Great Depression unemployment….
Losing job, according to one study, is one of the most stresfull things in life (just
after death of spouse and going to prison).
STEP 1: Theoretical view
Definitions of unemployment;
Measuring unemployment;
Unemployment rate;
Costs of unemployment;
STEP 2: Intercultural analysis of unemployment
 Ask students from different countries what they think the biggest
problems concerning the labor market in their country are.
 Discussion with students and naming the most important factors.
o During discussion about specific issues in unemployment some of
these issues should arise: gender role, race, issues, ethnic groups,
religion, age etc.
 Students divided into groups of three. They get a task of exploring
characteristics of labor markets in certain countries. They get different
countries to explore.
o Countries to explore will be: USA; western countries (for example
England, France, Italy, Germany, Scandinavian countries);
economies in transition (for example Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Croatia, Serbia, ex Soviet Union countries, China); Asian countries.
 QUESTIONS FOR STUDENTS TO RESEARCH: (for each country they
get as a task)
 unemployment rates;
 differences in unemployment rates in different groups
in society;
 causes of unemployment;
 consequences of unemployment in the society
 what policies in the country are used to fight the
 Give students instructions how to do their research
o In their research students should focus on statistics of
unemployment, articles about specific features of their countries’
labor markets.
o In order to get this information they should visit web pages of
statistics agencies, different NGO’s, government web pages etc.
 They must be able to present their results in the next lesson.
STEP 3: Presentations of students’ results
 Each group of students presents results of their research to the others.
 After they have all finished with presentations the whole class should
discuss the results and try to identify the cultural diversities across
countries concerning unemployment and dealing with it.
STEP 4: Combining theory and practice
 Types of unemployment (structural, frictional, seasonal, cyclical);
 Measures to deal with unemployment.
 Discuss with students what certain countries do to deal with
unemployment and what could be done to resolve some of the problems
mentioned in students’ presentations.
Useful websites
- www.ilo.org
- national bureaus of statistics
- www.oecd.org
- http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/
- national newspapers and magazines
- www.economist.com
- national ngo’s