COMM 154 - Ocean County College

COMM 154
Dr. Beth Willetts-Brierley, Associate Professor of Speech and Theatre
School of Language and the Arts
Fundamentals of Public Speaking COMM 154
Catalog Description: Development and improvement of public speaking skills.
Practice in organizing, outlining and delivering brief talks.
Semester: Spring 2012
Office Location: B-105 Arts and Community Center
Phone Number: 732-255-0400 ext. 2101
Department Secretary Ms. Maria Galindo 732-255-0400 ext. 2193
E-Mail Address:
Office Hours:
Monday & Thursday 9:30-10:45 / 12:30-1:45
Tuesday & Friday 9:30-10:45
Other Meeting Times: To arrange a meeting with your instructor in addition to the regularly scheduled
office hours, please contact your instructor directly or contact the Department of Language and the Arts.
Phone: 732-255-0400 ext. 2193 or ext. 2097
Required Text and other Materials:
Public Speaking and Civic Engagement, 2nd ed. Hogan, Andrews, Andrews & Williams account
Class ID for
Click on “Join a class”
If you are enrolled in Comm 154-06 enter: cm599813
If you are enrolled in Comm 154-20 enter: cm890432
If you are enrolled in Comm 154-22 enter: cm596333
Video capability on phone/camera OR 2 DVD discs -R
1 package 5 X 8 pastel index cards
Check Ocean Cruiser and weekly.
Course Learning Outcomes/Objectives: Develop a positive attitude about public speaking.
Decrease speech anxiety.
Learn how to organize, write, research and deliver brief talks with clarity
and confidence in a heightened, conversational style.
Be able to identify and define basic communication theories, principles and
key terms regarding speech delivery and evaluation.
General Education Goals Addressed in the Course: To develop the ability to communicate effectively
through reading, listening, speaking and writing.
The student will be able to:
Read and listen analytically, with understanding and openness toward other points of view.
Write and speak Standard American English with clarity, continuity, fluency & accuracy.
Develop a professional style of communication.
Receive, analyze and present information in order to develop and support a main point and
persuade an audience.
To develop both the ability and moral sensitivity needed to make informed judgments
concerning ethical issues.
The student will be able to:
Recognize an ethical issue.
Gather objective information pertinent to the issue.
Analyze and evaluate differing points of view related to the issue.
Evaluate the possible consequences of judgments.
Make informed judgments.
Course Standards:
-All homework/speech outlines must be typed with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation in
-I do not accept handwritten assignments.
-A 10% deduction will be applied to all late assignments.
-Regular participation in class discussions, thorough completion of student evaluations and weekly
viewing of the and Ocean Cruiser sites are crucial to your success. Your online activity
will be a factor in determining your final class participation grade.
Attendance Policy: All absences and lates will result in attendance/class participation deductions. The
college allows for 10% absenteeism after which the student will be withdrawn from the course. If you
exceed the absenteeism policy after April 2nd, an F will be submitted.
Grading scale: A = 100-90; B+=89-86; B=85-80; C+=79-76; C=75-70; D=69-65; F=64 or lower
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course Outline: The course is divided into four units—
Introduction to Public Speaking
A. Ethics
B. Civic Engagement/Responsibilities
C. Dealing with anxiety
D. Preparing to speak
Delivery Do’s and Don’ts
A. Audience Analysis
B. Elements of Voice
C. Nonverbal Communication
D. Speaking on Camera
E. Presentational Aids
Speaking to Inform
A. Gathering and evaluating supporting materials
B. Organizing the speech
C. 3 Steps to Citing Information in a Speech
D. Presentational Aids
Speaking to Persuade/Special Occasion Speeches
A. Topic Selection
B. Audience analysis
C. Three forms of evidence
D. Reasoning and argumentation
E. Public Dialogue and Debate
Statement of Plagiarism: Students should refer to the student handbook and review Policy #5180.
Plagiarism is taking all or part of your speech from a source without proper attribution (Hogan page
Statement about Civility: Please review the college’s civility
The three most important components of COMM 154: ethics, civility and listening.
Before you communicate, ask yourself the following questions:
Is it kind?
Is it truthful?
Is it necessary?
-Please do not enter the room while speeches are in progress.
-No hats or gum during presentations.
-Rule of thumb for delivery dates: If you wouldn’t say it, do it or wear it to a
job interview, do not say it, do it or wear it when you deliver your
-Cell phones, pagers, text messaging will not be tolerated. This is distracting & disruptive.
-Turn off all devices or you will be asked to leave. If I see them or hear them, 15 points will be deducted
from your overall class participation grade.
-You forfeit the opportunity to earn an A in this class if you text,
check messages, etc. during class. Consider this syllabus a course contract.
-Show your fellow students courtesy and respect.
-All correspondence with your professors and classmates should be conducted in a professional manner.
Your positive participation in all classes as a speaker as well as an audience member will make this an
enjoyable experience for you and your fellow classmates.
Evaluation of student:
Quizzes: Online Video Quizzes and final exam 20%
Speeches and Homework: 50%
Class participation/student critiques/attendance/attitude/effort 30%
Campus Resources and Services: Tutoring is available [a] in the Writing Center for writing assignments
in all subject areas, not just English courses, and [b] in the Mathematics Tutoring Center. Tutoring
information for all other subjects can be found on the Tutoring page on the college website. In addition,
Study Strategy Seminars are scheduled each week and are posted on the college website under
“Academics.” More information on college services can be found by using the A-Z index on the college
website (for example, under “T” for Tutoring or under “S” for Study Strategy Seminars).
Statement of Accommodation: If there is any student in this class who has special needs because of
learning disabilities or other kinds of disabilities, please feel free to come and discuss this with me or a
staff member in the Center for Academic Excellence.
Disclaimer: Individual faculty members may make reasonable changes to this course outline exclusive of
course requirements, course calendar, and grading procedures.
All individuals should not assume that anything received, sent, or stored in this course or in any course is
private. Students’ written work, assignments, and test results may be used anonymously for college
assessment purposes. Course content, support materials, and communications (including chats,
discussions, emails, and any other forms of communication) may be used for quality assurance purposes
by authorized college administrators.
Important Notes
Ocean Cruiser is the official email communication for students at OCC
Failure to pay for this course may result in your being dropped for non-payment.
Last day to withdraw: April 2nd .
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All course materials will be posted under SHARED FILES on Ocean Cruiser.
Please check e-mail and Shared Files weekly.
You are required to print all materials and bring them to class.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------READING ASSIGNMENTS, HOMEWORK, QUIZZES, SPEECHES
Introduction to Public Speaking
Weeks 1& 2 Read Chapters 1, 2, 3 Register for Check Ocean Cruiser.
Chapter 1: Peruse famous speech excerpts posted on Multimedia link
Chapter 1: Multimedia: Classic Speech: Franklin D. Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address
Chapter 2: Multimedia: Explore Ethical Thinking
Chapter 2: Multimedia: Explore Avoiding Plagiarism
Chapter 2: Multimedia: Ethics of Deception
Chapter 3: View “Tips on Relaxing Before A Speech” Professor R. Cox
Chapter 3: View James McCroskey’s “Communication Apprehension”
Chapter 3: Print multi-media: “4 Types of Noise”
*Chapter 3: Take the Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety (PRPSA) Quiz. Print results
and bring to class by Week 2. You will retake this at the end of the semester. You can access this at
the Building Confidence Center/Self-Assessments or by visiting Chapter 3, multi-media,
PROFILE: Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety.
Print page 8, write name and date on it. You will retake this at the end of the semester.
Speech I—Self- Introduction 3-4 minutes. Delivered the second day of class. Deliver a speech all
about you—what makes you “you.” Tell us your life story. Include the origin of your name, nicknames,
interests, hobbies, travels, family, friends, goals, favorite quote, life motto, community service, political
views, etc. Please bring an item of special significance and incorporate it into your speech. Be creative
and focus on a compelling opening statement and closing statement. 5 points (3 points for
organization/content/creativity and 2 points for delivery). Notes will be collected.
Week 3 Read Chapters 4, 5, 6
Continue to familiarize yourself with the site.
Visit the My Search Lab link, Topic Selector and the Building Confidence Center.
Chapter 4: Peruse Multimedia Images: Listening
Chapter 4: Multimedia: Melissa Beall: Difference Between Listening and Hearing
Chapter 5: Multimedia: The Process of Developing a Speech—Audience Analysis (you will want to
revisit when preparing for the Persuasive Speech).
Chapter 6: Multimedia: Informative Speech: Successful Japanese-U.S. Business Communication
Chapter 6: Multi-media image: Questions to help identify main ideas.
Watch sample speeches.
Click on web links to find interesting speech topics.
*Week 4 VIDEO QUIZZES for chapters 1-6 due by
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13th. Submit grades through only.
First attempt will be the only grade that is recorded. Grades for Unit I will not appear in my grade book
if quizzes are submitted after this date.
Delivery Do’s and Don’ts
Weeks 5 & 6
Read Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12
Speech II Consumer Advocate/Business Review 4-5 minutes. Typed outline will be collected. 5
points (3 points typed outline/content/creativity/organization, 2 points delivery). Research a
favorite product, service, restaurant, business, etc. and persuade the audience to purchase, support or
patronize this company/product.
Dress to impress.
*This speech will be presented on camera.
HOMEWORK #1: Submit Sp. II reaction paper one week following your presentation.
Guidelines will be distributed.
Chapter 9: Web links—View Organizing Your Speech & Transitions (very helpful for all presentations)
Chapter 9: Multimedia—View Student Presentations and Better Transitions.
Chapter 9: Multimedia—Watch Informative Speech: The Use of Plastics in Vascular Surgery
View Images: Types of Introductions and Types of Conclusions.
Chapter 10: View web links: Speech Outline Examples
Chapter 10: Multimedia: Fast Foods
Chapter 11: View web links
Chapter 11: Multimedia: Watch Classic Speech: Harry S. Truman's Decision to Drop the Bomb (clip)
Chapter 12: Multimedia--Explore: Dimensions of Vocal Quality. Under web links: Delivery and The
Professor’s Voice (wonderful tips for students).
Chapter 12: Multimedia: Watch: Martin Luther King, Jr. - "I Have a Dream" (clip)
Weeks 7 & 8
Speech III Speech to Demonstrate 4-6 minutes. 10 points (5 points typed
outline/content/creativity/organization, 5 points delivery). Your goal is to show the audience how
something works or how to do something. Most demonstration speeches use a visual aid to further
reinforce the main steps of the process. Dress the part, dress up the area, and keep it simple. Think of
an athletic skill you can show us, a craft, recipe, simple repair, etc. All steps must be shown within
class; make this as concrete as possible. Watch your time! You only have a few minutes so plan your
presentation accordingly.
-Visit My Source Lab link to find, evaluate and cite resources for future speeches.
Chapter 12: Multimedia—watch sample Demo speech: The Art of Board Breaking.
Week 8 VIDEO QUIZZES for chapters 9, 10, 11, 12 due by
Monday, March 19th. Submit grades through only.
First attempt will be the only grade that is recorded. Grades for Unit II will not appear in my grade book
if quizzes are submitted after this date.
Speaking to Inform
Week 9 Read Chapters 7 & 8, 13 & 14
Chapter 7: Web links--Citing Sources in a Speech (print and bring to class).
Chapter 7: Multimedia: Living Wills
Chapter 8: Multimedia: Special Occasion Speech: Emergency Preparedness
Chapter 8: Web links—What Types of Evidence Should I Use in My Speech?
Multimedia--Images—Supporting materials
Multimedia—Melissa Beall: Wikipedia as a Primary Source of Information
Chapter 13: View web links
Chapter 13: Multimedia: Persuasive Speech: Drinking and Driving
Chapter 14: View Multimedia Student Presentations and web links
Chapter 14: Multimedia: Informative Speech: Brain Research of the Sexes
Speech IV Civic Engagement 4-5 minutes. Your goal is to inform the audience about a non-profit
organization, a political candidate, a campus or community agency engaged in community activism. 10
points (5 points typed outline/content/creativity/organization, 5 points delivery).
HOMEWORK #2: Informative Speech Workshop: Bring in 2-3 scholarly resources, your Works Cited
page in MLA format, and a draft of your outline with a source citation phrase/aural footnote from each resource.
All work must be typed. You must hand in hard copies of all resources.
Weeks 10 & 11
Speech V Informative Speech 4-6 minutes. This is your first speech that requires you to conduct
research. You must cite from 2-3 scholarly sources
(NO ENCYCLOPEDIAS, no .net’s) and cite supporting details in your speech. You will attach a
revised Works Cited page to your outline in the MLA format. Inform the audience about a custom,
tradition, person, place, health issue, etc. Think about your family tree or favorite holiday—great
brainstorming resources! 10 points (5 points delivery, 5 points revised Works Cited/
Week 11 VIDEO QUIZZES for chapters 7, 8, 13, 14 due by
Monday, April 9th. Submit grades through only.
First attempt will be the only grade that is recorded. Grades for Unit III will not appear in my grade
book if quizzes are submitted after this date.
Speaking to Persuade/Special Occasion Speeches
Week 12 Read Chapters 15, 16, 17, 18
HOMEWORK #3: Persuasive Speech Workshop: Bring in 3-5 scholarly resources, your Works
Cited page in MLA format, and a draft of your outline with a source citation phrase/aural footnote from each
resource. All work must be typed. You must hand in hard copies of all resources.
Chapter 15: View Student Speeches and web links
Chapter 15: Multimedia: Citizens for Community Justice: Hal Taylor
Chapter 16: Multimedia: Persuasive Speech--Mandatory Minimums
Chapter 17: Watch sample speeches and visit web links
Chapter 17: Multimedia: Classic Speech: Richard M. Nixon's Resignation (clip)
Chapter 18: Multimedia: Watch sample speeches and Shelly Lane’s “Becoming a Competent
Chapter 18: Multimedia: Tobacco Ordinance Public Hearing: Shirley Lindsey Sears
Speech VI Impromptu Speech 2 minutes. 5 points
Speech VII Special Occasion Speech 3-5 minutes. This speech will be recorded. You will deliver a speech to
motivate, inspire, pay tribute or entertain. 10 points (5 points typed outline/content/creativity/organization,
5 points delivery).
HOMEWORK #4: Submit Sp. VII reaction paper one week following presentation.
Week 13 Persuasive speech delivery
Speech VIII Group Persuasive Speech 8-10 minutes with 3-5 minute debate. This is your most
challenging speech. You and your group members will persuade the audience to agree with your
persuasive proposal in order to resolve a timely, controversial, political issue that impacts our
You must present all components of an effective persuasive argument and focus on providing grassroots
20 points (10 points delivery, 5 points outline/organization/works cited,
5 points handouts/survey results).
Week 14 Persuasive speech delivery continued.
UNIT IV VIDEO QUIZZES for chapters 15, 16, 17 & 18 due
Monday, May 7th
Submit grades through only.
First attempt will be the only grade that is recorded. Grades for Unit IV will not appear in my grade
book if quizzes are submitted after this date.
Retake the PRPSA Quiz—print results and bring to class.
Speech IX Impromptu Speech 2 minutes 5 points.
Week 15 Final exam (COMM 154 post-test).
NCA Credo for Ethical Communication
Questions of right and wrong arise whenever people communicate. Moreover, ethical
communication is fundamental to responsible thinking, decision making, and the development of
relationships and communities within and across contexts, cultures, channels, and media. Ethical
communication enhances human worth and respect for self and others. Therefore we, the members
of the National Communication Association, endorse and are committed to practicing the following
principles of ethical communication:
We believe that truthfulness, accuracy, honesty, and reason are essential to the integrity of
We endorse freedom of expression, diversity of perspective, and tolerance of dissent to
achieve the informed and responsible decision making fundamental to a civil society.
We strive to understand and respect other communicators before evaluating and responding
to their messages.
We believe that access to communication resources and opportunities is necessary to fulfill
human potential and contribute to the well-being of families, communities, and society.
We promote communication climates of caring and mutual understanding that respect the
unique needs and characteristics of individual communicators.
We condemn communication that degrades individuals and humanity through distortion,
intolerance, intimidation, coercion, hatred, and violence.
We are committed to the courageous expression of personal convictions in pursuit of fairness
and justice.
We advocate sharing information, opinions, and feelings when facing significant choices
while also respecting privacy and confidentiality.
We believe that unethical communication threatens the quality of all communication and
consequently the well-being of individuals and the society in which we live.
We accept responsibility for the short- and long-term consequences for our own
communication and expect the same of others.
COMM 154 Dr. Willetts-Brierley
Please bring this with you to all classes. Record all grades.
January PRPSA:_____________________
May PRPSA:____________________
50% Speeches/Homework
Sp. I Introduction
(5 points)
*Sp. II Business Presentation
(5 points)
Sp. III Demonstration
(10 points)
Sp. IV Civic Engagement
(10 points)
Sp. V Informative
(10 points)
Sp. VI Impromptu
(5 points)
*Sp. VII Special Occasion
(10 points)
Sp. VIII Group Persuasive
(20 points)
Sp. IX Impromptu
(5 points)
Homework #1 Info Workshop
(5 points)
Homework #2 Reaction paper
(5 points)
Homework #3 Pers. Workshop
(5 points)
Homework #4 Reaction paper
(5 points)
*on camera
*on camera
30% Class participation/student critiques/attendance/attitude/effort
Ocean Cruiser
Lates/early dismissal
Class discussion/debate
Texting/email/disruptions (-15)
# missed evaluations
#extra evaluations
Attitude/overall effort
20 % Online Video Quizzes and final exam
Unit I
Video Quizzes Submit through by Monday, February 13 th
Ch. 1__________
Ch. 2__________
Ch. 3__________
Ch. 4__________
Ch. 5__________
Ch. 6__________
Unit II Video Quizzes Submit through by Monday, March 19th
Ch. 9__________
Ch. 10_________
Ch. 11_________
Ch. 12_________
Unit III Video Quizzes Submit through by Monday, April 9 th
Ch. 7__________
Ch. 8__________
Ch. 13_________
Ch. 14_________
Unit IV Video Quizzes Submit through by Monday, May 7 th
Ch. 15_________
Ch. 16_________
Ch. 17_________
Ch. 18_________
FINAL Post-test __________
QUIZ AVERAGE:_________
Final evaluation_____________________________________________________________________
Study collections