
Name: _________________________
Date: ___________
Block: ____
Genetic Disorder Investigation
1. Research and compare four (4) genetic disorders from the list below. For each disorder,
a.) state the cause (chromosome # and gene location, also state what this gene codes for)
b.) explain the symptoms in detail
c.) explain who is affected (male or female, only the old/young, only from heterozygous parents, etc.)
d.) explain life expectancy and other unusual characteristics such as inheritance pattern (how long you will
live after being diagnosed, conditions you need to put up with, long term life difficulties)
e.) create a punnett square to show a cross between someone with the disorder and a normal human.
Each disorder report is worth12 points, for a total of 48 points.
Create a journal entry explaining how you would feel after just being diagnosed with
Huntington’s Disease OR Marfan’s Syndrome.
The journal should be written thoughtfully and should reference important symptoms and characteristics
that someone with this disease would experience. Your journal should –of course – demonstrate your
understanding of the disease and how it works. *About 1 page long.
EX: “Dear Diary, Today I found out that I have ______________. I feel so ___. This explains a lot of things that I
have been feeling, such as ___...and on and on, making your entry creatively your own story.
 This journal entry is worth 12 points
3. Include a resource page with a list of all websites and references you used to complete
this project.
* 5 points
Disorder list:
Turner’s Syndrome
Fragile X Syndrome
Super X/Super Female = XXX
Down Syndrome
Huntington’s Disease*
Marfan’s Syndrome
Klinefelter’s Syndrome
Cri du chat (Cat-Cry Syndrome)
Tay-Sachs Disease
Prader-Willi Syndrome
Contents for Project:
Cover page: Name, date, block – may add title
Disorder research 1 (a-e)
Disorder research 2 (a-e)
Disorder research 3 (a-e)
Disorder research 4 (a-e)
Journal entry
Resource Page/References/Web links
Total points for this project is 65 points.
This project should be typed, with the exception of making the punnett squares.
This project must be submitted no later than: ____________________________