2015 Annual Report - Fife Sports and Leisure Trust

Chairman’s Report
I’d like to welcome everyone once again to the Michael Woods Sports and Leisure Centre for the 2015
Disability Sport Fife (DSF) Annual General Meeting and Awards evening.
As you will see from the annual report this has again been a hugely successful year for DSF. The
Association continues to develop sports opportunities across Fife through its weekly coaching
sessions and this year additional coaches have been welcomed to deliver the extensive programme.
DSF events are run throughout the year and the 39th DSF Annual Sports Festival has just recently
completed a series of events run over a period of 6 weeks. The DSF weekly sessions and events
programme are supported by the Fife Sports and Leisure Trust (FSLT) through the Service Level
Agreement. The FSLT also supports the DSF website which goes from strength to strength each year.
DSF acknowledges the enormous support it receives year after year from Fife Council and FSLT.
DSF athletes are very competitive in Scottish Disability Sport (SDS) national events and last month the
DSF swim team was crowned team champions at Grangemouth at the SDS senior physically and
sensory impaired swimming championships. There are only three team trophies in the SDS national
events programme and the win in Grangemouth added to the team titles won by DSF squads last year
at the SDS championships for swimmers with a learning disability and the SDS Senior Track and Field
Championships meant that for the first time in its history DSF held all three trophies at the same time –
a great moment for the Association.
DSF is very proud of its achievements of its athletes at the major international events. 2014/2015 was
a big year for Scotland with the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow and DSF was again represented at
the big event by swimmer Craig Rodgie and bowlers Michael Simpson and Billy Allan. The bowlers
were again in action at the IBD World Championships in New Zealand in February where the Scottish
team included five DSF members who returned with four medals. Martin Hunter on his international
debut and Maria Spencer were both crowned World singles champions, fantastic performances from
the Fife bowlers.
At the European Deaf Swimming Championships Lucy Walkup was a relay medallist and she will be
on her way to Texas this summer for the World Championships and Kieran Steer narrowly missed a
medal in the World Boccia Championships in China. The SDS Academy included Brad Stewart, Owen
Miller and Derek Rae who only a couple of weeks ago competed in the IPC World Marathon
Championships as part of Team GB, finishing 5th in an impressive time of 2hrs 40min, an improvement
on his lifetime best by 4 minutes. Many of these athletes have been part of the Association’s Futures
squad which has grown this year with others hoping to follow in the footsteps of these top performers.
We thank SDS for their continued assistance. This year, after a few false starts, SDS provided the
support to DSF through the Tayside and Fife Regional Partnership and the Association is delighted
that Richard Brickley has taken up the duties of the Partnership Manager on a part time basis.
The Association has been well supported this year by grants and donations from a number of
individuals and organisations. A Big Lottery Grant was secured in the year for the provision of
badminton workshops and substantial donations have also been received from fundraising events
through the Association’s MyDonate website. Special mention however must be given to long-time
partners The Order of St John and the Rotary Clubs throughout Fife who continue to support the
Association year on year. The association is indebted for each and every donation given and we thank
everyone concerned.
There are a number of individuals I would like to thank for their help during the year - the support staff
and volunteers at the various events and activities, the members of General Management Committee
and the Association’s Administrator Norma Buchanan who keeps the office running smoothly. Finally
thanks to my two fellow office bearers, David Thomson and Richard Brickley who have been with the
Association since day 1 back in 1977, and who have been as committed as ever to the Association
over the last year. We hope the coming year will see us continue our progress.
Paul Noble, MBE
Chairman, Disability Sport Fife
Office Bearers
Paul Noble, MBE
David Thomson
Richard Brickley, MBE
Adam Morley
Caroline Baird, MBE
Alan Johnston
Maureen McSeveney
Carolyn Clunie
Lorna McClean
Anna Capon
Joan Burns
Active Fife
Anna Tizzard
Norma Buchanan
Independent Examiner
Tom Foster
SDS Liaison Officer
Mark Gaffney
Chairman/Hon. Treasurer
Hon. Secretary
Hon. President
Central Fife CSS
East Fife CSS
East Fife CSS
(moved out of the area
West Fife CSS
(Retired from Committee
Finance and Policy
Richard Brickley, MBE (President, DSF) - Chair
Paul Noble, MBE (Chairman, DSF)
David Thomson (Secretary, DSF)
Richard Brickley, MBE (President, DSF) – Chair
Norma Buchanan (Administrator, DSF)
Individual DSF High Performance Athletes
SGB Sports Specific Representatives
Safeguarding in Sport
Maureen McSeveney (Central Fife CSS) - Chair
Richard Brickley, MBE (President, DSF)
Anna Tizzard (Active Fife)
Paul Noble, MBE (Chairman, DSF)
DSF Coaching Workforce 2014/2015
Mainstream Club Coaches - operating inclusively within mainstream
clubs only
Dave Francis
Don McGregor
Gemma Nicoll
Ron Morrison
Steve Doig
Bob Dick
Celia Smith
Sarah Jane Ewing
Alan Roberts
Joe McCafferty
Catriona McCrone
Garrie Roberts
Ian Lewis
John Szaranek
Mark Laing
DSF employed/volunteer coaches working extensively for DSF
David Cowieson
Craig Martin
Gordon Easton
Matt Thomson
Lawn & indoor bowls
Atlanta Crawford
Helima Mutch
Multi sports, swimming
David Brown
Ian Paterson
Multi sports
Gabby Doig
Jason Arthur
Multi sports
Gayle Sloan
John Hick
Multi sports
Joanne Creech
John Johnstone
Multi sports
Kelly Braid
Rachel White
Multi sports
Neil Freir
Alex Bird
Racquet sports
Pamela Robson
Euan Bell
Racquet sports
Stuart Munn
Anna Tizzard
Tony Boyle
Helen McKay
Carolyn Clunie
Athletics, multi sports
Kathy Bijack
Catherine Carruthers
Kay Maxwell
David Costello
Wilma Catignani
Table tennis
Tom Hunter
Alan Russell
DSF Athletes and Players
Performance Squad 2014/2015
Brad Stewart
Derek Rae
Owen Miller
Kieran Steer
Barbara McMillan
Billy Allan
Craig Donaldson
Darryl Stewart
Eleanor Clark
Maria Spencer
Martin Hunter
Michael Simpson
Alison Patrick
Stefan Hoggan
Graham McIntyre
Craig Rodgie
Craig Smith
Lucy Walkup
Ollie Carter
Steven McCormick
Dalgety Bay
Futures Squad 2014/2015
Atlanta Crawford
Callum Sloan
Jonny Brown
Sam Fernando
Mary Wilson
John Hick
Jamie Weir
Stuart Chesby
Cameron Hemphill
Cara Smyth
Kirsty Brunton
Richard Osborn
Ruairidh Dumper
Brad Stewart
Graham McIntyre
Susanne McGrath
Athletics & Swimming
Wheelchair curling
Wheelchair curling
Wheelchair racing
Freshers Squad
In the process of being developed
Dalgety Bay
Dalgety Bay
Participation and Performance
28 weekly sessions are now run in conjunction with a range of partners.
185 participants attend 20 weekly sports specific and multi-sports sessions coordinated by DSF.
4 new sessions added to the programme 2014/2015.
2 throwing frames for seated throws now located at Pitreavie and Michael Woods
Centre with support from Scottish Athletics and REMAP.
15 coaches are employed weekly by DSF or partners to run DSF weekly sessions.
100+ athletes attend weekly run, jump and throws sessions organised by DSF.
65 swimmers attend weekly sessions organised by DSF or partners.
14 performance / high performance swimmers are currently members of Fife
mainstream swimming clubs.
Education & Training
4 badminton workshops have been held in conjunction with Badminton Scotland with
support from the Big Lottery – 68 participants.
2 twilight DIT evenings were held at Auchmuty HS in conjunction with Scottish
Disability Sport.
1 National Classification course was held at the Michael Woods Centre, Glenrothes
with support from Scottish Disability Sport.
28 learners attended a Pool Workshop at Lochgelly HS in 2014 supported by SDS.
1 Boccia Leaders course (12 participants) was held in Fife with seven athlete
participants being introduced to coaching. SDS support adknowledged.
7 Fife volunteers became Scottish Athletics Level 1 coaches with support from
Scottish Disability Sport, Scottish Athletics and Fife Council.
2 Mini Wheelchair athletics workshops were held in Fife with support from Ian Mirfin
of Scottish Athletics.
Events Check List
DSF organised 23 sports events in the past 12 months.
DSF members competed in 29 national events in the past 12 months.
DSF performance athletes were involved in excess of 35 GB or international events.
287 submissions have been made to the Fife Sports & Leisure Trust for DSF website
in 14 months.
10 newsletters have been produced and circulated extensively in last 12 months.
138 press releases have been circulated in last 12 months.
3 new sections have been added to the website this year – picture gallery, entry
forms, results.
DSF produced a new glossy publicity brochure in conjunction with the Fife Sports and
Leisure Trust which was circulated extensively.
2015 Fife Sports Festival
Support staff
Financial support provided by Celebrating Fife
Pat Gemmell Memorial Trophy (Team Trophy – all sports)
West Fife Community Support Services
East Fife Community Support Services
Central Fife Community Support Services
Sonia Kane Memorial Trophy (Senior Swimming Relays)
Winners - West Fife Community Support Services
Anne H. Brodie Trophy (Team Trophy – swimming only)
Winners - West Fife Community Support Services
All Sports Festival results are full reported on the DSF website.
34 pts
22 pts
17 pts
Local Sports Council Awards
Disability Sport Fife nominated and prepared a detailed profile on 16 athlete members and
submitted them for consideration by Area Sports Councils for Awards Evenings held during
Winners of the principal awards were – Lucy Walkup (Kirkcaldy & Central), Kieran Steer
(West) and Derek Rae (East). Derek Rae won the Gary Innes Memorial Award at the
Kirkcaldy and Central Fife Awards Evening.
St Andrews Kilrymont Rotary Club – Disabled Sports Person of the Year
Martin Hunter from Burntisland Bowling Club was awarded the St Andrews Kilrymont Rotary
Club Disabled Athlete of the Year Quaich in 2015 and a Rotary Bursary.
2014 SDS Academy Athletes
Brad Stewart (archery), Owen Miller (athletics), Derek Rae (athletics), Stefan Hoggan (Para
Triathlon) and Alison Patrick (Para Triathlon) received Academy grants. Kieran Steer
(boccia) is a GB Boccia funded athlete.
Bill Pullar Bursary
Owen Miller (athletics) from Dunfermline was the winner of the Bill Pullar Bursary in 2014.
Charity No: SCO20994
David Cowieson, Gordon Easton
Wilma Catignani
Alex McLean / Matt Thomson
Alex McLean / Matt Thomson
Matt Thomson, Alex McLean
Trish Anderson
Anna Tizzard, Kathy Bijak, Kay Maxwell, Helen Mackay
plus coaches from Fife Swimming Clubs
Pamela Robson, Stuart Munn, John Johnstone,
Helima Mutch, David Brown, Gabby Doig
plus coaches from Fife Athletics clubs
Craig Martin
Jason Arthur, Dave Gorman, Dave Costello, Brian Sim,
Tom Hunter, Stuart Munn, Richard Monese, Pamela Robson
Catherine Carruthers
Alex Bird, Euan Bell
Norma Buchanan, Richard Brickley MBE
Richard Brickley MBE, Joyce Cummings MCSP
Norma Buchanan, Richard Brickley MBE
Paul Noble MBE, Norma Buchanan
Fiona Cunningham, Tom Foster, Jim Drummond,
Colin Wilson
Richard Brickley, Shona Malcolm
Alex McLean, St Clair Bowling Club
Matt Thomson, Beveridge Park Bowling Club
Richard Brickley MBE
Anna Tizzard
Kathy Bijak
Alex Bird
Helen Mackay
Pamela Robson
Catherine Carruthers
Kay Maxwell
Euan Bell
John Johnston
Helima Mutch
Gabby Doig
John Hick
Margy Thomson
Secondary Schools with Departments
for Pupils with Additional Support Needs
Auchmuty High School
Balwearie High School
Bell Baxter High School
Buckhaven High School
Lochgelly High School
Madras College
Woodmill High School
Glenrothes High School
Social Work Services
East Fife Community Support Services
Central Fife Community Support Services
West Fife Community Support Services
Hyndhead School, Buckhaven
John Fergus School, Glenrothes
Kilmaron School, Cupar
Calaiswood School, Dunfermline
Rosslyn School, Kirkcaldy
Lochgelly HS Community Use
Queen Anne HS Community Use
Levenmouth Gymnastics Club
Fife Athletic Club
Glenrothes Swimming Club
FINS Swimming Club
East Fife Indoor Bowling Club
Carnegie Swimming Club
Carnegie Masters
Dunfermline Track & Field
Beveridge Park Bowling Club
Cupar & District Swimming Club
Glenrothes Strollers
Lochore Meadows Country Park
Voluntary Organisations
Scottish Autism
Fife Society for the Blind
ENABLE, Fife Branch
Capability Scotland
Fife College – Elmwood Campus
Fife College – Glenrothes Campus
D.S.F. recognises the support it receives from many people in Fife and wishes to recognise the
following agencies and individuals in particular:
Fife Council
The Fife Sports and Leisure Trust
The staff of the Michael Woods Centre
Sheena Watson, Fife Council
Jen Henderson, Sports Development Manager
Pamela Colburn, Manager, Active Schools
Staff from East, West and Central Fife Community Support Services
Tom Foster - Independent Examiner
Fife Swimming Club coaches and officials
The Rector and staff of Kirkcaldy HS
East Fife Indoor Bowling club
Beveridge Park Bowling Club
Fiona Cunningham, Tom Foster, Colin Wilson, Jim Drummond, – Scottish Swimming
East, West and Kirkcaldy and Central Fife Sports Councils
The Courier, Fife Free Press, Glenrothes Gazette, Dunfermline Press, Fife Leader, East Fife
Mail, Central Fife Times & Advertiser, St Andrews Citizen, West Fife Herald
The staff and volunteers who travel in support of Fife teams and individuals throughout
Scotland and the U.K.
Susan Stewart, Anne-Marie McMorrin – PEPAS
Disability Sport Fife has received financial assistance from many agencies and individuals during the
last year and wishes to acknowledge the following in particular:
Fife Council for Recurring Grant Aid to support the post of part-time DSF administrator
Fife Council Community Events Grants Scheme – Celebrating Fife
Fife Sports and Leisure Trust
The members of The Order of St John, Fife Branch
Fife Rotary Clubs
Margaret Pullar and friends – the Bill Pullar Bursary
Scottish Disability Sport
Scottish FA
Bob and Wendy Wylie
Active Fife Staff
McCormick family
Gayle Sloan and family
The Hippo Parade
The Association of Fife Rotary Clubs
Kilmaron School
Russell Hogg Trust
Morag Wilson and family
The Big Lottery
The many individuals who donated anonymously in the year past
Plus many other individual sports people and friends who have raised money for specific
projects and programmes
April 2014
In April Fife Para-sport swimmers and bowlers were putting in the training hours trying to
reach the standards required for selection for Glasgow 2014. Kieran Steer won his first
Scottish BC4 boccia title and Craig Smith from FINS his first British junior swim title. For the
first time ever a Fife team won the Sportshall title at the Peak and Owen Miller gained
selection for the INAS European Championships in the Netherlands. Lucy Walkup continued
to excel in deaf swimming and headed off to Russia for her next international challenge. DSF
nominated 16 high performance athletes for one of the three Local Sports Council awards
Helen McKay from Glenrothes SC joined the DSF coaching team and very quickly made a
major impact. Helen took over coaching duties at Cupar pool on Monday evenings. DSF
selected over 50 swimmers for the SDS Senior Championships for swimmers with a learning
disability in Glasgow and a small but talented squad of physically disabled and sensory
impaired swimmers headed to Grangemouth. Balwearie HS represented Fife at the Scottish
7s organised by the Scottish FA and SDS.
DSF was indebted to the Royal and Ancient in St Andrews for a most generous donation of
£3000 towards our funds. Thanks also to Fife Council for the 2014/2015 recurring grant
which was used entirely to employ our outstanding part time administrator Norma Buchanan.
DSF also acknowledges financial support from SDS through the Peoples Postcode Lottery
and Barcapel Foundation for the weekly coach led sessions. Thanks also to David McArdle
and Kevin Lee of the Scottish FA for continued interest and financial support of the DSF
football programme. Thanks also to Fife Council Sports Development for assisting DSF with
the purchase of 1.5 carpet bowls mats which were located in venues in East and West Fife
and used to develop a sport that is extremely popular amongst our members across Fife.
DSF successfully completed the signing of the 2014/2015 Service Level Agreement with the
Fife Sports and Leisure Trust (FSLT).Scott Urquhart and the FSLT have become an
incredible support to DSF. The FSLT not only supports the DSF office in the Michael Woods
Sports and Leisure Centre but hosts DSF swimming galas in Cupar and Glenrothes plus
indoor and outdoor events in Dunfermline, Kirkcaldy, Cowdenbeath and Glenrothes. The
most exciting new partnership initiative with the FSLT has been the creation and launch of
the new DSF web site hosted on the Fife Sports and Leisure Trust web site. The new site
offers access to other social media and the opportunity to reach a much wider existing and
potential market of new members.Kevin McKee of the Design Team is the DSF link with the
FSLT on this project. DSF offered swimming, badminton and boccia education
May/June 2014
Almost 90 attended the 2014 DSF AGM, Fife entered the largest team to date for the
Scottish Junior Athletics Championships and the Fife Senior Swim Team won the Kintore
Trophy at the Scottish Championships in Glasgow. There were 170 entrants to the 2014 Fife
Track and Field Championships at Pitreavie and the Cupar Highland Games Committee
included 800 metres for athletes with a learning disability. Fife high performance athletes
were involved in major events in the Netherlands, Germany and Russia and it was confirmed
that Billy Allan, Michael Simpson and Craig Rodgie would compete for Team Scotland in
Para Sports at the Commonwealth Games.
DSF had meetings with Badminton Scotland, Scottish Swimming, Scottish Football, Tennis
Scotland, Bowls Scotland and Scottish Athletics to explore inclusive sport developments in
Fife. Working with partners, DSF was involved in the delivery of two badminton workshops,
one DIT course over two evenings, one classification workshop, two wheelchair racing clinics
and supported a number of Fife coaches to pursue Scottish Governing Body Awards. Three
new sessions were added to the programme and DSF collaborated with the Leisure Trust to
sustain a number of daytime and evening sport specific and multi sport sessions over the
In the first month the website had 1500 hits and the feedback about design and content was
very positive. DSF office bearers were as always very active in raising awareness of the
movement through talks and presentations and contributing to the significant number of
Commonwealth Sports Festivals organised across Fife. DSF designed a new promotional
leaflet in conjunction with the Leisure Trust and copies were located in appropriate settings
across Fife. Attracting new members is the aim of the leaflet.
The DSF Awards are an occasion to recognise and applaud coaches who throughout the
sporting year offer support and advice to participants of all levels of ability. Teacher Pamela
Robson from Balwearie HS won the coach of the year award for her work with athletes of all
ages and abilities. Pamela leads three sessions per week in Glenrothes and Dunfermline for
ambulant and wheelchair athletes. The emerging coaches awards went to volunteer coach
Kelly Braid from Kirkcaldy who delivers an athletics session for DSF at Pitreavie, Euan Bell
from Glenrothes who coaches racquet sports to disabled participants in Glenrothes and John
Johnstone from Dundee who coaches multi sports in Cupar and Glenrothes.
Special Recognition awards were made to Jane Russell of Badminton Scotland, Alex Bird of
Active Schools and Kathy Bijak from the Leisure Trust for the very significant contribution
they made over the year in the sports of badminton, racquet sports and swimming
specifically. Also recognised were young volunteers Bethany Ross and Rachel White who
play a key support role to children with additional support needs who attend a multi sport
session, organised by Active Schools, Castlehill PS and supported by DSF. John Hick was
the third volunteer recognised for his FUNdamentals work. Isla Lumsden, Headteacher of
Kilmaron School was the first recipient of the Alex Thorburn trophy for her significant
contribution to disability sport in Fife over many years.
Sam Fernando Bell Baxter HS and Fife AC received the Gilbert Trophy as young athlete of
the 2014 Fife Athletics Championships. Eleanor Clark received a Lifetime Achievement
Award for exceptional loyalty to DSF at the 2014 Awards Evening. Atlanta Crawford won the
Lita Allan Trophy and Phillip Callander the Ben Mills Trophy at the Fife Track and Field
Championships. Gary Lindsay from East Fife Community Support Services won his first Fife
Open Singles Lawn Bowls title at the Beveridge Park. Gary’s victory ended the domination
by Craig Donaldson and Darryl Stewart in this very competitive section.
Summer 2014
What a summer of sport. The inclusive, friendly Commonwealth Games were behind us and
all our thoughts turned to legacy. For those of us who were privileged to play a part in the
Games the memories are still fresh and there remains enormous pride about what Scotland
achieved. To DSF members Craig Rodgie, Michael Simpson and Billy Allan who were part of
Team Scotland, well done.
Kieran Steer won pairs silver at the World Open in Portugal and gained selection for the
World Championships in Beijing. Derek Rae had his T46 IPC classification confirmed in
Berlin and on the track recorded his first international 5K win. Owen Miller won gold and
silver at the Mencap Championships and headed south to Birmingham for T20 Para sport
events included as part of the Diamond League. Craig Rodgie, Craig Smith, Stefan Hoggan,
Oliver Carter and Steven McCormick were in fine form in Aberdeen at the National
Performance Swim Meet.
For the first time, DSF in conjunction with the Fife Sports and Leisure Trust, offered a
significant number of multi sports and sport specific sessions over the summer. These were
welcomed and well supported by members and member organisations and will be repeated
in the years ahead. Unfortunately DSF has lost the services of brilliant coach Elspeth
Wallace but welcomed new swimming coach Kay Maxwell to the team. Congratulations to
coach John Johnstone on securing a full time post with the Leisure Trust.
Workshop Two in the series of Badminton Workshops promoted by Disability Sport Fife and
Badminton Scotland was held at Lochgelly HS courtesy of the Rector and staff. The purpose
of the programme was to provide information and ideas to Workshop attendees on how to
deliver badminton to children, young people and adults with different impairments. Each
Workshop was led by Jane Russell of Badminton Scotland and content and format are a
collaboration between DSF and the SGB.
Committed athletes and players from any sport are always supported by significant others
and in the case of Callum Sloan it is mum Gayle who plays an essential support role for
training and competitions. Gayle herself is an enthusiastic runner and completed the Baker
10K in Aberdeen and went the extra mile by seeking sponsors to raise funds for DSF. Family
and friends rallied to the cause. Gayle raised her target figure which was matched by a
donation from husband Andy’s company Dundas Consultants Ltd. In total the Sloan family
raised £800 for Disability Sport Fife.
SDS identified 21 athletes to receive funding through the SDS Academy. The Academy
supports individuals who have been identified as athletes with potential to achieve the
highest levels in disability sport. Owen Miller from Dunfermline Track and Field was included
on the programme. A strong indoor season and solid early season performances outdoors
for his club confirmed he was on track to achieve his 2014 goals. Retained on the
programme was Derek Rae from Anster Haddies who had an outstanding run in the London
Marathon earlier in the year. Archer Brad Stewart was also retained on the programme
following quality performances early in the season at the Scottish and British
Championships. Visually impaired para triathlete, Alison Patrick, who had just moved to
Dunfermline was also included. Alison is a newcomer to Fife, competes with the support of a
guide and was recruited to triathlon from athletics in 2013.
Maria Spencer from Dunfermline was the reigning singles world champion in her class for
visually impaired bowlers when she added another title to her roll of honour by winning the
Bank of Scotland Trophy at the B.A.S.R.A.B. UK British Singles Bowls Championships held
at Kelvingrove in Glasgow, venue for the 2014 Commonwealth Games. Maria won the ladies
B3 singles section and was presented with the trophy by John Wilson, Team Manager of the
Welsh Association of Visually Impaired Bowlers. Maria is coached by Sarah Jane Ewing
from Dunfermline.
Lucy Walkup from Carnegie Swimming Club competed at the 11th European Deaf Swimming
Championships in Saransk in Russia. The teenager had a heavy schedule, competing in
eight individual events, contesting five individual finals plus three team relays. Lucy is a
specialist breaststroke swimmer and in her three breaststroke events she finished in 4th
place. In the 50m and 200m she set personal best times and new British records. In the
50m breaststroke she missed out on a medal by 0.13 seconds. Lucy was delighted to gain
her first team European medal when as a member of Team GB she finished 3rd in the
4x100m freestyle. In the other two relays Team GB finished in 4th place.
September 2014
Team Fife won the AR Mitchell team trophy at the Scottish Senior Track and Field
Championships in Perth. Team Fife won the Kintore swimming team trophy earlier in the
year in Glasgow and this resulted in two national team trophies in Fife in the same year for
the first time. Fife bowlers won four of the seven singles titles in Aberdeen in the most
challenging of the Championships sections. The Indoor Bowls Championships and the ASN
Swimming Gala at Lochgelly HS launched the Fife competition year with a bang.
DSF welcomed three new coaches to the coaching workforce. Kay Maxwell took over the
swimming session at Carnegie, Stuart Munn was appointed the new Fife athletics coach in
St Andrews and Dave Costello became the coach of the new junior football session in
The ASN Swimming Gala at Lochgelly HS is one of the most popular occasions of the year.
Last year was no exception. Balwearie HS won the team title and the boys relay and
Glenrothes HS won the girls relay. Daniel Henderson (Glenrothes HS) and Samantha
Benton (Woodmill HS) were voted leading swimmers at the gala.
Julie Hogg presented the trophy named after her late husband to athletes from Woodmill HS,
the most successful team at the 2014 Fife Track and Field Championships at Pitreavie. The
numbers of young athletes competing at the Fife Championships has risen year on year.
This year a junior team trophy was introduced for the first time, funded by DSF fund raisers
Wendy and Bob Wylie. Wendy and Bob have become major fund raisers for DSF raising
hundreds of pounds every year for the past few years. Senior pupils from Lochgelly HS,
Balwearie HS and Bell Baxter HS made a major contribution to Team Fife at the 2014 SDS
Athletics Championships in Perth.
Prior to the start of the indoor bowls season, DSF members are offered the opportunity to
compete in a bowls tournament at the East Fife Indoor Bowling Club in Aberhill. Club
members play host to the DSF Championships for bowlers with a learning disability and
members from clubs in and around central Fife turn out in significant numbers to act as
officials. On this occasion club President Helen Vickery welcomed DSF members and
presented trophies to winning bowlers. Title winners were Wendy Thomson, Hayley Binnie,
Stuart Carlin, Fergus Wilson, Jimmy Binnie and Craig Donaldson. Bob Miller has been a club
stalwart at the event since day one.
The leading DSF bowlers excelled at the 2014 SDS Lawn Bowls Championships in
Aberdeen. Seven single hand titles were contested and Fife bowlers won four and two
runners up silver medals. Fife has a long tradition of success at the national championships
but the 2014 results surpassed all expectations. In the men’s and women’s sections for
physically disabled and visually impaired bowlers, Fife results were outstanding. Fife
champions Martin Hunter from Burntisland and Maria Spencer from Dunfermline won
Scottish titles to continue a fine run of form. Both were challenging for team places for the
2015 World championships in NZ. Billy Allan from Cowdenbeath and Wullie Harrison from
Central Fife CSS won silver. Darryl Stewart from Dunfermline and Wendy Thomson from St
Andrews and East Fife Community Support Services won the men’s and women’s titles in
the sections for bowlers with a learning disability.
Almost 90 athletes from DSF reached new heights by winning the AR Mitchell Trophy at the
2014 SDS Senior Track and Field Championships in Perth. Team Fife athletes came from
Balwearie HS, Lochgelly HS, Bell Baxter HS, West Fife CSS, East Fife CSS, Central Fife
CSS, Scottish Autism, Anster Haddies, Dunfermline TF, Fife AC, DSF Pitreavie, DSF
Glenrothes and DSF St Andrews. Planning and preparation began after the Fife
Championships in June and training sessions were held throughout July and August across
DSF athlete ambassadors Graham Law and Derek Rae attended the Fife Voluntary Action
Volunteering and Voluntary Sector Awards Ceremony at the Old Course Hotel in St
Andrews, along with the DSF President. DSF was short listed in two categories - Reducing
Health Inequalities Award and Equality and Diversity Award. In this instance DSF received
runners up certificates but we were proud to be short listed along with such well established
Fife voluntary organisations.
DSF congratulated Craig Smith from the Fife Performance Squad/FINS and Ollie Carter from
the Fife Performance Squad/Cupar and District Swimming Club on their selection for the UK
School Games in Manchester.
DSF bade farewell to Alan Suttie CEO of Fife Society for the Blind who sadly passed away in
September. Alan was a great friend and supporter of DSF. Alan’s professional expertise and
support are missed by all of us in DSF.
October/November 2014
25 delegates attended the November pool workshop at Lochgelly HS and the day before
DSF delivered a third badminton workshop in conjunction with Badminton Scotland. GB
Boccia player Kieran Steer excelled in Beijing and five bowlers were selected for Team
Scotland for the 2015 IBD World Bowls Championships in New Zealand. Six swimmers were
selected for Scotland for the British Championships in Manchester and DSF managed to
select 10 young physically disabled swimmers for the Scottish Junior Championships in
Grangemouth. For the equivalent event for swimmers with a learning disability, DSF selected
31 boys and 25 girls. Derek Rae lowered his half marathon time to 73.03 with a brilliant run
in the Great Scottish Run.
The Fife carpet bowls championships had an entry of 13 juniors for the very first time.Well
done to Lochgelly HS in particular. Our young cross country athletes recorded some
excellent results in series 1 and 2 of the east cross country championships with Sam
Fernando from Bell Baxter HS the stand out athlete. DSF took possession of the second of
two throwing frames to be located in Dunfermline and Glenrothes. Thanks to Scottish
Athletics, REMAP and the Fife Sports and Leisure Trust for supporting this project. Athletes
like Jonny Brown and Lewis Barnett for the first time are able to practice their seated throws
using the correct equipment. DSF once again had a significant part to play at the 2014 SDS
Branch Conference in Perth.
Steven McCormick from Kirkcaldy, FINS and Viewforth HS was the latest in a long line of
DSF “Futures” to receive the call from Scottish Swimming to compete in the British
Championships. Steven made his debut in Manchester and contributed to a first win for
Scotland in many years.
Julie Hogg, Trustee of the Russell Hogg Trust was present at the 2014 ASN gala and
learned about the missing Fife Inter Schools trophy. Immediately Julie suggested an
application to the Trust and DSF duly obliged. The outcome was the purchase and delivery
of the new Russell Hogg Inter Schools Trophy for swimmers with additional support needs.
Robert and Fiona McCormick from Kirkcaldy, plus Fiona’s sister Lynette Gillespie, completed
the West Highland Way over five days in July raising a staggering £1250 for DSF. Averaging
around 20 miles per day the trio experienced two days of horrendous weather and three
beautiful days. The challenge was enjoyed by the walkers, particularly because they were
raising funds for an organisation that is very close to their hearts. The most recent DSF fund
raisers were indebted to their families, friends and work colleagues in Fife College, Fife
Society for the Blind and Babcock Rosyth for their support with this project.
The Boccia World Championships in Beijing were KieranSteer’s greatest challenge to date
but yet again he rose to the occasion. Kieran teamed up with Stephen McGuire and Jamie
Docherty for Team GB BC4 pairs and finished in a very creditable fourth position, just
outside the medals. In the BC4 singles competition Kieran came third in his pool, but
needed to be in the top 2 to reach the final 16 play offs. Kieran by his own admission played
better in some games than in others. Unfortunately in his first game he was drawn against
the GB number one, fellow Scot, Stephen McGuire and he lost narrowly by 4:3. He then
played Domingues Viera from Portugal and lost. Kieran’s final game was against Fernando
Pereira and he won this game in a tie break. A satisfactory singles campaign for the young
Fife player, considering the opposition.Under the guidance of GB Boccia performance coach
Claire Morrison from Dalgety Bay, Kieran is progressing steadily as an international
The DSF Junior physically disabled swim team exceeded all expectations at the Scottish
Junior Championships organised by SDS at Grangemouth. Every member of the ten strong
Fife squad had at least one top two finish and almost every swimmer won at least one
national title. Six swimmers were appearing in their first national championships.Kerys
Ballard from Duloch Primary competed alongside her Carnegie SC team mate
RuairidhDumper from Carnegie Primary in their first championships. Newcomer CaraSmyth
from Inverkeithing HS and Incas was inspired by the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow and
subsequently approached DSF. The result was a swim for Fife in her first Scottish Junior
Championships. FINS swimmers Craig Smith from Glenrothes HS and StevenMcCormick
from Viewforth HS were in fine form at the 2014 Championships and leading from the front
as two of the most experienced squad members. Four of the youngest team members,
Sarah Fraser from Denend PS, Logan Harley Rimbleton PS, CameronHemphill Ladybank
PS and Harley Wylie from Carleton PS recorded numerous best performances and
confirmed that they have promising swimming careers ahead. The icing on the cake for the
Fife squad was finding out at the end of the gala that Oliver Carter from Bell Baxter HS and
Cupar and District SC had been voted leading male swimmer of the championships
Briony Clark from Glenrothes was the leading girl in the Fife junior swim team that competed
in the 2014 Scottish Championships for swimmers with a learning disability at Tollcross with
a win in 50 metres backstroke and runners up medals in 100 metres freestyle, individual
medley and breast stroke. Joyce Law and Holly Jane Gray from Madras won national titles in
breast stroke and freestyle respectively. Jennifer Paton from Balwearie HS was also in fine
form with medals in breast and back stroke. Other girls who finished in top three positions
were Rachel Smart Woodmill HS, Chelsea O’Donnell Lochgelly HS, Iona MacFadzean
Glenrothes HS, Rosalind Penman and Danielle Anderson of Madras College. Titles were
also won by Ross Morton and Sean Wright from Balwearie HS plus Reece Martin from
Lochgelly HS. Fraser Wilson Lochgelly HS, Benjamin Jamieson Woodmill HS, Daniel
Henderson Glenrothes HS and Connor Greer from Balwearie HS collected runners up
medals across a range of distances and strokes. Well done to Jacqui Moran from Kilmaron
who was Fife team manager on the day.
Many thanks to everybody who supported Wendy and Bob Wylie who ran in the Bank of
Scotland Great Scottish Run Half Marathon in Glasgow on behalf of DSF. Derek Rae and
fiancée Susan were married and the Anster Haddies turned out in force to pay their respects
with a sporting guard of honour.
Scottish Disability Sport announced the Scotland Bowls Team that would compete in the IBD
World Championships to be held at the Lower Hutt and NaeNae Bowling Clubs in
Wellington, New Zealand from 17-27 February 2015. Five players and four support staff from
Fife were selected for the nineteen strong squad.Billy Allan, Barbara McMillan, Michael
Simpson and Maria Spencer have all been involved in previous IBD World Championships
but forMartin Hunter from Burntisland it was his first major international overseas. This is a
fitting reward for winning the Fife and Scottish singles titles and having such a successful
season with his own mainstream bowling club. Michael and Maria were IBD World
Championships medallists in SouthAfrica four years earlier. Highly respected
andexperienced Bob Dick from Cupar was again appointed Head Coach. On this occasion
he was supported by Sarah Jane Ewing, Celia Smith and Eric McMillan.Bob led the team at
Glasgow 2014 and to South Africa in 2011 and Australia four years earlier.
December/January 2014/15
Six DSF performance swimmers were part of the strong Scottish team that won the team
trophy at the British Gas Short Course Swimming Championships at the Manchester
Aquatics Centre. Craig Rodgie from the Edinburgh University SC was in record breaking
form when he regained the Scottish record for S14 100 metres freestyle in a time of 56.74.
Lucy Walkup from Stirling SC won gold in her favoured 100 metres breaststroke and during
the event was named in the GB team for the World Deaf Championships in Texas in 2015.
Stefan Hoggan, Carnegie SC signed off in his final British Championships with a gold medal
swim in S9 100 metres fly. Oliver Carter from Cupar SC was voted leading junior boy at the
recent Scottish Championships and won two silvers and a bronze medal in his age group in
Manchester. Craig Smith from FINS won an age group bronze and Steven McCormick,
FINS, in his debut Championships, won two age group bronze medals.
For the past ten years Stefan had represented Fife and Scotland in local and national
championships with great dignity and no shortage of success. Stefan will be greatly missed
by fellow swimmers and coaches. Hugely popular, charismatic and always cheerful, Stefan
contributed as a team player to so many occasions. Always a proud DSF man Stefan has
supported local championships and special events willingly.
Glenrothes HS Department for pupils with additional support needs was the latest DSF
member organisation to receive badminton equipment as part of the Big Lottery funded
“supporting learning with equipment” project. The project involves teachers attending
badminton workshops organised by DSF and tutored by Jane Russell of Badminton
Scotland. The two hour workshop offers participants advice on how to deliver basic
badminton coaching in an appropriate, purposeful, enjoyable and safe environment. Louise
Taylor from the PE Dept at Glenrothes HS received a badminton bag from the DSF
President during a visit to the DSF office.
All Fife swimming and athletics clubs have long histories of inclusive practice and bowling
clubs such as East Fife Indoor, Abbeyview and Beveridge Park go the extra mile to include
disabled participants. Dunfermline Tennis Club now offers discrete and inclusive coaching
practice and members and coaches believe that all participants should be provided with the
opportunity to participate at an appropriate level with appropriate support. Coaches
acknowledge that disability tennis sometimes necessitates different planning and preparation
but accommodating and celebrating difference adds to the richness of club provision. DSF
acknowledges the quality coaching provided by Alan Russell and his team.
The 2014 Fife Carpet Bowls Championships, supported by the Leisure Trust, were the most
successful to date. There were junior bowlers from Lochgelly High School and Dunfermline
High School competing for the first time and volunteer mainstream bowlers from throughout
the central area of Fife officiated at 80 ties over the three and half hour tournament. There
were 11 sections for bowlers with a physical, sensory or learning disability. Scottish
international bowler Billy Allan (Cowdenbeath) won the men's open section for ambulant
disabled bowlers by defeating Stuart Chesby (Dunfermline) who was appearing in his first
final. The section for wheelchair bowlers was an all Central Fife CSS affair with Willie
Harrison defeating Ian Green by 7 shots to 3. In the restricted mixed ambulant section, Neil
Laughlin (Central Fife CSS) retained his title with a 2 shot victory over Eleanor Clark
(Kirkcaldy). In the section for players with a learning disability there were many close ties.
Wendy Thomson (East Fife CSS) replicated her lawn bowls performance of earlier in the
year by winning the title with a 7 shots to 3 victory over Hayley Binnie (West Fife CSS).
Robert McMahon recorded a surprise rare win over his Central Fife CSS team-mate Craig
Donaldson to win the men's open title by 8 shots to 6. Kevin Mustard (Central Fife CSS)
won the B competition final by 10 shots to 6 against Jimmy Binnie (West Fife CSS). Craig
Houston (East Fife CSS) won the C category final comfortably by defeating team-mate
Jimmy Ramsay. The men's D competition resulted in a win for Wayne Moreland (East Fife
CSS) who defeated Stuart Melville from West Fife CSS by 10 shots to 7.
DSF depends so much on the massive volunteer force that supports so many aspects of our
work. Year after year, Matt Thomson and Alex McLean, the DSF bowls coordinators, gather
together squads of volunteer markers from Fife clubs to run the very successful DSF indoor,
outdoor and carpet bowls programme. Sports Leaders from Kirkcaldy HS turned out in
significant numbers to support the DSF Swimming and Athletics Championships in 2014 and
DSF hopes to extend their involvement to other Championships during 2015. For over two
decades, Fiona Cunningham, Tom Foster, Colin Wilson, Margaret Robson and Jim
Drummond have been stalwart volunteer officials travelling all over Fife to support DSF
swimming galas. Parents, siblings, young people and older adults too many to name
individually turn out week after week to support the DSF coaching workforce or turn up on
occasion throughout the year to support DSF events. All play a very important role in the
continued prosperity of DSF. The DSF volunteer force is carefully selected, enormously
valued and vital to the success of our movement. DSF is proud of its volunteers and
recognises their importance by regularly nominating for prestigious awards.
Seated throwing requires the correct equipment and an initiative involving DSF, Scottish
Athletics, REMAP and the FSLT will make a difference to Fife disabled athletes and their
ability to train and compete. For the first time non ambulant throwers have the opportunity to
train and compete in field events using bespoke throwing frames located at Pitreavie and
Glenrothes. REMAP is a charity that designs and produces technical aids for disabled
people. When approached by DSF, David Reid of REMAP Scotland, called upon volunteers
in the west of Scotland to design and manufacture frames to the specifications outlined by
DSF and Scottish Athletics. The Leisure Trust is a willing key partner.
Two legs of the four series East of Scotland Cross Country Championships, held at the
Riccarton Campus of Heriot Watt University, were completed and a number of young Fife
athletes made a great impression. Marie Wilson, Courtney Morris, Shakeel UI-haq (Lochgelly
HS), Alex Syme, Megan Wilson, Connor Brown, Casey Donaldson Woodmill HS and Reece
Dickson, Alex Evans, Stuart Taylor Balwearie HS all won individual races and gained
maximum 10 point scores. Three young Bell Baxter HS pupils were particularly impressive
in the October and November races and continued their winning ways during 2015. Kerry
Kotlewski S1, Dean Bruce S3 and Sam Fernando S4 recorded maximum scores.
Elma Pirie, wife of the late Bernard Pirie passed away late in 2014. Bernard will always be
remembered as one of our longest serving volunteers. His influence on the sports of
swimming and ten pin bowling were immeasurable. Elma was rarely if ever absent when
Bernard was leading from the front. Elma, like Bernard was a very experienced and
competent swimming official and a key member of the team that travelled around Fife in
support of DSF galas. The Pirie family set a high standard in volunteering and their
contribution to disability sport in Fife was immense.
DSF also learned of the passing of Steven Harper, husband of the late Aileen Harper.
Aileen is in the DSF Hall of Fame and recognised as one of DSF’s leading athletes of all
time. Aileen’s daughters were present at the 2014 AGM and presented trophies in memory
of their late mother. Steven was very proud of all that Aileen achieved in sport and was an
accomplished athlete himself. As a member of the Red Cross he worked closely with the
late Alec Thorburn and together they contributed many voluntary hours in support of DSF
events. As a Red Cross trainer, Steven encouraged and supported others who spent their
leisure time looking after the health and welfare of the Fife community.
The 73rd version of the DSF activity sessions leaflet and application form was produced and
distributed widely. Being on the web site brings it within reach of significantly higher
numbers. The leaflet details what DSF has on offer weekly in 2015 in venues and settings
throughout Fife. These sessions are critical to increasing levels of participation and
introducing new members to DSF. Sessions are successful because of the quality of
coaches we can call upon and the arrival of Kay Maxwell (swimming), Gabby Doig
(athletics), Dave Costello (football), Stuart Munn (athletics) and Helen McKay (swimming)
greatly enhanced the coaching workforce and what DSF is able to offer. Yet again at this
time DSF pays tribute to the members of the Order of St John for their annual donation to
DSF during the Christmas Carol Service. No voluntary organisation has supported DSF so
significantly over such a lengthy period of time. Many thanks to Order members past and
February 2015
The big news of the month was the selection of Derek Rae for Team GB for the IPC World
Marathon Championships in London in April. Michael Simpson, Billy Allan, Maria Spencer,
Barbara McMillan and Martin Hunter headed to New Zealand for the 2015 IBD World Lawn
Bowls Championships with Team Scotland. Bob Dick was once again head coach and was
ably assisted by Celia Smith, Eric McMillan and Sarah Jane Ewing from Fife.
Graham McIntyre from Leven won his first national indoor rowing title at the first attempt.
Kenny Dow, Ian Green and Jamie Weir won singles national carpet bowls titles in Dundee
and five other Fife bowlers reached the semis or finals. Junior cross country runners
continued to excel in the East Series organised by Scottish Athletics and the 2015 DSF 7s
Football League supported by the Scottish FA was under way at Kirkcaldy HS for the fifth
DSF was involved with three Inclusion Training sessions for Education staff involving 35
participants plus workshops/courses on classification, boccia, triathlon, athletics and
swimming. DSF established Performance, Futures and Freshers squads and identified three
levels of coaches/volunteers supporting Fife children, athletes and players. DSF weekly
sessions were thriving with many new participants signing up and a new five week transition
judo session being introduced with support from Judo Scotland.
DSF embarked on an exciting initiative with the Scottish FA football development officers in
Fife involving the new Fife Performance Football Academy. The most successful disability
golf event in the national calendar is scheduled for Cupar on the 18th May. Norma
Buchanan and Craig Martin are the contacts for the Fife Open which will be held for the first
time on a Monday at Elmwood Golf Club in Cupar. 18 holes, 9 holes and skills tests
competitions are included in the 2015 programme. For the second year the Organising
Committee of the Cupar Highland Games will include an invitation “handicapped” race for
athletes with a learning disability in the Games programme on Saturday 13th June. This
unique race is open to male/female athletes who have recorded a time below 2.45 (M)/3.15
(F) for 800 metres in the past year.
March 2015
The 41st Annual Fife Sports Festival, supported by the Fife Sports and Leisure Trust and
Celebrating Fife, was the most successful to date. 54 players competed in the Fife
badminton championships, 18 teams in the Fife 5s and four and half hours of swimming
events were just some of the highlights. West Fife CSS members were in great form at the
gala and archery and East Fife CSS once again dominated unihoc. Glenrothes Strollers and
Balwearie HS were the leading teams in senior and junior football.
Team Scotland won 5 gold and 2 silver medals at the 2015 IBD World Bowls Championships
in New Zealand and Fife bowlers Maria Spencer, Martin Hunter and Michael Simpson
between them won 2 gold and 2 silver medals. For Maria and Michael it was a repeat of
their successes at the World Championships in South Africa but for Martin it was a major first
in his first World Championships. FINS swimmer Craig Smith was selected for Team
Scotland for the CPISRA World Games in Nottingham in the summer.
Fife cross country runners continued to excel in the East Series and our young Sportshall
team members were once again in top form at the national championships. Derek Rae had
a brilliant run in the Alloa half marathon in the lead up to competing in the IPC World
Marathon Championships in London at the end of April. Stefan Hoggan had retired from
swimming but was now making an impact as a member of the GB Paratriathlon squad in
Two more DSF badminton bags were presented as part of the Big Lottery “supporting
learning with equipment” project and Jane Russell of Badminton Scotland will run another
another coaches workshop on June 2nd. Seven DSF coaches completed Scottish Athletics
coaching awards. Increasing participation, improving performance and developing coaches,
leaders and volunteers is always a DSF priority.
Michael McCreadie and Aileen Neilson offered DSF members Graham McIntyre and Brad
Stewart quality coaching and the opportunity to join their team for the 2015 Scottish
Championships at the Peak in Stirling. Outcome - a win in the match for bronze. Team
Neilson line up - Alison Hopkins, Michael, Graham, Brad and current Scotland and GB skip,
Aileen Neilson.
The past 12 months have been amazing for Martin Hunter from Burntisland. Outstanding
results in Burntisland Bowling Club championships and DSF and SDS competitions have
been completely overshadowed by Martin winning the B7 singles title at the IBD World Bowls
Championships in New Zealand. St Andrews Kilrymont Rotary recognised a great year for
the Fife champion by awarding him the Rotary Quaich and a sports bursary. The
presentation was made by Rotarians George Donaldson and Gordon McKenzie. GB Boccia
player Kieran Steer, Crossgates, was the winner of the disability sports award at the
Dunfermline and West Fife Sports Awards evening.
A new Rotary/DSF initiative that was originally the brainchild of the Leven Rotary Club was
launched. The Association of Fife Rotary Clubs agreed to fund DSF for the next five years
from a levy paid by each of the clubs in membership of the Association of Fife Rotary Clubs.
The money would be used to support aspiring disabled athletes and players from the DSF
Performance, Futures and Freshers squads. Athletes with potential require financial support
when they are starting out on the performance pathway and DSF Rotary Bursaries will be
awarded at a critical time in an athlete’s career. The DSF Policy and Finance Committee will
identify appropriate recipients and the bursaries will be awarded annually. The first
instalment of funding was handed over by AFRC Chairman Derek Thomson to DSF
President Richard Brickley. DSF has enjoyed almost 40 years of support from Rotary in Fife.
DSF unexpectedly said farewell to bowlers Jimmy Binnie and Peter Wood from the west of
Fife in quick succession. Over many years these two fine gentlemen had played a
significant role in Fife competitions and as members of Fife teams in major events
throughout the UK. More likeable men we are likely to see again but they will never be
forgotten as friends, team mates and Fife ambassadors.
April 2015
Lucy Walkup won two titles and the 100 metres open breast stroke shield for the 7th
consecutive year at the GB Deaf swimming Championships. Derek Rae won his first GB cap
and finished 5th in the IPC T46 World Marathon Championship in London. This was a
remarkable run for the Anster Haddie who completed the run in a personal best of 2.40.40
and ran 24 miles of the race entirely on his own. Callum Sloan completed the 3 mile London
mini marathon course in 28 minutes with family and coach Pamela Robson cheering him on.
At the same time Stefan Hoggan was in Loughborough for three months of training as he
tries to win a place in the GB Paratriathlon squad for Rio.
Sam Fernando and Owen Miller won the Scottish junior and senior cross country titles and
were selected by Scottish Athletics to attend performance training camps. Craig Rodgie was
in fine form at the British Para Swimming Meet at Tollcross and missed out on selection for
the IPC World Championships in the summer by 1.2 seconds. Craig Smith and Ollie Carter
also swam well.
Swimmers Richard Osborn, Kirsty Brunton and Mary Wilson are welcome new additions to
the DSF Futures squad and a significant number of members have been recognised at the
three Sports Councils Awards evenings. Derek Rae won the Gary Innes Award at the
Kirkcaldy and Central Fife Sports Council Awards evening. Stirling University student Lucy
Walkup was voted Kirkcaldy and Central Fife Sports Council athlete of the year for the third
DSF is working with the Fife Football officers on a number of projects and worthy of special
mention is the new Fife Performance Football Academy with four DAS Depts. already signed
up. Liam Downie from Balwearie HS was the 2015 top 7s League goal scorer. Fife Schools
Athletic Association and Fife AC have teamed up with DSF to organise the First Fife Cross
Country Championships for athletes with additional support needs. DSF has responded to a
request from Active Fife to organise a wheelchair rugby festival in the west of Fife in June.
The sporting year just gets better and better.
Thanks to the Sports Leaders from Kirkcaldy HS who have been fully involved in the Fife
swimming and badminton championships and are signed up to assist at the Fife Athletics
Championships in June. New carpet bowls and lawn bowls sessions start this term in
Glenrothes and Kirkcaldy under the leadership of coaches John Hick and Matt Thomson.
Kieran Steer from Crossgates continued to excel as an international boccia player and on
this occasion it was at the European Continental Cup in Sant Cugat, Barcelona. Team GB
topped the medals table in the first international of the season in the build up to the
Paralympic Games in Rio in 2016. Kieran upset the current singles rankings in the BC4
class by progressing through his section undefeated and lifting the gold medal. Kieran also
teamed up with Stephen McGuire and Evie Edwards to win silver in the pairs event, losing
narrowly to Slovakia in a tie break. Check out Kieran in training on the web site.
Stefan Hoggan from Auchtermuchty is an arm amputee who retired last year from high
performance swimming to concentrate on Paratriathlon. The three discipline sport will be
introduced to the Games in Rio in 2016 and Stefan would dearly love to be considered for
GB. Stefan accepted an invitation from British Triathlon to attend camps in England and
overseas. Mastering one discipline is challenging but taking on three sports is not for the
feint hearted. Stefan is on a three month Triathlon funded training programme in
Loughborough and will compete in his first Paratriathlon in May. Good luck Stefan
In May 2014, Fife swimmers won the team title at the SDS Championships for swimmers
with a learning disability. In September the Fife squad won the team title at the SDS Senior
Track and Field Championships in Perth. Early in April the Fife physically and sensory
impaired swim squad won the national team title in Grangemouth to complete a unique treble
of team victories. For the first time in DSF history all three Scottish team trophies are
located in Fife at the same time. The twelve strong Fife swimming squad won 27 individual
national titles plus the Open relay and finished runners up in the restricted relay. Team Fife
finished with 141 points, 17 ahead of defending champions West of Scotland. This was the
fourteenth win overall for Team Fife since the cup was presented back in 1985. West of
Scotland have won the cup seventeen times and a 2015 win would have made it three in a
row. The Lothian team finished third, ahead of Tayside, Borders, Highland and Forth Valley.
Full report on the DSF web site. Well done Fife swimmers, athletes, coaches and volunteers
The DSF President received a cheque for £596 from Glenrothes Town Centre General
Manager Robert Winter and staff during a recent visit. DSF was the nominated charity for
the 2104 Hippo Parade and related fund raising projects. DSF was delighted to host a
delegation of officers from South Lanarkshire Leisure to discuss the existing Fife programme
for children, athletes and players with a disability and the development of a new programme
within South Lanarkshire. Derek Rae of Anster Haddies won the 2015 East Fife Sports
Council Disabled Athlete of the Year Award in St. Andrews. Brad Stewart, Michael Simpson
and Wendy Thomson were awarded runners up certificates.
DSF is delighted to welcome the Provost of Fife, Jim Leishman, and the Chair of Scottish
Disability Sport, Janice Eaglesham to the 2015 AGM. In addition to our distinguished guests
we also welcome athletes, players, coaches, volunteers and friends of DSF.
Richard Brickley MBE
President DSF
DSF hosted the first National Outdoor Archery Championships as part of the Fife
Games in 1981.
DSF established the first National Disability Archery Postal Shoot in the 90s, coordinated by DSF archery co-ordinators Gwyn Jones and the late Mike Broderick.
DSF archers contributed considerably to Scottish national team successes at British
Championships for over 25 years.
DSF members finished top three in National Indoor team archery events held
throughout Scotland between 1985 and 2005.
Archery is part of the Annual Junior Multi-Sports Festival programme.
Archer Jim Martin from Anstruther was a Paralympian in 1984.
David Cowieson, Brad Stewart and Gwyn Jones have been Fife’s leading physically
disabled archers since 1984.
In 2015 Brad Stewart (Ladybank) is a member of the Scottish disability compound
archery squad.
The first Fife Track and Field Championships were held in 1976.
In 1981 DSF and Fife Regional Council introduced the Fife Games to the Scottish
Disability Sport calendar as a contribution to the International Year of Disabled
People. The Fife Games included athletics, archery and cross country and attracted
entries from all over the UK throughout the 80s and 90s.
DSF is consistently represented at the Scottish Disability Sport Junior and Senior
Track and Field Championships with considerable success.
In the 90s DSF had a wheelchair track team of eight to ten athletes and the
Glenrothes Road Running Festival hosted a 10K wheelchair race which attracted
entries from all over the UK.
In 2009 athletics was added to the sports offered under the DSF VORTEX
All Fife multi-sports sessions include track and field athletics during the summer term.
Since 2006 DSF has supported the Scottish Disability Sport / Scottish Athletics East
Series Cross Country and National Championships with considerable success.
The Fife Track and Field Championships are now the major event on the DSF events
DSF has successfully supported the National Sports:hall athletics event since
Scottish Disability Sport introduced the event to the national calendar and won its first
team title in 2014.
Colin Keay, Caroline Baird, Owen Miller, Derek Frew, Kenny Suttie, Paul Johnston,
Nicky Diatchenko and Derek Rae have been Fife’s leading senior athletes since
DSF offers run, jump and throws sessions weekly in East, West and Central Fife.
DSF has a number of talented junior athletes make their mark in national
competitions including Callum Sloan, Sam Fernando, Jonny Brown, Atlanta Crawford
and Cameron Adam.
In 2015 Derek Rae (Kirkcaldy) became DSF’s most recent GB international when he
was selected to compete for GB at the IPC World Marathon Championships in
In 2009 DSF added badminton to the priority sports being developed across Fife for
children, young people and adults with a physical or learning disability.
Badminton has always been one of a number of racquet sports included in the
weekly multi-sports sessions offered at the Fife Sports Institute for adults with a
learning disability and also during the Annual Junior Multi-Sports Festival.
Badminton was added to the coach led sports offered under VORTEX and also the
previous DSF Big Lottery funded programme IMAGE.
The first Fife Badminton Championships were held in 2009 during Sports Festival
Week and attracted a single figure entry. The 2014 Championships had an entry of
40 adults and juniors competing in seven divisions.
With funding from Celebrating Fife 2010, an Inter Area competition was organised at
the Cowdenbeath Leisure Centre involving participants from East, West and Central
DSF currently offers weekly badminton sessions in Central Fife.
With encouragement from DSF, badminton is now included in the sports
development programmes of specific Fife schools for pupils with additional support
Kirsty Jones (Glenrothes) became the first physically disabled player to excel in
international disability badminton.
John Hick became the first ambulant physically disabled sportsman from Fife to
compete in the Four Nations Badminton event in 2014.
St Andrews University hosted a badminton Festival in 2014 for schools with DAS
DSF and badminton Scotland hosted the first badminton workshop for staff and
DSF successfully submitted a Lottery application in 2014 to access funding to provide
learner badminton equipment for key partners with support workshops. Four
workshops have been held and seven badminton equipment bags distributed. Fifth
workshop planned for June 2015.
The 2015 DSF Badminton Championships attracted 56 entrants, competing in 10
DSF introduced boccia to the weekly sessions programme in 2006.
DSF introduced boccia to the Junior Multi-Sports Festival for physically and sensory
impaired youngsters in 2005.
Kieran Steer emerged from a DSF Multi-Sports Festival as a player with potential and
is now an established GB international player challenging for a place in the GB Team
for Rio in 2016.
Kieran Steer won his first singles international title at the European Championships in
DSF revived the Fife Boccia Championships in 2015 as part of the Annual Sports
The first bowls competition organised by DSF was on the outdoor green at Lynebank Hospital
in Dunfermline in 1977. The Championships were organised in conjunction with Alex McLean
and bowls colleagues from the Rosyth ATC.
DSF introduced the first Carpet Bowls Championships to the Fife calendar at Woodmill HS
Community Use in 1978.
In 1981 DSF collaborated with Scottish Disability Sport to introduce the first Scottish Carpet
Bowls Championships to the national calendar at the Lochgelly Centre. The Championships
were funded by Fife Regional Council as a DSF and Council contribution to the International
Year of Disabled People.
Bowls in Fife progressed because of the interest taken by Social Work staff members in the
Fife Resource Centres. Alex McLean, Betty McLean, Jimmy Smith, Christine Easton and the
late Ian Cowper were key to bowls development in Fife.
DSF members have for the last 30 plus years consistently performed well at the National
Carpet Bowls Championships and National Lawn Bowls Championships organised by
Scottish Disability Sport.
With support from Celebrating Fife DSF introduced a new bowls event to the national
calendar specifically for players with a learning disability. The first Inter Area Bowls Test
Match was held at Beveridge Park in 2010.
In 2009 DSF played an important role in supporting Scottish Disability Sport to host the Test
Match against England at the Beveridge Park in Kirkcaldy in preparation for the World
Fife physically disabled and visually impaired bowlers have consistently featured for Scotland
in Home International and World Championship events.
DSF introduced lawn bowls coaching sessions at the Beveridge Park in Kirkcaldy in May
2011. Special thanks to DSF Bowls Co-ordinator Matt Thomson and members of the
Beveridge Park Club.
DSF enjoys incredible support from the members of the East Fife Indoor Bowling Club. The
Club has hosted annual Fife Championships for players with a learning disability for over 20
DSF enjoys amazing support from members of the Beveridge Park Club in Kirkcaldy, venue
for the Fife Championships for over 20 years.
Fife’s leading bowlers have been Billy Allan, Michael Simpson, Eleanor Clark, Martin Hunter,
David Thomson, Maria Spencer, Craig Donaldson, Pamela Mitchell and Darryl Stewart.
Michael Simpson and Billy Allan were selected for Team Scotland physically disabled triples
for the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow 2014. Team Scotland finished fourth.
Martin Hunter, Michael Simpson, Billy Allan, Maria Spencer, Barbara McMillan were selected
for Team Scotland for the IBD World Championships in New Zealand in 2015. Martin and
Maria won singles gold and Michael and Maria pairs silver.
Since 2004 DSF has partnered Elmwood College in hosting the Annual Fife Open
Golf Championships at Elmwood Club in Cupar.
Brian Crombie from Glenrothes and the Balbirnie Golf Club is a past one armed
golfing world champion who also brought the World Championships to the Balbirnie
Golf Club in early 2000.
Craig Martin from Fife College has been the driving force behind the development of
golf for players with a learning disability in Fife and beyond.
The 2014 Fife Open Golf Championships included a skills tests section plus 9 and 18
hole competitions. The skills tests are now a very popular section of the Fife Open.
Since 1975 DSF has promoted 5-a-side football for adults with a learning disability as
part of the Annual Fife Sports Festival.
Football has for the past three decades been included in weekly club and multi-sports
programmes held across Fife.
Thanks to coaching grants from the Scottish FA East of Scotland coaching manager
weekly coaching sessions have been offered to players with a learning disability in
Central and West Fife.
Thanks to a Fife Council Community Events Grant there has been an increased
number of football teams participating in the Fife Championships.
In 2010 DSF became involved in the National 7-a-side Junior League and organised
the first Fife Schools 7s League in the same year. Six schools were involved in 2015
7s League.
Improved promotion of the SDS 5-a-side Championships has led to greater
involvement by DSF in the SDS National Championships.
In 2014 DSF introduced an S1/S2 7s competition to run in parallel to the S3/S6
event. Both events are supported by Kirkcaldy HS.
DSF has worked with the Scottish FA and Fife Football Development Officers to
develop the Fife Inclusive Performance Football Academy.
From 1970 through to 2012 the Fife Sports Institute was the hub for disability
swimming in Fife.
DSF has organised six swimming galas in any one year for swimmers of all ages and
abilities with a disability.
DSF members have an outstanding record in national championships organised by
Scottish Disability Sport, Disability Sport England and international disability
swimming organisations.
Glenrothes Swimming Club had eight Paralympic swimmers training with the club
during the 80s/90s.
Fife representative swim teams have excelled over the years as team winners at the
National Championships and Inter Region Championships.
DSF swimming sessions are offered weekly across Fife in Leisure Trust and Council
facilities. Community based multi-sport sessions offer swimming sessions in specific
The Inter Schools ASN gala and Brodie Gala have been running since the 70s and
provide opportunities for swimmers of all levels of ability with additional support
DSF enjoys a very healthy relationship with mainstream swimming clubs across Fife
and over the years DSF personnel have supported the inclusion of DSF members in
mainstream clubs.
Fife’s leading swimmers since 1984 have been Paul Noble, Tracy Wiscombe, Lara
Ferguson, Iain Matthew, Craig Rodgie, Paul Johnston, Rebecca Lee, Lucy Walkup,
Adam Morley, Anna Tizzard and Stefan Hoggan.
In 2015 there are five weekly discrete coach led sessions run by DSF and three
discrete learn to swim sessions organised in partnership with the Trust.
In 2014/2015 Fife swimmers hold the national team trophies for swimmers with a
physical/sensory impairment and swimmers with a learning disability.
DSF first hosted a Fife Table Tennis Championships as part of the Annual Sports
Festival in the mid 70s.
DSF hosted the first SDS National Championships at the Fife Sports Institute in 1976.
DSF was involved in setting up and hosting the National Table Tennis League at the
Fife Sports Institute during the 80s and 90s. DSF table tennis co-ordinator Wilma
Catignani played a key role with George Keith from Aberdeen.
Paul Noble and Lara Ferguson have been the most successful Fife physically
disabled players at the National Championships. Craig Donaldson (St Clair Centre)
and Stephen Burns (Carnock) have for many years been the top players with a
learning disability.
DSF sent strong teams to the National Championships up until the final event in
Inverurie in 2003.
Table tennis coaching sessions are included weekly at the multi-sports sessions
offered within Leisure Trust facilities. DSF continues to support the table tennis
league in Dundee.
Daniel Tunstall from St Andrews raised the bar in performance deaf tennis by his
achievements at national and international level. Daniel was coached by Mike Aitken
in St Andrews.
In 2013 DSF with support from Andrew Raitt of Tennis Scotland secured two tennis
wheelchairs from the Dan Maskell Foundation.
In 2011 DSF introduced tennis coaching at Queen Anne HS to the sessions
programme offered throughout the year.
In 2014/2015 DSF is working with Dunfermline and Falkland Tennis Clubs to promote
inclusive tennis coaching.
10 Pin Bowling was added to the Fife calendar of events at the Fraser Bowl,
Glenrothes during the 90s by the late Bernard Pirie, DSF 10 pin bowls co-ordinator.
DSF members have always had a pathway for 10 pin bowling through the Special
Olympics movement.
DSF introduced the Bumpers and Ramps Championships to the Fife calendar in
2011. Both events were co-ordinated by the late Bernard Pirie and Denise Russell.
The Fife 10 Pin Bowling Championships were reinstated in 2015 under the guidance
of Trish Anderson from East Fife CSS.
Frank Duffy from Falkland became skip of the Scottish and GB wheelchair curling
teams and consistently medalled in Paralympic and World Championships during his
In 2015 Brad Stewart (Ladybank) and Graham McIntyre (Leven) joined Michael
McCreadie and Aileen Neilson to win bronze at the Scottish Wheelchair Curling
Graham McIntyre (Leven) became the first Fife rower to be included in the Scottish
Squad and won the Scottish 1000m indoor title (arms and shoulders) in 2015.
ACCESS AWARDS for outstanding achievement in sport.
1985 Robert McMahon
1986 Adam Morley
1987 James Grubb
1988 Pamela Mitchell
1989 Shaun Cunningham
1990 David Miller
1991 Evelyn Neave
1992 Eileen Fairgrieve
Kenneth Mort
1993 Craig Donaldson
Dorothy Lindsay
1994 Diane Waddell
1995 Michelle Wallace
David Drummond
1996 Eileen Hutchison
Graham Bissett
1997 Ian Berry
Jimmy Binnie
1998 Morag Wilson
Keir Winsborough
1999 Dalgairn Ladies Unihoc Team
Nicola Eccles
2000 Mark Walker
Caroline Innes
2001 Stephen Burns
Pauline Latto
2002 Billy Allan
William Stewart
SWIMMER OF THE YEAR – The Leslie Inglis Trophy
1996 Anna Tizzard, Glenrothes
1997 Lara Ferguson, Leslie
1998 Andrew Lindsay, Cowdenbeath
1999 Murray Davies, Dunfermline
2000 Stuart Mullen, Hill of Beath
2001 Andrew Gallacher, Glenrothes
2002 Toqeer Nasir, Glenrothes
2003 Rebecca Lee, Dalgety Bay
2004 Paul Noble, Glenrothes
2005 Andrew Lindsay, Cowdenbeath
Andrew Bernard
Wayne Halliday
Brian Crombie
Fran Lucas
Barbara McMillan
Eleanor Clark
Ian Green
Craig Bernard
Craig Donaldson
Robbie Craig
Pamela Mitchell
Kirsty Jones
Mark Edgcumbe
Owen Miller
Eleanor Clark
Susie Whiteford
Allan Robertson
Kenny Dow
Robert Greig
Phillip Callander
Nikki Baxter
Julie Allan
Tanis Murphy
Ian Hutcheson
Wayne Sammut
Wendy Thomson
Rebecca Lee, Dalgety Bay
Andrew Lindsay, Cowdenbeath (INCAS)
Craig Rodgie, Dalgety Bay (Carnegie SC)
Craig Rodgie, Dalgety Bay (Carnegie SC)
Craig Rodgie, Dalgety Bay (Edin Uni SC)
Lucy Walkup, Glenrothes (Glenrothes SC)
Craig Rodgie, Dalgety Bay (Edin Uni SC)
Craig Rodgie (Edinburgh Uni Swim SC)
Craig Rodgie (Edinburgh Uni Swim SC)
Lucy Walkup (Stirling SC)
Michael Simpson, Auchtermuchty /
Billy Allan, Cowdenbeath
Michael Simpson
Marie Spencer /
Martin Hunter
ATHLETE OF THE YEAR – Colin Keay Award
Owen Miller, Dunfermline
Owen Miller, Dunfermline
Owen Miller, Dunfermline
Derek Rae, Kirkcaldy
Derek Rae, Kirkcaldy
2007 Eleanor Clark, Kirkcaldy
2008 Darryl Stewart, Cowdenbeath
2009 David Thomson, Glenrothes
2010 Eleanor Clark / Darryl Stewart
2011 Michael Simpson, Auchtermuchty
2012 Maria Spencer, Dunfermline
2013 Maria Spencer, Dunfermline
2007 Rebecca Lee, Dalgety Bay
Craig Rodgie, Dalgety Bay
2008 Lucy Walkup, Glenrothes
Arran Ritchie, Kirkcaldy
2009 Stefan Hoggan, Auchtermuchty
2010 Lucy Walkup, Glenrothes
Craig Rodgie, Dalgety Bay
Craig Rodgie, Dalgety Bay
Lucy Walkup, Glenrothes
Lucy Walkup, Glenrothes
Craig Smith, Glenrothes
Steven McCormick, Kirkcaldy
FOOTBALLER OF THE YEAR – Penman Family Award
2013 Andrew Williams (Woodmill HS)
2014 Liam Downie (Balwearie HS)
2015 Liam Downie (Balwearie HS)
1993 David Thomson, Glenrothes
2007 Elaine Lister, Glenrothes
1994 Evelyn Neave, Glenrothes
W/C curling/shooting
1995 Elaine Lister, Glenrothes
2008 Elaine Lister, Glenrothes
1996 Martin McArdle, Glenrothes
W/C curling/shooting
1997 Derek Frew, Glenrothes
2009 Kirsty Jones, Glenrothes
1998 Andy Bird, Glenrothes
2010 David Thomson
1999 Nicky Diatchenko, Cardenden Athletics
2011 David Cowieson
2000 Evelyn Neave, Glenrothes
2012 Kieran Steer
2001 Derek Frew, Glenrothes
2013 Brad Stewart
2002 David Cowieson, Dairsie
Kieran Steer
2003 Derek Frew, Glenrothes
2014 Kieran Steer
2004 Frank Duffy, Falkland
W/C curling
2015 Kieran Steer
2005 Frank Duffy, Falkland
W/C curling
2006 Frank Duffy, Falkland
W/C curling
2004 Adam Morley, Glenrothes (swimming)
2006 Anna Tizzard (swimming)
Pauline Latto (athletics)
2007 Caroline Baird (athletics)
Iain Matthew
Paul Johnstone (swimming)
2008 Lara Ferguson (swimming)
Caroline Baird, MBE (athletics)
2009 Andrew Lindsay, Cowdenbeath
2010 Craig Donaldson, St Clair Centre (all sports)
2007 Stefan Hoggan, Auchtermuchty (swimming)
2008 Owen Miller, Dunfermline (athletics)
2009 Lucy Walkup, Glenrothes (Glenrothes SC)
2010 Lucy Walkup, Glenrothes (Glenrothes SC)
2011 Atlanta Crawford, Kirkcaldy (Balwearie HS)
Lewis Barnett, Cupar
Fraser Wilson, Cupar
Martin Tennant, Cowdenbeath
Atlanta Crawford, Kirkcaldy
Craig Smith, Glenrothes
Kieran Steer, Crossgates (boccia)
Craig Smith, Kirkcaldy (swimming)
W/C Bowls
Barbara McMillan, Cowdenbeath (bowls)
Billy Allan, Cowdenbeath (bowls)
Stephen Burns, Carnock (multi-sports)
Wullie Harrison (bowls)
David Cowieson (archery)
Eleanor Clark (bowls)
Owen Miller (athletics)
Craig Rodgie (swimming)
Lloyd Simpson, Methil (Lochgelly North School)
Carter Taylor (Woodmill HS)
Sam Fernando (Bell Baxter HS - athletics)
Ollie Carter (Bell Baxter HS – swimming)
Louisa Ramsay, Glenrothes (table tennis)
Callum Sloan, Dunfermline (w/c racing)
Ryan Dunwoodie (Balwearie HS)
Felix Taylor (Kilmaron School)
Jennifer Paton (Balwearie HS)
1997 Kenneth Richards, Woodlands Centre,
2003 James Fleming, Dalgairn Centre, Cupar
2004 Derek Forrester, Leven
2006 Graham Law, Glenrothes
2007 Morag Wilson (Robert Gough Centre)
2008 Christopher Gowans, Kirkcaldy
2009 Kelly Crawford, Dunfermline
2010 Fraser Wilson, Cupar /
Tonia Coe (Dalgairn Centre)
Craig Bernard (Robert Gough Centre)
Tonia Coe (Dalgairn Centre)
Michelle Hill (Strathmiglo)
Barrie Sanderson (West Fife CSS)
Paul Coulthard (Kelty)
Nikki Baxter (WFCSS)
Callum Sloan (wheelchair racing)
Graham McIntyre (wheelchair sports)
2006 Robbie McKenzie Smith (Dalgairn Centre)
Andrea Spry (Robert Gough Centre)
Alan Hood (Robert Gough Centre)
2007 Stephen Burns (Carnock)
Ruairidh Deans (Kinconquhar)
David Kerr (Guardbridge)
Ryan Peterson (St. Andrews)
2008 Stephen Burns (Carnock)
2009 Ryan Melville, Kirkcaldy
Mary McInally, Inverkeithing
2010 Andrea Spry (Robert Gough Centre)
Michelle Taylor (equestrian)
Stephen Burns (Carnock)
Lloyd Simpson (Methil)
Maurice Paterson (Wormit)
Neil McEwan (St Clair Centre)
Keir Winsborough (West Fife CSS)
Maurice Paterson (Dalgairn Centre)
Graham Law (Glenrothes)
Adam Colmer (Dunfermline)
Steven Thackery (West Fife CSS)
Shona Murrie (East Fife CSS)
Michelle Wallace (Central Fife CSS)
Pauline Bryson (Lochgelly HS Sports Club
Susan Barrett (CFCSS)
COACH OF THE YEAR – Campbell Award
2007 Garrie Roberts (swimming)
2008 Bob Dick (bowls)
2009 Aileen Penny (athletics & swimming - VORTEX)
2010 Fran Cape (equestrian)
Rachel Edgar (athletics)
2011 Wendy Nicol (athletics)
Wilma Catignani (multi-sports)
Judy Black (boccia)
Jane Russell (racquet sports)
Pamela Robson (athletics)
Pamela Robson (athletics)
Sarah Jane Ewing (bowls)
Jim Penman, Principal, Fife Sports Institute
Alan Johnstone, Glenrothes
Michelle Hill (Strathmiglo)
Allan Robertson (Glenrothes),
Gil Cochrane (Athletics Official)
Kerry Wilson (Volunteer)
Margaret Robson (Swimming Official)
Elaine Wilson, Markinch
Lorraine Brydie, Hillend
Joan Burns, Carnock
Helima Mutch (Fife Sports & Leisure Trust)
Alex and Betty McLean, Kirkcaldy
Tom Foster, Glenrothes
Matt Thomson, Kirkcaldy (Bowls)
Margaret Robson (swimming)
Dave Sellar (multi- sports)
Bernard Pirie (swimming & table tennis)
Jim Drummond (swimming official)
Colin Wilson (swimming official)
Fiona Cunningham (swimming official)
Not presented
Wilma Catignani (Table Tennis)
Alex McLean (Bowls)
Anna Tizzard (Swimming)
Anne Hay (Swimming)
Brian Herd (Athletics)
John Rae (Special Olympics)
Christine Easson (Bowls)
Mike Tudor (Angling)
Dael Wilson (Athletics)
Mike Broderick (Archery)
Mike Broderick (Curling)
Alex McLean, Kirkcaldy (Bowls)
Bernard Pirie, Glenrothes
(Swimming/Ten Pin Bowling)
Wilma Catignani, Glenrothes (Table Tennis)
Anna Tizzard, Glenrothes (Swimming)
Dael Wilson, Markinch (Wheelchair Racing)
Maureen McSeveney, Cupar
(Special Olympics)
John Hood, Culross (Angling)
Ena Stevenson, Oakley (Wheelchair Curling)
Craig Martin, Perth (Special Olympics)
Maureen McSeveney, Cupar
(Special Olympics)
Gordon and Margaret Easton (Archery)
Judy Black (Boccia)
Bernard Pirie (Swimming/10 pin bowling)
Nicky Duffy (Multi-sport)
Anna Capon (WFCSS)
Matt Thomson (Bowls)
Gil Cochrane (Athletics)
Aileen Penny (Multi-sports)
Craig Martin (Fife College)
Teresa Hunter (Balwearie HS)
Liz Rowley, Auchtermuchty
(Special Olympics)
Alec Thorburn (Finance)
Gordon Easton, Dalgety Bay (archery)
Kerry Wilson (swimming)
Anne Stuart (British Red Cross)
Neil Martin (Fife Sport & Leisure Trust)
Bethany Ross (Castlehill Pr multi-sports)
Rachel White (Cupar multi-sports)
John Hick (badminton/bowls)
Elise Wright Davies
Ross Cameron
Mary Marshalsay, Milton of Balgonie
Liz Simpson / Steve Donnelly
Carolyn Clunie (Robert Gough Centre)
Denise Russell (Dalgairn Centre)
Dave Gorman (Robert Gough Centre)
John Young (West Fife CSS)
Lorna McClean (Robert Gough Centre)
Eileen Duke (St Clair Centre)
Jason Arthur (WFCSS)
Lorraine Scott (WFCSS)
AMBASSADOR OF THE YEAR – Alec Thorburn Award
Isla Lumsden (Kilmaron School)
Anna Capon (WFCSS)
Alex Bird (badminton/racquet sports)
Jane Russell (badminton)
Kathy Bijak (swimming)
Ian Paterson (WFCSS)
Steve Donnelly (Fife Sports & Leisure Trust)
Jacqui Moran (Kilmaron School)