Northern Virginia Community College

Northern Virginia Community College - Annandale Campus
ITP 120 04N - 4 Credits
Course Syllabus
Spring 2016
JAVA Programming I
Instructor: Sherry Schaller Marshall – Assistant Professor
01-09-2016 SSM
Classroom: CC 102
Time: Tuesday, 6:00 - 9:40 PM
Prerequisite: ITP 100 - Software Design
College level understanding of English language
Office: Home 620-9034 (answering machine) Do not call after 10 PM.
Adjunct Office Box 293, in Room CT 232-3
Office Hours: Available half hour before and after class.
Inclement Weather: 323-3770
(NOVAnet) for recording or NOVA website
Fire/Emergency Evacuation Procedures: Follow the plan outlined the class. Exit door which
does not lead to main plaza, Gather at nearest lamp post with flag.
Course Description: Entails instruction in fundamentals of object-oriented programming
using Java SE. This course emphasizes program construction, algorithm development,
coding, debugging, and documentation of console and graphical user interface (GUI)
applications. Lecture 4 hours per week.
General Course Purpose: Provides a comprehensive foundation sufficient for a student to
write Java programs from scratch in order to meet the minimum programming goals of
students who plan to transfer and students who take the course for employment purposes.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
 Design, develop, code, and test Java Programs both console applications and GUI
 Use primitive data types and flow control statements that are the building blocks of all
 Use their foundation knowledge of object oriented coding techniques to create classes
that are applied appropriately in a Java Program as a solution to a specific problem
Course Materials:
* Big Java Late Objects Binder Ready Version by Cay S. Horstmann, 2013,
ISBN 978-1-1181-2942-5
Text is available free online!
Go to the NOVA library site :
select: streaming and emedia
select: ebooks and then safari tech and business books
You may have to enter your nova id at this point if you're not already signed in.
You can type in Horstmann or Big Java Late objects and the book will come up.
The complete book is available to read/view.
* CD-ROM or data stick for project submission – need two.
Last Date to Withdraw: Tues 22 Mar 2016. Students must formally withdraw if they cease
attending class or a failing grade will be received. Only in unusual, formally documented
circumstances will a withdrawal be allowed after this date. Last day to drop with tuition
refund (via NovaConnect) – Thurs 28 Jan 2016.
Exams: Exams are short answer and Java coding. No electronic devices are allowed during
exams – period. The exams may only be taken at another time if the instructor is notified in
advance in writing of mitigating circumstances. In an emergency leave message on
answering machine (703-620-9034). All make-ups will be taken at TESTING CENTER CA
Bldg 1st floor, telephone 323-3833, prior to the next class meeting. Call for hours. A photo
ID is required. Questions on grading of exams will be evaluated by the instructor when a
written sheet of questions is submitted with the exam. The submission must be made prior to
the end of the next class after the exam is returned. The entire test will be reviewed.
Final Exam: The Final Exam must be taken on the assigned period of Tues 03 May 2016 at
6:00 PM. Attendance during the final exam session is mandatory in order to pass the course.
Audit: If you wish to audit the course, last date to change to audit is Thurs 28 Jan 2016.
Work Load:
Exam 1
Exam 2
Final Exam
Projects: Projects, which consist of multiple programs, are due on assigned dates. They must
be submitted in the classroom or in CT 233 Box # 293 ½ hour prior to class. Partial
submissions are allowed. All submissions are accepted only up to one week late with a 10%
grade penalty. Specific submission requirements for all projects are stated in Program
BlackBoard: Class handouts and assignments will be posted on BlackBoard by the Thursday
evening after the class is held.
Open Computer Lab: CT 122
Attendance: This is a building block course. It is the student's responsibility to obtain
announcements and class notes from a fellow student. Announcements and class notes will
be posted on BlackBoard but may not be complete. Things are always said in class.
Academic Integrity: 'Free exchange of ideas' is encouraged inside & outside of the
classroom. Programming assignments must be the student's original work. Any collusion or
copying will result in a grade of zero for the assignment for both parties. Further cheating
will result in failure of the course. See NOVA Catalog for formal definition of Academic
Dishonesty – last page of syllabus.
Grading Scale: 90 - 100
80 - 89
70 - 79
60 - 69
0 - 59
Note: At instructor
discretion grades may be
curved in the class's favor.
Tentative Schedule
12 Jan
19 Jan
Project 1
26 Jan
Topics Covered
Introduction to Java
Data Types - I/O - Strings 2&3
Project Due
02 Feb
09 Feb
16 Feb
23 Feb
Methods. Review Exam 1
Exam 1 (Ch 1 - 5) – 1 hr 50 min
Arrays & Parallel Arrays
Project 2
01 Mar
08 Mar
15 Mar
22 Mar
29 Mar
Input/Output Files, Strings 7
Project 2A
Objects & Classes
***NO CLASS – Spring Break***
Objects & Classes
Project 3
GUI, Review Exam 2
05 Apr
12 Apr
19 Apr
26 Apr
Exam 2 (Ch. 6 - 8) – 1 hr 50 min
Advanced GUI
Final Exam Review
03 May
FINAL EXAM – 1 hr 50 min
Proj 3 Ch 1-10
All Programming Assignments due online prior to 12 PM
Pre-Prog Ch 1
Proj 1 Ch 1-4
Proj 2 Ch 1-6
Proj 2A Ch 7
NVCC is a place for learning and growing. You should feel safe and comfortable anywhere on
this campus. In order to meet this objective, you should: a) let your instructor, his/her
supervisor, the Dean of Students or Provost know if any unsafe, unwelcome or uncomfortable
situation arises that interferes with the learning process; b) inform the instructor within
the first two weeks of classes if you have special needs or a disability that may affect your
performance in this course.
NOVA Catalog 2015-2016 *** Academic Integrity
When College officials award credit, degrees, and certificates, they must assume the absolute
integrity of the work students have done; therefore, it is important that students maintain the
highest standard of honor in their scholastic work.
The College does not tolerate academic dishonesty. Students who are not honest in their
academic work will face disciplinary action along with any grade penalty the instructor
imposes. Procedures for disciplinary measures and appeals are outlined in the Student
Handbook. In extreme cases, academic dishonesty may result in dismissal from the College.
Academic dishonesty, as a general rule, involves one of the following acts:
1. Cheating on an examination or quiz, including giving, receiving, or soliciting
information and the unauthorized use of notes or other materials during the
examination or quiz.
2. Buying, selling, stealing, or soliciting any material purported to be the unreleased
contents of a forthcoming examination, or the use of such material.
3. Substituting for another person during an examination or allowing another person to
take the student’s place.
4. Plagiarizing, which means taking credit for another person’s work or ideas.
This includes copying another person’s work either word-for-word or in
substance without acknowledging the source.
5. Accepting help from or giving help to another person to complete an
assignment, unless the instructor has approved such collaboration in
6. Knowingly furnishing false information to the College; forgery and alteration or
use of College documents or instruments of identification with the intent to
NOVA Catalog 2015-2016 *** Attendance/Student Participation
Education is a cooperative endeavor between the student and the instructor. Instructors plan a
variety of learning activities to help their students master the course content. Students are
expected to participate in these activities within the framework established in the class syllabus.
Faculty will identify specific class attendance policies and other requirements of the class in the
syllabus that is distributed at the beginning of each term. Successful learning requires good
communication between students and instructors; therefore, in most cases, regular classroom
attendance, or regular participation in the case of a nontraditional course format, is essential.
It is the student’s responsibility to inform his/her instructor prior to an absence from class.
Students are responsible for making up all coursework missed during an absence. In the event
of unexplained absences, the instructor may withdraw a student administratively from the
If a student does not attend at least one class meeting or participate in an online learning class
by the “last day to drop with a tuition refund” (census date), his/her class registration will be
administratively deleted. This means that there will be no record of the class or any letter grade
on the student’s transcript. Furthermore, the student’s class load will be reduced by the course
credits, and this may affect his/her full-time or part-time student status. Tuition will not be