Rubric for Ecosystem Power Point

Information about the Ecosystem Power Point Project
Content for each slide
Slide 1: title, picture
Slide 2: characteristics of the ecosystem
Side 3: the climate of the ecosystem
Slide 4: where the ecosystem is in the world
Slide 5: 4 plants in this ecosystem
Side 6: 4 animals in this ecosystem
Slide 7: a producer, primary consumer, and secondary consumer in this ecosystem
Slide 8: 3 things you learned about your ecosystem
Siide 9: Rererences
Points for the project
Ecosystem Power Point = 50 points
Each slide: 5 points (9 slides x 5 points = 45 points)
 Content = 3 points
 Grammar = 1 point
 Complete sentences = 1 point
5 pictures: 5 points
Oral presentation = 10 points
 Prepared: 5 points
 Speak clearly and loudly: 5 points
Resources online
On the school web page:
 Click on Library
 Click on Online Databases
 Click on Easy to Read
 Use any of these databases to find information about your ecosystem (this website only has information about deserts)
Last day for class work:
Presentations and due date: