MINUTES OF THE ALABAMA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION THE STATE OF ALABAMA THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2009 MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA The Alabama State Board of Education met for its meeting of Elementary/Secondary Education matters on Thursday, April 9, 2009, at 9:35 a.m. in the auditorium of the Gordon Persons Building, Montgomery, Alabama. The meeting was called by the Vice President of the Board in accordance with Alabama Code (1975), §16-3-7, as amended. PRESIDING: MR. RANDY MCKINNEY, VICE PRESIDENT ALABAMA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Following the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance, Mr. Randy McKinney called the meeting to order. On roll call, the following members were present: Mrs. Ella B. Bell Mrs. Stephanie Bell Mr. David F. Byers, Jr. Dr. Mary Jane Caylor, President Pro Tem Dr. Ethel H. Hall, Vice President Emerita Mr. Randy McKinney, Vice President Mrs. Betty Peters Mr. Gary Warren Absent Governor Bob Riley Dr. Joseph B. Morton, State Superintendent of Education and Secretary and Executive Officer of the Board, was present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA On motion by Dr. Ethel H. Hall and seconded by Mrs. Stephanie Bell, the Board unanimously approved the agenda. On motion by Mrs. Stephanie Bell and seconded by Dr. Ethel H. Hall, the Board unanimously approved the following: Adopt Proposed Amendments to Rule 290-8-9-.02, Evaluations; Rule 290-8-9-.04, Eligibility and Consent for Services; Rule 290-8-9-.05, Individualized Education Program (IEP); Rule 290-8-9-.08, Procedural Safeguards; Rule 290-8-9-.10, Administration; Rule 290-8-9-.12, Gifted On motion by Mrs. Stephanie Bell and seconded by Mrs. Betty Peters, the Board unanimously approved the following: Adopt Proposed Amendments to Rule 290-3-3.02, College and University Requirements; Rule 290-3-3-.44, Alternative Class A Programs On motion by Mrs. Stephanie Bell and seconded by Mrs. Betty Peters, the Board unanimously approved the following: Adopted Proposed Changes to Alabama Administrative Code, Rule 290-3-1.02, Pertaining to Regulations Governing Public Schools. On motion by Mrs. Stephanie Bell and seconded by Dr. Mary Jane Caylor, the Board unanimously approved the following: Announce Intent to Amend Alabama Administrative Code, Rules 290-8-9-.02, Evaluations; 290-8-9-.04, Eligibility and Consent for Services; 290-8-9-.05, Individualized Education Program (IEP); 290-8-9-.08, Procedural Safeguards; 290-8-9-.10, Administration; 290-8-9-.12, Gifted; 290-3-3.02, College and University Requirements; and 290-3-3-.44, Alternative Class A Programs On motion by Mrs. Ella B. Bell and seconded by Dr. Ethel H. Hall, the Board unanimously approved the following: Announce Intent to Repeal Alabama Administrative Code, Chapter 290-4-3, Leadership Development, and to Adopt New Alabama Administrative Code, Chapter 290-4-3, Educator Development Note: Since there was not a quorum for the March 12, 2009, Alabama State Board of Education meeting, listed below are agenda items that required a vote. Unfinished Business: On Motion by Dr. Ethel H. Hall and seconded by Mrs. Stephanie Bell, the Board unanimously approved the following: Minutes of February 12, 2009 On motion by Mrs. Stephanie Bell and seconded by Mrs. Betty Peters, the Board unanimously approved the following: Announce Intent to Amend Alabama Administrative Code, Rule 290-3-1-.02, Regulations Governing Public Schools On motion by Dr. Ethel H. Hall and seconded by Mr. David F. Byers, Jr., the Board unanimously adopted the following: RESOLUTION COMMENDING STATE HONOREE OLIVIA CALE, HUFFMAN MIDDLE SCHOOL, BIRMINGHAM CITY SCHOOL SYSTEM, 2009 PRUDENTIAL SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY AWARDS WHEREAS, State Honoree Olivia Cale, an eighth-grader at Huffman Middle School in the Birmingham City School System, is among a select group of young Americans recognized as the nation’s top youth volunteers for 2009 in the 14th Annual Prudential Spirit of Community Awards; and WHEREAS, the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards are America’s largest youth recognition program based exclusively on volunteerism; and WHEREAS, the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards were created in 1995, in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals, to honor middle and high school students who exemplify community spirit, to emphasize the importance our nation places on service to others, and to encourage all young Americans to contribute to their communities; and WHEREAS, 14-year-old Olivia Cale volunteered more than 200 hours at the Birmingham Zoo last year, feeding and caring for animals, assisting with birthday parties and other special events, working at the zoo’s summer camps, instructing visitors, and helping with a recycling program; and WHEREAS, to become a zoo volunteer, Olivia Cale, who is dyslexic, successfully completed two days of training, passed two tests, and took seven “Biofact” classes to learn about different species of animals at the zoo; and WHEREAS, when lightning struck the zoo’s primate building, Olivia Cale safely evacuated all visitors from the building in accordance with zoo procedures; and WHEREAS, Olivia Cale recruited fellow Girl Scouts and other friends to volunteer at a major fundraising event, and her goal is to become an animal handler and work in the Children’s Zoo; and WHEREAS, as a State Honoree, Olivia Cale receives a $1,000 award, an engraved silver medallion, and an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C., in May for national recognition events: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Alabama State Board of Education does hereby commend State Honoree Olivia Cale, from Huffman Middle School in the Birmingham City School System, for initiative and community service and for earning the prestigious Prudential Spirit of Community Award. Done this 9th day of April 2009. On motion by Mr. Gary Warren and seconded by Mrs. Stephanie Bell, the Board unanimously adopted the following: RESOLUTION COMMENDING STATE HONOREE GEORGE WILSON, NORTHRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL, TUSCALOOSA CITY SCHOOL SYSTEM, 2009 PRUDENTIAL SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY AWARDS WHEREAS, State Honoree George Wilson, a senior at Northridge High School in the Tuscaloosa City School System, is among a select group of young Americans recognized as the nation’s top youth volunteers for 2009 in the 14th Annual Prudential Spirit of Community Awards; and WHEREAS, the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards are America’s largest youth recognition program based exclusively on volunteerism; and WHEREAS, the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards were created in 1995, in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals, to honor middle and high school students who exemplify community spirit, to emphasize the importance our nation places on service to others, and to encourage all young Americans to contribute to their communities; and WHEREAS, 17-year-old George Wilson founded a non-profit organization that is teaching hundreds of elementary and middle school students in his community about teamwork, creative thinking, deductive reasoning, public speaking, and community involvement; and 2 WHEREAS, George Wilson recruited other high school students to help him develop a semester of lessons and activities, and then persuaded a local elementary school to let them run a pilot program with two fifth-grade classes once a month; and WHEREAS, George Wilson and his partners trained high school students from all over their community to be instructors and obtained financial support from two local businesses; and WHEREAS, today, George Wilson’s THINK Organization sends more than 20 high school students to nine schools and the YMCA after-school programs each month to conduct 90-minute skill-building and servicelearning sessions; and WHEREAS, as a State Honoree, George Wilson receives a $1,000 award, an engraved silver medallion, and an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C., in May for national recognition events: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Alabama State Board of Education does hereby commend State Honoree George Wilson, from Northridge High School in the Tuscaloosa City School System, for initiative and community service and for earning the prestigious Prudential Spirit of Community Award. Done this 9th day of April 2009. On motion by Dr. Mary Jane Caylor and seconded by Mrs. Stephanie Bell, the Board unanimously adopted the following: RESOLUTION IN RECOGNITION OF SHARON JOHNSON, MADISON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL, MADISON COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM, ACCESS DISTANCE LEARNING 2008-2009 TEACHER OF THE YEAR AND SOUTHERN REGIONAL EDUCATION BOARD HIGH-QUALITY ONLINE TEACHER WHEREAS, the Alabama State Board of Education supports efforts to reward Alabama’s outstanding educators for their contributions to the educational experiences of Alabama students; and WHEREAS, ACCESS Distance Learning is a statewide education initiative that provides high-quality classroom courses and teachers via technology to ensure all Alabama students have opportunities to engage in advanced, core, and elective courses that might not otherwise be available to them; and WHEREAS, the vision of ACCESS is to provide equal access to high-quality instruction to improve student achievement in Alabama through distance learning; and WHEREAS, ACCESS recognizes the positive impact of outstanding ACCESS teachers on Alabama students; and WHEREAS, the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) recognizes the crucial contribution of highquality online teachers and has launched an online teacher recognition program for the SREB states; and WHEREAS, SREB has recognized outstanding online teachers from state virtual schools; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Sharon Johnson has demonstrated her content expertise in the area of mathematics, has used a variety of technologies to support quality learning in her ACCESS online classes, has demonstrated a willingness to assist her peers and other professionals through presentations on 21 st Century teaching skills at regional and state conferences, and has displayed her ability to effectively communicate and interact with her students in the distance learning environment; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Sharon Johnson, an ACCESS teacher since the pilot phase and a mathematics teacher at Madison County High School in the Madison County School System, has been selected as the 2008-2009 ACCESS Distance Learning Teacher of the Year and one of ten outstanding online teachers named from the SREB region: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Alabama State Board of Education does hereby commend Mrs. Sharon Johnson for achieving the prestigious honor of becoming ACCESS’s first Teacher of the Year, and does hereby express its appreciation to her for her contributions to ACCESS and to the students of Alabama. Done this 9th day of April 2009. On motion by Dr. Mary Jane Caylor and seconded by Dr. Ethel H. Hall, the Board unanimously adopted the following: 3 RESOLUTION COMMENDING THE MADISON CITY SCHOOL SYSTEM FOR RECOGNITION BY THE NATIONAL SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION AND THE TECHNOLOGY LEADERSHIP NETWORK WHEREAS, Madison City Schools is the first school system in Alabama to be selected as host of a National School Boards Association Technology + Learning (T + L) site visit; and WHEREAS, Madison City Schools is a fast growing and high performing school system serving more than 8,400 students in nine schools; and WHEREAS, Madison City Schools serves as an example of an Alabama school system that provides students and teachers with open-source computer labs, laptop labs, student workstations in each classroom, interactive whiteboards, document cameras, and other emerging technologies in a safe computing environment; and WHEREAS, Madison City Schools serves as a regional support center for the ACCESS Distance Learning program, a statewide education initiative that provides high-quality classroom courses and teachers via technology, to ensure all Alabama students have opportunities to engage in advanced, core, and elective courses that might not otherwise be available to them; and WHEREAS, the T + L site visit will highlight not only Madison City Schools but also the ACCESS Distance Learning program; 21st Century classrooms; the Alabama Virtual Library; the Alabama Reading Initiative; the Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative; the Redstone Arsenal; the NASA Teacher Resource Center; and the Hudson-Alpha Institute; and WHEREAS, only three school systems in the United States have been selected for the 2009 Education Technology Site Visits that will showcase technology innovation: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Alabama State Board of Education does hereby commend and congratulate Madison City Schools for this national recognition and for its use of technology to enhance instruction and learning. Done this 9th day of April 2009. On motion by Mrs. Stephanie Bell and seconded by Mrs. Betty Peters, the Board unanimously adopted the following: RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING APRIL 1-30, 2009, AS “ALABAMA TEACH STUDENTS TO SAVE AND INVEST MONTH” A SPECIAL STATEWIDE CELEBRATION WHEREAS, the principles of saving and investing are essential to the long-term productivity, growth, and financial stability of America; and WHEREAS, Alabama’s students will one day become the leaders of this great nation; and WHEREAS, Alabama’s students must be prepared to make wise economic decisions – how they will utilize, save, and invest their incomes and personal assets in the future; and WHEREAS, the Alabama Securities Commission, Alabama Jump$tart Coalition’s members and partners, and the Alabama Department of Education have created a new partnership to heighten the awareness of financial literacy among our state’s students; and WHEREAS, all of America’s citizens have a responsibility to take charge of their money, realize the importance of saving for their family’s long-term success, and understand that it is never too late to invest for their futures; and WHEREAS, during this special statewide celebration, federal and state securities regulators, financial institutions, and nationally respected consumer groups will come together to host events in their local communities that show the true importance of Alabamians taking personal ownership and responsibility for their finances; and WHEREAS, the primary goal of this new partnership is to prepare students for success in all aspects of their lives: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Alabama State Board of Education does hereby proclaim April 1-30, 2009, as “Alabama TEACH Students to Save and Invest Month” and encourages Alabama’s local boards of education, schools, and local educational organizations to support this special celebration through activities that demonstrate the importance of financial literacy and the opportunities it provides for students to achieve their aspirations of fiscal independence, financial stability, personal achievement, and future career success. Done this 9th day of April 2009. 4 RESOLUTION FOR ADOPTION OF HEALTH EDUCATION AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION STATE COURSES OF STUDY WHEREAS, Title 16, Chapter 35, Section 3, of the Code of Alabama, 1975, requires the State Courses of Study Committees to prepare the contents of the courses of study for each grade of the elementary and secondary schools; and WHEREAS, the reports of the committees’ recommendations with respect to the compulsory minimum content of courses of study and of recommended revisions of courses, materials, subject content, and treatment in specific courses in such areas are required; and WHEREAS, said law requires that the reports be submitted to the State Superintendent of Education and to members of the State Textbook Committee for separate written recommendations to the Alabama State Board of Education; and WHEREAS, the State Superintendent of Education has reviewed the State Courses of Study Committees’ reports on Health Education and Physical Education and recommends their adoption: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the attached reports by the State Course of Study Committee on Health Education and Physical Education is approved by the Alabama State Board of Education on April 9, 2009. Done this 9th day of April 2009. APPOINTMENT, 2009-2010 STATE TEXTBOOK COMMITTEE CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION, HEALTH EDUCATION, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION WHEREAS, the Code of Alabama 1975, §16-36-60, provides for the appointment of a State Textbook Committee; and WHEREAS, said law provides that four elementary teachers and four high school teachers are to be selected to serve on the State Textbook Committee and are to come one from each of the seven congressional districts of Alabama and one statewide; and WHEREAS, said law provides that four people who shall be teachers, principals, supervisors, or superintendents are to be selected from the state-at-large; and WHEREAS, said law provides that two members of said State Textbook Committee are to be selected from the institutions of higher learning; and WHEREAS, said law provides that the fourteen people are to be nominated to the State Board of Education by the State Superintendent of Education; and WHEREAS, the State Superintendent of Education recommends approval: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the people on the attached list are hereby appointed to the 2009-2010 State Textbook Committee for a term beginning May 1, 2009, and ending on April 30, 2010; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this Board recognizes that said law provides that the Governor of Alabama is to appoint nine people not in the field of education to serve on this State Textbook Committee and welcomes them to full membership; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That State Superintendent of Education Joseph B. Morton is hereby authorized to fill any vacancy that may occur on this State Textbook Committee until the next meeting of this State Board of Education after such vacancy occurs and same to be added as ad interim business. Done this 9th day of April 2009. 5 2009-2010 STATE TEXTBOOK COMMITTEE CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION, HEALTH EDUCATION, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION TERM: MAY 1, 2009 - APRIL 30, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT I Sherry V. McDade Secondary Mobile County Wendy Weathers Elementary Dale County III Mary W. Caver Secondary Chilton County IV Kim Oliver Elementary Etowah County V Craig Cleveland Secondary Morgan County VI Jackie Lampley Elementary Jefferson County VII Frankie Peoples Secondary Dallas County Statewide Amy B. Marler Elementary Henry County A. B. Edith V. Seals Nakita Dean Superintendent Supervisor C. Eric Smith Principal D. Steven Ballard Teacher II STATE-AT-LARGE St. Clair County Montgomery County Jasper City Montgomery County INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING A. Dr. Steven Pugh Associate Professor University of South Alabama B. Dr. Cynthia Petri Associate Professor University of Alabama at Birmingham RESOLUTION TO EXTEND APPROVAL OF TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM Samford University Birmingham, Alabama WHEREAS, the Alabama State Board of Education approves programs, including the time frame for approved program status; and WHEREAS, Samford University’s current approval period for the Instructional Leadership program will expireon May 29, 2009; and WHEREAS, Samford University would benefit from an extension so that adequate time is available to prepare a self-study and undergo a review process that follows the State’s newly developed protocol; and WHEREAS, the State Superintendent of Education concurs: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Alabama State Board of Education hereby extends approval of the following program at Samford University until August 31, 2009: Class A Instructional Leadership (P-12) Done this 9th day of April 2009. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE ALABAMA SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS BOARD OF TRUSTEES RECOMMENDATIONS WHEREAS, the Alabama School of Fine Arts Board of Trustees has submitted nominations for three positions on the board with terms to commence in July 2009 ; and WHEREAS, as required by the Code of Alabama, Section 16-26B-4, the names were provided in order of preference for each position; and 6 WHEREAS, the State Superintendent of Education concurs: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Alabama State Board of Education hereby extends approval of Mr. D. E. Starnes, Jr., for Position 1 (Visual Arts); Mr. Lawrence B. Voit for Position 2 (At Large); and Ms. Sheila Jackson for Position 3 (Music). Done this 9th day of April 2009. On motion by Mrs. Stephanie Bell and seconded by Dr. Ethel H. Hall, the Board unanimously approved Mr. Gary Warren to serve as the Alabama State Board of Education representative on the Alabama Teacher of the Year Committee. New Business: On motion by Mrs. Stephanie Bell and seconded by Mrs. Ella B. Bell, the Board unanimously adopted the following: RESOLUTION COMMENDING ROBERT DAVIS “BARBARA FANNIN MEMORIAL EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER” APRIL - JUNE 2009 WHEREAS, Robert Davis, of Mail, Files, and Supply, exhibits a positive attitude and is always cooperative; and WHEREAS, Robert Davis is a team player and always meets goals and deadlines in a timely and confidential manner; and WHEREAS, Robert Davis is always helpful and has a willing attitude, and interacts well with coworkers, colleagues, superiors, and subordinates, no matter how difficult or detailed the task; and WHEREAS, Robert Davis is very resourceful and professional, and exhibits total dedication and cooperation in performing assigned responsibilities and assisting other employees; and WHEREAS, Robert Davis maintains a positive image, communicates with the public in a professional manner, and represents the department well: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Alabama State Board of Education does hereby commend Robert Davis as the recipient of the “Barbara Fannin Memorial Employee of the Quarter Award” for April-June 2009, and expresses its appreciation for exemplary service to the Alabama Department of Education, to this board and, ultimately, to the students and teachers in Alabama’s public schools. Done this 9th Day of April 2009. On motion by Dr. Ethel H. Hall and seconded by Mrs. Stephanie Bell, the Board unanimously adopted the following: STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION DAY MAY 7, 2009 WHEREAS, state employees are public servants and State Employee Recognition Day was initiated in 2001 by the National Association of State Personnel Executives, the Governor of South Carolina, and the National Governors Association to recognize the important contributions of state employees and to enhance the image of state public service; and WHEREAS, State Employee Recognition Week is May 4-8, 2009, and this year’s theme is “State Employees are the MVPs of Alabama”; and WHEREAS, during that week, the State Department of Education (SDE) will host Employee Recognition Day on May 7, 2009, to recognize the professional and civic accomplishments of its MVP employees; and WHEREAS, there are approximately two million state government employees nationwide and more than 34,000 Alabama state employees, including SDE employees and Disability Determination Services employees in Birmingham and Mobile; and WHEREAS, Alabama’s state employees make significant contributions to the well-being and quality of life for all of our state’s citizens; and WHEREAS, Alabama’s state employees are doctors, nurses, engineers, law enforcement officers, writers, photographers, historians, teachers, architects, social workers, dieticians, inspectors, attorneys, and judges; and WHEREAS, Alabama’s state education employees teach our children to read, nurse our sick children, counsel our students, prepare our teachers, and develop our K-12 curriculum; and 7 WHEREAS, employees thrive in a climate of positive encouragement and recognition contributes to higher employee morale, increases organizational productivity, and aids in recruitment and retention; and WHEREAS, SDE employees do a great job for state government and for K-12 public education in Alabama every day – especially now in these tough economic times by initiating cost and time-saving solutions; and WHEREAS, SDE employees strive daily to further the goals of K-12 public education in Alabama and to use state resources wisely during these challenging budget times; and WHEREAS, SDE Employee Recognition Day is a time to appreciate the daily dedication of Department employees and to spotlight their professional successes and civic responsibility; and WHEREAS, the State Superintendent of Education recommends approval: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Alabama State Board of Education does hereby endorse May 7, 2009, as State Department of Education Employee Recognition Day and does hereby express its appreciation for the dedication and talents of Department employees and for their contributions in the workplace and in their communities. Done this 9th day of April 2009. On motion by Mrs. Ella B. Bell and seconded by Dr. Ethel H. Hall, the Board unanimously adopted the following: RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING SCHOOL NURSE DAY IN ALABAMA WHEREAS, National School Nurse Day is May 6, 2009, and the theme is “School Nurses: Meeting Needs of Today’s Students”; and WHEREAS, National School Nurse Day was established in 1972 to recognize school nurses and to foster a better understanding of the role of school nurses in the educational setting; and WHEREAS, healthy children learn better and by investing in them today, we are ensuring our world for tomorrow; and WHEREAS, all students have a right to have their health needs safely met while in the school setting; and WHEREAS, children today face more complex and life-threatening health problems requiring care in school; and WHEREAS, school nurses are professional nurses that advance the well-being, academic success, and life-long achievements of all students by providing a critical safety net for our nation’s most fragile children; and WHEREAS, school nurses act as a liaison to the school community, parents, and health care providers on behalf of children’s health; and WHEREAS, school nurses support the health and educational success of children and youth by developing and providing programs and leadership; and WHEREAS, school nurses understand the link between health and learning and are in a position to make a positive difference for children every day: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Alabama State Board of Education does hereby proclaim May 6, 2009, as School Nurse Day in Alabama to celebrate and acknowledge the accomplishments of school nurses and their efforts of meeting students’ needs by improving the effective delivery of health care in our schools, and encourages educators, students, families, and communities to participate in this observance, show their appreciation, and to learn more about the role of school nurses in our schools and communities. Done this 9th day of April 2009. On motion by Dr. Ethel H. Hall and seconded by Mrs. Stephanie Bell, the Board unanimously approved the following: APPROVE RESOLUTION TO RECEIVE THE MATHEMATICS STATE COURSE OF STUDY WHEREAS, Title 16, Chapter 35, Section 3, of the Code of Alabama, 1975, requires the State Courses of Study Committees to prepare the contents of the courses of study for each grade of the elementary and secondary schools; and 8 WHEREAS, the reports of their recommendations with respect to the compulsory minimum content of courses of study and of recommended revisions of courses, materials, subject content, and treatment in specific courses in such areas are required; and WHEREAS, said law requires that the reports be submitted to the State Superintendent of Education and to members of the State Textbook Committee for separate written recommendations to the Alabama State Board of Education; and WHEREAS, the State Superintendent of Education has reviewed the State Course of Study Committee’s report on Mathematics: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the attached reports by the State Course of Study Committee on Mathematics are received by the Alabama State Board of Education, and said reports will be considered for adoption on May 14, 2009. Done this 9th day of April 2009. Superintendent’s Report Dr. Joseph B. Morton informed Board members that the Mathematics Course of Study would be an agenda item for the work session with a full presentation on April 23, 2009. Adoption is scheduled for the May 14, 2009, Board meeting. Board members were informed that the work session would be a lengthy one that will also deal with the budget. On motion by Mrs. Ella B. Bell and seconded by Mrs. Stephanie Bell, the meeting adjourned at 10:09 a.m. Vice President Secretary and Executive Officer 9