The Dates of the Final Exam are June 6th and June 9th.
Topics Covered in the Pre Algebra Final Exam (2013-2014)
The final is basically broken into thirds: 1/3 no calculator, multiple choice;
1/3 with calculator, multiple choice; 1/3 with calculator, open ended.
The formula sheet that we used in class will be provided (one side 7th grade, one side 8th grade)
Order of operations: Add; subtract, multiply, divide, positive powers, grouping symbols
Integer Operations (no calculator)
Operations with Fractions and Decimals (no calculator)
Square root – integer (without a calculator)
Absolute Value
Ordering fractions, decimals and percents and plotting on a number line
Converting fractions, decimals and percents
Pythagorean Theorem
Given one angle find all of the remaining angles on a diagram of parallel lines
Angles - Identify corresponding, alternate interior, alternate exterior, supplementary, vertical,
supplementary, complementary angles. Find the measure of angles on a drawing involving
supplementary, complementary or vertical angles
Classify & identify figures and line segments: Triangles by sides & angles; Solids (prisms,
pyramids, cylinders);
Identify Parallel, Perpendicular, Skew lines
The following can be presented in real-world applications:
Finding area of figures on formula sheet
Surface Area - Find the surface area of a rectangular prism – Add the areas of all of the sides
Volume- Find the volume of a rectangular prism; cylinder
Circumference and Area of a circle
Scientific Notation - Given a number in either form rewrite the number in scientific or standard
notation, using positive and negative exponents
Translate verbal expressions and statements into algebraic expressions or equations
Apply writing expressions and equations to real-life problem situations
Solving Equations - Using substitution, Use inverse operations (may involve integers, fractions
or decimals), Solve one-step, two-step and multi-step equations
Commutative and Associative Property - Use the properties to combine like terms: example 5x + 2y
– 3x + 4y
Distributive Property - Simplify expressions such as 2(3x +5)
Simplify and solve expressions which involve like terms and the distributive property, example 5x
+ 2(3x – 5)
Identity Properties of + and *, Multiplicative Property of Zero
Identifying a pattern in a number sequence and naming the “6 th” term
Inequalities - Translate verbal phrases into inequalities, Graph inequalities on a number line,
Solve one and two-step inequalities
Coordinate Plane - Identify parts of the coordinate plane
Ordered Pairs - Locate an object using an ordered pair; Given an equation, select an ordered
pair that is a solution: Make a Table of Solutions and graph y= 3x+4
The Dates of the Final Exam are June 6th and June 9th.
Ratios, Rates and Proportions - Find ratios, rates, unit rates in real life situations; Use
ratios to create proportions; Solve proportions; Given data, write a ratio and then use a
proportion to predict; Better Buy using unit rates
Percents – Given values for any 2 of 3, find the missing value: part, whole, percent
Similarity - Use ratio of similarity to find missing parts of similar polygons
Apply ratio of similarity to indirect measurement and scale models in real life situations
Discount - Find the sale price of an item given the % discount; Find the final price given a
discount and tax
Tax - Find the tax on an item given the %
Simple Interest
I=prt, Find the simple interest given a loan or savings situation; Find the
value of the missing variable example: given the interest, principal and time, find the rate.
Possible Outcomes - Determine the number of possible outcomes
Probability - Find the theoretical or experimental probability for simple situations