Biology 1B-2-2-2

Lesson Code (Course - Master Objective # - Benchmark # - Lesson # - #)
 Biology 1B – 2-2-2-1
Title - Author
 Macromolecules – Marcia Steeby
 2-2: Compare and contrast lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates based on
structure and function.
Relevant Goals
 1.6
Science Content
 1, 3
Science G(C)LE(s)
(5-8, 9-12)
 A
Learning Path
Previous Learning
Targeted Learning
Possible Misconceptions
3.2.F: c. Explain how water is important
to cells (e.g., is a buffer for body
temperature, provides soluble
environment for chemical reactions,
serves as a reactant in chemical
reactions, provides hydration that
maintains cell turgidity, maintains
protein shape)
3.3.B: a. Describe the chemical and
structural properties of DNA (e.g., DNA
is a large polymer formed from linked
subunits of four kinds of nitrogen bases;
genetic information is encoded in genes
based on the sequence of subunits; each
DNA molecule in a cell forms a single
chromosome) (Assess the concepts –
NOT memorization of nitrogen base
3.3.B: b. Recognize that DNA codes for
proteins, which are expressed as the
heritable characteristics of an organism
Future Learning
Teacher Notes
All of these lessons can be adapted to various learning levels. Some might need to be done as
demonstrations. The lab can be done as a group one test at a time and could be led by the teacher.
Each high school does a lab similar to the one listed below. They should have ample chemicals
for you to borrow or you can purchase your own through Carolina Biological supply.
Engage: Engages the learner’s mind in the concept, process, or skill to be learned, and makes
connections between prior experiences and the current learning goals.
 Formative Assessment(s):
 Ask students what materials their bodies are made out of (Proteins: Hair, fingernails, muscles,
tendons, cartilage, enzymes, antibodies, hemoglobin, hormones, etc.), fats (cell membranes, insulating
layer around nerve cells, steroids, etc.) and carbohydrates (energy source = blood sugar, stored as
glycogen in liver and muscles etc.). Discuss where we get the materials from to build this structures
and molecules inside of our bodies (through our food!). Have students brainstorm sources of proteins,
carbohydrates and fats in their diet.
Explore: Provides or creates a common experience for all learners and helps the teacher identify
the prior knowledge of each learning to build on. This stage allows time for the learner to explore
their ideas. This stage should be concrete and meaningful to the learner.
Identifying macromolecules in food
Cut out various (5) food labels. You may want to laminate them so you can use them again.
Make sure you have labels that students can recognize the food by the % ingredients.
Provide your students with a list of the foods from which you got the labels. Have the
students work in pairs to try and identify the foods based on the information from the food
potato chips
Explain: Allows the learner to construct an explanation (claim  evidence  reasoning). The
teacher provides information in common terms to increase the accuracy of the explanation.
THE CHEMICAL BASIS OF LIFE: Testing for Carbohydrates, Lipids, and
Proteins Lab
All living organisms are composed of basic building blocks, even though different kinds of
organisms may be quite different in their appearance. These basic building blocks are the
organic compounds known as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
Carbohydrates are molecules that contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms in a ratio of 1:2:1.
The simplest combinations of these three elements form a simple sugar molecule, a monosaccharide,
such as glucose, fructose, or galactose. If two simple sugar molecules are combined chemically by
removing a water molecule (dehydration synthesis) a disaccharide is formed. For example, water
removed from a fructose and glucose molecule produces sucrose (table sugar). When many simple
sugar molecules, such as glucose, are likewise combined we may have the polysaccharide cellulose.
Other combinations of monosaccharides result in different polysaccharide molecules. Carbohydrates
are important because they are the chief energy source for most living organisms and because they
serve as the basic material from which many other kinds of molecules are built.
Lipids (oils, fats, waxes, and steroids) are similar to carbohydrates as they contain carbon, hydrogen,
and oxygen atoms but not in a 1:2:1 ratio. Lipids however, have less oxygen in each molecule than
carbohydrates. In fats and oils, for example, atoms are arranged into two molecular units: a fatty acid
unit and a glycerol unit. Three fatty acid molecules combine with a glycerol unit to form a lipid
molecule known as triglycerides. Generally these molecules are insoluble in water, but soluble in
solvents such as ethyl alcohol or ether. Fats are the chief forms of energy storage for the body.
Phospholipids are important in the structure of cell membranes while steroids are important chemical
coordinating agents.
Proteins are immense complex molecules made up of long chains of subunits called amino acids.
Amino acids interact with other amino acids forming peptide bonds. If a hundred or more amino
acids are connected, the result is a protein molecule. Less than one hundred units, and you have a
polypeptide. The sequence of amino acids in the molecule determines the structure of the protein.
While an innumerable number of protein molecules can exist in the world, all are made up of different
combinations of twenty or less amino acids. Many proteins function as structural molecules, some as
antibodies, and many as enzymes.
Student Objectives:
After completing this exercise the student should be able to:
1. Identify unknown food products by performing the basic tests for macromolecules.
2. Construct explanations to justify your claims for each unknown.
Follow the procedures listed below and answer the questions (1/2 pt each) that follow.
I. Carbohydrate Detection Tests
A. Monosaccharides (‘simple sugars’):
1. Control test (+): White corn syrup is almost pure glucose (a simple sugar or
a. Add a small amount of white corn syrup into a test tube and add an equal amount
of Benedict’s
b. Place the test tube containing the corn syrup/Benedict’s mixture into a boiling
water bath.
c. Wait for 2-3 minutes.
d. Note the color change. This indicates a positive test for simple sugars.
2. Control test (-): Water is an inorganic substance; therefore, no color change should
a. Add a small amount of water to an equal amount of Benedict’s.
b. Boil for 2-3 minutes.
c. Note the lack of a color change.
**What is the result of a positive test for monosaccharides using Benedict’s solution?
**If no simple sugars are present what will happen if the substance is treated with
B. Polysaccharides (complex or ‘many’ sugars):
1. Control test (+): Cornstarch contains starch which is a polysaccharide. A + test will
turn from brown to black or dark blue
a. Place a small amount of water in a test tube.
b. Add a pinch of cornstarch.
c. Add two drops of Lugol’s iodine solution, shake, and observe the color change.
2. Control test (-): Water is inorganic and does not contain organic compounds.
a. Add a small amount of water to a test tube.
b. Add 2 drops of Lugol’s and note the lack of a color change.
**What is the result of a positive test for polysaccharides using Lugol’s solution?
**If no complex sugars are present what will happen if the substance is treated with Lugol’s?
II. Lipid Detection Test
A. Brown Paper Test
1. Control test (+): Cooking oil is mostly lipids.
a. Add a small drop of cooking oil to a piece of brown paper.
b. Allow drop to dry.
c. Hold the paper up to the light and observe the translucent spot.
2. Control test (-): Water does not have lipids.
a. Add a drop of water to brown paper and allow to dry.
b. Hold the paper up to the light and note that you cannot see a spot.
**What is the result of a positive test for lipids using the brown paper test?
**If no lipids are present what will happen if the substance is placed and allowed to dry on
brown paper ?
III. Protein Detection Test
A. Biuret Test
1. Control test (+): Egg whites are composed of albumin, a protein.
a. Place a small amount of egg white in a test tube.
b. Add an equal amount of Biuret’s reagent and observe the color change.
2. Control test (-): Water is inorganic.
a. Place a small amount of water in a test tube.
b. Add an equal amount of Biuret’s reagent and note the lack of a color change.
**What is the result of a positive test for proteins using Biuret’s solution?
**If no proteins are present what will happen if the substance is treated with Biuret’s?
IV. Organic Compound Testing
Now that you have completed the control tests for the various classes of organic compounds,
you will test some common foods for these compounds.
1. Perform tests on the following unknown substances to determine the types of organic
compounds they contain.
2. Use small amounts and place them in spot plates for the Lugol’s and Biuret tests.
3. Use larger amounts and place them in tests tubes for the Benedict’s test.
4. Record a (+) or (-) in the appropriate spaces below after you have performed the tests.
Use the control tests to help you determine the results.
V. Explanation
Use the table on the next page to identify each of the unknowns. Write an explanation for
each unknown that includes a claim (what you think each unknown substance is), evidence (a
written summary of the data obtained for each unknown), and reasoning (a written statement
linking the evidence to justify the claim).
Organic Compound Test Results for Known Substances
Table Salt
Potato Flakes
Potato Chips
Explanations for Each Unknown Substance
Formative Assessment(s):
Scoring Guide for Explanations
Claim –
An assertion or conclusion
that answers the original
Evidence –
Scientific data that supports
the claim. The data needs to
be appropriate and sufficient
to support the claim.
Reasoning –
A justification that links the
claim and evidence and
shows why the data counts
as evidence to support the
Does not make a
claim, or makes an
inaccurate claim.
Makes an accurate but
incomplete claim.
Makes an accurate
and complete claim.
Does not provide
evidence, or
only provides
evidence (Evidence
that does not support
Does not provide
reasoning, or only
provides reasoning
that does not link
evidence to claim.
Provides appropriate,
but insufficient
evidence to support
claim. May include
some inappropriate
Provides appropriate
and sufficient
evidence to support
Provides reasoning
that links the claim
and evidence. Repeats
the evidence and/or
includes some
Provides reasoning
that links evidence to
claim. Includes
appropriate and
sufficient scientific
claim by using the
appropriate and sufficient
scientific principles.
scientific principles,
but not sufficient.
Elaborate: Pushes learner understanding, building on current understanding to increase the depth
and breadth of understanding. Allow the learner to extend and apply the concepts, processes, or
skills. Allows learner to experience new situations to apply to their learning.
Macromolecule Fold Out Procedure:
1. Each student needs to obtain 4 pieces of computer paper.
2. They need to measure each piece 8 ½ “ X 8 ½ “.
3. Cut the extra off--so they have a perfect square.
4. Now each student should fold each square in half and then in half again. This should make the
big square have 4 squares inside of it. See diagram (Not actual size).
5. Make sure your creases are very sharp.
6. Take each piece of paper separately. Unfold it and create a tab on one of the squares. See
diagram. The scrap piece of paper from the tab should look like a cat with ears. Do this for all
four papers. The tab just needs to be big enough to glue under the square next to it.
Diagram for creating pages of books.
7. Now the papers are ready to put information on it. Read directions and see diagram below.
8. At the top of the page I have the students put the title of the page in big letters. The four titles
are: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, and Nucleic Acids.
9. After the title on the left of the page comes the definition.
10. Under the definition is a list of places this compound can be found.
11. On the right hand side is the jobs or roles of this compound.
12. The lone bottom square is a picture where the compound can be found. For example under
carbohydrates, the picture might be a soda or a piece of candy; it might even be a potato. The
tricky thing is the picture needs to be drawn at a slant, because that square will be turned to touch
the tab. The potato in the example is not turned; it would be crooked when the tab is glued.
13. Once the student has all four pages completed, they are ready to glue and fold.
14. With the folds well creased, swing the picture square over on top of the tab.
15. Using the glue stick, glue the picture to the tab.
16. Do this for all pages.
17. This part is a little tricky. Your page now looks something like a miniature stage; two walls
and a floor (picture). Have the student pick one page up, put their thumb nail in the back corner
and walk up the picture, bending it as they go. The picture is bent inside the book, so when the
book is open it folds/pops back open at you.
18. After all pages are bent, you need to stack them together. Make sure all closed sides are
facing the same direction. I usually have nucleic acid on bottom, then proteins, then lipids, and
carbohydrates on top.
19. Use glue sticks to glue between the pages. You want the pages stuck together so it makes a
complete book.
20. Now you have a stack of pages glued together, but you need a front and back cover. Have the
students cut out two squares from construction paper the size of their book.
21. Glue the covers on and put a title on the cover such as “Organic Compounds of Life”.
Formative Assessment(s):
Student Name:
Attractiveness &
The book has
formatting and
Writing Each page of the
book contains a
title, definition,
where found, and
Content - Accuracy All facts in the
book are accurate.
The book has
formatting and
Only three pages
of the book
contains a title,
definition, where
found, and role
99-90% of the
facts in the book
are accurate.
Graphics/Pictures Graphics go well Graphics go well
with the text and with the text, but
there is a good
there are so many
mix of text and
that they distract
from the text.
The book has
Only two pages of
the book contains
a title, definition,
where found, and
89-80% of the
facts in the book
are accurate.
Graphics go well
with the text, but
there are too few
and the brochure
seems "textheavy".
The book's
formatting and
organization of
material are
confusing to the
Only one page of
the book contains
a title, definition,
where found, and
Fewer than 80% of
the facts in the
book are accurate.
Graphics do not go
with the
accompanying text
or appear to be
randomly chosen.
Evaluate: Provides and opportunity for the learner to assess their own understanding and be able
to demonstrate the depth and breadth of that understanding to others. Teacher assesses the
learner’s level of understanding and mastery.
 Summative Assessment(s):
Macromolecule Basic
Why do we need
Nucleic Acids
Additional Resources:
 Text:
 Websites:
 Video:
 Attachments:
Teacher Review: Include date, course, and name of teacher.