Gossip Girl Macbeth Script: Upper East Side Drama

Witch 1 - Penelope Shafai
Witch 2 - Hazel Williams
Witch 3 - Nelly Yuki
Hecate - Jenny
Macbeth - Chuck Bass
Apparition(s) - Gossip Girl
Lennox - Bart Bass
Lady MacDuff - Serena van der Woodsen
Ross - Rufus Humphrey
Son - Eric van der Woodsen
Messenger - Dorota
Murderer – Georgina Sparks
Malcolm- Nate Archibald
MacDuff – Dan Humphrey
Banquo – Carter Baizen
* Constance Billiard is the school that the characters attend
**lonelyboy is Gossip Girl’s nickname for Dan Humphrey
Manhattan, New York City – Upper East Side
(Sitting on steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Penelope – I cannot believe we just saw that.
Hazel – Well, the time has come for us to gain some well-deserved status. With this juicy gossip to our
names, the Queen Bee will love us forever and we won’t be taken for granted.
Nelly- Agreed. It’s our time now.
Penelope – (takes out phone from handbag) Let me grab my Sidekick out of my Marc Jacobs and hit
compose. I’ll forward Gossip Girl the scandalous tip and some pics for proof. (fingers swiftly
texting)…And send.
All together – O M G
Nelly – Now that that’s over with, let’s compare our shopping finds.
(Take following items out of shopping bags)
Hazel – Leggings by McQueen and tote by Gucci,
glasses by Prada and scarf by Pucci.
Penelope – Frock by Sui and pumps by Givenchy,
Suit by Chanel and blouse by Rowley.
Nelly – Sandals by Blahnik and flats by Fendi,
Headband by Vuitton and top by Armani.
All – O M G
Penelope –That scarf is so cute Hazel
Hazel – Thanks. I know
(Jenny walks up steps, sees some of the clothes they were showing)
Jenny – Well done girls, those are great finds. I taught you well.
Nelly – I have your yogurt Jenny (hands Jenny yogurt container)
Jenny – What is this?
Nelly – It’s your favorite, Raspberry Yoplait.
Jenny – I only eat out of silver spoons, not plastic ones.
(Spots Chuck walking alone pasts steps)
(Girls’ and Chuck’s phones ring/beep/vibrate. Scene switches focus onto Chuck)
(Chuck pulls out phone. One new text message)
Voice of Gossip Girl – Good morning Upper East Siders. This blast is personally for Mr. Chuck Bass
himself. I have received word of three warnings from a very dependable source that you should obey if
you choose. It looks like your status as king of Constance* is not as safe as we all assumed. Chuck!
Beware Dan Humphrey! Beware lonelyboy**!
Chuck – (thinking to himself) Beware Dan Humphrey? What does that even mean? If only it weren’t so
vague… (Receives new text message)
Voice of Gossip Girl – Be fierce and confident. No one with money shall harm Chuck Bass.
Chuck – (thinking) So why should I fear Humphrey? Dan Humphrey of Brooklyn? He goes attends
Constance on a scholarship. (receives new text message)
Voice of Gossip Girl – Be reckless and proud. No one can take your status of king until the Statue of
Liberty marches up the steps of the Met. Looks like we’ve got a riddle on our hands.
Chuck – (aloud this time) Sure, and that will happen as soon as pigs fly so I’m pretty much invincible.
(spots Jenny and her minions on steps and walks their way. Scene changes to focus of Jenny and Co.)
(girls finally look up from phones, knowing grins on their faces)
Jenny – Well, well girls. Something wicked this way comes. I have to go (Jenny leaves as Chuck reaches
Chuck – Tell me this (holds up phone in acknowledging manner to girls) was of your doing.
Penelope – If it was, what does it mean to you?
Chuck – I want to know what this crap means. Is this some kind of a joke?
Hazel – We only know as much as you do.
Nelly – Actually, we know one more thing. The Baizen name will be king for many graduating classes to
(three girls leave, leaving Chuck alone. He makes phone call)
Chuck – (to phone) Hello father. Did you hear of this scandal that Jenny’s minions try to concoct?
Voice of Bart -
Well, well. Something wicked this way comes.
Apparition 1(text) – Chuck! Chuck! Chuck! Beware Dan! Beware Lonely Boy!
Apparition 2(text) –