Jungman Elementary Unit Planning Template

Pulaski International School of Chicago
Unit Instructional Plan
Teacher Name(s)
Ellen McNamara
Grade(s)/Content Area/ Other
7th Grade Math
Content Areas integrated
Unit Overview
Unit Title
Math-Thematical Mix
Unit Overview (Objectives and Goals must be tangible evidence of student learning.)
Unit Goals
What will your students know and be able to do at the end of the unit?
Students will be able to find volume of a prism, use relationship among metric units of volume, capacity and mass, draw views of 3dimensional figures, find volume of a cylinder, cone, recognize parts of a pyramid and find volume of a pyramid. Convert customary
units of capacity, write inequalities to model situations, solve inequalities, make a box and whisker plat, make and interpret circle
Objectives within the unit that will be learned in order to achieve unit goals (short-term)
Students will write and equation to model a situation, using algebra tiles. Solving one step equations using inverse operation. Students
will identify outcomes of an experiment, use numbers 0 to 1 to estimate probabilities, find and use experimental probability, find the
theorectical probability of an event and compare both experimental and theoretical probabilities.Students will find the circumference of
a circle, classify triangles by their side lengths and measurement of their angles, determine how lengths form a triangle, construct
triangles. They will find the factors of numbers, find prime factorization of numbers, use divisibility rules to find factors, find GCF and
LCM. Write fractions in lowest terms, compare fractions using least common denominators, add/subtract fractions with common
denominators and unlike denomoinators. Students will rename fraction as mixed numbers, rename a mixed number into a fraction,
add/subtract mixed numbers, measure the length of an object and convert between customary units of measure.
5 week unit plan 60 minute class periods
communitive and associative properties of addition, expression, variable,
evaluate, function, equation, zero pairs, inverse operation, equivalent equations
volume, cubic centimeter, mass, capacity, milliliter, gram, liter,
kilogram,cylinder, cone, pyramid, cup, fluid ounce, quart, gallon, pint, lower
extreme, upper extreme, lower quartile, upper quartile, central angle, circle
graph, sector
Make sense of problems and persevere
in solving them
Reason abstractly and quantitatively
Construct viable arguments and
critique the reasoning of others
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools strategically
modeling functions with
tables, equations and
solving equations,
Use the tools to map
(diagrams, tables,
Look for and express regularity in
repeated reasoning
graphs, etc)
A clear picture of the instructional cycle. A description of what
students will be doing during the unit, in chronological order;
on a daily basis. Lesson plans are to be scaffolded to meet the
needs of all students. . Be specific as to instructional strategies
used and how many class sessions are involved in a lesson. If
a task will be used as an assessment, please note in the
“Assessment” sections
DAY 1–2P.
Allow students to
become familiar with
mathematical tools and
Use estimation to
determine which tool is
most appropriate
Analyzing and applying
associative, commutative and
distributive properties
Use problem solving strategies
Analyze theoretical and
experimental probabilities
Using opposites and absolute
value of integers
294-295 Students will work in a group of three to answer questions
in book about changing size and shape of a figure. Students will then work on
labsheet to create 3 different types of transformations using different
coordinates. Students will then discuss in their groups the different types of
transformation that their shape created. Students will then predict and create
transformation using multiplication. Students will discover how their image
will grow or shrink based on the x and y coordinates. Students will hand this in
for assessment and checkpoints will also be used. Homework p. 301 14-16
Day 3-4 P. 296-298 Students will then continue their understanding of
transformations by examining the effects of 2-step equations in
transformations. I will warm up this lesson with some simple 2-step equations
so studetns will have an understanding of how to solve and how these equations
are unwrapped. Students will work on labsheet creating their transformation we
will discuss how these types of equations can be used in transformations.
Students will then work in their books answering questions on how to undo a 2step equation. I will model a 2-step equation and then students will work on
their own. Checkpoints will be used for assessment. Homework p. 303 22-30
Day 5-6 P.379-381 Quiz on transformation will be given. Warm up will be
done on writing equations of inequalities into words. Students will work in
their groups to write and graph inequalities on a number line. Based on the
warm up students will be able to translate expressions into words and then
create combined inequalities. Students will learn how to properly graph less
than or equal too and greater then inequalities on a number line. I will model
how this is done as we discuss the attributes of the inequality equation.
Students will then work on problems of their own where they will graph these
various forms of inequalities. Checkpoint and equations will be used for
assessment. Homework p. 393 1-6
Day 7-8 Quiz on area and inequalities P. 313-314 Warm up on representing
ratios will be given. Students will then work in their books learning how
running times can be converted into ratios and the relationship between rates
and unit rates. Students will learn how a porportion can help them determine a
unit rate. I will model the example in the book exploring the vocabulary of ratio
and porportions. Students will continue working in their book on finding unit
rates and setting these up into proportions. Homwork – proportion worksheet,
converting word problems into proportions and solving them
Day 9-10P. 414-416 Students will work in their books comparing similar
figures . Students will sketch different triangles with same angle measurements.
They will create ratios to represent corresponding lengths and angles. Students
will learn that the ratios that they form are the same even though the figures are
not equal is size. Students will determine mathematically whether figures are
similar and corresponding. I will model a drawing and how I use ratios and
corresponding sides lengths to determine missing measurements. Students will
then work in their book drawing their own model and finding the missing side
length and/or angle measurement. Checkpoints will be used to determine
understanding. Homework: Short answer word problem that deals with finding
the missing measurement
Day 11-12 P. 423 – 425 Warm up on angle measurements and missing angles
of polygons. Students will work with a partner to create a model of a wing
design. Students will then work in book answering questions about their wing
model. I will model this also to individual groups asking questions of parallel
lines, types of angles formed. I will then gather the class as a whole and
together we will develop a model of a transversal using our vocabulary terms
determine the various types of angles. Creating a model that the students will
put in their notebooks to help with the rest of the exploration. Students will
then answer various questions finding congruent angles that are formed by the
transversal. Checkpoint will be used for informal assessment. Homework :
Students will create their own transversla and label the various corresponding
angles and congruent measurement.
Day 13-14 Quiz on similar figure and transversals P. 348-349 Students will
work in their book setting up percents into ratios and proportions to solve,
Students will create models that will aid them in setting them up into
proportions and solving them. They will work individually in their book
answering question. We will come together as a group to discuss some of the
various models they can use to find percents. Homework P. 353 7-12
Day 15-16 P. 236 - 238 Labsheet 1C Students will construct and analyze
optical illusions by multiplting fractions and mixed numbers using paper and
pencil and calculator. Students will use their knowledge of lowest terms to
divide by common factors in a fraction before multiplying. Students will also
use the distriobutive property to multiply a mixed number by a whole number
and fraction. Students will be reintroduced to reciprocal and they will work in
books multiplying numbers by their reciprocals to get them ready for division
of fractions. Check points will be given for understanding. Homework p. 243 614
Day 17-18 P. 344 – 347 Students will establish benchmarks to create nice
fractions. They will use these nice fractions to estimate percent equivalents. We
will begin by creating a survey on favorite movies. Students will create
benchmarks of fractions that can be recognized as a percent. Students will work
on labsheet to create an estimated percent bar. We will come together after they
work in labsheet to discuss what strategies they used to determine the percents
to use on their bar. We will then discuss how rounding the numerator and or
demoninator can be used to make hard fractions nice fractions. Labsheet will be
used for informal assessment. Homework: p. 353 1-8
Day 19 P. 350-351 Studetns will continue working on percents to find missing
parts or wholes of a percent problem. I will model how portions can be used to
set up the comparison and how to solve. Students will then work in their book
answer similar problems and working on part to whole. Students will use their
“nice fractions” to compare percents. Homework :p.353 9-15
(Specify English/Spanish):
Textbooks, story books, lab manuals, reference materials, ets.
Textbook, labsheets, protractor, graph paper, rulers, algebra tiles, balance
Spanish translation of vocabulary available, spanish workbook, compass,
calculator, chips, number cubes, index cards, square tiles,colored disks
Spanish Dictionaries will be available to use in class
A description about how the assessments are conducted. The
context and specific procedures for evaluating student
learning. Assessment could occur through interview,
observation, journals, essays, quizzes, tests, and final
products. Assessments can be conducted by the teacher,
peers, and/or the students themselves.
A description about how the assessments are conducted. The
context and specific procedures for evaluating student
learning. Assessment could occur through interview,
observation, journals, essays, quizzes, tests, and final
products. Assessments can be conducted by the teacher,
peers, and/or the students themselves.
Describe accommodations and support for students, such as
extra time for study, adjusted learning objectives, modified
assignments, grouping, assignment calendars, adaptive
technologies, and support from specialists. Also describe
modifications in how students express their learning (example:
oral interview instead of written test).
Daily/Weekly, informal/formal assessments that show evidence of student learning related to the
unit goals. Performance assessments must include rubrics. warm-ups given daily (orally
or through journaling) Student checkpoint questions will be used daily to assess
student learned concepts. Journaling will also be used daily to understand
students prior knowledge and whether concept was learned after the lesson.
Teacher will work with students and groups on classwork to assess
mathematical concepts and understanding.
Formal assessments that show evidence of student mastery of unit goals. Performance
assessments must include rubrics. Quizzes will be given weekly. After module
completed a module test will be given to students to assess mastery of
concepts.Standardized timed tests will be used to prepare students for test
taking. Portfolios will be use to show student growth over time in problem
solving, reasoning and communication.
Students will be working with partner, individually and with in their groups to
complete the mathematical tasks.Manipulatives will used for each exploration
to help visual/tactile learners. Students who are mastering the concepts
quickley will move forward to the the E2 (extended explorations) Students will
be given particular homework problems that extend the lessons learned further.
Activity Generator problems that extends concepts.
Writing expository text, extended response questions, journaling thru questioning
particular tasks
Describe language support, such as English language Learner
(ELL), instruction and tutoring from more able bilingual
students or community volunteers. Describe adaptive
materials, such as first-language texts, graphic organizers,
illustrated texts, dual-language dictionaries, and translation
tools. Describe modifications in how students express their
A reduced test will be available for students with specific needs. Teaching will
include more visuals, manipulatives,simplified english as necessary depending
on the needs. Will work with ELLS to promote verbal response in
english.Resource Teacher and Teacher will work together to establish extended
time and assignments for these students.
Different kinds of instructional and assessment strategies and
a variety of differentiated resources that address the wide
range of knowledge, ability levels, interests, and learning
styles students bring to the classroom. In order to meet
benchmarks, standards, and provide enrichment and
acceleration. Strategies and materials must support the
accountability component of educating students.
A reduced test will be available for students with specific needs. Teaching will
include more visuals, manipulatives,simplified english as necessary depending
on the needs. Will work with ELLS to promote verbal response in english.Extra
time will be given when needed. Resource Teacher and Teacher will work
together to establish extended time and assignments for these students.
Revised on 1/13/10