. (little), 197
Eliza Jane, 153
Elizabeth, 63
Ellender, 190
Esther, 80
Henry P., 148
J. W., 154
James, 92
Jinny, 51
John M., 85, 199
John W., 167
Larkin K., 86
M. F., 325
MaddisonA., 154
Martha, 72
Martha B., 281
Nancy, 95, 269
Rebecca, 269
Rhoda, 274
Rober, 55
Robert, 269, 77
Tilly, 55
William, 39, 168, 169, 172, 175, 176, 178, 179, 182, 184,, 185, 199, 261, 263, 264, 274, 286, 297, 300
William E., 133, 137, 148, 150, 154, 157, 158, 163, 164, 165, 249, 253
William M., 308
Neel(e)y, Nealy, Neil(l)y, Neilley, Neally, Nely, Niely, James, 12, 21, 22
Rachel, 109
Samuel, 19
Neese, W. G., 328
Neikirk, F. N., 313
Nelson, Isaac, 75
James P., 84, 92
Sinthy, 54
Thomas (Gov.), 37
Newberry, Allen, 213
Betsy, 213
Samuel, 69. 75
Newell, James, 12
Newlane, Rufus G., 131
Newport, Richard (Lieutenant), 21
Newton, Elizabeth, 164
J. M., 315
Susannah, 156
William, 303
Nicewander, Nicewonder, Elizabeth, 136
Nicholas, Wilson Cary, 290
Wilson Cary (Gov.), 38
Noble, Erasmus, 12
Norris, Robert, 20
Norwd, Elijah, 73
Nuckol(l)s, Nuckel(l)s, Nuchols, Nuckles [also see Nickolls], Elijah, 99
Harden, 91, 99, 310
Jenney, 60
Jincey, 57
John, 151, 301
Milly, 68
Patsey, 68
Rhoda, 48
Nun(n)elly, Nunnel(l)y, Nunley, John, 65
Nutter, William, 83
Odair, Odare, Odear, John, 133, 176
William, 127
Odell, Odle, Francina, 126
John, 110
Ruth, 112
William, 126
O’Donald, O’Danold, Martha, 153
Ruth, 65
O’Donnell, Isaac, 74
Ogle, Benj., 18
Ogleton, James, 344
O'Neil, ONeel, ONeill, O Neils, James, 94
Thomas, 183, 188, 190, 193, 195, 197, 267
On(e)y, Barbara, 303
Benjamin, 49
Benjamine, 271
Edward, 271
Elisha, 163
Hezekiah, 179, 288, 303
Isaac, 100
James, 105, 208
Joseph, 51, 179, 223, 224, 225, 226, 228, 229, 271, 295, 301
Katherine, 135
Malinda, 113
Mary, 99, 288
Nancy, 49, 128
Polly, 70
Rebecca, Rebecka, 54, 295
Richard, 173, 184, 194, 197, 271, 345
Sally, 122
Sarah, 139, 272
Squire, 61
Susanah, 301
William, 58, 129, 288, 271, 298
William Patton, 128
O'Quinn, B., 330
Orr, Alenander, 299
Margaret, 299
Osborn(e), Osb(o)urn, Ausborn, Osben, Cyrena, 166
David Jesse, 142
Hanah, 117
James M., 333
M. C., 317
Mahala, 127
Ruel, 121
Oshlym, David Jesey, 150
Outhocess, Jereta, 271
Outhouse, Geretta, 293
Peter, 293
John (Captain), 204
Owens, Andrew, 140
Boyd, 166
Christener, 85
Elizabeth, 146
Hannah, 279
J. W., 333
James, 110
John Henry, 284
Margaret, 284
Mary, 297
Polly, 295
Thomas, 73, 265, 295, 297, 300
Owry, Ourey, George, 90
John, 95
Pack, Greenville, 147
Harden, Hardin, 150, 155
Page, Alex R., 12
John (Gov.), 37
W., 362
Painter, Charles, 116
Sarah, 162
W. M., 331
Parker, James, 137
Parr, Susan, 147
Parris, Sarah Ann Eliza, 81
Parson(s), N. C., 315
Pate, Jeremiah, 20
Patric(k), Minurvey, 132
Nancy, 132
Patterson(s), Pattison, 17
(Capt.), 231
Erwin, 19
Harvey H., 124
Henry, 71, 253
James R., 164
Jane, 109, 124
Joseph, 292
Nancy, 131
Thomas P., 134
William, 84, 131, 345
Pat(t)on, Patten , Pattons, 10, 17
(Capt.), 231
(Col.), 17
A., 101, 102, 105
Arnold, 104
Austin, 88
Henry, 297
Henry (Capt.), 230
James, 9,13, 16, 17, 20
Jane, 108
John, 162
John Mercer (Gov.), 38
Martha, 297
William, 185
Paul(I)ey, Jonathan, 63, 66, 101
Skidmore, 93
Pa(y)ne, Pain(e), Paign, Andrew, 105
Cleary, 101
David, 77, 97, 98, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 112, 114, 116, 117, 118, 120, 122, 126, 127, 132, 133, 135,
138, 141, 143, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 153, 154, 161, 165, 234
David, Sen., 154
Elis, 150
Elizabeth, 122, 130, 133
G. W., 162, 165
George W., 116, 122, 160, 258, 259
James, 122, 142
Lina, 83
Obadiah, 271, 345
Simaen, 116
Simeon, 166, 167
Stapleton, 271
T. J., 329
W. P., 329
William, 74, 88
Peery , Perry
Andrew, 39, 175, 177, 180, 263, 276, 298
Angeline, 282
Angeline B., 133
Archibald, 55
Attilla, 65
C. H., 323
Caroline H., 310
Catey, 51
Catherine, 104, 284
Christenor, 90
Clarissa, 74
Cosby, 85, 276
Cynthia, Cynthie, 64, 276
David, 51, 175, 177, 179, 184, 188, 193, 197, 256, 263, 265, 300, 304
Edward, 318
Edward T., 210
El(l)eanor, 69, 280
Elizabeth, 67, 80, 233, 276
Elizabeth H., 108
Ellen, 108
Emily, 276
Evans, 188, 306
Francis M., 312
Fred, 325
G., 171, 172
George, 55, 168, 169, 170, 174, 175, 180, 182, 183, 261, 265, 276, 287, 297, 298
George, Jr., 203
George (Do), 53
Gilbert, 256
Gilbert M., 147
H. F., 276, 323, 382
H. F. . (Dr.), 359, 361, 383
H. G., Jr., 323
Hannah, 120, 274, 279
Harriet T., 107
Harve(y), Hervey, 273
Harvey G. , Hervey G., 43, 71, 217, 234, 236, 237, 239, 251, 261
Hervey G., Esq., 359
Harvey George, Hervey George, 191
Henry F., 310
Henry T., 146
Hiram, 56
Hiram P., 280
J. H., 328
James, 24, 48, 65, 172, 177, 179, 181, 182, 192, 198, 199, 200, 201, 208, 212, 233, 263, 268, 270, 273, 278,
280, 303, 322, 411
James, Jr., 298
James, Sr., 174, 188, 274, 298, 303
James H., 257
James M., 91
Jane, 108, 121, 233, 284
Jane H., 159
Jess(i)e, 131
Jinney, 58
John, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 74, 77, 80, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 95,
101, 106, 111, 117, 168, 170, 171, 173, 185, 187, 189, 192, 197, 264, 266, 280, 287, 292, 293, 298,
300, 303, 304, 321, 344, 380, 412, 436
John, Esq., 181
John, Jr., 344
John, Senr., 207
John B., 325
John D., 138, 245, 438
John H., 253, 254
John M., 256
Jonathan, 67, 237, 273, 277, 284, 297, 305, 413
Joseph, 65, 273, 276, 282
Joseph D., 40, 186
Joshua, 60, 188
Julia, 233
Julia A., 148
Louisa, 110
M. L., 319 ,
Margaret, Margret, 87, 110, 111, 284
Margaret R., 167
Maria (h), 85
Maria Louisa, 99
Martha, 110, 233, 246, 276, 298
Mart(a)in, 65, 265
Mary, 233
Mary J., 167
Mathias H., 159
Matilda, 84, 91
Mattie, Matty, 60
Mayanna, 80
Michael, 274
Nancy, 55, 97, 233, 268, 276
Nancy H., 118
Olica, 276
Olivia, Olivy, 55, 88, 90
Pamela, 67
Parmilley, 273
Pats(e)y, 54
Peggy, 50, 84, 298
Pe(r)melia, Permila, 60
Ph(o)eby, 303
Poll(e)y, 48, 51, 53, 118, 141, 273, 276
Polly Ananda, 122
R. B., 326
Rebecca, Rebecka, 48, 62, 80, 273
Richard, 284
Robert, 187, 189, 276
Sallie, Sally, 67, 73, 233, 276, 286, 289, 291, 300
Samuel, 265, 274, 278
Sarah, 97, 287, 298, 380
Sarah Elizabeth, 160
Solomon, 50, 298, 413
Sophia, 70, 276
Thomas, 40, 41, 51, 62, 172, 174, 180, 181, 182, 186, 188, 198, 200, 211, 212, 233, 238, 246, 250, 251,
252, 253, 255, 256, 257, 261, 263, 265, 273, 276, 287, 292, 308, 319, 344, 359, 360, 380, 382, 412
Thomas (Capt.), 413
Thomas, Jr., 118, 273
Thomas, Sr., 264
W. E., 318
W. W., 321
Whitman, 280
William, 85, 168, 170, 172, 185, 187, 192, 197, 203, 208, 210, 214, 215, 217, 233, 263, 273, 280, 286, 289,
291, 300, 308, 344, 380, 412
William, Jr., 172
William, Sr., 276
William A., 107
William E., 152, 255
William Ed., 412
Peffer, Samuel, 12
Pell, Samuel F., 194
Pemberton, Mary, 286, 291
Richard, 173, 286, 291, 344, 429
Pence, 269
Nancy, 269
Pendleton, A. G., 267
Albert G., 39, 214, 215, 219, 244, 249, 267
Edmund, 14
Frank S., 217
James, 68, 69
James F., 216, 217, 267, 277
James V., 308
Joseph, 101
Penntngton, Hiram, 79
Perdue , Perdew, Betsey, 60
Cintha, 82
Persell, Quinton, 99
Peters, William, 73
Peterson, Jane, 49
Phil(l)ips, Charles, 108
Henry, 331
Phip(p)s, Elizabeth, 111
William, 23
Pickens, Pickings, (Gen.), 231
Phoebe, Pheby, 48
Sarah, 303
Thomas, 293, 296, 303, 304
Pike, Nancy, 137
Piper, James H., 42, 43
Pleasant, Charles, 56
Pleasants, James (Gov.), 38
Poage, Pogue, John, 344
John (Podge), 419
Robert, 24
Pobst, H. W., 316
Poff, George, 144
Porter, A E, James, 62
Benjamine, 303
Berryman, 299
Patrick, 23
Poston, Fielden, 86
Potters, Peggy, 97
Powell, John M., 74
Thomas, 86
Power(s), James, 60
John, 171, 176, 178, 184, 185, 186, 287
Nancey, 60
Oliver, 299
Rebeckah, 56
Prater, Prator, Dorcas, 120
Elizabeth, 109
George, 98
J. F., 324
James, 58
John, 52
John G., 311
Nancy, 77
Sarah, 99
Prather, Margaret, 277, 284
Nathaniel, 69
Pres(s)ley, Elizabeth, 143
William, 138
Prestice, Nancy, 79
Preston, Francis, 40, 301, 305
George, 321
James C. (Gov.), 197
James P., 39 ,
James P. (Gov.), 38
John, 304, 305
John (Capt.), 410
John (General), 297
Mary, 304
Mary R., 305
Moses, 159
William, 21
William(s) (Col.), 222, 224, 226, 227, 228, 229
William (Gen.), 231
Prewett, Prewitt, Pruet(t), Pruitt, Prewatt, Pruette, Alexander, 89, 91, 121
Archable, 131
Archabald, Archibald, 94
Benjamin, 50, 244
Easter, 97
Elijah, 134
Elizabeth, 113, 121
Henry, 184, 203, 208
Herivy H., 139
John, 48, 93, 113, 124, 132, 174, 229, 232, 411
Joseph, 58, 145
Latisha, 90
Letitia, 108
Lurany, 144
Lydia, 116
Moses, 85, 139
Pelina, 101
R. W., 316, 326
Rachel, 134
Rebecca, 111
Rubin, 61
Sally, 98, 104
Sary, 134
William, 105, 284, 307
Price, Augustine, 19
John C., 236
Michael, 19
William, 52
Prince, Benjamin, 68
David, 151
Julia, 137
Nancy, 160
William, 127
Prion, Joseph, 229
Pri(t)chet(t), Robert, 49
Prof(f)it(t), Prophet, Edward, 139
Pucket(t), Henry, 103
J. R., 331
John, 111, 136
Joshua, 116
Martha Jane, 163
Mary, 131
Rachel, 76
Rolley, 319
Saley, 131
William, 116
Pusey, William Allen A.M., M. D., 26
Quicksel(l), Quicksall, Aaron, 109
Daniel, 113
Elizabeth, 109, 163, 236
J., 87
John, 236
Jonathan, 76, 78, 79, 81, 87, 209, 236
Mary, 87
Thomas, 129
Quinn, Abigail, 71
Cynthia, 276
Eleanor, 276
Eliza, 276
Isaac, 52, 53, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 69, 71, 76, 82, 193, 197, 308
James, 73
William M. P., 71
Rader, Elizabeth, 102
Martha G., 123
Mary, 96
Thomas P., 234
Wyrinda, 123
Rakes, Sariah, 133
Ran(e)y, Benjamin, 49
Randolph, Beverley (Gov.) 37
Edmond (Gov.), 37
Peter, 266
Peyton (Gov.), 37
Thomas Mann, 204
Thomas Mann (Gov.), 38
Ratliff, Ratcliff(e), 73
Abednego, 129
Abigail, 138
Bersheba, 70
Burrell, 131
Elijah, 82
Enis, 98
J. Muncey, J. Munsey, 322
John, 114, 176, 179, 181, 187, 288, 289
John M., 162
Lethea, 57
Lucinda, Lusinday, 147
Lydia, 94
Matilda, 114
Meshack, 147
Nancy, 94, 128
Nelly, 67
Patsey, 162
Peter, 114
Polly, 54, 70
Rachel, 105
Rebecca, 86
Reuben, 105
Richard, 94, 111, 251
Richard H., 311
Sarah, 129
Shadrach, Shadrack, 82, 311
Silas, 128
Sparrel, 128
Ward, 317
William, 158, 162
Ray, 356
Joseph, 11, 24, 436
Priscilla, 122
Rayburn, Ra (e)burn, Joseph, 298, 300
Reader, Susanna, 71
Redrick, William, 308
Zillah C., 308
Reed, Read, Reid, Catherine, 283
Jackson, 162, 165
James, 117, 283
John, 88
JohnW., 261
Nancy, 134, 163, 165
Nancy W., 283
Sarah M., 163
Thomas, 283
Usale, 107
Reeves, George, 22
Rentfro, George, 18
Peter, 18
Tinker, 18
Repass, Ephraim G. , Ephriam G. 256, 257, 258, 259
Frances, 163
Isaac, 123, 308
James A., 148
Martha, 154
Martha J., 130
Mary Ann, 165
Maryam, 163
Reynolds, C. H., 330
G. A., 332
George A., 328
James, 310
Rhea, Betsey, 69
George, 68, 179, 180, 181, 183, 187, 265, 276, 289, 290, 297, 305
Hugh T., 97, 276
John N., 276
Matilda, 102
Patsey, 88, 276
Polly, 62
Rhudy, Barbary, 282
Catherine, 156, 306
Charles T. C., 319
Dav., 93
Elizabeth, 93
George, 306
Jacob, 156
James E., 319
JohnC., 319
Julia Ann, 156
S., 149
Stephen, 131
Rice, James, 289
Mary, 289
Richa, John, 58
Richa rd(s), Riechard, John, 22
M., 321
Polly, 108
Richardson, Acil, 73
Ancil, Ancel, Ansel, 69, 71, 76, 78, 81, 84, 85, 88
Ancil (deacon), 69
Ancil(L.D.), 74
Ancil (L.E.), 87
Hannah, 284
Irene, 284
James, 287
Jane, 284
John, 166
Matilda, 284
Nancy, 287
Ruben, 157
Samuel, 284
William, 52
Richey, William, 20
Richison, Richeson, Christopher, 139
Ridgel, John, 344
Rif(f)e, Riff, Lewis, 150, 155
B. F., Jr., 326
B. Frank, 316
George W., 166
Rimmer, Ella, 332
G. W., 332
J. W., 323
Ritter, Adam, 104
George S., 156
Julia Ann E., 148
Lucre tia, 100
Margaret, 282
Nancy, 70
Peter, 131
Phebe, 131
Sally, 156
Roark, Elizabeth, 115
James, 435
Timothy, 171, 173, 291
Sara(h), 49, 291
Rob(b)ins, Benjamin C., 67
Benjamine, 275
Henry, 275
Isaac, 73
John, 275
Lydia, 275
Peggy, 275
William, 275
Roberts, Dicy, 122
Isaac, 132
Isaiah, 119
R. C., 121
Richard, 208, 309
Rober(t)son, C. L., 331
David, 413
James, 73, 202, 295, 302
Peggy, 49
Polly, 49
Sarah, 302
Wyndham, Windom, 240
Wyndham (Gov.), 38
Rob(i)net(t), Addison, 106, 161
Anna, 280
Betsey, 280
Caty, 280
Daniel, 213
Elizabeth, 154
Hiram, 112
John, 317, 325
Marget, 150
Michael, 213
Nancy, 280
Paris, 162
Rebecca M., 133
Samuel, 163
Sophia, 143
Robi (n)son, Robeson, (Old Mr. & 2 Sons), 19
David, 264, 301
George, 18
James, 17, 21, 295
John, 17 (2
Thomas, Thos., 17
William, 21, 22, 133
Gilbert R., 83
G. W., 333
Samuel, Saml., 154
Thomas, 24
William I. C., 113
Romans, Romins, Romines, Remine(s), Jacob, 101
James H., 120
Jernacy, 81
Rose, Anna, 145
Armstrong, 135
Bartlett, 255, 262
Deliah, 134
Edward S., 134
Elizabeth, 114
John, 138
Joseph, 149, 317
Lewis, 144
Margaret, 144
Mary, 153
Solomon, 137
Tabith, 116
Ross, Alexander, 49
David, 14
Rudd, Archibald, 152, 159
James M., 114
Joseph, 114
Martha, 114
Nancy, 145
Patient, 130
Sarah, 114
Ruhar, John A., 107
Runyon, Run(n)ion, Runyan, Runnien, Anne, 55
Benjamin, 51
Charity, 51, 97
Henry, 54
Elizabeth K., 99
Isaac Q., 137
Martha, 115
MillyAnn, 127
Nancy, 48, 115
Polly, 157
Sally, 66
Russell, Elizabeth, 120
John, 321
John Miller, 291
M. R., 321
Martha, 132
Mileida J., 166
Peggy, 56
Tabitha A., 166
William, 38
Rutherford, Jane Ellen, 153
John (Gov.), 38
Rutledge, Attila Ann, 276
James, 80
Liddy, 281
Nancy, 281
Robert F., 86
Thomas, 65
Sad(d)ler, W. W., 322
St. Clair [see also Sinclair] 362
A., 323
Alexander, 257
Annie, 316
George W., 316
John C., 321
Maria(h) J., 323
Samples, Manda Malvinia, 139
Stephen G., 148
Sanfley, Adelia M. C., 144
Sanson, Betsy (Lauson), 294
John, 294
Sargent, J. Dickinson, 321
Sa(u)nders, Allen, 319
Elizabeth, 68,
J. B., 321
Julia F., 319
Mary, 82
Nancy, 82
Rachel, 118
Rebeckah, 61
Savers, William, 23
Sawyer(s), Saulyers, Alexander, 184
Betsy, 73
Jacob F., 163
John, 164
Orlena, 164
Saxon, William, 290, 292 (?,)
Sayers, Alexander, 20, 21, 233, 283
Augustus B., 124
Diana, 152
Elizabeth, 306
John, 69, 283
John T., 129
Letty, 277
Margaret, 283
Moses S., 123
Nancy, 80, 283
Robert, 80, 291, 303
Sallie, Sally, 283
Samuel, 88, 306
Samuel D., 69
Susan, 147, 283
Thomas W., 109
William, 19, 21, 62, 283
Scaggs, Skaggs, 380, 435
Charles, 344
Hannah, 61
Henry, 12
James, 18, 51, 344
John, 217
Zachariah, 298
Scherer, Jacob, 111
Scoto, Sally, 117
Scrivener, David, 194, 196, 199, 200
Scott, B. B., 332
Beza, 109
Elexander, 95
Elizabeth, 275
Isabelle, 275
James, 73
Joseph, 14
Randolph, 72
T. M., 311
Thomas M., 130
Seabolt, William, 116, 307
Sellars, Samuel C., 49
Senton, John, 197
Sevier, Valentine, 19
Sexton, John, 131
V. L., 333
Shannon, Agnes, 276
Agnes C., 116
Cornelius, 64, 188
Cynthia B., 124
Elizabeth, 114, 160, 276
Elly, 53
Emely, Emily, 167
Floyd P., 115
George, 126
J. B., 323
James, 288
James W., 119, 285
Janey, 48
Jenny, 61
John, 53, 57, 183, 186, 187, 192, 413
Marg(a)ret, 88, 276
Maria, 157
Nancy, 48, 95, 115, 285
Powell, 167
Rebecca, 89, 276
Samuel, 264, 301
Thomas, 208, 276, 291
Virginia, 126
William, 41, 72, 83, 85, 88, 90, 93, 95, 97, 99, 100, 103, 105, 108, 110, 115, 127, 129, 179, 181, 185, 276,
287, 288
William, Sen., 109
William V., 137, 140, 143, 146, 155, 157, 166, 167, 309, 310
Sharp, John D., 41
Shawver, Christopher, 307
George W., 315
Sheffey, Daniel, 39, 173
James W., 238
Shell [also see Shull], A. V., 324
Shelton, John (Capt.), 194, 195
Shepley, Haner, 70
Shep(p)ard, Shepherd, James, 138
Sherer, Jacob, 93, 100
Sherestz, C. M., 321
Sherlock, 422
Shields, John, 48
Shilling, Mahala, 167
Shipler, Mary, 85
Shively, Shifely, John, 48, 292
Short, Joseph, 143
T. H., 325
Shortridge, Andrew, 301
Boon, 124
George, 51
Howard, 166
Martha, 124
Perlina, 114
Rebecca, 272
Robert, 52, 143, 236
S(h)rader, Shredar, Barbara, 58
Charlotte, 140
Daniel, 146
David, 48
Henry, 184, 295
James, 81
Jennsy, 90
L. S., 319
Lucinda, 152
Mariah, 87
Patton G., 316
Sarah, 72
William, 87
Shrewsberry, Solsberry, Elizabeth, 281
Philip, 57
Shufflebarger, Shuffelbarger, Peggy, 70
R. G., 325
Shull [see also Shell], Christian, 289, 290
Jacob, 296
Mary, 296
Sarah, 289, 290
Simmerman, Aheart, 98
Sinsentaffy, Sincintaffer, etc. [see also Taffy], Elizabeth, 91
Jacob, 84
Martha, 104
Mary, 99
Sinclair [also see St. Clair],
Charles, 19
Sinkford, Bascomb, 322, 324
Sinney, Polly, 101
Sipers, Scyphers, Ellemsa, 100
Sally, 104
Sisson, Scyson, Scisn, Baldwin L., 81
Charles, 67
Emanuel, 291
Six, Sicks, John, 110
Margaret, 153
Polly, 280
Sizemore, Sisemore, Elizabeth, 122
John, 131, 132, 134 (1), 140, 143, 149
Owen, 134
Tobias, 134
Skins, Therssa, 85
Slade, Wilbur, 149
Slau(gh)ter, Slater, James, 51
Lucy, 67
Thomas, 28
Sloan, Benjamin, 293
James, 171, 287, 297, 300
Jane, 287, 297
Sluss, Henry, 90
James, Sr., 323
June, 166
Small, Barnet, 23
Smith [see Also Smythe], 10, 13
(Capt.), 219
Abraham, 157
Alexander, Alexr., 266
Anderson, 89
Caleb, 329
Daniel, 23
Eleanor Jane, 91
Elender B, Ellender E., 96
Elizabeth, 126, 293, 294, 295
Frances, Francis, 39, 40, 121, 172
Franklin, 164
George William, 186
George William (Gov.), 37
Gressa, 275
Hannah, 153
Harold, 267
Harriet, 147
Harry, 289
Henry, Hen'y, 181, 238, 289, 329
Jacob, 126
James, 131
James Q., 135
Jane, 89
Joana, 59
John, 9, 17, 18, 21, 51, 54, 142, 179
John (Col.), 9, 11, 21
John (Lieutenant), 21
John N., 323
Jonathan, 110
Joseph, 52
Julian, 115
Levy, 12
Lewis, 313
Mary E., 97
Mary Jane, 138, 146
Nancy, 75
Peggy, 289
Philip, 18
Poca H., 327
Polly, 52, 54
Rebec(c)a, 62
Rees, 325
Robert, 89
Rufus, 327
Sallie, Sally, 289
Shorter, Sharton, 154, 193, 278
Vena, 56
William, 66, 96, 172, 173, 177, 178, 180, 182, 185, 187, 188, 189, 190, 207, 211, 219, 261, 265, 266, 267,
293, 294, 295, 296, 303, 413
William (Gov.), 38
William B., 112
Smoot, T. R., 330
Smyth(e) [also see Smith], Ashville H., 124
Franklin, 166
Harold, 207
John, 12
Josiah, 82
William, 174
Snider, Snyder [also see Snidow], Eliza, 101
Jacob, 97
William, 90
South, Woodward, 69
Sowers, Martian, 122
Sparks, J. R., 313, 314
Jonas, 151, 326
Joshua W., 147
Patsy, 313
R. M., 317, 325
Spence, Spens(e), Abner, 135
Alee, 124
Bartlett, 163
Benjamin, 117
Catherine, 145
Elizabeth, 161
James, 164, 167
James R., 152
John, 122
Joshua, 149
Martha, 131
Mary, 136
William, 161
Speres [also see Spiars & Speer], William, 148
Spotts, 388
A. A., 311, 312, 359, 360, 361
A. H., 310
Addison A., 107, 256, 258, 360
C. A., 261, 311
Chapman A., 118, 239, 245, 248, 249, 251, 253
F. P., 312, 313, 362
Francis P., 311
George, 318
George W., 317, 318
Harriet, 312
James C., 42, 43, 216, 218, 220, 237, 239, 242, 243, 248, 261
W., 362
Washington, 313
Spracher, Sprecker, Ann, 131
Barbara, 93
Catherine, 282
Catherine W., 156
George, 131, 246, 251, 282, 306
Jacob, 100, 282
Jemima, 113
John, 93, 282
Margaret, 131
Peter, 282
Pheby, 282
Stephen, 282
William L., 319,
Spratt, John, 102, 121
Sprinkle, Elijah, 82
Lucinda, 81
Tim, 112
Zeno S., 307
Squitner, Tilda, 122
Stacy, Stasy, Clinton, 142
Elizabeth, 105
Matilda, 124
Shadrach, 115
Silby, 101
Suel, 138
William, 119
Stafford, 269
Absalom, 288, 294
John, 48
Margaret, 269
Nancy, 288, 294
Stairns, Rebecca D., 284
Staley, David, 105
Stalkner, Samuel, 18
Stalman, William, 286
Stalnaker, Adam, 20
George, 20
Samuel, 20
Stanley, Delilah S., 121
Sarah, 293, 304
Zachariah, 293,
Zechariah, 304
Stanlick, Samuel, 20
Starling, John, 161
Starr, Francis, 297, 304
James, 51
Staunton, John, 21
Steel(e), A. J., 321
Ann Eliza, 279 ,
Calvin, 279
Caroline, 154
Charlotie, Sharlotty, 98, 279
Clarissa, 280
Corrie, 331
David, 60, 213
Edmond, 105, 279
Eleanor, 279
Eli, 139
Elizabeth, 75, 78, 150, 157, 277, 279
Ellener, 279
Ester, 213
George, 75, 180, 187, 214, 236, 246, 249, 264, 279
George W., 139
H. Wade, 322
Harvey, 66, 279
Henry, 311
James, 130, 213
JeremiahW., 128
John, 70, 133, 136
John W., 98
Julia A., 320
Julia F., 151
Margaret, 73
Marinda, 164
Marvin, 279
Mary Ann, 139
Meshark, 109
Meshich, 310, 311
Montiville , Mont raville, 151
Nancy, 73
Owry, 95
Rach, 99
Ralph, 50
Rees, 254, 259
Resin R., Peizin R., 257, 311
Reuben, 74, 280
Richard, 124, 279, 302
Robert, 139, 201, 320
Rosinda, 162
Sallie, 321
Samuel, 86, 98, 320
Sarah, 120
Shad(e)rach, Shadrich, Shaderick, 94, 128, 279 (2
Sparrel(l), 323
Thomas, 81, 279
Tony, 279
W. B., 331
Westley, 279
Stephens , Stevens , Steavans, (Colo.), 194
G. B., 315, 332, 334
M. M., 315
Mollie M., 334
Stephenson, Stevenson, Stepheson, Ann Eliza, 106
Anna, 134
Elizabeth, 246
Elizabeth C., 162
G. B., 321, 333
George, 79
Hannah, 57
Henry, 139
Hiram, 106
James, 99, 113, 163
Jane, 134, 143
John, 70, 98, 135, 286
John M., 128
Malinda, 129
Mary, 103, 139
Mat(t)hew, 49, 413
Robert J., 121, 309
Sarah, 279
Thomas, 147
William, 93, 163, 192
William W., 117
Sterling, Frederich, 18
Stern, Frederick, 12, 20
Steward, Abram, 105
Elizabeth, 147
George, 160
Sanders, 107
Stewart, Rob(ert), 121
Still, Abraham, 69, 72
Stilt(e)ner, Charles, 143
Christopher, 119
Elias, 119
Frederick, 138, 161 259
Mahala, 119
Mathew, 121
Melinda, 128
Nancy, 132
Polly, 161
Rachel, 151
Sarah, 138
Stilwell, S. M. (DC), 72
S. M., 73
Silas M., 207, 267
Silas Moore, 209
St(e)inson, John, 86, 290
Phebe, 290
William, 151
Stobach [also see Stobaugh], 269
Stobaugh, Stobough [also see Stobach], John, 176, 265, 289, 294
Leah, 294
Patsy, 82
Peggy, 95
Rachel, 50
Stogwell, 423
James, 170
Mary, 48
Stone, Uriah, 24
Stowers, Andrew, 84, 105, 167
Charlotte, 118
Christena, Christina, 154
Elizabeth, 93
Frankey, 56
H. W., 325
Hickman, 111
JohnW., 165
July A., 153
Larkin, 60
Nancy, 278
Sarah, 133
Simms, 133
W. R., 325
William, 163
William F., 167
Stras, B. W., 314, 317, 318, 329
Hattte, 314
Jos(eph), 144, 217, 221, 236, 243, 267, 278, 313, 361
Catherine, 116
Charles, 192
Elizabeth, 146
Isaac, 194, 200, 204, 205
Isaac N., 154
Jinney, 54
Solom, 412
Solomon, 96
Tabitha, 146
Thomas, 51
William, 161
Strickler, V. T., 333
Stride, John, 20
Strother, Wade D., 249, 313, 361
Stroud, John, 18
Stuart [also see Stewart], Alexander, 293, 298
Phebey, 50
Stump, Ann, 111
Anna, 278
Barkley, 90
Berry or Benny, 278
Catherine, 90, 140, 277
Christopher, 278
Cornelias Brown (alias Stump & Betsy Cotton), 58
Crockett, 125, 277
Dolly, 279
Elenor, 64
Elizabeth, 111, 117
Ellender, 190
Henry, 61, 190, 299
Hervy, 56
Jacob, 95
L. J., 333
Letitia, 118
Levisey, 126
Lucinda, 154
Marg(a)ret, 75, 77
Mary B., 158
Michael, 75, 77, 85, 277, 278
Polly, 277, 307
Polly (Widow), 95
Rhoda, 87
Sariah, 133
Susanna, 48
Tazewell, 84, 278
Vicy, Visy, 150, 155
William, 91, 134, 164, 307
Stutler, John, 24
Su(i)ter, Su(i)tor, Alexander, 84, 309
Caty, 190, 192
Evalina Dills, 80
Grayilla, 74
James, 190, 192
Jane, 69
Lucinda J., 148
Polly, 89
Rebecca, 80, 275
Sally, 101
William, 48
Sullard, Nancy, 292
Sullender, Nancy, 284
Summerfield, Francis, 19
Summers, William, 159, 323
Surface, W. N., 330
Suthers, E. J., 315
John K., 100, 112
T. F., 315
Swa(r)der, Swrader, Henry, 99, 103
Jenny, 107
Permilia, 98
Rebecca, 74
Swartz, J. R., 331
Sword, John, 321
Tabb, (Capt.), 196
Tabler, Christopher A., 241
Tabor, Taber, A. P., 323
Amy, 82, 103
Bazel, 197
Charles, 149
Daniel, 413
Oavid, 281
Elizabeth C., 140
Fannie, 322
Francis, 82, 310
Harris(s)on, 115,
Hugh, 322
Isaac P., 160
J. W., 322
James, 310
James, Jr., 103
Jesse, 81
John, 154, 308
Margaret, 149
Martha L., 127
Mary, 97
Mary (Polly), 310
Nancy, 102
R. B., 313
Richard, 310
Salatha A., 167
Sally, 57, 59, 102
Steven, 159
Thomas E., 326
W. C., 322
William, 80, 97, 126
Taffer, Elizabeth, 92
Tainey, Easter, 105
Taller, Jacob, 299
Tanetson, Reuben, 281
Tarter, Robert, 330
Tate, Benjamin, 141
James C., 235, 236
John, Jno., 24
Nancy (Mrs.), 24
Thomas M., 43
Taylor, Cafley, 295
Canfield, 289
Cawfield, 298
Charles, 84, 215, 217, 238, 239, 245, 246, 249, 260, 262, 283
Charles C., 112
Elizabeth, 159, 284
Frances, 123
George W., 333
James, 289, 295, 298
Jane, 69, 71
John, 283, 344
John (Maj.), 415
John G., 310
Letitia S., 103
Lydia, 148
Matilda George, 283
Mattie, 333
Mill(e)y, 283, 298
Phebe, 103
Polly, 108, 132
Robert H., 260
Sally, 50
Sally B., 110
Sarah, 298
Stephen S., 257
Stephen Sanders, 283
Susan, 283
W. E., 333
William, 50, 170, 179, 181, 183, 184, 186, 187, 189, 192, 193, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 211, 212, 216,
235, 237, 238, 239, 261, 263, 264, 265, 283, 298
William S., 333
Tazewell, Littleton Waller (Gov.), 38
Teel, Peter, 110
Terry, Policy, 84
Thomas, 95
William, 260
Wilmarth, 103
Tesen, Maston, 122
Tevis, John, 203
Thomas, Benjamin, 344, 436
Eli, 124
George W., 321
Haynes, 154
John, 19, 255, 262
Nancy, 110
Thompson, 385
Agnes, 272
Alexander, 274
Alexander H., 128
Alexandria G., 96
Ames, 287
Andrew, 171, 173, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292
Arch(ibald), 66, 172, 173, 174, 179, 182, 186, 210, 255, 256, 258, 262, 274, 281, 284, 287, 289, 302, 326,
Archibald, Jr., 198, 208, 215
Asas, 159
Caroline, 281
Catherine Shelby, 272
Eliza, 131, 321
Elizabeth, 73
G. O., 326
George, 136, 153, 193, 198, 208
George Erastus, 281
George P., 241, 243, 246
George T., 107
George W., 99
George Washington, 274, 280
Georgia Alice, 326
Hanah, 90
Hanny, 276
Henry, 91
Henry B., 284, 413
James, 16, 39, 40, 100, 168, 170, 171, 173, 176, 182, 188, 190, 197, 230, 254, 263, 264, 274, 284, 286, 287,
292, 295, 300, 301, 304, 305, 381
James B., 148, 274, 281
James C., 123
James D., 100
James Doak, 274
James P., 180, 272
James W., 255
Jane, 113, 129, 284, 287
Jenney , Jennie, 53, 61
John, 21, 79, 81, 133, 168, 171, 172, 179, 182, 193, 198, 208, 209, 212, 250, 251, 261, 264, 265, 267, 281,
284, 287, 437
John, Jr., 284
John M., 321
Levicy, 64
Levdsa, 287
Louisa, 137, 154
Louisa B., 135
Lydia, 86, 287
Margaret, 107, 272, 281
Martha, 156, 326
Marthy, 281
Mary, 148, 281
Mary E., 157
Mary Grace, 326
Mary Jane, 161
MaryS., 145
Matilda, 276
Matty D., 62
Milton, 243, 246, 284
Milton W., 249, 252
Minerva, 102, 284
Nancy, 80, 107, 287
Narcissa, 121, 284
Nelly, 276
O. B., 325
Oscar, 328
Patton James, 272
Peggy, 284
Polly, Poley, Pollie, 49, 66, 122, 284
Rachel, 49, 287
Rebecca, Rebecka, Rebecah, 276, 281, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292
Rebecca Elizabeth, 326
Rebecah P., 135
Rebecca P., 144
Rees(e), 179, 181, 265
Rees B., 40, 198, 276, 413
S. J., 331
Samuel, 136
Sam(ue)l. H., 59
Samuel J., 326, 328
Stephen, 102
Syms, 78
Thomas, 284
Tyre D., 80
Walter W., 121, 284
William, 21, 41, 54, 71, 107, 179, 189, 198, 211, 212, 230, 236, 242, 248, 257, 258, 259, 263, 274, 281,
284, 287, 386
William, Jr., 187, 201, 261, 284
Thorn, Gordon C., 116, 248, 251, 262
Marinda, 88
Micajah, 190, 293
Micajah A., 189, 294, 299
Micajah Anderson, 300
Susanna, Susan (n)ah, 189, 190, 275, 293, 294, 299, 300
William B., 214, 215
Thornton, James, 102
Tickle, Benjamin, 72
Tiffany, Charles, 65, 243
Charles F., 161, 240, 251, 255, 256, 310
Hugh, 233, 300, 301, 304
Hugh, Jr., 218, 219, 261
Hugh, Sr., 229
Mary Ann, 71
Mary T., 107
Tiller, Edward, 323
Ira, 109
Patsey, 77
Tilley, J. M. J., 331
Todd, Andrew, 287
Betsey, 49
Elizabeth, 287
George, 51
John, 28
Nancy, 53
Sally, 246
Sarah, 279
Tolbert, Peggy, 280
Toler, James, 58
Zachariah, 53
Tollet(t), John, 48, 173, 171, 178, 287, 295, 296, 302, 303, 306
Margaret, 295, 296, 302
Peggy, 287
Tomblin, Robit, 82
Tomblinson, Tomli(n)son, Alexander, 83
Delaney, 80
Elizabeth, 63
Isam, 53, 412
Tosh, Tasker, 19
Thomas, 19
Totton, Totten, Amos, 108, 120
Drusilla, 149
Gideon H., 281
Harvy, 101
Hester An, 94
Joseph H., 89
Levina, 57
Louisa, 94
Marinda, 115
Nancy, 126
Polly, 58
Rufus, 155
Tracy, Amen, 280
Elizabeth, 280
John, 280
Sally, 280
Winston, 280
Trayer, C. H., 331
Trent, Chloe, 65
Elizabeth, 301
Frederick, 301
Linney, 69
Polly, 56
Trig(g), Abraham, 38
Alexander, 324
Daniel, 287, 289, 290, 299
Fleming, 180
John, 300
John I., 301
S. L., 331
Stephen, 14
Trillaman, Elizabeth, 105
Trout, Christian, 294, 295, 296, 297
Elizabeth, 297
Tubley, Thomas, 159
Turlay, David, 114
Turley, Livisa, 110
Mary H., 164
Samuel C., 309
Solomon C., 309
Thomas, 309
Turner, Susanna, 81
Tury, Delile, 106
Tyler, John, 182, 185, 263
John, Jr. (Gov.), 38
John, Sr. (Gov.), 37
Underwood, Jesse, 152
Vail, James S., 102, 245, 248, 250, 251, 262
Valentine, Harman, 28
Vance, James H., 159
John, 20, 120
Mary, 106
Sarah, 144
William H., 129
Vancourt, Philip, 194
Vandike, VanDyke, Vandyke, Catherine, 129,140
Charles, 304, 413
Charlotte, 304
Elizabeth, 151
Israel, 69
James, 51, 181, 304
John, 94, 98, 304, 413
John, Sr., 304
Joseph, 85
Milton, 102
Nancy, 61, 85, 127, 140
Sally, 61
Sarh, 98
Vaugh(a)n, Vaun, (Mr.), 9
William, 131
Va(u)lt, Joseph J., 161
Veeder, P. Y., 321
Vess, Mary, 144
Vester, Abner H., 122
Vincel(l), Vencila), Vansell, Adam, 59
Ann Eliza, 111
Anny, 64
Edward, 12
Eleanor H., 119
Elizabeth, 139
Henry, 64, 86, 147
J. D., 165
JaneR., 112
John, 62, 147
John D., 148, 260
John O. D., 166
Lewis, 264, 265
Margaret, 92
Mary, 109
Peggy, 129
Phil(l)iP, 51, 81
Philip H., 111
Polly, 54
Sarah An, 110
William, 209
Vinsant, Nancy, 86
Voss, Ephraim, 19
Waddill, Waddell, Waddle, Ann, 213
James, 213
Robert, 62
William, 142
Wade, David, 220
Wag(g)oner, Wagner, Adam, 269, 273, 274
Christiana, 71
Daniel, 264, 269
David, 176, 269
David N., 157
Elias, 269, 274
Elizabeth, 269, 274
Elonor, 60
George, 269, 274
Hiram, Highram, 269, 274
Jacob, 71, 269, 273
Jacob, Sr., 214, 269
Jemima, 63
Margaret, 273
Nanc(e)y, 77, 273
Peggy, 274
Polly, 273
Polly H., 90, 91
Rebecca, Rebeckah, 55, 274
Wainwright, Henry, 290, 292
Walden, Waldon [see also Waldron], Samuel, 95
Zachariah, 127
Waldron, Walrond [also see Walden &Walsond], Barissa, 281
Calvin, 136
Elizabeth, 82
Rice, 148
Sally (Bailey), 281
Samuel, 281
Walker, Alexander, 177
Benjamin S., 150, 157
Chrispy Amos, 70
Christina, 269
Council, 97
John, 292
Robert, 168
Samuel, Saml., 24, 74, 168, 169, 170, 174, 176, 178, 179, 180, 261, 286, 291, 297, 298, 300, 380
Susannah, 298, 300
Thomas, 22, 269
Thomas (Dr.), Thos. (Dr.), 14, 16, 23
Thomas S., 71
Wall(s), Barbara, 271
Catherine, 171
David, 271
James, 271
James, Jr.,
John, 271
Joseph, 413
Lydia, 271
Mary, 271
Milly, 58
Nancy, 58, 63, 66
Nelly, 271
Peggy, 271
Polly, 51
Ruth, 271
William, 174, 176, 299, 301, 305
Wallace, Wallice , Wallis, John, 141, 148, 159
John, Jr., 104, 111
Nancy, 301, 305
PollyAnn, 161
Robert, 168, 169, 175, 176, 178, 261, 286, 287, 297, 301, 305
Susanah, 313
Wallen, John, 25
Waller, Benj., 9
William, 9
Walton, Margaret C., 330
Samuel, 330
Ward, Family, 357
Addison, 275
Alexander, 61, 110, 188, 191, 198, 413
Caroline, 158
D., 184
David, 39, 40, 48, 51, 53, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 184, 187, 188, 261, 263, 265, 275, 286, 288,
294, 297, 344, 357
E. B., 312
Eleanor, Ellenor, 162, 275, 288, 294
Erastus B., 310
George, 331
Harvey, 83
Henry, 89
Hiram, 275
Hiram D., 214
Isaac, 275
Jane, 63, 80, 275
Jane C., 281
Jennie Bell, 322
Jenny, 68
John, 40, 41, 168, 172, 173, 176, 178, 182, 207, 265, 276, 286, 292, 295, 381, 411
Joseph, 295
Keziah, 295
Levisa, 66
Louisa, 92
Lydia, 79
Marthy D., 281
Matilda, 275
Milton, 62, 198, 203
Nancy, 75, 275, 287, 295
Nancy T., 104
Peggy, 284
Phebe, 275
PoUy, 49
Rachel, 107
Rebecca Jane, 152
Rebecca T., 88
Rebeckah B., 104
Rees(e), 64, 275
Robert, 58, 188, 265
Samuel, 324
Samuel B., 328
Smith, 80
Thomas, 68
Virginia, 161
William, 22, 151, 179, 187, 263, 265, 287, 290, 301, 411
William A., 322
Ware, E. J., 324
Warren, Beverly, 320, 321
J. B., 321
Washburn, Ruth, 272
Waterford, Adam, Adorn, 55, 191
Watkins, John, 325
Watson, Eady, 142
Jennie Y., 330
Joab, 52
JohnW. C., 239
Watt(s), Clarissa T., 102
JN T.,
S. F., 360
Starling F. , Sterling F. , Stirling F., 127, 253, 313, 361
William I., 97, 108
Way(n)e, (General), 196, 199
Weaver, J. I., 109
Webb, Anna, 132
Elizabeth, 113
George, 60, 174, 286, 301
Jacob, 241, 243
Mary, 98
Nancy, 147
Polly, 78
Srilda, 127
Susanna, 87
William, 344
Weimer, Hannah, 165, 166
Welch, Welsh, Stephen S., 300
Wells [also see Wills], Joseph, 58
Whe(e)lan, Bishop, 381
R. V., 157
Richard Vincent, 307
Whitaker, Mary Ann, 119
Thomas, 159
White, Abednego, 57, 264, 288, 302
Arch(ibald), 314
Balfour, 324
Betsey, 60
Bryant, 18
Cornelius, 234, 261
E. G., 333
Elizabeth, 302
George, 314
Jacob, 90
James, 74, 106
Joseph, 290
Joseph F., Jos. F., 21
Nancy, 66, 96
Peter, 153
Richard, 329
Shadrach, Shadrack, 173, 213, 243, 251, 255, 262
William, 113
William G., 107
Whitescarver, J. D., 332
John D., 333, 334
Whitley, Andrew J., 280
Cynthia, 126, 280
David, 85, 264, 271, 272, 277, 280, 288, 295, 302
David R., 280
E. L., 320
Elizabeth, 112
Fanney A., 320
Ginney, 272
J. H., 323
James, 270, 280, 307
James M., 94
Jane, 69
JohnW., 320
Malinda, 117
Matilda, 277
Matilda B., 129
Nancy, 99, 119, 272
Paul, 48
Peggy, 280
Polly B., 146
Robert, 271, 272
W. P., 318, 320,
Wesley P., 167
William, 83, 272, 280, 435
Whitman, Eleanor, Elleanor, 280
Elizabeth Jane, 127
Elizabeth P., 118
James P., 112
John, 80, 280
William, 215, 280
W(h)itt, Audley, 153
Cinthy, 104
Elizabeth, 132, 147, 163
Emma, 128
Griffitt, 303
Hana, Hannah, 124, 301
Henry, 101
Hezekiah, 168, 171, 198, 208, 209, 212, 213, 250, 261, 267, 301, 303
James, 303
James G., 147
James M., 98
Jeremiah, 121
Jesse, 108
John Bunyan, 116
Jonathan, 78, 94
Lena, 98
Marcus A. P., 93
Milburn, 78
Nancy, 124
Noah, 116
Olivia, 109
Polly, 89, 92
Rachel, 41, 113, 301, 303
Rebecca, Rebeckah, 52, 69
Reuben A., 116
Richard, 69, 79
Roddy, 124
Rutherford, 295, 301
Shorne, 81
Thomas, 121
Timothy, 93
William, 121
Whittle, S. D., 36
Wilcox, (Captain), 204
Wilds, Saly, 127
Wilee, Richard, 148
Wiley [see also Wilee], John, 69
Robert, 52
Williams, Avey, 53
Beverly, 314
Catherine, 57
Cyrus, 270
E. D., 210
Evan D., 73, 208
Felex, 103
Harriot, 71
Isabella, 85
John, 186
John C., 69, 215, 217
Jonathan, 54
Julius C., 270
Louisa B., 270
Malvina, 82
Mara A., 270
Marcus A., 270
Margaret, 270
Nancy, 80
Patrick, 270
Peggy, 303
Polly A., 65
Rachel, 56
Rebea, 71
Sarah, 116
Susan, 135
Titus V., 270
W. C., 317, 325
William, 79, 172, 174, 177, 179, 194, 197, 198, 200, 201, 211, 212, 217, 261, 270
William G., 102, 247, 248
Williamson, R. B., 330
Robert, 330
T. N., 329, 330
Thomas, 330
Willkey, James, 20
Willoughby, John, 322
Wills, Sarah, 151
Wiltshire, John, 21
Nathaniel, 19
Wilson, Aron, 84
Audley H., 126
Benjamin, 160
Caty, 279
Daniel C., 123
Edward, 106, 283, 309
Elizabeth M., 138
Ellenor, 279
Henry, 86
Hervey, 112
Hugh, 172, 175, 177, 178, 265, 271, 288, 294, 413
J. H., 332
J. W., 326
James, 67, 69, 79, 124, 198, 203, 209, 217
James B., 234
Jesse, 176
John, 76, 89, 180, 185, 187, 188, 192, 197, 203, 210, 299
Juley, 89
Lear Lucinda, 160
Margaret, 118
Nancy, 123
Nancy Elizabeth, 145
Rachael, 139
Sally, Sallie, 283
Saunders, 321
Thomas, 19
William, 99
Wingo, Elizabeth, 105
James H., 315
Jane, 85
L. C., 316
Polly, 129, 240, 298
Squire, 85
William, 49, 240
Winston, JohnW., 314
Robert, 140
Wise, Hervey, 128
Wit(t)en, Witton, Whitten, 361, 362
Cecil, 133
Charles H., 321
Cinthea, 58
Ele(a)nor, El(l)enor, Elinor, 73, 294, 298, 302
Eleanor C., 70
Eleanor T., 107
Eleanor W., 123
Eliza, 71
Elizabeth, 247
Elizabeth M., 119
Elizabeth P., 126
Harvey P., 118, 257, 259
Hiram, 58, 186, 187, 188, 247
Hiram (Capt.), 208
Isom, 328
Jacob, 316
James, 62, 64, 163, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 179, 212, 236, 246, 248, 263, 294, 296, 299, 301, 306, 308,
369, 411, 412
James, Sr., 276
James R., 165
James S., 201, 203, 247, 261, 307, 433
James W.M., Jas. W. M., 42, 43, 219, 233, 253, 255, 256
Jane, 277
Jeremiah, 173, 184, 286, 288, 293, 294, 296, 306, 380
John, 187, 188, 197, 198, 247
John M., 104, 245, 246, 249, 251, 254
Julia Ann, 131
June, 276
Kenah, 51
Letticie, 295, 296, 306
Levicie S., 284
Linn(e)y, Linnie, 54, 247
Margaret M., 130
Mary, 49
Matilda, 71
Nancy, 78, 300, 307
Nelly, 289
Philip, 294
Polly G., 72
R. W., 321, 361
Rawley W., 119, 310
Rebecca, Rebecka, 49, 276, 294
Rebecca G., 118
Rebecca Jane, 110
Rebecca W., 116
Ruth, 294
S. A., 330, 332
Samuel, 48, 51, 172, 177, 178, 179, 218, 220, 233, 234, 238, 248, 261, 273, 276, 300, 307, 308,
312, 369
Samuel C., 186, 247, 264, 298, 300
Samuel K., 118
Sarah, 288, 293, 294. 380
Susannah, 51, 300
Susannah R., 159
T., 361
Tabitha, Tibitha, 62
Thomas, 39, 168, 169, 171, 185, 186, 189, 192, 193, 197, 198, 199, 200, 203, 207, 208, 211, 212, 221, 222,
223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 236, 247, 248, 261, 264, 266, 276, 288, 289, 294, 296, 297, 298,
300, 302, 306, 307, 343, 344, 362, 385,
410, 412
Thomas, Jr., 207, 250
Thomas, Sr., 193
Thomas G., 88, 310, 317, 318, 361
Thomas W., 156, 312
William, 48, 68, 171, 185, 186, 215, 244, 263, 276, 293, 294, 295, 296, 298, 300, 306, 328, 380, 413
William, Jr., 173, 236
Zachariah S., 107, 310
Wolcott, Alexander, 304
Wolf(e), Hannah, 210
Marir, 143
Mary, 135
Matilda, 161
Nancy, 130
Wolford [also see Wofford], Elizabeth, 50
George, 64
Nancy, 109
Polly, 86
Woltz, Samuel, 151
Wood [also see Woods], (Capt.), 231
James (Gov.), 37
Margaret, 107
Samuel, 28
Woodridge, John I., 72
Woods [also see Wood], J. E., 327
James, 330
Samuel, 22
Wo(o)ldridge, Woolridge, Sally, Sallie, 117
Woolman, Jacob, 18
Woos(e)ley, Woolsey, Hezekiah, 94
Mahala, 86
Workman [also see Wortman], James, 213
Marinda, 95
Mary, 63
Mose(s), 67, 125, 264, 300
Obadiah, 83
Polley, 83
Rachel, 213
Sally, 55
Slrantle, 127
Thomas, 50
Wortman, Moses, 48
Wray, Joseph, 301
Wright, Right, Daniel H., 131
Daniel Harman, 281
Elean Myrinda, 281
Eleanor, 281
Eliza, 146
Eliza Jane, 281
Gideon, 60, 269
Gideon, Jr., 281
Gideon, Sr., 281
Harvey George, 281
Hezekiah, 411
Lucinda, 281
Michael, 411
Nancy, 57, 136, 281
Nelly, Nellie, 269
Polly, 59
Rebecca, Rebecka, 108, 273, 281, 303
T. P., 315
W.H., 332
Wynn(e), Winn, 389
Aleanah, 288
Anna, 272
Anne, 57
Annie E., 325
David, 272
Elizabeth, 272, 273
Elkanah, 272
Harman, 90, 272
Harry, 272
Henry, 273, 306
Isaiah, 272
James, 70, 273, 308, 413
Jane, 79, 279
Jenney, 272
John, 55, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 189,190, 199, 200, 207, 211, 212, 219, 234, 236, 238, 251, 261, 264,
272, 273, 308, 359, 382
Joseph, 247, 273
Joseph H., 241, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 262
Josiah, 171, 271, 272
Lavina, 233
Levie, 308
Levina, 273
M. F., 325
Margaret, 272
Martha, 109, 272
Mary, 101, 271, 272
Mary E., 41
Minor, Miner, 217, 237, 245, 272, 273
Morgan, 246, 249
Nancy, 272, 273
Nancy C., 148
Oliver, 264, 272, 293, 294, 306, 411
Peggy, 51
Peter, 272, 273
Peter E., 92, 413
Pheby, 51, 272
Phylis, Phil(l)is, 233, 272, 273
Polly, 272
Robert, 56, 58, 88, 90, 233, 272, 273, 306
Sally, 272
Sally (lately Baldwin), 277
Samuel, 59, 272, 273, 413
Sarah, 271
William, 24, 171, 173, 233, 272, 273, 288, 344, 410, 437
William, Sr., 272
William P., 105, 236, 242, 243, 246
Yates, Yats, Hiram, 114
James, 114
Jeremiah, 324
John, 124
Sally, 142
William, 158
Yost, Yoct, Yose, Ad(d)eline, 72
David G., 120, 320
Euphinia, 116
H. A., 362
Henry, 87
Henry A., 258
John, 111, 117, 312
Julia, 159
W. O., 362
William O., 127, 360 (2
Wyley W., 312
Young, family, 357
Absolum, 61, 265
Charles, 56, 175, 178, 184, 265, 271, 274, 286, 290
Charlotte, 61
D., 104
Daniel, 56, 287, 289, 293
David, 48, 54, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 73, 75, 79, 80, 83, 86, 88, 89, 92, 95, 96, 97,
100, 102, 104, 106, 107, 110, 112, 114, 115, 118, 120, 121,
123, 129, 130, 135, 138, 139, 145, 146, 152, 160, 161, 163, 164, 181, 183, 184, 264, 274, 303, 308
Drury, 52
Dudley, 204, 274, 286
Elizabeth, 112, 290, 295, 296
Fanny, 92
Hugh, 70, 203
Israel, 274, 286, 290, 291, 295, 413
Isaac, 146
Jacob, 23
Jane, 110
Jesse, 292, 303
John, 89, 156, 239, 241, 242, 243, 286, 290, 295, 296
John B., 320
Juston, 319
Levicie, 274
Levisy, 291
Margaret, 95, 274
Mary M., 161
Millie, 61
Nancy, 96
Nathaniel, 49, 152, 264, 274, 291, 293, 413
Pleas, 319
Rebecca, 110
Rebecca Eveline, 139
Richard, 97
Robert, 66, 197, 203
Sam[uel], 48, 58, 184, 286, 317, 327
Samuel W., 96
Sintha, 104
Susanna(h), 75, 286
William, 92
William A., 92, 133
William B., 118, 243, 244, 246, 249, 252
William H., 248
Zinn, Garrett, 19
Slaves & Free Negroes
Abram, 216
Addison, 509
Amy, 257
Casper, 257
Christian, 582
CosbyAnn, 257
Dimon, 199
Eleanor, 215
Elizabeth, 257
Ellan, 257
Henry, 257, 281
Joshua, 240
Louisa, 257
Mathew, 255
Polly, 215
Watt. 204
Bell, Thomas, 209
Cousins, James C., 260
Louisa, 260
Early, Charley, 260
Easly, Charley 260
Holl(e)y, Ezekiel, 251
William, 251, 252
Lewis, Granville, 245
Index to Volume Two
Aaron, Lewis, 204
Abboge, Andrew, 143
Abbot(t), B.A., 326
Benjamin, 559
Carrie M., 199
J. H., 235, 236
James (Rev.), 352
Margaret, 352
Nannie, 399
P. B., 327
Richard, 352, 399
Sallie, 352
William, 559
Abel, Able,
George W., 322
James Riley, 247
Robert Henson, 247
Abernathy, L.M., 226
Absher, Minnie (Mrs.), 188
William B.W., 247
Acklin, Cr., 204, 206
Acres, Sarah A., 22
Adair, Moses, 18
Adams, David, II 297
Eliza, 502
J.P., 464
Jones, 246
Rush, 423
Samuel L., 129
Adcock, R. T., 232
Addison, Edd Kelly, 248
Maude, 366
Taylor, 248
Thomas Albert, 247
Adkins, A.W., 40
Calvery, 30
Celina, 17
Daisy, 464
Elizabeth E., 17
Harris, 231
John, 304
Margaret Jane, 22
Margaret Virginia, 566
Robert Walter, 566
Samuel Edward, 566
Spurlock, 551, 566
William Earl, 566
Adton, James, 328
Agner, William, 221
Ahart, N., 564
Aistrop, O. P., 226
Akers, 502
(Miss), 412
John, 227
John C., 43
Mary, 26
Evangeline, 493
James, 73, 76, 321
Alder, Jesse, 153
Mary Ann, 24
Peter, 154, 315
Philip G., 13
Susan Lavina, 17
J.O. (Rev.), 139, 306
Alderson, 354
Chapman, 106, 354
Dora (Mrs.) (of New York City in 1925), 354
H. C., 86, 93, 100, 116, 118 , 119 , 131, 428, 534
Henry C., 73, 77, 132, 182, 354, 391
Leola, 354
Mary Chapman, 182
Sallie Ellen, 354
William Henry, 355
Aldridge, Ali, 20
Alexander, Bettie, 182
Carrie Tipton, 335
Charles L., 182
Flora Pansy, 182
G. C., 565
Harvey George, 182
Henry, 236
J. D., 44, 319 , 407
J. Frank, 407
J.H., 319
James, 407
James Frank, 182
Jeremiah, 208
John, 417
John D., 519
John D., Jr., 182
Lawrence, Jr., 565
Lee, 247
Leiva Marie, 565
Lena S., 182
Lula, 339
M. O., 140, 305, 310, 312
Maggie E., 182
Nannie A., 182
Norma Jean, 565
Ol., 206
Oliver, 208
Pansy, 395
Sprole, 407
Theresa, 182
William, 206, 207
Alexandria, Eleanor, 407
Allen, Al(l)in, Alice, 469
Amanda E., 37
Eliza A., 334
George, 248
Hugh, 550
James, 64, 68, 89, 101, 104
John, 46, 47, 50
Mary, 469
Moses, 208
P. B., 182
Sarah Louisa, 468
W.W., 229
William, 437
Alley, Ally, Allie, David, 23, 37, 232
Eliza, 167
Harriet E., 41
Isabelle, 389
Lizzie, 189
Martha W., 158
Polly, 26
William Henry, 167
Al(l)ison, Ab., 239
Claude, 162
H., 236
Marthy Jane, 191
Mary, 19
Matt (Chas), 204
Mat., 207
Millie, 465
Rochie, 284
Samuel F., 97, 191
Altizer, Alltizer, Altiser, (also see Alizer), 333
Adam, 33
Catherine, 39
Eveline, 33
Henry D., 166
J. A., 223
J. B., 134, 300
James B., 130
James T., 325
John, 16, 72, 246
John A., 26, 223
Joseph E., 166
Lavisa, 166
Lena, 288
Lillie C., 168
Mary Belle, 442
Mary C., 32
Ruthy, 22
Susan, 36
T. A., 107
T. N., 134
Thomas, 246
Thomas A., 109
Thomas V., 168
William, 166
William H., 103
Alvey, John F., 227
Alvis, Alvise, Fel., 236
James, 236
Joe, 236
John, 236
America, John, 586
Anderson, Buford, 201
Eliza, 284
Frank P., 179
Hallie, 201
Harvey, 170
J. H., 150
J. Kemp., 179
Jacob, 208
James, 229
James S., 29
John, 16, 208
John F., 15
John M., 121
L.O., 119
Lawrence, 408
Lewie, 243
Mamie M., 201
Mary Agnes, 179
Mary F., 38
Nona, 201
Polly (McDonald), 150
R. Homer, 313
Rebecca Jane, 16
Robert, 192
Ruley, 201
Sarah Fina, 14
Shirley, 201
T. E., 300
Thursia Ann, 170
Verlie, 201
W.G., 201
Walter S., 577
William, 204, 207
Willie, 201
Willis, 247
Winnis, 201
Andrews, 507
Andrew J., 18
Charles J., 157
Elizabeth (Mrs.), 157
Angles, Robert Sam., 247
Anglin, Clarissa S., 161
James P., 161
Anspaugh, Hettie, 587
Apperson, Georgia, 543
Appleton, George Clifford (Jack), 564, 574
Julia Langhorn, 189, 564, 574
Nellie George, 189
Archer, J. D., 221
Archy, Jonah F., 36
Ardlaw, (Prof.), 501
Armbruster, Arbrister, Claude, 483
Ethel, 483
George Litz, 483
Hazel Marie, 483
Lutie, 286
Ruth, 407
Arm(i)stead, (Miss), 356
Argro, 248
Armontrout, William P., 430
Arms, Armes, Angeline, 33, 169
Berta Ann, 175
Charity C., 35
Elizabeth, 42
Fannie B., 175
Joe, 239
John W., 39, 175, 227
Louise, 585
Martha, 29
Martha A., 26
Nancy (Crabtree), 169
Sarah Ann, 78
T.A., 326
Theo, 585
Theodore, 227
Theophilus, 169
Thomas, 175
Armstrong, Elizabeth Alexina, 504
Arrowood, W.W., 139, 319
Arthers, John, 204
Asberry, Asbury, (Miss), 464
(Bishop), 455
Amanda Jane, 18
Ann (Baldwin), 153
Archibald, 34
Blanch, 285
Charles, 149
Eddie, 164
Eli, 240
Eli C., 223
Eli Clinton, 26
Ellen, 19
F.K., 240
Fielding K., 171
Fielding Kirk, 12
Francis, 293, 295
G.W., 183, 240
Gabriel W., 21
George, 164, 183, 203
Gus, 248
Han(n)ah, 171, 444
Henry C., 21
Jacob [went to Calif.], 464
John, 27, 149, 183, 221, 246
John Carter, 19
John Johnson, 248
Joseph (Joe), 149, 183, 479
Kirk, 440
Lavisa, 12
Louvisa, 160
M.S., 227
Mad(d)ison, 149, 164, 221
Manassa Smyth, 18
Marion Calvin, 247
Meala, 171
Nannie Virginia, 164
Patty, 149
Peggy, 153
R. F., 137
Rebecca J., 40
Rebecca Jane, 149
Reece, 164
Rees, 240
Sallie, 539
Sam, 183
Shannon, 43
Shelney B., 164
Smith, 240
Thomas, 28, 227, 464
Thomas H., 171
W.S., 299
Washington, 17, 240
William, 203, 246
William P., 23
Willie, 164
Ashbrook, Mamie Agnes, 185
Sarah I. (Currin), 157
Ashford, Ethel, 202
Ashley, Christine (Perry), 174
Ashmore, Elizabeth, 509
Ashworth, A.A., 303
Arthur, 538
Dewey, 538
Hugh, 538
Robert M., 303
Rufus, 538
Thomas, 538
Askew, Ascue, (Miss), 422
Abraham, 26
Ann Eliza, 156
C.B., 300
Clint B., 197
Henry, 23, 156
Henry Steele, 197
Nell Margaret, 197
Nellie June, 442
Nellie S., 197
Willie (Mrs.), 197
Aston, Alice, 417
Bettie, 182
Atkins, (also see Adkins) Flora, 469
Frances Ann, 520
Jane H., 457
Robert, 457
Atkinson, Effie M., 286
F.W., 103
Myrtle, 361
Atwell, Ann (Alder), 154
Frank, 176
Gum, 176
Henry, 176
James, 176
John, 176, 227
Rebecca, 176
Robert, 242, 243
William P., 41
Austin, Christina (Harman), 151
D.M., 321
Maggie, 35
S.W., 243
Samuel, 321 , 322
Samuel W., 47, 49
Ayers, B. F., 221
Isaac, 221
W.A., 131
Baber, John L., 306
John L., Jr., 354
Mary S., 284
P.B., 321
Badders, Henrietta, 539
Bailey, Bayley, Bal(l)ey), (Judge), 357
A.C., 242
A.J., 237
A. P., 31
Aaron, 243
Aaron H., 42
Armour W., 231
C. B., 326
Calder, 235
Carmack, 160, 165
Clinton, 237
Cosby C., 169
E.H., 169
E.K., 412
E. L., 327
Edward V., 166
Elvera Genette, 166
Elvina, 410
Emory, 250
Esttll, 160, 165
Ethel, 410
Fannie, 504
Festus, 160, 165, 237
Fred, 408
G. C., 130
G.M., 301
George, 332
George C., 109, 126, 167, 224, 332, 410
Granville, 160, 165
Gratton, 504
Greever, 408
H. E., 313
H. Peery, 332
Harriet Cosby, 166
Harriet R. (Harry), 166
Harvey, 24
Harvey,G., 23
Henderson, 19; 151
Hubert S., 439
Hugh S., 69, 167
J. A., 326
J. G., 300
J. S., 197
Jacob, 227, 410
James, 174, 224, 232, 332
James A., 166
James Armour, 200
Jesse, 24, 98, 504
John, 25, 159, 165, 166, 234, 242
John C., 167, 520
Julia, 504
Kate, 502
Kirk, 252
Louise, 408
Louvenia, 166
Margaret, 408, 410
Martha Irena, 19
Mary, 160, 165, 390, 410
Mary Ann (Shannon), 159, 174
Mary Malvina, 17
Mary Meek, 200
Mastin, 457
Mollie, 504
N. Biddle, 160, 165
Nannie, 326
Nelle, 332
Patrick, 243
Peery, 410
Peyton, 243
Phillip, 236
Pleasant, 26, 44, 242
Policy, 160, 165
Rebekah, Rebecca, 166, 578
Rees, 408, 410
Rufus, 237
Rufus K., 237
Sallie May, 408
Sarah, 160, 165
Sarah (Hedrick), 151
Sarah J., 20
Sherman, 410
Susan, 166
Theodore, 236
Thomas S., 31, 92, 94, 167, 223, 224
Vernon, 408
Virginia, 332, 504
W.E., 298, 504
W.L., 197
William, 16, 242, 410
Zachariah, 32
Baird, Lenna Walters, 191
Philip Logan, 191
Baker, Dayton, 484
E. L. (Rev.), 140, 141, 313
E.W., 565
Elizabeth, 14
Ella, 287
Emma, 444
Fannie E., 172
Frederick H., 306
George, 484
James W., 325, 444
John L., Jr., 484
Jonas H., 18
Joseph L., 364
June, 484
Maggie M., 172
Mary, 502
Mary Emarmtha, 11
Michie, 484
Rose C., 172
Surgeon, 235
T.E., 326
W.L., 301
William, 12
William P., 18
Baldwin, A.M., 131
Albert, 229, 339, 362
Amy, 154
Andrew, 153, 316
Barbara, 153
Barbara White, 401
C.M., 304
Catherine, 153
Charles, 339
Den. O., 339
Denison B., 82, 339
Elizabeth, 39, 41
Ernest, 339
Frank, 339
George, 36
H. L., 401
H. L., Jr., 401
Harry, 339
Helen C., 188
Hubert, 339
J. P., 246
J. W., 326, 401
Janet K., 185
JohnR., 253
John Robert, 248
Kate English, 352
Kyle, 339
Lissa, 536
Louise, 339
Lyde, 339
Mamie L., 401
Mary H., 25
May, 339
Moses, 304, 339
Nannie L., 185
Nelson, 431
Nicholas, 153
O.S., 437
Owen, 228
R.E., 310
R.M., 112
Rees G., 401
Robert, 251, 339
Robert, Jr., 501
Robert G., 229
Robert M., 339
Sallie, 339
Sarah Ann, 16
Shade Creed, 248
Verneta, 284
Vernita Vail, 401
Virginia, 339
W. T., 41
Warren, 321, 325
Watts, 253
Wesley, 39
William, 339
William G., 84, 339
William T., 304
Bales, Earnest Brown, 252
Irene, 285
Mary T., 24
Ball, Alice Tate, 189
Bessie, 168
C. E., 180
Charles, 488
Charlie, 168
Clarence, 522
Eliza C., 180
Ella, 441
J. F., 180
J. K., 309
Jacob, 189
John K., 522
Joseph, 587
Joseph S., 28
Hermit, 198, 488
Nora, 181
Nora M., 189
Rebecca, 587
Roda J., 24
William, 587
Ballard, John, 32
Ballinger, Jim, 251
Bandy, Annie, 331
Annie Maude, 333
Bessie, 333
Blair, 333
Bogle, 332
Charles, 331
Clara, 331
Clare, 333
Clyde, 333
Cynthia, 177
David, 177
Dora, 332
Ed, 489
Edward, 332, 333
Elizabeth, 21, 331, 333
Ella, 0-331
Ellen, 331, 332, 581
Ellenor V., 44
Elmer, 281
Farris, 333
G. W., 110, 112, 127, 181
George, 237, 252, 331, 333
George W., 29, 109, 120, 331
Greever, 331
Guy, 331
Hannah, 27, 331
J. E., 127
James, 8, 14, 78, 82, 83, 85, 90, 98, 101, 102, 103, 108, 111, 113 , 134, 160, 173, 223, 331, 332 , 333, 410,
Jane, 331
Jessie, 333
John, 331 , 333
John C., 32, 69, 81, 82, 331
John H., 332
Joseph, 177, 331, 333
Lucy, 24, 331, 440
Lula, 173, 332
Martha J., 29
Mary, 331
Mary Belle, 331
Mary Jane, 181
Mattie, 331
May, 332
Mollie, 173, 332, 410
Nancy, 331
Nannie, 173, 331, 332
Nellie, 331
Patsy, 331
Rebecca, 30; 160, 331 , 332
Rex, 333
Richard, 237
Robert, 333
Sallie, 36, 173
Sarah, 333
Sarilda, 331
Thomas, 331 , 332 , 333
Thomas R., 29
Thomas Richard, 331
Vincent A., 332
W.W., 331
William, 52, 72, 120, 126, 130, 137, 142, 250, 331, 332 , 333
William T., 332, 333, 537
William W., 31, 331 , 332, 333
Bane, Ban, Bean (e), Bain, (Mr.), 342
Cecil Calaway, 248
Dawson, 555
Ervine, 281
Erwin, 249
ErwinR., 253
Harry Wythe, 469
Herbert Odis, 248
Howard, 523
J. F., 231
J. H., 105, 231
James H., 101
John T., 88, 89
Joseph H., 88, 94, 103
Lettie, 523
Maria, 38
Mary Elizabeth, 565
Milly, 37
Nancy, 467, 523
Nannie, 460
Robert, 209
Sallie, 453
Sarah Jane, 24
Virginia, 469
W. E., 92, 94, 103, 105
W. N., 142
William C., 45
William E., 83
William P., 49
William R., 55, 57, 64, 67
William Wythe, Jr., 469
Bankett, Zerilda Ann, 35
Banks, Cary, 41
Fannie, 518
Banner, Charles W., 423
John G., 423
John G., Jr., 423
Mary, 422
William Cowan, 423
Barbaree, Alice, 362
Jack, 362
Barbe(e), A.W., 307
L. T., 301
Lee J., 192
Barbour, Barber, F.W., 299
John, 17
Barding, Dicy, 36
Barger, Harriet, 513
Barham, Frances, 284
Barker, Carrie A., 394
Charles, 208
Edmund, 208
Edward, 208
Enoch, 208
Henry, 208
Joel, 208
Josephine V. [of Gr. Falls, Mont.], 394
Nelson Henry, 249
Barley, John, 227
Barnard, Lera, 286
Barnet(t), Abbie E., 583
Adam H., 231
Albert, 229
Alexander, 209
Archibald, Archable, 16, 28, 239
Barbara E., 18
Barbary V., 39
Bryan William, 251
Charlotte, 25
Elijah, 181
Elizabeth, 548
George W., 29
Grover Cleveland, 249
Isabella, 13
J. Raymond, 250
James, 229, 234, 248
James M., 94
Jemima, 169
John, 224
John A., 37
Josephine, 490
Martha J., 22
Mary, Marry, 42
Mary A., 37
Mary Eleanor, 26
Mary Jane, 181
Mary M., 23
Melia M., 15
Moses C., 181
Moses H., 25
Nancy, 17
Nannie, 36
Phebe, 31
Rhoda F., 25
Ruth M., 27
Shone, 181
W. H., 96, 232
William, 227
William A., 71, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 83
Barns, Barnes, family, 332-341
Albert Joseph, 335, 338
Alexander, 209
Amanda, 11, 155, 173, 335, 338, 339, 466
C. J., 99, 111
Carl Hurt, 335
Charles Otts, 335
Charley, 250
Clinton, 12, 55, 69, 149, 155, 239, 334, 335, 336, 395
Clinton Joseph, 338
Clinton Taylor, 336
Eleanor Blair, 335
Eliza, 155
Eliza B., 335, 339
Eliza J., 40
Elizabeth, 173, 580
Elizabeth Nancy, 339
Ellen Gibson, 347
Frances Johnson, 335, 347
Francis Alexander, 335, 338
Frank Bundy, 335
Grace (Brown), 334
Ida, 192
J.D., 324
James, 155
Janie Catherine, 335
Jennie Amanda, 335
John, 148, 155, 191, 221, 228, 334, 335, 341
John Alexander, 335
John D., 89
John David, 336
John T., 103, 107, 122
John Thompson, 335, 338
John Walter, 338
Joseph, 173, 335
Joseph G., 333
Joseph Gillespie, 338
Lawrence Alexander, 335
Levice, 335
Levisa Ward, 500
Lila Moore, 336
Lula Zarilda, 335
Mamie Ida, 335, 338
Margaret, 171, 191, 334, 585
Margaret Ellen, 335, 338
Margaret L., 335
Margaret Louisa, 335, 338
Margaret Virginia, 336
Maria M., 472
Mary, 500
Mary Eliza, 335
Mary Strother, 338
Mary Taylor, 336
Mary V., 157, 173
Mollie, 336
Mollie Virginia, 335, 338
Nancy, 155, 334, 335, 336
Nancy Ellen, 335
Nancy Lucille, 337
Nancy W., 394
O. B., 173
O. F., 220
Olivia, 339
Oscar, 155, 334
Oscar Blair, 335
Oscar F., 42, 221, 339, 580
Oscar Fitzalen, 335, 338, 396
Polly, 155, 335
Rebecca, 155, 335
Rebecca W., 339
Robert, 6, 8, 27, 48, 49, 53, 56, 64, 70, 84, 85, 155, 203, 333, 334 , 335, 336, 338, 339, 341, 347, 544, 545,
Robert Frank Alexander, 335
Robert Henry, 335, 338
Robert Moses, 335
Robert Orville, 335
Sallie, 334, 335, 339
Sally, 155
Sally W., 20
Samuel Clinton, 335
Sarah Ellen, 335
Sarah Gillespie, 335
Sarah J., 157
Sarah Jane, 168
Sarah Malvina, 336
Sarah Strother, 336
Susie Rebecca, 336
Virginia, 337
W.A., 101
W. O., 192
William, 148, 154, 155, 239, 334, 335 , 336 , 339, 341, 395, 460, 500, 544
William A., 334
William Alexander, 335
William Clinton, 335, 338
William O., 333, 338
William Oscar, 338
William Winston, 335
Barret(t), Bonnie, 285
E.A., 324
Elizabeth, 161
Harvey, 488
James, 240
James M., 17
John Thomas, 11
Josephine S., 39
Lawrence A., 253
Lee, 250
Lou, 493
M.A., 71
M. J. (Mrs.), 200
M. L., 240
M. W., 97, 220, 221, 240
Milbourn W., 34
R.P., 301
Robert H., 224
Roy Thomas, 252
Susan, 21
Thomas, 42, 440
W.H., 221
William, 240
William Roba, 249
William S., 32
Barrowman, Christine, 426
Bartlett, Augustus, 232
David Augustus S., 148
Henry, 515
Nancy, 148
William, 209
Barton, Esther, 286
Bass, C.H., 327
Bates, (Miss), 411
Benjamin Elbert, 252, 280
Luther W., 481
Margaret, 377 , 492
Thomas [moved to Ill.], 377
Baugh, Agnes, 161, 171
Annie, 180
Buenvista, 40
Coker, 406
David M., 316
Edythe, 286
John, 243
John T., 161
Michael, 96, 316
Rhoda A., 40
Thomas, 243
Baumgardner, George Thomas, 252
John H., 316, 317
Baxter, George [of Rockingham Co., Va.], 358
George A., 358
Martha Nickolls, 291
Mary Selina, 356, 357
Sidney S., 357, 358
Baxton, James, 236
Bay, L. D., 128
Bayes, Grace, 561
Bayles, Enoch, 251
Bayless, May, 489
Baylor, Eliza, 146
Eliza W. (White), 148
Flora Lee, 189
J. E., 301
Jennie Belle, 546
John G., 88
John W., 38
John Ward, 251
Julia A. (Brown), 154
Mary Ella, 189
Samuel E., 280
Samuel Edwin, 189
W. E., 189, 546
William, 251
Beach, J. Gordon, 576
Nancy Wirt, 576
Beaden, Eleanor, 12
Beamer, Beemer, Byrum, 500
Charles, 500
Robert, 500
Roy, 500
William T., 500
Bean (see Bane)
Beard, J.C., 301
John, 301
Richard, 209
William J., 251
Beatie, Dave, 204 , 206, 207
Frank, 204, 207
John, 206
Mary, 154
William, 204 , 206
Beavers, Beevers, A.J., 246
A. R., 142
Alex(ander), Elexander, 33, 52, 228, 440, 458
Alexander, Jr., 440
Alexander R., 152
Amanda B., 189
Arthur, 287
Arthur Samuel, 248
Bettie, 489
Billye, 288
C.P., 163, 301
Catherine, 442
Charles M., 251
Charlie Mose, 248
Columbus, 227, 331
David Carl, 248
Eleanor Phoebe, 442
Ellen, 160
Ellen P., 526
Eliza, 36
Erastus, 331
Fayette, 249
Frank, 136
George, 251
George Walter, 251
Glenn Everett, 251
Guy L., 33
H. Wade, 361
Harve, 110
Herbert, 199
Homer, 249
J. F., 129, 135
J. Frank, 539
J. H., 112, 114, 128, 129
James, 18, 173, 331, 440
James M., 442
John "Beardy", 440
John W., 24, 331
Joseph H., 135
Laura, 574
Lettie, 163
Linnie, 333
Lizzie, 458
Lou Ann, 199
Lucy, 479
Lydia, 440, 458
M., 229
M. H., 173
M. J., 199
Margaret, 458
Martha, 16, 199
Mathias, 29, 43, 223, 224, 458
Matthias H., 74, 75, 85, 152
Mattie, 552
Moses, 52, 152, 458
Moses J., 31, 74, 75, 152
Moses Jackson, 442, 458
Nancy, 32, 440
Nannie, 331
Patsy, 36
Pearl, 163, 361
Rachel, 440
Rebecca, 458
Robert G. [of Logan, W. Va.], 361
Robin, 458
Theresa, 539
Thomas, 224, 331
W. L., 331
W.M., 108
Willetta, 493, 539
William, 30, 440, 458
William Gratton, 163, 361
Becher, George W., 250
Beck, Emma, 190
Beckelheimer, Frances, 82
Rebecca J., 19
Beckley, Charles, 206
Henry M., 227
Beidler, Velma, 285
Belcher, Belsher (also see Belshe), 544
Dora Bell (French), 183
Elizabeth, 19
Ellen A., 152
Hennitta J., 30
Henrietta, 16
Henry, Jr., 236
Henry, Sr., 236
Henry D., 237
Isaac, 237
Isom G., 35, 152
James, 152
James E., 34
James Luther, 250
John, 19, 203
Lazie, 249
Matilda, 34
Moses, 152
Nancy, 152
Nancy E., 37
Nancy Elizabeth, 180
Osie, 483
Phillip, 237
Rebecca, 41
Robert, 152, 203
Robert H., 29
Samuel T., 152
Sara Ann, 152
Waddy, 237
Waddy C., 33
Belew, C. H., 319
Chapman, 577
Susie E., 577
Bell, Celesta, 286
George, 249
H. N., 121
Hazel, 386
Jennie, 178
Julia, 180
Kirk, 472
Landon C., 485, 486
Mary, 472
Robert, 472
Robert G., 472
Sarah, 472
Belshe, Belchy, Belche(e), Belsha (also see Belcher), Joshua, 151
Matilda, 151
Milly, 151
Robert, 510
Thurston, 151
W.B., 298
Wingfield, 151
Zachariah, 151
Belton, Audry, 201
Claude, 201
Corine, 201
Fannie, 201
Irvin L., 201
James W., 201
Lena, 201
Marvin, 201
Mary, 34
Walter, 201
Benbow, A. A., 178
Charles, 178
J. J., 106, 178
J. P., 178
Mattie, 178
Benham, John, 204, 207
Mary L., 318
Bennett, Bullen, 204
Daniel J., 24
G. W., 232
Benning, Benoni, 209
Benson, William, 252
Berger, James, 243
Berkley, Dominick, 202
Berry, Bradley, 209
George, 206
James, 206, 207
Linda S., 284
Thomas, 204, 206
William, 204, 206
Bertie, Ellen, 177
Best, G. O., 221
Betterman, Helen F., 199
Bibb, Mary E., 286
Bice, Gregory, 27
Bickel, 584
Bickley, 562
Aaron Hatler, 417
Charles, 209, 417
Edgar Gose, 417
George W., 296
Irene Elizabeth, 417
Billips, Billups, Albert A., 249
Augustus, 189
Charles Arthur, 248
Gideon, 36
Gus, 141, 143, 192, 236
J. D., 192
James D., 189
Kiah, 51, 73, 83, 85, 88, 89
L. Avis, 588
Luther, 189
Margaret, 44
Mary A., 38
R. J., 189
S.A., 189, 237
Samuel A., 33
W.G., 189
Walter M., 189
Birchlebach, John Robert, 248
Bird, Eliza J., 32
Elisha, 31
Elizabeth, 12
John, 12
July Ann, 34
Luther H., 584
Mary, 193
William A., 38
Bishop, Caroline Ruth, 16
Catherine, 153
Jane, 29
John, 153, 224
Leon, 546
Leva, 209
Oliver Whiting, 546
Samuel Ward, 546
Black, (Miss), 345
A.M., 319
Charles, 502
Charles Walter, 502
Glenn Moore, 502
Harold Wharton, 367
Harold Wharton, Jr, 367
Janie, 502
Joseph, 209
Joseph Sanders, 367
Ora Lee, 502
W. A., 502
Blackburn, Arthur, 208
James, 204
John, 208
Joseph, 207, 208
William, 204, 207
Blackmore, John, 208
William, 209
Blackstone, Clarence, 248
Blackwell, Catherine, 33
G. W., 228
George, 234
George W., 29
Henry, 224
Henry C., 25
James M., 25
John George, 249
Louise, 284
P. T., 38
Pierce, 325
Blair, G. W., 303
John, 446
Bland, Josephine E., 170
Blankenship, Miss, 331
Alice, 179
Anna, 153
Armstrong, 20
C.W., 240
Caroline Columbia (Neel), 169
Charles Wesley, 11
Charley William, 248
Daniel D., 21
Delila, 14
Edward, 154
Fanny, 147
G. W., 154
Gladys, 561
Hubbard Patton, 179
Ida, 179
John, 234, 240
John Elswick, 11
John Tolbert, 154
Joseph, 154
Lawrence W., 248
Lear, 12
Louisa, 21
Mahala, 33
Malinda, 21
Martha, 20
MaryJ., 29
Mary Jane, 11
Milly, 462
Nelly, 154
Pascal, 240
Pressley, 18
Rebecca(h), 18
Roland, 42
S., 20
Sarah J., 40
Sidney, 248
Sylvester, 251
Thomas, 160
Washington, 20
William, 70 , 117, 251, 310, 311, 38, 153, 154, 237, 240
William H., 30, 40, 224
William Jasper, 249
Blecher, Martha Ann, 16
Blessing, William, 220
Blevins, John, 588
Samuel, 42
Blizard, Charles J., 13
John, 15
Rachel E., 15
Block, Mary Action, 186
Pattie, 186
Sidney, 250
Blosser, Mr., 410
Boardwine, Clara, 202
Boatman, William, 249
Bobbitt, A. L. Jr., 430
Alta L., 430
Carl Preston, 430
R.W., 138, 283,284
Bock, John, 243
Boggess, Bandy, 249
Riffe, 249
Boggs, Dwight, 430
Bogle, H. R., 6, 7, 46, 51, 54, 55, 60 , 61, 63, 68, 71, 76, 78
Hamilton R., 65
Lillian, 184
Malinda, 518
Nannie Rebecca, 363
Sam Buchanan, 249
Boissean, Mary W., 192
Bolin(g) [see Bowling]
Bolt, Virginia, 588
Bond, S. H., 142
William, 204, 207
Bondurant, Louise, 284
Bonham, 587
Book, W. H., 327
Books, Sarah J., 39
Boone, Charles Thomas, 251
Daniel, 547
Rees Richard, 252
Boothe, Booth, A. C., 135, 137, 142
Barbara P., 191
Eliza, 441
George, 441
J. W., 229
James, 441
John, 21
John W., 149, 441
John Winter, 14
Lucinda, 440
Moses, 441
Otis Lee, 250
Patsy, 441
Peery, 252
Rebecca (Hankins), 149
Thomas J., 540
Boran, Bazil, 209
Boray, Steve, 249
Borders, David, 515
Eleanor M. (Peery), 148
Bordon, Bettie R., 179
Bostick, W.F., 223
Boteler, Laura, 285
Bottimore, Annie E., 577
Edith Anne, 577
Elizabeth M., 158
Elizabeth Maynard, 577
Emily Belew, 577
Helen Lake, 577
J. S., 577
John Strother, 577
John Strother, Jr., 577
Laura, 577
Louisa, 153
Nancy E., 577
Robert Renwick, 577
W. G., 577
William G., 13
William Gordon, 252, 280, 576, 577
William T., 31
Bough (see Baugh)
Bourne, Bourn, Arthur H., 197
Charles, 175
Charles A., 38
Darkus Amelia, 17
Dorcas, 175
Elizabeth, 175
Elizabeth A., 35
Elizabeth S., 194
F. E., 301
Felix, 17, 175, 194, 243
Felix E., 195
George G., 197
Gratton B., 197
Harriet, 175, 583
James, 175, 234, 583
James C., 195, 197
Jesse P., 197
Joseph N., 195
Lizzie, 582
Louisa, 184
Lydia, 13
Marshall C., 197
Martha, 175
Maude, 584
Ora V., 197
Reese, 197
Sallie, 175
Samuel W., 195
Stephen, 175
T. M., 121, 126, 131
Thomas, 175, 234
Thomas M., 23, 317
Trubie T., 197, 252
William A., 195
Bowen, family, 341-352, 382
Agnes, 342
Annie Moseley, 190, 350, 546
Arthur, 209, 341, 342
Catherine, 352
Charles, 209, 342
Courtney Cox, 347
Edward, 345
Eleanor (Tate), 345
Elizabeth, 341
Ella, 164, 319
Ellen, 345
Ellen Gibson, 347
Ellen S., 195
Ellen Stuart, 14, 345, 346
Francis, 347
George, 195
George Grady, 251
George Harvison, 346
Gratt M., 190
Gratton, 173
Gratton Mustard, 349
Gratton Mustard, Jr., 349
Gussie S., 195
H., 203, 239
H. A., 127, 131, 185
H. S., 188, 190
H.S., Jr., 190
Hamill, 342
Hattie, 345, 351
Henry, 7, 8, 190, 209, 229, 236, 341, 344 , 345, 346, 347, 348, 351, 395
Henry Albert, 347, 351
Henry E., 258
Henry S., 48, 50, 69, 70, 81, 173, 349, 580
Henry Smith, 349
Henry Smith, Jr., 349
J. C., 185
J. Nannie Hoge, 202
J. W., 110, 185
J. Walker, 109
James Walker, 347
Jane, 341, 342, 345, 346, 437
Jennie, 164, 195
Jennie McDonald, 350
Jennie May, 346
Jerome, 342
John, 208, 341, 342 , 344, 348, 352, 382, 384
John H., 352
Joseph Clinton, 347, 348
Lenabell, 195, 346
Levicie, Levicy, Levisa, 343, 344, 384, 514, 585
Levisa (Smith), 344
Lillie, Lilly, 339, 341, 342, 344
Lily (McElhaney), 342, 352
Lou Ollie, 347
Louisa, 190, 345, 348, 384, 393
Louisa G., 185
Louisa (Gillespie), 351
Louisa (Peery), 348
Louisa Smith, 514, 544
Louise, 195, 344, 347
Louise McDonald, 349
Louise Stuart, 346
Lucy, 346
Margaret, 195, 383, 384
Margaret E., 185
Margaret Ellen (Dr.), 347
Margaret Louisa, 347
Margaret Walker, 346
Mariah, 469
Maria(h) Cecil, 190, 349
Mariah L., 157
Maria(h) Louisa, 164, 346
Mary, 190, 342
Mary A., 188, 190
Mary C., 188
Mary Cally, 164
Mary Cary, 351
Mary Crockett, 347
Mary E., 190, 347
Mary Ellen, 190, 349, 351
Mary Exmisa, 347
Mary Olivia, 347
Mary (Mustard), 173
Meek Hoge (?), 190, 349, 469
Moses, 341
Nancy, 341, 342, 344, 544
Nancy Gillespie, 384
Nannie, 583
Peggy, 344
R.T., 59, 239
R.T., Jr., 188
Rachel, 190, 351, 558
Rachel A., 188
Rebecca, Rebeckah, 341 , 342, 344
Rebecca (Reese), 341
Rees(e), 203, 209, 237, 341, 342, 343, 344 , 348, 352, 382, 383, 384, 395, 460, 514 , 544, 572
Rees Smith, 190
Rees T., 7, 49, 51, 149, 188, 190, 195, 346, 347, 349, 515, 544, 546
Rees T., Jr., 546
Rees Tate, 190 , 195, 345, 346, 348, 349, 351, 469
Rees Tate, Jr., 349, 350
Richard, 342
Robert, 209, 342
Robert Henry, 347
S.C., 188, 190
Sallie Louise, 348
Samuel Cecil, 347, 350
Sarah, 342
Sarah Augusta, 195, 346
Stuart, 346
T. C., 110, 120, 131, 188, 190
T. Crockett, 469
T. Crockett, Jr., 349, 469
T. P., 164
Texie, 342
Thomas P., 236
Thomas Peery, 345, 346
Thompson Crockett, 349
Tom P., 235
Virginia, 342
W.R., 185, 239
William, 209, 341, 342, 352, 382, 544
William Joseph, 190, 347
William Lewis, 489
William Rees, 335, 347
William Rees, Jr., 347
Bowles, Margaret (Litz), 157
Bo(w)ling, Bol(l)en, Bol(l)and, Bolin(g) , Bolwing, Bo(w)len, - P., 234
Adaline E., 33
Albert, 538
Amanda, 588
Andrew, 317, 414
Andrew P., 25
Andrew Stephen, 414
Annis, 463
Bala(a)m, 460, 462 , 463
Betty, 464
C. M., 401
C. M., Jr., 401
Charles W., 234
Clinton, 463
Cynthia A., 21
David, 243, 463
David B., 165
David Young, 26
E. W., 137, 140
Earnest, 538
Eleanor R., 15
Elizabeth, 16, 19, 401, 462, 464
Ella, 538
Ella F., 185
Ellen, 464
Evaline, 29
Fannie, 462, 463, 464
George, 165
Glen, 538
Harvey, 224, 463
Harvey M., 234
Henry, 459
Hiram, 588
Ira, 414
J.H., 299
Jane, 15, 29, 463, 585, 587
Jar(r)et, 209, 218
John, 26, 414
John W., 39, 223, 224, 234
Joicy J., 489
Jordan, 240
Kate, 493
Lally, 15
Laura, 444
Letha, 583
Ejevisa, 31
Linsey, 27
Louisa J., 165
Malinda, 588
Margaret, 150, 165
Margaret J., 37
Martha, 26
Martin Luther, 250, 281
Mary, 21
Mary E., 33
Mary Jane, 11
Matilda, 150
Miles B., 38
Nathan, 538
Nathan, Jr., 538
Oma, 538
Rebecca, 462
Rebecca Eveline, 11
Rees M., 25
Sarah (Grills), 151
Solomon, 463
Susie, 538
T.R., 313
Tyler, 437
W.S., 240
W.T., 110
William, 18, 21, 240, 463
William A., 32
William Garrison, 14
William H., 165, 224
Bowman, A. J., 242
Alfred L., 368
Allen, 250
Arch(ibald), 37, 221
Charles Oata, 248
David Lonzo, 251
Edward L., 368
Elizabeth H., 40
George Dewey, 281
Howard S., 250
Isaiah, 204, 206
James, 587
John H., 483
Marion, 250
P. E., 285
R.W., 221
Robert, 44
Ruby, 537
Samuel, 19
Samuel P., 221
Sarah J., 33
Sidney Isaac, 248
Stanley Lee, 249
Tirew, 42
Bowser, James William, 252
Mary, 200
William J., 253
Boyce, Florence, 389
Boyd, Alice, 286
Bessie, 441
C. W., 572
Carl Madison, 441
Charles, 441
Clarence, 202, 441
Cleve, 585
Clyde, 441
Eveline (Young), 160
Hattie, 441
Hobart, 441
Jackson, 229
James Paul, 441
Jesse Marvin, 249
John L., 27
Jonathan, 133, 202
Josie, 585
Julia A. F., 202
L.D., 129, 134, 136, 137, 142
Lenora, 335, 441
Margaret E., 441
Otis, 441
Perry, 232, 234
Roy, 252
Sarah, 441
William C., 441
Boyer, J. B., 140, 143, 356
Joseph B., 391
Boyl(e), Boil(es), John Patten, 20
Brackens, Dosha, 540
Bradfield, John, 298
Bradford, Will, 248
Bradley, James, 204, 206
John, 204, 207
Bradshaw, (Miss), 422
Arthur G., 248
Isabella, 146
Isabella (White), 148
James, 242
Thomas, 246
William, 146
Brady, Polly Ann, 197
William, 197
Brannon, Elizabeth, 43
Branson, Sonny, 250
Braxton, Goeman, 249
Breckenridge, 506
Alex(ander), 209
George, 209
John, 209
Breeding, H., 226
Brewbaker, Elizabeth Barns, 338
J. W., 338
Brewer, J.W., 234
Jessie, 286
Mary B., 187
Mattie, 192
Brewster, Bruster, (Miss), 440
Abel, 445
Andrew, 52
Andrew J., 240
Andrew P., 223
Andy, 488
Archibald, 491
Bebe, 445
Betsy, 488
Bird, 440,488
Bird L., 223
Flair, 488
Cordelia, 445
Dorothy, 445
Dow, 445
E., 78, 94
Ebenezer, 24, 33, 83, 85, 88, 223, 377, 444, 488, 582
Edith, 445
Edward Ebb., 252
Eleanor Lee, 445
Eliza, 360, 445
Elizabeth, 29, 444
Frank, 444
George, 234, 586
George F., 36, 223
Gerald, 445
Hannah, 21, 488
Harvey P., 224
Herman, 445
Howard, 445
Ida M., 197
Isabel, 12
Isabelle, 488
J. Milton, 444
J. Morgan, 89, 445
James, Jeames, 52, 158, 322, 332, 445, 488
James M., 35, 158
James S., 20
Jasper, 253
Lackie, 445
M. W., 240
Maggie, 582
Mahala J., 35
Margaret, 488
Marian, 445
Mary, 36, 333, 488
Mary Alice, 445
Milburn W., 34
Mildred, 445
Milton, 445, 488
Morgan, 488
Nancy, 488, 515
Nannie, 445
Polly, 332, 444, 445, 488
Rachel, 12, 173, 332, 488
Rebecca, 488, 489, 491
Rebaka J., 154
Robert, 43
Rosa, 488
S.M. (Mrs.), 200
Sallie, 488
Sarah, 488
Sarah J. (Bailey), 167
Shelburn G., 251
Thomas, 488
Thomas G., 39
Thomas P., 221, 224
William, 224, 445
William A., 444
Briggs, George, 370
Margaret Montgomery, 370
Mary McDonald, 370
Bright, H., 548
Jesse F., 430
Raymond Ed., 430
Brinegar, A.O., 287
Gilbert, 248
Nancy Emily, 19
Brittain, Barbara, 199, 577
Barbara Emmons, 403
Carrie Lucinda, 512
Frank, 512
George Robert, 199, 404
H. P., 89, 91, 99, 101, 108, 110, 112, 120, 121, 122, 126, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 135,137, 138, 141,
142, 170, 199
H. Peery, 403, 403
Harvey Peery, 512
James Eugene, 403
John, 106, 170, 319, 512
Joie T., 170, 512
Joseph, 512
Josephine Thompson, 405
Lewis E., 170
Louis, 512
Margaret, 199, 513
Margaret Elizabeth, 404
Nathaniel, 403
Olivia Kate, 404
Ollie Kate, 199
R., 100, 103, 104 , 106
R. Jennie, 170
Rebecca Jane, 512
Robert, 170, 403, 512
Rufus, 48, 51, 65, 73, 79, 88, 98, 170, 199, 223, 252, 280, 284, 291, 318, 319, 403, 404, 405, 512, 574
Sallie, 199, 403
Britts, Adam, 322, 323
Angeltne, 38
Eliza, 322, 323
Nancy C., 15
Nye, 136, 139, 247, 361
Brodskie, Dan, 248
Brooke, C., 228
J. K., 227
Brooks, 584
A. E., 232
A .J., 169
Alexander, 147
Andrew J., 35, 234
Arch, 147
Augustus F., 23
Augustud H., 224
Bertie, 489
C.C., 78
Campbell, 246
Charles, 39
Charles Wesley, 248
E. T., 583
Elizabeth A., 23
Erastus T., 147
Garland, 28
Henry, 204, 206
J. H., 237
James, 75, 239, 251, 321, 464
James H., 35
Jane, 147, 588
Jennie, 376
Jim, 239
John, 167, 224, 587
John R., 23
Lem., 237
Leonidas, 234
Leonidas L., 37
Louisa V., 181
Lula, 583
Mack, 584
Macy, 147
Maggie J., 195
Mahala, 25
Margaret, 29
Martha C., 31
Martha Cosby, 200
Mary, 147
Mary E., 28
Matilda, 168
Mattie, 286
Nancy, 31
Pola Andrew, 251, 281
R. S., 181
Rees, 38
Richard, 147
Robert, 248
Rufus, 392
S.C., 44
S.E., 139
S.P., 76
Sallie, Sally, 376, 491
Samuel, 246
Sarah, 21, 147
Sarah Ann, 31
Sarah J., 39
Thomas, 147
William, 209, 237
William K., 168
Winny, 147
Brougham, 532
Brown (e), 579
(Miss), 337
(Mr.), 472
A. P., 78, 83, 85, 86, 90, 94, 98, 101 , 182
Agnes, 586
Alexander, 234
Alfred P., 18, 81, 88, 223
Alice, 586
Analara C., 196
Asa, 521
Barbara Elizabeth, 182
Bertha (Ball), 181
Bettie, 586
Blanche, 389
Boss, 129, 134
C. C., 471
C.R., 121, 196, 296, 298, 300
C.R., Jr., 135, 196, 301
C.R. (Rev.), 500
Catherine, 21
Cathern, 23
Charles, 586
Charles G., 253
Charles R., 522
Charles R., Jr., 248, 280
Charles R. (Rev.), 140, 420
Charles Robert, Jr., 500
Charlie C., 240
Cinthia (Whitt), 189
Clint, 240
Clinton, 37, 189
Cyrus, 169
Daniel, 504
Dorinda, 40
Dude, 228
Eliza, 189
Elizabeth, 16, 27, 491
Elizabeth Sue, 410
Ellen Cetaria, 12
El(l)enor, 158
Erastus G., 52
Eva Louise, 586
Eveline D., 40
F. J., 252
Fannie, 504
Flora, 437
Frank, 228
G. H., 283, 284
G.W.G., 41
George, 240, 466, 586
George H., 154, 223, 518
George W., 15
George W.G., 353, 354, 532
George Walter, 335
George W. K., 298
Georgia Alice, 586
Grace, 333, 337
Granger, 324
H., 228
H. Lee, 112
H. Leigh, 178
Harvey, 189, 240
Henry, 504
Hugh Young, 586
Isaac B., 25
J. H., 181
J. R., 298
Jacob B., 163
James, 191, 465, 497, 504,
James B., 23
James Clark, 190
James Fred, 248
James Marvin, 565
James P., 178
James R., 581
Jefferson, 470, 586
Jefferson Alexander, 335
Jefferson Orville, 335
Jennie, 586
Jennie E., 364
Jessee, 191
Joe, 586
John, 498, 536, 586
John A., 52
John M., 81, 82, 85, 87, 158
John W., 231, 243
John Ward, 335
Joseph C., 27, 49, 67, 68, 69, 70
Joseph Claypole, 19
Joshua Leigh, 178
Julia, 387
Lavinia, 504
Lavonia, 521
Lee Monday, 191
Lena May (Higginbotham), 190
Lillie, 586
Lillie O., 363
Lillie (Young), 160
Low(e), 209, 218, 511
Lulu, 484
Luther, 504
Margurette Katherine, 565
Mary, 37, 285, 536, 586
Mary Ellen, 335
Mary J., 33
Mary J. (Thompson), 159
Mary Mariah, 420
Mary Moore, 498
Mary Thompson, 518
Mattie, 511, 586
May, 522
Michael, 209
Minnie Tipton, 335
Minta, 570
Nancy, 43
Nancy I, 154
Nancy J., 154
Nannie, 586
Nannie Belle, 337
Nannie Frances, 335
Nannie H., 335
Narcissa, 518
Newton, 228
Orvill M., 23, 586
Oscar Edward, 252
Paris, 249
Patton J., 33, 240
Pollie E., 199
Polly, 451
R.W., 97
Rachale J., 21
Ralph T., 15
Rebec(c)a(h), 16, 490
Rees, 586
Robert, 178, 191, 586
Robert Orville, 335
S.J., 178
Sallie C., 196
Sallie Hayes, 196
Samuel, 497, 504
Samuel (Rev.), 504
Sarah Cooper, 500
Sarah Tartar, 521
Sidney, 410
Smith, 223
Susie Evelyn, 565
Thena, 430
Thomas, 586
Thomas E., 41
Thomas M., 87, 234
Tom, 237
Virginia, 581
W.D., 248
W.J., 221, 564
W.T., 228
W.W., 66
William, 154, 221, 453
William B., 24
William E., 178
William F., 34
William H., 48, 154, 226, 229
William Jefferson, 251, 280
William L., 504
William Leigh, 178
William Patton, 21
William W., 69, 70, 477
Zarilda (Young), 160
Browning, Enos, 209
J.H., 246
James Harley, 18
James S., 96, 122, 126
M. C., 95
Taylor, 418
Broyles, Broils, Alexander, 33
Allen, 321
Christopher C., 28
Elizabeth, 321
H.C., 326
James, 243
James M., 37
Lewis, 22, 35
Malinda, 27
Martha E., 43
Moss, 407
Bruce, Flora, 408
Isaiah, 328
Jesse, 518
Bruegel, Roberta, 435
Brumback, Jemima, 17
Brush, Enoch, 209
Bruster (see Brewster)
Bryant, 232
George, 234
George W., 317
H.D., 139
J.W., 142
William, 252
Buchanan, A. B., 355
A. C., 133 , 135, 136, 139
A. C., Jr., 356
A. P., 301
Ad., 204
Alexander M., 30
Allie Gray, 355
An., 207
Anderson, 42
Arch T., 149
Archibald C., 355, 395
Archibald C., Jr., 395
Archie, 341
Augustus B., 391
B. F., 432
Carrine, 483
David Wilson 336
Ed., 587
Edward Lee, 164
Elizabeth, 546
Ellen Taylor, 336
F.J., 139
G.H., 193
George, 204, 207
Ghee, 581
Grey, 351
Helen, 575
Hiter, 243
I. Chancealme [of Washington, D.C.], 356
Isaac C., 250
Israel H., 22, 149
J. E., 197
James, 341
James Wilson, 336
Jane, 145
John, 149, 209
John, Sr., 149
JohnW., 184, 581
Julia, 193
Katie, 529
L. C., 301
Laura (Peery), 175
Louma T., 198
Lucile, 287
Lydia, 149
Lydia A., 32
Margaret, 581
Mary, 44
Mary Ann (Whitten), 168
Mary F., 22, 149
Mary J., 34
Mary McDonald, 356
Mary P., 149
Marylide Elizabeth, 336
Matilda (Six), 167
Mollie, 184
Moses, 204
Nancy, 149, 155
Nancy V., 149
Nannie Rose, 193
P.M., 232
Polly, 149
R.P., 301
Robert, 164, 209
Rose, 465
Sallie J., 197
Samuel, 209
Sarah, 555
Sarah Elizabeth, 356, 395
Susan, 545
Susan H., 149
Thompson, 243, 543, 575
Tyler Hogue, 164
W.H., 55, 56, 301
Wes., 207
William, 22, 149, 234
William Franklin, 193
Buck, Lelia, 439
Mamie, 439
Buckland, Emma (Tabor), 165
Hugh A., 28
Jasper, 234
John R., 78
Nancy J., 20
Sarah J. (Tabor), 165
William J., 31, 234
Buckles, Agnes, 442
William, 417
Buckley, Charles, 204
Buckner, W.D., 320
William, 208
Buffalow, Floyd E., 173
J.P., 110, 111
R.H., 173
Ransome, 173
Susan, 173
William, 90
Buford, John, 250
Lucy, 285
Bughsen, Anna, 457
Bulla, Andrew Jackson, 573
Bullan, Bennet, 204
Bullen, William, 209
Bullard, C., 323
Chester, 321, 322, 323, 400
Ralph, 546
Sarah Bill, 546
W.S., 80, 321, 322, 324, 325, 326, 327
Willie, 546
Bundy, Clara, 419
Clarence, 417, 419
Clarence, Jr., 419
Daniel, 419
Dorothy, 419
Ellen, 419
J. G., 181
J. H., 181
Jack, 419
Jean, 419
Jessie, 419
John, 419
Karl L., 181
Kate Lee, 419
Katherine, 419
Laura V., 181
Mary, 419
Patrick, 419
Paul, 419
Sallie, 175
Stephen, 419
Virginia, 419
W.E., 551
William D., 419
William R., 181
Burcham, Iredell, Iradel, 234
Posey Earl, 249
Sarah, 31
Williams, 13
Burden, Borden, Benjamin, 547
Burge, John, 75,76
Burgess, Joseph, 437
Burgette, George W., 441
Burk(e), Alice Gray, 474
Annie, 418
Bary, 418
E. R., 474
Frances, 582
George, 418
Hazel, 582
Isaiah J., 75
James, 239
John, 208
Maria, 418
Mildred, 582
Rachel, 544
Robert, 418
Thomas, 353, 429, 582
Thomas [moved to Texas], 418
W. L. C., 107, 109, 110, 134
Burkett, Birkett, 588
(Miss), 428
Barbara, 429
Christine, 429
James, 17, 243
Maria C., 41
Mary, 13
Peter, 17
Susan (Alder), 154
Burks, Ernest R., Jr., 419
Ernest Rucker, 419
Leighton Jackson, 419
Burleigh, W. G., 326
William G., 324
Burnes, Mollie, 339
Burnett, A.J., 442
Armstrong, 247
Carl, 442
Claude, 442
Clyde, 442
G. W., 234
George G., 224
Gertrude, 552
John A., 224
Maggie A., 30
Mary C., 25
Thelma, 442
W. H., 234
Burney, William, 209
Burns, A.C., 227
C.C., 123
Dennis T., 71, 72
Burress, Burris(s), Burrass, George W., 25
James Robert, 250
Julia Ann, 28
Rachel, 584
Rebecca, 39
Thomas, 151
William H., 24
Burroughs, Eugene Newton, 251
Burt, Kebia, 555
T. D., 505
Burton, Bryant, 584
Christ, 237
Clarence, 584
D. C., 307, 308
Edward, 328
Elbert, 35
James, 231, 243
James Bryant, 250
James W., 25
John, 325
M.S., 231
Margaret F., 26
Rosella R., 41
Thomas, 11, 584
Virginia, 584
W. L., 326
W.R., 231
William, 583
William Arnold, 252, 280
William L., 583
Bush, Eliza, 424
Fernim, 424
George, 424
James, 424
Jane, 424
Pack, 424
Stephen, 424
Susie, 493
Valentine, 424
William, 424
Buskill, Albert G., 325
Alex.C., 582
Arthur Marvin, 249
Bessie, 287
William, 325
Bussey, C.A., 51
Cornelius A., 49
Buston, Ellen, 185
Ellen Barker, 414
George, 97, 185, 299, 414
Harry L., 185
Harry L., Jr., 414
Harry Launcelot, 414
Jack, 414
Jameson, 185
Theresa, 182
Virginia, 414
Butler, George, 560
Martha, 560
Otis, 250
Rosa, 192
Burner, Bessie, 202
Butt, (Mr.), 431
Charles, 445
Claude, 445
Cleff O., 445
Edwin, 445
Henry, 445
Hurbert, 300
Juanita, 445
Mary M., 31
R.E.(Mrs.), 187
Ransome, 324
Virginia, 445
Walton, 445
Byrd, Cynthia, 449
Eldorado V., 157
Byrnes, David, 579
Elizabeth, 580
Hester, 579
Hester Ann, 455
Jane, 579
John W., 578, 579
Joseph, 579, 580
Lou Emma, 579
Matilda Ann, 578, 579
Nancy Draper, 579
Polly, 579
Sarah, 578
Victoria, 580
Cabell, Cable, Donnie, 287
Joseph, 472
Cacy, N. B., 122, 127
Cain, Deborah (Coffey), 151
John, 151
Mabel F., 487
Michael, 151
William, 151
Calburn, Julia M., 157
Caldwell, Ann, 37
Cosby Ann, 19
Edward, 501
Florence, 488
Hugh, 231
J. E., 231
J. H., 36, 90, 231
James M., 231
N. N., 231
O. E., 231
Olendo, 36
Otis, 36, 75, 76
Rhoda, 501
Sarah A.W., 501
Tabitha C., 36
Thomas, 210
William Otis, 254
Calender, William, 34
Calfee, Caffee, H. S., 237
Irene, 41
James, 41, 321 , 322
John, 237
Calhoun, Paul S., 156, 7
Polly Ann (White), 148
Calloway, Calaway, H., 39
Mary, 200
Calvert, Hanes A., 28
Maddissonia, 40
Mary E., 42
Cameron, Duncan, 312
Isaac, 12
Jacob, 316
Milly, 28
William E., 6
Cammack, Ada K.(Buston), 185
Campbell, (Col.), 382
A.A., 106
Alexander (Rev.), 514
Arthur, 204
Caroline, 43
David, 210, 352
Edward, 169
Grover, 255
Hugh, 210
J. A., 321, 326
J. E., 102, 105, 107
James, 204, 206 , 207
John, 206, 207
John A., 72, 78
Joseph, 204, 206
Kate (Mrs.), 191
Kathleen, 191
Laura, 36
Lysander S., 336
Nannie Montgomery, 336
Patrick, 210
Robert, 210
Samuel, 169
Sid, 200
T. H., 310
Thomas Healy, 256, 280
Virginia C., 29
William, 169, 204, 207, 210, 345, 352, 431
William Bowen, 352
William Henry, 336
Canady, W.M., 222
Canby, (Gen.), 5, 75, 76
Candill, Josiah, 246
Candler, James, 36
Cane, Herbert L., 311
Carbaugh, Carbough, Ballard P., 169
Charles, 169
Ellen, 169
Elura, 31
John, 169
John Estill, 169
L. E., 37
Lewis H., 253
Mary V., 25
W. H., 105, 115, 120, 126
William H., 169
Cardwell, I. R., 240
Carmack, William, 210
Carnahan, Carnaham, John, 237
John D., 317
Letitia (Peery), 148
Thomas S., 316, 515
Carnes, Martha, 581
Caroline, Rebecca, 149
Carpenter, John, 210
Sarah F., 19
William D., 232
Capper, Jacob, 23, 243
Carr, Daniel H., 24
G. R., 300
Carroll, Carrel(l), Frank F., 254
James B., 508
John Warren, 254
Carson, David, 209
Emerson, 254
J.G., 284
John, 210
Carter, A. Loring, 321
Aaron, 22, 281
Aaron, Jr., 234
Aaron, Sr., 234
Augustus, 243
Barnabas, 174
Beauregard, 151
Be mice Ruth, 407
Bryan, 407
C.A., 177
Catherine, 174
Chester, 254
D., 234
Dale, 7, 336
Daniel, 177
David Lee, 255
Den, 407
Fanny, 174
Gray, 407
H. G., 94,177
Hannah, 174
Hattie, 409
J. E., 177, 181
J. T., 177
James, 182, 221
James Alexander, 407
Jane, 36, 174, 175
Jerome, 16
John, 15, 174, 182, 221, 253
Joseph Winfrey, 151
Lena, 325
Lois, 407
Lucinda, 162, 174, 182
Lumma S., 37
Mahola Frances, 162
Mandance, 151
Martha L., 32
Mary, 18
Mary E., 151
Morgan, 151
Nancy Carmen, 407
Nancy E. (Hedrick), 151
Nancy (Neel), 169
Ordelia Jane, 151
Oscar, 182
Pegton, 151
Pina, 182
Rachel, 11
Rans, 181
Ransom(e), 177, 407
Ransom, Jr., 407
Rebecca, 25, 162
Rebecca (Tiller), 169
Reginald, 407
Reuben, 175
Samuel William, 255, 280
Sarah, 23
Sarah S. (Barns), 336
Sarah Victoria, 151
Smith, 221
Solomon, 38
Stuart Barnes, 336
Susannah, 38
T. M., 96, 177
Vance Witten, 254
Vilenty, 32
Violante, 174
Vivian, 407
W.S., 177
William, 35, 52, 162, 174, 253
Cartwright, William, 232
Carver, David F., 231
Cary, Ruth, 439
Casey, William, 210
Cassell, Annie, 483
Annie Mary, 285
Bertha G., 196
M., 140, 313
Mike, 337
Sidney S., 519
Cassiday, Cassad(a)y, R. P., 237
Castello, Albert Del, 255
Castle, John, 139
Tom, 540
Thomas, Jr., 540
Caswell, And., 204, 206
Catron, Cora, 540
Creed Frazier, 254
Flora, 582
J. M. C., 97, 109
James, 410
L. M., 179
Mack, 540
Mary, 179
Sallie, 584
Stephen, 38
Tacie, 540
Thomas G., 581
W.E., 300
W. L., 139
Walter, 540
Caudill, Ben, 240
Charles, 240
Malachi C., 30
Rieves, 240
Skid, 240
Cawley, G.E., 327
Caylor, O.C., 300
Cazey, Delila, 19
Cecil, Cisil, Cecel(l), Cisel, Cessel (also see Cerril), Alexander, 158
Beverly, 158
Billy, 409
C.M., 92
Chesley, 512
Chesley, Jr., 512
Chester, 153
Clara, 512
Cynthia, 186
Eleanor, 572
Elizabeth, 153, 557
Elizabeth M. (McGuire), 162
Ellen Jane, 26
Elnor, 555
Estil, 465
Flare, 240
Flavius, 465
Frances, 409
Francis, 512
George, 158, 488
Henry, 478
James M., 153
James W., 24
Jean, 409, 512
John, 393, 467, 578
John S., 579, 580
Joseph, 153, 512, 587
Joseph A., 465
Kate, 496, 512
Katherine Matilda, 423
Kitty, 43
Lettie, 465
Louisa, 153
Lura, 512
Manervia J., 176
Margaret, 409, 417, 512
Margaret L., 31
Maria, 190
Marie, 512
Mary Ann, 14
Mary B., 478
Matilda, 158
Matilda Cordelia, 19
Mattie M., 186
Minnie, 493, 512
Nancy, 152, 457
Nannie, 512
Peery, 512
R. F., 103, 105, 120
Rachel, 417
Rebecca, 560
Rinda, 467
Robert, 240, 553
Robert M., 152
Rush F., 100, 240, 512
Russell Floyd, 17
Russell T., 152
S.W., 63
Sallie Poston, 523
Samuel, 152, 409, 512, 523, 560
Samuel W., 153
T. Z., 98, 465
Thomas W., 73
Thomas Z., 85, 90
Thomas Zachariah, 152
Virginia, 21
W. P., 72, 220
William, 186, 218, 512, 578
William C., 224
William P., 6, 8, 45, 50, 70, 221
William S., 153
Witten, 44, 153, 496, 512
Chaf(f)in, Christopher, 218
John, 422
Patsey, 462
Sarah Ann (Painter), 161
Chalmers, Caroline, 11
Chambers, Emeline J., 28
Euphemie A., 39
J. G., 228
Rees, 14, 228
Champ, John, 234
L. K., 226
Chance, J.A., 246
Chandler, Eliza, 28
Minerva, 20
Chapman, 100
Alice McDonald, 355, 356, 391, 407
Annie, 352
George, 45, 50, 353
Henley, 353
I. E., 319
Isaac, 352 , 400
Isaac E., 122, 292, 353 , 354, 391
J. R. P., 232
J. W., 84, 95, 100, 103, 131, 319, 355, 398
J. William, 404, 470
Jemina, 352
John, 352 , 353, 400
John W., 86, 428
John William, 89, 355, 391
Keziah McDonald, 13
Manilius, 6, 7
Mary Louisa, 354, 391
Nancy (McDonald), 353
Nannie Emerine, 355, 391
Ned, 355, 470
R. Cecil, 391, 422
Rees Cecil, 355
Richard, 352, 353
Sallie, 353
Sarah, 352
W. B. M., 325
William, 353
William Byrd, 407
William Byrd May, 253, 280, 355
Chapple, Chappell, George, 15
Jane, 28
W.A. [Grayson Co.], 222
Charles, Charels, Clary, 12
David, 14
Fedrick, 11
James, 571
Rose (Witten), 186
Charlton, Clarence Graham, 254
Melita, 286
Chase, Roland E., 10
Chatton, Angeline, 513
Evans, 513
James, 513
Julia M., 513
Margaret, 513
Samuel, 513
Sarah Jane, 513
Thomas J., 513
William H., 513
Chesenhall, James, 226
Cheyney, C. I., 327
Chiddix, Chittix, Chiddic, Eli, 13, 224
Eliza, 39
Elizabeth, 37
James, 70
Lydia (Bourne), 175
Margaret, 15
Robert B., 16
S. H., 70 , 71
Samuel H., 67, 68
William, 55
Childress, Lousinda, 16
Mabel, 364
Chrisman, Claude, 255
Harriet (Davis), 165
Christian, Alexander, 146
Andrew J., 170
Anthony, 170
C. H., 160
Catherine Jane, 170
Charles Greever, 255
Crockett, 440
Dan(i)el, 52,160, 224, 332
David, 22, 160, 224
Elizabeth, 170
Ella, 363
Frederick, 26
George, 174, 228, 246
George W., 228
Granville, 224
Guy, 107
H., 246
Hanna(h), 33, 160
Hiram, 15, 79
Ida, 180, 539
Israel, 170, 183
Jane, 183
John, 17,146
John H., 160
John V., 170
John Willie, 254
Lil(l)y, 23, 174
Louisa, 146
Luther, 24
Lydia, 16
M., 160, 246
M. H., 324
M. T., 103, 105, 108
Malvina, 28
Margaret, 14
Mary, 20
Mastin, Masteon, 146
Mathias, 12; 174
Maude, 539
Moses, 45, 146
Nancy, 14
Nannie, 331
Pattie, 536
Rachel, 37
Rebecca, 32, 39
Ruthy, 43
Samuel, 146, 228
Sarah, 174, 540
Shone, 146
Susan, 174
Thelma, 199
Thomas, 14, 146, 174
Thomas B., 29
Thomas C., 39
Thomas V., 170
Vinton Victor, 255
William M., 160
Clapp, (Miss), 417
Andy, 255
Louise Walton, 417
Clapsaddle, 509
Clare, Clair, J.H., 102
Jessie, 183, 186
Rosa St., 25
Stephen, 230
Clark, (Mr.), 465
Ann Eliza (Steele), 390
Arthur, 178
Charles, 35
Charles E. [of Chicago, Ill. in 1925], 390
Charles Elliott, 390
Charles Estill, 390
Charles William, 390
Commissary, 235
Edward Charles, 255
Eliza L., 390
Elizabeth, 472
Elizabeth S. (Litz), 157
Elliott Wise [of Ky. & Coles Co, Ill.] 390
Ethel Mae, 390
Fannie, 199
Fred(e)rick, 390
George, 204, 207, 547, 549
George Rogers Clark, 425, 508
George W., 28
H. (Dr.), 227
Hazel D., 390
James Allen, 253
James Blair, 178
Jerry [of Ky.], 466
Jesse Ben, 256
John, 178
John B., 32
John William 390
Katherine, 430
Levi, 254
M. M., 499
Margaret, 178
Minnie, 587
Osa L., 390
Patrick Kendrick, 390
Polly (Kendrick), 390
Samuel, 255
Thomas A., 424
W. J., 97, 237, 239
William, 178
William J., 17; 51, 70, 82, 95
Clay, Emma, 178
Fannie B., 526
Minnie, 287
Silas E., 138
Clayman, Clara, 528
Claypool, 512
Ephriam, 13
Harvey, 37
Jeremiah B., 15
John, 488
John W., 489
Levina, 13
Miles, 49, 424
Nicketti C., 30
Rebecca Elizabeth, 15
S.D., 137
Cla(y)tor, Ella C., 179
Frances G., 472
Henry, 230
James H., 179
Margaret (Six), 167
Martha, 179
Martha T., 13
Mary A., 179
Nancy V., 179
Oscar, 587
Rebecca J., 179
S. O., 179
William, 106, 109, 136, 179
Clear (also see Clare), S.R., 229
Cleaves, James T., 49
Clement, R.A., 111
R.A.T., 105
Cleverly, (Mr.), 414
Ave, 414
Clevenger, Clevinger, Frederick, 21
Cline, Claine, Andrew, 210
Clarissa, 14
Elender J., 38
G., 229
Gordon, 222
James M., 157
John D., 192
Theresa Maria, 39
Warren W., 192
William, 243
William G., 157
Clowers, Daniel, 237
Clytum, Samuel, 12
Coalter (also see Coulter), David, 498
Elizabeth, 498
James, 498
Jane, 498
John, 498
Margaret, 498
Mary, 498
Micajah, 498
Michael, 498
Cob(b)ler, John, 296
Cochran, J. J., 324
Thomas, 255
Cock(e), Charles, 210
James, 210
William, 210
Coe, Avie (Mrs.), 200
Ben S., 200
Elmo, 200
Coen, Jesse Lee, 255
Cofer, Eloise, 575
Gilbert, 575
Joseph, 575
Laura (Gildersleeve), 190
R. C., 135
Richard, Jr., 575
Richard C., 575
Coffee, Coffey, J. M., 175
Joannah [of Norfolk, Va.], 151
Mary Josephine, 175
Coffman, John R., 240
Cohen, Roy, 253
Coldiron, James M., 561
Col(d)well, Col(e)well (also see Caldwell), James, 40, 206, 207
Joseph, 40
Sarah A.W., 41
Cole, (also see Coales) Andrew, 246
Arnold, 253
Augustus W., 457
Dewey, 300
E.H., 301
George, 300
Hugh, 210
James Anderson, 19
Joseph, 204, 207
Joshua, 228, 246
Josie, 493
Margaret Ann, 32
Pearl, 442
Phelix, 246
S.J.[of Pulaski Co.], 222
Sarah, 352
Thomas, 210
William, 210
William Henry, 256, 281
Coleman, Harriet, 179
John Clinton, 253
Matilda, 13
Nellie, 43
William Arthur, 254
Colley, Thomas, 209, 302
Collihher, Mc. 207
Collins, Collums, 549
A. J., 254, 280
Benjamin, 18
Daniel Frank, 255
Dollie, 199
Edward, 20
Elizabeth, 18
Ethel, 551
H. C., 140
Jairus, 570
John, 14
JohnW., 39
Lilly, 19
Maggie, 199
Martha, 545
Nancy, 13
Nancy L., 35
Sheeny, 511
Virginia, 570
Colvill(e), Andrew, 210
James, 204
Joseph, 207
Samuel, 210
Colvitt, Joseph, 210
Comann, Fitz., 243
Comb(s), Alvin, 588
Bertha, 287
Elizabeth A., 30
Elizabeth (Asberry), 164
Francis, 26
Isabella, 34
Lavisa, 15
Marjorie, 483
Martha Matilda, 16
Mary (Harrisson), 181
Morgan L., 282
Sallie Helen, 285
W.J., 240
William, 181
Comer, Charlotte, 441
Charlotte L., 36
Elizabeth C., 23
Lenora, 441
Lenorah E., 30
Nina, 445
Compton, Cumpton, Amelia E., 29
B. F., 242
E. P., 242
Ballard P., 31
Charles, 189
Commodore P., 175
Delilah, 189
Elihu, 20
Eliza, 34
Elizabeth, 16, 30
Flemming W., 243
Grayson S., 175
H. B., 189
James M., 175
James Raleigh, 253
Jane, 18
John H., 34
Lelia, 202
Leonidas G.S., 175
Louisa V., 30
Luninda, 13
Lydia, 501
Malinda, 44
Marion, 518
Martha A., 38
May, 44
Moore, 300
Newton F., 175
Rebecca, Rebecka, 36
Rebecca Jane, 22
Robert, 189
Sarilda, 175
T.A., 201
W.S., 242
Wiley Robinson, 253
William, 242
William E., 52
Winfield, 189
Comwell, Nathan G., 18
Conl(e)y, Con(n)alley, 548
A. T, 98, 102
Bernadette, 561
Christine, 561
Edith Virginia, 561
Edwin Constantine, 561
Francis William E., 561
Gordon C., 316
Gordon Cloyd, 11
Grayson, 16
Gus, 561
Isaac, 222
James, 315
Joe, 253
John Russell, 561
Julia Frances, 561
Louise, 561
Marcus, 561
Mary Lou, 545
Pitt Witten, 561
Robert, 222
W.C., 561
Walter Constantine, 561
William, 92, 560, 561
William E., 547, 561
William Elsey, 560
Wm. Elsey, Jr., 561
Conn, W. Y., 210
Connelley (see Conley)
Conner, Daniel, 444
F. T., 178
Margaret Ann, 11
Rufus, 253
Susie M.E., 197
Cook, A., 232
A. F., 235
Addison, 33
Annie, 582
B. K., 222
Charles, 582
O. K., 222
E. S., 231
Emeline, 472
F. C., 486
Fannie, 582
George, 582
Henry, 210
John, 582
Joseph, 582
Mabel, 583
Martha L. (Fox), 166
Mary Ann, 582
Mattie, 582
Mayme, 483
Price, 582
Rachel, 32
Robert, 582
Rosalie W., 190
Ruth, 582
Sam B., 306
Thomas, 277, 308
Zachariah, 277
Cooksey, Bertha, 368
Lemaster, 203
Cooley, Alice, 365
Blair, 388
Carrie, 388
Dell, 577
Elizabeth, 577
Eva, 577
Eva May, 478
Greever, 365
J. T., 577
Jennie, 365
Joseph, 222
Julia, 365
Louisa, 185
Lucille, 577
Mary, 577
Mattie, 577
Philip, 230, 365
Tuck, 493
William B., 388
Coon, Bishop Hicks, 255, 280
Cooper, Elizabeth, 198
J.C., 300
John, 437
John C., 193
Julia V., 193
Mary, 148
Mary Jane, 148
Rachel Matilda, 148
Sarah S., 148
Thomas, 142
W.R., 168
Cope, John, 210
Copenhaver, Cuppenheffer, A. J., 40, 182
A. Jackson, 339
A. P., 369
Bettie, 182
Charles, 182, 339, 340, 369
Charles Andrew, 341
Charles Clinton, 340
E. H., (Rev.), 436
Eliza Katherine, 340
H. B., 301
Hellen Greever, 436
Henry, 340, 341
Henry B., 182
Henry Barns, 340
J. O. D., 182
Jack Spencer, 340
John, 340
John Dresden, 340
John W., 500
John William, 340
Lucy Haven, 340
Luther, 341
Luther [of Johnson City, Tenn.], 341
Luther L., 182
Luther Lawrence, 341
Margaret, 436, 500
Margaret B., 340
Margaret Jane, 341
Martha Jane, 340
Mary Howe, 340
R. P., 182, 247, 300
Robert Jackson, 340
Robert M., 182
Robert Moses, 340
Rufus P., 340 , 500
Rufus P., Jr., 340, 500
Rufus Pierce, 340
Sallie Virginia, 340
Sue, 436
Torrey Wofford, 341
Virginia, 340
Virginia S., 500
William, 340
William Andrew, 182
William Andrew Peery, 339
William Pierce, 340
Copley, (Miss), 399
Cord, (also see Curde) Kathleen, 284
Cordell, Cordill, Cordele, (also see Cordle) Benjamin, 24
Charles, 12
Elizabeth, 23
Jeremiah, 32
William Raven, 253
Corder, Elijah, 315
Cordle (also see Cordell), Arthur, 255
Fred B., 253
Sarah, 366
Cormany, Emma, 438
Cornell, Jemmima (Kinder), 170
Cornet (t), (Miss), 431
Alma, 287
Corns, (Col.), 542
J.M., 235
Cornwell, A. C.(Mrs.), 182
J. W., 42
Reuben, 14
Cor(r)el(l), Cur(e)l, A. I., 230
J. W., 78
James C., 85
James Oscar, 83, 84
John W., 224
Josiah, 81
Josiah W., 223
Oscar, 229
R.B., 90
Rees B., 82, 83, 90
William, 224
Corry, James, 209
Corvin, Stephen W. [of Wythe Co.] 22
Cosby, D. M., 112
Cotler, S., 221
Cotter, William, 204, 206
Cotterel, (also see Cochrall), Simon (Rev.), 302
Coulling, David, 358
James, 358
James Duval, 356, 358
James M., 358
Louie R., 254
Louis R., Jr., 357
Louis Roberdeau, 357
Louisa Todd, 291, 292, 356
Mary Duval, 358
Mary Selina, 291, 358
S. M. B., 95, 100, 104, 131
S. M. B., Jr., 134, 281
Sidney B., 88
Sidney M. B., 91
Sidney M. Baxter, 357
Sidney Mathias Baxter, 357
Coulter (also see Coalter), E. M., 547
John, 254
Counts, (Mr.)[of Ky.], 424
Josephine D., 202
Courtney, (Miss), 484
C(o)usins, Frank, 48
Nancy, 19
Covey, Bettie, 286
Evelyn, 286
Cowan, (Mr.), 342
Andr(ew), 204, 206
Charles, 439
Elizabeth, 418
Mary, 425
Mary E., 38
William, 204, 206
Cowden, F. H., 222
Cowell, Lydia, 155
Cowgill, J. A., 321
James, 322
Cox, Amanda, 318
Ann, 423
Courtney, 347
David D., 423
F. H., 135
Frank H., 138
Henry W. [moved to Mo. in 1872], 426
Henry Winston, 426
Herbert, 253
James H. [of Chesterfield Co.,Va.], 426
Jane, 472
Katherine, 181
Laura A., 195
Lizzie S., 195
Lois, 181
Lucille, 423
Minnie, 426
Montgomery, 236
Olive (Mrs.), 381
Ruth, 423
Thelma, 423
W. C., 301
William, 237
William Cebard, 254
Coyner, Anna Elizabeth, 435
Crabtree, A. G., 177
Abm., 206
Abr., 204
Ann, 148
Armenlea A. (Shawver), 180
Avery M., 254
Elizabeth, 148
Ella, 177
Floanna G., 13
G. C., 177
G. H., 177
G. S., Sr., 237
G. W., 172
G. W., Sr., 239
Gabe, 237
Gabriel W., 15
George, 169
George W., 322, 323
J. B., 140, 288, 300
J. R., 177
Jacob, 210
James, 210
James B., 148
Jane, 148
Jemima, 169
John, 148
John B., 224
Louisa, 169
Louisa V., 23
Mabel, 177
Martha Jane, 169
Mary, 148
Nancy, 148, 169
Oliver Wynn, 14
Polly, 149
Polly J., 34
R. J., 37
Rees, 69, 169
Rees H., 13
Rhoda, 146
Rhody, 148
Robert Marvin, 255
Robert Samuel, 254
Susan, 148, 177
Susie, 177
Thomas, 148
Thomas B., 82, 85, 172
William, 148
William Pamplin, 256, 280
Craft (see Croft)
Craig, 585
(Mr.), 385
Ballard, 255
Charles, 158
David, 210
Emily, 158
James, 209
John, 210
Mary, 424
Pearis, 158
Robert, 204, 207
W.E., 115
William, 204, 207, 550
Craighead, Thomas Brown, 204, 207
Craven(s), D.H., 232
Dave, 239
Crawford, Crafford, Cranforces, (Rev.), 318
C. (Wright), 172
John R., 210
Mary, 331
R. L., 300
Reuben, 237
Cregar, Creg(g)ar, Crigger, Creager, (Miss), 411
Alva Brittain, 254
Barney William, 196
Elizabeth, 19
George W., 96
James Robert, 254
Jesse Walter, 254
John, 42
Joseph, 587
Julia May, 196
Lum, 255
Mattie, 186
Montgomery, 26
Robert Allen, 196
Thurman Lester, 196
W.A., 541
W. Leslie, 196
William Alcoke, Jr., 541
William F., 37
Creasy, Walter Preston, 254
Creswell, Criswell, Alice, 377
Elizabeth, 516
Henry, 516
Susan, 516
Crewey, George M., 232
W. G. W., 39
Crider, Dan, 255
Earl, 412
Crin(n)er, Ada, 389
George, 232
Crismond, Ann E., 155
Elizabeth, 151, 155
Emma V., 155
John M., 155
Mary Agnes, 155
W. B., 155
Crist, Nick, 253
Crock, William, 210
Crocker, Hersilia Susanne, 504
Crocketagni, Antoine Dessaure Perrannette, 358
Gabriel Gustave, 358
Crockett, Addison, 152, 360, 361, 362 , 448, 457
Adelia Stras, 362
Aileen, 521
Aileene Brown, 364
Albert, 185, 200
Andrew [of Tenn.], 359
Ann Agnes, 359
Anna Belle, 363
Anna Margurite, 363
Annie, 361
Annie Belle, 361
Ardelia S., 31
Augustus, 448
Bane, 368, 576
Bessie J., 517
Bessie Jane, 362
Bettie, 367, 576
Bettie J., 365
Byron, 232
C. W., 189
Carmelia P., 363
Cassandra, 362
Charles, 150, 243, 360, 362
Charles Henry, 564, 565
Charles Houston, 363
Charles I., 25
Charles T., 232, 366
Charles W., 364
Charles William, 365
Cinthia Jane (Dickenson) 183
Corrie, 360, 408
Cosby, 364
Curtis Olen, 565
Curtis W., 363
David Russell, 363
David Thomas, 361
David Titus, 361
Davy, 237, 239, 359
Delila(h), 152, 363
Dora, 360
Douglas H., 363
E. G., 576
E. K., 138
E. King, 90, 91, 111, 113, 115, 119, 122, 134, 141, 143
E. S., 363
Earl, 363
Edith A., 364
Edna, 365
Edney D., 43
Edward Tate, 363
Eldred R., 152
Eldrid King, 363
Eleanor, 362
Elijah, 152
Eliza, 564
Eliza Jane, 362
Eliza Witten, 520
Elizabeth, 361. 365
Elizabeth J., 14
Ella, 363
Ella A., 152
Ella S. (Peery), 161
Elmer K., 564, 565
Emma, 365
Estelle, 392
Esther, 359
Ethel, 367, 576
Eugene, 301
Eugene E., 364
Eugene Victor, Jr., 364
Fannie, 368, 519, 576
Frank, 360
Frank Russell, 365
G. P., 125
Gabriel Gustave, 358
George, 234, 362. 365, 576
George D., 152
George P., 301
George Peery, 367
Georgia E., 517
Georgia Ethel, 362
Georgie, 362
Goggin, 179
Grace, 179, 370, 397, 469
Gratt, 94
Gratton, 84, 85, 88, 90, 150, 366, 367, 576
Gustavus, 391
Gustavus R., 361
H. W., 363
H. W., Jr., 363
Hannah Watkins, 359
Harry Wade, 361
Helen, 363
Helen Louvenia, 361
Henry, 152, 253
Henry K., 363
Hilton, 364
Hubert, 364
Irene, 361
J. E., 364
J. H., 364
J. P., 189
J. R., 317
J. S., 232
Jack, 364
James, 234, 337, 358, 359, 360, 362 , 364
James A., 42
James Addison, 564
James Arnold, 15
James Gratton, 368
James M., 31, 362
James P., 232
James R., Jr., 99
James W., 152
Jane, 152, 359, 392, 513
Jean, Jeen, 286
Jean Elizabeth, 363
Jennie, 359, 360, 362
Jennie Draper, 366
Jessie, 564
Joe B., 363
John, 150, 359, 360, 365
John Beverly, 363
John Donald, 360
John Ed., 254
John Henry, 362 , 517
John Henry, Jr., 517
John Hopkins, 369
John I., 49, 55, 150, 183, 360, 366, 392, 408
John Isaac, 360
John O., 364
John Patton, 365
John Scott, 364
John W., 9, 84, 85, 90, 95, 98, 99, 101, 103, 107, 108 , 111, 179, 366, 369, 473
Joseph, 363
Joseph [of Georgia], 359
Joseph A., 42, 120
Joseph Alderson, 364
Joseph Louis, 358
Joseph N., 19
Joseph Patton, 365
Julia, 360
Julia Ann, 360, 366
Julia George, 564, 565
Kate, 362
Katherine, 359, 360
Kemp, 576
Laura, 360
Laura C., 365
Laura Jane, 39
Lelia, 339, 362
Lester Hargus, 364
Letitia, 360
Lettie, 361
Lou, 360, 362
Lou Floyd, 564, 565
Louisa, 150
Louisa J., 32, 366, 368
Lowell, 364
Lucy, 362
Lucy Davis, 564
M. B., 247
Mamie, 576
Mamie M., 366
Margaret, 150 , 359, 360, 365, 366, 370, 408
Margaret J., 360
Maria(h), 360, 365, 448
Mariah T., 43
Marjorie Clare, 363
Martha, 364, 564, 565
Martha J., 38
Mary, 42, 150, 167, 190, 365
Mary A., 348
Mary B., 184
Mary E., 366 , 406
Mary Elizabeth, 365
Mary Frances, 359, 363, 364
Mary Grace, 370
Mary Ingles, 360, 366
Mary Letitia, 362
Matilda Jane, 564
Mattie, 362
Mattie Belle, 363
Melvin B. (Dr.), 335
Mira Loraine, 361
Mollie, 368, 576
Nancy Ann, 425
Nancy C., 361
Nancy M., 25
Nancy Matilda, 362
Nannie, 367, 576
Nannie Bernice, 564
Nannie Lettie, 361
Nannie Lucille, 363
Nannie Rose, 198, 361
Nannie Virginia, 363
Newton, 365
Olive, 362, 564
Oliver, 362, 564, 565
Oliver Eldon, 565
Paul, 280, 281, 360
Polly, 360, 362, 364, 448
R. A., 564
R. K., 301
R. O., 10, 113, 119, 126, 131
Rachel Cecil, 348
Reese, 167
Rees B., 185
Robert, 150, 154, 359, 360 , 362 , 502, 520, 576
Robert [of Wythe], 448
Robert, Jr., 50
Robert A., 152
Robert Addison, 361, 362, 363
Robert Addison,Jr., 361
Robert G., 39, 71, 80, 83, 84, 85, 364, 366
Robert O., 179, 369
Robert Oscar, 369
Robert Oscar, Jr., 369
Robert V., 256, 280, 363
Robert Watkins, 359
Rosa Lee, 564
Rosannah, 41
Rose, 362
Rose Annie, 361
Rose E., 198
Rufus King, 360, 364
Rush, 362
Rush F., 364
Ruth Jane, 361
Sam Barnes, 363
Samuel, 31, 52, 85, 88, 90, 94,. 98, 232, 234, 239, 359 , 364
Samuel [of Sullivan Co., Term.], 359
Samuel J., 363
Samuel Jasper, 363
Samuel Peery, 360, 363
Sarah A., 453
Sarah Ann, 152, 362
Sarah Elizabeth, 359
Sarah Florence, 369
Sarah Frances, 363
Sedwyn, 364
Sidney Emil, 361
Silas, 359
Sophia, 362
Stella, 179, 369
Stuart, 167
Sue, 365
Susie, 362
Susie Howard, 564
Sydney Mack, 363
T. C., 109
T. H., 363
Thomas, 150
Thomas G., 232, 242, 361
Thomas Gillespie, 363
Thomas H., 363
Thomas J., 32, 232, 364, 366
Thompson, 348
Treuleau, 365
Trula, 189
Ural, 363
Vernice, 362
Victor Hogue, 363
Virginia, 362, 367, 448, 457, 520
W. S., 106, 108
Warren, 364
William, 210, 234, 360, 362 , 365
William Goggin, 370
William J., 361
William Witten, 564, 565
Winnifred E., 363
Z. W., 125
Zachariah, 576
Zachariah Witten, 367
Zarilda, 363
Croft, Alfred, 439
Ella, 43
John, 237, 239
Mary, 33
Preston, 237
Samuel, 237, 239
Cromer, Mary B., 286
Cross, Herbert B., 255
Martha, 384
Percy George, 326
Crouch, 498
Crouse, Daniel, 40
Fannie A., 197
James Thomas, 255
Paris Edward, 200
R., 246
Richard, 52
Susan, 200
Crow, Ann, 24
James, 204, 207
Polly, 14
R. O., 321
William, 234
Crowder, Enoch H., 531
Crowgey, H. L., 283, 284
Cruey, Charles R. L., 255
Crunk, William, 210
Crutchfield, Thomas, 40
Cubine, Thomas [of Tenn.], 465
Cuddy, James, 210
John, 210
Cullop, John H., 36
Mamie, 285
Cummin(g)s, (Mr.), 429
Arther (Mrs.), 434
Charles, 204, 206
George, 218
Josie, 192
Nancy Jane, 502
Cundiff, Addie Layne, 584
John W., 26
Martha J., 19
Cunningham, (Mr.), 341
Anne, 341
Jonathan, 210
William, 210
Currin, Cur(r)en, Curain, A. P., 157
Bee, 243
Caroline, 157
Demprey, 157
George E., 157
Margaret, 157
Nancy B. (Wilson), 154
Olivia, 157
W.H., 157
William B., 334
W.G.W., 157
William G., 513
Curry, James, 210
Curtis, Azeele, 347
Dora Davis (Lewis), 347
George Washington, 347
H. W. (Dr.), 386
H. W., Jr., 386
Curtner, James, 29
Curwin, William, 27
Cusic(k), John, 204
Custard, Mary E., 14
Custer, Virginia, 571
Dabney, George W., 83, 88
George William, 160
Mary, 531
Richard, 504
Dailey, Da(y)l(e)y, Daile, A.F., 192
Armen, 488
Arthur, 192
Augustus F., 22, 174, 224
Ben Tom, 193
Bernetha E., 151
Ella J., 177, 193
George B., 488
H. B., 192
Hattie (Shannon), 176
I. M., 177
I. W., 192
Isaac, 174
Isaac M., 223
Isaac Madison, 174
J. D., 193
James William, 174
John, 192
John D. 96, 98, 99, 177
Lena May, 540
Leola, 493
M.K., 192
Madison, 517
Marg(a)ret, 517
Margaret Ann, 586
Mary E., 517
O. W., 192
R. E., 192
R. H., 192
Robert Witten, 488
Samuel C., 174
Vivian, 429
Wilk W., 222
Wilkerson W., 174
Dale, 575
Eliza J., 37
John, 588
Nancy, 22
Dalton, C.S., 537
Charles Smith, 257
Hattie, 285
Malinda, 19
Dameron, Henry, 237
Dancy, Oscar C., 113
Dangerfield, Harrietta E., 33
Thomas, 16
Daniel (s), (Miss), 406
Amelia, 391
Charles Bowen, 178
Crockett L., 178
D. B., 130, 322
Dexter, 587
Elizabeth, 17
James, 12
John Frank, 257
John W., 178, 222, 434
Margaret, 19
Martha, 15
Nannie L., 178
Rissie Virginia, 178
W. C., 452
W. H., 178
Darden, Rebecca, 284
Darnel, David, 211
Darr, Mary C., 35
Daugherty, Doughtry, Alexander, 166
Alva, 166
Charles, 388
Corrie, 388
D. A., 23, 102,103, 177, 299, 502
David A., 75, 222
David H., 68
David J., 221
E. G., 177
E. R., 21
Esther, 420
George, 239, 388
George G., 17
Hannah, 146
Harriet A., 34
James, 388
John, 47, 509
John L., 146
Ludy, 166
Lydia, 166
Margaret, 388
Mary A., 177
Mary Jane, 185
Nancy A., 27
Robert Benton, 166
W.A., 125
W.J., 140
Daughton, Enos, 34
Nancy, 17
Davenport, Claiborne, 211
Mary Martha, 284
David, Jefferson, 35
Nettie E., 170
Davidson, 556, 577
A. C., 88, 360
Addison, 362
Alice Gray, 473
An(drew), 205, 207
Daniel, 210
George F., 34
Helen, 408
Henry, 362
J. J., 329
J. P., 256
James, 20, 362
James Miller, 256
Jean Reid, 180
Jennie, 362
John, 328, 330, 508
John A., 328, 329, 454
John D., 237
John Goolman, 329
John H., 19, 224
Joseph, 224, 228, 421, 500
Judith, 421
Julia, 284, 360
Julia Ward, 180
Martha, 508
Martha J. (Harman), 163
Martha Jane, 362
Mary Matilda, 421
Matilda Jane, 562
Nancy, 362
Nellie B., 422
Phebe, Pheby, 447, 457
R. W., 7
Robert, 362
S. P., 408
Samuel P., 362, 421
Samuel P. [of Floyd Co., Ky.], 421
Sanders Graham, 408
William, 210, 457
William A., 500
William B., 29
Davis, A. Chrisman, 187
Adam, 12
Addison W., 165, 187
Alexander M., 227
Allen P., 39
Anne P., 420
Bessie, 439
Chatman, 34, 157, 8
Charles, 178, 256
Cleo, 528
Cly, 288
Cosby M.E., 187
Dora Frances (Keister), 348
E. L., 188
Edward H., 40
Elaton, 237
Elihu, 29
Eliza Ann, 150
Evaline, 496
Gabriel, 15
George, 178
Gideon, 188
Harriet M, 187
Harvey, 239
Henry, 32, 239, 359
Henry Albert, 256
Henry F. P., 35
Hugh, 256
Hulda, 199
I. E., 50
J. M., 227
J. Mosebey, 50, 81
James, 55, 67, 68, 70, 151, 158, 456, 496
James Henry, 257
John 157, 158 , 204, 207, 239, 386, 386
John M., 19
John Mosby, 79
John William, 150
Julia, 193
Julian Angus, 194
L.R.S., 14
Lillie B., 194
Lizzie, 178
Louisa, 337
M. B., 157
M. G. B., 76, 163
M.J., 230
Mackey, 414
Mamie, 437
Margaret, 154
Margaret Jacqueline, 487
Margaret Jane, 150
Marh S. C., 23
Martha, 165
Mary, 40, 385
Mary B., 163
Mary Bell, 189
Mary E., 34
Mary Jane, 14
Mary L.J., 146
Mary (Laird), 385, 6
Mary lizzie, 178
Mary Margaret, 150
Merle, 284
Mitchell B., 75
Mitchell C.B., 27
Moses, 158
Nancy, 149
Nancy M., 27, 163
Nathanial, 211
Octavia, 387
Octivia E., 33, 149
Olivia, 39
Peery [lived in Nebr.], 436
Peggy, 386
Poll(e)y, 455
R. L., 112
R. R., 178
Rachel Louisa, 150
Rebecca, 160, 387
Rebecca C., 163
Rebecca Caroline, 149
Rees, 158
Robert, 133, 211, 256
Robert A., 199
Robert Everett, 194
Robert Samuel, 256
Robert W., 389
Russell Trula[?] (female), 178
Ruth, 285, 348
Sally, Sallie, 145, 188
Sam, 204, 207
Sara(h), 165, 199, 337
Sarah L. C., 187
Sarah W., 165
Stephen, 321, 325, 326
Susanne Litz, 481
T. H., 194
T. H., Jr., 194
T. W., 481
Thomas, 149, 385, 386
Thomas (Rev.) [of Alexandria, Va.], 386
Thomas J., 163
Tyree, 13, 157
W. H., 228
W. L., 301
W. L. R., 165, 187
Westmoreland, 6, 138
Wille, 165
William, 15, 29, 158
William D., 30, 187
William L. [of Illinois], 150
William Leon, 348
William M., 199
William P., 316, 317
William V., 27
Willie P., 187
Dawson, Dosson, Benjamin, 12
Benjamin Franklin, 169
Dabney, 224
Finy L., 170
Hiram A., 72
James, 257
Margaret L., 170
Nancy, 14
Poindexter P., 31
R.J., 136
Robert D., 224, 226
S.D., 224
Stephen D., 32
Susan, 169
Day, Celia, 197
Daniel, 237
David, 315
Henry, 315
J. D., 142
James W., 29
Jean, 367
John, 315
Josh(ua), 236, 239, 243
Lewis G., 23, 244
Lewis M., 39
Mark, 14
Mary Dovie, 195
Mary Elizabeth, 17, 20
Robert, 244
Susannah M., 31
William, 315
Deacon, Charlie, 237
Thadeous, 237
Deal, Deel, Diel, Susan, 21
Dean, Shad, 205, 207
Walter M. (Rev.), 144
Deanen, Sarah E., 28
Deaton, C.A., 97
C. L., 301
E. A., 301
Fabius, 236
Fabius L., 37
George, 504
George F., 256
James, 135
Joseph Elliot, 256
Joseph L., 89
Lucinda Obedience, 13
Marshall, 257
Mary C., 35
Thad, 237
DeBoard, John I., 142
DeJarnett, H. E., 133
DeLong, A. [Arman], 228
Armor, 42
Dennen, Alfred, 192
Alfred V., 256
Alice, 192
Christopher, 192
Jane, 192
John, 192
Josephine, 192
Thomas B., 192
William, 192
Dennies, Margaret, 507
Dennis, Ellen, 509
W. L., 320
Dennison, John, 256
Robert, 211
Denny, David, 415
Graham, 257
Malinda Peery, 415
Nannie, 551
Pat, 205, 206
Philip Gose, 415
Deppity, Alexander, 205, 206
Derrick, Irene M., 186
Deskins, Adelle [of Ill. &Kans.], 371
Augustus S., 224
Berdine, 371, 372, 379
Birdine [of Dickenson Co., Va.], 373
Bruce [of Ill. & Kans.], 371
Catharine M,, 34
Elenor, 371, 373
Eliza, 33
Elizabeth, 371, 373, 378
G. W., 7
George, 378
George W., 46, 47, 48, 372,493
George Washington, 199, 371, 379
George Washington [moved to Mo.], 373
Hardin Young [of Ill. & Kans.], 371
Harvey [moved to Floyd Co., Va.], 371
Jacob, 40
James, 15, 240, 371, 373
James [of Linn Co., Mo.], 378
Jean, 539
Jefferson, 152
John, 371, 373, 374
John [moved to Mo.], 371
John [moved to Ill., then to Laurence, Kans.], 371
John W., 223, 224
John Wesley, 18
John West [of Goff, Kans.], 372
JohnWitten, 373, 379
Julia, 191
Margaret, 373
Margaret Maxwell, 379
Mary, 19, 39, 152, 160, 199, 371, 372
Mary Ann, 44, 373, 379, 380
Mary E., 33
Moses Jackson, 199
Moses Shanon, 373, 378
Nancy, 25, 371, 372, 491
Nancy (Henkle), 163
Parmelia Ann, 493
Rebecca, 39, 371, 372
Richard H., 40
Sallie E., 379
Sarah E., 373
Smith [moved to Mo., d. Larmer, Nebr.], 372
Smith [moved to Miss.], 374
Stephen A., 228
Stephen Augustus, 372
Stephen Rush, 372, 373, 379
Stephen Rush [of Ill. & Kans.], 371
Stephen Rush [of Linn Co., Mo. & N.Salem, Mo.], 378
Washington, 371
William, 256, 371
William [of Grundy, Mo.], 372
DeSoto, Hernando, 408
Dessaix, Louise, 358, 359
Devault, Beverly, 470
George, 470
W.D., 470
Devor, Deavor, Ed., 180
Lizzie, 180
Deweese, Andrew, 237
Dicke(n)son, Dickinson, Dickerson, (Capt.), 226
(Col.), 385
(Miss), 392
Audrey, 417
Beecher, 417
Benjamin, 175
Blanche, 417
C. M., 328
C. P., 183
C. T., 183
Callie, 418
Catherine, 175
Celina, 157
Charles Gose, 417
Cynthia, 360
Dora W., 183
Elizabeth, 43
Eugenia, 468
Florence Ellen, 183
Floyd, 328
Fortis, 417, 419
Frances, 417
G. M. (Rev.), 115
G. M., 327, 328
George, 418, 588
George A., 483
George E., 183
Henry, 205, 206, 211
Hunter, 417
James, 205, 206, 417
James C., 183
John C., 91
John V., 306
Louise, 417
Lucinda M., 154
Mabel, 417
Mary, 407
Mollie, 418
Nancy, 417
Noah, 557
R. Walter, 10
Russell, 417
Ruth, 554, 557, 572
Thomas, 418
Thula, 418
Wade T., 417
Walter L. [of Russell Co., Va.], 468
Zollie, 417
Dickson, Mary Emma, 478
Didias, L. J. (Mrs.), 157
Dikes, Walter, 15
Dillard, John R., 131
Robert T., 33
Dill(i)on, Bird, 157
D.W. (Mrs.), 173
Dennie W., 180
Elizabeth, 32, 509
Elvira L. (Currin), 157
Harvey, 298
Harvey G., 224
Henderson, 20, 222
Hugh, 47, 222
James, 154
Louisa, 16
Lydia (Doughton), 154
Mahala Ann Francis, 20
Martha, 20
Martha A., 29
Mollie, 539
Osborne, 222
P. P., 95, 98, 103, 107, 109, 111, 112, 126, 128, 180
Pearl, 539
Robert, 539
Robert L., 286
Sallie, 20
Tempe, 31
Thomas H., 539
Thomas P., 222
Will Allis, 257
William, 16
William H., 28
Dillow, Catharine, 32
George Thomas, 256
Harvey, 232
James, 369
Mattie B., 199
Roe, 256
Samuel, 256
William P., 232
Dills, Cora, 180
Cynthia V., 31
Granville Henderson, 481
Henry W., 145
James H., 231
James R., 145
John D., 154
Mary, 145
Mary W., 21
Millard, 470
Nancy J., 28
Nannie, 470
Peter, 145
Peter B., 26
Peter H., 49, 50, 145
Rebecca, 30
Rebecca J., 40
Sallie V., 481
Susanah Virginia (Stafford), 481
T. B., 242
William, 457
Zerilda, 40
Dimick, Alice Hopkins, 474
George, 473
John Morton, 473
Thomas Edward, 474
Dingus, Hasten, 256
R. L., 289
Dinsdale, Robert, 414
Dinwiddie, Janie, 339
S.S., 77
Samuel S., 73
Dixon, John, 222
John William, 14
Martin B., 560
Mary Jane, 560
William, -206, 207
Doak, Doke, Do(a)ck, 318, 544
David W., 155
Frank, 194
G. W., 122, 159, 194
G. William, 454
George W., 97
J. R., 84
James, 194
James, R., 82, 83, 86, 155, 159, 194, 256, 280, 428
Nannie, 159
Rees, 155
Rees E., 155, 159
Rosa A. (Harman), 163
Rose A., 194
Walter, 194
William T., 73, 76 , 155
Dodd(s), Edward, 168
George, 168
Hallie, 168
Herbert, 168
I. C., 106
Ida, 168
Isaac, 168
Isaac C., 470
Janie, 470
Kent, 168
L. R., 168
Maggie, 168
Mary C., 162
Mollie E., 202
Nina May, 470
Ora, 168
W. R., 129
William Rees, 470
Dodge, J. H., 289
James, 184
Lena, 184
Doeglass, James, 206
Doggett, Rev., 319
M.W., 319, 338
Doison, Robert Daniel, 15
Dolan, S. A. (Mrs.), 177
Dol(s)bwy, Liles, Lyles, 218
Lytton, 211
Donald, Ruth O., 510
Donaly, Mary (Gillespie), 383
Dooley, Myrtle A., 194
Dorin, Doran, Alexr., 206, 207
James, 205 , 207
Terrance, 211
Dorton, Emily, 287
Maude, 443
Moses, 211
William, 211
Doss, Andrew, 188
Doughton, Andrew, 222
Enos, 154, 222
George, 222
Jesse, 244
Jessee J., 154
Lydia, 154
Mesa, 154
Mitchell, 222
Douglas(s), Doeglass, James, 205, 206
Jonathan, 211
Douthatt, Clyde, 300
Dove, Sallie, 584
Dowd, Elizabeth A., 14
Downing, Coral, 441
Downs, Robert N., 18
Drake, B.L. [of Wolf Co.,Ky,], 156
Eliza Jane, 12
Malinda (Lester), 156
Martha, 147, 358
Mollie, 359
Draper, A. T., 300
George, 456
Mary, 359
T. A., 300
Dryden, David, 204, 206, 207
James, 211
Nathaniel, 211
William, 211
Dubois, May, 157
Duck, Samuel, 211
Dudley, A. J., 44
Andrew, 237
Annie, 326
C. H., 326
Charles F., 237
Charles H., 326
Charles Hugh, 257
Cora W. (French), 183
Dick, 237
Evelina, 164
Fannie, 359
H. J., 202
Hugh, 52
Hugh D., 67, 68, 324
J. F., 326
J.Glenn (Mrs.), 326
J. R., 202
James, 234, 237
James C., 38, 156
James F., 325, 326
James Shelby, 401
James Shelby, Jr., 401
Katherine, 401
Margaret Jewel, 401
Mariah L., 156, 202
Mary B., 42
Milton D., 224
Nellie M., 401
Ransom, 68
Ransom S., 71
Sady Jane Grey, 27
Thomas Edward, 401
W. E., 401
W. L., 202
W. T., 202
Wm. McGarvey, 401
Duff, Mr., 344
Blanche, 586
Charles, 586
Clara, 586
Elizabeth 394
Hattie, 582
Hugh, 586
Leona, 586
Lilly, 35
Louisa (Young), 160
Louisa Smith, 586
Louise, 586
Nannie, 586
Oscar, 586
Oscar C., 41
R. B., 99
Rees B., Jr., 25
Robert, 206, 207, 586
Samuel, 206, 207
William, 206, 207
Duffy, Ora L., 286
Dufriche, Adelaide, 427
Dugger, Bradley, 443
Hattie, 443
J. N., 443
Joseph Hoyt, 443
Patsy, 443
Ray, 443
Dulin, Ethel [of Wash., D. C. in 1919], 370
Dunahue, C. N., 325
Dunbar, Dumbar, 579
Duncan, Dunkin, Baxter, 256
Doc., 237
G. C., 307
Elisha, 321
J. V., 221
James M., 34
John, 211
Marlm, 14
Martin, 157, 244
Nancy, 157
Noah, 234
Reba, 582
T. E., 552
William, 237
Dunford, Avery, 257
James W., 31
Dunigan, A.B., 202
Holland, 202
Jessie M., 202
Julia P., 202
L. H., 202
Luther Henry, 256
W. L., 202
William Henry, 202
Dunlap, C.Glenn, 361
Glenna Ruth, 361
Dun(n), Alice Thompson, 194
Carrie, 337
F. S., 22
Ferdinand S., 243
John, 152
Linnie (Whitten), 152
Mary, 451
Mary E., 13
Samuel, 211
Thomas, 525
W. B., 320
William W., 47, 392
Dunnington, Arthur Blaine, 256
DuPuy, Eva, 367
Flood, 367
Nannie Madison, 367
Durham, Mattie, 497
Sallie, 537
Duy, Charles, 339
Sallie, 339
Virginia, 339
Dwyer, Dwyre, Con, 583
Katherine, 474
Dye, Die, Carrie, 410
Dysart, James, 211
Eads, John, 496
Eagle, E.M., 299
Haz, 257
M. E., 257
Eakin(s), (also see Ekin), William, 211
Earl(e)s, C.L., 324
Dudley P., 324
Fielden Kirk, 281
Hannah, 190
James H., 257
Julia A., 29
Nancy, 33
Sarah, 33
Early, Earley, Malinda, 342
Mary, 472
Roy E., 301
Earnest, Jesse F., 257, 280
Easley, D.M., 119, 128
East, Martha E., 37
Susan A., 23
W. T., 234
Eastbridge, Brittain, 540
Easter, W.E., 577
Easterday, Arah, 284
Eastwood, W. P., 300
Eaton, James, 237
Eberling, Myrtle, 197
Echols, Capt., 481
Edge, Benjamin, 505
Edmiston, Andrew, 211
John, 211
Robert, 211
Sam, 205, 206
Thomas, 211
William, 211
Edmonds, James Walten, 257
Reese B., 51
Wily B., 75
Edmanson, Edmundson, Edmun(d)son, Edmon(d)son, Capt., 345
Levina, 37
Rees B., 70
Thomas, 206, 207
William, 205, 207
Edward (s), Andrew J., 221
Calvin, 44
David, 222
David A., 221
David Crockett, 361
H. A., 25
J. M., 361
James Martin, 361
Jennie, 200
Joddie, 257
Leland S., 257
Newton Harman, 257
Walter Clinton, 257
William Morton, 361
William Ray, 257
Effenger, Fred, 222
Effler, Judith, 486
Mary E. (Daniel), 178
Ekin, (also see Eakins) George, 297
Elder, Robert, 211
Elijah, Fred, 205
Elkins, Thomas W, 257
Vivian, 288
Eller, Adolphus, 431
Ellett, Frank Chalmers, 257
Elliot(t), James, 211
John H., 55
Robert, 570
W.A., 40
Ellis, Charley N., 177
Ella, 187
Garland, 579
Laura B., 177, 187
Malinda J., 364
P. S., 126, 130, 324
R. L., 324
Raymond, 493
Stella, 187
Ellwood, John P., 362
Ellyson, 305
G. S., 310
Elmore, R. E., 322, 324, 326
Robert E., 325
Elswick, Amanda, 22
Ann Eliza, 15
Bird, 240
Chapman, 28, 240
Elizabeth, 35
Elzena, 29
H. V., 237
Henderson, 14
Isabelle, 200
J. B., 240
James O., 257
Jane, 21
John E., 200
John P., 38
John W., 240
Louisa, 24
Louise, 195
Lucy, 11
Powell, 325
Robert B., 25
S. W., 91
Sally, 17
T. B., 240
Tob., 239
Tolbert, 23, 26, 44, 224, 240
W. J., 109
William, 237
William G., 32
Witten, 27
Ely, William, 211
Embrey, Catherine, 389
Katherine V., 186
Lula J., 186
Norman, 389
R.W., 186, 309
Rae Gorden, 389
Robert W., 389
Emmons, Jane, 470
Emshwil(l)er, Reuben, 230
W. P., 230
Engelsby, James, 239
England, John, 211
English, 525
James, 352
James M., 47
Josephine, 338
Katherine, 339
Welsh, 577
Epperson, Jesse Lee, 257
John Gideon, 257
L. (Rev.), 141
Estep, Estept, Elijah, 19
Estill, Benjamin, 211
M. Lavalette, 318
Estis, (also see Estes), Nell, 354
Etheridge, Hovie, 445
Etzler, Pearl, 285
Eubank, A.H., 140, 325
Alvah H., 322, 324, 325
Evans, And., 205, 207
Dan(iel), 205
David, 206
E. M., 304
Evan, 211
Frances (Perry), 174
George, 21, 457
James, 206
Joseph, 206
Katherine, 420
Mary Crockett, 366
Ray, 366
Sallie, 189
Sallie Anna, 366
Sam., 206, 207
Sarah, 508
Sidney, 403
Stratton, 300
Thomas, 420
Evelton, James, 204
Ewald, Joseph, 579, 580
Ewing, Joshua, 559
Margaret Campbell McFarland, 514
Faddis, James, 222
John, 222
Fal(l)in, Fallen, Anne, 284
Jeptha, 74, 76, 224, 464
Jesse, 16
Fanner, J. W., 240
Fannon, Fannin(g), Jackson, 528
John, 22, 528
Mildred, 528
Farley, Mamie Louise, 570
Farmer, Charley, 258
Clinton, 258
Edward, 166
Elenor (Peery), 148
Elizabeth Jane, 29
Elizabeth M., 32
G., 226
J. W., 240
Jeremiah, 29, 228
John, 11
Samuel, 32, 228
Susan (Kinder), 170
W. P., 325
Farrington, Charles J., 367
Far(r)is, Edward, 205, 206
James, 326
Joe, 281
Joseph, 257
Thomas, 212
Virginia, 444, 537
Wilson, 537
Farrow, John, 232
Fary, Joseph, 14
Faulkner, Allen, 429
Blake, 429
C.S., 185
Calvin, 429
Charles F., 429
Emma, 429
F. M., 185
Fay, 429
Felix, 429
G. A., 185
G. T., 185
George T., 19, 74, 76
Grace, 429
Henry, 244
Jesse, 429
M.A. (Mrs.), 187
Mag, 184
Micajah, 75, 76
Montgomery, 244
Nancy, 286
Ollie, 429
Sarah, 429
Verna, 429
Viola, 185
William Chafe, Jr., 258
Fauntleroy, R. R., 105
Faw, Clarissa, 429
Feil, Clifford Merbin, 568
Katherine Elaine, 568
Ralph Witten, 568
Felty, Fealty, H. N., 300
Nancy, 26
Sarah E. J., 196
Fenell, William b., 35
Ferguson, Forguson, Furgeson, Furgison, etc., (Miss), 365
A.A., 325
Aaron, 321
Aaron A., 289
Bettie A., 26
E. S., 23
Isabella, 295
James [of Moundsville, W.Va.], 365
James F., 43
Joseph M., 236
Milton J., 368
Samuel, 203, 295
Susie, 288
Thomas, 52, 203
Thomas [of Knox Co., Tenn.], 384
Thomas B., 234
Wade [of Bath Co,, Ky.], 365
Wade H., 43
William, 12
Ferimer, H. J., 186
Ferrell, Ferrill, (also see Fenell), Bud, 202
Evelyn Maria, 568
Foster, 490
Frazier, 490
Kansas, 490
Mary Helen, 568
Maurice, Jr., 568
Maurice B., 568
Missanie (Thompson), 156
O. M., 202
Oscar, 241
Poly, 240
Richard Anderson, 568
Roy, 202
T. R., 316
Tolbert R., 27, 69
Virginia, 568
William, 490
William Taylor, 568
Ficklin, Benjamin F., 226
Fields, Alice C., 41
Burt Elmo, 381
C.B. [of Mare Island, Calif, 1925], 381
C.C., 380
Care B., 380
Carl Birdine, 381
Charles C., 44, 380
Charles Creigh, 380
Dorothy Louise, 381
Ellenor, 23
James Edgar, 258
Jane A., 510
John W., 380
Juanita Cox, 381
Lilborn [moved to Omaha, Nebr.], 380
Lilborn Rush, 380
Mary Ann, 371, 374
Nancy J., 380
Nannie J., 34
Randolph Henry, 258
Robert E., 380, 381
Robert Keith, 381
William, 52, 212, 380
Fink, C. W., 326
W.J., 326
Walter, 437
Finley, C. S., 97
George, 212
John, 211
Margaret, 543
Finney, George, 419
Finorey, Elizabeth Browning [of Russell Co.], 380
Firebaugh, D.H., 224
Henry, 224
Fisher, Frederick, 212
Gertrude, 181
Joseph, 232
Nancy, 40
W. P., 181
William D., 244
Flanegon, James, 36
Flan(n)ery, Creed F. [of Wise, Va.], 426
Emory Lee, 258
R.G., 300
Robert Guy, 258
Ruth, 426
Sarah E., 426
Fleenor, A. B., 234
Charles, II, 211
Joel, 211
Michael, 211
Fleger, Archer, 129
Fle(i)shman, Ethell, 171
W. H., 301
Fleming, Flemming, Anne, 426
Annie, 358
Robert, 426
William, 258, 358
Fletcher, Curtis, 320
John Floyd, 17
John M. H., 26
Mary, 146
Mary Ann, 14
Pauline, 285
Polly, 146
Thomas, 212
William, 204
Flippe, William, 205
Floyd, Gen., 433
Francis Patton, 564
Francis Patton, Jr., 564
John, 345
John B., 51, 220, 345, 523
Lucy Louisa, 564
Marietta Lavelet, 564
Nicket(t)i, 345
William, 327
William P., 37
Flummer, Flemmer, Erasmus, 169
James H., 11, 52, 242
Julia, 161
Margaret, 161
Mary Elizabeth, 161
Sarah Ann, 161
William, 161, 328
Fogleman, William, 52
Foglesong, Elias, 23, 511, 529
Maggie, 529
Margaret, 511
Sophia (Peery), 156, 529
Walter, 517
Fontaine, James, 358
Forbes, F.H., 301
Walter, 325
Ford, Mr., 472
H. M., 106
Leigha, 258
Lydia, 201
Overton Dillard, 568
William McKinley, 258
Fore, A. T., 443
Forester, Forster, Alice, 428
Fork, William, 212
Former, Forkner, F. M., 234
George, 237
Julina, 26
Susanah, 23
Thomas, 234
Thurze, 26
Fortune, Ann, 36
Foster, Benjamin [of Gentry Co., Mo.], 361
Benjamin F., 361
Ethel, 284
Jonella, 284
Lelia, 285
Lettie [of Gentry Co., Mo.], 361
Pierce, 360
Robert [of Gentry Co., Mo.], 361
Fowler, Dave, 198
Isaac Chapman, 13
Jane, 198
John, 205, 206
Lester, 198
William, 212
Fox, Mr. [of Mont. Co., Va.], 335
A.G., 133
A. P., 172
Barbara, Barbary, 172, 312
Bell, 155
D.S. (Rev.), 440
D.S., Sr., 317
David S., 153, 313
David S., Jr., 166
Davis S., 166
Elizabeth, 414
G.C., 234
Gabriel C., 37, 166
George, 298
George W., 414
Jane (Crabtree), 172
Joana, 192
John, 414
John T., 172
JohnW., 437
Kat(i)e, 440
Malinda (Baldwin), 153
Margaret, 437
Margaret C., 172
Margaret T. J., 196
Martin Luther, 440
Mary A., 25
Mathias, 153, 312, 316, 317, 413
Mattie, 437
Peter, 312
Peter S., 172 ;
Rosa, 440
Sally, Sallie, 437
Sarah Crisman, 414
Sarah Margaret (Crismond), 155
Spangler, 317
Stephen, 317
Stephen S., 166, 313, 317, 437
William, 440
William C., 43
Francis, James D., 486
James P., 127
T. L., 126, 127, 128
Thomas, 212
Thomas L., 133
Francisco, Elisha E., 35
Jacob, 321
James, 365
Mary, 321
Franklin, Andrew, 258
B. O., 174
Elizabeth, 147
Eugene, 257
George M., 147
H. L., 43
Henry, 244
J. H., 307, 309
James, 147
John, 12, 21
Lavisa, Levisa, 22
Lizzie, 585
Maddison Wexler, 147
Nannie, 174
Pleasant, 147, 413
Thomas, 147
Tilman C., 147
Fraz(i)er, Fraiser, Fraizor, Mr., 341, 424
Billy, 546
C. D., 99, 103, 105, 107
Daniel, 212
Elizabeth, 546
H. B., 247
J. T., 69
Jacob T., 36
John, 204, 205
Mariah V. (Taylor), 153
Sallie, 546
Tyler McCall, 258, 280
W. M., 546
Wade, 437
Ward, 546
Fredrick, John, 29
Freeman, Charles, 587
Cora, 484
James M., 64
Wade L., 581
William, 212
French, Albert, 147
Albert P., 34, 70
Albert Pendleton, 257
Amanda E., 34
Amanda E. (Norton), 165
C. C., 183
C. H., 300
Cora, 195
David, 232
David J., 34
Elizabeth, 147, 400
Emily, 35
Emily J., 37
Frank Reynolds, 195
Grace, 195
Henrietta E., 152
Hugh B., 38
J. L., 237
J. M., 72
James D., 33
James M., 6, 7, 8, 70
John, 13
John S., 183
Joseph S., 73
Malinda Addoline, 27
Margaret A., 20
Margaret J., 13
Martha, 30
Mary, 284
Mathew, 147
Nancy A., 183
Nancy L., 36
Nannie D., 165
Napoleon B., 7
R. E., 195
R. N., 108
S. Bassett, 60
W.W., 100
William, 200
William W., 306
Willie Guy, 258, 280
Frick, Ellen, 417
George A., 129
Froe, Frow, A.G., 113
Agnes G., 171
Andrew, 171
Andrew M., 183
Charles L., 171
Cheshire, 171
David, 41, 171
Fletcher, 171
George W., 171, 183
I. H., 258
Joseph W., 171
Mariah, 171
Martin A., 183
Mary A., 171
Mary L., 171
Mattie D., 171
S. L., 171
Sarah, 171
Frost, A. F., 326
Elijah, 206
Herbert, 326
Joseph, 205, 206
Sam., 205
Simion, 206
Fry, George, Jr., 400
Mary A., 23
W.W., 385
Fryley, Fred, 205, 206
Fuchety, Jesse, 227
Fudge, Ann Eliza, 453, 576
C.A., 96
Charles A., 66, 67, 79, 80, 231, 453, 454, 520
Charles H., 77
Conrad, 196, 542
Eliza A., 18
Elizabeth St. Clair, 520
Harriet, 542
Harriet L., 30
Harriet Louisa, 542, 543
Martha Clair, 520
Mary Ann, 454
Nancy Harman, 542
Nannie Rose, 167
R.C., 158
Reuben C., 50, 328, 453, 454, 542
Fugate (also see Frugate), H.M., 305
Fulcher, Eliza J., 30
Mildred, 529
Fulkerson, James, 211
Richard, 212
Samuel V., 54
Fuller, B. J., 110, 112, 113, 172
Beverly J., 418
Esther, 548
Ethel, 549
Frank, 258
G. B., 128
George B., 130
Marie L., 418
Fulton, Judge, 124
John H., 123 , 357
M. B., 244
Funkhouser, Jh., 205, 207
Gaines, Henry, 184, 185
Galipher, William, 205
Galliher, Gallehher, Joel, 212
William, 207
Gallman, Forace, 259
Galloway, James F., 142
Gamble, George, 205, 207
Moses, 206, 207
Gammon, (MlSS). 392
Ganmore, D., 230
Gant, Aubrey John, 258
Clarence, 258
Gardner, Anna, 448
Charlie, 362
Charlie, Jr., 362
Fannie Kate, 362
P.O., 113
Wilk, 158
Willie, 362
Garland, Charles Dewey, 259, 280
William, 414
Garnett, Olta, 307
S.W., 307
Garrett, Susan A., 31
Gar(r)ison, Garretson, (also see Tanetson), Lottie, 499
Ruth, 22
William, 203, 459
Gates, Augustus, 21
David, 224
Sarah, 33
William, 22
Gatewood, Edward, 258
Gauss, (Rev.), 320
Gautley, (Mr.), 360
Gay, Ben, 585
Harry, 466
Thomas B., 130
Gearheart, James P., 32
Geddy, Lucile, 284
Geible, William, 561
Geisen, Minnie Dennie, 370
Geisler, Chris., 414
Gent, Rex, 139
Gentry, George Thomas, 258
George, Agnes, 36
Alice Hayter, 419, 564, 574
Archie, 575
Billy, Billie, 546, 575
Charles, 573, 575
Charles Leece, 564, 574
Ed., 125, 574
Edwin "Ned", 575
Eleanor W., 32
Eleanor White (Nell), 563, 564, 574
Eleanor Witten, 573 , 574, 575
Eloise, 546, 575
George, 575
H.A., 106
Harvey, Hervey, 7, 49, 57, 59, 573, 575
Harvey A., 546
Isaac, 43
Isiah, 244
James, 239, 573
James Ebenezer, 563, 574
James H., 32, 222
Janie, 546, 575
Jesse, 546, 575
John, 237, 573, 575
John B., 46, 393
John R., 184
Julia B., 125, 180, 189
Lacy, 259
Lena Howard, 563, 574
Lettie, 44
Lizzie (Whitten), 152
Louise, 573, 574, 575
M.M., 19
Mamie, 575
Margaret E. (Ward), 173
Mary, 546
Mattie Belle, 419
Nell, 575
Oscar, 189, 419
Oscar, Jr., 419
R.A., 237
Sallie, 386, 546, 573, 574, 575
Sallie W., 32
Samuel, 34, 546
Sarah F., 43
Sue, 575
Susan Matilda, 563, 574
T.E., 97, 98, 105 , 111, 112, 121, 122, 123, 180, 189, 563, 572, 574
T.Edwin, 574
Thomas E., 83, 85, 87, 184
Thomas Edwin, 124 , 189, 419, 563, 564, 573, 574
Thomas Edwin, Jr., 574
Thomas J., 41, 198, 199, 208, 209, 212, 213, 215, 237
Virginia, 575
W.W., 184
William, 147, 509, 573
William Oscar, 563, 564, 573, 574
William Oscar, Jr., 574
Gerald, Fannie, 582
G.T., 92
Jerry, 237
Joe, 237
Julia F., 20
Tol., 239
Gervis, James, 212
Gibbon(e)y, Albert H., 78
Fanny, 191
Gibbs, 490
Lillie F., 444
Gibson, Gipson, 521
Alex(ander), 149, 239, 419, 545
Andrew, 149
Andrew J., 36, 545
Ann Price, 473
Betty, 423
Charles, 419
Charles [of Russell Co., Va.], 470
Charles J., 259
Cosbia, 44
Cyntha, 42, 586
D.A., 44
Edward, 149
Edward B., 35
Elizabeth, 473
Ellen, 149, 545
Ellen J., 27
Ellen Jane, 335
George, 212
Henry, 419
Florence, 419
J. E., 309
Jack, 545
James, 41
James O., 473
Jane, 156
John, 212
John R., 473
Joseph, 41
Kate, 424
Lillie, 419
Mack, 258
Margaret, 419
Martha, 473
Mary, 16
Mary Ella, 473
Mollie, 419
Nancy, 418
Oscar Thompson, 473
Rebecca (Ward), 149
Reese, 149, 228
Rees T., 545
S.W. (Dr.), 423
Samuel, 212, 419
Samuel T., 545
Sarah, 516
Sarah T., 36
Squire, 17
Thomas, 212, 508
W.H., 329
William, 508
Gilbert, (see also Gibbit)
Gildersleeve, B. E., 190
B. C., 190
Bane, 155
Basil L., 190
Benjamin, 155, 190, 574, 575
Benjamin, Jr., 190
Bess, 190
Edwin George, 575
Eleanor, 574, 575
Eliza M., 187
Elizabeth Bessie, 575
Ellen, 155
Emma, 155, 190 , 574
G. S., 101, 122, 190, 191
G. S., Jr., 190
Gilbert, 524, 525, 574, 575
Gilbert S., 155
Grace, 190
Helen, 574
J. R., 135, 190
J. R., Jr., 121, 135
John, 419
John R., 43, 129, 155, 574
John R., Jr., 126, 190
Jonna, 155
L. G., 191
Laura, 575
Louise, 155
Mannie L., 190
Martha, 574
MaryH., 44
Mollie, 155
Nellie, 190, 524
Raleigh C., 190
Robinson, 574
Ruth, 419
Sallie May, 525, 575
Gill(s), Gilles, C.W., 310
D., 300
Howard, 361
James T., 18
Mary, 192
Robert, 23, 244
Samuel H., 42
Gillenwaters, Elizabeth, 30
J. D., 140
James, 222
James S., 32
John H., 176
Leucresha, 23
Lydia, 176
Samuel, 34, 176, 233
W. G., 104
William, 27
Gilliam, Sellers, 259
Gilliand, James, 206, 207
Gillon, JohnW., 27
Gilman, Francis, 37
Gillespie, Gelaspy, etc. 100, 392, 486, 506
(Miss), 448
A. P., 6, 86, 89, 96, 131, 183, 355, 428
Ada, 364
Albert J., 183
Albert Jefferson, 398
Albert P., 84, 156, 157, 353, 460, 529, 530, 532
Albert Pendleton, 393, 397, 298, 469
Albert Ritchie, 370, 397, 469
Alice Elizabeth, 201
Alice W., 201
Andrew J., Jr., 410
Andrew Joseph, 410
Angeline, 392
Angle, 440
Ann, 382, 383
Annie, 392
Archie W., 201
Augustue, 244, 394
Barbara, 325
Barbara E., 157
Barbara Emmons, 393, 395, 401, 402
Barbary E., 27
Barnes, 106, 111, 131, 199, 247, 325, 404, 405, 408
Barnes, Jr., 404
Berkeley, 409
Berkeley, Jr., 409
Bertie, 180, 411, 581
Bessie Montgomery, 408
Bettie, 412
Bettie T., 28
Blanche, 180
Bowen, 406
Carl Crockett, 406
Carnie J., 281
Catherine, 412
Catherine Lee, 408
Catherine (Peery), 504
Cecille, 410
Celia, 4 96
Chapman, 410
Charles, 366, 389, 391, 292 , 407, 408
Charles M., 258
Charles Pepper, 404
Charles S., 410
Charles T., 38, 232, 391, 502
Charles Tiffany, 389
Clara, 391
Corrie, 389
Crockett, 366, 392
Crockett Harrison, 407
Crockett P., 516
Cynthia Catherine, 408
Daniel, 457
Daniel H., 145
Daniel Harman, 13
David, 411
David A., 411, 412
David Beverly, 410
David C., 199, 512
David Clinton, 405
David J., 48, 49, 157, 220, 221, 222
David Johnston, 393
Den B., 406, 407
Den B..Jr., 407
Earl, 407
Edward, 407
Eleanor, 382 , 383
Eleanor L., 15
Elen Virginia, 21
Eliza, 390, 410
Eliza Jane, 354, 389, 391
Eliza Louvenia, 406,407
Elizabeth, 360, 389, 391, 393, 406, 408, 519
Ella Fred, 401
Ella K., 412
Ella Shelburne, 289
Ella Smoot, 408
Ellen, 516
Elma, 406
Elvina P., 42
Elvina Pendleton, 393, 395
Emarine, 366
Emerine V., 389, 391, 410
Emily, 392
Emily May, 411
Emma, 180
Ernest, 391
Etta, 393
Eva, 285, 406
Eveline V. (Hedrick), 171
Evelyn, 360, 408
Flora, 394
Floyd, 242
Frances Moselle, 410
Frank, 407
Fred O'Keefe, 402
Fudge Isaac, 391
George, 360, 383 , 408
George, Jr., 408
George Dabney, 410
George W., 27, 134, 199, 222, 292, 324, 325, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 408, 543
George W., Jr., 133, 136, 138, 188
George William, 395, 404
Grace, 119, 411
Grace Hopkins, 370, 397, 469
Gratt, 180
H. H., 231
H. P., 201
Hannah, 383
Harry, 360
Harry Barns, 408
Harvey Browne, 391
Harvey George, 258, 402, 403
Hattie, 410
Helen, 360, 408
Helen A., 408
Henry, 180, 384, 389, 392
Henry G., 31
Henry H., 27
Henry L., 53
Hugh, 391
Hugh T., 389 , 390, 391
Hugh Tiffany, 389
Ida Virginia, 410
Irby H., 411
Isaac C., 390
Isaac Chapman, 390
J. Floyd, 1.08, 109, 112
J. G., 120, 126, 128, 129, 134, 136, 137, 138, 141, 326
J. Grat, 142, 326
J. H., 101
J. H., Jr., 326
J. Newton, 411
J. S., 131, 193, 412
J. Samuel, 408
J. Saunders, 393
J. W., 103
Jacob, 382, 383
James, 382 , 383, 392, 409, 411
James A., 188, 192, 410
James F., 364
James Gratton, 406
James H., 13, 29, 46, 77, 80, 94, 102, 184, 220, 222, 283, 321 , 322, 324, 366, 387, 400, 406 , 516
James Harvey, 406
James Samuel, 402
Jane, 191, 516
Janet K., 401
Jean, Jene, 382, 383
Jennie Maude, 388
Jess, 326
Jesse Samuel, 258, 280, 406
Jesse Samuel, Jr., 406
Jessie Louise, 402
Joanna, 411
John, 34, 384, 408, 457
John C., 392
John Crockett, 370, 397, 469
John F., 104
John Floyd, 400, 408, 516
John Gratton, 406
John L., 401
John Newton, 360, 480
John W., 46, 94, 98, 101, 105, 107, 126, 130, 180, 316, 411
John Ward, 369
John Wharton, 402
Johnnie, 408
Joseph, 364, 516
Joseph B., 201
Josephs., 8, 9, 157 , 353, 370, 394, 524
Joseph, Stras, 370, 393, 396, 397, 398, 469
Julia, 366, 388, 441
Julia A., 32
Kate, 170, 389, 440
Keener, 409
Kelly, 201
Leola, 412, 440
Levisa, 384
Lignon, 410
Lillie, 364
Lina, 410
Linnie (Mrs.), 180
Louemma, 145
Louisa, 392
Louisa B., 389, 391, 473
Louisa J., 39, 41
Louisa M,, 347
Louise, 287, 360, 388, 408
Lucy Guerrant, 398
Luther, 139
Lydia J., 154
M. L., 142
Mabel, 409
Mack, 410
Mamie, 401
Marcus, 407
Margaret, 360, 366, 385, 388, 392, 394, 406, 408, 409, 412, 440, 441, 457
Margaret A., 411
Margaret B., 384
Margaret Bowen, 393, 394, 405
Margaret E., 41
Margaret L., 401
Margaret M., 469
Margaret Miriam, 397
Margaret O., 180
Maria T., 392
Maria(h), 150, 366, 389, 390 , 391
Mariah E. Louisa, 393, 395
Martha, 388, 492
Martha L., 17, 26
Marvin, 360, 408
Mary, 42, 157, 342, 360, 383, 384, 388, 389, 392, 394, 410
Mary A. 512
Mary Amanda, 403
Mary Anita, 395, 404
Mary Ann, 354, 391
Mary Ann (Rader), 400
Mary Arman
Mary Barbara, 402
Mary Barnes, 402
Mary E., 154, 193, 199, 201
Mary Elizabeth Higgenbotham, 0-524
Mary Ellen, 407
Mary Hope, 199, 370, 397, 469
Mary J., 17
Mary J. (Matney), 188
Mary Jane, 184, 391, 408
Mary Jane (Fox), 166
Mary Louise, 408
Mary Nickati, 406, 407
Mary Olivia, 398
Mary S., 30
Mary V., 393, 396
Mary Virginia, 338
Mattie, 409
Mildred Marie, 201
Millie, 490
Minnie, 392, 412
Miriam, 370
N. O., 300
Nancy, 342, 344, 384, 392, 585
Nancy Bane, 398, 529
Nancy Catherine, 408
Nancy Flora, 429
Nancy Higginbotham, 529
Nancy J., 13, 388, 400, 412
Nancy Jane, 28, 366
Nancy Letitia, 398
Nancy Olivia, 397, 469, 524
Nannie, 391, 408
Nannie L., 401
Nannie Lou, 406, 407
Newt, 180
Newton J., 408
Newton Oscar, 408
Nickitie, 400, 408
Nora, 439
Nora A., 412
Olivia, 393
Olivia Elizabeth, 400
Olivia Kate, 402
Olivia Louisa, 402
Olivia M., 183
Ollie, 409
Orrie, 412
Painter, 394
Pamelia E., 400, 406
Pansy, 192
Paul, 360, 408
Pauline, 407
Peery, 360, 408
Permelia E., 22
Poll(e)y, 366, 516
Polly A., 411
Polly Jane, 14
R., 106, 108
R. B., 247
R. C., 228
R. K., 107, 108, 199, 324
R. L., 99, 101, 141
R. Lewis, 411, 412, 439
R.S., 110, 111, 113, 322, 369
Rachel White, 410
Rees, 28, 171, 203, 384, 391, 409, 411, 291
Rees [of Smythe Co., Va. & went west], 411
Rees B., 24, 48, 68, 74, 76, 77, 79, 289, 344, 354, 362, 384, 385, 389, 392, 400, 409, 410, 502, 516, 561
Rees B., Jr., 47, 232
Rees Bowen, 391, 410
Rees T., 389, 392
Robert, 23, 38, 185, 222, 301, 366, 369, 384, 392, 401, 408, 411, 412 , 544
Robert [of Texas], 392
Robert, Jr., 49
Robert Archibald, 408
Robert Felix, 259, 402
Robert G., 137, 406
Robert Goggin, 370, 397, 469
Robert Gratton, 259, 280
Robert Henry, 411
Robert K., 402
Robert Kavanough, 402
Robert L., 23
Robert R. H., 259
Robert S., 392
Robert Walker, 369
Roxie, 412
Rufe, 237
Rufus, 360, 366, 369, 392
Rufus A., 26, 192
Rufus C., 45
Rufus H., 516
S. Lou, 199
Sallie, 364, 388, 391, 405, 410
Sallie Barbara, 406, 407
Sallie Floyd, 400, 408
Sallie N., 401
Sallie W., 39
Sally A., 30
Samuel, 360, 383, 408
Samuel, Jr., 360
Samuel G., 516
Samuel Gratt, 411
Samuel Gratton, 411
Samuel P., 149
Sarah, 155
Sarah A., 412
Sarah Ann (Crabtree), 172
Sarah Jane, 336, 393, 395
Sarah Johnson, 12
Shelby, 170
Stella, 179
Stuart, 258
T. A., 109, 110
T. P., 201
T. S., 185
T. W., 293
Thomas, 203, 212, 344, 366, 382, 383, 384, 407, 411
Thomas, Jr., 383
Thomas A., 28, 185, 191, 233, 388, 400, 409
Thomas David, 402
Thomas Edward, 516
Thomas H., 7, 49, 321, 392, 400, 408
Thomas R., 406, 407
Thomas S., 150, 384, 387, 401
Thomas W., Jr., 406
Thomas Walter, 258, 406
Tiffany Lee, 391
Vicie, 200, 390 , 410
Victor Rees, 409
Virginia, 364
Vivian, 409
W. E., 201
W. G., 112
W. J., 143, 193, 199, 393
W. T., 199, 325
Walter S., 201
Warran, 410
Warren, Jr., 410
William, 203, 360, 366, 382, 383, 384, 388, 391, 392, 393, 397, 408, 410, 411, 464, 516
William B., 384, 387, 388, 389, 441, 492
William Bowen, 387, 388
William Browne, 392
William Edward, 201
William G., 259
William Gibson, 410
William Graham, 408
William H., 411 , 412
William Jefferson, 370, 383, 397, 469
William Jefferson, Jr., 370, 397, 469
William M., 7, 64, 157, 183, 298, 336, 338, 347, 370, 392, 393, 398, 400,401
William T., 404
William Thomas, 395, 404
William W., 516
William Wilkerson [of Connellsville,Pa., 1925], 410
Willie, 408
Willie Cecille, 410
Willie Juanita, 360
Zerilda, 362, 389, 391
Gilmer, Gilmore, A. P., 423
Arnold, 417
Axley, 417
Benton, 417
Catherine, 417
Charles H., 417
Dora, 417
Eliza, 418
Elizabeth, 417
Ellen Gose, 417
Frances, 417
George, 417
George (Dr.), 418
Henry Franklin, 259, 280
Howard, 417
James, 417
John, 417
Mary, 418
Maude, 423
Octavia Frances, 423
Otto, 417
Scott (Dr.), 417
Smith, 417
Tempy, 417
V. B. [of Lebanon], 188
William, 205, 207
Windham, 417
Gilpin, Charles W., 154
Frona, 584
George, 326
George W., 199
James M., 199
James Moses, 154
Jesse M., 199
John L., 199
Lucy, 582
Gist, Nathaniel, 212
Thomas, 212
Gleaves, Saml. C., 227
Glenn, Ben, 258
D. A., 305
T. E., 111
Glenville, Frederick Wm., 259
Gobble, Christian, 212
Godby, Alice, 373
Gay, 373
Jackson [of Floyd Co., Va.], 373
Julia, 373
Nannie Peck, 373
R. V., 321
Rezin V., 87
Walter, 373
Godfrey, Harriet, 284
Jno. D., 237
Goff, Andrew, 212
William, 212
Going, Daniel, 15
Golden, Dorcas, 28
Henry, 244
Goldey, Charles J., 26
Gollipper, Wl., 205
Gooch, 547 2)
(Gov.), 382
Goodman, Catherine, 26
Clarence W., 259
Clinton R., 183
Isaac, 27
Jacob, 205, 207
James, 244
Jennie, 194
Julius, 259
Lacy, 259
Margaret, 194
Nannie, 194
Ollie E., 194
R. E., 183
Robert, 183, 194
Rufus F., 11, 317
Sallie, 194
Susan, 194
W. T., 183
Goodwin, [see also Goodwyn], G. M., 301
Gladys, 443
Gladys Grey, 451
Gracey, 462
John, 203, 334
Joseph, 463
W. H., 237
Gose, Aaron, 417
Alma, 422
Amanda V., 424
Ann(e), 413
Anna, 511
Annie, 417, 418
Archibald, 413
Aubrey Crafton, 423
Auda J., 424
Barbara, 414
Browning, 423
Carroll, 423
Catherine, 389, 413, 414 , 424
Celia, 424
Charles F., 417, 424
Charles Gilmer, 418, 422
Charles J., 9 , 415 , 418
Charles Joseph, 258
Christopher, 416, 422 , 423, 424
Christopher Stephen, 423
Cora, 422, 423
David, 413, 414 , 416
David Philip, 511
Dora, 422
Early, 422
Edna, 423
Eliza B., 423
Elizabeth, 312, 413 , 414, 415, 417, 422, 423, 480
Elizabeth (Spangler), 413, 480, 511
Ella, 422
Ella May, 423
Eva, 423
Frances, 417 , 423
G. Cowan, 423
George (Capt.), 54, 66, 83, 312, 313, 316 , 317, 413, 415 , 416 , 417 , 418 , 422 , 424, 530
George B., 414, 415 , 422
George Benoni, 259
George C., 422
George Cowan, 418
George Frank, 423
George H., 422
George Hopkins, 423
Georgia, 423
Giles, 418
Grace Neal, 417
Grazilda, Grizilda, 424
Helyn, 423
Henry, 422
Ira F. (Or.), [went West], 418
J. Earl, 423
J. Paul, 415
Jacob, 424
James, 418, 422, 424
James [Moved to Ky.], 423
James Buchanan, 418
James N., 422
Jean Vernon, 415
Jesylene, 415
John A., 422
John H., 462
John K., 424
Jno. P., 312
John P., 313, 413 , 415
John Philip, 415
Lee Otey, 423
Lillie, 422
Louise, 418
M., 25
Malinda, 414, 415
Mamie, 423
Margaret, 413, 414 , 422 , 423, 511
Margaret A., 423
Margaret Peery, 414, 415
Marie Elizabeth, 415
Marie Katrina, 415
Martha, 419
Martha (M.)(Patsy), 418
Mary, 417, 418, 422
Mary E., 418
Mary Henrietta, 423
Mattie, 422, 424
Myrtle, 423
Nancy, 422 , 423, 424
Nancy B., 424
Nancy D., 423
Nancy Elizabeth, 423
Nathaniel D., 422, 423
Nellie, 423
Nello M., 415
Patsy, 422, 424
Peggy Marie, 423
Peter, 312, 315, 412, 413 , 416, 424
Peter S., 424
Philip, 312, 314 , 412 , 413 , 414 , 415 , 416 , 480
Philip [of Wythe Co.], 413, 416
Polly, 413, 414, 415, 424
Polly P., 15
Priscilla, 417
R. Kyle, 423
R. W., Jr., 423
Rachel [Went West], 462
Ralph Robert, 415
Ratcliff, 423
Raymond, 423
Rebecca, 422, 424,
Robert, 389, 422
Robert Lee, 418
Robert Walter, 423
Romey S., 423
Roy H., 423
Ruby L., 423
Samuel H., 423
Sarah, 413, 414, 480
Sarah (Sallie), 424
Sarah (Sara) Jane, 416, 422, 424
Scott, 418
Sophia, 415
Sophronia, 41
Stephen, 49, 413, 414 , 416, 417 , 418 , 422 1), 423 , 424 1)
Stephen [of Russell Co., Va.], 416, 412
Stephen [Res. Tazewell, Tn.], 424
Stephen Christopher, 423
Sterling P., 424
Tempy, 417
Theressa, 424
Thomas J., 424
Virginia Ernestine, 415
W. C., 418
Walter C., 422
William, 389, 413, 422 , 512
William Gibson, 423
William H., 21, 244, 424
William Hopkins, 423,
William, Rev., 423
Gott, Andr., 23
William, 23
Guillaume, Claire, 426, 427
Samuel, 426
Grady, Margie, 442
Trula, 442
Graham, 100, 502
(Miss), 422
(Mr.), 431
A. H., 228
A. T., 551
Amanda, 437
Arthur, 571
Benjamin Thomas, Jr., 370
Benjamin Thompson, 370
Charles Archibald, 370
Charles M., 161
Charles McDonald, 425
David Livingston, 202
Edd Coaldan, 259
Edgar Allen, 571
Edward Greever, 191
George M., 546
Hal. G., 259
Hal Gordon, 259, 370
Henry T., 502
Ho r tense, 409
J. W., 551
James, 212
James M., 244
Jean, 173
Jean McDonald, 426
Jess M. (Miss), 173
Jesse M., 197
Jessie Montgomery, 426
Joe, 237
John, 202, 555, 571, 577
John, Jr., 202
John A., 281
John Arthur, 259
John William, 370
Joseph B., 191
Joseph Beale, 202
Judge, 116
Julia A., 191
Katherine Elizabeth, 181, 426
Katie, 173, 571
Louisa B., 156
Louise, 571
Lucinda, 15
Luke, 244
Mabel, 551
Malcolm Crockett, 370
Margaret Louise, 370
Martemus, 18
Mary Catherine, 408
Mary Jessie, 370
Minnie Cox, 181
Mollie (Mrs.), 188
Nelle, 546
Pauline (Witten), 186
R. N., 551
R. S., 173
Rachel, 15, 425
Rachel F., 32
Rebecca, 247, 425
Robert, 21, 161, 244, 424
Robert C., 49, 69, 161
Robert Craig, 425
Robert S., 197
Robert Spotts, 426
Roda, 27
S. A., 322
S. C., 77, 131, 197, 426, 428
S. M., 91 , 106, 123, 130
Sallie McDonald, 370
Sam(uel), 173, 197, 394, 424, 426
Samuel [d. Smythe Co., Va. in 1835], 425
Samuel C., 79 , 86, 161, 244, 245, 427
Samuel C. (Hon.), 85
Samuel Cecil, 424, 425
Samuel Cecil (Judge), 426
Samuel L., 6, 84
Samuel M., 137
Samuel Montgomery, 370
Samuel Walton, 259, 370
Vicie, 551
W. F., 121
W. L., 523
Walter McDonald, 571
William, 410, 546
William, Jr. 546
William L., 69, 79, 85 , 467
William L. (Col.), 408
William Leander, 243
William R., 89, 109, 587
Grant, (Dr.), 422
Edwin, 523
Mattie, 422
Ralph, 523
Samuel E., 523
Gravatt, Lucy, 351
Gravely, Ernest Buston, 259
Frank, 489
Frederick Stultz, 489
Graves, W. K., 307, 309, 312
Gray, Alexandr, 212
Alice, 417
Bonapart, 417
James, 222, 418
Jas., 207
Jos., 205
Margaret, 417
Mary, 40
Nannie, 417
Nell, 417
Sallie May, 406
Walter Gose, 417
Walter P., 113
William, 417
Graybeal, Graybill, 575, 428
Adolphus, 431
Arthur, 474
Arthur Simeon, 429
Avery L., 429, 430
Barbara, 429
Bertha B., 193
Betsy, 428
Bright, 430
Calvin, 429, 430
Calvin, [of Ash Co.,N. C.], 431
Carl, 430
Ceclia, 431
Charles J., 429
Charles Lee, 429
Cicero, 431
David, 428 , 429 , 430 , 431
Davis, 428
E. Grace, 430
Eli, 429, 431
Ellen, 430, 431
Elsie, 430
Essie Ellen, 430
Eva, 429, 430
Evelyn, 429
Fields, 437
Fields Jerome, 429, 430
Flora, 429
G. M., 101, 105
Gladys, 430
Granville Monroe, 429
Hopkins, 429, 474
Howard, 430
Ival Grace, 430
J. Walter, 193
Jacob, 428
Jane, 429
Jennie, 187, 430
Jesse, 430
John, 428
Joisa, 429, 431
Joisa [of Grayson Co., Va.], 431
Joseph, 429
Joseph Walter, 430
Larrie Lee, 430
Laura, 431
Lavonia, 430
Lee, 430
Lelia, 430
Livonia N., 429
Marie, 430
Martha Jane, 428
Mary, 428
Maude, 430
Mona, 430
Monroe, 429 , 474
Munsey, 430
Myrtle, 430
Nancy, 429
Naomi Ruth, 430
Neva Steele, 430
Nora, 430
Nora A., 429
Oran, 430
Oran Avery, Jr., 430
Orla G., 430
Oscar, 431
Paul Herman, 430
Pearl, 430
Peter, 428 , 429 , 430 , 431
Peter, Sr., 428 , 429
R. W., Jr., 430
Rebecca, 429, 431
Rhoda, 428
Robert Wiley, 430
Rogers, 430
Roy Everett, 430
Sarah, 428 , 429
Sidney, 430
Simeon, 429 , 430
Thomas, 429, 431
Troy, 430
Troy W., 429
Viola Miriam, 430
Virginia O., 429
W. Fields, 429
William, 431
Willie, 431
Willie Esther, 430
Zylphia, 430
Graybeal Family, 428
Graybeal Family [of Ash Co., N.C.] 428
Grayson, 495
Gree(a)r, Grear, 428
C. B., 187
C. H., 187
Charles, 280
Clabe Baker, 429
Clyde Howell, 429
Cora Ella, 429
David, 394
David Calvin Gillespie, 429
E. M., 187
Ella Sarah, 429
Eugene Marshall, 429
Eugene Marshall, Jr., 429
Frances, 409
J. C., 241
Jennie, 431
John Calvin, 187, 431
John Calvin [fr. Grayson Co., Va.], 428
John Richard, 429
Louis Strader, 429
Martha, 429
Mattie, 429
R. E., 187
Rebecca, 431
Robey, 431
Shadrach [moved to Greenbriar Co., Va.], 11-429
T. M., 187
Thomas McNew, 429
Troy Miller, 429
W. B., 187, 300
William, 212
William B., 394
William Brown, 429
William Brown(e), Jr., 394, 429
Green(e), (Gen.), 498, 542
(Mr.), 428
Allen P., 175
Charles, 258
Christena, 33
Christina, 147, 153
D., 98
Deskins, 10, 34, 44, 90, 92
Ellen, 175
George, 147
H. A., 300
Henry, 147
Jacob [of Bryant, Ill.], 428
James, 428
Jas., 315
Jennie, 175
John, 175, 490
John, Jr., 147
John, Sr., 153
Josie, 518
Louisa, 28
Marget, 147
Mary, 39
Mary Jane, 175
Minnie, 428
Nelson, 315
Peggy, 43
Peter, 428
Rees [moved to Ky.], 465
Reuben Pendleton, 258
Samuel William, 258
Sarah, 38
T. M., 300
Tommie, 175
Walter, 259
Willard Forster, 428
William, 224
William, Sr., 147
Greenaway, John, 207
Greenup, 555, 573
Elizabeth, 295
John, 469, 560
Greenway, Jno., 205
Greever, Griever, 486
(Capt.), 434
(Col.), 433
(Dr.), 436, 438
(General), 434
A. S., 283, 288, 312, 313
Agnes, 437 , 516
Alberts., 283, 435
Albert Sidney, Jr., 435
Alexander, 346, 437
Alverta, 439
Amanda, 164, 435
Amanda Virginia, 15
Amanda W., 436
Angle, 156
Ann(a) L., 38, 437 , 516
Annie, 437
Annie M., 188
B. B., 80 , 82, 104, 105, 108, 129, 188, 244
Bertha, 437, 439
Bessie, 438
Bismark M., 438
Blair B., 36, 62, 437
C. H., 109, 111, 112, 121, 126, 131, 313, 317, 432
C. P., 94, 99, 110, 111, 121, 130
C. W., 95, 98, 99, 100, 130 , 131, 139, 142, 144, 156, 247, 319 , 519, 575
C. W. (Dr.), 438, 439
C. William, 438 , 439
Callie T., 439
Campbell B., 38, 171, 436
Carl A., 438
Charles, 437
Charles H., 43, 87, 152, 171, 226, 434, 435, 436 , 437
Charley, 164
Claire, 437
Clara May, 436
Clarence, 437
Claude W., 439
Corsi, 438
D. B., 171, 317, 432
David B., 152, 434, 436, 437, 438
David Rosang, 17
E. L., 106, 119, 122, 131, 135, 247, 432
E. L. (Mrs.), 431, 434
E. Margaret, 435, 436
Edgar L., 435
Edgar Lee, 106
Edgar Philip, 435
Eleanor, 35
Eleanor Elizabeth, 435
Eliza, 432, 437
Elizabeth, 164, 437 , 516
Elizabeth M., 435
Elizabeth S., 24
Ella L. Peery, 439
Ellen, 436
Elma, 437
Eloise, 439, 521
Eloise Craft, 439
Emma H., 435
George, 435, 516
George G., 437
Georgie, 188
H. Bowen, 439
Hannah H., 171
Harvey, 439
Hattie, 337
Hattie B., 435, 436
Helen, 437
Helen C., 188
Hiram A., 433
I. B., 156
Ida, 285
Ida R., 435
Irene, 437
J. D., 234
J. H., 107, 109
J. J., 156, 313, 316, 432, 521
J. Tate, 188
Jake, 188
James, 433, 439
James A., 337, 438
James Alexander (Tobie), 439
James S., 432
James S. (Capt.), 434
James S. (General), 435
James Scott, 433
Jane M., 164
Jessie, 437
Joe, 237
John, 156
John D., 38, 164, 316 , 432, 435 , 436
John Dudley, 432, 435
John Dudley, Jr., 435
John H., 188, 313, 437, 438, 439, 517
John J., 152, 412, 432, 434, 437 , 438 , 439 , 440 , 516
John L., 234
John P., 438
Joseph B., 437, 438
Joseph B., (Rev.), 516
Julia, 437
Katie, 439
L. T., 101
Laura B., 436
Lelia, 439
Lena May, 439
Lettie, 156
Lettie C., 438, 440
Lettie Vail, 439
Lindsey T., 89, 436
Louisa, 152
Luther, 439
M. Angeline, 438, 440
Mabelle, 439
Margaret, 156, 436
Margaret B., 435
Margaret Jane, 22, 171
Margaret Peery, 438
Margaret T., 438 , 439
Mark, 438
Mary Anella, 439
Mary Etta, 436
Mary S., 432
Mary Scott, 435
Mary Virginia, 435
May, 438
Melancthon, 516
Miriam Roberta, 435
Nancy, 152, 171, 436
Nancy E., 412
Nannie E. M., 438, 439
Nannie May (Witten), 183, 186
Paul, 438
Philip, 152, 164, 204, 205, 315, 316, 431 , 432, 436 , 437 0), 438 , 439 , 440
Philip [Lived in N. M. 1925], 438
Philip, I, 431, 432 , 433 , 435 , 436
Philip, II, 432 , 434, 435 , 436
Philip, III, 432 , 434, 435 , 436
Philip B., 152
Philip M., 437, 438
Polly, 164, 171
Polly H., 435
Robert, 437
Sallie, 437
Sarah, 439
Stephen Philip, 435
T. M., 130
Tate, 437
Theodore Coyner, 435
Theressa, 337, 439
Thomas, 437, 516
Thompson H., 171, 436
Tobie, Toby, 156, 439
Vicie, 437
Virginia H., 204
Virginia Holmes, 435
W. C., 188
W. Otto, 439
Walton H., 435
Walton H. [moved to Columbia, S.C.], 436
Walton H., Jr., 435
Walton H., Sr., 436
William, 437
William Cosby, 258
William Snead, 434
William W., 439
Gregary, Gregory, Charles E., 322
Daniel P., 147
Elizabeth, 526
F. C., 171
Frank C., 582
Franklin C., 24
George R., 195
James M., 20, 583
John K., 526
Kathleen, 287
Lizzie, 582
Mary C., 526, 582
Richard, 244, 466
Richard Shadrach, 19
Statira, 171
Statira Shawver, 322, 582
T. E., 244
Thompson, 244
Grenade, John Adam, 299
Gretter, G. W., 44
Grey, James, 29
Grief, Alexander Harry, 202
Benjamine, 202
Joseph, 202
Pearl, 198
Phillip, 202
Rudolph, 202
Grier, John, 212
Grifflth, Griffiths, Griffey, Griffitts, Grifeth, Griffy, Griffits, A. T., 139
A. W., 539
Allen P., 20, 224
Augustus, 224
Benjamin H., 258
C. T., 94
Chapman T., 224
Chapman Thomas, 19
Daisy, 539
Elihu(gh), 24, 237
Emma, 444, 537
G. (Griffey), 224
George Washington Thompson, 17
George William, 224
Griffie, 43
John, 303
Laura Alice, 195
Marg(a)ret, 171
Martin, 224
Mary, 40
Mary E., 15
Minnie (Litchford)(Mrs.), 195
Mollte, 440
Myrtle, 287, 539
N. M. (Mrs.), 177 C
Nancy, 43
Prudence, 21
Robert, 258
Sarah A., 39
Sarah J., 33
Tazewell, 537
Thomas L., 33
Tom, 239
W. D., 303
William Frank, 224
Grills, Christina, 150
Cornelius, 76, 150
Elizabeth, 150
Emily, 27, 151
Harriet, 151
James H., 228
John, 29, 150
Martha, 24, 151
Mary, 28, 151
Sarah, 151
Sarah Ann, 18
Victoria, 33, 151
Grim(m), Peter, 29, 244
Grimes, Grymes, James, 12, 212
John, 204, 205
Grimsley, A. M., 101
Thomas, 303 C
Grimstead, Charles, 488
Margaret Louise, 488
Grogan, F. M., 228
Grose, Gross, Albert, 36
Allen, 27
Andrew, 224
Bessie, 187, 431
Harry, 127
Henry, 241
Hy., 244
J. R. (Dr.), 431
Jennie, 187
Joisa, 187, 431
Joseph T., 37
Margaret, 25
Melinda Jane, 17
Robert B., 259
Sarah Elizabeth, 18
Victor, 187, 431
William, 38, 224
Wilmath, 42
Groseclose, Adeline Yost, 528
Alice, 416
Ann, 416
Annie, 414, 416
Annie L., 517
Bettie A., 416
Caroline, 416
Cassie M., 517
Catherine, 415
Charles, 440
Ed., 583
H. C., 413
Henrietta, 414
Henry, 313, 337, 414, 528
Henry C., 517 , 530
Ina, 413
Ina A., 517, 530
J. L., 317
Jennie, 414, 528
Jessie, 414
Jessie A., 517
John, 244, 415
Jos. H., 298
Jos. L., 313, 317
Josephine, 337
Kent, 518
Lovinia Peery, 530
Mary E., 517
Mary, 528, 529
May Peery, 517
Mitchell, 416
Poppie, 416
Roby McKinley, 259
Sophia, 416
Stephen, 416
Virginia V., 517
Walter, 414
Walter K., 517
William, 416 , 528
Willis Peery, 517
Grubb, Grace, 584
Hugh L., 317
Hugh S., 31
Isaac Newton, 16
Isaach, 317
J. B., 230
Mary C., 39
Peter, 40
Guerrant, Edward O., 398
Mary Hamlin, 398
William, 398
Guess, Joseph W., 258
Guillion, Adam Otto, 259
James M., 26
Susan, 24
Gussian, Andro But, 259
Guthrie, Harvey [of Ohio], 373
Hugh [moved to Ohio], 373
Gydosh, George, 259
Paul, 259, 280
Hac(k)ney, H. L., 31
Hackworth, 560
Elizabeth, 560
Hagan, Patrick, 45
Hager, Alam, Alem, 32
George, 16, 244
George R., 43
Henderson, 244
Henny W., 24, 226
J. R., 179
Jacob J., 13
James R., 28
Lina Barbary, 11
M. J., 179
William Prevo, 263
Hagerman, Bessie, 439
Jack, 199
Hague, Peter Henderson, 22
Hagy, Hagey, Albert, 325
Billie Antionette, 489
Catherin, 25
Edith Lorraine, 489
George W., 54, 198
Georgie Pauline, 489
J. Albert, 198
Jos. A., 198
Lennie, 201
Peggy Hope, 489
Peter H., 244
Roy Lee, 261
Thelma, 540
William Franklin, 489
Hahn, S. W., 313
Hain, Hannah, 364
Hairston, Andrew, 261
N. H., 133
Samuel, 328
Haldron, A.J., 222
Hale, Charles, 239
Charles A., 324
E. E., 300
Elias, 499, 502, 504
Elias J., 172
Ervile, 43
Fred, 205, 207, 484
Fred, Jr., 484
Henry, 38
Hesse, 207
J. M., 300
Jno. E., 237
John, 35, 502
Mary, 42
Rufus B., 79
Russell C., 443
Haley, Henry T. (Dr.), 504
Henry Thomas, 261
Halfacre, Mac., 205
Halfarce, Mc., 207
Hall, (Rev.), 319
A., 315
A. G., 129
A. J., 76, 316
Albert, 540
Alexander, 41
Ambrose, Ambrus, 508
Ambrose J., 74
Andrew J., 261
Arminta, 42
Arthur, 582
Birtie, 263
Catherine C., 521
Clarence, 540
Clarence, Jr., 540
David, 224
Earl Preston, 260
Elizabeth, 364
Ellen S., 38
Fox, 584
George Otis, 262
Gordon, 168
H. H., 380
Helen Dailey, 540
Henry, 406
James, 222
Jesse, 204
Jno. H., 180
John, 222, 239
John Lee, 263
Jonathan, 13
Joseph, 540
Joseph, Jr., 540
Julia A., 184
Laura, 551
Lena Lorraine, 582
Luther, 260
Lydia, 161, 316
Mack, 540
Magdalene (Wynne), 146
Martha, 29
Martha Gilliam (Bowling), 165
Mary E., 33
Mary Magdaline, 540
Mattie Elizabeth, 540
Nancy (Sparks), 179
Nicketti F., 33
Polly (Buchanan), 164
Polly Ann, 14
Reese, 281
Robert, 540
Sarah Elizabeth, 513
Susan, 30
T. K., 102, 103, 106
Thomas, 19, 161, 222, 540
Thos. K., 317
Wesley, 28
Will, 260
William, 219, 315, 513
William N., 262
Zula, 284
Halleck, H. W. (Gen.), 5
Haller, Virginia, 284
Virginia W. (Sheffey), 162
Halliard, Jas., 207
William, 205, 207
Halsy, Polly Ann, 42
Ham, Enoch J., 31
Hambleton, Sam., 204, 205
Hambrick, A. D., 80, 81, 83
Ad., 244
Anderson D., 39
Annie, 285
Dudley, 365
Elizabeth, 364
George W., 365
James Dudley, 365
Jennie, 365
John, 504
John Rufus, 365
Mary, 504
Mary F., 34
Mollie, 365
Samuel Graham, 365
Hamilton (also see Hambleton), Abe, 299
Alexander, 213
John, 213
Robert, 213
S. C., 237
Hammer, Samuel, 244
Hammit(t), M. B., 138 , 142, 143
Mathew Butler, 280
Ham(m)ond, Ham(m)onds, Hammond(s),
Abraham, 213
Jacob, 244
Sam'1., 205
Thos., 206
Hamper, Susan, 12
Hampton, Catherine, 166
John, 213
John H., 166
Maude, 587
William T., 166
Hamric, C. E., 311
Hance, Sarah, 38
Hancock, Frances, 582
Homer F., 582
Mary Ella, 475
Hand, Jno., 38
Hankins, A. E., 177
Abel, 32, 49, 55, 68, 69, 81, 95, 177, 240, 388, 441
Abel, Sr., 444
Abel B., 444
Abel Estil, 444
Albert, 479
Albert Claude, 261, 442
Alice, 479
Andrew, 440
Andrew P., 444
Arminda, 441, 444 , 445
Bascom, 489
Belle, 441
Benton, 491
Bertha, 479
Bettie, 440, 449, 488
Blaine, 444
Blea, 479
Carl Newton, 442
Carter, 52, 69, 72, 149, 440, 540
Charles, 440
Charles P., 161
Clarence, 479
Clarence H., 442
Claude, 332
Clyde N., 388
Clyde N., Jr., 442
Clyde Newton, 442
Cynthia, 440, 441, 537
Dacy, 444
Dewey, 489
Dora, 332
Dorothy, 442, 523
Dow, 444
Dow L., 445
E. W., 177
Easter, 440
Elbert, 479
Elisha (Elihugh), 230
ElijahJ., 442
Eliza, 149
Elizabeth, Elizabet, 24, 42, 440
Elizabeth (Eettie), 442, 444
Elizabeth Qulcksall, 441
Ella Elizabeth, 388, 442
Emily E., 172
Emma, 445
Emma Baker, 444
Etta, 388, 442
G. H. (George), 224
George, 37, 444 , 445
Grace, 440
Gracie, 445
Gracy D., 24
Hannah, 444
Harvey, 444
Hester, 440
Isaac, 440, 491
Isaac M., 161
J. A. W., 304
J. B., 326
J. Y., 247
Jackson Peery, 442, 523
James, 67 , 68 , 69 , 70 , 71, 85, 149, 222, 388 , 441 , 445, 449, 537
James B., 388, 441
James B., Jr., 441
James Ed., 441
James Ed. Wm. Bowen, 388
James S., 444, 445
Jeanette, 442
John, 149 , 440 , 441
John, Sr., 440
John E., 304
John M., 442
John M., Jr., 442
Jonathan, 36, 66, 69, 240, 441 , 537
Joseph, 440 , 444 , 536
Joseph, Sr., 443
Julia A., 185
L. D., 121, 122, 177
Lawrence, 479
Lenora, 441
Lenora Myrtle, 442
Lottie, 444
Louise, 442, 489
Lucy, 31, 388 , 440, 441 , 442, 458
Lucy J., 465
Lucy Jane, 441
Luther, 171, 332
Lydia, 29, 42, 440, 540
M. F., 442
M. M., 325 , 512
Madison, 441
Madison M., 84
Madison Mitchell, 442
Margaret, 185, 442
Margaret Ann, 442
Margaret E., 194
Marvin, 441
Mary, 35, 161, 171, 201, 441, 444,-445, 488
Mary Jane, 442
May O., 442
May Octavia, 388
May (Tabor), 332
Mildred, 442, 523
Minnie, 388
Mollie J., 441
Mollie R., 444
Moses, 30, 70, 149, 171, 241, 440 , 441, 537
Moses J., 442, 523
Moses Jackson, 388
Nancy, 2 5, 331, 440 , 537, 540
Nancy (Hankins), 149
Nannie, 444 , 445
Narcie Helen, 442
Nora Myrtle, 388
Olga, 441
Patsy, 440, 443 , 444, 537, 538
Pearl, 479
Peter, 161
Peter L., 440
Polly, 177, 443, 536
R., 221
R. M., 241
Rachel, 440, 444
Randolph, 445
Reaber, 489
Rebecca(h), 14, 441, 444
Richard, 222, 241, 440, 489
Robe(u)rt, 69, 72, 241, 440 , 443 , 479, 537
Robert C., 479
Robert Mitchell, 12
Roland, 441
Rosa, 444
Rufus, 441
Ruth, 442, 523
Sally, Sallie, 388, 441
Sheffy, 444
Sidney, 445
Sidney E., 479
Susan, 440, 443
T. Blair, 388
T. W., 82, 114, 120, 122, 177
Thelma, 441
Thomas, 41, 136, 194, 241, 261, 388, 441 , 442, 444
Thomas Blair, 442
Thomas E., 331, 441, 443
Thomas Peery, 442
Timothy, 261, 440, 445, 588
Timothy W., 224, 444, 445
Troy, 332
Walter Henry, 263, 281, 442
Walter Lee, 260
Wanita, 479
Ward, 444
William, 51 , 68 , 71, 76, 77, 78, 79, 161, 332, 440 , 444 , 489
William B., 441
William H., 223
William J., 442
William L., 444
Hankla, (Mr.), 417
Emory G., 316
Hankley, Will, 581
Hannah, Hattie, 467
Hansbarger, Madge, 519
William H., 519
Hanshaw, Hanshew, Hanshue, Hanshea, Ann, 43
Barbary E., 12
Charles, 30
Eve, 312,
H. L., 300
Henry Mullins, 262
James Howard, 187
Rhoda Jane, 187
Samuel, 234, 312, 315
Hansley [see Hensly]
Hanson, George, 362
Hapker, Joseph N., Jr., 263
Harber, Frank, 261
Harden, Hardin, (Miss), 428
(Mr.), 428
Benjamin, 71 , 72
Mary, 356
Hardesty, Elizabeth, 555
Harding, Benjamin Harrison, 417
Catherine Carter, 417
Charles Kelly, 417
Driscilla Long, 417
Edward Gose, 417
Edward K. (Dr.), 417
James A. (Jas. H.), 222
Mary Alice, 417
Nancy Alderson, 417
Thomas Kernan, 417
Virginia Elizabeth, 417
William Aaron, 417
Hardis, Percy P., 545
Hardy, J. Howell, Jr., 419
James Howell, 419
Katherine Eleanor, 419
Margaret May, 419
Martela, 200
Samuel Lacy, 419
Harker, J. N., 326
Joseph N., Jr., 281
Harkleroad, Henry, 213
Harkrider, Elizabeth, 28
Harless, Allen I., 141
Delilah, 31
G. W., 108, 112, 121, 322, 326
George W., 321 , 324
James Robert, 260
Josephine, 28
Nancy, 30
Harley, James H., 545
Harman's Station, 458
Harman Family, 445
Harman, 491, 579
A. Tate, 191
A. V., 126, 140
Adam, 167, 174, 445, 446 , 447, 449 , 456, 457 , 458 , 459, 561
Adam, Jr., 445, , 446
Adam V., 176
Add, 139
Addison, 449
Alexander L., 163, 454
Alexander Marrs, 452
Amanda [of Pike Co., Ky.], 192
Amanda M., 178
Amelia G., 200
Andrew, 228
Andy J., 539
Anna, 457
Anna E. Barbara, 449
Arthur, 441
Aurelia Elizabeth, 453
B. V., 231
Backsdale, 452
Ballard V., 92
Barbara, 449
Bascom W., 166
Baxter, 411
Bernard, 430
Betsy, 456
Bettie, 325, 478
Bettie Hankins, 450
Brown, 483
Bryant, 263
Buna, 36
Buse, Bues, 145, 165, 174, 448, 457
C. C., 87
C. D., 140, 141, 142
C. E., 201
C. E., Jr., 201
C. H., 300
C. H., Jr., 200
C. Henry, 10, 200, 529
C. T. [of Pike Co., Ky.], 192
Carper, 35
Charles, 429
Charles C., 362
Charles Creigh, 453
Charles D., 327
Charles Dale, 260
Charles E., 452
Charles H., 128, 196
Charles Henry, 452
Charles Rufus, 195
Charles T., 178
Charles William, 453
Charlie, 182
Christina, Christiner, Christena, 151, 447, 448 , 452, 457 , 459, 578
Christina (Harman), 457
Clamantine, 17
Clarence, 170
Clinton B., 166
Coralie Laird, 478
Crockett, 287
Cuthburth, 12
Cynthia, 538
Cynthia Bird, 578
Cynthia Victoria, 449
D. H., 246
Daisy Belle, 201
Daniel, 447 , 448, 456, 457, 458, 509
Daniel [of Pike Co., Ky.], 457
Daniel ["Big"], 449
Daniel, Sr., 445, 446, 456, 459
Daniel B., 167
Daniel C., 457
Daniel H., 46 , 47, 48, 70, 72, 80, 82 , 242
Daniel Howard, 458
Daniel Robert, 261
David, 280
David H., 166
David N., 264
Delpha, 170
Dovie, 201, 452
Dow, 457
E. F., 40, 151, 244, 411
E. G., 138
E. H., 170, 301
Edwin H., 50, 227, 230
Edwin Houston, 453
Eleanor, 448 515
Eleanor A., 200
Electry A., 41
Elias, 47, 447, 455 , 456, 536, 578
Elias (Capt.), 392
Elias G. W., 49, 452
Elias G. W. [to Nebr. in 1873], 454
Elias V., 53, 69, 246
Elias Vance, 458
Eliza, 443
Eliza Emarine, 453
Elizabeth, 449, 578
Ellen, 448
Ellen J., 44
Elvira L., 19
Elvira Lavinia, 453
Ephriam, 449
Erastus F., 16, 233
Erastus French, 233, 448, 452
Erastus G., 362, 452
Erastus Granger, 453
Erlene, 201
Ethel, 192
Etheline, 170
Eugene Claude, 261, 280
Eugenia Jordan, 454
Eva, 363
Fannie, 196
Flora Pansy, 182
Forest Marrs, 195
Frances Ann, 453
Frank Willey, 450
Frazier, 260
French, 45, 244
George, 103, 445, 447 , 448 , 449
George H., 261
Gertrude, 362
Gladys, 430
Graham, 539
H. Bane, 78, 79, 84, 89, 90, 95, 98, 105, 110, 115, 121 , 323, 395, 404, 520
Harriet Ann, 449
Harriet Catherine, 454
Harriet Stell, 450
Harrison, 395
Hattie S., 442
Heinrich, 449
Heinrich Adam, 445 , 447
Henry, 174 , 315, 447, 457 , 458, 459
Henry, Jr., 203, 361, 447 , 452, 457, 515
Henry, Sr., 296, 445, 446 , 447 , 448 , 449, 451 , 455, 456
Henry B., 46, 70, 71, 73, 163, 452, 454
Henry Brown, 454
Henry D., 151
Henry Dorsey, 448, 452
Henry E., 89, 163, 288, 454
Henry Erastus, 454
Henry H., 174, 457
Henry J., 457
Henry Wesley, 449
Henry Wilburn, 448
Hester, 198
Hezekiah, 418, 447 , 448, 451, 452, 542
Hezekiah, Jr., 203, 452
Hezekiah, Sr., 452, 453 , 454 ,
Hezekiah A., 45, 452
Hezekiah Augustus, 448, 452
Hoge Kiah A., 151
Howard Bane, 453
Hubert, 443
Hubert Steger, 450
Isaac, 43
Isaac N., 166
Isaac S., 166
Isaac S. (Rev.), 337
J. A., 42
J. N., 9, 91, 96, 98, 100 , 143, 289, 303, 324 , 325 , 326, 327, 450, 478, 589
J. N., Jr., 129
J. N., Sr., 131
J. Newton, 89, 90, 442
J. P., 111, 112, 121, 122
J. S., 246
J. W., 131
Jacob, 445
James, 174, 443, 509
James [Went West], 457,
James A., 198
James B., 70, 74, 78
James H., 174
James H(arvey), 457
James P., 457
James W., 121 , 130, 134, 247, 443 , 455, 478
James William, 450
James William, Jr., 450
Jane, 15, 174, 457
Jane G., 452
Jane K., 21
Jennie, 362
Jennie or Jane, 457
Jesse, 170
Johanna, 180
John, 395, 445, 457
John Adam, 448
John B., 46, 48, 74, 457
John C., 51
John M., 26, 194
John Newton, 449 , 450
John Newton, Jr., 443, 450
John Newton, III, 443, 450
John P., 509
John (Jno.) W., 242, 455
Jos. (Hammon), 246
Joseph, 233
Joseph H., 163, 454
Joseph P., 121, 395
Josie, 196
Juliet, 449
K. D. R., 95, 143
Kate L. (Mrs.), 195
Katherine, 200
Katie, 458
Katrina, 445
Kelly, 165
Kiah, 45, 47, 48, 107, 146, 151,411, 448, 452
Kiah David Reuben, 452
King E., 453
Lavisa, Lavicy, Lavisy, Leyicy, etc., 21, 34, 457 , 458, 459
Lee, 260
Lena, 587
Let(t)itia, 361, 448
Lillian M., 200
Lillie C., 194
Louemma, Lewanna, 174, 457, 457
Louisa, 174, 447, 456 , 457, 458
Lucy Byrd, 443, 451
M. S., 246
Madison, 230
Malvina, 448
Margaret, 452 457, 589
Margaret (Harris), 173
Margaret A., 411
Margaret Ann, 395, 520
Margaret R., 443
Margaret Rose, 450
Maria Isabella, 454
Maria P., 196
Marietta, 457
Martha Ann, 453
Martha B., 452
Martha Jane, 166, 454
Mary, 195
Mary Ann, 14
Mary Elizabeth, 395, 454
Mary Ellen, 449, 538
Mary Harrison, 520
Mary L., 404
Mary L. Harrisson, 323
Mat(t)hias, 447, 448, 451, 456; 457 , 458, 509
Mathias, Jr., 203
Mathias, Jr. ("Ticy"), 458
Mathias, Sr., 445, 446, 458
Mat(t)hias Boyd, 457
Mathias S., 52
Mathias Skaggs, 458
Matilda, 165, 457
May, 452
Merrill, 192
Minnie E., 443
Minnie Etta, 451
Mitchell, 43
Mollie, 448
Mollie E. (Peery), 160
Nancy, 26, 32, 145, 418, 448 , 449, 452, 456, 457 , 458, 516
Nancy (Anne), 447
Nancy B., 151
Nancy Christina, 449
Nancy Jane, 452, 453
Nancy L., 200
Nancy Sarilda, 363
Nancy W., 452
Nancy Wilburn, 328, 453, 455, 456 , 542
Nannie, 362
Nannie H., 504
Nell, 430
Nettie E., 198
Nora Elizabeth, 450
Olivia Curron, 453
Ollette, 337, 395
Oscar, 230, 448
Pearlie May, 195
Peel, 105, 195, 452
Peggy, 449
Peggy Ann, 457
Peter, 445
Phebe, Pheby, 457 , 458
Polly, 452, 457
Polly Davis, 455
Polly H., 175
Polly Letitia, 453
Priscilla, 448
Quiller, 457
R. L., 192
R. P., 128, 363
Rebecca, 457 , 458
R(h)oda 30, 447, 448 , 449, 452, 455, 456
Rhoda Ann, 452
Rhoda Jane, 448
Rhoda May, 151
Robert, 182
Robert P., 82, 196, 260, 453
Robert Pell, 195
Robert W., 16, 264, 443, 455
Robert W., Jr., 443
Robert Wilson, 449 , 451, 538, 578
Robert Wilson, Jr., 451
Rosa, 300
Rosa Belle, 163
Roscoe McClure, 262
Rose Ann, 454
Rosie May, 201
Rufus, 262
Rufus A., 442
Rufus A., Jr., 443
Rufus Ashworth, 450
Rufus Ashworth, Jr., 450
Rush, 362, 448
S. S. F., 101, 120 , 126, 127, 130 , 131, 134, 136, 138 , 140 , 141 , 142, 143, 144, 247, 454
Sallie, Sally, 40, 457
Sallie Louise, 395
Sallie (McGuire), 166
Samuel Laird, 443, 450
Sarah Elizabeth, 449
Sarah Louise, 404
Sayers F., 200
Sayers French, 452
Shields Sidney Forest, 452
Sidney H., 192
Sinda, 191
Susanna, 449
Sydney, 449
Thelma, 443
Thelma Virginia, 450
Ticey, 458
Tish, 200
Valentine, 445, 456
Victoria, 453
Violet, 539
Virginia, 166, 430
Virginia Irene, 198
W. F., 200
W. J. D., 167
W. W., 175, 192
Walter, 170
White W., 166
William, 16, 174, 246, 260, 263, 281, 457
William B., 458
William F., 447, 484
William French, 452 , 453
William H., 33
William N., 233, 235, 456
William Neel, 455
William Neel [d. Bonanza, Ark., 1905], 456
William R., 65, 174, 228, 231
William R. (Rush), 457
William W., 452, 454
Willie, 539
Harmit, Mathew Butler, 261
Harper, Adeline, 43
Allen, 261
Catherine, 15
Charlotte, 15
George, 244
George W., 26
J. M., 109
James, 224
Robert, 261
Harrell, Reuben, 212
Harris(s), Abner N., 365
Abner N., Jr., 365
Ada, 185
Ada A., 181
Ardelia, 185
Ardelia L., 181
B., 324
Charles Crockett, 365
Daniel, 41, 173
David Paul, 261, 281
Elizabeth (Thomas), 178
Elvtta J., 44
Florence, 587
Florence Mary, 386
George Ben, 386
Grace F., 181
Harman, 185, 262, 281
Harman W., 181
Harris, 173
Hobert, 263
Isaac, 173, 186
J. J., 181
J. L., 181
J. T., 181
Jackson, 173
James, 263
James F., 36
Jane G., 281
Jesse T., 185
Jessie J., 323
John, 498
John Gordon, 386
John L., 185
Kelsey F., 34
Kelsey Nelson, 515
L. B., 181
Lewis, 173
Louisa (Perry), 148
Lunette, 409
Lycurgus B., 185
Margaret, 25
Margaret E., 189
Marjorie, 386
Mary, 365
Milton, 37
Nancy, 587
Nathaniel, 213
Oscar, 39
Patricia, 386
Patton, 186
Polly Ann, 15
Rebecca J., 35
Robert Arthur, 263
Samuel, 173
Spencer, 173
Stuart Edward, 386
Thomas Milton, 262
Viola, 185
W. B., 386
Walter, 587
Walter S., 25
Wert F., 185
William C., 181
William Cecil, 185
(Mr.), 415
(Mrs.), 326
Addison, 326
Albert, 538
Alexander, 394, 448
Amos, 538
Ann Eliza, 176
Arch, 122, 127, 128, 190, 324
Avagay, 538
Bertie Virginia, 336
Blair, 448
Catherine, 489
Charles, 394, 489
Cornelius Wathington, 336
Cozbi, Cozby, Cosby, 394, 551
Crockett, 246
Daniel Henry, 262, 280
David, 489
Dicie, 190
Dora, 538
Ebb, 443
Eleanor, 448
Eliza, 181, 437, 448
Elizabeth, 394
Ella, 331, 415
F. W., 300
G. D., 247
George, 92 , 94, 95, 101, 115, 117, 181, 440
George T., 190
Hannah Earls, 190
Harvey, 522
Harvey George, 182, 395
Hattie, 538
Havy S., 190
Henry, 332, 551
Hugh, 538
James, 180, 336 , 394 , 467
James B., 190
James D., 182, 522
James David, 395
James DeMoss [of Ogden, Utah], 336
Janetta, 538
John, 197, 489
John C., 31, 49 , 181
John Crockett, 394
Joseph, 49, 74, 83, 87, 227, 440, 443
Joseph Alexander, 336
Joseph H., 394
Joseph H. (Col.), 395
Julia, 448
L., 128, 130, 324
Lawrence, 190
Letitia S., 146
Lilly B., 33
Lois, 538
Louisa, 160, 394
Lucy, 31, 415
M.H., 246, 247
Margaret, 157, 180, 182, 441, 443, 522
Margaret B., 180, 394
Margaret Bowen, 395
Marjorie, 395, 470
Mary Gillespie, 336
Mary L., 453
Mary Louisa, 336
Mary Louise, 395
Mary Olive, 182, 395, 522
Mathias, 68
Mathias H., 31
Nancy, 392, 448
Nancy B., 336
Nancy Jane, 336
Nannie, 528, 538
Nellie H., 190
Nora Sue, 538
Ola Virginia, 336
Olivia, 395
Otis Campbell, 336
Pamelia, 43
Pats(e)y, 12, 440
Patty, 540
Payton, 489
Rebecca, Rebec (k)a, 30
Rebecca Virginia, 336
Robert, 394
Rosa Mildred, 336
Rufus, 448
Rufus Crockett, 261, 280
Ruth, 538
Sallte, 182
Samuel P., Jr., 336
Samuel Powell, 336
Sarah, 332
Sarah A., 190
Sarah A. Shone, 22
Sarah Elizabeth, 395
Thomas, 95, 99, 101, 103, 105, 108, 111, 121, 122,126, 130, 134, 190, 331 , 336, 392
Thomas F., 190
Thomas G., 394
Thomas Robert, 260, 280
Victoria L., 39
W. A., 40, 230
William, 176, 443, 522
William Cecil, 336
William Clinton, 336
William Clinton, Jr., 336
William G., 88 , 470, 574
William Gillespie, 395
William H., 261
William Peery, 182, 395
Harrod, James, 547
Har(r)old, (Mrs.), 326
Jas., 205, 207
Joe, 326
Harry, Alonzo, 584
Caroline L., 410
Catherine E., 11
Charles D., 162
Cinthia Jane, 189
Cynthia B. P., 162
Erasmus, 166, 244, 321
Frieda K., 584
Hannah Marie, 584
I. H., 300
Isaiah, 162
James E., 162
John, 13, 29, 162
June, 584
Lee, 584
Margaret E., 162
Robert, 584
Robert K., 584
Sid, 262
Virginia, 166, 321
W. C., 299
Hart, Harris [of Richmond, Va. 1925], 398
Helen Lewis, 398
Olivia Johnston, 398
Hartsook, Mary, 418
Harvey, Gertrude, 307
H. J., 300
Margaret, 284
Natalie, 337
S. M., 307
Samuel M., 194
Susan, 194
Hash, Barlow, 237
Barlow C., 233
Clinton B., 30
Ethel Josephine, 489
Frank, 237
James, 237
Jeanette C. (Shawver), 180
John W., 489
Robert, 234
Sophia, 44
Vella, 287
Walter, 301
Haskins, David, 169
Dock, 169
Ellen, 169
James, 260
James E., 169
James K., 281
James R., 169
Hasselvander, P. P., 327
Hassinger, John H., 529
Hatch, Clay, 200
Rynda, Rinda, 458
Susan, 458
Valore, 200
Hatcher, Christina (Peery), 148
Jack, 585
James Garrett, 515
W. J., 466
Haven(s), Havins, Andrew J., 39
B., 233
Bryant, 31, 233, 583
C. R., 333
Dicy, 23
Elender J., 35
Elizabeth R., 41
Fannie, 584
George, 583
Howard, 315
James, 315
Jane, 20
Jerome, 584
John, 457
Julia S., 34
M. R., 120
Martha, 583
Mary, 583
Ray, 583
Robert, 584
Sallie, 584
Sarah A., 34
Virginia, 584
W. R., 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, 110, 112
William R., 94
Havlers, 233
Havn(e)s, Mary, 36
Hawkin(s), 291
Alice, 400
Fred C., 408
Grace, 408
Hattie Grace, 409
J. M., 226
James H., 408
John, Jr., 408
John Thomas, 408
June, 409
Margaret, 408, 552
Mary M., 408
May, 410
Nancy, 409
Ralph, 408
Robert K., 409
Sallie Elizabeth, 408
Samuel, 409
T. M., 179
Thomas M., 408
Tipton, 409
Vemon, 409, 512
Willie Rees, 409
Hawley, J. L., 133
Radford H., 191
Hawthorn (e), H.R., 129, 131, 263
Letitia, 35, 146
Susan, 146
Hay(e)s, 507
Chas., 205, 207
Etta G., 197
Eveline B., 32
George G., 42
James Bishop, 263
Jno., 205
Nancy J., 197
Samuel, 213
Hayden, Jno., 233
Haynes, (Rev.), 354
L. K., 522
Sallie May, 522
Hayter, Abm., 205, 207
Alice, 419
Banie, 545
Blair, 545
Cletus, 284
Ed., 419
Gladys Jefferson, 545
Israel, 213
Jack, 545
James C., 545
Lillie Grace, 545
Thompson, 419
Margaret, 546
Marguirete, 545
Mary, 545
Mary Lee, 545
Thompson, 545
Hayth(e), Frances Herndon, 542
Madison H., 100
William H., 542
Hayton, Bessie, 181
J. L., 181
J. W., 231
Thomas, 231
Ula, 181
Walter J., 181
William Jennings, 181
He(a)rn, Annie, 391
E. S., 231
Elbert S., 19
Hedric(k), A., 70
Adam, 30, 67 , 69, 70, 171
Cozby Ann, 20
Dianah, 151
Elizabeth, 312
Eva J., 392
Eveline J., 28
Francis J., 25, 27
Granville, 151
Harvey M., 151
John, 244, 312
Kate E., 171
Mar J., 43
Margaret Jane, 436
Oscar, 327
Peter, 244
Peter, 244
Peter Ephraim, 12
S. G., 171
Samuel, 237
Samuel G., 171
Sarah, 19
Helbert, Benjamin, 150
Charlotte, 37
Ginsey, 37
Lottie, 445
Rindy, 189
Rufus, 40
Heldreth, Heldrith, Hildreth [see also Heldridge], (Mr.)[of Ky.], 344
Hannah M., 198
J. T., 301
John Clarence, 262
Joseph Brown, 262
Heliot, Solomon, 213
Helmandollar , Helemdollar, 578
Bessie, 184
C., 37
Granger, Sr., 235
Harriet J., 30
Harvey, 184
Jane, 36
John, 235, 316
Lee, 262
Madison, 184
Margie E. (McDilda), 192
Mary F., 23
Pearls G., 41
W. H., 226
Walter L., 263
William H., 21
Helm(s), (Mr.), 342
Jacob, 508
Helton, Eliza, 26
Ira E., 262
James H., 88
Mary, 145
Helvey, 578
Hemmings, Ernest E., 142
Hemphill, Charles, 213
Henaker [see Honaker]
Henderson, (Mr.), 393
A. F., 47, 61, 151
Adelaide D., 151
Frank R., 261
Gray G., 24
Hannah (Peery), 148
James, 34
Jane, 400
John, 213, 456
Nehemiah, 456
William A., 87
William N., 16
Hendri(c)k(s), (Miss), 423
(Mr.), 335
Alexander, 36
J. R., 299
James, 501
W. S., 299
Hendrickson, M. A., 36
Sallie, 321
Henegar [see Henninger]
Henkle, Henkel, Hinkel, etc. Charles, 198
Elizabeth, 34
Eva, 198
Gasper, 35
George W., 163, 184
Grace, 198
Harvey P., 184
J. C., 198
Jacob, 163, 322
James, 163, 184
Jasper, 224, 262, 280
Kathleen, 540
L., 228
Lazewell, 224
Lettie J., 184
Nancy, 18
Polly, 444
Rich'd, 247
Robert A., 198, 540
Susan, 163
Tazewell, 37
William, 228, 302
Hennegar, Henneger, Hen(n)inger, Heni(n)ger, Henniger, Henager, 561
C.V.(Meek), 164
Conrad, 204, 205
David, 315
David G., 158
Edward Franklin, 263
Elizabeth A., 16
Elizabeth Ann, 27
Harriet, 414
Henry, 212
Isaac, 315
Jacob, 212
James, 15
John, 212, 315
John [grandson], 278
Louisa, 436
Louisa C., 38
Margaret, 17
Martha, 24
Martha J., 25
Matilda, 414
Philip, 315
Rees T., 75
Samuel T., 183
Thos. R., 12
Virginia C., 183
William, 315
William E., 235
Henritzie, T. L., 100
Henry, 100
Ayletta, 524
Aylette Buckner, 186
C. S. Ashbey, 186
Charlotte, 410
Charlotte Landon, 186
Elizabeth, 352
Frances Strother, 186
George W., 29
J. R., 108
John, 531, 532
Lucy, 532
Lucy A., 185
Lucy Byrd, 410, 524
Patrick, 352, 532
R. R., 93, 119, 131, 185, 347, 495, 524, 534
R. R. (Major), 116, 410
Randolph, 186
Robert, 213
Robert E., 186
Robert Randolph, Jr., 186
Saml., 206, 207
Sarah, 532
William, 260, 281
William Byrd, 115, 186
Henry and Graham, 426
Hens(e)ley, Elizabeth, 466
James S., 306
Samuel, 213
William, 222
Henser, Delila H., 157
Henson, Mary, 417
Nancy, 417
Nancy Scott, 417
Pearl, 417
Ruby, 417
W. J. (Hon.), 121
William, 417
Herald, Otto, 263
Will, 261
Hern(an)don, (Rev.), 319
Martha (Pierce), 193
Nettie, 285
Rachel, 378
Heslep, Violet, 370
Hess, Amos, 262
Ed., 194
Elizabeth, 194
Henry, 172
James, 261
Jennie Ellen, 172
Heth, Henry, 226
Hewitt, Mack, 228
Hewson, Thomas S., 263
Hickman, Harvey, 30
John, 241
Lasty Ann, 158
Levi, 24, 228
Lydia, 35
Malinda Jane, 17
Susan, 11
Hickmond, William A. D., 260
Hicks, Hix, A. J., 246
Andrew, 247
Bettie (Mrs.), 163
Earl, 423
Eula, 196
Fred, 423
Ira, 423
J.W., 100, 131, 190
James W., 98
Joseph, 145
K. M., 285
Katherine, 4 23
Lou (Mrs.), 180
Lula J., 190
Mittie S., 190
Nancy, 423
Peter, 562
Romey J., 423
Thelma, 423
W. W., 298
William, 423
Higginbotham, (Major), 467
A. F., 31
A. J., 232, 468,
A. S., 106, 118, 119, 131, 247, 468
Aaron, 460, 462
Aaron [went to Ill.], 462
Albert, 464, 470
Albert Sidney, 468
Albert Sidney, Jr., 468
Alice, 465
Allen, 237, 464
Allen Jefferson, 467, 468, 469
Allen Jefferson, Jr., 11-468, 469
Amanda, 464, 501
America, 153, 392, 466
Augustus, 179
Ava, 586
Ava M., 467
Bailey, 246, 464
Balaam W., 224, 464
Balaam Washington, 464
Bane Hensley, 469
Barbara, 464, 470, 501
Betsy, 153, 460, 461 , 466
Bettie, 464
Beverly, 470, 506
Beverly C., 467
Charles, 462, 463, 460
Charles [went to Ky. about 1840], 462
Charles Y., [moved to Mercer Co., Mo.], 466
Clintia, 501
Clintie, 464
David, 464
Dorcas, 464
Earl, 469
Edward Hamilton, 464
Eleanor Letitia, 532
Eliza, 464
Elizabeth, 460, 462, 469, 470
Elizabeth (or Betsy), 459
Elizabeth Jane, 150
Ella, 470
Estil, 465
Fannie, Fanny, 459 , 462, 463
Frances, 460
Frank [Lived Ogden, Ut.], 467
G. W., 97
George, 459, 460, 462
George [Went West], 462
George W., l53
George W. [d. Ark. in 1920], 466
Hannah, 465
Hattie, 465
Hensley, 469
Hortense, 468
Hugh, 227
Hugh [to Ky., then to Cherokee Strip, Indian territory], 466
Hugh S., 153
India, 464, 501
Isabella, 150
J. B., 157
J. H., 237, 239
J. S. S., 228
James, 263, 460, 464
James Bane, 468
James Bane [of Greene Co., Tn.], 468
James G., 101, 150 , 190, 462 , 463, 466 , 467 , 469, 470
James Garrison, Jr., 470
James N., 470
James Nelson, 337, 470
James S. S., 33, 154, 467 , 586
Jane, 153, 156, 460, 462
Jeff. (Major), 468 , 469
Jefferson, 300
Jefferson [Moved to Wash. State], 470
Jennie, Jinney, 464
John, 586
John "Bud", 467
John [Went West in 1873], 467
John A., 465
John B., 469
John C., 154
John C. & Co., 52
Joseph, 153, 460 , 462 , 463, 465 , 466
Julia, 466
Julia Ann, 19
Julia Beatie, 465
Kate, 35
Laura, 464, 465, 501
Laura Barns, 337, 470
Laura J., 190
Lavalette, 355, 391
Lavte, 470
Lavinia, 501
Lena May, 471
Letitia, 150, 395, 467, 470 , 526
Letitia Stras, 471
Lettie, 465
Louisa, 465, 470
Mariah Jane, 468, 469
Marshall, 470
Mary, 17, 164, 459 , 466, 470, 585
Mary Belle, 471
Mary Elizabeth, 396, 468, 469
Mary L., 179
Mary Louise, 469
Mattie, 464
Minnie, 465
Moses 459 , 460 , 461 , 462 , 463 , 464 , 465 , 466, 470
Moses, ["Old Moses"], 468
Moses [Went West], 462, 464
Moses M., 11, 69, 84, 164, 339, 466
Moses N., 222
N. L., 157
Nancy, 153, 157, 459, 466, 467, 470
Nancy Bane, 396, 397
Nancy C., 526
Nancy Letitia, 397, 469
Nancy (Young), 160
Nannie, 467
Nannie L., 460
Nannie Laura, 468, 469
Octavia (Young), 160
Oscar, 464, 501
Pattie, 469
Peggy, 465
Pet, 586
Polly, 464
R. B., 70
R. C., 328
R. Thompson, 83, 245
Rachel, 460, 462
Rebecca, 13, 464, 465
Rees, 355
Rees B., 52 , 64, 67 , 68 , 150, 154, 156
Rees Bowen, 470
Rees T., 77
Rees Thompson, 501
Reese Thompson [d. Greenbriar Co., Ca., 1910], 464
Robert, 203, 213, 459
Robert [of Madison Co., Ala.], 459
Rosa, 586
Rosa Bell, 160
Rosa Belle, 336
Rosa Lee, 471
Rose Allen, 468
Ruth, 469
S. W., 154
Salina, 465
Sallie, 501
Samuel [Went to Utah], 467
Samuel H., 154
Simon, 467
Simon [Lived Ogden, Ut.], 467
Thomas, 460 , 462 , 463
Thomas [Moved West], 467
Thomas, [Went to Scott Co., Va., then Ky.], 462
Thomas H., 463
Thomas J., 51, 52 , 70, 157, 190, 460
Thomas Jefferson, 396, 397, 463, 467 , 471
Thomas W., 154
Thompson, 465
Ulyses, 263
W. J., 157, 468
Walter Dickenson, 468
Washington, 467
William, 460, 463, 464
William Benton, 464, 465
William E., 467
William Jefferson, 468, 469
William K., 460, 462 , 463 , 464
William M., 501
William Moore, 501
William Moore [of Greenbriar Co., W. Va.], 360
William Moore, Jr., 360
Higgins, Sallie Ann, 549
Hight, James H., 237
Htghtower, Willte, 260
Hildreth [see Heldreth]
Hill, Edward W., 262
Roby Kellis, 260
Stephen R., 35
Hillan, James, 213
Hilliard, Jas., 205
Hilt, Annice, 288
John I., 144, 324
Maggie, 200
Mary J., 36
Tobias, 39
W. E., 324
Hilton, Bell, 193
Buck, 222
Charles T., 193
Claud, 193
Clint, 193
Fanny, 193
James R., 193
Janney, 193
Laura A., 193
Malinda J., 30
Nancy, 29
Richard, 522
Samuel A., 522
Susan, 34
Ugene, 193
William, 193
William B., 222
Hinds, William, 213
Hinegardner, J. D., 583
Hinkle [see Henkle]
Hite, Joist, 382
Hix [see Hicks]
Hoback, Margaret, 538
Hobbs, Anna, 12
Charles F., 261
Ezekiel, 213
Thomas, 213
Hodge, Arthur, 263
B. T., 97
Car(e)y, 260, 281
Raish, 260
Hodges, Irvin Ben, 262
J. J., 326
Hoffadity, T. (Rev.), 403
Hoge, Francis, 337, 469
J. M., 316
J. Meek, 157, 202, 415, 469
James, 337, 469
Jane Anne, 349
Jane Nancy, 469
Janie, 337, 469
Maggie, 202
Maria J., 202
Mariah, 157
Mariah (Higginbotham), 349
Meek, 190, 337, 349
Mallie, 469
Mallie Barns, 337
R. S., 81
W. Jeff, 202
William E., 316
William Jefferson, 337, 469
Hogston, Daniel Clayburn, 260
Joseph, 195
Mollie, 195
Hoilman, Annie Lucile, 565
Hazel A., 565
Margaret Sue, 565
Walter, 551
Walter M., 565
Holbert, Richard, 30
Hol(l)brook(s), Holebrook, Hoolbrook, Edward W., 158
G. J., 78
I. W., 247
James, 239
James W., 34
John C., 158
Malissa T., 37
Mary, 158
Randolph, 158
Rebecca, 25
Sarah Ann, 30
William, 298
Wrical D., 158
Z. D., 298
Holcomb, Reed F., 27, 30
Holder, Rufus E., 306
Holland, Clyde, 443
L. J., 127
Van June, 261
Holliday, Fred K. W. M., 6
Robert, 43
Holloway, L. M., 308
Martin, 35
Nancy, 35
Holl(e)y, Betsy, 45
Cynthia, 45
Edmond, 45
Elizabeth, 45
Fanny, 39
George, 328
Hampton, 260
Harvey, 34
James, 45
John Johnson, 261
Leander, 37
Mary, 39
Polly, 45
Raleigh, 260
Samuel, 38
Simon P., 262
Holmes, E. A., 163, 471
E. A. (Dr.), 261
Edward A., 78, 80, 85
Edward Albert, 260
Elizabeth, 285
F. L., 101, 107
John A., 545
Sally Campbell, 163
T. L., 99
Holoman, And'w., 205
Homas, Peter, 360
Honaker, Henaker, Charlie, 201
Dewey, 201
Evans, 201
Henry, 201
John M., 201
Martin, 201
Mary, 441
Montreville, 201
Nicholus, 12
Roley, 201
Rufus, 201
Thomas, 201
Hood, Mamie, 392
Hoodall, A. J., 23
Hooker, Frank, 202
G. C., 202
George C., 262
Henry B., 202
Kay, 202
Margaret, 202
Margie, 202
Nannie B., 202
Roger, 202
W. C., 202
W. D., 202
William, 222
Hooper, Mary, 389
Hoops [also see Hopes], Lee, 262
Robert L., 263
Hoover, Bessie, 538
Hope, Adam, 206, 207
Jas., 206, 207
John, 206, 207
Thomas, 206
Thos., 207
Hopes [also see Hoops],
Hopkins, Family, 471
Abram H., 476
Abram Hancock, 475
Albert Peery, 474
Alexander St. Clair, 473
Amelia, 472
Ann Henry, 475
Anna, 472
Annie Elizabeth, 476
Arthur, 471
Arthur (Col.), 473 , 474 , 475
Arthur (Col.)[of Albemarle Co., Va.], 471
Arthur (Col.) [all Colonels of Albemarle Co.], 472
Bessie, 195
Charles (Rev.), 472
Clark Dickenson, 476
Corrie, 185
David, 472
Elizabeth, 429, 472 , 474
Elizabeth A., 472
Elizabeth Ann, 473
Elizabeth Anne, 474
Frances, Francis, 472 , 473 , 474 , 475
Francis [of Bedford Co., Va.], 472
Francis A., 473
Francis A. [of Prestonburg, Ky.], 473
Francis Alexander, 473
Frank, 195, 389
Frank Calvin, 474
Frankie, 389
Harriet, 472
Harriet Burr, 472, 475
Isabel, 472
J. C., 319
J. T., 195
James (Dr.). 472
James Edward, 474
James Frank, 260
James Turner, 472
Jane, 472
Jesse Turner, 472, 473, 474
John, 471, 472 , 473 , 474 , 475
John [Bedford Co., Va.], 472
John C., 75, 76, 369, 473 , 474
John Calvin, 472 , 474
John Calvin, Jr., 473
John Calvin, III, 474
John Calvin, IV, 474
John Martin, 473
John V., 391
John W., 79
Joseph, 391
Joseph Davidson, 474
Josephine Davidson, 474
Julia Sarah, 475
Katherine V., 474
Lavalette Estelle, 473, 474
Lawson Muse, 476
Lloyd, 262
Lucy, 472
Martha, 472
Martha Grace, 474
Martha Rosalinda, 473
Mary, 472 , 474
Mary Alma, 476
Mary Edington, 476
Mary Elizabeth, 475
Mary Grace, 369, 473
Mary Jane, 472
Mary Martha, 474
Mildred Turner, 475
Nancy Saunders, 476
Nell, 473
O. E., 470
Oscar, 195
Oscar Leonidas [of Roanoke, Va. 1925], 475
Oscar Thompson, 474
Otis E., 520
Otis Eugene, 473, 474
Peter, 472
Price, 472
Robert Smith, 262, 280, 474
Sallie Leftwich, 472
Samuel, 471
Sarah, 472
Sarah Alice, 474
Sarah Elizabeth, 473
Stella, 389
Thelma, 195, 474
W. B., 475
Walter L., 476
Walter Lee, 476
William, 471, 472
William Benjamin, 475
William Benjamin [of Richmond, Va. - 1925], 475
William Henry, 475
William L. Goggin, 473
William L. T., 475
William L. T., Jr., 476
William Leftwich Turner, 472
William Leftwich Turner (Dr.), 475
William Leftwich Turner, Jr., 475
Hopwood, Josephus, 290
Horn(e), Arminta J., 19
Henry, 19, 246
James Stanley, 260
Squire, 246
W. Hicks [of Norton, Va.], 423
Hortenstine, Abraham, 213
Horton, (Miss), 418
Albert, 360
Dorinda, 586
Earl, 260
Edith, 360
Emma, 584
G. E., 300
Ira Edward, 260
John, 12
John S., 141
Julia, 360
L. H., 179
Lena, 179
Margaret E., 360
Rutha, 179
Sarah A. B., 25
Thomas, 38, 149
W. M., 235
Houchins, Cal, 143
Carl, 389
George, 389
George B., 263
Jean, 389
John, 263
Lyle, 389
Robert, 389
Thelma, 389
Houn(d)shell, Andrew, 11-501
Andy, 159
Jemima, 16
Julia (Moore), 159
Polly Ann, 24
Rosanah, 23
Houston, James, 213
John, 207
Rob., 207
Howard, Amanda M. (Witten), 176
Bruce, 190
Charles, 417
Charles St. John, 190
E. S., 47, 48 , 49, 93, 534
Ebenezer, 561
Ebenezer S., Ebenezar S., 46, 47
Ella, 484
Ellie (Peery), 160
Emma, 190
Franklin, 484
George, 39
George W., 132, 486
J. A., 247
J. S., 444
James, 526
Jerome, 444
Loulie H., 190
Lucie, 287
Mary Pat, 444
Susan R., 180
William, 213, 417
Howe, Jennie, 260
Lucy, 340
Howell, Dorcie, 285
Druesillia, 19
F. E., 105
Gertrude, 338
India, 285
Lewis, 338
Lucy, 431
Margaret, 338
Martha, 428
Mary, 338
Park, 338
Sallie Grace, 338
T. E., 90, 94, 98, 101, 103, 317
Thomas, 338
Thomas E., 89, 316, 338
Thomas M., 262
William, 338
How(e)ry, Alex, 202
Annie, 202
Charlie, 202
Davidson, 202
Den(n)is, 14, 202
Ella Margaret, 202
Jesse, 202
John, 202
John Ed., 261
M. J., 202
Mamie, 202
Margaret, 287
Mary Ann (Six), 167
Nell, 411
Rees, 202
Rees W., 202
Sallie, 192
Thomas Albert, 260
Tom, 202
Wade, 202
Howes, Wiley W., 560
William H., 561
Howlster, T. J., 231
Hoyt, B. H., 227
Hubbard, Isabella, 558
Hubble, 528
Annie, 411
Catharine, 25
Catherine, 146
Edna, 411
Emmet, 411
Fannie, 411
L. W., 411
Mary Lake, 411
Robert, 411
William L., 65
William Lafayette, 15
Huddle, Henry, 317
Hudgins, A. S., 144
Emily Virginia, 566
J. W., 142
Hudson, Buck, 511
Elizabeth (Peery), 156
George, 511
George T. M., 24
Isaac, 233, 511
John, 511
Joseph, 11
Josie Molly, 511
Margaret, 437
Sally, 511
Samuel, 230
Scannon, 511
Thomas, 437
Huettel, Monica, 423
Huff, Ballard, 337
Bettie, 539
Huffacre, Hoofacre, James, 383
Huffard, Hufford, Alexander, 20
Carrie H., 517
Ethel, 445
Etta, 445
George W., 21
James Hudson, 263, 280
Julia J., 176
Sam(uel) N., 389
W. T., 175
Huffman, Jacob H., 451
Hughes, 19
C., 326
Charles, 260
Ed, 473
Ed, Jr., 473
Elsie, 484
F. H., 568
Helen Josephine, 568
James C., 32
James Crockett, 19
John, 213
M. C., 326
M. C. (Mrs.), 326
Mariah Pearl Witten, 568
Marjorie Adele, 568
Peter, 213
Samuel, 213
Thomas, 263
W. W., 119
Huidley, Charles Chester, 261
Hull, Arminta, 42
Hulsy, Polly Ann, 42
Humphrey (s), Umphres, Annie, 587
Cosby, 512
David, 465
Geo., 465
H. H., 301
Harry A., 261
Hugh, 180, 465
Joseph, 465
Lena, 465
Mary, 465
Moses, 465 , 466
Moses W., 164, 180
Nancy, 465
Robert, 213
Rose, 180
Hundley, 573
Samuel, 213
Hunnel, Arthur, 262
John, 262
Hunsucker, Abraham, 213
Hunt, Calvin, 587
Calvin D., 83
Charlie, 540
David S., 423
David S., Jr., 423
Dorris, 423
Eliza (Miss), 157
H. F., 76, 88, 98, 101, 105, 108
H. L., 103
Henry, 67 , 68, 69, 70, 83, 260
Henry F., 73, 74 , 76
Joe H., 185
John, 75, 540
Joseph, 587
Lena, 196
Lodig (Miss), 157
Minnie, 540
Nannie L., 185
Nora, 587
R. H., 282
Zachariah, 213
Hunter, C. M., 320
Elizabeth, 284
James, 222
Otey William, 260
Paul Peery, 262
Hurdle, A. J., 552
Martha, 11
S. R., 290
Samuel R., 18, 290
Will Neal, 261
William Neal, 280
Hurry, Mary Ann, 14
Hurst, Sarah, 197
Hurt, (Mrs.), 326
Barbara Emmons, 402, 403
Catherine Gillespie, 403
Celina O. (Kindrick), 154
Charles, 153
Charles G., 162
Cora E. (Mrs.), 187
David Albert, 403
Edgar, 185
Edgar, Jr., 386
Edward, 386
ElbertS., 429
Elizabeth, 44
Ellen, 26
Ethel Lavalette, 570
F. F., 300
Frieda Catherine, 429
George B., 162
George William, 403
Henry, 169
Howard, 386
Howard Edgar, 185
J. E., 281
James, 386
James F., 386
James Robert, 403
Joe, 326
John, 75
John Bascomb, 402
John D., 224
John G., 34
John J., 570
Lois, 403
Louisa A., 44
Lulu, 422
Margaret (Carbaugh), 169
Mary Brittain, 403
Mary E. (Scott), 162
Margaret Elizabeth, 403
Mollie D. (Mrs.), 189
Ollie, 185, 386
Ollie L., 199
Teresa J., 36
Thurston D., 228
W. M., 228
Winnifred, 185, 386
Winnie, 192
Huston, Bob, 205
E. R., 194
John, 205
Nora Belle, 194
William, 204, 205
Hutchins, R. L. (Mrs.), 198
Hutchi(n)son, Hutchenson, Nancy, 21
Hut(t)on, 587
Donald, 439
Hutson, Hampton, 260
Huzzy, Laura A., 42
Mary F., 41
Hyatt, C.C., 10 , 300
Ray, 311
Willlam, 233
Hyce, Leonard, 212
Hyman, Eddie, 177
Emma, 177
M. E., 389
Mary F., 177
Recca, 177
Sol., 177
Hypes, Jacob, 25
Jacob S., 27
Hyter, William, 207
Ingaldsby, Mary Ann, 30
Ingle, Henry, 264, 281
Ingles, (Mrs.), 446
John, 359
Julia, 285
Kate, 410
Thomas, 492
William, 359
Ingram, Sam, 264
Ireson, Annie Lou, 551
Earl, 551
Eliza E. (Witten), 176
Eliza G., 197
Ella, 187
Emma V., 166
Eva May, 551
Frank, 301
Harvey Peery, 551
James, 550
Janie Grey, 551
Mamie, 423
R. H., 134, 135, 138, 187, 301
R. Lane, 414
Robert H., 144, 550
Robert Lane, 551
Robert St. Clair, 551
T. E., 300
T.W., 139
Thomas W., 197
William Moore, 551
Irvin(e), Charles R., 199
Charles R., Jr., 199
Mary, 11
Sallie H., 199
Irving, Armstead, 247
Isaac (s), Ashby, 540
Erba, 540
Orba, 540
Ulysses, 540
Ivins, Pheoba, 42
Jackson, (Capt.), 379
Anita G., 199
Calhoun, 410
Cloyd, 496
Edmund, 496
Edward Lewis, 264, 404
Granville, 264
Herbert, 264
Jerry, 264
Jno. E., 320
John E., 404
Louise, 284
Marion I., 264
Mary Louise, 404
Pattte Ellis, 404
Rebecca, 555
Robert C. (Hon.), 119
Taylor, 264
Thomas A., 281
Turner M., 150
Walter W., 264, 281
William Gillespie, 404
James, (Miss), 440
B. C., 307, 308
Glenna, 311
Jamison, Jameson, Edward H., 12, 161
Geo. M., 161
Gustavus W., 161
Henry T., 161
John, 213, 507
Louis B., 161
Martha Frances, 161
Mary F., 161
Mary P. (Litz), 157
Mary R., 161
Mattie, 445
Nancy, 181
Sarah, 507
William H., 317
Jarl, Albert, 239
Jefferson, (Miss), 471
Jeffries, Eddie, 264
Jenkins, 542
(Capt.), 393
Abe, 238
Albert G., 368
Elizabeth (Grills), 150
James F., 28
L. W., 389
Olivia, 30
Thomas, 213
W. E., 300
Walter I, 264
William, 213
Jenks, Allie, 339
Charlotte, 339
Virginia, 339
W. J., 339
Jennings, Gin(n)ings, Bettie, 368
Florence, 192
George Raymond, 264
Lotta, 408
O. M., 326
Jerrow, Edward, 386
Janice, 386
Jesse(e), (Miss), 417, 423
C. B., 552
George, 418
I. T., 325
J. T., 300
Mattie, 551
N., 226
Vera Jeanette, 552
Jeter, Chesley Albert, 264
S. W., 44
Jevaden, Joe, 489
Jewell, Jewel, Juell, B. W., 131
Milton, 40
Thomas, 43
William, 39
Johnson , Jonson, 238, 507, 550
(Mr.), 428
(Rev.), 319
A. E., 583
Agnes, 474
Agnes Louisa, 407
Alice Amelia, 407
Alice Katherine, 443
Arminda, 444
Arthur, 264
Ballard, 582
Ballard P., 39
Betsy, 444
Charles H., 443
Charles Robert, 264
David E., 73, 86
Della Delaine, 443
Dewey Lee, 443
Dora, 354
E., 82
E. B., 360
Edd, 264
Edward, 34
Elisha, 83, 224
Elizabeth, 18, 34
Ella, 355
Ella Mae, 443
Ellen, 43
Emily (Craig), 158
Emmett, 230
Enia Sue, 443
Eugene, 264
Eugenia, 360
Eunice Eliza, 407
Everett, 280
Everett Milton, 140
Exie, 443
Frank, 407
Frank J., 409
G. B., 131
George, 41, 444
George Ben, 407
Grant, 264
Hazel, 408
Hugh, 444, 582
Hugh J., 444
Ida Kate, 407
Ina, 423
Isaac, 43, 233
J. B., 139, 303
J. N., 107, 109, 110, 111, 115, 325
James B., 408
James H., 327
James N., 355, 407
James Robert, 408
James Vernon, 264, 280, 407
Jane, 42
Jean (May), 193
John W., 244, 324
John W., Jr., 345
Joseph, 5, 235
Joseph Elbert, 264
Joseph N., 265, 281
Joseph Nathan, 407
Juanita, 443
Julia (Ellington), 407
L. C., 526
L. E., 265
Letitia, 39, 40
Lillian Rebecca, 566
Linna (Bowling), 65
Louisa A. (Peery), 160
Madaline, 443
Margaret, 145, 194, 443
Margaret Ella, 407
Mary, 285, 444
Mary Barb, 407
Mary Frances, 407
Montgomery, 443
Nancy, 14
Nancy (Gillespie), 355
Nancy Rebekah, 407
Nannie Edith, 443
Patsy E., 443
Pearl Vail, 407
Percy Arden, 443
Philip, 289, 324, 325
R. W., 551
Richard, 43
Richard M., 549
Robert Hunter, 443
Robert W., 566
Robert William, 566
Sarah, 37
Sarah Ann, 31
Sylvia Gilberta, 443
Thomas Everett, 407
Thomas Hawkins, 408, 409
Timothy Elias, 264
Ula, 288
Vernon, 325
Walter, 407
William, 12, 31
William F., 24
Johnston, Andrew, 400
Annie, 400
Beverly Randolph, 532
C. A., 577
Chapman, Isaac, 400
Chapman S., 28
David, 393, 399 , 400
Elender S., 28
Elian, 400
Elisha, 33
Elizabeth, 34,
Elizabeth Jane, 18
Estelle Holmes, 577
George Ben, 350
George Benjamin, 345
Isaac, 28
James, 399
Jemima, 400
John W., 434
John W. (Dr.), 345
Joseph, 37
Joseph E., 345
Lavalette, 345
Louisa Adeline 400
Mary M., 21
Nancy, 34
Nannie (Abbott), 399
Olivia, 393, 400
Oscar Fitzalan, 400
P. D., M.D., 247
Peter, 213, 532
Peter C., 433
Sallie, 345, 399
Sallie Chapman, 393, 400
Sallie Chapman Miller, 400
Samuel, 213
Thomas, 422
Virginia, 400
Walton B., 577
William, 43, 345
Jones, (Dr.), 410
(Mr.), 428
Almarine, 41
Annie E., 184
Burl, 264
C. G., 301
C. J., Jr., 306
C. R., 139
C. W., 301
Callie Jones, 443
Cecille Loraine, 410
Charles, 423
Charles W., 388, 441, 465, 474
Charles W., Jr., 465
Claud, 465
Claude, 552
Elisha P., 22
Elizabeth, 12, 465
Elizabeth A., 197
G., 70
G. W., 142
George, 236
Gertrude Foster, 465
Granville, 64, 67 , 68, 69
H. C., 238
Hannah (Gillespie), 383
Helen, 437
Helen C., 36
Henry Alexander, 264
Henry C., 83
Henry M., 39
I. B., 235
Ida E., 465
J. H., 552
J. W., 301
Jacob, 23
James W., Jr., 140
James William, 264
John R., 265
Joseph, 465
Joseph C., 264
Leila, 200
Linnie C., 171
Lou(Mrs.), 188
Louise, 423
Lucy Catherine, 465
Lucym Hankins, 474
Lula M., 474
Lula Morrisette, 442, 465
Margaret, 410
Marvin D., 410
Mary, 410
Maude, 465, 552
Minnatra, 20
P., 244
Preston, 96
Robert Lee, 264
Roscoe Kelly, 264, 280
Ruth, 284
Ruth H., 465
S. L., 299
Tivis, 465
VaraC., 465
Virginia F., 17
W. D., 184
W. E., 300
Walter A., 264
William, 27
William J., 13, 465
Jordan, Jordon, Charles, 264
Dorcas C., 26
Ella, 186
Jefferson S., 264
John, 186
W. P., 326
Joyce, George, 201
John W., 201
Lizzie, 195
Mary Jane, 201
Oscar, 201
R. N., 201
Sallie, 195
T. Rufus, 201
William, 201
Joyner, Francis M., 32
Justice, Ann H., 16
Anna, 20
Edmond E, 14
Jane, 36
Joshua, 18
Lucinda, 12
Nancy, 328
Sally, 328
Kacherlies, Oscar John, 265
Kahle, Charles Hudgins, 566
Charles S., 566
E. F. (Rev.), 338
Jas. S., 123
James Samuel, 566
James Samuel, Jr. 566
Kathleen Matilda, 566
Mary Elizabeth, 566
Mary Virginia, 566
Mary Witten, 566
William Davidson, 566
William Henry, 566
Kanady [see Kennedy]
Karn(e)s, Kearns, Jas. A., 238
Jane, 154, 158
John, 238
Moses, 154
Karr, Jesse Moore, 265
Katrina, Louisa, 445
Kee, John, 129
Rolen, 265
Keel [also see Kell], Helen, 201
Virgil, 201
Keen(e), John E., 12
Mary, 14
Mary Ellen, 195
Rezine, 12
Sallie, 195
William, 246
Keeps, James, 213
Kees [see also Keesee], Carrie, 192
Keese(e), Keeze, Blanche, 411
Charles G., 581
E. G., 141
John Tyler, 265
William Thomas, 265
Keffer, G. H., 231
S. C., 233
Kegley, Edgar, 525
Etta, 326
Fulton, 136
Fulton (Hon.), 128, 131 , 132, 141, 144,
Ida Virginia, 525
Raymond McDonald, 525
William, 525
Keister, Blanchard O., 552
David Clyde, 265
Florence (Mrs.), 188
George W., 552
Gertrude, 552
J. T., 326
Louisa G., 552
Margaret E., 552
Oscar Heath, 265
Roy Howard, 265
Virginia, 552
Walter J., 552
Kell, William, 412
Kellem, W. E., 231
Kell(e)y, Agnes R., 173
Alexander [of Wash. Co., Va. ca 1860], 426
Alexander P., 179
Alonzo Hyatt, 265
Anne E., 173
Annie, 197
B. F., 235
Basil, 575
Benjamin F., 22
Bess (Gildersleeve), 190
Byrd, 422
Bz., 207
Elizabeth, 575
Elmus, 197
Ezr., 205
F. W., 221, 227, 229
Francis, 51
Frank W., 79, 220, 234, 316
Gage, 575
Gage Y., 181
George, 77, 84, 85, 88, 173
George V., 173, 197
H. J., 181, 199
H. James, 405
Helen, 339, 575
Henry, 173, 197
J. Francis, 568
J. G., 197
J. M., 73
J. R., 197
James Ebenezer, 570
James G., 265
James George, 569
James P., 45, 46, 77 , 80
Jane Lavinia Preston, 426
Jo. G., 181
John, 214, 416
John A., 357
John A. (Judge), 416
John F., 173
Joseph, 173, 422
Lena Louise, 569
Mamie, 197
Margaret B., 199
Marvin K., 179
Mary, 490
MaryC., 173
Mary Matilda, 569
May, 422
Nancy, 422
P. J., 339
Paddy Ward, 339
Patrick, 79
Pauline (Mrs.), 180
R. M., 319
Rachel, 405
Rachel Davidson, 570
Rachel F., 181
Richard, 561
Richard Howell, 570
Richard M., 319, 520
Richard M., Jr., 521
Robert Bowen, 405
Rosa, 197
S. C., 226
S. V., 110, 181
Simon, 173, 197
W. W., 570
William, 203, 339
William (Rev.), 405
William Gillespie, 405
William H., 32, 60, 82, 91, 99, 181, 298
Kelso, Ellen V., 171
Kemper, James L., 6
Kendrick, Kindrick(s), Alex., 241
Bessie, 565
Caroline, 154
Charles G., 189
Ella, 154
George W., 154
Goldie, 189
Henry W., 154
James P., 154
James Q., 145, 154
Levina Ann, 38
Mae Fehrey, 189
Mary, 366
Pat, 205, 207
Rebecca, 154
Salina O., 34
Solomon, 214
Thomas A., 154
William, 366
William P., 154
William T., 392
Kenevar, Johan, 265
Ken(n)edy, Kennady A. B., 306
A. H., 175
Bernard, 47
John, 214
Madge (Mrs.), 423
Mary E., 38
Mary M., 42
Moses, 214
Nancy L., 175
Robert, 214
Kern, Jesse H., 139
Kerr, Karr, 561
(Mr.)[of Wash. State, 1925], 387
Abner Roy, Jr., 11
Adam, 206, 207
Carrie (Williams) [of Wash. State, 1925], 387
Charles, 547
John, 205, 207
William, 207
Kesler, James, 441
Kesterson, Frank, 238
Ketner, James J., 25
Ketron, Katron, Emaline (Neel), 169
Mary E., 30
Kettering [see Ketron]
Keys, Ben., 205, 207
James, 206
Jas., 207
John, 207
Kid(d), (Mr.), 417
Deborah, 510
Heley, 584
James, 221
Rebecca G., 22
William G., 19
Kilby, Clinton Maury, 426
Jean, 197
Kilgore, Charles, 213
George W., 84
Nannie A., 182
Kimble, Kimbel, Kimball, E. D., 78, 226, 230
Eliza, 435
Elizabeth, 15
Luke Wiles, 24
William, 40
Kimbrough, Cimbrough, Isabella, 413
Kincaid, Rob., 205, 207
Kincannon, 204
Andrew, 213
F., Sr., 205
Frank, 205, 207
Geo., 204, 205
Jas., 205, 207
Mathew, 214
Kinder, Amanda, 28
Ann, 41
Barbara A., 26
Catherine, 25
Charity Emiline, 170
Charles George, 265
Charlie, 200
Dan, 200
Daniel, 244
Edward, 165
Elizabeth E., 39
Estelle, 200
Frank, 200, 244
George, 200
George W., 200
Grover Lee, 265
Hattie, 202
Hawkins, 224
Herbert, 200
Jacob, 170, 244
Jacob R., 170
James Robert, 265
Jem(m)ima, 42, 170
John, 170
Joseph, 34
Kelsie, 200
Levi H., 33
Louisa, 25
Mahala, 12
Mary (Bowling), 165
Mary Jane, 165, 170
Mattie, 200
Nancy, 39
Newton Roy, 265
Paul, 200
R. F., 233
Robert, 200
Rosannah, 21
Stephen, 170
Susan, 170
Susannah, 29
William, 165
William Frank, 265
William P., 24
King, (Capt.), 65
Alexander, 154, 164
Cordelia, 166
Edward, 336
Frances, 336
Harvey, 15, 154, 164
Henry, 265
J. J., 230
Jennie, 453
John, 36, 53
Kyle Grey, 336
Louisa, 166
Lydia, 166
Mathias (N), 53
Matilda Jane, 18
Polly, 282
S., 230
Virginia, 336
W. S.,; 307
W. W., 230
William, 336
William (Col.)[of Lynchburg], 188
Kingdon, A. F., 133
Kinkead, John, 214
Kinnaman, Kinnamon, Julian, 480
Richard H., 480
Sarah, 480
Kinser, Kincer, Kinzer, 507
(Mr.), 411
Amanda, 32
Bertha, 389
Elizabeth A., 23
Emily, 22
H. M., 300
Harris, 300
John, 471
John B., 31
Nannie Y., 195
Kirby, Nellie, 190
Kirk, Christian Thomas, 265
Green, 244
John, 205
John F., 37
Ruth Howe, 527
Ruth Jane, 527
Sampson, 16
Thomas, 527
Tura B., 364
Kirkner [see also Kirmer], Mabel, 284
Kirkpatrick, John, 506
Kirtner [see also Kirkner], Sarah J., 194
Kiser, A. G., 198, 305
Ada L., 199
Adolphus G., 454, 541
Annie, 401
Elmer, 401
Fletcher, 265
Hattie C. (Harman), 163
Hattie Harman, 54l
Henry, 522
Henry A., Jr., 522
Hubert Elmer, 265, 281
M. H., 198, 305
Marshall H., 401
Mary, 365
Mary E., 194
N. W., 198
Nickato V. (McCall), 172
Rosa Bell, 198
Ruth, 522
Trula Belle, 541
Walter E., 265
William Gent, 265
William Peery, 522
Kish, Joe S., Jr., 265
Kitts, Kittz, C. Frank, 361
Charles Frank, Jr., 361
Claude G., 265
Clinton, 583
David Roscoe, 265, 280, 361
Homer Morton, 361
Irene, 583
John D., 30, 244
Joseph Frazier, 265
Lena S., 182
Louise, 583
Nancy Ethel, 361
Newel Jane, 361
Robert Ernest, 265, 280, 361
Ruth Alice, 361
William Moore, 361
Knight, Ollie A., 176
Thomas L., 176
Knucker, E., 231
Knuckles, Jas. H., 317
John, 317
Kohn, E. H., 313
Koiner, (Miss), 440
Kole, Erla, 545
Kolesar, Julia, 201
Koof, Kate, 39
Kreite, May, 444
Kroll, J. P., 194
Jerome P., 346
Lou M. Bowen, 194
Thomas Jerome, 570
Wilford Don, 194
William D., 570
Kuhn, Elizabeth, 475
Lawrence G., 475
Kwass, Bertha, 180
Mayer, 180
La Comb, 496
Lackey, Alexander, 421, 560
Mary, 421, 560
Lacomte, Amanda, 171
Auguste, 171
Laird Family, 382
La(i)rd, Leard, 556, 573
Agnes, 477
Annie, 477
Cassandra, 478
Cassie, 173
Christina E., 477
Christina Harman, 477
Coralie, 173, 443
Coralie Rachel, 450, 478
David, 214, 476
E. F., 173
Edwin Floyd, 478
Eliza, 543
Elizabeth, 477
Eva St. C., 184, 196
Frances Spottswood, 543
Houston Tynes, 543
J. R., 173
J. Robert, Jr., 543
J. W., 110, 173, 299
James, 214, 476 , 477 , 543
James Robert, 478
Janey, 477
John, 214, 476 , 477 , 559
John Armer, 478
John W., 577
John William, 478
Joseph, 477
Kate Christina, 478
Letitia, 477, 559
Lucy, 559
Malvina Jane, 477
Mariah Matilda, 478
Mary, 385
Nancy Maria, 477
Rachel W., 173
Rachel Witten, 478
Rhoda Helen, 18, 477
S. H., 108, 173
Samuel, 89, 90, 91, 448, 477 , 577
Samuel H., 107, 478
Samuel Houston, 477, 478 , 563
Samuel Richard, 478
T. Oscar, 173
Thomas Oscar, 478
Lambert, Abb, 266
Adam Bittle, 266
Addison D., 18
Amelia M., 12
Bella, 442
Bettie Joe, 489
Charles, 489
Charles Henry, 442
Charlotta (Stowers), 148
Clarence, 442
Dicey S., 148
Edward, 239, 442
Elizabeth, 20, 442
Ernest, 442
Fred, 442
Fred Bandy, 266
George W., 14, 148
Grissilla, 21
H. W., 43, 238
Hannah Jane, 17
Henry H., 238
Henry W., 317
Herbert, 301
Hiram, 148
Isaac, 148, 174
J. Cameron, 442
J. Cameron, Jr., 442
Jack Parsons, 442
James, 148, 238
James C., 22
James Truby, 266
Jessie, 442
John, 174 , 442
John Cleveland, 266
Joseph, 148, 174, 235
Joseph W., 14
Judson, 489
Lake, 569
Lawrence, 442
Louisa, 26
Louise (y), 401, 489
Martha J., 197
Mary, 174, 442
Mary Catherine, 442
Mary Jane, 148
Matilda, 19
Mayola, 489
Murial, 442
Nancy, 43
Nancy (Stowers), 148
Paris, 442
Paris, Jr., 442
Paris H., 265
Peggy Jane, 442
Percilla E., 148
Priscilla, 174
Rachel, 18
Rachel Matilda, 148
R(h)oda, 148
Robert, 442
Robert Frazier, 267
Roy, 442
Sadie, 442
Samuel, 82
Samuel M., Jr., 489
Samuel May, 489
Sarah E., 23
Sarah S., 148
Seldon Crockett, 266
Stella, 442
Susaner, 19
T. A., 569
Thomas H., 266, 442
Titus, 265, 266
Tommie Helen, 442
William N., 442
Willie, 442
Lambeth, S. S., Jr., 139
Lammers, Margaret, 354
Lancaster, (Rev.), 320
Julia M. (Louthan), 171
Landon [also see Langdon], A. W., 130, 134, 186
F. P., 186
G. H., 186
George H., 183
George S., 186
Joshua A., 186
Mary Jane, 183
T. W., 186
Landers, Cal., 228
Landreth, Elizabeth, 37
Lane, Lain, Layne, A. M., 326
Adrine, 326
Andrew, 584
Benjamin, 366
Benjamin F., 146
Claudine, 326
Claudine Lane, 286
Elizabeth Grace, 474
Emma, 190
Frank Hopkins, 474
John, 146, 244, 366, 422
John C., 36
Martha, 28, 366
Martha J., 38
Mar thy, 146
Ruth Angeline, 474
Susannah, 14
William Henry, 474
Lanford, Luther James, 266
Langden, Langdon, Jas., 207
Jon., 205
Langstaff, 549
Languth, Werner Eugene, 336
Lanier, Ira, 266
Lansdell, R. A., 282
Lanson, C. W. C., 42
Larimer, Andrew, 587
Charles, 587
Mary, 587
Myrtle, 587
Samuel, 587
Larkey, L. L., 326
Larrowe, W. D., 301
Lash, Aaron, 301
Lass, J. C., 314
Latham, John, 214
Laughlin, David M., 17
George Andrew, 499
George M. (Dr.), 499
Mary Jane, 499
Laughter, H. L., 365
Lavender, Amelia J., 23
Law, Fred, 545
Isaac, 228
Lawford, Thomas Wright, 267
Lawless, John, 477
Lawrence, Charles, 266, 442
Clarence E., 266
Clifford, 442
Frank, 442
James P., 30
James Robert, Jr., 266
John W., 266
John Wyatt, 266
Kate, 552
Lawson, (Miss), 440
Anthony, 316
Arthur W., 266
Channel A., 267
Claiborn, 21, 224
Ebb, 493
Eric, 430
Ewing Waters, 267
G. W. C., 42
Jackson, 25
James, 152, 224
Maggie, 137
Mary, 152
Nancy, 15, 378, 493
Nathan, 16
Olin Greear, 430
Phillip, 430
R. M., 238, 415
Richard B., 316
Robt. M., 317
Thomas Wright, 281
Vina, 538
Wilfred (Rev.), 430
William, 214
William Albert, 266
Lazarus, L., 102
Lazewell, William, 302
Leckle, William, 214
Lee, A. M. (Col.), 423
Charley, 205
Chesley, 207
Emeline, 40
Fitzhugh, 6, 345
Georgia A., 423
H. B., 133
Henry (Capt.), 345
Katherine Walker Dabney, 476
Mathias, 29
Nellie, 423
Robert E., 433
William Allen, 266
Leece, Leese, Leech, Alexander, 419
Bettie, 419
C. A., 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, 110
Charles, 419
Charles William, 422
Jacob, 418
James, 266, 419
Jane, 419
Jane Gray, 418, 419
John, 419
Lillie, 419 , 564, 574
Louise, 419, 574
Margaret, 419 , 422
Margaret J., 164
Mariamme (Mollie), 419
Mariamne, 422
Martha, 419, 422
Mattie, 520
Nancy, 418, 419
Samuel, 8, 30, 79, 81, 82, 83 , 164, 418 , 422
Samuel (Jr.), 419
Vicie, 419
W. A., 572
William, 418 , 422
William (Jr.), 419
William N., 419
Leedy, Eveline, 493
Eveline F., 24
Jno., 40
JohnW., 44
Margaret, 16
Rebecca J., 40
Leeper, James, 214
Leff, Ida, 198
Leech [also see Leece, Luce)
Leffel, 506
A. B., 326
A. Benton, 583
Arthur, 583
D. A., 322
Erastus, 583
Harlow, 583
J. A., 322
Jacob P., 40
John A., 322
L. E., 322
Robert Craige, 266
Roy, 326, 583
Samuel Erastus, 266
Sarah A., 322
Walter, 583
William A., 322
Le filer, Louise, 284
Robert Lockhart, 266
Leftwich, Everett, 104
Littleberry, 472
William, 472
Leilliard, Edwd., 207
Lemon, Urban, 363
Lenahan, J. R., 141
Leonard, Frederick, 214
George, 214
Harris, 306
Henry, 214
Herbert, 429
Robert, 214
Ruth, 429
Lester, Luster, Lurster, Amanda, 162
Anderson, 22
Angeline, 25, 162
Ann E., 23
Ann Eliza, 26
Barbara, 162
Crockett, 27
David, 74
David G., 75 , 76
Elen E., 20
Elizabeth, 34
Ella B., 170
Fullen, 25, 241
G. M., 139
Garnett, 300
Henry, 162, 580
J. A., 305
J. Floyd, 156
J. T., 105
James, 74, 162, 241
James Crockett, 265
Jane, 36, 44, 162, 196
Jerusha, 162
Jesse, 225
Jno. C., 76
John, 162
John A., 228
John G., 24, 74, 75 , 228
John H., 185
Lewis, 29, 228
Madge, 580
Maggie E., 185
Mamie Agnes Ashbrook, 185
Margaret, 156
Martha, 36
Mary, 162
Nancy, 18, 156
Nancy Jane, 38
Nannie, 170
Rachael L., 22
Rees, 162
Rees B., 75
Robert, 44
Sunnah, 17
Susand, 20
Thomas, 156, 162, 225
Victoria, 162
W. J., 300
Walter, 489
William, 21, 74, 76, 241
William A., 225
William F., 156
William J., 126
William Sylvester, 196
Lesueur, Clarisse, 426, 427
St. Ange, 42 7
Letcher, John, 5
Lethcoe, Robert Andrew, 266
Levingston, William, 204
Leviston, William, 205
Lewis, 506
(Col.), 353
Aaron, 205
Alexander, 34, 224
Amanda, 512
Anna, 38
Arthur, 199
Clarence, 198
Cozbi, 29
Elizabeth, 18
Elizabeth Kimball, 414
Ernest, 199
Fleming, 12
George, 42
George W., 199
Granville, Jr., 35
Henry, 224
John, 214, 403
John H., 104, 512
John L., 83
Lacy Benjamin, 266
Lucinda V., 199
Lucy, 199
Margaret Jane, 512
Mark, 403
Mary Brittain, 512
Matilda, 41
Mattie Brittain, 512
Nicketii, 35
Ora, 193
Polina, 414
R. Jennie (Brittain), 170
Robert, 199
Sabina (Wells), 403
Samuel, 547
Sarah, 512
Trula, 199
Victor Hugo, 266
William, 15, 414
William Frank, 512
William H., 317
Liddle, G. W., 300
Lillard, Edwd., 205
Lindamood, Lindimoed, Leindamood, J. L., 231
Lindsey, Lindsay, Bessie L., 188
Edward W., 386
James, 386
John, 214
Winston Southgate, 3 86
Winston Southgate, Jr., 386
Linkous, Lincus, Bessie, 479
Bettie, 479
C. B., 112, 115, 121, 136
Cavie, 539
Cavie June, 539
Cavie Lou, 479
Cecil, 539
Charles, 537
Charles B., 111, 479
Clarence, 479, 539
Cynthia, 478, 479
Elizabeth, 539
Elizabeth Jane, 479
Everett, 479
Ezra, 443
Frank, 539
Fred, 479, 539
Hannah J., 478, 479
Henry, 441
Henry P., 478, 479
Howard Wise, 539
J. E., 111, 303, 304
J. R., 330
James, 539
Jane, 537
John, 159, 478
John E., 159
John Ezra, 478, 479, 537
John T., 479, 539
Jonah B., 479
Joseph, 479
Joseph A., 479
Lee, 479, 539
Luther, 479
Margaret Carolina, 478
Margaret Caroline, 479
Martha J., 307, 478
Martha S., 27
Mary, 159, 478 , 539
Mary B., 159
Mary Sarilda, 478, 479
Milburn, 159, 478
Milburn F., 23, 240
Opal Thelma, 539
Otis, 479, 539
Otis, Jr., 539
Peery B., 479
Polly, 537
Polly R., 479
R. L., 112
Raleigh, 479
Rebecca, 478
Rebecca C., 479
Robert, 479, 539
Robert E. Lee, 478, 479
Rosa, 479
Rufus B., 479
Stella, 479
Thomas, 479 , 539
Virginia, 539
W. W., 129
William, 479, 539
William P., 48, 159, 302, 304 , 478
William W., 478, 479
Linton, Soloman, 205
Litehford, John H., 195
Joseph E., 195
Mildred (Mrs.), 195
Lithel, Micajah, 21
Littlewood, Alice, 287
Litton, John, 214
Solomon, 207
Litz , Litts, 321
(Miss), 422
A. Z., 300, 484
Alma Z., 480
Alma Z. (male), 484
Alma Z., Jr., 484
Annie Elizabeth, 484
Barbara, 486
Bettie, 487
Bettie E., 481
Beverly D., 266, 481
Beverly Dills (male), 481
Caroline Eleanor, 519
Charles Tiffany, 485
Clarence, 484
Conrad Beverly, 484
D. H., 186
Daisy Katherine, 484
David Graham, 484
David Harold [lived Morristown, Tenn.], 484
David Harold Peery, 480, 484
Dorothy, 486
Edith Evangeline "Jack", 484
Edward, 484
Elizabeth S., 480
Elizabeth (Thompson), 480
Ella, 187
Ethel Margaret, 484
Ethel W., 186
Etta Frances, 484
Frank, 484
Fred R., 570
George, 187, 485
George W., 485
George William, 186, 481, 485
Georgia, 186
Gratton Alexander, 481
Gratton Alexander [d. Huntington, W.V.], 487
Harold, 484
Helen, 187, 481
Helen Elizabeth, 186, 485
Isaac Mann, 482
J. F., 115
J. R., 229
James Ed., 281
James Edd, 267
James Frank, 570
James G., 187, 485
James Gordon, 481, 485
Johann, Philip, 480 , 481, 482, 483 , 484 , 485 , 486, 487
Johannes, 479
John, 519
John, Jno., 102, 107, 110
John L., 103, 483
John Lindsey, 480, 483
John T., 23, 90, 157, 480 , 481, 482, 483 , 484 , 485 , 486, 487
John Tiffany, 480
Joseph, 484
Joseph Edward, 484
Joseph F., 186, 487 .
Joseph Frank, 481
Josephine, 486
Kathleen, 187, 484
Leonard, 480., 481, 482, 483 , 484 , 485 , 486, 487
Loesch Stauber, 484
M. O., 113, 119, 486
Mabel, 484
Manny, 187
Mare Catherine, Mare Katherine, 480 , 481, 482, 483 , 484 , 485 , 486, 487
Margaret, 480, 484
Margaret Lucille, 570
Maroni O., 481
Maroni O. (male), 486
Maroni O., Jr., 486
Mary B., 480
Mary E., 157, 316
Mollie Katherine, 481, 487
Nancy Jane, 570
Nannie Atelia, 480, 483
P. G., 186
Peter, 53, 70, 157, 315, 414, 481, 482, 483 , 484 , 485 , 486, 487
Peter (Col.), 480
Peter Gose, 484
Peter Gose, (Col.), 480
Rawie, 486
Robert, 484
Ross, 484
S. T., 187, 307 , 308, 481 , 482
Sallie, 187
Sallie Ann, 480, 482
Sallie Olivia, 482
Sallie V., 180
Samuel T., 180
Samuel Thomas, 480. 481
Sophronia, 480
Susie, 187
Susie Elizabeth, 481
Thomas, 484
Vivian, 484
Walton, 484
William, 480 , 481. 482, 483 , 484 , 485 , 486, 487
William S., 25, 157, 480
Livingston, David, 214
Llewellyn, John, 226
Lloyd [see Loyd]
Loar, (Dr.), 391
Clara (Gillespie) [of Oregon, 1925], 11-391
Lockh(e)art, Lockhard, A., 225
Alice, 372
Angeline, 490
Axley, 52, 488, 489 , 490
B. J., 300
B. W. P., 33
Ben, 241
Bird, 49, 487 , 488 , 489 , 490 , 491 1)
Bird L., 225
Bird T., 488, 491
Birdine, 372
Blanche, 333, 489
Bridget, 490
Callie, 490
Caroline (McGuire), 170
Caroline S. V., 176
Cecil, 490
Celicia, 491
Charles, 490
Clarence, 489
Cynthia, 488, 489, 490
David, 489
Dewitt, 490
Edgar, 490
Elijah, 488, 489, 491
Elisha, 488, 491
Elizabeth, 488, 491
Ellen, 372, 491
Emma, 489
Evelina, 489
Eveline, 491
Fannie, Fanny, 44, 193
Floyd, 490, 491
George, 28, 238, 488, 489, 490 , 491
Gertrude, 490
Greever, 490
Harry, 490
Harvey, 17, 225, 490
Harvey Smith, 489
Ida, 489
J. C., 241
James, 487 , 488, 489 , 490 , 491 1)
James E. P., 267
Janes H., 25
James M., 489
John, 246, 300, 489, 490
John Floyd, 489, 490
John M., 488 , 489 , 490 , 491
Josie, 489
Julia, 372, 491
Julia A., 31
Lawrence, 489
Lilly, 490
Louisa, 16, 490
Louise, 490
M. F., 300
M. T., 70
Margaret, 26
Marjorie, 490
Mark, 69 , 322
Mark T., 31, 67 , 68, 70, 71, 226, 488, 491
Mark Tollett, 372
Martha, 488
Mary, 489
Matilda, 37, 490, 491
Milton, 488, 490, 491
Myrtle, 489
Nancy, 488, 491
Nancy Eliz., 12
Nannie M., 32
Patton, 298
Patton J., 50, 176, 396, 488, 491
Patton J. (Rev.), 338
Pearl, 490, 551
Polly Ann, 32
Rachel, 372, 488 , 491,
Reba, 490
Rebecha, Rebecca, 489
Richard, 241
Sarah, 489, 490
Sarah Rebecca, 489
Simon, 238, 490
Smith, 39, 238, 490
Stephen, 372, 491
Virgie, 489
William, 224, 489, 490
William Eli, 266
William S., 266
Lockwood, Christopher, 266
Logan, Benjamin, 547
Horace Bowser, 267, 281
J. D., 128
James, 205, 207
John B., 300
Robert H., 227
Lomax, 542
Long, Andrew, 153
C. C., 545
Calvin, 26
Catherine, 439
Corrie, 545
Eunice, 439
Fannie, 545
Grace, 545
H. A., 545
H. Bowen, 439
Harry A., 153
Harvey, 439
Harvey G., 439
Henry, 224
Jefferson, 42
Jessie, 439, 528
John W., 439
Louise, 439
M. M., 131
Margaret, 439
Rich, 207
Rich'd., 205
Robert, 439
Robert Thomas, 267
Sallie, 439
Sarah, 545
Stella, 439
Thomas, 493
William, 214, 545
Longworth, Hattie, 307
R., 320
Robert Lee, 266, 280
Loon(e)y, David, 28
John, 11, 214
John A., 10
Louisa Jane, 18
Malina, 18
Margaret (Whitten), 152
Moses, 214
Robert, 214
William, 16
Lopp, Barbara, 448
John, Sr., 448
Loring, (Mr.), 341
Lorkie, Henry, 583
Louthan, Louthen, Louthian, 585
Carrie G., 171
James T., 22
Jane, 158
Myra Ella, 171
Lovell, Aribell S., 196
Elsie Marie, 196
Walter D., 196, 266
Low [see Lowe]
Lowder, Bettie, 414
Clementine, 414
David, 414
Fielding, 414
Frances, 414
Gabriel, 414 (?)
George W., 70
Grant, 414
James, 233
James Erastus, 414
Jed [moved to Idaho], 414
John, 414
Kittie Gose, 414
Lavalette, 414
Letitia, 414
Lettie, 551
Mary, 414
Mary Virginia, 414
Matilda Josephine,
Philip, 414
Reese, 414
Sarah, 414
Simon, 414
Virginia, 414
William, 414
Low(e), Assenia, 20
Austin, 228
Celia, 12
Cosby Jane, 170
Crockett, 157, 267
D. C., 136, 137
David B., 170
David C., 130, 170
Edd Herman, 266
Emil, 534
Fernandes, 170
George, 170
George W., 267
Grant, 267
Henry, 214
James B., 157
James M., 170
James W., 170
John, 157
John B., 32
Johnson, 15
L. Kate, 361
Lindsey, 267
Louemma J., 170
Louisa, 146
Lounita, 170
Malvina, 31
Martha, 36
Mary Virginia, 534
Moses, 228
Nancy, 37
Peter H., 170
Rebecca E., 168
Reese, 157
Sylvester, 266
Thomas Lawrence, 266, 280
Valentine, 224
Vess C., 267
W. B., 300
W. C., 96, 170,
W. D. (Lowe), 224
William, 35
William Whitt, 266
Lowman, David T., 566
Elizabeth Ann, 566
Low(e)ry, David, 206
Davd., 205
James, 206
Jas., 207
John, 214
William, 205, 207
Loyd, John, 214
L. L., 320
Lubliner, A. J., 140, 198
Esther, 198
Hannah, 198
Louie, 198
S. J., 198
Sam J., 198, 266, 280
Selma, 198
Sender, 198
Lucas, Lukis, D. D., 221
Margaret, 437
Sarah Doak, 194
Luke, William J., 267
William Jordon, 266
Lumford, (Dr.), 239
Lusher, Robert M., 30
Lusk, A. E., 401
Dora, 189
Floyd L., 401
Gertrude, 401
Janet, 401
R. E., Jr., 401
Shelby Lewis, 401
William, 214
Luttrell, James H., 197
T. M., 197
Lynch, D. W., 103, 195
Dan W., Jr., 195
Daniel, 182
Daniel, Jr., 182
Eddie, 182
Ida May, 182
Margaret, 182
Mary, 182, 195, 419
May, 182
Nellie, 182
T. A., 121
Thomas A., 182
Lynn, Adam, 214
Caroline, 15
Louisa Irena, 19
Lyon(s), Humber(t)son, 214
Jonathan, 48, 283, 292, 319 , 543
Jonathan (Rev.), 155, 354
N. A., 155
W. A., 93, 99
William, 214
Lytton, Elizabeth, 417
McAl(l)ister, James G., 472
John, 472
Mary, 472
Nancy, 472
W. R., 338
McBride, 582
George Gordon, 269, 280
Preston, 585
McCall, Albert, 401
Annie, 198, 401
Bernard, 401
C. O., 121
Cecil, 401
Clarence, 400
David, 401
Eliza R., 172
Elizabeth, 400, 401
Ella, 400
Evelyn, 401, 522
Fannie, 576
Fannie Amelia, 401
Frances Elise, 401
Fred, 400, 401
G. R., 300
George, 400
George Carlton, 401
George R., 172, 401
George William, 269, 280, 401
George Winfred, 401
Gertrude, 401
Grace, 400
H. G., 92, 108, 143, 182, 355
H. G. (Mrs.), 140
H. George, 91, 395
Helen, 401
Henry, 400
Henry L., 269, 280
Herbert W., 400
Irene, 401
J. M., 19, 92, 109, 110, 112, 120
Jack, 401
James H., 172, 401
James Thomas, 401
Jesse(e), 87, 172, 401, 522
Jesse, Jr., 401
John A., 13, 52, 69, 106, 172, 400
John M., 401
John W., 133, 172, 400
Lucille, 401
Lyde, 401
Margaret, 401
Marshal Howard, 401
Marshall, 284
Mary M., 147
Mary Margaret, 182, 395
Mollie O., 400
Nannie, 400
Nickitie, 400, 401
Nora, 401
Olivia, 395
Ollie, 182, 355
Ollie Harrisson, 182
R. G., 109, 114, 172, 299
Robert D., 400
Robert Daniel, 269
Robert G., 401
Roy, 400
Ruth, 401
Sallie, 546
Sallie (Harrison), 355
Samuel, 401
T. E., 130, 172
Thomas E., 400
Victor, 401
Victor W., 270, 281
W. B., 551
Walter, 401
William E., 182, 269
William Edwin, 395
McCan(a), William (Captain), 403
McCann, Dora, 286
McCarroll, McCarrell, (Mr.), 428
Susannah, 431
McCarter, Sarah, 429
McCarty, Charles, 244
McCauley, John, 492
McCausland, 542
John A., 368
McCawley, McCauley, 205
Jas., 208
Jno., 205
John, 208
F. J., 226
McClan(n)ahan, Charles, 238
Eliz, 42
Polly, 21
McClare, Flavins J., 29
McClarity, Joseph, 52
McClary, George, 325
George S., 322, 326
McClaugherty, Catherine, 577
Clarence, 577
Eleanor, 577
R. C., 111
McClelland, Abraham, 215
McClintock, Belle, 496
Geo., 183
John, 490
Lucy, 437
Mary E. (Dickenson), 183
McClune, Eva Russell, 564
McClure, McCluer, (Mr.), 342
Anderson, 175
Charles Erastus, 175
Emily C., 43
Harriet T., 44
Josephine N., 27
Kittie, 43
Lane Josephus, 175
Mariah S., 25
May, 175
Nellie, 175
McCollihher, 207
McCollum, Cecil E., 270, 271
Thos., 208
McCom(m)as, R. A., 197
McConnell, Abram, 215
G. W., 319
McCorkle, M. C., 325
Rhoda, 325
McCormick, Jas., 205, 208
Marshall P., 129
Richard R., 20
McCoy, Chloe, 490
Louise, 336
Mattie (Atwell), 176
Uriah, 36
W., 303
McCracken, Thomas D., 281
McCrary, McCrery, Frank, 301
Nellie, 510
McCraw, W. R., 230
McCroskey, Jno., 208
John, 206
McCulla, James, 40
McCullough, McCulloch, Jno., 205, 207
Rob., 208
Thomas, 215
McCullum, Thos., 206
McCutcheon, John, 215
Samule, 215
William, 215
McDaniel, William, 206, 208
McDilda, E. J., 192
Margie E., 192
McDonald, 238
Bush (Rev.), 500
Charles Black, 500
Cynthia Ann, 425
Cyrus, 500
Edward, 14, 501, 515, 580
Edward H., 245
Elizabeth Ogle, 515
Ella, 580
Floyd, 245
I. E., 164
J. C., 150
J. C. (Capt.), 54
James, 135
James E. (Rev.), 500
Jane, 514
John C., 46, 244
Joseph, 150, 515
Kezia Stephens, 515
Lewis, 164, 244
Louisa, 190
Magnus, 215
Nancy B., 23
Ollie P., 500
Rose, 501
Sally, 146
W. J. (Dr.), 500
W. L., 285
W. M., 164
Walter C., 500
William, 146, 580
McDowell, 506
Bert, 202
Charles, 202, 502
Ella M., 191
Henry P., 50
James, 133, 135
Jonth, 44
M. T., 42
Mary, 202
Nancy (McDonald, 164
R. T., 298
Trula, 202
W. D., 242
W. L., 242
William D., 18
McEwin, (Rev.), 318
McFadden, J. B., 243
McFarlan(e), McFarland, McFarlon, E. C., 120
Elizabeth, 514
Ellis V., 269
J. A., 44
James, 75
Jemima, 26
John, 492
John S., 514
John W., Jno. W., 25, 35
Lawrence W., 269
Robert, 215
Susan, 25
McFeeters, William, 507
McFerrin, Brown, 430
John, 215
McGary, (Mr.), 456
McGavock, Williamson, 359
McGeorge, William, 88
McG(h)ee, Sam, 206, 208
Thomas, 215
Walter, 269, 280
McGilda, John, 37
McGinnis, Blanche, 499
H. H., 316
Meek, 165, 187
West, 165
McGlochlin, McGlachlin, 215
McGlothlin, Mc Laughlin, McGloughlin, McGochlin, Alex(ander), 39, 241
Allie, 588
C. J., 136, 141 ,142
Charles, 300
Charles Grat, 269
Elizabeth, 490
HaUie, 202
Henry, 498
Henry J., 269
James, 241
James P., 29
John, 215, 219, 540
Lorenza A., 269
Lowe, 300
Margaret, 26
Rob., 205, 208
McGraw, (Miss), 422
Arthur, 389
Charles, 389
Charles, Jr., 389
Edwin, 389
Eliza, 44
Elizabeth, 389
George, 389
George T., 389
Helen, 389
J. F., 117
J. Fred, 389
John, 120
John F., 126, 129, 134, 389
Joseph, 389
Kate, 185
Kenneth W., 389
Louise, 389
Margaret, 389
Marvin, 389
Mary, 389
Mollie, 389
Nell, 389
Norine, 389
R. H., 112, 115, 120
Robert, 389
Robert H., 389
Virginia Hazel, 389
McGrevis, Margaret, 152
Wesley, 152
McGuire, McGuyer, McGuier, McQuire, A. J., 228
Amy, 505
Andrew, 166
Audrey, 363
C. A., 132, 138,142
C. H., 135
Caroline S., 491
Carrie, 530
Carrie E., 168
Catherine Ann, 483
Clarence, 363
Cornelius, 162, 424,
Cornelius (Rev.), 505
Eliza, 35
Elizabeth, 170, 483
Ella, 364
Ella Louisa, 170
Est(h)er, 505
Eugene Lanoy, 269
F. M., Jr., 171
Floyd, 170
Francis, 155, 483
Francis M., 39
George, 187, 483
George O., 269, 280
George Peery, 269
Gladys, 483
Grover, 325
H. A., 44
Harvey G., 482, 483
Harvey Wesley, 18
Helen Marie, 483
Henry A., 228
Henry Francis, 363
Herman, 363
Holland, 363
J. H., 135, 363
J. H., Jr., 363
J. M., 155
J. Marion, 170, 241, 442, 512
James, 238, 560, 571
James M., 168, 530
James W., 168
Jeremiah, 56
Jeremiah M., 21
Jesse, 228
John, 168, 270
John G., 483
John H., 134
John J., Jr., 483
Joseph, 483
Joseph A., 168
Joseph Al., 483
Julia Ann, 15
Kate, 187
Katherine, 483
L. H., 70
Lindsay, Lindsey, 269, 483
Litz, 483
Louisa, 70
Lucretia, 37
Lula Maude, 168
Maggie, 512
Margaret, 39, 160
Margaret E., 168, 442
Margaret Hurt, 530
Marion, 238
Marvin, 168, 546
Marvin, Jr., 546
Marvin H., 142
Mary, 587
May, 168
Mildred, 363
Nancy, 33, 483
Narcissa, 155
Pearl, 285
Peter G., 162
Peter Gose, 26
Rachel, 167
Rachel Ann, 483
Rebecca, 167
RhodaM., 24
Sallie, Sally, 483, 581
Sallie (Litz), 187
Sarah, 168, 458, 488
Shields, 363
T. A., 465
Thomas, 363
W. F., 126 , 129
W. J., 41
Walter, 483
Wesley, 160, 171
William, 23, 39, 167, 171, 219, 505
William F., 39, 228
McHenry, Archie Patton, 269
John, 215
McIllhaney, Lilly, 341
McIntosh, McEntosh, McKintosh, Anna, 371
Nancy, 487
McIntyre, Dugald, 318
McKee, W. A., 301
W. A.(Rev.), 141
McKensey, McKenzie, McKinsey, Elizabeth, 352
Isaac, 400
Margaret, 352
Moredock, 352, 353
McKindry, (Bishop), 455
McKinley, John, 215
McKinney, McKinnie, Colin, 205
Henry Guy, 269
Ida May, 541
Philip W., 6
McLain, Thomas, 215
McLaren, Julia Eleanora, 568
McLaughlin [see McGlothlin]
McMeans, McMeanes, Albert Lester, 269
Elihu, 35
Frazier Buford, 269
J. G., 231
James R., 33
Jas. R., 231
Mary, 179
Mary J., 179
Robert Frazier, 281
Samuel Foster, 179
McMillan, McMillen, McMillin, McMillon, Alexr., 208
Delaurice, 489
Elizabeth, 489
Fields, 489
Franklin, 489
Lucille, 489
William, 215
McMooren, McMorin, Jno., 206, 208
McMullin, McMullen, (Mr.), 345
Adaline, 28
Alexander, 47
Alexr., 205
Anita, 406
Barbara, 406
Bell, 180
Bettie B. (Shawver), 180
E. T., 321
Earnest, 406
Elizabeth, 406
G. P., 91, 112, 120, 127, 132, 326
Harvey George, 406
Harvey Grat, 269, 280
Hen., 208
Henry, 205
Hettie, 326
J. E., 327
J. Ed., 121
J. H., 112
James Rees, 406
John E(a)rnest, 269, 280
John P., 97, 108, 111, 406
M. L. (Mrs.), 177
Mae, 583
Patrick H., 25
S. A., 136
Sallie A., 406
Samuel C., 269
William Lewis, 269, 280
McMurry, Mary, 342
McNeil(l), McNeel, A. S., 78, 228
Adline, 160
Annie May, 466
Augustus S., 33, 72
Charles, 585
Charles Byram, 336
Charles J., 466
Ed., 581
Elizabeth, 160
J. W., 127, 135, 581
Malcolm, 16, 80, 83, 225
Margaret L. [moved to Colo.], 466
Mary E., 176
Mary M., 34
Mollie, 466, 582
Pearl, 466
Rebecca Virginia, 336
Robert, 466
Sallie, 466
Samuel C., 32
Sydney Harrison, 336
Sydney S., 336
Walter, 466
William P., 228
McNeely, James Okey, 269
John, 28
Peter, 28
William, 228
McNeeleys, Mary (Grills), 151
McNew, Geo., 205, 207
George, 233
Lizzie, 193
Rachel, 193
Susie, 429
McNutt, Alexander, 215
Joe, 238
Jos. P., 238
McPheeters, Joseph, 498
McPherson, McFearson, J. A., 238
Jacob, 238
James, 238
Samuel, 238
McQuillan [see McWuillin]
McReight, Ruth, 558
McReynolds, Mary B., 194
McSpadden, Mos., 206
Mose, 208
Sam, 208
Sam., 206
McThebie, Colin, 208
McThompson, Jno., 238
McWa(y)ne, (Mrs.), 326
Bess, 326
C. P., 326
C. W., 326
Etta, 326
R. C., 326
McWuillin, Carl Finis, 178
Macaro, Joseph Anthony, 267
Mack, James, 267
Mackosky, Ignatz, 268
Macom, B. F., 37, 96
Emmy, 184
Harry Fleming, 281
Henry Flemming, 268
John, 184
Sam, 184
Maddox, Simon, 267
Magee, Mavis B., 284
Magrill, K. N. (Rev.), 139
Morris, 268
Mahan, H. B., 404
Lee, 404
Mahone, David Acuff, 267
Mahoney, Bess, 326
Ma(y)hood, A., 70
A. B., 282
A. M., 142
Alexander, 16, 71
Alva Willis, 436
Amanda (Mrs.), 432
Angeline, 517
Angle, 436
Annie, 436
C. H., 539
Carrie, 436
Clemmie, 436
Elizabeth W., 152
G. E., 301
George, 436
James, 15, 152, 432, 517
James (Rev.), 436
Jas., 312, 317
L., 326
Lawrence, 326
Lucinda Jane, 28
Margaret, 171, 493
Mary, 393, 436, 517
Nancy, 152
Ollie, 436
Robert H., 268
S., 315
Sallie, 284, 436
Stephen, 317, 436
Stephens, 22
Main, Tobias, 214
Mallory, Mark S., 267, 269
Paul, 268
Maloney, Meloney, Malony, Archibald, 45, 440
Rachel, 45
Maloy, Daniel A., 150
Nancy, 151
W. D., 97
William D., 150, 151
Mankens, John, 560
William, 560
Mann, Andre, 510
Mary P., 510
William H., 6, 356
William Hodges, 131
Manning, Barbara Hester, 390
Esekiel, 390
Nettie Lykins, 390
Mantico, Charlie (Miss), 157
Marcum, Jacob, 19
Marion, Samuel, 215
Mar(r)s, Alexander, 41, 230, 512
David W., 222
Dorah B., 165
Emerine V., 156
Georgia Mae, 569
H. W., 242, 323
Henry H., 92
Lavicy, 165
Margaret 148
Margaret C., 35
Mary, 31, 26
Mary A. (Rose), 193
Mary A. (Tabor), 156
Mary Ann, 19
Mary Jane, 148
Maxwell, 376
Nancy J., 165
Phillis, 514
R. W., 323
Robert, 569
Robert Whitley, 11
S. W., 131
Samuel, 477
Samuel W., 165
Sarah, 27, 165
Sarah A., 29
Sarah Ann, 452
Thomas Augustus, 267
W. B., 226
William, 165, 376
William B., 39
William Dudley, 268
William M., 148
Marsh, Lyda C., 199
Marshal(l), Barbara Moore, 501
Humphrey, 526
J. M., 228
John, 532
Louis Cleveland, 268
Margaret, 423
Marion, 238
N. F., (Rev.), 338
Randolph, 501
Thomas, 400
Martena, Margaret A., 36
Mart(a)in, Marten, Andrew W., 225
Annie Louise, 526
Annie P., 191
Annie Peery, 525
Anthony H., 28
C. A., 299
Cecil, 280
Cecil Peery, 526
David, 510
Elizabeth Pocahontas, 494
Elizabeth Susan, 116
Ellen, 430
Fleming, 228
Frederick, 482
George, 235
George A., 191, 524, 526
George Alexander, 526
George Alexander, Jr., 526
George C., 268
George W., 22
Georgia McWicks, 526
Glen White, 267
Henry T., 577
John, 156, 269
Joseph, 494 , 495
Joseph (General), 493
Louise, 191
Marena Theressa, 526
Margaret, 510
Maurine, 577
May, 156, 524
Mousie L., 473
Nancy, 509
Rebecca, 42
Thomas, 577
Thomas Fairfax, 268, 280, 526
W. B., 299, 300
William, 215, 495
William Gordon, 577
William P., 35, 43
William Patton, 156
Mason, E. T., Jr., 307
Ethel, 285
James (N), 73
Jessie Greever, 165
Wade, 36
Massey, Clairice, 369
James P., 31
Levi D., 38
Masteny, George, 35
Masters, James, 388
Victor I., 306
Mathena [also see Matheny], Columbus Moore, 268
Ida, 408
John, 222, 245
Martha Jane, 15
Ollie, 588
W. T., 242
William G., 242
William T., 27
Matheny [also see Mathena, Masteny, and Matteny], Floyd W., 32
Jno. 238
John, 23
Lewis, 11
Matheson, Joseph, 473
Joseph, Jr., 473
Mat(t)hews, 497
C. W., 311
D. N., 39
Hariet, 472
Mary Fannie, 472
Pearl, 539
Rachel, 341
Reese, 301
Sallie, 472
William Henry, 472
Mat(e)ney, Matteny [see also Mattingley, etc.], Charles, 13, 366
Eugene, 189
Howard J., 25
Jefferson, 49, 161, 366, 387
John, 20
John C., 161, 188, 366
Joseph, 12
Louisa, 14
Mary J., 387
Mary Jane, 29, 161, 366
Thomas Elbert, 268
Mattox, Charles D., 268
Maupin, 321
A. C., 326
Maus, William, M., 233
Mauzy, Cornelia, 430
Maxey, M. P., 106
S. L., 104, 109, 130
S. P., 108
Samuel L., 125
Maxwell, Maxfeel, Albert, 493
Ann, 493
Charles, 241
Charles J., 24, 68, 176, 378
Clara Cecil, 493
Drayton, 493
Elizabeth, 376 , 492
Evaline, 493
Evans, 377
Evelyn, 537
Francis M., 24, 377
Frank, 379, 493 , 537
Frank Me., 378
George, 215, 493
George Bates, 493
Georgia, 493
H. E., 228
Harry, 493
Henry, 377
Henry E., 78, 81, 92
Isaac Drayton, 268
Ivory, 493
James, 15, 150 , 205, 208, 215, 230, 374, 376 , 377, 378, 492 , 493 , 512
James Sidney, 493
James W., 176, 225, 492, 493
James W. Manerva, 378
James Worth, 378, 493
Jane, 493
Jennie, Jenny (Jane), 375, 376, 492
Johanna, 378
John, 208, 376, 379, 492, 493
John C., 241, 378
John Chatten, 378
John Henry, 493
John Rader, 493
JohnW., 512
Jos. (Jno), 205
Laura, 378, 582
Margaret, 372, 276 , 377, 378, 379, 492 , 550
Margaret Joanna, 493
Martha, 444, 492, 493, 537
Martha L. (Gillespie), 185
Martha M., 40
Mary, 150, 375, 376, 388, 492 , 493 , 550
Mary E., 16, 378
Mary G., 377
Mary Witten, 379
Mattie, 375, 376, 492
McCall, 395
Myrtle, 493
Nancy (Maxfeel), 550
Nannie, 493
Nannie C. (Bailey), 167
Nathaniel, 214
Rhoda J., 176
Robert, 48, 176, 376, 377, 492 , 493, 550, 582
Robert L., 493
Robert Leslie, 267
S. Ralph, 395
Sally, Sallie, 373, 377, 378 , 379, 493
Sallie Ann, 378
Samuel R., Jr., 377
Thomas, 215, 388, 492
Thomas B., 17
Thomas Bates, 378
Tiny, 493
Virginia, 406
Virginice, 493
W. H., 319
William Kendrick, 395
Witten, 72, 377 , 492, 493
Wyrene Parmelia, 493
May [see also Mays], (Col.), 420, 422
(Mrs.), 421
A. J., 68, 86, 100, 135, 136, 174, 193, 292, 355, 420, 422
A. J., Jr., 111
A. J., Jr. (Mrs.), 173
A. J., Sr., 428
Andrew, 173, 422
Andrew J. (Col.), 114
Andrew Jackson, 419, 421
Andrew Jackson (Col.), 420
Andrew Jackson, Jr., 422
Bessie Gilmer, 474
Bird, Byrd(e), 355, 391, 420, 421, 422
Cecil, 420
David, 561
Don, 173
Donald Graham, 193, 442
Edwin, 422
Evans Lackey, 421
Frank Shelburne, 420
George Clark, 420
Helen, 420
James, 421
James A., 421
James Edwin, 193
Jean, 173, 422
John, 420
Leonard, 420
Lucy, 193
Margaret, 419
Mariamne, 420
Mary, 422 , 454
Mary Brown, 196
Mary Catherine, 421
Mary Matilda (Doll), 419
Matilda Davidson, 420, 422
N. B. D., 174
Patricia Annie, 420
Robert Lagard, 420
S. D., 86, 100, 131, 132 , 420, 428
Sam, 173
Samuel, 420
Samuel [of Placerville, Calif.], 420
Samuel Byrd, 193, 422
Samuel D., 532
Samuel Davidson, 268, 419, 420 , 421, 422
Samuel Davidson, Jr., 420
Sarah Cooper, 420
Sola, 561
Thomas, 420
Thomas Lee, 268
William Andrew, 193
William Byrd, 422
William H., 128
William L., Jr., 420
William Leece, 268, 420
Mayers, Ashby, 233
Mayhappy, Finley, 540
Mollie, 540
Mayner, James, 16
Sarah, 16
Mayo, Jno. W., 581
L. C., 171
Pearl, 581
Mays, Maies, Ann, 496
Benjamin Rush, 496
Edgar C., 496
Eliza, 496
Fleming, 496
Frank, 174
G. W., 112, 113, 115
George, 496
George W., 133
Gracie, 496
Ira Preston, 496 , 497
Ira Preston Fleming, 497
J. J., 322, 323
Jackson J., 322
Jacob Shaffer, 496
James W., 174
Jonathan Fleming, 497
Jonathan Fleming (Dr.), 496
Joseph, 496
Joseph J., 64
Joseph Jackson, 496
Joseph Jackson, Jr. 496
Lena, 497
Mabel, 496
Mary, 497
Mary C., 496
Missouri, 496
Nannie Lou, 496
Preston C., 497
Preston Cooper, 496
Willie Ann, 174
William Dailey, 496
Meade, C. C., 424
Charles Gose, 424
Jennie, 424
Mary, 422
Nancy, 424
R. E., 320
Richard, 395, 522
Richard, Jr., 395, 522
Robert, 424
Robert C., 424
Thelma, 424
W. Reeves, 424
Walter R., 424
Meadors, Edna, 285
Esther, 286
Meadows, Annie, 287
B. G., 225
Brightwell, 21
Floyd G., 239
J. S., 321, 324
John C., 121
Marvin Edwin, 268
Robert, 267
Virginia, 546
Means, Sarah M., 13
Mebine, B. W. (Rev.) [of Ky.], 165
Medley, Charles Franklin, 280, 268
Meek, Alexander, 439
Berenda, 386
Catherine, 337
Edgar, 192
Ethel, 439
I. J., 164
Isaac, 205, 208
Isabella Jane, 187
J. B., 439
James, 314.
James R., 164
Jas., 315
Jas. R., 317
John Robert, 439
Joseph, 51, 52, 68, 150, 164, 316 , 337, 415, 439
Joseph B., 164
Leon, 439, 529
Leroy, 439
Margaret Lockwood, 337
Robert, 164, 386, 415
Roy, 313, 337
Ruth, 555
Sam., 208
Sam'1., 205
Thos., 205, 208
Trubie, 386
Melfa, Joe, 268
Mercer, Ellen, 43
Meredith, 570
Carl, 202
Fred, 202
Grace, 202
Harold, 202
Hubert Pontell, 267
J. D., 233
Jesse, 202
Mamie, 202
Minnie B., 202
R. L., 202
Walter, 202
Willie, 287
Merrick, James, 157
Merrill, C. W., 139
Mer(r)itt, Merit, George, 228
George M., 19
Messick, John A., 23
Mae, 288
Metcalf, O. A., 325, 326
Meyers, Lee, 269
Mickles, David, 230
Midleton, Florence, 369
JohnW. [Chesterfield Co., Va.], 369
Milam, Milem , Milum, Nancy, 457
Patton, 245
Solomon, 458
Millard [see also Miller], Nora (Hawkins), 179
Miller, A., 225
A. W., 221
Ailene, 410
Andrew, 410
Cecille, 410
Christine, 285
Emily (Grills), 151
Frances E., 21
Francis, 227
George W., 172
H. C. (Hon.), 90
India, 285
J. P., 313
Jacob, 400
James E., 27
James Wilkerson, 410
John, 215
John E., 36
John G., 410
John G., Jr., 410
John G. (3rd), 410
Lou C., 198
Margaret, 410
May, 437
Nancy, 37, 499
NeUie, 285
R. A., 92
R. Walter, 552
Robert, 410
Sallie Chapman, 400
Sarah J., 545
Millisons, D. (Pulaski),
Mills, E. R., 231
Francis, 215
James R., 238
Oliver, 242
Minter, Annie Belle, 188
Annie R., 188
C. S., 131
Charles S., Jr., 367
Charles Stamps .[of Logan, W. Va.], 367
Charlie S., 188
W. M., 110, 116, 122, 131, 188
W. M., Jr., 134, 188
William DuPuy, 367
William E., 188
Minton, Emma. 286
Mitchel(l), Michel(l), 588
Archer, 245
Arthur Hayne, 201
Arthur Hayne, Jr., 201
Betsy, 444
Blair, 228
C., 109, 324
C. C., 105
Chart, 225
Edward, 268
Eli, 35, 222, 225
Elizabeth Alston Beall, 201
Francis Beall, 201
George W., 11, 268
Grace, 26
H. M., 201
Harris, 14
J. Oscar, 390
Joe, 39
Lydia, 34, 35
Margaret, 27
Marilda, 189
Mary, 43
Nancy, 35, 443
Patsy, 440
Peter, 38
Polly, 440
Rebecca(h), 14, 39
Robert, 225
Robert B., 20
Rosa Land, 201
S. W., 225
Sarah, 459
Thomas, 167
Thos.H., 269, 281
Timothy E., 578
William, 15, 201, 331
William, Jr., 201, 267
William H., 167
Mi(t)cham, Mi(t)chem, Mi(t)chum, Augustus, 245
Emly, 24
Fred, 20
Isaac, 18
Rebecca, 14
William, 21
Mobley, Francis, 215
John, 205, 207
"Leek", 391
Mary, 391
Talitha, 391
Thomas T., 28, 391
Mobray, John M., 269
Mol(l)oy, Conley, 147
Nancy W., 92
Rebecca, 147
Sarah Ann, 16, 147
Thomas, 147
Vicey, 147
Mond(a)y, Mund(a)y, J. W., Jr., 551
James, 267
Jessee, 25, 191
Jessee, Jr., 191
John W., 191
Joseph C., 191
Julia, 191
Margaret, 582
Mildred, 575
Minnie, 191
Reese, 267
Vicy, 191
William B., 191
Moneyhon, Catherine, 583
Monk, (Mr.), 422
Montague, Andrew J., 6
J. K., 567
Robert R., 11-424
Montell, Eliza (Miss), 157
May (Mrs.), 157
Montgomery, Montgomeries, Alexr., 205, 208
Elizabeth, 359
John, 359, 425
Martha, 358
Rachel, 425
Richard, 215
Robert, 205, 208
Sam., 205, 208
Samuel (Major), 425
Thomas, 205, 208, 358
Moody, 321
John, 477
Moon, Elizabeth, 472
Nellie, 285
Mo(o)r(e), 205
A. E., 122
A. F., 501
Alexander, Alexr., 208, 497 , 498
Alfred, 244
Allie M., 369
Amanda, 16, 28, 148
America, 502
Andrew P., 47 , 151, 502
Andrew Peery, 502
Anna Boone, 498
Artelia, 499, 501, 504
Arthur, 214
Augusta, 502
Augustus F., 24, 159
Barbara, 500
Barbara J., 500
Barnes, 142
Barnes Thompson, 269, 281
Barns T., 500
Bertie, 501
Betsy, 497
Boston, 501
Brown, 500
C. M., 173, 228
C. W., 551
Calvin M., 170
Charles, 268
Christina, 501
Clinton Dennis, 500
Columbus, 502
Columbus C., 502
Cosby, 334, 501
Cosby B., 167
Creed F., 233
Cynthia, 499, 504
D. W., 244
David Whitley, 502
E. P., 551
Edward P., 167, 501
Electra, 502
Eliza, 502
Eliza Jane, 360
Elizabeth, 44, 497, 498 , 500
Elvira, 499
Enoch, 151
Flavius, 502
Francis C., 196
George, 245, 364, 502
George Monteville, 151
George Spotts, 268
George T., 197
George W., 500
Gertrude, 498
H. C., 135, 140
Harriet, 582
Harvey, 499, 502, 504
Houston, 502
Huffard C., 134
I. Q., 502
Ida, 502
Ida M., 502
India, 340, 500
India V., 191
Isaac Q., 81, 82, 167, 501
J. A., 551
J. C., 581
J. Columbus, 88
J. H., 300
J. M. [of Walterboro, S. C.], 355
J. O., 196
J. T. 231
J. W., 551
Jack, 502
James, 269, 360, 379, 497 0), 498 4), 499 , 500, 501 , 502 3), 503, 504
James A., 501
James Archibald, 268
James C., 82
James Charles, 500
James H. (Dr.), 337
James Herbert, 269, 502
James M., 268
James Rutheford, 498
James T., 41, 159, 193, 501
Jane, 12, 497 , 498 , 499, 501, 502 , 503, 504
Jane Walker, 497
Jennie, 502
Jessie W., 369
John, 241, 360, 410, 497 , 498, 501
John, Jr., 410
John Columbus, 151
John D., 583
John Freeman, 501
John H., 167, 369
John M., 14, 196
John S., 74, 75 , 502
John T., 500
Johnston Hoge "Doc", 501
Joseph, 268, 315, 497 , 498 , 499, 501, 502, 504
Joseph A., 159
Joseph Addison, 499, 501, 504
Joseph T., 41
Julia, 501
Laura, 167, 502
Lavaletta, 502
Lavinia, 499
Levisa, 500, 501
Luther, 501
M. C., 24
Mammie, 587
Margaret, 419, 497 , 498, 500, 551, 581
Margaret A., 5 01
Margaret E., 501
Martha, 151, 184, 499, 501
Martha C., 35
Martha India, 501
Martha P., 159, 504
Martha Poage "Patsy", 498
Mary, 379, 497 , 498, 504, 505, 587
Mary B., 499
Mary Brown, 504
Mary E., 500 , 501
Mary Jane, 167
Mary Keziah, 502
Mary Mariah, 502
Matilda P., 500 , 580
May J., 24
Mildred, 369
Milton, 501
Mollie, 284
Nancy, 151, 499, 502, 504
Nancy L., 23
Nancy McDonald, 355
Nellie, 498
O. B., 106, 196
Ora Virginia, 501
Oscar, 500
Oscar B., 501 , 500, 502
Oscar B., Jr., 501
Peggy Elizabeth, 502
Polly B., 550
Princess Palmira, 151, 502
Rachel, 497 , 498
Rebecca, 498
Rees Jackson, 501
Reese, 43
Rhoda, 499, 504
Robert, 500
Robert H., 500
Robert H., Jr., 500
Robert Henry, 268, 280, 500
Robert M., 222
Rose McDonald, 501
S. W., 122, 126
Sallie, 391, 500
Sallie A., 193
Sallie May, 196
Samuel, 238, 497, 498
Samuel H., 369
Samuel L., 172, 244, 369, 502
Samuel S., 24
Sara Christina, 502
Sarah, 39
Sarah (Mrs.), 188
Sarah L., 196
Sarah W., 170
T. Bane, 173
Vicie, 464
Virginia, 498, 501
W. A., 39
W. B., 501
W. L., 94, 105, 109, 111, 112, 340
W. O., 340, 500
W. T., 513
Walter, 502
Whitley D., 233
William, 204, 205, 498, 501
William B., 501
William L., 9 , 55, 82, 83, 98, 103, 107
William Luther, 500
William T., 464, 501
William Taylor, 498, 499, 500 , 501
William Trig., 501
William Trigg, 167
Moorman, Achilles, 542
Morehead, Andrew, 268
J. A., 313
Morgan, A. E., 95
Charlie, 268
E. F., 486
Louise, 284
Mary, 421
Mary Letitia, 194
Robert, 215
Robert O., 188
Robert Owen, 268
Thomas, 30, 215
William, 421
Morrell, W. M. (Rev.), 115
Morris, H. M., 138
H. N., 142
Jesse M., 267
Joseph, 327
Lem., 588
Rufus, 583
William Edward, 268
Morris(s)on, A. K., 131
Benj., 203
James, 29, 504
Joshua, 203
Lavenia, 162
Morton, Alice E., 360
Arthur P., 269
Arthur Price, 267
Charles St. Clair, 360
J. C., 245
J. E., 360
James W., 28
Lura, 268
Margaret Elizabeth, 360
Margaret Ellen, 360
Mary Moore, 361
Nancy L., 360
R. K., 122
R. Kemp, 360
R. Kemp, Jr., 360
Robert C., 65
VernaR., 360
William, 36
William B., 360
William B., Jr., 360
William B., 3rd., 360
Mos(e)ley, Alice, 546
Annie, 546
Lee, 267
N. L. (Mrs.), 182
Rebecca, 27
W. S., 182
William, 246
Mosk, Walter, 269
Moss, Alberta, 337
Alverta F., 170
Annie, 197, 337
Annie Maiden, 528
B. R., 230, 501, 316, 317
Ben, 337
Ben R., 196
Ben R., Jr., 196
Braxton J., 44
C. J., 436
Charles, 337
Charles R., 190, 546
Clinton Joseph, 337
D. R., 327
Elizabeth, 337
F. J., 190
F. M., 188, 317
Florence, 197, 337
Frank, 336, 337 ,
Frank M., 316, 470
George, 337
George H., 337
George W., 190, 316
Harden, 71, 337
Hardin, 579
Ida, 337
J. S., 9, 103
Jerutia, 337
Joe, 236
John, 337
Joseph, 337
Jos(eph) S., 42, 71, 94, 98, 102, 170, 236, 313, 316 , 439, 500
Joseph W., 395
Lettie, 529
Lettie O., 337
Lucy, 337
Mamie, 337
Margaret, 337, 469
Margaret Frances, 337
Mary, 337
Mary H., 190
Mary Louisa Jane (Davis), 165
Mary Louise, 196
Mary Malvina, 436
MarybellR., 337
Matthew, 214
Maude, 337
Maude Virginia, 196
May, 502
Mollie S., 188
Nancy Ward, 546
Nannie Rose, 337, 521
Ollie Belle, 337
Oscar, 529
Polly (Perkins), 337
R. S., 128, 137, 313
Robert, 395
Roberts., 170, 337
Rush, 337
S. C., 38
Sallie, 337
Sallie (Mustard), 337
Sallie B., 439
Sallie May, 337
Sarah, 43, 470
Sarah Barns, 337
Shelby, 337
Tillie, 337
V. R., 142
Vint, 337
Vinton R., 196
Vinton Robert, 267
Virginia, 337
W. G., 138, 139, 142, 196
W. H., 190
WillH., 177
William, 337
William Edward, 337
William Oscar, 188, 337
Mounts, Conly, 20
David, 18
Mowles, C. A., 390
Cecil Addison, 267, 280
Mox, Robert, 202
Muddy, Marion, 230
Mullin(s), A., 246
Allen, 20
Annie, 324
Austin, 324
Dacy, 19
Della, 583
G. M., 325
Gratton Mustard, 164
Hannah, 40
Hattie May (Wingo), 176
Jackson, 19
James, 19
M., 246
Mary V. (Tabor), 164
Mat., 235
Matilda, 19
Susan, 18
Tillmon, 27
William, 324
Winney, 21
Mumpower, Peter, 205, 208
Muns(e)y, Munc(e)y, 579
Bettie Lee, 389
Charles, 518
Elizabeth, 389, 518
Francis, 389
Jackson, 518
James Lovel (Dr.). 518
Jess, 284
Jesse Archibald, 518
Josie, 518
Louisa, 518
Marcie, 389
Marve, 389
Moses, 19
Nancy J., 18
Nannie, 518
Permelia A., 24
Rhoda, 518
Sarah (Peery), 156
T. J., 131
Thomas, 518
Wiley, 389
Wiley, Jr., 389
Mundy [see Monday]
Murdock, John, 215
Murph(e)y, Alice, 390
Andrew J., 25
Arthur, 443
Eli, 112
Frank, 443
Henry, 145, 246
Herndon, 145
J. H., 443
John, 145
John Thomas, 390
Letitia, 12
Louise Halsey, 390
M. Frances, 389
Margaret, 14
Polly, 145
William, 268
Murr(a)y, A. S., 235
Elizabeth, 509
T. S. J., 122, 131
Will Reese, 268
Murrell, Murrill, James, 239
Joseph A., 39
Leona, 387, 388
Sallie W., 185
William, 388
Muse, 508
Julia Ann, 475
Music, William, 267
Musser, John, 215
Mustard, Ann, 455, 578
Anna M., 580
Barns, 580
Bertha S., 580
Betty, 579
Clinton B., 580
Elbert, 142, 581
Elisha, 579
Elizabeth, 339, 580, 581
Ella, 518
Ella (McDonald), 349
Ellen, 173
Essie, 363
Estill, 579
Georgie, 363
Grat F., 122
Gratton, 363, 502
Gratton F., 580
Gratton M., 580
Harvey, 579
Harvey R., 578
India, 581
India Virginia, 580
J. J., 173, 245
James, 579 , 580
Jane, 578
Jasper, 579, 580
John, 578, 579
Joseph, 579
Joshua, 579
Julia, 579
King, 363
Lelia G., 580
Luther, 580
Mary, 580
Mary E., 580
Mary Matilda, 339
Matilda, 579
May, 349, 580
Myrtle Blanche, 580
Nancy, 579
Nannie, 495
Newton, 579
Oscar, 580
R. C., 500
Robert C., 581
S. E., 299
S. P., 10, 173
Sallie, 337, 579
Samuel P., 500, 579, 580
Sarah, 579
Seigle, 363
Shelton, 363
Thomas, 579
Virginia, 581
W. G., 8, 173, 580
W. G. (Capt.), 495
W. L., 109
Walter, 363
William, 238, 337, 578, 579 , 580 .
William G., 351
William Gratton, 349, 579, 580
William Luther, 339
William T., 580
Mutter, 490
A. M., 139
Charles, 163
Harry, 300
J. B., 134, 136, 142
Lucinda, 163
Mary, 163
Myers, Mires, Myres, Myars [also see Mayers], A. J., 242
Alexander, 580
Amy, 13
Andrew J., 34
Ballard, 43
Charles C., 159
Christena Elizabeth, 189
Clarence, 280
Granville, 299
James R., 159
JohnW., 159
Lee, 268
Louamy L., 159
Nancy L., 11, 159
Permelia Ann, 159
R. W., 238
Richard R., 159
Robert, 582
Robert W., 41
Sallie, 488
Stella, 369
Thomas R., 36
Tibitha J. W., 28
Naff, (Rev.), 318, 319
I. N. (Rev.), 318
Isaac N., 297
Napier, (Mr.), 391
Bernice, 391
Nash, Andrew J., 174
Andrew Jackson, 159, 504
Byar, 504
C. A., 534
Charlotte (Tiller), 169
Eliza (White), 171
Elizabeth (Shannon), 159, 174
Emma, 534
Ernestine, 286
Fred Thomas, 270
George W., 504
Guy Henry, 270
Hattie, 504
Henry, 504
John, 504
John T., 245
Joseph N., 248, 250, 255, 256, 257, 258
Rhoda, 504
Sidney, 504
Traveling Milton, 270
W. L., 301
W. M., 300
William, 504
Winton B., 36
Naylor, John, 498
Necessary, Elbert, 36
John Wesley, 20
Oscar C., 36
Neece, Vance Clayton, 280
Neel(e), Neal, Neil, A. B., 103, 105, 107, 117, 120
Addison Crockett, 21
Amanda Maryland, 21
Andrew J., 199
Anne, 163
Ausker F., 172
B. C., 143
Ballard P., 158, 169
Barbary E., 23
Bessie May, 169
Betsy, 449
Bud, 270, 280
Charley Brown, 163
Christian, 16
Cora B., 172
Cyrus Brown, 169
Daniel A., 17
David A., 172
Elgin, 299
Elizabeth, 158, 169
Elizabeth Ann, 12
Elizabeth E., 172
Elizabeth T., 32
Elvira N., 37
Floyd, 235
George W., 24, 199
Gordon Thomas, 270
Granville H., 21
Hattie Elizabeth, 169
Henderson F., 35
Henry Clarence, 270, 281
Hiram, 238
Ida Ellen, 198
Ira Lacey, 270
J. B., 287
J. P., 138
J. S. W., 163, 298
James, 574
James Beverly, 270, 280
James Corbett, 270
James Curtis, 270, 280
James H., 23
James Henry, 270
James Luther, 163
James W., 47, 48, 49
James Thornton, 270
John Estill, 270
John L., 67, 160
Levi Walker, 270
Lewis, 35
Louisa, 34
Lula, 582
M. F., 110, 112, 115, 163
Malinda, 12
Margaret R., 25
Martha J., 33, 44
Mary E., 38
Missoury, 184
Nancy C., 22
Nancy Jane, 163
Peter P., 32
Polly, 455
R. N., 471
R. R., 238
Raburn, 34
Rebecca J., 23
Robert, 75, 76
Robert M., 12
Robert Sidney, 270, 281
Rose, 361
S. E., 42
S. W., 298
Samuel, 439
Suddeth Walton, 270
Syrus B., 158
T. A., 326
T. C., 238
T. S., 326
Thomas J., 32
Vance Clayton, 270
W. E., 471, 501
Wiley S., 281
Willey Stuart, 270
William, 215, 456
William Alexander, 270, 281
William D., 158
William E., 49, 78, 83, 87, 89, 90, 163
William Henry, 270
W. K., 299
William K., 163
William M., 15
Wilson H., 158
Wilson Howard, 69
Zarilda, 400
Neel(e)y, Nealy, Neil(l)y, Neilley, Neally, Nely, Niely, Margaret, 91
Robert, 215
Neff, Bettie, 583
Neidermaier, Nedermaier, Nidermaier, Addie, 193, 200, 584
Addie B., 200
Alice, 193
Carl, 584
Ellen, 200
Freda, 193
Henry, 193, 584
Jessie, 200
Marjorie, 200
Mary, 193
R. K., 200
Robert, 193
Theodore, 193, 584
Neikirk, C. A., 200
Cassie E., 200
Harry E., 200
Samuel G., 200
Amanda, 562
Clara H., 157
Eveline, 24
Israel, 40, 75
Lawrence O., 270
Martesa, 39
Martilia, 26
William, 22
William (Smythe), 225
Newberry, (Miss), 439
(Mr.), 439
Caroline, 579
Clinton, 338
Harman, 192, 338, 524
Ida, 338
Josephine, 524
Josie, 192
L. M., 192
Lafayette, 439
Maiola, Mayola, 412, 440
Mary McDonald, 338
Mary Taylor, 338
Samuel H., 8
Susie Sanders, 338
Virginia McDonald, 338
W. A. T., 192
W. H., 412
Wiley, 270
William Thomas, 338
Newbill, Josephine, 366
Newell, Saml., 205, 207
Samuel, 215
Newland, Abm., 207
Abrm., 205
Isaac, 215
Newly, Mary Jane, 18
Newman, B. M., 126, 135, 137, 142
Edith, 551
John H., 270
Newton, Chauncey Wayland, 569
Cynthia Witten, 569
Edward, 200
Frank, 200
Ivey Elaine, 569
J. M., 282, 306, 310, 311
James, 41, 222
James Alderman, 270, 569
Joanna, 411
Joanna R., 411
John Milton, 569
John Milton, Jr., 270, 281, 569
Kenneth, 311
Kimball, 411
Laura, 200
Louisa Jane, 569
Maury Claiborne, 270, 569
Patricia Lake, 569
Ralph Kenneth, 569
Rufus Tazewell, 569
Vernon, 200
W. H., 200, 226
Welthia, 200
William, 41, 222
William H., 411
Nicewander, Nicewonder, Abram, 578
Albert, 578
Amos, 324
Elizabeth, 578
George, 578
George C., 270
Harvery, 578
Jacob, 578
Mary, 578
Rhoda, 499, 504, 578
Romeo V., 578
Rufus, 578
Vernal A., 578
Nickerson, Robert A., 270
Nicholas, --- C., 46
Ruble C. A 430
Nickall, Nickell, Thomas, 248 , 51, 55
Nickells, Nickol(l)s, Nichols [also see Nuckles], Anna Boucher, 358
George, 270
James G., 103
Mathias, 456
Nancy J., 21
Scudamo re, 3 5 8
Selina Roberdean, 358
Nickolson, Mary, 475
Nidy, Sallie, 34
Nipper, George, 228
J. H., 115, 120, 127, 134
J. W., 228
John, 40, 228
Kyle, 270
Taylor, 38
William, 39, 228
Nippers, Ada, 195
Nixon, William Herald, 270
Noe, Joseph, 30
Rebecca, 154
Noel, George W. S., 25
James S., 364
Javan, 245
Mary A., 20
Mollie, 364
Samuel, 364
Sarah D., 25
T. C. W., 364
Thomas, 38
Susan W., 173
Henry Guy, 270
Rebecca (Linkous), 159
William E., 233
Norton, Andrew, 24, 165
James, 165
James P., 165
W. B., 225
William B., 165
Nuckol(l)s, Nuckel(l)s, Nuchols, Nuckles [also see Nickolls], Abner, 228
Bettie, 24
Calvin, 52
Eliza, 24
Elizabeth, 583
J. C. (Russl.), 225
James H., 24
Nancy, 40
Sarah Ann, 18
Susan M., 40
Nun(n)elly, Nunnel(l)y , Nunley, George W., 18
Lucinda R. (Stephenson), 155
Mary F., 18
Nye, George L., 233
Jane, 428
O'Brien, Jennie, 195
Lula (Stafford), 336
William G., 346
Ocheltree, Birdie, 430
O’Daniel, Thomas, 82
Odell, Odle, Elizabeth, 18
Elizabeth Ellen, 28
Hugh, 17
John, 13
Odor, Walter W., 306
O'Ferrall, Charles T., 6
Oglesby, Sallie, 364
O'Keefe, Catherine, 402
James, 175
James (Dr.), 402
Jessie C., 198
John, 301
Lathrop, 198
Mary S., 175, 198
Mary (Woodram), 402
Oliver, Eva, 285
O'Neil, O’Neel, O’Neill, O’Neils, James, 144
On(e)y, Alysis, 241
George, 241
James A., 33, 233
John H., 241
Joseph, 215
Nancy E., 43
Patton, 241
O'Quinn, Barnabas, 304
Orabough, Samuel, 228
Orchard, Elizabeth, 285
Ord, R. S., 470
Orr, C. B., 300
John, 205, 208
Osborn(e), Osb(o)urn, Ausborn, Osben, Amy (Baldwin), 153
Carl, 332
David Jesse, 14
E. C., 324
Eula, 286
Ezekial L., 97
Ezekiel, 44
G. C., 324
Isaiah, 271
Jefferson, 72
Jesse, 225
L. C., 42
Mary, 30
Neely, 271
R. C., 139
Rebecca, 34
Shannon, 332
T. A., 320
T. W., 304
Vista, 271
W. T., 303
Walter, 37
William, 14, 222
William H., 99
William Harvey, 271
William W., 26
Zachariah, 15
Oscar, William, 165
Osear, John C., 31
Otey, John (Col.), 472
Outlaw, Alexander, 215
Ovilton, Jas., 205
Owens, 507
(Dr.), 511
Albert, 328
Andrew J., 17
Dan, 414
John, 205, 208
John Henry, 33, 83, 230, 511
John R., 11
John W., 131, 324
Lacy, 271
Olive, 415
Robert, 215
Thomas, 73, 265, 295, 297, 300
W. E., 324
Ownsby, Monroe, 32
Pack, Ad., 221
Amanda, 43
Brooks, 199
C. C., 82, 228
C. Crockett, 225
Calvin C., 21
Crockett, 488
Ellen, 39
Helen, 199
John, 111, 113, 222
John, Jr., 199
John C., 31
John R., 199
Jordan, 222
Minerva S., 28
Polly, 15
Robert, 199, 271
Robert A., 272
Robert C., 272
Rosa (Mrs.), 199
Roscoe, 281
Sarah E., 24
William M., 39
Padberry, F. D., 138
Padget, (Mr.), 408
Page, Coralie Witten, 569
James Francis, 569
Lena, 197
Luther White, 569
Margaret, 409
Painter, (Dr.), 238
C. E., 298
C. P., 551
C. W., 326
Cary, 174, 501
Charles S., 174
Charles T., 161
Clarence, Jr. 521
Clarence L., 521
E. Temple, 174
Ella, 169
Evelina , Evalina, 161, 166
Eveline Bell, 396
Elvina, 393
Elvira P., 157
Frank, 161
George W., 174
H. L., 324
I. L., 238
Ida G., 174
Isaac, 161, 353, 396
J. B., 319
James A., 174
James B., 30, 161, 174, 410
Jesse [of Texas], 410
Jessie H., 174
John A., 31, 92, 169
Josephine, 521
Josie (Ball), 181
Launa L., 174
Lawrence R., 396
Lawrence Russell, 272, 281
Lee, 238
Marie, 521
Mary, 161, 166
Mary Evalina, 396
Mary Fannie, 174
Mary J., 174
Mathias [of Wythe Co., Va.], 396
Russell Barns, 272, 281, 396
S. C., 161
T. L., 42, 161
Thomas L., 396
Thomas Lawrence, 395
W. H., 181
W. I., 247
W. L., 319
W. M., 326
Warren G., 174
William Isaac, 396
William L., 238, 174
Palmer, D. S., 318
R. H. C., 301
Pannell, R. E., 285, 288
Parker, B. S., 401
D. P., 521
Dorothy, 521
Fannie Beasley, 521
J. L., 110, 119
Mame S., 185
Park(e), Henry F. (Rev.), 159
James S. S., 33
Parks, Addie, 193
Charles R., 29
F. A., 584
Julia Ann, 159
Micajah, 29
Thomas, 35
Parrack, William L., 48
Parson(s), Elizabeth, 18
William, 233
Patric(k), Ed., 491
Edmond, 40
Edward, 229
Green, 229
Isaac, 40, 42
J. A., 201
John, 16, 229
Mary, 19
Rebecca, 42
Robert, 20, 229
Ruth, 493
Walter Sherman, 272
Walter Stuart, 272
Patterson(s), Pattison, (Mr.), 417
Agnes Patton, 579
Ann, 579
C. H., 125
Eliza, 20
G. F., 238
Isaac, 579
Margaret V., 35
Mary C., 18
Mary C. (Holbrook), 158
Rush F., 38
S. S. P., 108
Sallie, 197
W. N., 77
William, 216
Pat(t)on, Patten , Pattons, 575
Abel, 444
Ann Budd, 444
C. T., 138, 325
Callie Rachel, 489
Charles Thomas, 489
Dora Cynthia, 489
Edna Rebecca, 489
Ethel Lee, 489
G. W., 98
George Axley, 489
George W., 101, 103, 105, 107, 129, 193, 444, 489
Georgie Gertrude, 489
Harry, 444
Hubbard, 179
James Peery, 444
John, 431
Juanita, 489
Kreite, 444
L., 221
Leftridge C., 271
Mary Edith, 489
Mary Jane, 444
Mary Pate, 489
Matilda, 421
OUie, 431
Rebecca, 193
Robert, 578
Ruth, 431
Saunders L., 444
Silas Dow, 444
Susan, 40
Timothy Witten, 444
Violet Rhea, 444
Walter Lloyd, 489
William, 298, 431
Patty, K. C., 136, 298,
Kenneth C., 271
Paul(l)ey, Christina, 26
Elizabeth, 22
Elizabeth (Stowers), 148
J., 44
Mariah (Neel), 169
Nancy M., 18
Patsy (Lambert), 174
Rush Floyd, 271
William, 242
William D., 26
Paull, I. E., 235
Paxton, 497
Alexander, 497
Betsy, 497
Jane, 497
Priscilla, 497
Sam, . 178
Samuel, 497
Selah, 178
Pa(y)ne, Pain(e), Paign, Amanda Livonia, 586
Arthur, 186
B. I., 186, 430
Belle, 332
C. C., 131, 133, 186, 195
D. H., 109
Elizabeth, 430
Ellen Jane, 23
Hattte L., 184
Helen, 430
J., 186
John D., 85
Julia Belle, 586
Leonard H., 37
Maggie E., 184
Mary Hunter, 430
Mirtle, 186
S. H., 107
Theresa J., 195
Vincent E., 582
Virginia, 490
W. P., 186
William P., 91
Peak(e), Alice Edington, 476
Howard Lacy, 271
Lawrence S., 281
Samuel, 179
Sarah, 179
Pearce, Eda M., 27
Pearcy, Evelyn, 285
Pearls, Daniel H. (Colonel), 400
Pearl, R., 193
Pearly, Robert, 406
Pearman, Mary L., 166
Rosa C. (Hampton), 166
Sabra C., 166
Pearsall, 498
Pechin, John Shelley, 336
Richard Sheridan, 336
Peck, (Mr.), 457
A. J., 236
Ann Thompson, 528
Annie, 584
Chas. Kahle, 566
Conrad, 28
David Kelly, 566
David Kelly, Jr., 566
Harvey N., 528
Henry, 16
J. I., 113
J. T., 142
Jacob Austin, 236
Josie, 528
Katherine Barnett, 566
Margaret, 517
Mary Witten, 566
Nannie, 371
Rachel Virginia, 566
W. M., 221
Peerat, Emma, 490
Peery , Perry, A. (or Perry), 226
A. E., 161, 313
A. S., 130, 136, 140, 184
Abraham, 509
Agnes, 507
Albert, 152, 272, 422, 492, 529
Albert G., 513
Albert Gillespie, 398, 530
Albert Nicholas, 521
Alberta Virginia, 528
Albion Eugene, 517, 529
Alexander, 509
Alexander S., 98
Alice, 35, 182, 391
Alice T., 198
Amanda, 516
Amanda M., 510
Amelia, 510, 551
Andrew, 359, 508, 511, 513 , 516, 575
Andrew Edwin, 529
Andrew McDonald, 272, 525
Andrew N., 9
Angeline, 512
Angie Adeline, 528
AnnC., 514
Ann Eliza, 510
Anna Margaret, 529
Anna Marguerite, 412
Anna S., 519
Annie, 509
Annie (Moss), 197
Annie Louise, 526
Archibald, 47, 50, 153, 156, 413, 508, 509, 511, 514, 515 , 517, 527, 529 , 531
Arthur, 337, 528
Arysline (Mahood) or Arynjine, 152
Attelia, 508
Augustus, 148, 281, 516, 582
Augustus S., 29
Austin, 163
Bane, 522
Bane G., 522
Bane G., Jr., 522
Bane Gustaff, 272
Benonia, 528
Bessie V., 181
Bessie Valentine, 518
Betty, 510
C. David, 551
C. H., 300
C. Henry, 414, 517
C. T., 128, 301, 522
Capitola, 176, 361
Carnahan, 519
Caroline, 514
Caroline H., 162
Catherine, 191, 438, 509 , 521, 528, 574
Catherine D., 516
Catherine Letitia, 517
Chapman H., 121, 127, 138, 181
Chapman Henry, 11-518
Charles C., 272, 513
Charles David, 365
Charles Fudge, 272, 280, 520
Charles H., 160, 365
Charles Henry, 526
Charles Martin, 522, 528
Charles T., 528, 575
Charles Tiffany, 522
Charles William, 412
Christina, 521
Clara, 414
Clara Virginia, 530
Clarence, 272, 522, 528
Clarence Eugene, 271, 529
Clarissa, 510, 515
Claude Allison, 162
Cleo T., 198
Cosby, 508
Cosby Anita, 522
Cosby Buren, 515
Cosby Harrison, 365
Crockett, 513
Cynthia, Cynthie, 508, 509
Cynthia Elizabeth, 511, 519
D. P., 160
Daisy Lee, 528
Daniel, 509
Daniese, 483
David, 148, 448 , 506, 507, 509, 510 , 515 , 526
David H., 52, 53 , 148
David Harold, 467, , 515, 526
David Henry, 527
David Preston, 526
Donald Lee, 530
Dorcas, 509
Dorinda, 514
Dorothy, 509
E. T., 298
E. W., 313
E. W. (Dr.), 413
Ed, 494
Edward, 191, 413
Edward Cecil, 525
Edward George, 524
Edward T., 507, 513
Edward T.(Rev.), 510
Edward Thompson, 511
Edwin, 527
Edwin ("Ned"), 574
Edwin George, 570
Edwin H., 505
Edwin Howe, 527, 531
Effie, 521
Elbert Evans, 514
El(l)eanor, 148, 508, 509, 513, 516, 575
Eleanor E., 21
Eleanor Josephine, 191, 525
Eleanor Martelia, 515
Eleanor Virginia, 527
Elijah C., 510
Eliza, 512, 513, 514
Elizabeth, 148, 153, 316, 337, 365, 414 , 507 , 508, 509, 510, 511, 513, 514, 516 , 529
Elizabeth H., 331
Elizabeth I., 318
Elizabeth Nellie, 529
Elizabeth Rose, 520
Elizabeth St. Clair, 520
Ella, 151, 301, 511, 517
Ella L., 438
Ella S., 362
Ella Letitia, 519
Ellen, 197, 508
Ellen Martelia, 526
Ellen Whitman, 516
Elmo, 395
Eloise, 284
Emily, 508, 514
Emily Wynne, 514
Emory Willis, 519, 530
Emory Willis (Dr.), 517
Evangeline, 413
Evans, 508, 514
Ezra D., 174
F. M., 221
Fannie, 518
Fannie Henrietta, 519
Frances Elizabeth, 521
Francis M., 48, 69, 511, 512, 519
Francis Marion, 519
Francis Theodore, 511
Frankland, 152
Garland, 271, 301, 520
George, 154, 499, 506 , 507, 508 , 509 , 511, 513 , 514 , 515, 516 , 519, 522, 523, 526
George Beverly, 528
George C., 109 , 181, 300, 355, 398, 460
George C., Jr., 398
George Campbell, 518, 529
George Campbell, Jr., 530
George Catlett, 515, 527 , 531
George E., 163
George F., 90, 510, 159
George Fielding, 514
George G., 161, 513
George Gose, 517, 519
George H., 337
George Henry, 529
George S., 41
George W., 528
George William, 511, 522
Georgia, 522
Georgia Ruth, 527
Gilbert Lafayette, 513
Gilbert M., 516
Gladys, 286
Glen C., Jr., 365
Glen Clay, 365
Gordon, 517
Gordon C., 513
Gus, 238
H. F., 120
H. G., 53, 96, 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, 111, 112, 120, 126,127, 152, 226, 403
H. G., Jr., 152, 575
H. G., Sr., 442
Hal. W., 575
Hannah, 16, 146, 509
Hannah Susan, 516
Harman Ward, 527
Harriet, 40, 148 , 331, 509, 516, 543
Harriet A., 29
Harriet Jane, 515
Harve(y), Hervey, 366, 507, 508, 509, 519
Harvey Fielding, 520, 569
Harvey G. , Hervey G., 32, 176, 392
Harvey George, Hervey George, 365, 473, 512, 513, 519, 520 , 521 , 522 , 523 , 575
Harvey George, Jr., 522
Harold Rich, 530
Haynes, 522, 523
Helen, 528
Helen Macie, 528
Henrietta, 414, 415
Henrietta May, 530
Henry, 440, 512
Henry, Jr., 336
Henry C., 336
Henry Crockett, 528
Henry Edgar, 543
Henry Edward, 517, 528
Henry Fielding, 503, 514
Henry Franklin, 52S
Henry Harman, 515
Henry T., 169
Henry Thompson, 514
Henry Watterson, 523
Henry Wynne, 515
Hettie, 510
Hezekiah, 509
Hiram, 28, 233
Hiram Wilson, 510
Horace Eldridge, 527
Howard, 483
Inez, 528
Irene, 522, 528
Isaac M., 174
Isabella F., 510
J. A., 176
J. C., 191
J. D., 136, 301
J. E., 493
J. Ed., 107, 109, 113, 115
J. Gratton, 368
J. R., 552
J. S., 537
Jacob H., 174
James, 47, 152, 153, 156, 387, 425, 457, 506 , 507 , 508 , 509 , 510 , 511, 513, 515 , 516 1), 519, 526 , 527,
529, 530, 531
James (Dr.), 518
James, Jr., 506
James Addison, 516
James Andrew, 511
James Arthur, 521
James Bane, 395, 520
James C., 14, 103, 175
James Clair, 519
James D., 175
James E., 422 , 511
James Ed., 137
James Edward, 516, 520
James Emmett, 528
James H., 511
James Harvey, 519
James M., 510, 515
James Madison, 513, 523
James McGuire, 530
James O., 510
James O'Keeffe, 570
James Quinn, 515
James S., 32, 176, 229, 473, 562
James Sidney, 272, 281
James Spotts, 513, 520
James T., 413
James Thomas, 517, 528
James Thompson, 521
James W., 364
James Walter, 271, 280, 521
James Ward, 520
James Wynne, 514
Jane, 148, 364, 425 , 508 , 509 , 511 , 516
Jane Byrd, 524
Jane Crockett, 364
Jane K., 515
Jane Poe, 174
Janis, 522, 528
Jasper Marion, 510
Jean DuPuy, 368
Jene, 528
Jeremiah Dummer, 511
Jess(i)e, 153, 156, 313, 317 , 337, 413 , 510, 511, 517 , 528
John, 13, 99, 101, 103, 167, 176, 295, 413, 448, 506 , 507 , 508, 509 , 510 , 511, 515 , 516 , 526 , 527, 531,
John, Jr., 506
John B., 136
John Brown, 521
John Carnahan, 530
John Cecil, 525
John D., 85, 148, 160, 365, 550, 551
John Drew, 515, 526
John G., 89, 90, 317, 528
John Greever, 517, 528
John H., 143
John Harold, 527
John Henderson, 154, 515
John I. Walton, 525
John R., 271
John S., 514
John Thompson, 514
John W., 106, 515
Jonathan, 174, 507, 508, 509, 511, 513, 516
Jonathan C., 513
Joseph, 152, 337, 414, 506 , 507 , 509, 511
Joseph (Col.), 425
Joseph A., 513
Joseph Brittain, 521
Joseph Davidson, 508, 513
Joseph Elmo, 272, 281, 520
Joseph Emery, 483
Jos(eph) S., 230
Joseph Stras, 505, 513, 521 , 527
Josephine, 287
Josephine Augusta, 525
Josephine Newberry, 525
Josephine Repass, 519
Josie, 191, 192
Joshua, 510, 516
Julia, 152
Julia Ann, 29, 511
Julia Ann Brown, 516
Julia Bell, 194
Julian McCall, 522
Kate, 151
Kate A., 162
Kate C., 191
Kate Cecil, 398
Katherine, 197, 507
Katherine Cecil, 524, 525
Katie, 191
Katie Maria, 528
Katie May, 528
Kiah, 510
Lacy Preston, 271
Laura Jane, 516
Laury, 148
Leland Thomas, 518
Leslie Thomas, 527
Letitia, 184, 515
Lettie, 413
Lettie C., 439
Lettte May, 528
Lewis Hyrum Ward, 527
Litz L., 439
Lizzie, 182
Lockey Inglis, 513
Logan Howard, 523
Lois, 528
Lou, 182
Louemma Caroline, 523
Louisa, 148 , 501
Louisa Alice, 526
Louisa Bowen, 514
Louisa J., 515
Louisa Letitia, 527
Louise, 191, 422, 520, 574, 577
Louise Gildersleeve, 524
Louvinia Victoria, 517
Low Brown, 511
Lucinda, Loucinda, 154, 163, 515
Lura Belle, 527
Lurah, 528
Luranda Thomas, 510
Luther, 528
Luther Litz, 528
Luther Maiden, 528
Lyde, 520
M. E., 184
M. H., 85
M. Harvey, 516
M. L., 522
Maggie E., 44
Malinda, 512
MalindaJ., 513,
Mamie, 439, 521, 528
Margaret, Margret, 153, 387, 388, 437, 442, 507 , 509 , 511 , 516 , 519, 526, 575
Margaret E., 513
Margaret Eliza, 523
Margaret Elizabeth, 514
Margaret Ellen, 519
Margaret Louisa, 527
Margaret R., 552
Margaret Ruth, 33
Margaret Virginia, 511
Maria (h), 176, 387
Maria (Mrs.), 180
Maria Louisa, 345, 515
Maria Witten, 473
Marie, 508
Marion S., 517
Marshall, 37, 154, 163, 515
Martha, 507, 508, 509, 511
Martha Clare, 167
Martha Davidson, 516
Martha G., 508
Martha J., 516
Martha Jane, 511
Martha Louisa, 519
Martha M., 510
Mart(a)in, 510
Martin L., 520
Martin Luther, 517, 528
Marvin S., 161
Mary, 159, 506, 507 , 508, 509, 510, 512, 575
Mary Ann, 510, 511.
Mary Catherine, 17
MaryDailey, 529
Mary Elizabeth, 509, 519, 526
MaryJ., 511
Mary Jane, 514
Mary Lee, 184, 196
Mary May, 422
Mary McDonald, 525
Mary Ruth, 527
Mary S., 511, 513
MaryW., 522
Matilda, 513
Matilda D., 499
Mattie, Matty, 387, 510
Mattie L., 181
Mattie Lou, 518
Maude Cassell, 519
Maxine, 528
May, 522
May Brown, 196
Michael, 509
Mildred, 337, 529 , 543
Mildred Margaret, 514
MilesH., 513
Mitchell T., 527
Mitchell Tate, 515
Mollie, 408
Nancy, 154, 169, 331, 508 , 509, 510 , 514, 515, 527
Nancy B. (Harrison), 336
Nancy H., 511
Nancy J., 29
Nancy K., 513, 516
Nancy Letitia, 398, 530
Nancy Loucinda, 159
Nancy Louise, 336
Nancy Maria, 523
Nancy Martin, 448, 515
Nancy May, 527
Nannie, 176, 552
Nannie B., 183
Nannie Ella, 176
Nannie L., 163
Nannie May, 177
Nannie Rose, 190
Nanola G., 199
Nanola (Gillespie), 193
Narcissa Bowdry, 514
Nellie, Nelly, 191
Nellie (Gildersleeve), 190
NeUie May, Nellie Mae, 197, 528
Nellie Rose, 528
Nora Kate, 519
Olivia, Olivy, 508, 514
Olivia H., 513
Orrie, 521
Orrie Smyth, 521
Pat, 197
Pats(e)y, 513
Patton, 528
Paul Denver, 530
Pauline, 519
Peggy, 508, 511, 513
Pe(r)melia, Permila, 176, 508
Ph(o)eby, 509
Philip, 507, 509
Poll(e)y, 149, 360, 508 , 511, 513
Polly Ann, 510
R. Brittain, 176, 521
R. C., 301
R. H., 412
Rachel, 521
Rachel Louisa, 516
RachaelS., 27
Raymond, 301, 521, 522
Raymond Surface, 271, 280
Reba, 575
Rebecca, Rebecka, 152, 508 , 510
Rebecca Joan, 519
Rebecca W., 520
Rebecca Williams, 474, 522
Rees, 21, 154
Rees Bowen Thompson, 514
Reese D., 515
Rhoda, 16
Richard, 511
Richard B., 230
Ritchie, 524
Rob Roy, 530
Robert, 507, 508, 509 , 514, 528, 574
Robert C., 521
Robert Campbell, 530
Robert D., 513
Robert E. Lee, 524
Robert Henry, 177
Robert N., 514
Robert Wallace, 514
Robert William, 521
Rosalie, 521
Rose Rebecca, 520
Roy Witten, 528
Rufus Benton, 519, 530
Rufus Brittain, 521
Russell Bane, 523
Ruth, 365
Ruth Jane, 527
S. C., 191
S. C., Jr., 191
Sallie, Sally, 174, 176, 413, 507,
510, 511, 512, 575
Sallie Albert, 521
Sallie Ann, 528
Sallie M., 519
Sallie May, 191
Samuel, 507, 508, 509
Samuel C., 168
Samuel C., Jr., 271, 280
Samuel Cecil, 524 , 525, 574
Samuel Cecil, Jr., 524
Samuel G., 175
Samuel H., 510
Samuel T., 163
Samuel Walton, 520
Sarah, 13, 153, 295
Sarah Ann, 511, 515
Sarah Brittain, 395, 522
Sarah Catherine, 520, 528
Sarah E., 514, 515
Sarah Elenora, 517
Sarah Elizabeth, 403, 512
Sarah Evans, 513, 514, 515, 527
Sarah Jane, 518, 519
Sarah M., 510
Sarah Matilda, 523
Seldon, 528
Sidney, 520
Simon Francis Higginbotham, 527
Solomon, 26, 507 , 510, 216
Sophia, 23, 153, 508, 511, 514
Sophronia, 21, 512
Stephen, 153, 413 , 511, 529
Stephen Alfred, 529
Stephen Edward, 528
Stephen Gose, 517
Stephen Jesse, 517
Stephen Leonard, 528
Stephen Paul, 528
Susan, 37, 509, 510
Susan Talbert, 511
T. Ritchie, 193, 469
Thomas, 46, 49, 50, 111, 115, 148, 153, 154, 156, 226, 230, 238, 296, 314, 316 , 345, 413 , 437, 506 , 507
2), 508 , 509, 510 , 511 1), 512 , 513 0), 514 , 516 , 517 0), 518 0), 519 , 520 , 521 , 523 , 528 2), 529 ,
530 4)
Thomas, Sr., 153
Thomas A., 50, 51, 60, 61
Thomas Albert, 16, 512, 520, 523, 525
Thomas Allen, 272
Thomas B., 159, 515
Thomas Benton, 530
Thomas Carnahan, 526
Thomas D., 508 , 513
Thomas E., 510
Thomas Edward, 156 , 523, 529
Thomas Edward (Dr.), 517
Thomas George, 519
Thomas J., 233
Thomas Jefferson, 511
Thomas Paul, 521
Thomas R., 148, 168
Thomas Ri(t)chie, 191, 397, 515, 524
Tobias, 230
Tobias Lafayette, 511
Trescilla, 16
Treuleau Ann, 365
Trula, 189
TrustenP., 527
Vernon, 521
Victoria, 413
Virginia, 191, 284, 285, 521, 529
Virginia Ann, 511
Virginia Columbus, 514
Virginia Crockett, 364
Virginia May, 33 J
Virginia Robinson, 524
Virginice, 574
W. E., 168, 191, 192
W. E., Jr., 168
W. M., 184
W. W., 63, 94, 98, 102, 194, 292
Wade H., 301
Wade Hampton, 518, 530
Wade Hampton, Jr., 530
Walter, 368
Walton Preston, 514
Walton Stuart, 519
Ward, 422, 493
Washington, 510
Whitman, 516
Wiate, 174
Wilkerson W., 176, 395
Wilkerson W., Jr., 395
Wilkerson Witten, 520
William, 15, 28, 42, 146, 148 , 152, 154, 174, 197, 203, 225, 238, 245, 318, 438, 506 , 507 , 508 , 509 ,
510, 512, 513, 514 , 515, 516 , 523 , 527, 528
William A., 515
William Albert, 271, 520
William Allen, 511
William E., 148, 281, 368, 525
William E., Jr., 525
William Edward, 176, 243, 272, 367, 515 , 520, 521, 523 , 524 , 525
William F., 510
William H., 513
William Harold, 527
William Harrison, 336
William Jesse, 528
William Kidd, 510
William L., 515
William Matilda, 570
William W., 14, 55, 61, 65, 151, 528
William W., Jr., 520
William Wallace, 530
William Wilkerson, 516
William Williams, 512, 519
Willis, 414
Willis, Jr., 530
Woodrow, 574
Woodrow Wilson, 524
Zachie S., 523
Peirce, Eugene, 280
Peirpoint, F. H., 67
Pendleton, 511, 524, 562
A. E., 36
Francis Witten, 569
Fred W., 569
Frederick Bittle, 569
James French, 561
James Sheffey, 161
Joseph Kelly, 569
Julia, 504
Lena Louise, 569
Mary, 197
Mary (Wynn), 146
Narcissa, 543
Rosa Mary, 569
William Cecil, 569
Penn, 567
A. P., 368
Arthur, 430
Elizabeth, 430
Esther, 430
Helen Holmes, 368
Jean Dupuy, 368
Nannie Spencer, 368
R. Hadden, 106
W. S., 430
W. S., Jr., 430
Walter Edward, 430
Peoples, Rose, 184
Pepper, Charles, 272
Charles Taylor [of Wythie Co.], 404
Elisha, 216
Ruth McDowell, 404
Perdue , Perdew, Alice, 362
C. B., 122
Daniel, 28
Lizzie, 193
Perkins, (Miss), 428
I. O., 466, 586
J. D., 142
James, 234
Jennie, 431
Lena Scott, 196
Perrin, Joseph, 216
Perrow, Annie, 285
Perry [see Peery]
Persinger, 542
Betsy, 542
John, 542
Peters, Austin, 423
Bettie J., 189
Christian, 82
Donald T., 365
Gose, 423
J. K., 300
James S., 162
Lula, 583
Mary S. (Sheffey), 162
Ottis, 423
Stanley C., 365
Stanley J., 365
Thelma, 189, 365
William E., 226
Willie, 162
Peterson, Peter William, 271
Petts, Catherine, 20
Eliza S., 167
Harvey, 167
Pettus, Elizabeth, 471
Thomas [of New Kent Co., Va.], 471
Petty, C. N., 135
Callie G., 136
Claude N., 439
Pettyjohn, A., 227
J. P., 282
Peverall, Comwell A., 271
Cornwell A., 280
Phil(l)ips, Angeline, 39
Cage, 230
Daniel, 420
Elizabeth, 420
Henry, 225, 272
J. (Jack), 228
Jackson, 36
James, 216
John, 23, 420
Mary, 420
Nancy J., 38
Pollard, 420
Reec T., 37
Rees, 225
Reuben, 420
Samuel, 216, 420
Sarah, 41, 420
Thomas, 420
William A., 271
William Henry, 271
Philpot(t), (Mr.), 401
Cora Lee, 202, 401
Jessie McKay, 202, 401
Margaret Louise, 401
Mary Katherine, 202
Phip(p)s, Bell, 193
Phlegger, Phlegar, Archer, 129
John, 399
Pickens, Pickings, (Mr.), 342
Jonathan P., 509
Joseph, 509
Lucy, 559
Phoebe, Pheby, 509
Pickle, Frank Pierce, 272
Pieratt, Valentine, 474
Pierce .[also see Peirce], David, 193
Emaline, 193
Emaline D., 193
Emeline (Painter), 161
Eugene, 193
Isaac, 193, 247
James, 193
R. C., 406
William, 193
Pierpo(i)nt [also see Peirpoint], (Gov.), 5
F. H., 441
Francis H., 5
Pike, Elizabeth, 13
James, 41
Joseph, 41
Piper, James, 216
Pippin, C. S., 311
Robert, 216
Pirtle, George, 216
Pitman, William, 216
Pitts, Lewis, 216
Place, Eva, 400
Luther W., 400
Mollie O. (McCall), 172
Vivian, 400
Plummer, Robert, 584
Poage, Pogue, Martha, 498
Pobst, George Armstead, 271, 280
H. Claude, 129, 131, 136
H. W., 325
Susie C. (Buston), 185
Theodore, 325
Poe, C. G., 142
Hezekiah, 30, 245
Jane, 174
Jerry, 245
Thomas E., 37
Poffenbarger, George, 486
Poindexter, James, 271
R. L., 320
William D., 272
William Donreath, 280
Polly, John, 315
Pool, George R., 99
Porter, Cassell, 539
Gertrude, 423
Henry, 271
J. H., 231
James, 297
Jennie (Witten), 186
John, 571
Johnson, 539
Joseph, 519, 571
Joseph Everett, 272, 280, 281
Joseph H., 539
Margaret, 571
Mary R., 287
R. S., 361
Robert, 511
William, 571
William E., 539
Porterfield, Jas., 204, 206
Poston, (Mr.), 342
Catherine, 342
James H., 231
John, 230
Richard, Richd., 206, 207
Powell, 493
Edwin, 474
Edwin Ross, 474
Elizabeth, 285
Robert, 474
Shannon, 223
Walter Lee, 272
William, 474
Power(s), Archie S., 271
Charles George, 271
Erma, 386
Florence, 386
John B., 26
Lois, 386
Marion, 419
T. B., 386
Powlas, Pearl Miller, 531
Prater, Prator, Jackson, 17
John G., 74, 76
Malissa I., 22
Rebecca, 31
T. I., 298
Prather, Johnny, 466
Mary M. (Bailey), 167
Nellie, 466
Pratt, B. G., 190
Henry, 190
J. F. (Mrs.), 190
Joseph Jethro, 271
Kate, 190
Louise, 190
Paul, 155, 190
Preas, Eddie, 285
Pres(s)ley, Irene, 368
S. A., 362
W. G, 326
Preston, 554
(Col.), 353
Eliphas, 560
Etchison, 560
Francis, 431
Haynes Graham, 271, 280
Henry, 404
Jane (Perry) [of Kentucky], 154
John M., 431
Louisa, 41
Margaret, 285
Martha E. (Sheffey), 162
Martin [of Paintsville, Ky.], 477
Mary, 348
Moses, 515
Nancy (Peery), 148
Rob., 205, 207
Robert, 271
Walter, 205, 208
Prewett, Prewitt, Pruet(t), Pruitt, Prewatt, Pruette, A. J., 238
Andrew, 225
Andrew, 225
Andy, 238
Arch, 241
Archabald, Archibald, 52
Archie Lee, 271, 479
Archie Riley, 272
Bart Edwin, 271
Benjamine, 225
Caroline, 44
Charter, 479
Cosby (Davis), 165
Cosby M. E., 187
Earl M., 272
Earl McMinn, 280
Ezra, 479
Frank, 539
George E., 271
Gussie, 539
Harry, 19
Ida, 540
Ida May, 540
J. M., 134
James Harvey, 12
John, 25, 219, 225
John C., 197
Joseph, 241, 479
Josh, 238
Joshua, 25, 584
Julia, 584
Lewis Parker, 272
Lillie, 195
M. M., 242
Marth, 11
Mary A. (Thomas), 178
Maxwell A., 197, 271
Maxwell M., 40
Minnie Belle, 479
Mustard, 138, 271
Nancy, 14, 39
Oscar, 229, 479
Oscar Brown, 271
Paul, 479
Polly, 160
Roscoe, 479
Roy, 479
Rubin, 24
Sheffy, 479
Susan E., 197
Thomas, 23
Travis, 479
William, 16, 22 , 33, 225, 241, 323
William B., 225
William C., 271
William Harvey, 197
William R., 166
Willie, 539
Pribble, H. B., 325
Price, Arthur, 361
Charles W., 328
George W., 230
James, 216
Joanna, 161
Polly, 504
Thomas, 216
Walter, 271
William, 222
Priddy, Carrie, 410
Pri(t)chet(t), Conidas A., 27
William D., 17
Privet, Privit, Nancy, 42
Sam, 137
Prof(f)it(t), Prophet, Ami J., 32
Edward, 229
Elizabeth, 195
James, 272
John, 229
Minnie, 521
William, 272
Pruett [see Prewitt]
Prunty, Nancy, 26
William, 20
Pryor, Lillian, 504
Pucket(t), Harry, 332
Jacob, 225
James, 222
James D., 33
John, 225, 226
Malinda J., 40
Nancy, 11
Raymond, 332
Samuel, 40
Samuel H., 44
Virginia, 583
Walter, 271
Washington, 97, 245
Pursin, J., 229
Purviance, William, 216
Pybass, W. E., 141, 142
Clair (Mrs.), 188
Frank, 120, 300
Frank (Dr.), 437
Quarles, I. A., 472
Quesenberry, William L., 272
Quicksel(l), Quicksall, Alsie, 493
Daniel H., 18
Elias, 229
Elizabeth, 441
Harman, 222
Jonathan, 302
Jonathan (Rev.), 441
Milton, 225
Susan, 38
Quillin, Byron, 272
Quincy, F. B. (Dr.), 444
Fred, 444
George, 444
Quinley, Barney, 272
Quinn, Isaac, 297
Rader, C. G., 501
Mary Ann, 400
Nancy J., 13
Virginia, 501
William E., 222
Wyrinda, 373
Ragsdale, Ida (Miss), 165
Rain(e)s, Raynes, Rane (s), G. W., 303
Henry, 233
J. P., 233 , 242
Jno., 238
John B., 27
Jonathan, 233
Nannie J., 31
Salda, 27
Samuel, 28
Rakes, Dorcas, 36
Peter, 39
Richard, 20
Ran(e)y, D. A., 289, 305, 306
Dan, 205, 208
James, 560
John, 205, 207
Lydia, 560
Nellie, 287
R. A., 289
Sarah J., 194
T. V., 141
William, 208
Ramsey, Josiah, 216
William, 206
Randall, Aquilla, 229
M. C., 229
Sarah (Mrs.), 441
Rapporport, James, 115
Rasnake, Rasnack, (Miss), 410
Ida, 201
Rolfe, 410
Ratliff, Ratcliff(e), A. G., 478
Ann, 12
Augustus C., 317
B. P., 326
Bert, 512
Bessie, 430
Clyda, 430
CosbyE., 22
Donald, 430
Edgar (female), 386
Eleanor, 17
Eliza, 15
Elizabeth, 429
Frank, 272
Fred, 430
G. Augustus, 430
George B., 201
Gladys, 287
H., 221
H. B., 201
Henderson, 178, 222
Howard, 41, 386
Howard S., 222
J. E., 231
J. Muncey, J. Munsey, 430
James Gilmore, 201
Jane E., 15
Jeb M., 41
Jefferson, 222
Jennie (Kendrick), 338
Jennie I., 170
John, 43, 225
John M., 10, 201
John Marion, Jr., 201
Judy Ann, 28, 41
Julia, 178
Julia B., 442
Julis, 18
Katherine, 201
Laura, 285
Lenore, 430
Letitia, 178
Lois, 430
Louisa (Whitten), 152
Louisa B., 185
Louisa S., 29
Lucinda, Lusinday, 13
M. M. (Mrs.), 173
Margery E., 34
Mary, 178
Matta, 178
Mattie, 430
Mildred, 430
Nancy, 22
Peter, 149, 241
Polly, 149
R. H., 105
R. S., 221
Rebecca, 24
Rebecca A., 23
Richards., 222
Rose, 583
Sarah A., 38
Thomas M., 170
Viola E., 201
W. M., 142
Willard, 430
William T., 178
Rayburn, Ra(e)burn, Ella, 519
Reanny, Dan, 205
Reazer, Peter, 216
Record, Helen, 390
Rector, Frances, 286
William, 94
Redd, Mamie, 346
Redwine, Joseph, 222
Reed, Read, Reid, Amos W., 82
Ben, 196
Benjamin, 172
Clementine, 38
Daniel, 21
Edna, 356
Eliza, 172
Elizabeth, 520
Gilbert H., 14, 82
Hiram, 238
John, 205, 207
John M., 172
Lena E., 168
M. M., 229
Mary, 369
Mary Willoughby, 340
N. P., 284, 326
Ollie, 588
Polly, 342
Samuel, 238
Susan (Lowe), 170
W. E., 172
Wesley, 16
William E., 196
William L., 172
Reedy, Arthur, 273
Ida, 195
Leonard M., 273, 281
Pearlie Elizabeth, 195
Reese, Rees, Reece, Andrew Forrest, 410
C. T., 141, 142
Carlyle, 273
Carlyle T., 140
Clyde, 410
Frances, 410
Ida, 410
Joseph K., 410
Mabel, 410
Mollie, 412
Nannie, 412
Nellie, 410
Pierce, 412
Sallie, 412
Warren Stone, 410
William, 412
Reeves, (Miss), 392
Repass, Augustus, 25
Austin, 16
Barbary E., 23
Beatrice, 311
E., 231
Elijah, 233
Elizabeth M., 517
Elmora, 19
Floyd, 273
J. W. (Rev.), 437
James A., 181
James R., 23
Jennie B., 181
John Gibson, 273
Lacy Johnson, 273
Margaret, 43
Martha, 195
Mary M., 35
Minnie, 388, 441
Mira, 153
Reuben, 22
Rhoda Ann, 14
Rufus, 517, 518
S. M., 307
Sallie Brown, 517, 518
Samuel J., 26
Sarah H., 518
T. A., 87, 229, 299
Thomas A., 36, 78, 81, 82, 87
Victoria, 198
Reynolds, 501
Alexander, 195
Annie, 422
Elizabeth, 36
Emily J., 178
Emma, 438
Ernest, 273
Eugenia E., 33
Ezra, 298
George, 245, 298
George W., 35
James L., 49
John C., 322
Joseph, 331
Katherine, 287
Mamie, 337
Milton, 245
Nancy E., 18
R. J., 567
Sarah Ann, 40
Rhea, Elleanor L., 162
Ellen W. (Sheffey), 162
James Sheffey, 162
Joseph, 216
R(h)ineh(e)art, Rinehard, A., 231
Anderson, 11
Jane, 82
Rhudy, Catherine, 312
Catherine M., 32
G. G., 230, 317
George, 312, 314
George G., 316
Hannah, 436
Jacob, 313
Katie, 317
R. S., 313
Stephen G., 225
Synthia A. (Mahood), 152
Rice, Harry, 389
Sarah, 395, 522
Rich, E. A., 320
Elizabeth, 21
James William, 273
Letitia, 530
Levina Evaline (Bowling), 165
William, 29
Richard(s), Riechard, Paterson, 42
Sarah, 202
Richardson, Ancil, Ancel, Ansel, 298
George, 328
J. G., 301
Mary, 326
William, 21
Richison, Richeson, Mary, 540
Richman, Ada V., 180
Richmond, (Mr.), 424
C. E., 105
H. C. L., 127
Ricketta, P. S., 442
Paul Steven, Jr., 442
Rickman, Ada V., 199
W. R., 306
Riddle, H. W., 310
Rif(f)e, Riff, Catherine, 430
Charlotte, 430
Elizabeth, 430
John, 430
Lusa, 20
Mary Ann, 16
Polly, 14
R. M., 430
Robert, 430
Susan, 18
Rigney, H. C., 230
Rigsby, Mat, 245
Thomas, 35, 245
Riley, B. F., 105, 106, 107, 120, 200, 238
Daniel, 216
David, 216
G. D., 200
G. W., 103, 200
J. A., 200
James Arthur, 273
John, 233
Maxwell A., 273
Sam P., 273
William D., 233
William Everett, 272
Ringstaff, H. T., 324
J. L., 324
L. W., 324
Lois, 287
Rippey, Walter, 127, 273
Ritchie, 584
Alexander, 216
E. L., 313
Samuel, 216
Ritter, (Mr.), 414
A. J., 317
G. P., 317
J. E., 412
Jemima, 16
John, 317
Michael, 312 , 315
Nancy M., 169
W. E., 247
W. M., 485
Ritz, Harold A., 486
Russell, 129
James Madison, 273
Rob(b)ins, Sarah Jane, 27
Roberdeau, Daniel [of Philadelphia], 358
Selina, 358
Roberts, 492, 514
(Bishop), 498
(Miss), 375
David, 216
James, 216
Jane, 150, 318
John, 125, 131
Richard, 233
Sallie, 511
Robe r(t)son, (Mr.), 341
A. E., 322
Eddie, 273
Laura, 538
Lilly (Whitley), 341
William, 216
Wyndham, Windom, 531
Rob(i)net(t), C. H., 324
Catherine, 27
Charles Lewis, 15
Dicey (Stowers), 148
Patton, 12
Rose, 442
Sophromia, 12
William, 231
Robi (n)son, Robeson, Dav., 204
Dave, 205
Dorothy, 443
Douglas, 434
George, 273
Jack, 273
James, 207
John, 11, 205
Lettie Thompson, 194
Mattie, 443
Robert, 273
Sam, 273
Thomas, Thos., 43
William P., 273
Rocke, A. A., 236
Ro(d)gers, C. W., 324
Catherine, 555
Cecil, 501
H. L., 324
Louisa, 436
Lydia Matilda, 17
Mary W., 37
Nancy (Six), 167
Robert Doak, 17
Samuel, Saml., 233
Samuel M. C., 32
Sena, 155
Roland, Miles B., 38
Will, 273
Roller, Charles, 418
Clyde, 418
Ella, 418
John, 418
Margaret, 418
William P., 418
Rollins , Rollens, Rolen, 235
Allen, 245
D. A., 130
David, 27
Davidson, 222
Emsley, 23
Ernsley (or Emsley), 222
Martha Ann, 21
Mary, 21
William, 27
William, 222, 245
Romans, Romins , Romines, Remine(s), George Albert, 415
Giney C., 27
Harvey, 25
Polly, 21
John, 415
John [moved to Mo. ], 415
Susan, 415
William, 229, 245
William R., 35
Ronald, Charles A., 84
Rose, Abigail, 30
Creed, 273
Edward A., 193
Eli, 16, 36
Elizabeth, 555
Grady Lee, 273
Hampton, 20
James, 216
Jidia, 193
John, 16, 19, 241
Joseph M., 193
Joshua, 18, 37, 96, 225
Nancy E., 23
Roy, 273, 281
Rush C., 233
S., 241, 246
Sam, 241
Samuel, 17
Solomon, 30
Solomon T., 12
William A., 193
Rosebrough, William, 216
Rosenbaum, Derushe (Mrs.), 177
Edward, 337
George, 337
George Barns, 336
George F., 134, 137
George Francis, 336
George Robert, 439
Guy A., 273
H. H., 136
H. S., 137
Herbert Henry, 273
Joseph, 337, 439
Mallie, 337
Margaret, 439
Stephen, 337
Rosenheim, (Miss), 467
Ross, Cecil O., 196
Grady Lee, 280
Mary V., 196
Thomas W., 196
TroyH., 196
Valentine, 216
Virginia P., 163
William P., 163
Rosseau, Billy Pat, 386
Charles, 386
Charles, Jr., 386
Charles B., 273
Louise, 386
Mary Catherine, 386
Ollie, 192
Rosser, 542
Roten, John Thomas, 273
William (N), 53
Rouse, D. E., 300
Routh, J. K., 129
Jake K., 362
Rowden, Dewey, 273, 281
Rowlett, Peyton Lee, 340
Roy, Benjamin, 216
Royall, Bowen, 190
Edwin Gratton, 350
Eliza J. (Christian), 350
Ellen McDonald, 350
J. Powell, 9, 10, 111, 115, 116, 131, 142, 173, 288, 300, 350
Janie Bowen, 350
Jennie, 190
Jennie B., 188
John Powell, 350
John Powell, Jr., 350
Joseph, 350
Mary Christian, 190, 350
Rachel Louise, 190, 350
Rees Bowen, 350
Samuel, 190
Samuel Cecil, 350
William Archer, 350
Ruble, Calvin, 170
James E., 170
M. A., 245
MaryE., 33
MatisonA., 16
Samuel A., 170
T. H., 140
William, 170
Rucker, 567
Gertrude, 570
Witten, 273
Rudd, Ann, 198
Julian, 42
Louisa Jane (Bowling), 165
William P., 26
Rudisall, J. K., 100
Rudy, Elizabeth, 41
Geo. S., 233
Ruff, (Rev.), 319
Ruffner, A. L., 235
Runyon, Run(n)ion, Runyan, Runnien, Isaac, 218
James, 42
Rush, James, 205, 208
Russ, Aaron, 288, 305
Russell, 544
A. G., Jr., 143
Alex G., 409
Alex G., Jr., 409
Bess, 190
Cora, 288
Eleanor, 409
Geo. W., 396
Gertrude, 288
Ida, 396
Inez, 187
Irene, 409
John, 299
Lois Hasselwander, 327
Martha, 41
Mary Henley, 352
Rebecca Zion, 396
Rees Gillespie, 409
Reese William, 272
Robert, 216
Tabitha (Adams), 352
William, 187, 216
William (Gen.), 352
Russok, M., 186
Rachel Gettel, 186
Rust, John, 216
Rutherford, Agnes, 158
E. P., 135
Elma, 285
F. P., 103, 111, 112 , 115, 117, 120, 125, 126, 128, 131, 138, 144, 158
L., 138, 142
Mary M., 30
Rutledge, 556, 572
Henderson J., 273
Robert, 359
Thomas, 508
Ryan, Charles B., 338
Frances, 439
Ryder, Anna, 499
Rye, G., 231
George, 21
Jesse Marvin, 273
John, 242
Sallie A. (Rose), 193
Walter Thompson, 273
Sabo, Charles, 201
Dora, 201
John, 201
Mary, 201
Sad(d)ler, R. S., 286
St. Clair [see also Sinclair], A., 136
Alex, Alex., 167, 245, 502 , 503 , 504
Alexander, 9 , 77, 80, 148 , 155, 525
Alexander, Jr., 504
Alexander Armstrong, 504
Alexander G., 274, 403
Alexander Gordon, 577
Americus Margaret, 155
Annie (Bottimore), 403
Catherine Cecil, 504
Charles T., Jr., 504
Charles Tiffany (Dr.), 504
Eliza, 155
Elizabeth, 454, 577
Elizabeth H., 148
Evelyn Greenwood, 577
F. T., 300
Frank T., 142
Frank T., Jr., 504
Frank Tabler, 504
Fred, 520, 577
Frederick William, 275
G. W., 131, 319
George W., 140, 319, 500
Glenn, 504
Glenn Moore, 504
Jacqueline Pendleton, 504
Jane Ellwood, 504
Jennie, 454
John, 158
John A., 362
John Alexander, 504
John C., 148, 167, 366, 403, 572, 575, 576 , 577
John W., 158, 366, 576
Julia Tiffany, 504
Katherine Cecil, 525
Lillie R., 194
Mamie, 366
Margaret, 500
Maria(h) J., 172, 503
Maria(h) Tiffany, 504, 525
Martha M., 148, 167
Martha Tabler, 502
Mary, 576
Mary M., 158
Nancy Harman, 504
Nancy Jane, 155
O. E., 127
Otis Eugene, 504
Pauline Biddle, 504
Polly Maria, 155
R. Roy, 525
Rob Roy, 504
Rob Roy, Jr., 504, 525
Rosa, 25
Rosalinda, 148, 504
Rosalinda Blow, 504
S. Houston, 275, 281
Sarah Elizabeth, 504
Sarah Mariah, 504
Wade Hampton, 504
Wade H., Jr., 504
Sale, Howard, 439
James, 439
Sales, Igrea J., 143
Sallee, Willie, 418
Salyer(s), Charles Arnold C., 274
Samuel, 231
Samples, Crarles L., 29
Louisa M. (Cecil), 152
William Patton, 14
Sampselle, L. A., 87, 100
Sampson, Frances, 577
Frank J., 577
Helen Bottimore, 577
J. H., 246
Nancy, 577
Samuels, (Lieut.), 61
Isaac S., 53
Lafayette (Lt.), 56
Sanders [see Saunders]
Sandy, Mary, 284
Rhoda A., 512
Sarfow, Andrew M., 16
Sargent, Elijah, 241
Johnson, 36, 241
Mary Ann, 35
William, 31, 241
Sarver, Alberta, 170
D. W., 300
Robert I., 275, 280
Saul, Hubie, 285
Sa(u)nders, Annie Virginia, 367
Ballard, 274
Elizabeth, 393
Esther, 367
George, 233, 419
George Allen, 273
Giles, 43
Gordon, 337
Henry, 233
J. H., 109
James, 275
James (Gov.), 338
Jennie (Mrs.), 177
John, 135
John Robert, 274
Joseph M., 366, 367
Joseph M., Jr., 367
Kathleen, 367
Lorene, 538
McTeer, 104, 130, 135, 138, 143, 300
Mamie Crockett, 366, 367
Margaret McDonald, 367
Raymond, 366
Robert, 367
Sally (McDonald), 164
Sallie McDonald, 366
W. L., 301
Walter, 437
Walter M., 164
William C., 227
Zachariah Witten, 367
Savage, W. R., 320
Sawyer (s), Saulyers, 509
David G., 78
John, 217
Lizzie (Asberry), 183
Saxon, Dorothy, 517
Sayers, Amelia G., 452
Arthur, 479
D. G., 246, 458, 479
D. G. (Capt.), 452
David, 479
David G., 26, 81
Eliza, 29, 331
Eva, 479
Hattie, 479
J. Howe, 9
James Claude, 274
Jane, 462
Jane [Went to Mo.], 462
John, 415, 230
Louisa Harman, 452
Lucy, 415
Mariah L., 429
Mary, 440
Mary Lou, 479
Monroe, 479
Nathan, 83, 233
Nicholas O., 40
Olbert, 479, 537
Robert, 415
Sallie, Sally, 24
Samuel, 313, 314 , 415 , 460
Samuel [Moved to Mo.], 415
Samuel D., 158, 462
T. L., 113
Thomas, 479
Thomas Monroe, 275, 280
Virginia, 337
Walter, 479
Wash Lee, 275, 281
Washington Lee, 274
Scaggs, Skaggs, (Mr.), 375
John, 217
Lydia, 458
Scales, Arthur, 275, 281
Scannon, John, 511
Powell, 511
Schaffer, Malinda, 496
Scherer, Jacob, 312 , 313
Schofield, (Gen.), 5
Scott, A. J., 301
Alexander, 217, 586
Alexander "Sandy", 586
Archibald, 217
Bertha, 466, 585
C. T., 42, 233
Charles, 586
Charles E., 162
Clarence, 585
D. A., 235
Daisy, 466, 585
Dorothy, 284
E. B., 122
E. H., 196, 300
Elizabeth A., 29
Elizabeth Finley, 20
Elzena, 27
Emmett, 466, 586
Emmett H., 162
Erastus, 466, 585
Erastus B., 162
Frances, 407
Harriet, 349
Isabelle, 470
J. Hutchinson, 202
Jason, 204
John, 205, 466, 586
John C., 196
John Charles, 275, 281
John R., 325
Joseph, 216, 470
Joseph, Sr., 216
Lena, 466, 586
Levicey (Franklin), 147
Lina, 587
Lizzie, 586
Louis Jackson, 274
Lucie, 285
Lucy Ann, 12
Lucy E. (Buston), 185
Lucy (Buston), 349
Luther G., 133
Margaret, 558, 587
Margaret E., 193,
Margaret L., 162, 466
Mark T., 36
Martha Ellen, 162
Martha J., 162
Mary, 434
Mary E., 33
Mary Porter, 416
Mary S., 23
Nancy, 587
Nancy G., 35
Phoebe A., 33
Polly, 587
Rachel Holmes, 433
Richard Woolfork (Col.), [of Pr. Edward Co., Va.], 434
Robert, 217
Roy, 274
Salina A., 38
Sam., 205, 207
Taz. James, 239
Taze, 238
Thomas, 217
Thomas M., 87, 162
W. A., 319 , 349
Walter, 217
Willetta, 196, 585
WillettaA., 187
William, 34, 217
Z. T., 242
Zachariah T., 22
Screener, Adeline F., 173
Seabolt, Lydia (Beavers), 152
Mary E., 584
Wayman, 307
William, 323, 458
Seddon, J. A. (Hon.), 62
Self, Thomas, 217
Selly, William L., 30
Selney, William John, 274, 281
Serge(a)nt, Johnson, 223
Powell, 223
Rinda, 16
William, 223
Setters, John H., 28
Settle, Louise, 286
Luther Arch, 274
Sevier, John, 382
Sexton, Alderson, 280
Barbara, 575
Catherine Freelove, 355
Fannie, 575
George, 575
Henry, 575
Henry Alderson, 354
James, 575
John, 575
Julia, 464
Julia (Perry), 152
Kennerly, 280
Legrand, 39
Mamie Louise, 355
Margaret, 354
Nancy Elizabeth, 355
Sallie Texas, 466
Thomas, 575
Thomas Kennerly, 354
Thomas Kennerly, Jr., 355
V. L., 105, 131;
Vincent Legrand, 355
Vinton L., 354
William Chapman, 355
Shaffer, John, 217
Shamblin, G. C., 143
H. E., 143
Henry E., 140
Thomas Ford, 275, 281
Shanks, 548
Polly, 548
Shannon, Albert, 332
B. O., 546
Belle, 332
C. M., 569
Caroline E., 13
Catlett, 504
Dora, 332
Edward, 245
Elbert C., 159, 174
Elizabeth, 504
Ella, 504, 569
Emely, Emily, 502
George Ward, 546
Harriet, 546
J. B., 231
J. H., 176
Jackson, 43
James, 332
James H., 14
John, 332
John W., 176
John William, 159, 174
Joseph, 174, 504
Joseph B., 34, 176
Joseph C., 159
Laura, 504
Laura E., 176
Laura Elizabeth, 159, 174
Marg(a)ret, 176, 588
Margaret E., 176
Margaret Ella, 159, 174
Martha, 502
Martha M., 24
Mary, 504
Mary Ann, 24
Mary F., 176
Mary Virginia, 159, 174
Nancy, 501
Sarah Margaret, 332
Virginia, 504
William, 315, 332, 504
William B., 499
William V., 72
Sharitz, Frieda, 284
Sharp, Ben., 204, 207
John, 205, 207
Richard E., 217
Thomas, 217
William, 217
Shaver, James, 241
Julia, 21
Michael, 216
Statira, 24
W. A., 240
William, 241
Shaw, (Mr.), 428
John, 217
Shawver, Adam F., 180
Alice, 519
Allen B., 30
Chester B., 323
Christopher, 322
D. G., 56
Eleanor, 322
Eleanor L., 180
Fannie, 322
G. E. L., 322
George W., 15, 64, 91, 322, 323 , 325
Ida, 582
J. C., 326
J. M., 221
J. W., 326
James Madison, 519
John William, 274
Josie, 528
Lora V., 518
Louisa V. (Compton), 175
Margaret, 36
Nancy C., 322
R. P., 322
Samuel H., 163
Samuel N., 65, 437
Samuel N., Sr., 322
Thomas Lewis, 180, 274
Titus I., 180
W. L., 221
William L., 180
William L., Sr., 322
William S., 15
Shawyer, Adam, 582
Sheffey, Eleanor Fairman, 162
Ellen F., 162
J. P., 162
James W., 155
John P., 50
Josephine, 162
Robert, 297
Shelburn (e), Shelbourne, Cephas, 289, 325
Ella Vernon, 409
Mary Virginia, 446, 450
Mattie Maybell(e), 420, 422
Shelby, 382, 549
Moses, 205, 207
Shell [also see Shull], Capy, 200
D. C., 109
Floyd C., 579
Margaret Ann, 13
Sidney H., 274
Shelton, Benjamin, 275
Ethel, 200
F. B., 300
John M., 16
R. J., 108
Shep(p)ard, Shepherd, Allie C., 184
Edmund, 578
Edwin F., 456
Horton, 274
Hulday, 32
J. M., 184
James M., 578
Lucy, 473
Nancy, 21
Nancy J. (Mrs.), 198
Rhoda Harman, 578
Willie M., 287
Shermantine, R. W., 521
Shirt, Jacob, 12
Shoemaker, Fannie, 418
Gilmer, 418
Harvey [of Scott Co., Va.], 417
John, 417
Shone, 146
Short, A. H., 199
Arch, 137
Ballard N., 275
Clarence, 137
Cora, 137
Edna Elizabeth, 199
Elizabeth, 12
Ernest, 137
Essie Mae, 199
George E., 199
Grace, 199
James, 12
John, 13 7, 274, 281
Shortridge, Andrew, 15
Martha, 13
Roberts., 18
William, 19
Shorts, Dewey, 196
Shote, Thomas, 217
Showalter, C. D. M., 289
J. T., 321
S(h)rader, Shredar, Barbary, 22
Christina W., 34
Daniel Gratton, 275
Dudley Gratton, 274
Fanny, 20
Gilliam S., 22
Gillie Ann, 585
I. H., 235
Laura B., 200
Levisa, 11
M. L., 200
Mildred, 82
P. G., 200
Peggy, 163
Regina, 37
Robert, 238, 301
S. A., 238
Samuel, 21
W. A., 242
W. L., 200
William, 36
William L., 44
William S., 163
Shreeve, Ella Mae, 442
Kenneth, 442
Madaline, 442
Mary Jane, 442
Pearl Henry, 274
Robert, Jr., 442
Shriver, 555
Elijah, 555
Shubert, 482
Shuck, Billy, 238
Shufflebarger, Shuffelbarger, C. L., 301
Curtis L., 274
H. P., 183
Maggie E., 183
T. L., 300
Virginia D., 284
William Newton, 275
Shumaker, Grace, 284
Sifers, Thomas O., 27
Sifford, H. P., 229
Silverstein, Rhea, 177
Sadie (Hyman), 177
Simmerman, Ella, 496
Henry, 454
Mary E. (Harman), 163
Simmons, Bettie T., 442
Cora, 137
Milton, 273
Peyton H., 225
W. A., 305
William, 231
Simms, George W., 275
Simonton, Jane, 403
Simpkins, J., 235
Simpson, Alice, 183
Annie E., 196
F. B., 198
G. E., 198
Grace, 484
I. W., 198
J. H., 198
J. W., 198
John H., 38
Robert Edgar, 275
W. M., 198
Sims, Samuel, 587
Sinsentaffy, Sincintaffer, etc. [see also Taffy], Elizabeth, 13
Sinford, Charles Arthur, 281
Singleton, A. R., 303
Sink, G. A., 107, 108
Sarah Jane, 29
Sinkford, Charles A., 274
Richard, 275
William H. H., 27
Sint, S., 245
Sipers, Scyphers, Clay, 275
Mamie, 287
Siri, Fountain, 25
Six, Sicks, C. R., 283, 285
David W., 32
David Whitley, 167
Mary Ann, 14
Matilda, 22
Nancy, 17
Whitley, 232
William, 167
Sixee, Martha, 11
Sizemore, Sisemore, Albert, 491
C., 42
Floyd, 491
George, 491
John, 37, 491
Lydia, 34
Virginia, 491
William, 491
Skelton, Elizabeth A., 26
Silas J., 15
Slade, Alletha, 28
Elizabeth E., 29
G. M., 326
Israel, 69
Slater [see Slaughter] Slau(gh)ter, Slater, Anna, 285
Sherman Lee, 274, 280
Slemp, Campbell, 126
Cleo, 408
Sliff, Tom, 273
Sloan, Frank Keenan, 568
Malcolm Vernon, 568
William, 217
Z. Frank, 568
Slusher [see also Slusser], Ella, 568
Jno., 238
Maggie, 288
Nannie, 286
Sluss, Ann, 483
Annie, 483
Annie (Mrs.), 187
Carl B., 483
Catherine, 483
Charles W., Jr., 483
Charles Walter, 483
Clara Elizabeth, 483
Edison, 483
Ellen Augusta, 483
Everett, 274
George, 187, 483
Hazel, 493
Jackson, 275
James, 109
James, Jas., 109, 238
James A., 275, 483
James Alma, 273
Jno., 239
John, 40, 236
Joseph, 483
Julia Antoinette, 483
Malvin Hill, 483
Kathleen, 483
Louise, 483
Nannie B. Atelia, 483
Nannie (Litz), 187
Rages, 483
Rages, Jr., 483
Slusser, Joseph, 27
Smiley, Fred A., 223
Smith [see Also Smythe], (Gov.), 5
(Miss), 410, 417
(Mr.), 341, 392, 424
Alex, 180
Alexander, Alexr., 205, 208
Anna, 407
Atlee, 389
Bascom, 587
Bill, 239
Boone, 325
Burrell, 197
C. B., 122
C. P., 230
C. Dempsey, 223
Cabb W., 35
Caleb, 195
Charles, 274, 587
Charles B., 502
Charles Walter, 275
Cora, 180
D., 223, 303
Daniel, 19, 217
Demsey, 37
Dick, 238
Douglas, 117
Douglas H., 115 , 116
Edward, 217, 227
Elender B, Ellender B., 462
Elijah, 197
Eliza N., 32
Elizabeth [of N. Salem, Mo.], 378
Emily, 583
Ernest, 197
Etta Harman, 192
Fannie, 578
Florence T., 172
Frances, Francis, 217
George P., 197
George Peter, 19
Gillespie R., 274, 280
H. D., 362
Harry, 248
Helen Bruce Kerr, 535
Henry, Hen'y, 206, 217, 306, 587
Henry Rufus, 195
Hugh, 587
Isabelle, 44
J. B., 191
J. O., 235
J. W., 230, 233
Jack, 201
James, 172, 205, 207, 466, 587
James Allen, 275
James C., 168
James H., 172
James Q., 500;
James W., 9, 31, 81, 82, 83, 85, 96, 392
John, 198, 217, 243, 245, 587
John M., 82, 153, 168, 195
John P., 26
Jonas, 217
Jonathan, 67 , 68, 168, 587
Leonard, 198
Levisa, 342
Louise, 587
Lucien, 275
Lucille, 424
Lula, 198
Luther B., 197
M. D., 109
Malinda J., 191
Mamie B., 466
Margaret, 28, 587
Margaret (Peggy), 341
Margaret (Taylor), 153
Margaret S. (Taylor), 153
Martha, 195
Martha A. (Claytor), 179
Martha J., 172
Martha P., 12
Mary Ann Rebecca, 476
Matilda, 43
May, 587
Mildred R., 500
N. Clarence, 136
Nancy, 424
Nancy C., 40
Noale, 198
Nora, 424
Norman Clarence, 274
Osie, 466
P. B., 123
Pearle, 465
R. M., 195
R. R., 141
Rachel, 179, 201
Rebec(c)a, 536
Rebecca P., 156
Reese, 179
Richard P., 32
Robert, 48 , 49, 51, 73, 203
Robert G., 230
Robert L., 424
Rosa E., 199
Sallie, Sally, 520
Sam Riley, 274
Samuel M., 535
Sarah Ann, 16
Susan, 172
Susan E., 195
Susan M., 20
Thomas, 29, 587
Thomas A., 229
Thomas C., 172
V. C., 551
W. M., 195
Walter (Governor), 273
Walter Franklin, 275
William, 5, 205, 207, 238
William (Hon.), 59
William B. W., 238
William G., 274
William R., 13
Smithdeal, Cyrus, 123
Smoot, Ada G., 167
Ella, 167
Ella W., 176
Frank, 487
George, 187, 487
Gibson Samuel, 13
Grace, 429
Kate, 187
Kate (Litz), 187
Katherine, 487
Rachel, 167
Richard, 36, 175, 487
Samuel, 33
Thomas R., 487
Smyth(e) [also see Smith], Alexander A., 162
Alfred, 19
Allen, 162
Britton, 203
Caroline, 508
Eliza C., 188
H. M., 188, 283
Ida, 162
James W., 233
Jno., 203
Julena, 18
Kate A., 183
Kate Allen, 162
Lavenia, 162
Martha R., 183
Mattie, 162
Mattie R., 162
Nathaniel K., 162
Pricy, 12
Rosa, 509
Saml., 203
William, 203
Snap(p), Margaret G., 415
Mary (Meek), 415
P. B., 316
Philip, 415
Snider, Snyder [also see Snidow], B. P., 235, 317
Ballard, 169
Ballard P., 37
Cosby C., 22
George, 317
Linnie (Carbaugh), 169
Nelva, 288
Samuel Haushew, 14
Snidow [also see Snider], C. L., 89, 90
Elian Chapman, 400
Rose, 504
W. B., 128
Snoddy, John, 217
Snodgrass, James, 217
Lucian, 275
William, 205, 207
Snow, Dexter A., 322
Snyder [see Snider]
Songer, F. M., 229
Southall, Stephen, 320, 532
Southerland, Sallie, 42
Southern, James, 233
Jonah F., 274
Sowers, Bessie L. (Mrs.), 195
E. L., 299
Spangler, (Miss), 416
Catherine, 416
Elizabeth, 413
Mattie, 444
Sparks, Albert, 540
Albert J., 179
Alice, 538
Andrew Jackson, 539
Anna, 539
Arch, 304
Austin, 43, 440
Belle, 538
Bertha, 539
Bessie, 177, 539
Carter, 540
Cassell, 539
Charles Whitt, 274
Charlie, 443
Cynthia, 479, 539
Cynthia (Hankins), 149
Elizabeth, 40, 177, 441, 539
Ella P., 443
Elsie, 538
Ernest, 479, 537
Ernest Elmore, 443
Ernest J., 443
Esther, 161
Eva, 537
Florence Ethel, 538
Frank P., 537
Frankie, 540
George, 444, 540
George W., 536, 537
George W., Jr., 537
Glenn J., 537
Gold, 537
Hamilton, 536
Harriet, 537
Hattie Mae, Hattie May, 443, 537
Hazel, 540
Hobart, 539
Hubert, 538
Hugh, 25, 230, 241, 440 , 537 , 538 , 540
Hugh, Jr., 538
Hugh, Sr., 538
Irene, 540
J. Gold, 443
J. I., 241
J. J., 303
J. Matt, 443, 537
J. R., 324
J. Roy, 537
J. T., 230, 324
J. W., 241, 539
J. William, 441, 479
James, 540
James Walter, 538
Joel, 42, 440, 537, 540
John, 14, 241, 540
John T., Jno. T., 40, 177, 441, 479, 537, 539 , 540
John W., 317
Johnson, 540
Jonah, 326
Jonas, 31, 223, 441, 443, 536 , 537
Jonas J., 479, 536 , 537
Jonas P., 536
Jonas R., 302 , 443 , 536, 537
Joseph, 12, 443, 536, 539
Joseph A., 536
Joseph B., 537
Joseph H., 536
Joshua W., 536, 537
Kate, 539
Kathleen, 538
Levisa, 479
Lillian, 443
Lilly, 537, 540
Lois, 540
Louella, 538
Louisa, 149
Margaret, 537 , 540
Margaret J., 443
Martha, 458, 538
Mary, 441, 443, 479, 536 , 537, 538, 539 , 540
Mary E., 537
Mary J., 479
Mattie, 537
May, 537
Melesia, 197
Minnie, 539
Mose, 538
Myrtle, 539
Nancy, 537, 538, 540
Nannie, 177, 539, 540
Nannie Belle, 538
Newton, 537
Norman, 537
Oliva, 443
Olivia, 537
Ora, 333, 537, 540
Patsy Elizabeth, 443
Paul, 443
Pearl, 538
R. M., 101
Rachel, 537
Rachel R., 443
Ray, 443
Rebecca, 539
Reuben, 479, 536 , 537
Richmond, 537 , 538 , 539, 540
Robert, 537 , 538
Robert C., 540
Robert Cline, 274
Robert J., 443
Robert M., 444, 493, 536, 537
Rosa, 540
Rufus, 538 , 540
S. T., 324
Sallie, 479, 539 , 540
Samuel, 444
Samuel B., 536, 537
Samuel P., 536
Sarah, 160, 538
Seldon, 537
Stella, 479
Stella M., 537
Susan, 537, 538 , 540
Tacie, 537, 538, 539 , 540
Tase, 179
Toby, 537
Tommy, 540
Victor, 539
Vince Ella, 443
Viola, 537
Violet, 443
Violet Grace, 443
Virginia B., 537
Virginia Farris, 537
Vivian, 539
Wallace Johnson, 539
Walter, 537
Wilford, 537
Wilfred Elmore, 443
William, 69, 149, 537, 538, 540
William Bernard, 538
William E., 539
William Hobart, 539
William J., 539
William Johnson, 540
William Rees, 537
Wilson, 537
Speer, Hattie, 552
Spence, Spens(e), Anna, 17
Annie, 189
Edward, 20
Elizabeth, 14
George W., 34
H. L., 142
J. B., 189, 304
J. C., 230
James J., 189
Jane, 11
Jno.T., 233
John, 25
Jonas, 18, 223
Joshua, 177
Julia, 29
Louisa J., 34
Martha A., 18
Mary J., 35
Matilda Emesion, 22
Nancy, 20 , 46
Narcissa J., 32
Noah, 22
Rachel, 14
Rebecca, 26, 40
Rebecca Ann, 44
Rose Ann, 40
Sally, 189
Sarah, 25, 177
William, 21, 223, 245
William Anderson, 26
Spencer, Catherine, 431
Eli, 431
Feme, 340
Fielding, 431
Helen, 395
Helen Louise, 565
J. R., 565
John [Moved to Colorado], 431
John Robert, 565
L., 231
Lee, 431
Melvin, 431
Nina, 369
William [of Grassy Cr., N.C.], 431
Sperry, W. I. (Mrs.), 197
Spiars [also see Speres], John, 216
Spitzer, 587
Spotts, A. A., 46, 291
Anna Elizabeth, 426
Augustus A., 515
Campbell, 223
Chapman A., 518
Charlotte, 173
Elizabeth Bane, 518
Francis Preston, 534
George, 54, 236
George W., 25, 535
Harriet E., 535
J. C., 181, 283
J. L. P., 173, 292
J. M., 319
J. P., 77
James C., 291, 319
James W., 86, 428
John W., 84, 86, 428
Letitia, 518
Lucy, 422
M. B. (Mrs.), 357
Mary E., 534
Mary L., 41
Rose (St. Clair), 167
Rose St. Clair, 535
Washington, 47, 67, 318, 319 , 426
Spracher, Sprecker, (Mr.), 71
Adam, 317
Alex, 437
Ann L., 187
Barbara, 312
Caroline, 158
Cinthia Jane, 184, 187
Curltia, 198
David B., 187, 437
Eliza M., 158
Erastus, 33, 313, 316, 317
Fred, 519
George, 230, 312, 314, 315, 413
George M., 40
George W., 85
I. G., 187
Isaac G., 184, 198
Jacob, 317
James, 140
James T., 187, 437
Jennie, 187, 437
John, 24, 84, 312, 313,
John, Jr., 317
John, Sr., 317
John P., 187, 437
Julia Anne, 158
Kate, 187, 285, 437
Katherine, 519
Levi, 230
Lorena, 184
Lorena C., 187, 198
Margaret, 162, 312, 432, 435
Margaret Spangler, 16
MaryE., 38
Mary Elizabeth, 432, 435
P. R., 70, 76, 86, 89, 428
P. S., 79
Patton R., 49, 84, 316
Peter, 158, 312
Peter, Sr., 316
Peter J., 316
Phoebe A., 32
Polly, 17, 437
S. R., 102, 230
Sallie Ann(e), 184, 187, 198
Sarah, 519
Stephen, 55, 162, 230, 316 , 317, 432, 435
Stephen, Sr., 316
Stephen R., 313
Thomas, 519
Virginia, 429
W. L., 38
William, 437
William L., 158, 187, 316, 317 , 437
Adolphus, 167
AlexS., 17
George, 167
H. L., 136
James P., 167
Jane (Peery), 149
John, 149
JohnW., 69, 167
Leonard, 387
Matilda, 155
Samuel, 149, 225
Tom Ganaway, 275
Thomas Ganaway, 281
W. B., 105, 106, 131
William B., 9
Sprinkle, Edna, 416
Leila, 286
Nickettia, 25
W. P., 326
Sproles, A. V., 134, 142
Spurgeon, Spurgun, Catherine, 26
James, 229
Joseph, 229
Mary Katherine, 366
Robert Lee, 275
Spurlock, Anzo, 387
Carl, 192, 387
Margaret J., 192
Ollie, 192, 387
Sanders, 34, 192, 387
William, 387
Stacy, Stasy, Ben, 273
Elizabeth, 539
Laura Belle, 450
Lucinda, 19
Martha, 18
Mary Carr, 539
Matilda, 18
Polly, 20
Preston, 18
W. E., 539
Wiley, 19
William, 18
Stafford, Charles, 561
David, 501
David C., 35
Mary Madeline, 561
William, 579
Staley, George Marion, 274
J. A., 321
Lucy J., 193
R. A., 326
Stallard, B. N. (Dr.), 422
Harrey, 422
John W., 48
Stallings, J. E., 43
Stamy, Lucille, 552
Stanfield, Kate, 285
Stanley, J. S., 144
Rickles, 14
Virginia, 423
Staples, Waller R., 138
Starks, J. M., 221
Starr, John, 44
Statzer, Martin, 216
Stauber, Cornelia Loesch, 484
Daisy, 401
Etta V., 484
Tobias [of Winston-Salem, N.C. 1900], 484
Staven, JohnW., 78
Steban, Alfred, 168
Elizabeth, 168
Steel(e), 422, 497, 586
A. J., 136, 241, 585
Amanda J., 24
Ann Eliza, 29
B. E., 127
Bert, 540
C. H., 101, 103, 104, 112, 115, 120, 121, 125, 135, 138, 142
C. M., 108
C. W., 300
Calvin, 27
Catherine, 27
Charles, 300, 389, 490
Charles George, 274
Charles H., 96, 98, 108 , 109, 110
David, 510
Dray ton, 183
Edgar Marion, 275
Eleanor, 285
Elec, 153
Eli, 16, 50, 490
Eliza J., 11
Elizabeth, 27
Elizabeth Finney, 381
Ellen, 12
Francis M., 22
Francis M., Jr., 225
Francis M., Sr., 225
H. W., 106
H. Wade, 98, 102, 108
Hattie, 487
Henry, 389, 490
I. B., 52, 540
Isaac B., 24
James, 490
Jane, 359
Jane Moore, 540
JeremiahW., 488
Jinsy, 160
John, 208
John C., 274
Julia Ann (Cecil), 153
Mabel (Dickenson), 183
Margaret, 556
Margaret L. (Thompson), 159
Margaret M., 13
Mary, 17, 490
Mary A. (Claytor), 179
Mary J., 25
Maud, 287
Montiville , Montraville, 34, 223, 377, 380, 381
Nancy Fields, 381
Nancy Isabella, 430
Nancy J. (Cecil), 153
Nlncy Jane, 25, 27
Nancy V. (Claytor), 179
Nettie Fay, 582
Patsy, 153
R. R., 55, 70
Raymond B., 274
Rebecca, 377, 490
Rebecca Ann, 28
Rebecca Peery, 586
Resin R., Peizin R., 34, 49, 67 , 68
Reuben, 510
Rex E., 275
Richard, 30, 52, 97, 99, 225 , 488
Robert, 79, 81, 82, 83 , 87, 88, 90, 430, 466
S. D., 108
Sallie, 186
Sarah A., 28
Sarah Alice, 540, 541
Shad(e)rach, Shadrich, Shaderick, 19, 154
Sparrel(l), 105, 106, 108
Thomas, 160, 380
Uva, 408
W. B., 408
W. B. (Mrs.), 140
Wade, 389, 490
Wade H., 422
William, 38, 241, 587
Steeples, John, 274
Stefenaur, John E. [*Naturalization], 47
Steger, Ethel, 443, 450
Eva Waugh, 357
S. B. (Mrs.), 357
Stein, Leonard, 216
Steinbecker, Henry, 157
Stephens , Stevens , Steavans, Bettie M., 566
Boween, 488
E. S., 303, 304
Ed., 502
Exie, 401
Floyd Henry, 274
G. B., 307, 311
Hiram, 238
M. L., 96
W. E., 300
W. L., 103
Stephenson, Stevenson, Stpheson,
Benton, 488
Catherine, 17, 152
Charles, 17
Charles Hubert, 586
Charles J., 275
David, 440
Edna, 401
Eliza J., 188
Elizabeth, 33, 155
Elisha Earl, 274
Ella Virginia, 586
G. B., 96
Gillie, 200
Harry C., 28
Harvey, 440
Henry, 152
Hugh Thomas, 274
I. R. H., 115, 120, 127
Irving, 192
Isaac R. H., 33
J. B., 198
J. Benton, 191
J. J., 225
J. R., 234
James, 41, 66
James R., 22, 225
James W., 223
John, 192, 217
John W., 440
Joseph, 488
Joseph H., 198
Joseph W., 41
Laura (Moore), 167
Levicie, 28
Lucy, 202
Maggie (Mrs.), 201
Margaret, 155, 192, 488
Margaret Jane, 160
Mary Ann, 26
Mary C., 160
Mattie, 488
Nancy E., 40
Nancy J., 19
Noah C., 586
R. N., 201
Rebecca, 191
Robert, 317
S., 233
Sallie, 488
Sarah, 40, 155
Sarah C., 19
Simon E., 38
T. J., 43
Thomas, 43
Thomas J., 31
Virginia, 160
W., 229
W. W., 440
Walter L., 15
Wilke, 225
William, 245
William M., 12, 488
William Rees, 586
Steptoe, R. H. L., 231
Stewart, Elijah, 230
John, 207
Lucy, 485
Rob(ert), 206, 208
Sarah, 359
William, 217
Stickleman, Thomas, 238
Stieren, Josie, 188
Still, Abraham, 298
Abraham Price, 499
Abram, 498
Andrew, 499
Andrew Taylor, 499
Andrew Taylor (Dr.), 498, 499
Barbara Jane Poage, 499
Bozias, 498
Cassandra, 499
Charles Edward, 499
Charles Edward, Jr., 499
Dudley Turner, 499
Edward Cox, 498
Eugene Updyke, 499
Fred, 499
Fred Mix, 499
George W., 499
Harold Ryder, 499
Harry Mix, 499
Helen Glades, 499
Henry, 502
Herman Taylor, 499
Herman Taylor, Jr., 499
James Moore, 498
John Wesley, 499
Loranzo Waugh, 499
Marcia lone, 499
Martha H. Blanche, 499
Marusha, 499
Mary Elizabeth, 499
Mary Lydia, 498
Mary Margareta, 499
Morovia Marsden, 499
Richard, 499
Susan B., 499
Thomas Chalmers, 499
Stilt(e)ner, George, 14
Jacob R., 16
Martha, 19
Milburn J., 19
Stilwell, M., 39
Stimson, Laura J., 470
Mary J., 470
Nelson B. [of Floyd Co., Va..], 470
Sophia E., 156, 157
St(e)inson, 490
Amy, 386
Charles Russell, 275
George, 183
J. T., 303, 304
J. Thomas, 303
John H., 10, 386
Rachel, 147, 192
Robert, 303
Sofa Ann (Dickenson), 183
W. R. L., 122, 126
Stobaugh, Stobough [also see Stobach], James, 315
Stogwell, Wyndham, 119
Stollard, Sallie, 424
Stollings, J. E., 43
Stolner, Elizabeth, 430
Stone, Boykin, 274
Clara, 410
J. F., 327
John R., 410
Leona V., 286
Minnie, 538
W. S., 87
Willie S., 286
Stonebraker, Nannie Kinder, 200
Stoneman, (Gen.), 5
George, 74 , 75 , 490
Stout, 588
Jno. A., 223
Stovall, Bartholomew, 217
Jno. V., 238
Stowers, Christena, Christina, 18, 147
Colby, 148
Darthula T. (Compton), 175
Dennis, 19
Earl, 196
Earl F., 142
Florence (Moss), 197
H. R., 126, 127 , 143, 301
Harvey W., 171
Hickman, 148
Hiram, 337
Isaac F., 148
James M., 148
John W., 55, 81, 148
Larkin, 147
Lena, 196, 285
Mamie, 196
Mary, 22, 147
Mary A., 33
Mordica, 147
Peter R., 148
Polly, 148
Ralph, 197
Rufus, 23, 147
Sarah, 147
Vance, 196
Virginia, 171
Watson, 436
William, 148
Strader, Teura, 429
Straley, Lucy, 576
Stras, Arthur Lee, 534
B. W., Jr., 129, 320
Beverly, 161 ( 470
Beverly W., 532, 534, 535
Beverly W., Jr., 535
Beverly W., m, 535
Camilla Nash, 534
Eleanor Letitia, 32C
Elleanor Letitia Higginbotham, 534
Emma Dey, 534
Francis Preston, 534
Frederick Gildersleeve, 534
George Frederick, 11-531, 532
Helene, 535
Isaac Winston, Jr., 531
J., 51, 52 , 53 , 60 , 61, 63
James, 534
James Campbell, 534
Joe, 532
Jos(eph), 54 , 55, 81, 86, 93 , 96, 97, 161, 299, 428, 470, 531, 532 , 533
Joseph, Jr., 534
Joseph, Sr., 161, 320, 397, 470, 532 , 534
Joseph, III, 534
Joseph, IV, 534
Letitia (Higginbotham), 150
Letitia St. Clair, 535
Lucy, 161
Martha, 534
Martha E., 161, 536
Mary Virginia, 534
Mattie, 470
Rosalie E., 535
Rosalie Eleanor, 535
Sarah, 531
Stella Hays, 534
Strat(t)on, 505
Charles, 388
Elizabeth, 388
Harvey, 23
James W., 13
Polly, 505
Rees, 15
Streets, Raymond, 274
Strickland, J. A., 311, 312
Stridden, John R., 28, 41
Stringfellow, (Major), 56
Strong, Annie, 410
Ethel, 286
G. L., 283
Grover L., 406
Strother, D. J. F., 134
Elvina Chapman, 338
J. A., 103
Margaret, 183, 186
Nancy M., 575
P. W., 81
Philip, 80
Stuart [also see Stewart],
A. (Maj.), 497
Augusta, 346
Dale Carter, 426
Frances M., 580
Henry C., 6
Henry C. (Gov.), 348
J. H., 84, 86, 91, 100, 104, 109, 118 , 319 , 428
J. H. (Hon.), 113, 114
Jane Lewis, 359
John White, 426
Katherine Elizabeth, 197
Lillie, 186
Louise, 195
Margaret DuPuy, 367
Margaret Myers, 580
Robert Raymond (Dr.), 367
Robert Raymond, Jr., 367
Roy, 275
Sallie White, 426
Walter, 274
William, 580
Stubbs, E. D., 291
Stultz, Clarence, 537
Donald, 539
Josie (Peery), 175
Otis, 539
Stump, Charles, 127
Crockett, 27, 69, 74, 76, 159
David, 18, 25, 245, 317
Elizabeth, 25
Elvina W., 28
Granville 317
Granville H., 18
Harriel Elvira, 159
Mary, 159
Nancy, 14
Polly, 581
Victoria, 32
Virginia, 159
Sturgis, Sturgess, James Clinton, 275, 281
Sudduth, Suddith, Ed., 362
Nannie, 362
Nannie K., 192
Walton, 192, 362
Su(i)ter, Su(i)tor, Alexander, 424
John W., 26
Peter R., 25
William, 235
Sullender, Nancy A., 34
Sullivan, Jno. T. (Rev.), 159
Katherine, 499
Suit, J. K., 300
Summers, G. W., 286, 298
J. H., 300
John, 28, 239
Julia, 576
Julia A., 15
L. P., 141
Samuel, 275
William, 52, 66, 83, 84
Sunday, Billy, 310
Surber, Lilburn, 223
Surface, Ann Elizabeth, 188
Annie Howe, 139
Annie Shelton, 522
George R., 188, 522
H. S., 130, 137, 188
Katherine, 284
Ollie, 522
Surfronia, Ellener, 160
Sutherland, Betty Jean, 539
Blanch, 193
James, 37
Madge, 539
Marvin, 338
Oscar Francis Joseph, 338
Parkis, 539
Robie K., 338
Robie K., Jr., 338
Ruby, 539
W. B., 303
Suthers, Jane R., 163
John D., 163
John K., 151
Mary E., 163
Sutton, Myrtle M. [of Horton, Ks.], 381
S. G., 327
Swa(r)der, Swrader, John W., 15
Margaret, 19
Nellie (Asberry), 183
Samuel, 238
Swango, Charles, 586
Eliza (Young), 160
G. B., 586
Green B., 42
James, 586
John Newton, 586
Swanson, Claude A., 6
Sweeney, A. Jackson, 223
I. J., 223
Jamie, 442
Martha Gilliam, 588
Virginia E., 28
Switalski, Joe R., 275
Switzer, A. E., 35
Sword, Michael, 217
Sydnor, C. W., 320
Sykes, John, 217
Szeghy, John B. (Rev.), 141
Tabler, 313
Christian [of Fredk. Co., Va.], 473
Elizabeth Ann [of Fredk. Co., Md.], 473
Martha, 503
Sallie Thrasher, 473
William, 503
Tabor, Taber, 510
A. J., 242
A. P., 182
A. W., 108
Adam Stephen, 276
Alex W., 245
Ann Eliza, 11
Brown, 182
Charles, 145
Charles T., 164
Clara E., 195
Clarissa J., 31
Daniel, 145
Edd., 332
Edna, 165
Elizabeth, 29, 182
Elizabeth C., 501
Emily, 31
Erie, 332
Francis, 156
Freddie, 182
G. W., 226
George, 245, 332
Geo(rge) C., 165
George W., 24, 440
Georgia, 332
Grace D., 161
H. C., 141, 143
H. J., 245
Harriet, 164
Henry, 245
Henry H., 31
Henry J., 102
Homer, 165
Irene, 332
J. H., 300
J. Wade, 165
James, 26
James C., 165
James H., 52, 165
James R., 20, 245
Jeff, 245
Jefferson, 12
Jesse, 332
John, 145, 245
John A., 38, 165, 235, 324
John Davis, 276
John Henry, 276
Juanita, 332
Lizzie, 332
Lou Ellen (French), 183
Louisa C., 43
M. E., 182
Margaret M., 165
MariahS., 38
Mary, 37, 145, 321
Matilda, 34
May, 332
Mollie, 445
Octavia (Tiller), 169
Olivia Victoria, 182
Ora, 332
Ora Virginia, 193
R. B., 182, 321
Richard, 82
Russell B., 16, 78, 245
Ruth, 332
S. G., 165
Samuel, 145
Samuel F., 245
Sarah Grace, 332
Stella, 300
Stephen Harrison, 13
Tabitha H., 16
Thomas E., 165, 226
Virginia, 27
W. C., 103
W. J., 156
William, 332
William F., 74
William J., 14, 76, 245
Tackett, Thomas E., 43
Talbert, Charles, 217
Taliaferro, Dorothy, 286
Virginia, 286
Talley, William R. [Moved to Ind.], 477
Tanner, H. M., 139
J. M., 320
Martha C., 43
Tarter, Carl, 360
Charles R., 161
Jane, 575
Kemper, 161
Louise, 575
Rebecca J. (Graham), 161
Robert, 161, 360
Sallie (Gildersleeve), 190
Sarah, 575
William, 161, 575
William, Jr., 575
William A., 16
Tate, (Col.), 373
Benjamin, 245
Eleanor Stuart, 345
J. A., 326
John, Jno., 28, 205, 208, 229, 241
John A., 321
Robt., 205, 208
Tatum, J. R., 28
Robert, 160
Taylor, 235
(Mr.), 345
A. P., 239
Arthur, 280
Arthur W., 276
Ashby, 190
Barbara, 498
Bell (Mrs.) (Peery), 11-175
Bertha, 430
Bess, 492
Brown, 276
C. L., 231
Charles, 49 , 50, 51, 394
Charles A., 328
Crabtree, 160
"Cum ", Cum, 388, 492
D. J., 90, 101, 123
Eliza, 12
Emory Lee, 276
Ephriam, 231
Fannie M., 545
Frank, 493
Greever, 276
Harriet St. Clair, 535
Henry P., 535
Henry P., Jr., 535
Hugh, 493
India, 500, 588
India S., 753
Isaac, 493
Isabella, 471
J. E., 229
J. L., 324
James, 153
James T., 578
Jim, 238
John, 146
John W., 48, 49, 153, 500
Kate, 493
Katherine, 520
Letitia S., 394
Louise, 285
Margaret, 492, 520 , 587
Mariah D., 20
Mary, 153, 176
Mary A., 185
Mary Byrd, 338
Mary J. S., 153
Mary L., 153
Mary Louise, 336
Mary Maxwell, 492
Matilda, 13, 146
Mattie, 492
Maude M., 565
Mill(e)y, 13, 146
Nell, 492
Paru, 12
Patsa Persillar, 160
Polly, 454
R. E. L., 306
Robert, 388, 493
Robert H., 28, 231, 242
Robert Samuel, 276
Samuel, 239
Sanders, 33
Sarah, 500
Sarah E., 153
Sarah Jane, 33
Stephen, 146
T. T. [of Broadford, Va.], 338
Thomas, 153
Thomas Tate, 153
Virginia, 190
Virginia H., 199
Virginia M., 36
W. H., 143, 327, 328
Walter Lee, 276
William, 580
Teeter, George, 217
Templar, J. T., 239
Temple, Nannie, 193
Terry, Emerine, 24
Hugh J., 11
Joseph, 330
Lena, 545
Lucinda M., 23
Reuben, 217
Thomas, Abijah Montgomery, 19
Abram, 41
Andrew, 178, 225
Calvin, 431
Claude, 199
D. T., 97
David, 217
David L., 36
Doris, 285
Elizabeth, 37
George R., 130, 178, 199
Haston, 225
Inez, 483
James, 225
James M., 225
Jimmy, 170
John, 78, 81 , 82, 178, 205, 206, 208, 223, 225, 431
John L., 23, 317
John W., 21
Louisa (Thompson), 156
Mercer E., 199
Mercer Elliot, 276
Pauline, 168
Peggy, 442
Pose William, 276
Presly, 409
Rhoda, 200
Rice H., 415
Sallie, 170
Samuel, 22, 239
Sam(ue)l L., 316
V. H., 235
Vincent H., 234
Walter L., 199
Thomason, Enfield D., 33
Thompson, (Miss), 364, 436
A. A., 101
A. J., 44
A. N., 165
Agnes, 541
Alexander, 156
Alice, 521
Alice C., 161
Alice Steele, 54l
Allen C., 231
Allen P., 30
Amanda, 587
Andrew, 241
Andrew J., 24
Andy, 245
Ann Eliza, 16
Ann(e) Floyd, 348, 546
Annie, 587
Annie Lucas, 480
Araminta J. (Hall), 180
Arch(ibald), 156 , 165, 473, 508
Archie, 473
Ardelia, 200
Ardelia (Crockett), 185
Attelia, 31
Austin, 233
Austin A., 35
Benjamin(e) H., 276, 281
Bettie, 172
Bryant, 32
C. A., 541
Caleb A., 317
Caleb Anderson, 540, 541
Calvin, 167
Camilla, 167
Carl, 537
Christina (Grills), 150
Clementine, 541
Cleo, 518
Daniel A., 161
Denton, 230
EarlC., 541
Edgar, 189
Edward R., 146
Edward W., 541
Eleanor, 518, 521
Eleanor T., 198
Elizabeth E., 23
Elizabeth Emily, 480
Ellen J., 177
Ephraim W., 33, 35
Erastus, 245
Esther, 359
Eugene, 442
Eugene S., 388, 541
Eveline (King), 166
Eviline, 189
F., 120, 126
Fess, 276
Flo Ann (Crabtree), 172
Foster J., 276
Francis, 541
Frank, 194
George 44, 172, 238, 315
George Erastus, 17
George O., 156, 165
George Oscar, 473
George P., 156, 316
George W., 21, 135, 167
Georgia Alice, 473
Georgie, 165
Grace (Buchanan), 193
Grey (Buchanan) (Mrs.), 454
H. B., 238
H. G., 105, 107
Hallie, 194
Harry, 546
Harry L., 190
Harry Lee, 348 , 546
Harvey G., 161
Henry Preston, 349
Howery, 189
J. H., 316
J. M., 70, 545
J. R., 316
J. Sterling, 113
J. W., 55, 324
James, 13, 189, 194, 217, 245, 394, 466
James B., 146
James H., 156
James P., 34
James W., 49, 53, 54 , 56, 61 , 63 , 68, 83
Jane Campbell, 514
Jane M., 27
Janie, 541
Jenney , Jennie, 545
Jesse M. N., 39
Jim, 167
John, 32, 71 , 151, 156, 167, 227, 276, 280, 337, 359, 514, 540, 541
John B., 464
John Caleb, 541
John M., 67, 69, 78, 464
John R., 43, 156, 238
John S., 140, 143, 144
John W., 26, 64
Joseph, 45, 587
Josiah M., 161
Julia J., 177
L. Newton, 161
Larken, 30
Laura, 184, 541
Lavicie, 556, 573
Lavisa Bowen, 514
Leek Andrew, 276
Letitia S., 11
Levicie, 587
Lindsey, 480
Lou, 44
Louise, 285, 546
Louise Cecil, 348
Lucille, 541
Lyde, 464
Lydia, 156
M., 198
M. J., 43
Margaret, 419
Margaret J., 30
Martha, 38, 40, 512
Martha (Grills), 151
Martha Hopkins, 520
Martha Josephine, 349
Marvin, 276
Mary, 38, 42, 146, 165, 520
Mary A., 39, 44
Mary Alice, 541
Mary Grace, 473
Mary Gray, 351
Mary H., 15
Mary Jane, 40, 541
Mary L., 177
Mertte, 538
Milton, 586, 587
Milton W., 145
Minerva, 145, 172
Mitchell W., 177
Nancy A., 17
Narcissa, 145
Newton, 230
Oday C., 276
Oscar, 239, 245, 520, 587
Paris, 511
Patrick, 238
Pe(a)rie, 464, 551
Peggy, 145, 587
Phebe (Chappell), 541
Polly, Poley, Pollie, 145, 146, 156, 473
Prudy J., 24
R. S., 37
Rachel (Doak), 159
Ralph, 541
Rebecca, Rebecka, Rebecah, 154, 165
Rebecca C., 546
Rebecca Cecil, 14
Rebecca Elizabeth, 473
Rebecca M., 27
Rees(e), 39, 44, 85, 230
Rees(e) Bowen, 190, 276, 280, 348
Rees Bowen, Jr., 348
Robert, 35, 245, 276, 328
Rose, 167
Roy Ashland, 276
Roy Steele, 541
Roy Steel, Jr., 541
Rufe, 239
Rufus, 337
Russ, 194
S. J., 97, 141
Sallie, 190
SallieA., 31
Sallie L., 188
Sally F., 22
Samuel, 172, 230, 243
Samuel B., 351 , 512
Samuel J., 10, 99, 348, 349
Samuel L., 187
Samuel R., 327
Sarah C., 33
Sarah Katherine, 541
Sophronia, 541
Sophronia (Burress), 540
Susan Ann, 15
Susan J., 172
Telia, 337
Thomas, 21, 145
Thomas E., 87
Thomas Edward, 541
Thos. W., 238
Vicie, 587
Virgie, 200
W. A., 128, 283
W. Archie, 198
W. C., 238
W. E., 128, 133
W. T., 198
Walter, 194
Walter E., 198
Walter W., 158
William, 20, 31, 145, 189, 217, 301, 337, 344, 351, 457, 460, 464, 518, 586, 587
William E., 137, 464
William H., 238
William J., 159
William Lawrence, 276
William P., 521
Thornley, (Miss), 467
Thornton, Marietta, 570
Thornyson, Jimmy Vail, 170
Thorpe, Nickatie, 495
Tibbs, T. C., 301
W. E., 301
Tickle, J. D., 321
Mary Elizabeth, 166
Nannie (Harry), 166
Sidney Taylor, 276
William Erastus, 276
Tiffany, Americus Margaret, 155
Charles F., 155, 365, 503
Charles Fitzgerald, 502
Cosby America, 365
Eliza, 155
Hugh, 389, 502, 503
Jane S., 155, 172
Maria J., 503
Maria(h) Jane, 155, 502
Mary Ann, 389
Mary Zarilda, 365, 575
Nancy Jane, 155
Polly Maria, 155
Tilford, John, 498
Tiller, David, 169
E. F., 50
Edward, 504
Edward E., 169
J. P., 238
James A., 169
James Ira, 165
Jerry, 245
John, 169
Martha D., 169
Mary Jane (Norton), 165
Nancy H., 169
Rebecca J., 35
Sarah E., 169
William James, 276
Tillet(t), A. C., 545
S. R., 238
Tinsley, Ellen R. (Mrs.), 173
Tizen, Pete, 300
Todd, 497
Margaret, 493
Tollet(t), (Miss), 371
Tolliver, Alexander, 276
Tomblinson, Tomli(n)son,
Isham, 510
Robert, 133
Tompkins, Virginice, 498
Toomy, Ann, 41
Topp, Roger, 217
Totton, Totten, Mary, 371
Rachel, 487
Rawley, 276
William, 242
Tout, John, 34
May J., 156
Townsley, Sarah (Asberry), 164
Tracy, Winton, 18
Traybern, J. F., 157
S. J. S., 157
Trayer, C. H., 300
Treadway, William, 217
Tributary, William, 42
Trig(g), Alexander, 41
Ardelta, 200
Charley, 200
Demp, 200
George, 200
Henry, 200
Joseph, 200
Mary, 200
Reese, 200
Trimble, Edward, 577
John, 205, 207
Rob., 208
Robt., 205
Trinkle, E. Lee, 6
Triplett, Roy M., 281
Roy Martin, 276
Trivett, Clay, 493
Troy, W. H., 301
Trula, Russell, 178
Tucker, Beverly, 498
Ellen, 44
Frances, 498
St. George, 498
Thelma, 473
Tuggle, (Miss), 362
Tulley, William Riley, 18
Turley, David, 175, 463
James S., 226
John Allen, 175
MaryC., 36
Priscilla, 464
Rebecca R., 35
Rees, 225
Rees T., 36
Rees Thompson, 175
Solomon, 225
Susan B., 36
Thomas, 24
Vicie, 464
William Andrew, 276
Turner, Clarence Kenny, 276
Elizabeth, 472
George, 351
George, Jr., 352
Ida L., 192
Jacqueline, 352
James (Rev.), 472
John, 30
Martha C., 43
Mary, 472
Mary Elvire, 499
Maude, 300
Meadows, 26, 241
Mollie, 479
Patin, 241
Rees Bowen, 352
Sallie Leftwtch, 472
Samuel Eli, 281
Stella, 566
Turpin, George, 276
Isaac, 276
Walter J., 306
Twigg, Elizabeth, 190
J. R., 190
James Roily, 276
Tyler, J. Hoge, 8
James Hoge, 6
Virginia, 284
Tynes, (Col.), 542
A. J., 93, 236, 292, 319 , 453, 534, 542 , 543
A. J. (Capt.), 478
Achilles J., 30
Achilles James, 184 , 542 , 543
Achilles L., 543
Achilles L. (Dr.), 184
Achilles Lacy, 184
Archilles Lyonds, 196
Buford C., 184, 196, 543
Charles St. Clair, 543
Conrad F. (Mrs.), 352
Conrad Fudge, 184, 196, 543
Eliza B., 184
Eliza Isabel(le), 196, 543
Eva St. Clair, 478, 543
Finley, 543
Frances M., 184
Frances Moorman, 196, 543
Harriet, 543
Harriet L., 158, 184, 196
Harriet S., 184
Harriett Spottswood, 196, 543
L. A., 319
Lacy, 543
Lacy A., 184, 196, 543
Margaret, 543
Mary E., 29
Mary Lee, 543
Nancy, 543
Nancy Pendleton, 543
Narcissa, 184
Obediah, 542
Samuel, 542
Tyree, P. R., 136
Umbarger, Umberger, Clara, 574
Earl, 574
Emma, 190
Lillian, 284
Lois, 574
Mary, 493
Nita Jane, 436
Ola, 574
R. S., 574
Thomas P., 23
Underdunk, Martin Henry, 389
Martin Henry, Jr., 389
Underwood, Peter, 36, 239
Unrue, 509
Updyke, Bessie, 499
Upshaw, Will D., 482
Vail, Catherine E., 23
Fannie, 406
Gussie Pearl, 408
James, 229, 394
James A., 38
James H., 406, 408
James S., 73
Jimmy, 170
Kate, 401
Lettie, 337
M. B. (Mrs.), 170
Margaret L., 42
Mary Bowen, 408
Nannie Me., 408
Robert, 408
Thomas H., 408
Vance, (Miss), 363
Abner, 20
Alex., 246
Alice, 201
Anna L., 40
C., 300
Charlie Crockett, 277
Charlotte, 458
Elijah, 31, 161 , 243, 244, 251, 262
Harvey, 145
Howard, 145
James, 205, 207
John, 23, 145, 205, 207
Katharin, 12
Lucinda, 23, 145
Mary, 15
Mary Ann, 31
Mary J., 36
Mollie, 391
Nancy, 145, 458
Pearl, 276
Rhoda J., 23
Richard, 48
Rinda, Rhinda, 20, 145
Rody, 145
Sam., 207, 208
Susan, 13, 452
Susannah, 16, 145
William, 145
Vandike, VanDyke, Vandyke, Andrew, 30, 229
Bane, 144
Charles, 164
Charlotte, 15
Doak, 277, 281
Elizabeth, 489
Flem, 276
George, 164
Henry P., 164
Janna, 164
John, 21, 27
John Alexander, 277
Joseph, 19
Levini, 27
Martha, 14, 18
Mary, 29
Polly, 164, 584
Rachel, 160
Rebecca, 164, 584
Rees(e), 26, 164, 584
Rees T., 164
Rhoda, 332
Ro., 229
Robert, 17, 229
Thomas, 277
Vanhook, Samuel, 218
VanHoose, George, 561
Vanhoozier, Andrew, 175
Ellen R., 175
Isaac, 464
James, 175
Preston, 175
Emma E., 194
Vaugh(a)n, Vaun, 502
Gabril, 30
Jeff (Wythe), 223
Margaret, 499
Reuben, 582
Vaught, Garnet, 521
James, 521
Marie, 521
Sallie, 176
Sidney Boys, 521
William J. (Smythe), 225
Vaughter, Rose, 187
Va(u)lt, Ada, 364
Vawter, H. A., 551
Vayden, Leora, 551
Veasy, Oscar, 519
Venable, Jaqueline, 284
Vermillion, Elizabeth, 363
Jesse, 218
Stella, 474
Vernon, Catherine E., 22
Jesse W., 276
Nancy C., 28
Rutha, 32
Samuel, 235
Vess, Henry, 31
Nancy K., 35
Vest, James H., 223
Viars, Malinda, 35
Vicars, A. M., 119
Vincel(l), Vencil(l), Vansell, James, 233
James E., 516
John D., 298 , 516
John D. (Dr.), 516
Joseph D., 39
Julia Alice, 516
Martha Ella, 516
Virgie, 561
Virginia Mildred, 516
William, 40
Vincin, William, 388
Vineyard, George, 218
Vinson, Dora, 437
Lazarus, 33
Virty, Rebecca, 337
Waddill, Waddell, Waddle, 549
E. R., 235
Margarett Ann, 28
Thomas, Thos., 14, 241
William, 241, 245
Wade, Beverley, 277
J. A., 136, 138, 143
John C., 84
M. D. H., 43
Margaret E., 39
Mary A., 37
Wag(g)oner, Wagner, (Mr.), 469
A. S., 300
Adam C., 37
Adam E., 85, 156
Adam Green, 277
Bernard, 198
C. A., 101, 128, 130, 300
C. M., 135, 138, 143, 300
Charles A. (Rev.), 144
Charles K., 198
David N., 245
E. A., 128
E. G., 126
Ed., 504
Emanuel, 198
F. E., 138, 300
G. M., 300
J. E., 301
James Albert, 279, 281
Jane, 537
Juliana E., 156
Melissa T. (Holbrook), 158
Pearl, 407
Rebecca, Rebeckah, 198
Sidney, 198
Sylvia, 198
W. N., 298
William N., 296
Wainwright, Dorothy, 286
J. E., 299
Wakefleld, (Mrs.), 187
Ethel, 485
Walden, Waldon [see also Waldron], John, 472
M. A., 229
W. H., 231
Waldron, Walrond [also see Walden &Walsond], A. S., 128
Augustus S., 72
Charles, 277
Elizabeth, 41
Elizabeth (Beavers), 152
Jennie, 582
John, 458
John Aaron, 278
M. A., 223
Mary J., 29
Matilda, 40
Mat(t)hew A., 32, 175
Minnie, 191
Rebecca (Beavers), 152
Rice, 458
Thomas Marion, 277
Walker, 491
A. L., 221
Anderson L., 29
Catherine S., 29
Charles, 583
Charlie, 278
Elelia J., 26
Felix, 278
Frances E., 40
Fred, 326
G. A., 232
George, 390
George R., 277, 326
George W., 221, 322
Gilbert C., 5, 6
Gussie, 471
Harvey, 36
J. S., 106
James, 31, 497
James A. (Gen.), 495
Jane, 497
John, 497
Jno. R., 298
John S., Jno. S., 95, 104 , 317
John T., 101
L. E., 326
L. P., 325
Lena Alexander, 346
Louise, 390
Lucy Henry, 186
Mary E., 34, 412
Mary Jane, 178
Nannie Rose (Chanceaulme), 355, 391
R. M., 298
Rives, 355
Robert A., 278
Sallie V., 322
Samuel, Saml., 318
Sarah V., 32
Thomas, 493, 494
Thomas L. (Mrs.) [nee Dabney of Lynchburg, Va.], 160
Victoria, 197
W. H., 298
W. T., 316
Wade, 390
William, 34, 85, 218, 239, 241
William P., 13
Walland, Zachariah, 11
Wall(s), Baker D., 43
Bertha, 586
Elizabeth, 43
Frank T., 442
Frank T., Jr., 442
Lillian Claire, 442
Naomi Elizabeth, 442
Roscoe Riner, 277
Ruth Dillard, 442
Wallace, Wallice , Wallis, Clifford (Carbaugh) [female], 169
Edward, 407
Elizabeth, 24
F. S., 166, 321
Floyd, 169
G. H., 241
George, 241
George H., 41
George W., 235
Howard, 241
J. A., 326
Jas. J., 166
John, 302, 304
Joseph Robert, 407
Lacy Paul, 278, 281
Martha, 509
Martha (Linkous), 159
Rebecca, 34
Robert, 142
Shade, 241
Shadrach, 34
Susanah, 166
W. W., 103, 105, 107
William, 241
William J., 27
William W., 52
William Ward, 167
Willie Hufford, 197
Walsond, Augusts., 21
Walter(s), Charles, 501
James, 226
James A., 226
John P., 226
W. G., 327
Walthal(l), A. D., 292
James L., 364
James L., Jr., 364
Waltman, Nina M., 363
Walton, D. W., 536
Joseph Stras, 536
Sam, 192
Waltz, Nancy, 153
Wampler, Catherine, 145
Elizabeth, 145
John, 145
Matilda, 16
Polly Ann, 145
Ward Family, 1-357
Ward, 498, 511
A. T., 173
Alexander, 149, 544, 545 , 546
Alexander, Sr., 318
Amanda E., 545
Amanda Susan, 545
Anderson, 40
Annie (Mosely), 349
Archibald T., 546
Archibald Thompson, 14, 545, 546
Augustus, 544, 545
Augustus M., 545
Ballard P., 226
Bessie, 546
Blair, 545, 546
Caroline, 455,456
David, 203, 218, 344 , 544 , 545 , 546 , 572
E. Blair, 545 , 546
E. R., 149
Eleanor, Ellenor, 544, 546 , 575
Elizabeth, 546
Elizabeth Jane, 545
Ella, 173, 546
Ella A., 545
Erastus Blair, 545
Fannie, 546
Frances C., 31
George, 173, 349, 544, 546
Gincy, 544
Grace Olivia, 545
Henry, 544
Herbert, 279, 281, 546
Irene, 348, 546
J., 190
J. B., 173, 298
James, 203
James T., 233
Jane, 149 , 318, 392, 544
Jeff(erson), 319, 546
Jennie D., 159
Jesse Thompson, 546
John, 189, 203, 334, 344, 392, 544 , 545
John B., Jno. B., 223
John Blair, 546
John T., 546
Jonathan Augustus, 545
Joseph, 203
L. E., 300
Lafayette, 544
Laura, 337, 546
Levicie, 334, 544
Louisa, 467
Lucina, 560
Lucy Craig, 546
Lucy Jefferson, 546
Margaret, 545
Margaret Thompson, 405
Marguirite, 546
Mariah Margaret, 545
Martha, 545
Martha Jane, 545
Mary, 483, 546
Mary Blair, 173
Mary Cecil, 173, 349
Mary Madison, 545
Mary Virginice, 545
Matilda, 543
Nancy Bowen, 546
Nancy Rebecca, 545
Nancy Thompson, 467
Nancy Virginia, 545
Paddy, 339
Peggy, 544
Rebecca, 545
Rees(e), 544
Robert, 508
Robert Blair, 546
Robert Jefferson, 545, 546
Rose, 546
Rufus, 544
S. B., 173
Sallie E., 545
Samuel Benton, 546
Sarah, 546
Scott, 544
Selina, 546
T. A. Miller, 545
Terry, 545
Thompson, 149, 575
Thompson B., Jr., 546
Thompson Bane, 545, 546
Tobias Blair, 545
Virginia, 545
W. A., 301
W. B. P., 22
Walter J., 278
Walter Scott, 545
William 467, 544 , 545 , 546
William A., 173, 546
William H., 159
William T., 545
William W., 545
Warden, J. S., 301
James P., 584
Joseph, 584
Newton, 584
Robert Emmet, 584
William O., 584
Warner, D. C., 221, 223
Marco, 142
Nola, 288
Spencer B., 277, 279
W. T., 223
Warren, Charlotte, 430
George M., 140
Gracie, 185
John, 42
Letitia, 43
T. B., 301
Thomas E., 278
Washington, Frances Lackland, 401
George, 581
L. Jr., 401
Telfair, 277
Watkins, 331, 494
Alexander, 359
B. D. S. [or B. D. G.], 44
Ben, 179
Charles T., 179
Clarence Edwin, 278
Edward, 360
Ellen S., 345
Fayette, 165
George S., 179
Glen, 360
Grant, 179
Henry A., 165
Irene, 360
Jennie, 571
John, 359, 360
John N., 179
John T., 179
Katy (Witten), 186
Lafayette, 179
Lydia, 360
Lydia J., 179
Mariah, 179
Mary A., 165
Mary Louisa, 345
Rachel, 359
Rachel Elizabeth, 359
Ralph, 360
Robert, 179, 359
Robert G., 179
Stuart, 571
Susan, 178
William, 494
William L., 165, 229, 318, 345
William Lafayette, 14
William W., 279
William Walter, 277
Watlington, Fannie Lucretia, 336
Watson, 511, 567
Bertie, 441
David, 206, 207
John, 441
Linnie, 441
Nancy, 27
Rebecca A., 11
Sarah, 27
Teny, 37
William, 205, 207
William J., 441
William R., 142
Watt(s), Ballard P., 160
Bowen, 172
Edward George, 164
Edward Peery, 346
Elizabeth, 149
Ellen, 160
F. G. S., 116
Florine, 172
Harriet Bowen, 164
Hattie Louise, 346
J. G., 86, 428
John G., 76, 79, 81, 82, 85, 89, 172, 345, 562
Joseph Granbery, 357
Katherine, 346
Laura, 467
Lina Pauline, 357
Louise, 346
Martha Ann Early, 357
Mary E., 32
Rees Bowen, 164, 346
S. F., 55, 63, 86, 428
Starling F., Sterling F., Stirling F., 57, 68, 86
Sterling F. (Hon.), 95
William Mahone, 346
Waytes, Willis, 305
Weaver, Charles, 442
Firm A., 388, 442
Firm L., 442
Hiram, 429
Webb, A, S.(Gen.), 5
Greenville, 233
Henry, 12
Hobart William, 278
John, 206, 207, 233
John Rufus, 278
Kate, 190
Rebecca, 33
Robert, 31
Webster, Jno. C., 286
William, 277
Weikle, A. E., 299
Weir, Jas., 206, 208
Sam., 206
Welch, Welsh, Annie, 200
Clyde, 200
Leria, 200
Mabel, 200
Robert, 218
Roy, 200
Ruth, 200
S. W., 200
William, 277
Wells [also see Wills], Arsissus, 555
Delila, 555
Elizabeth, 555
Henry H., 5
Lewis Gillespie, 412
Lucinda, 15
Mackey, 555
Nicholas, 555, 558
PhillipW., 555
R. A., 412, 440
Russell A., Jr., 412
Ruth, 555
W. W., 108, 111
William, 16
Welton, Thomas, 219
Werth, Hobert Morrison, 277
W. H., 131
William, 577
William G., 131
William H., 227
Wesley, John, 559
West, Dale, 277
Delia, 388, 442
Eliza, 42
J. W., 321, 327
Lucinda, 570
Mattie, 490
Nettie, 430
Wilk Otis, 278
Westmoreland, Pinie, 583
Wharton, Gabriel C., 227
Whe(e)lan, Richard Vincent (Rev.) [Catholic], 159
Wheeler, James, 539
Noah C., 40
Ray C., 539
Robert, 539
Whetsell, Benj., 419
Whitaker, America, 192
Doak, 197
Ella, 199
Henderson, 197
James, 540
John, 40, 97
Letha, 581
M. S., 197
May, 540
Morgan, 540
Nanie, 197
Patsy, 540
Roy, 197
T. W., 197
Virginia, 571
William, 540
Joe R., 278
White, 490
A. B., 454
A. M., 96
Aisley, 11
Alfred, 538
Almarine, 146
Almarine B., 148, 149
Ann, 20
Arch(ibald), 40, 223
Arch (of Jacob), 225
Arch (of Jas.), 225
Arch (of Thomas), 225
Arch M., 40
Arch R., 40
Archibald B., 26
Archibald Malony, 11
Augustus, 84, 146, 161, 245
B., 109
Balfour, 109, 111
Benjamin, 218, 223
Beverly Walton, 280
Charles, 171
Christina, 32
Delilah, 35
E. W., 231
Ellas H., 24
Elizabeth, 11
Elmer, 442
Ethel, 571
Eugenia J. (Harman), 163
Florence, 442
Fugate Campbell, 277
Gasper C., 35
Gertrude, 171
Harry, 277
Haster M., 42
Haven, 442
Henry, 171
Hensel, 538
Isaac, 171
Isaac Armand, 171
Israel, 225
J. F., 175
Jacob, 45, 52, 225
James, 11, 225
James A., 223
James B., 32
Jesse F. , Jessie F., 79, 175, 229
John, 13, 223
John, Jr., 223
John B., 148, 149
John M., 442
Joseph, 30, 35, 105, 223, 225, 442
Joseph F., Jos. F., 225
Katherine K., 383
Lee, 538
Linnie, 195
Louise, 442
M. J. (Mrs.) [nee Daugherty], 177
Madalene, 538
Margaret, 442
Mary, 21, 31
Mary J., 26
Mattie, 194
Nancy, 30
Nellie Allice, 419
Nina Frances, 188
Orton, 225
Osborn(e), 223, 225
Paris, 17
Paul, 442, 538
Rachel, 561
Rachel J. (Brown), 154
Rebecca J., 31
Rhoda Jane, 171
Robert, 146
Robert A., 148, 149
Robert Cheshire, 171
Roy T., 188
Ruben A., 38
S., 107
S. A., 363
S. Early, 419
Sallie, 388, 442
Sam, 208
Sammie, 442
Samuel, 477
Sarah Jane (Peery), 159
Shadrach, Shadrack, 146
Shadrach W., 148
Silvester, 11
Sparrell, 148
Susanna, 12
Sylvester, 19
Thomas A., 43
Thomas (Horton), 149
Trula, 442
Vicie, 588
W. B. F., 143, 175, 300, 337
W. M., 551
William, 12, 72, 146, 225
William G., 457
William H., 148, 149
William H. B., 21
Wilson, 29
Whitehead, Samuel Luther, 277
Whitesel, John, 223
Whitley, 549
(Mr.), 341
Andrew, 549
Andrew J., 550
Annie Cora, 552
Barbara Jane, 20
Betsy Hedrick, 550
Blanche, 551
Callowa, 25
Cosby, 176, 187
Cynthia, 550
David, 376, 492, 550 , 551 , 552
David R., 550
E. L., 82
Elgin, 151
Elgin L., 245, 550 , 551
Elgin Lane, 552
Elgin S., Elgan S., 26, 78
Ella J., 550
Ellen Mary, 552
Emma, 550
Emerine V., 32
Emmarine, 366
Florence, 551
Florence J., 552
Frances Annie, 551
Garnet, 551
Ginney, 550
H. C., 548
Hugh, 245
Hugh J., 37, 233
Hugh Price, 552
J. E., 187
J. W., 109
James, 501, 550
James Robert, 277
James S., 12, 64, 83, 188, 550, 551 , 552
Jane, 550
Jane Brooks, 550
Jane Maxwell, 550
Janie, 551
Jinny Brooks, 550
John, 87, 408
John David, 552
John H. , Jno. H., 33, 77, 78, 87, 136, 232, 243, 550, 552
John Whitman, 552
Keister, 551
Lily, 341
Lou, 465
Louisa, 551, 552
Maggie, 187
Maggie E., 565
Margaret, 365, 502
Margaret C., 551
Margaret E., 551
Margaret May, 551
Mary Alice, 551
Mary Hedrick, 550
Mary Naomi, 552
Mary Wynne, 550
Michael, 550
Moses (Officer in British Army), 341
Nancy, 550
Nannie Bell, 187, 551
Nellie Rose, 551, 552
Paul, 547 , 550
Peggy, 458, 550
Peggy Moore, 550
Polly, 549
Polly Six, 550
Polly Wynne, 550
Rachel (Witten), 186
Raiford, 549
Rees(e), 188, 571
Rees(e) J., 551
Robert, 550 , 551
Ros-Ell, 551
Sallie, 501
Sallie Wynne, 550
Samuel, 550
Sarah R., 551
Sarah Wynne, 550
Solomon, 548, 549
Stewart French, 278, 552
Thomas, 550
Walter, 551
Wesley, 512, 552
Wesley P., 245, 550
William, 366, 547 , 548 , 549 , 550 , 551 , 552
William A., 176
William Addison, 550, 551
William Neel, 552
Willie Reese, 551
Whitman, Annie L., 369
Byrd, 40
Charles E., 369
Charles T., 368
Clara, 337
Clarence E., 369
Dorothy C., 369
Edna J., 369
Edward, 277
Elbert M., 369
Eleanor, Elleanor, 33, 146
Elizabeth Jane, 584
Ella, 552
Etta Watson, 368
Fannie A., 550
Francis A., 26
Grace, 502
Grace M., 368
James, 516
James G., 369
James P., 32, 66, 92, 232, 240, 245, 339, 368
Jessie, 301, 368
Jessie Ward, 369
John, 584
John C., 368
Josie A., 369
Kenneth H., 368
Louis E., 168
Margaret, 369
Margaret E., 369
Mary G., 369
Mary J., 369
Mildred, 368
Nancy E., 369
Nannie L., 369
Naomi, 516
Naomi Elizabeth, 339, 369
Ola J., 369
R. W., 142
Robert W., 369
Raymond H., 368
Thomas W., 368
William, 516
W(h)itt, 33i
A., 189
A. M., 479
Abijah (Rev.) [Baptist Min.], 332
Alfred, 223
Archibald, 225, 479, 536
Archie Zack, 278
Bettie, 488
Blair, 479
Carrie, 539
Charter, 29
D. Crockett, 225
Elias, 278
Elias H., 223
Elie, 18
Elizabeth, 37
Elizabeth Wallace, 440
Etta, 586
Floyd, 488
Francis J., 38
Griffey, 151
Henry A., 225
Hezekiah, 146
Hugh, 466
J. P., 105, 233
James, 146, 225
James A., 223
James Maddison, 13
James P., Jas. P., 29, 103, 106, 107
Jeremiah, 155
John, 39, 465
John, Jr., 465
John B., 226
John Carl, 278
John Clarence, 278
John W., 94, 137, 138 , 191
Jonas, 151
Jonas, Jr., 229
Jonas, Sr., 229
Jonathan, 41
Joseph, 44
Joseph E., 278
Katie, 491
Kathleen, 465
Leek Evans, 277
Lucinda, 21
M., 189
M. W., 241
Mahala, 44
Mary, 443, 536
Mary Ellen, 538
MaryJ., 31
Mat., 479
Matilda (McGuire), 155
Mazie Dell, 479
Milburn, 38
Mollie, 588
Montague, 223
Nancy, 146, 151
Nannie, 489
Polly (Brewster), 332
Raleigh Witten, 191
Rosannah K., 24
S. G., 137, 143
Sallie, 332
Thomas, 223, 488
Thomas W., 220 , 221
Uva, 287
W. Frank, 191
W. S., 189
Will Samuel, 277
William, 24, 33, 223, 225, 226, 300
William M., 33
Wid(e)ner, Floyd R., 196
James, 277
JohnW., 196
Lena May, 196
Michael, 218
Nannie, 196
Wier, Jas., 206
Wilberger, Alma, 285
Wilburn(e), Nancy (Ann), 447
Robt., 227
Wilcox, (Miss), 431
Wiles, McKlnley, 278
Roby F., 277
Wiley [see also Wilee], Alexander, 218
Ella, 500
J. E., 242
Lewis N., 42
Louise, 190
Wilfley, Earle, 327
Wilkerson, Stephenson, 229
Williams, 504
(Capt.), 494
(Miss), 411, 439
A. D., 301
Adaline, 464
Amanda Matilda, 194
Ann, 385, 585
Arthur, 574
B. W., 48
Benjamin, 227
Benjamin Watkins, 149, 494
Bessie, 518
Bettie, 181
Bil1 Cy., 387
C. P., 115, 121, 192
C. R., 129, 534
Carrie, 387
Casper, 574
Charles, 385, 387,
Charles P., 108
Cornelius (of Wales), 384
Cyrus, 385, 387
D. H., 97
Dan, 528
David Oscar, 278
Davts, 387, 518
Effie, 387
Ella, 574
Emmet, 574
Evelyn Bessie, 387
Fay, 574
Florence, 386
Frank, 278
George H., 33
George J. (Dr.), [Living Newport News, Va.-1925], 386
Gose, 424
Harry, 185, 387
J. C., 241
James, 385
James L., 424
James Peery, 387, 518
Jennie, 424
John, 40, 385
John [married in Calif.], 387
John Chalton, 508, 513
Julia, 178
Julius C., 92, 226, 240, 385 , 386
Julius Caesar, 14
Junius, 385
L. V. (Mrs.), 177
Lawrence, 424
Lee, 278
Leonard, 387
Lewis, 277
Lillias, 534
Lillie, 583
Louisa B., 41, 385, 386
M. F., 37
Malvina, 387
Marcus, 298, 385
Marcus [married in Calif.], 387
Marcus (Dr.), 386
Margaret [of Newport News, Va. 1925], 387
Margaret Gillespie, 385, 386 , 387
Margaret J., 34, 385, 387
Margaret M., 386
Martha, 387, 518
Martin, 84, 494, 495
Mary, 387, 518
Mary Ann, 385
Mary Davis, 386
Mary Jane (Davis), 149
Mary V., 36
Mattie, 518
Maude, 287
Myrtle, 387
Numa P., 385
Octavia, 386
Oscar, 574
P. H., 105, 109, 192, 283
Patrick, 387
Patrick H., 241, 385
Peery, 528
R. S., 107
Rebecca, 423, 512
Rebecca Caroline (Davis), 185
Richard, 384
Robert, 387, 388, 494
Robert M., 149
Robert S., 185, 229
Robert W., 494
S. C., 232
Sallie Lootie, 197
Samuel, 194
Samuel W., 494, 495
Samuel W., Jr., 127
Shadrach, 419
Stella, 181
Stephen Andy, 424
T. J., 226
Thomas, 386, 387 424
Thomas J., 513
Thos. N., 97
Titus, 574
Titus V., 32, 232, 368, 385
Titus V. [Moved to Mo.], 386
Tom, 387
Vaughan, 365
W. C., 115, 122
W. O., 125, 127
W. R. (Dr.), 192
W. R. Md., 247
William, 384 , 385 , 386 , 387 , 424, 583
William [of Bath Co., Va. in 1820], 385
William, Jr., 384
William C., 33
William R., Jr., 387
William Rees, 387
William Rees (Dr.), 518
William Rees, Jr., 518
Willie, 574
Woody, 574
Williamson, C. G., 551
Elizabeth, 22
Ellen Claibourne, 201
Frances, 187
James, Jas., 32, 206, 208, 440
Matilda, 34
Robert B., 279, 281
Thomas N., 201
W. W., 327
Williby, And. Junr., 206
Willis, Elijah, 21
Ellen, 423
Francis, 25, 226
Franklin M., 225
R. H., 133
Snooks, 278
Willoughby, Ad., 208
An., 206
And., Jr., 208
Matt, Matt., 208
William, 208
Wilmot, Carolyn, 401
Wilson, 544
A. S., 583
C. C., 92, 245, 501, 580
Charles, 154, 334, 502
Charles C., 95
E. W., 300
Emory, 278, 281
Henry, 278
Hugh, 232, 334, 502
Hugh E., 502
Hugh Edward, 334
J. B., 142
J. H., 300
James, 508
James Thomas, 277
Jennie, 580
John, 154, 218, 226, 239, 334, 507
John, Jr., 408
John (3rd), 408
John S., 230
John W., 24, 546
John William, 502
Lavina C., 41
Lilburn Benjamine, 277
Lucy, 546
Lula May, 183
M. A., 305, 306
Margaret J. (Brooks), 181
Martin, 277
Mary V., 183
May, 502
Minnie, 570
Nancy, 24, 334, 502, 587
Nancy B., 27
Robert W., 11
Rozener, 24
S. B., 299
Sally, Sallie, 501
Sallie Elizabeth, 502
Sidney Baxter, 502
Sarah L., 154
T. P., 140
Thomas, 555
Tom, 279
Virginia Rebecca, 502
William, 18
William(s) D., 20, 26
Woodrow, 474
Wimmer, Winmer, A. J., 26
Arthur, 278
Bess, 287
Bessie, 287
Blanche, 287
C. K., 142
Cora, 202
Eula, 539
Fay, 539
Hugh, 538
Isaac, 41
Jack, 239
Jacob, 73, 76
James Addison, 22
Margaret, 538
May, 538
Mildred, 538
Nancy Ann, 178
Preston, 178
Rees, 178
Robert, 539
Robert Johnson, 277
Robert Matison, 178
Samuel Henry, 277, 281
W. P., 538
Winburn, P. C., 361
Wingo, A. F., 176, 229
Alice, 176
Anderson F., 31
Annie M., 168
Annie Maude, 176
C. K., 298
Emmazilla Elizabeth, 14
H. J., 198
Henderson R., 23
Henry M., 176
J. C., 231
J. H., 168, 321
James H., 92, 103, 321, 322, 325
James McDaniel, 20
John, 198
John C., 39, 229
Kansas, 176
L. C., 105
Lilly, 331
Lucie A., 198
M. B., 229
Maggie, 198
Martha India, 193
Mary, 288
Mary E., 41
Mary J., 168
Miles, 300
Narcie, 287
Ollie V., 176
R. L., 247
R. S., 229
Robert S., 34, 227
S. H., 126
Stanley, 176
T. H., 120
T. W., 112
Thomas W., 229
Vicie, 332
Winningham, (Dr.), 406
Winston, Ed., 391
Emerine Clifford, 391
Mary, 391
Robert, 229, 391
William, 391
Wisdom, Agnes T., 194
Ambrose, 193
Emory, 193
Humphrey, 193
Lettie, 194
Umphrey, 43
Wise, Henry A., 5
Sam., 208
Witchem, Gertrude, 171
Witcher, V. A., 73
Withers, 547
Wit(t)en, Witton, Whitten, 567
A. E. (Mrs.), 183, 186
A. S., 230
Abitha, 555
Albany S., 178
Albert, 43
Alex, Alex., 186, 571
Amanda, 554, 558
America Jane, 168
Ancil D., 566, 567
Ancil Davidson, 563, 566
Andrew, 186, 562, 571
Andrew J., 278, 280
Ann, 554, 557, 561, 572, 573, 57.
Annie Lou, 183, 186
Arthur, 554
Augustus, 561, 570, 571
Bea, 551
Beatrice Ruth, 568
Bernard Isom, 279, 281
Bishop, 556
C. H., 194, 301
Cassandra Rebecca, 563
Catherine C., 151
Catherine Jasper, 570
Catherine Peery, 519
Cecil Davidson, 566, 568
Charles, 576
Charles F., 556
Charles M., 168
Charles T., 89
Charles Tiffany, 576
Chloe, 561
Claiborne, 562
Clarena, 31
Clarinda, 508
Coralie Anna, 563, 568
Cosbi A., 32
Cosby, 575
Cosby America, 522
Cynthia Ann Matilda, 563, 569
Cynthia Rebecca, 565
Cynthia R., 551
Daniel McLaren, 568
Debra, 554
Della, 561
E. H., 110
Ebb, 571
Ebb H., 10
Ebenezer, 186, 554
Ebenezer Snead Howard, 563, 570
Edward, 576
Edward E., 183
Edward F., 186, 576
Ele(a)nor, El(l)enor, Elinor, 556, 573 , 575
Ellenor M., 22
Eliza A., 158
Eliza M., 43
Elizabeth, 555 , 557 , 558, 560, 572, 573 , 576 , 577
Elizabeth M., 13, 575
Elizabeth Peery, 425
Elizabeth S., 32
Ella Lucil(l)e, 551, 565, 566
Ella White, 496
Ellen W., 36
Emma, 408
Emma Elizabeth, 366
Eney, 508
Eugene B., 279
F. T., 220
Fannie, 576
Francis, Frances, 560 , 571, 576
Frank, 40
Frank T., 576
Genoa, 561
George Hamilton, 560
Gus, 239
Harrison, 555
Harvey, 508
Hattie May, 565
Helen Lucile, 566
Helen Rose, 570
Henry, 301, 556
Hettie, 379
Hiram, 555, 556, 572, 573
Homer, 553
Icem, 168
Ida, 576
Isaac Q., 560
Isabel, 554
J. A., 300
J. H., 230
J. M., 7
J. N., 554
J. R., 57, 63, 70, 173
J. W. M., 59, 103, 105
J. W. M., Jr., 571
J. Walter (Dr.), 10
j. Wilke, 111
J. Wilkerson M., 571
Jack, 571
Jack W., 279, 571
Jacob N., 168
James, 379, 406 , 508, 554 , 555, 557 , 558 , 559 , 560 , 561, 562, 570 , 574, 575, 576
James Graham, 565
James L., 81 , 83
James Lackly, 12
James Newton, 168
James R., 8 , 48 , 50, 64, 68, 69, 74, 520, 551, 562, 563
James R. [of Mo.], 362
James Richard, 478 , 561, 562 , 563, 568, 570
James S., 49, 53, 79, 572, 573 , 574 , 575
James Stanley, 555, 556
James W., 553
James W.M., Jas. W. M., 7 , 60 , 563, 570
James Wilkerson, 520
James Wilkerson M., 560 , 561 , 562, 570
James Wilkerson McKinder, 562
Jane, 554
Jane Dixon, 560
Jennie, 186
Jennie F. (Watkins), 179
Jeremiah, 295, 554 , 557, 559, 560, 572
Jerry, 376, 379
Jessie, 576
Jessie Clair, 183
John, 554 , 555 , 556, 557, 558, 560 , 561, 572
John Andrew, 565
John H., 80, 551, 562, 575
John L., 168
John M., 49, 519
John T., 556
John Thomas, 563
John W., 151
Joseph, 554 , 555 , 557, 558
Joseph C., 168
Julia, 574, 575
Julia A., 162
Julia Brown, 563
Julia Edna, 568
Julia Frances, 560
Katherine Jane, 568
Katie, 571
Kent W., 277
Keziah, Kiziah, 557, 572, 578
Kinsey, 555
Lawrence Clairborn, 566, 568
Leila, 561
Lethia, 340
Letitia, 559
Lettie, 379
Linn(e)y, Linnie, 555, 561, 572, 575, 577
Linnie C., 24
Linnie Cecil, 410
Lizelle, 406
Louisa, 511, 576
Louisa M., 41
Louise, 562, 573
Lucy, 571
Lucy Davidson, 520
Lucy Davis, 563, 569
Lula, 583
Luther, 551, 554
Luther Reis, 565
M. E., 39
M. G., 91
Maggie (Mrs.), 188
Malinda, 555 , 560
Margaret, 12, 183, 554, 555 , 575
Margaret A., 28
Margaret Eliza, 366, 575
Margaret P., 551
Margaret S., 158
Margaret Strother, 576
Maria, 562
Maria C., 520
Maria Louisa, 564
Maria Louise, 563
M. C., 32
Maria(h) Pearl, 568
Marie, 571
Martha, 40
Martha J., 127
Martie R., 187
Mary, 38, 157, 376, 406, 492, 555, 561, 563, 566
Mary Ann, 41
Mary Bea, 565, 566
Mary Buster, 570
Mary D., 554
Mary L., 194
Mary Mariah, 366, 576
Matilda, 551, 565
Matilda Davidson, 563, 570
Matilda Jane, 563
Matilda Lou, 568
Maxey, 576
Maxey G., 94
Milton, 573
Minerva, 554
Minnie Clyde, 568
Mona, 570
Nancy, 554, 560, 576
Nancy Jane, 173, 366 , 563, 569, 576
Nancy M., 439
Nannie, 186, 367, 406
Nannie May, 183, 571
Nannie Winifred, 568
Nettie, 570
Nettie T., 180
O. E., 292
Ollie, 576
Oscar T., 570
Owen, 555
Pamelia, 406
Pauline, 571
Peggy, 508
Peter, 554 , 557, 558
Philip, 554 , 555 , 557 , 559, 560, 572
Pinckney Lee, 576
Polly, 561
Polly Tiffany, 522
R. B., 186
R. W., 109
Rachel, 554 , 555, 557, 558, 570
Rachel W., 551, 571
Rachel White, 478, 520, 562, 563, 568
Raleigh, 496
Raleigh M., 176
Rawley (Dr.), 340
Rawley W., 32
Rebecca, Rebecka, 555 , 560 , 572, 577
Rebecca J., 26
Rebecca White, 561
Richard White, 563, 568
Robert, 551, 558
Robert B., 562, 570 , 571
Rosanna I., 318
Rose, 570, 571
Rufus W., 201
Ruth, 554 , 555 , 557
S. A., 97, 176, 408
S. W., 229
Sally, 168
Samuel, 555 , 560, 561, 572, 573
Samuel Claiborne, 563
Samuel E., 551
Samuel Edward, 565, 566
Samuel H., 511
Samuel K., 556
Samuel M., 25, 47, 48, 226
Sarah, 30, 295, 508, 554
Sarah J., 14
Sarah Jane, 519
Sidney, 571
Solomon, 218
Strother, 575
Susan, 362, 555, 560
Susan Howard, 563, 564
Susan R., 561
Susanel, 557
Tabitha, Tibitha, 556, 572, 577
Ted, 571
Teddy, 186
Thomas 406, 469, 477, 553 , 554 , 555 , 556 , 557, 558, 559 , 560 , 562 , 572 , 573 , 574 , 575 , 576 , 577 ,
Thomas, Jr., 544, 557 , 560, 572 , 573 , 574 , 575 , 576 , 577 , 578
Thomas, Sr., 218, 557
Thomas A., 176, 556
Thomas F., 560
Thomas G, 18, 49, 80, 439, 453, 561, 570 , 575, 576
Thomas I, 560 , 561, 570 , 572
Thomas J., 555
Thomas Jefferson, 570
Thomas Rawl, 279, 281
Thomas S., 572, 575 , 576 , 577
Thomas W., 176, 223
"Two-Talk", 555
Vesta, 554
Virginia, 287, 539, 571
W. C., 134
W. H., 551
W. H. H., 242
W. M., 221
W. T., 180
Walter, 186
Wilke, 186, 229
Wilkerson Thronton, 570
William, 168, 295, 406, 425 , 508, 554, 555 , 556 , 557 , 559 , 560 , 572, 573
William Hanley, 557
William Henry, 563, 565
William M., 22, 220, 406, 556
William Pitt, 561
William Preston, 560
Wirt, 556
Z. S., 56, 89
Z. T., 90, 94
Zachariah, 555, 556, 572, 573, 575
Zachariah L., 15
Zachariah S., 69, 162, 292, 522
Zachariah Strother, 365, 575, 576
Wofford, Octavia, 341
Wohlford, Ardelia, 578
Cecila Grace, 578
Charles Byrnes, 578
Cosby, 578
Cynthia, 578
Cynthia Ella, 578
Elizabeth, 579
Flora Loa, 578
George, 578
Gordon, 578 , 580
Ina Cosby, 578
Jacob, 578
Jane, 578
Joseph, 579
Kate Elizabeth, 578
Louis, 578
Ludwig, 578
Mariah, 578, 579
Mary Agnes, 578
Mike, 578
Samuel, 578
Victoria, 579
Victoria May, 578
Wolf(e), Adam, 26
Annie E., 44
Elkinah, 82
Hannah, 584
James, 17
Jane, 32
Malinda, 35
Melvina, 23
O. C., 324
Wolfender, Alexander, 148
Elizabeth H., 148
Harriet (St. Clair), 148
John C., 148
Rosalinda, 148
Wolford [also see Wofford], Ward, 35
Woltz, Charles, 422
Wood [also see Woods], Lucy Henry, 532
Martha, 532
Mary, 532
Valentine, 532
W. T., 96
Will, 239
Woodall, Daniel H., 39
Woodram, 227
Woodrough, Jesse, 206, 208
Woods [also see Wood], Andrew J., 31
Annie, 419
Argonne, 247
Bob, 239
Charles, 36
Charlie, 186
Cosby Ann, 171
Davis, 410
Ellen, 43
Everett, 280
Everett W., 278
Geo., 206, 208
Hugh, 132
J. W., 186
Jesse Andrew, 278
Joanna S., 33
John, 206, 208
John H., 20, 171, 243
Tennessee, 43
Virgie, 186
Woodson, Baker L., 227
Woodward, Jacob, 218
Woody, Arthur Monroe, 278
James Lightburn, 278, 281
Theophilus, 11
Wool, John E., 172
Katherine Kelly, 172
Wo(o)ldridge, Woolridge, Martha Hannah, 426
Sally, Sallie, 331
Woolwine, A. B. (Dr.), 517
Woos(e)ley, Woolsey, Evelyn, 443
Malinda, 31
Mary J., 21
Mildred, 443
Patiena, 14
Rebecca, 37
Thomas, 218, 235, 443
Workman [also see Wortman], Abraham, 315
Andy, 239
Elizabeth A., 25
John, 315
John S., 21, 28
Worley, Ben, 277
Anna Kate, 440
Annie Kate, 412
C. A., 412
Chapman, 440
Charles Chapman, 412
S. M., 412
S. N., 440
S. N., Jr., 440
Samuel Lewis, 412
W. L., 440
Worsham, Elizabeth Ann, 475
Gustavius A., 474
J. Thomas, 465
John T. [of Richmond, Va., 1920], 475
John Thomas, 278, 474
Mary Jane, 475
Thomas, 442
Worth, W. H., 116
Wright, Right, (Mr.), 457
Annie, 172
Brenda, 406
Ella Sue, 361
Howard, 362
Isaac, 321, 324, 325, 326
J. D., 172
Jas., 206, 208
Kelly G., 278
Lillian, 361
Marinda E., 12
Nelly, Nellie, 321
R. H. (Dr.), 350
Rebecca, Rebecka, 457
Willie [of Ala.], 140
Wyatt, Wyait, Bertha, 540
Edward, 445
Gyrtie, 445
James, 445
Mary, 291
Mattie R., 445
Milly, 431
Mollie R., 445
W. P., 278
William, 540
Wylie, E. N., 439
Wynn(e), Winn, 235, 507, 514
A. W., 246
Albert G., 279
Allen L., 198
Armand L., 514
Barbary, 25
Barbary E., 39
Benjamine G., 198
Clarence, 388
Cynthia J., 196
Cynthia Jane, 168
David, 315
Dewey Clyde, 279, 281
Edward J., 196
Elvira, 514
Emily E., 514
Flora Ann E., 26
George W., 41, 198, 226, 317
Henry, 37, 514
James, 514
Jane, 168
Joe, 239
John, 514
John C., 155
Joseph Shannon, 278
Josiah, 317
Lafaiette T., 196
Lena May, 414
Levi L., 198
Lizzie E. (Crismond), 155
Lucille, 191, 388
Margaret Browne, 198
Maria Louisa, 514
Martha, 514
Mary, 191, 312, 388
Mathias F., 23
Minerva, 514
Minor, Miner, 514
Morgan, 168, 316
Oliver, 146, 314, 315
Oliver, Jr., 146
Olivia, 514
Pauline, 168
Polina, 23
Polly, 458
Sally Catherine, 20
Sarah Ann, 15
Thomas, Thos., 16, 230, 246
Thomas J., 27
William, 218, 514, 525
William, Jr., 196
William P., 514
William T., 69, 317
Wyse, J. H., 313
Wysong, Calvin, 225
John, 225
Roby, 584
Zirelda, 189
Wysor, J. C., 112
Yankow, Freda, 193
Yates, Yats, 18
Charles, 551
Charles F., 199
Charles Robert, 199
Charles W., 279
Elizabeth C., 192
Emmeline, 201
Eula May, 199
George, 18
James, 281
James Harvey, 279
Jane, 16
Janie Gray, 199
Levi Jesse, 279
Patti Anderson, 531
S. A., 192
Wallace Gray, 199
Yeary, Henry, 218
Yontz, George, 218
Yost, Yoct, Yose, Ad(d)eline, 584
Alice, 389, 584
Amanda M., 31
Ann Eliza, 16
Arthur, 584
Bertie, 583
Bessie May, 584
Beverly, 389
Bishop, 585
C. C., 44
Carlisle, 582
Casper, 584 , 585
Charles, 581, 582 , 583 , 584
Charles C., 581
Charles G., 581
Charles George, 279
Clarence, 584
Clarence C., 583
Clarence Kelly, 279, 583
Clay, 582
Collie, 581
Conner, 582
Cora B., 583
Curtts, 583
David, 89, 585
David G., 67 , 68, 69, 70 , 81, 85, 90, 94, 245, 581, 584
David William, 279
Dow, 581
Edward C., 582
Edward Roy, 279
Eldredge, 584
Elizabeth, 287, 581, 582
Elizabeth Jane, 584
Ellen, 12
Emily, 39, 581
Emma, 583
Fannie, 582, 583
Felix F., 583
Frances, 581
Frank, 585
Fred, 582, 583
G. W., 180
Garland, 582
Garnett, 583
Garrett W., 583
George, 582, 584, 585
George W., 584
Gertrude Georgia, 584
Gladys, 583
Glen, 584
Gypsie, 583
H. E., 105
H. M., 104
Hannah, 389
Harold, 582
Harriet, 180, 199
Harris E., 581, 582, 583
Harrison E., 35
Hattie, 389, 582
Hattie May, 583
Henry, 232, 321, 389, 581, 584 , 585
Henry A., 233, 584
Henry F., 581
Henry H., 582
Henry Peery, 279
Herbert, 582
Hester, 582
Ida T., 583
Irene, 582
Isaac Robert, 582
J. Ed., 581
J. Eldredge, 584
J. M., 96
James, 582, 584, 585
James B., 582
James L., 584
James W., 582
John, 246, 581 0), 582 , 583 , 584
John, Jr., 581 , 584
John Allen, 582
John C., 584
John H., 583
John M., 94, 98, 582
John W., 180, 199, 581, 583
Joseph, 585
Josephine, 582
Julia, 448, 581, 582
Keemer, 583
Keith, 581
L. D., 298
Laura, 176
Leckey D., 584
Lena B., 581, 582
Lettie F., 582
Lorenza, 581 , 582 , 583
Lorenza D., 21
Louisa G., 582
Louise, 582, 585
Mae, 583
Magdalene, 584
Maggie Bates, 582
Margaret, 584
Margaret A., 191
Mariah, 583
Marshall, 584
Martha, 582
Martha J., 582
Marvin, 582
Mary, 584
Mary Ann, 584
Mary Belle, 584
Mary E., 584
Mary F., 583
Maryland, 581
Mattie, 583
Mattie J., 581
Mellie Lannah, 582
Melvin, 582
Minerva, 582
Mollie, 581
Morris, 581
Myrtle, 583
Nannie, 389
Nannie Rose, 582
Nell, 584
Nina, 583
Ollie, 584
Otto G., 583
P. A., 180, 199
Paul Richard, 279
Peery, 582
Polly Marrs, 584
Preston, 584
R. G., 180, 199
Raleigh, 411
Raleigh W., 581
Ralph, 581
Ray, 582
Rhoda, 582
Richard, 583
Robert, 582
Robert L., 584
Roberta, 582
Roberta Lee, 584
Roy, 389
Ruth, 582
S. W., 180, 199
Sallie, 585
Sarah, 584
Sheffey, 585
Sidney, 585
Sterling B., 583
Tempie, 321
Thomas, 583
Thomas G., 583
Virginia, 31, 583
W. G., 180
W. W., 135, 138, 299, 301
Walter, 582, 584
Wesley H., 583
Wiley W., 581
William, 20, 75, 76 , 95, 105, 108, 111, 581, 582 , 585
William B., 22, 74, 76, 583
William C., 582
William Henry, 582
William O., 45, 67 , 69 , 70 , 71, 87, 88, 90, 584
William Paris, 582
William Reese, 584
William W., 584
Wingo, 583
Witten, 581
Young, (Miss), 431
(Mrs.), 359
Abm., 206, 208
Absolum, 585
Albert Beveredge, 586
Allen Crockett, 586
Amanda, 195, 586
Amanda B. (Payne), 186
Amelia, 25, 466
Ann, 42
Annie, 588
Archibald, 181, 524
Aurelia, 587
Bayard Taylor, 586
Benson, 414
Bertha White, 588
Bessie Lee, 588
Bettie Blue, 586
Beverly B., 178
Blair Ward, 588
Blanche, 586
C.A. (Kelly), 181
Carl Edward, 588
Charles, 147, 160, 223, 334, 414, 465, 585, 586, 587
Charles E., 588
Charles Lee, 586
Charles Moses, 586
Charles Walker, 586
Charles William, 586
Clayton, 586
Clinton Barns, 588
Conley, 147
Cora, 588
Daniel, 206, 208, 585
David, 22, 336, 395, 459, 585 , 587, 588
Delilah, 588
Drury, 585
E. S., 17
Earl, 539
Edna May, 588
Edward, 588
Eliza, 42, 586
Elizabeth, 145
Ella Bowen, 586
Ella Maude, 586
Ella Roberta, 586
Emma, 588
Erastus Blair, 588
Eustace, 414
Evaline, 585
Frances, 147
Gaston, 588
George, 414
George Adam, 585
Gladstone, 586
Glen Rupert, 586
Gustavus, 586
H. H., 320
Hans Adam, 585
Harry Rees, 586
Hazel, 586
Henry C., 583
Hugh, 147, 160, 466, 467, 585, 586
Irene, 586
Israel, 585
Isaac, 22
J.R., 300
Jacob, 296
James, 160, 206, 207, 587, 588
James Oscar, 586
James Richard, 279
Janice Louise, 586
Jefferson, 145
Joe Bernard, 587
Johannes, 585
John, 147, 206, 208, 385, 414, 466, 585
John B., 17, 69, 160, 223, 585
John Calvin, 588
John Henry, 586
John Herman, 586
John Howard Payne, 586
John Raymond, 586
Jonas, 588
Joseph, 359, 414, 587
Joseph B., 160
Josie, 588
Julia Belle, 195
Julia Bell (Payne), 186
Kansas, 587
Kansas Wingo, 160
Kate Lee, 586
Lelia, 588
Lillian Alverta, 586
Lilly, 586
Lilly B., 15
Lloyd Ritter, 586
Louisa, 41, 585
Louisa Bowen, 465
Louise, 586
Lucy, 588
Lucy Ellen, 586
M.A. (Dailey), 177
Margaret, 145, 147, 585, 586
Margaret Louise, 586
Martha, 588
Mary, 524
Mary A., 31
Mary B., 187
Mary Belle, 586
Mary Lee, 588
Mattie, 445, 588
Mattie Ellen, 588
Mattie Louise, 588
Mattie Mae, 287
Maude, 588
Millie, 462, 465
Milly, 147
Minnie, 585
Myrtie B., 178
Nancy, 147, 585, 586, 587, 588
Nancy Louise, 586
Nancy (Thomas), 178
Nannie, 467
Nathan, 145, 588
Nathaniel, 145, 147, 585
Nerna Leona, 586
Octavia, 33, 467, 586
Ora Mae, 586
Oscar, 586, 588
Peggy, 147, 585, 586
Polly, 145
Powhatan, 145
Rebecca, 147 , 585, 587, 588
Rees, 586, 587
Reese B., 160
Rees D., 586
Robert, 585, 586
Robert Early, 586
Roger Dudley, 586
Ruby Evelyn, 586
Ruth, 586
S.W., 71
Sabra, 524
Sally, 39
Sam[uel], 145, 203, 585, 587
Samuel Wilkerson, 588
Sarah Ann, 147
Simon, 588
Simon W., 68
Sue, 414
Theodore, 586
Theressa Mae, 586
Thomas, 588
Thomas Jefferson, 15
Thomas Lawrence, 588
Valentine, 585
Vicey, 147
Virginia Elizabeth, 588
Virginia May, 588
Willetta, 466
William, 147, 218, 585, 588
William A., 587
William Ashby, 586
William Axley, 587, 588
William B., 49
William B. [moved to Texas], 392
William Barns, 586
William Bascom, 588
William Henry, 586
William J., 13
Willie Gray, 588
Zarilda, 23, 586
Younkow [also see Yankow], Alfred W., 584
Yowell, H. L., 136, 138, 300
Zachosky, Ignatz, 279
Zech, C. E., 138, 143
Ziegler, Alice, 474
Charlotte, 474
Elizabeth, 474
John, 474
Mike, 474
Otis H., 474
Zimmerman, George L., 279
Slaves & Free Negroes
Casper, 174
Celia, 146
Dilly, 455
Dinah, 455
Febe, 456
Frank, 455
Jim, 146
Nelson, 455
Rose, 146
Silvanus, 158
Armstrong, Jackson, 53
Chapman, George, 53
Cousins, James, 53
Davis, William, 104
Holl(e)y, Ancrew J., 53
Ezekiel, 53
King, John, 53
Lewis, Granville, 53
Powers, Charles, 188
Shaver, William, 53
Shell, C.D., 108
Smith, Daniel, 53
Warren, Johnson, 53
Watkins, Fayette, 165
Susan, 165