STONY BROOK SCHOOL SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2010-2011 Pride Respect Integrity Dedication Excellence STONY BROOK School Advisory Council Members School Administration Peter Cohen – Principal Steve Guditus – Assistant Principal Parent Representatives Mariclare O’Neal Anil Purohit Tony Santos Denise Seyffert Teacher Representatives Tricia Craig Kathleen Metcalf Alison Peternell Kathleen Robinson Community Representative Chris Stanvick Mission Statement The Stony Brook School is committed to providing an environment which fosters intellectual curiosity, encourages academic excellence, and builds character within a collaborative, diverse community. Massachusetts Education Reform Act (MERA) -- School Improvement Goals -- 2010 State of the School Report 1. The climate is conducive to high expectations and performance Stony Brook students have consistently performed well on the annual MCAS exams. The 2010 results indicate that once again Stony Brook is at the top of the state rankings in most categories including the following results: 6th in the state on the 7th grade math exam, 11th in the state on the 7th grade ELA exam, 12th in the state on the 8th grade science exam, 24th in the state on the 6th grade math exam, 29th in the state on the 6th grade ELA exam, 32 in the state on the 8th grade ELA exam, and 34th in the state on the 8th grade math exam. These accomplishments are indicators of the dedication and excellence of the Stony Brook teachers and students. At Stony Brook we are committed to providing the necessary supports for all students to succeed. We continue to improve our transitional skills class for 6 th graders, a program that assists students as they start their middle school experience. With a full time academic coach, we are able to provide some additional support for students who struggle to succeed. We are continuing our efforts to look at the role of the developmental reading program and move in the direction of a data driven placement model. We have a math coach to assist students in all grades and intervene as needed throughout the year when students struggle to grasp concepts. With the Instructional Support Team, it is our hope that we will address the needs of all students and provide appropriate supports for success in a timely manner. 2. An assessment of student/teacher ratios Our goal continues to be to maintain class sizes at or below 25 students. We are experiencing some classes in the core academic subjects that are above the 25-student threshold. This is due to a dramatic increase in the number of students who have qualified for advanced/accelerated math. We will look at these numbers from year to year. It appears that our math programs at the elementary and middle school levels coupled with outstanding math educators have been successful as we have large numbers of students qualifying for the accelerated math class. 3. Professional development plan to meet the school's goals During the 2007-2008 school year, professional development was focused on creating effective teams. This is an ongoing goal. During the 2008-2009 school year the focus was on collaboration. For the 2009-2010 school year we built upon the work of the two previous years with a focus on collaboration, Understanding by Design, and Response to Intervention. Collaboration continues to be at the heart of what we do at the middle school level. For the 2010-2011 school year we continue our work with the Understanding by Design curriculum development model. We have had additional staff members trained in the Universal Design for Learning program. Together with our work developing a Response to Intervention program, our work with UDL will assist us in reaching every child and ensuring that every child can access the curriculum. We have also had additional staff members trained to be Critical Friends Group coaches. We hope to expand the number of teachers participating in a CFG. 4. Enhancement of parental involvement Stony Brook continues to work hard to improve communication between school and home. Our school web site at is the primary source for information for students, parents, and the community. The web site contains regularly updated team web sites and individual teacher web sites. We continue to post homework assignments daily. We have a goal to significantly cut down on paper use at Stony Brook. We no longer distribute paper handouts (notices) to students. Our web site and parent email distribution list allow us to communicate electronically. An ongoing goal is to post some teacher handouts and worksheets online. 5. Health, safety, and discipline Stony Brook continues to emphasize health, wellness, and safety more than ever. The cafeteria is serving healthier foods as per the district nutrition committee guidelines. We have eliminated candy as a reward in classrooms as well as the snack bar that sold salty and sugary snacks. The staff continues to be educated as we increase awareness about student mental health issues. Through the nurses and counselors, Stony Brook uses SOS, a suicide prevention program, with our seventh graders. Additionally, we are following the guidelines from the department of health in regard to steps we can take to prevent the spread of H1N1. With the new anti-bullying legislation now in place, we continue to proactively educate the community about bullying issues. We have worked hard to put in place an effective school emergency plan and crisis response team. We have practiced a lockdown scenario with the assistance of the Westford Police Department. We have since improved our plan based on what we learned from the drill. 6. Welcoming school environment characterized by tolerance and respect During the 2007-2008 school year we successfully reached our school improvement plan goal of restructuring the advisor/advisee program into what is now known as PRIDE Time. Stony Brook now has over 50 student-designed, painted murals around the school illustrating the theme “do the right thing” and our core values (P.R.I.D.E: pride, respect, integrity, dedication, excellence). The mural project has helped establish the welcoming environment here at Stony Brook, and also has led to students feeling a sense of ownership in their school. During the 2008-2009 school year we shifted the focus of PRIDE Time to community service, were able to assist many organizations, as well as complete service projects both for the greater Westford community and within the Stony Brook School. For 2009-2010 we have accepted Rachel’s Challenge and are working on developing ways for students to continue a positive chain reaction of kindness and compassion. In 2010-2011 we return to a mural painting activity. This year’s focus of the murals will be on themes of kindness learned from Rachel’s Challenge, anti-bullying messages and messages about putting forth an extra degree of effort (212). 7. Extracurricular activities and academic support We continue to offer many after school clubs, music, and athletic opportunities for students. We have partnered with the recreation department to offer an after school homework program for 6th graders. If successful, we will expand the program to the other grade levels. One focus for this year is to effectively use our Team Time program for intervention and extensions of the curriculum. 8. Means for meeting diverse learning needs As always, differentiated instruction continues to be a focus at Stony Brook. Many teachers have completed coursework in this initiative as well as in the required Skillful Teacher course. The school improvement plan goal of expanding the use of technology was reached and is an ongoing effort. A diversity committee was formed during the 2009-2010 school year. During the 2010-2011 school year, that committee will expand on its work with a goal of educating staff first and then students. This is addressed in one of our improvement plan goals. Massachusetts Education Reform Act School Improvement Goal: Professional Development to meet the school’s goals Westford Public Schools Vision and Core Values: Pursuing excellence in a learning community School Improvement Plan Goal: Teachers will identify and acquire knowledge of basic concepts and main ideas of Understanding by Design and use them as a basis of curricula revision Action(s) for Accomplishing Goal Teachers will collaborate to develop and design lessons using the UBD template and resources such as Integrating Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design by Tomlinson and McTighe. Funding or Resources Needed Fiscal Year 0 FY 10/11 and beyond Dedicate Professional development days for this initiative Indicators of Accomplishment Qualitative and Quantitative Data For 2010-2011: Each grade level/subject area will design at least one additional unit using UBD. Additional Information As part of a district wide initiative, UBD is an ongoing process beyond this fiscal year. For 2011 and beyond additional units designed and implemented with a timeline and goals established at a district level. Massachusetts Education Reform Act School Improvement Goal: Welcoming school environment characterized by tolerance and respect Westford Public Schools Vision and Core Values: Fostering connections with local and global communities Person(s) Responsible Teachers Curriculum Coordinators Administrators School Improvement Plan Goal: Celebrate and expand the awareness of the cultural heritage of the Stony Brook Community. Action(s) for Accomplishing Goal Utilize PRIDE time to create additional school murals centered around themes learned from Rachel’s Challenge and anti-bullying messages. Funding or Resources Needed Fiscal Year FY2011 and beyond Donation of time by parent volunteers and supplies from local businesses. Create of a Diversity Focus Group to explore ways of incorporating diversity and ethnic awareness. Develop International Day, Cultural Heritage Day, or similar event to showcase cultures within the Stony Brook community and expand student awareness of the global society. Research ways to make connections with schools in other countries. Indicators of Accomplishment Qualitative and Quantitative Data Creation of event(s) that educate students about customs and traditions of different ethnic groups and countries. Additional Information PRIDE Time will also be used to implement our anti-bullying curriculum per order of new legislation. Person(s) Responsible Teachers Administration Parents Massachusetts Education Reform Act School Improvement Goal: Professional Development Plan to meet the school’s goals Westford Public Schools Vision and Core Values: Pursuing excellence in a learning community School Improvement Plan Goal: Utilize collaborative practices and increase the time for collaboration in order to improve student achievement. Achieve consensus among faculty in identifying problems of practice, areas of improvement, and the development of solutions. Action(s) for Accomplishing Goal Funding or Resources Needed Fiscal Year Provide professional development on utilization of collaborative protocols and utilization of data to guide continuous improvement. Train teachers to become facilitators/coaches in Critical Friends Group (CFG) protocols Provide course credit through University of Westford for CFG participation. Expand beyond the 2 active CFGs in 2009-2010 Indicators of Accomplishment Qualitative and Quantitative Data Examined student work Increased number of teachers trained to be facilitators Provide stipend for CFG coach at rate of $2000 for 3 credit University of Westford course and $1300 for 2 credit University of Westford course FY2011 and beyond Summer training costs up to $1000 per person. Additional Information Work started on 11/4/08 PD Day. Gene Thompson Grove and other CFG coaches brought in to work with SB & Blanchard faculties. Increased number of teachers participating in CFG Person(s) Responsible Teachers Administration (building and central office) Explore options for training on/off site. Inquire about hosting training in Westford to offset cost. Massachusetts Education Reform Act School Improvement Goal: The climate is conducive to high expectations and performance Means for meeting diverse learning needs Westford Public Schools Vision and Core Values: Ensuring safety and well being Promoting individual growth and development School Improvement Plan Goal: Develop a systematic response to intervention for “at risk” students prior to referral for special education testing Action(s) for Accomplishing Goal Research successful Response to Intervention (RTI) models. Participation in district and site-based RTI committees Conduct self-assessment of current intervention strategies to develop an action plan for improvement. Develop a clear, data-driven referral process for Developmental Reading. Train teachers in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Funding or Resources Needed Funding for UDL training Fiscal Year FY2011 and beyond Expand how we use Team Time to address: What do we do when students don’t learn? What do we do when students do learn? Indicators of Accomplishment Qualitative and Quantitative Data Regular meetings and results of Instruction Support Team (IST) at Stony Brook Number of students referred by school for special education testing will decrease Number of students referred to Developmental Reading and/or Academic coach will increase. Additional Information During 2010-2011 we will put considerable time into standardizing our use of Team Time at each grade level. Person(s) Responsible Assistant Principal Principal General education Teachers Special Education teachers Massachusetts Education Reform Act School Improvement Goal: An assessment of student/teacher ratios Health, safety, and discipline Westford Public Schools Vision and Core Values: Pursuing excellence in a learning community Ensuring safety and well-being School Improvement Plan Goal: Provide one guidance counselor per grade level. Create additional opportunities for students to get physical activity during the school week. Action(s) for Accomplishing Goal Funding or Resources Needed Hire at least 1.0 FTE Physical Education teachers so that we Increase in budget of at least 1.0 FTE for have at least one male and one female teacher. PE teacher(s) Create schedule to allow students to have physical education twice per week. Fiscal Year FY2012 NOTE: Given the tough financial picture for FY11, this goal is deferred for one year. Indicators of Accomplishment Qualitative and Quantitative Data The schedule will indicate that each student has physical education more frequently. Additional Information An additional physical education teacher(s) would allow for use of locker rooms enabling students to change for PE. Person(s) Responsible Principal PE Teachers