1134332SPAN II 2 HR

Wabasso School
Spanish Program
Teacher’s website
4 Week of September 26 – September 30, 2011
Reading: P. 12. Reading about Ana Maria as she describes her self and her
future expectations.
Writing: Describing your self and your future expectations.
Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe personality traits and physical traits.
P. 14-15. Answering questions about your self. Describing people in your school
and from home.
3 Week of September 19 – September 23, 2011
Grammar: Verb “To like” Gustar. P.8-10. Verbs like Gustar that use the same
verb conjugations.
Vocabulary: Fruits, vegetables and food. Expressing likes and dislikes. Fruit
salad. What fruit/vegetable/food do you like? I like_______.
¿Qué fruta/verdura/comida te gusta? Me gusta/n_______.
2 Week of September 12 – September 16, 2011
Grammar: -ar ending verbs. Matching verbs -ar ending verbs. P 3-4. 5 original
questions. Answering yesy/no questions and information questions on the board.
Answering questions on p. 5
1 Week of September 6 – September 9, 2011
Review: Personal information questions.
Telling time and describing the weather.
Spanish speaking countries and their capital cities.
Unit 1 lesson 1: P. 2 description.
P. 3 Questions.
P. 4 Questions.
Grammar: -ar ending verbs. P 3-4. Verbs memory game.
Wabasso School
Spanish Program
Teacher’s website
Week of May 2 – May 6, 2011
May 2nd Monday
- Review: Flashcards of sports, hobbies and shows.
- Do you like?: Used flashcards to ask ¿Te gusta/n any sport, hobby or show?
Sí/no. (No) me gusta/n any sport, hobby or show.
- Word find: sports, hobbies and shows.
- Review: Being in favor or against. ¿Estás en pro o en contra de anything?
Page 87. act. #3.
- Verb “To like” Gustar conjugations me / te / le. I like, you (informal) like, he
likes, she likes and you (formal) like. Page 87 act. #4 (write those 8 sentences on
a separate piece of paper).
- Homework: Translate the 30 questions you got on Thursday on a scratch
May 3rd Tuesday
- Review: Flashcards of sports, hobbies and shows. Students wrote the definite
article el or la for each noun and wrote them in English.
- Do you like?: Used flashcards to ask ¿Te gusta/n any sport, hobby or show?
Sí/no. (No) me gusta/n any sport, hobby or show.
- Verb “To like” Gustar conjugations me / te / le / nos / les / les. I like, you
(informal) like, he likes, she likes, you (formal) like, we like, you (all) like, and they
like. Page 87. act. #4.
- Verbs like “Gustar” page 88 Vocabulario práctico. Read the sentences in
Spanish and translate them into English.
- Writing: Page 88 act. #5 write 10 sentences on a separate piece of paper using
the vebs from Vocabulario práctico.
- - Practice: Verbs like “Gustar” matching exercise and word find.
Week of April 4 – April 8, 2011
Vocabulary pages 67 and 76.
Questions page 76.
How much is item? How much are items? page 76.
Review demonstratives: Translate the phrases you hear using the
demonstratives. (Computer listening exercise).
Review –ar, -er and –ir ending verbs: Cross words 78 and 79 in
class work.
Homework: Crosswords 77 (due Friday 4/8), 80 and 81 (due Monday
Week March 28 - April 1, 2011 (Music trip)
7 verbs that need the “a” personal. Students asked a partner to review those
Review nouns from the yellow box on page 67. We all read the sentences from
the yellow box and translated them into English.
In pairs, students asked each other the 13 questions from activity number 1 on
page 67.
Competition: In groups students answered the questions from activity number 1
page 67 on a piece of paper by taking turns.
7 verbs that need the “a” personal. Students asked a partner to review those
Competition: In groups students answered the questions from activity number 1
page 67 on the board by taking turns.
Saber v. conocer 5 worksheet review. We all read the first 10 sentences and
checked the answers on the board.
New vocabulary worksheet p. 53 done in class. Students wrote the English
word on the board and said the Spanish word and spelled them out to a partner.
7 verbs that need the “a” personal. Students asked a partner to review those
Finished Saber v. conocer 5 worksheet review. We all read the 15 sentences
and checked the answers on the board.
Students wrote 3 original questions using verbs to know a place, to know
someone and to know something, asked a partner and wrote the answer down
using the third person singular form.
Review nouns: Señor, señora, joven (young man, woman), muchacha,
muchacho, chica, chico, hombre and mujer to make questions using the
Demonstratives: Students answered whether they knew some famous people
they saw using demonstratives.
Students wrote the demonstratives in English on the board and asked each other
using the examples on page 69 activity #3.
7 verbs that need the “a” personal. Students asked a partner to review those
Review present progressive (gerund), what is he/doing? Flashcards. Students
asked a partner what they were doing using the small flashcards from the
memory game.
- What are they doing? Page 40. Students asked a partner what people and
animals were doing.
- Worksheets 44 and 45 (in class work).
Review nouns from the word find worksheet 53. Students said the Spanish word
and spelled them out to a partner.
New nouns page 76: Students wrote flash cards.
Homework: Worksheet 57 due 4/1 Friday.
7 verbs that need the “a” personal. Students asked a partner to review those
Demonstratives: Students asked and answered whether they knew some
famous people they saw using demonstratives and the following nouns: Señor,
señora, joven (young man, woman), muchacha, muchacho, chica, chico, hombre
and mujer.
Demonstratives worksheet done in class.
Verb “To prefer” Preferir and demonstratives: ¿Prefieres esa revista o ésta?
Do you prefer that magazine or this? Prefiero aquélla. I prefer that one over
there. Page 70 #4.
Review new nouns page 76: Students wrote the English words on the board,
said them out loud in Spanish and spelled them out to a partner.
Week of March 21 – March 25, 2011
- ar ending verbs that need the “A” personal, questions and answers.
- Saber v. conocer. “To know someone or a place” v. “To know
something” Book page 66.
- Demonstratives. This, that, these, those. Este, esta, ese, esa, estas,
estos, aquel, aqella, aqellos, aquellas.
- Review: –ar ending verbs in class work worksheet.
- Homework: -er, -ir ending verbs worksheet.
- Review: The weather. Page 66.
- Vocabulario: Going to the beach. Activity #1 questions 1-5. Page 67
- Bingo
Week of March 7 – March 11, 2011
- ar ending verbs that need the “A” personal, questions and answers.
Review page 27.
- Saber v. conocer. “To know someone or a place” v. “To know
something” Book page 66.
Saber v. conocer 1 worksheet done in class.
- Homework: Saber v. conocer 2 worksheet.
- Review: The weather. Page 66.
- Vocabulario: Going to the beach. Activity #1 questions 1-5. Page 67
Week of February 28 – March 4, 2011
-ar, -er, -ir ending verbs. Verbs word find pages 39, 58, 62, and 63.
Questions pages 62 and 63.
Do you know these people, do you see them often? Page 62 review verb
“To know” conocer.
Question words worksheet. Use the question words from the word bank to
fill in the blanks and match the questions with their answers.
Week of February 7 – February 11, 2011
Desear / Desearía review. “To want / would like”. Questions Page 56.
Verb “To know” Conocer: Verb conjugations and examples (family
members flashcards from the memory game).
Review worksheet: Do you know Nicole’s father? ¿Conoces al padre de
Nicole? Yes/ no. I (don’t) know Nicole’s father. Si/no. No conozco al padre
de Nicole.
Vocabulary: Matching places and occupations (page 56) in Spanish with
their word in English worksheet.
Questions page 58. Answer the questions and translate them for
Week of January 31 – February 4, 2011
- Present Progressive Tense: What is he/she doing?
He/she is walking. Yes/ no questions and information questions. What are they
doing? ¿Qué están haciendo ellos? Page 40.
- Vocabulario: Page 40. Write the words from page 40 in English.
- Desear / Desearía. “To want / would like”. Questions Page 56.
- Verb “To know” Conocer: Verb conjugations and examples (occupation
flashcards, famous people pictures).
- Review worksheet: Do you know Margarita (name)? ¿Conoces a
- Do you know the secretary (occupation)? ¿Conoces a la secretaria?
- Do you know her (pronoun)? ¿La conoces?
Week of January 24 - 28, 2011
- Present Progressive Tense: What is he/she doing?
He/she is walking. Yes/ no questions and information questions. What are they
doing? ¿Qué están haciendo ellos? Page 40.
- - Vocabulario: Page 40. Write the words from page 40 in English.
- Desear / Desearía. “To want / would like”. Questions Page 56.
- Verb “To know” Conocer: Verb conjugations and examples (occupation
flashcards, famous people pictures).
- Do you know Margarita (name)? ¿Conoces a Margarita?
- Do you know the secretary (occupation)? ¿Conoces a la secretaria?
- Do you know her (pronoun)? ¿La conoces?
- Do you know the people in your community? Page 54.
- Oral Exam Questionnaire review and practice.
- Homework: Conocer “To know” sheet.
Week of December 6 - 10, 2010
- Time expressions page 32.
- Review verb to be “Estar” and verb to be “Ser”.
- Homework page 35.
How are you when you are in Spanish? Como estás cuando estás en la clase de
When I am in Spanish I am tired. Cuando estoy en la clase de español, estoy
cansado/a (vocabulary page 31). 13 more questions and answers on page 34.
- Review vocab page 54 last year’s book. Blackboard fly swatter competition.
- Review 12 verbs: Memory game.
- Verb to live.
- Where do you live? ¿Dónde vives? I live in any city. Vivo en any city.
- Verb to drink.
- Do you drink tea? ¿Bebes té? Yes/no. I (don’t) drink tea. Sí/no. (no bebo
Week of November 29 - December 3, 2010
- Time expressions page 32.
- Yes/no questions and information questions with verb “To go” for a future
tense on page 32.
- Review verb to be “Estar” and verb to be “Ser”.
- Peter worksheet. Questions-answers.
Week of November 9-12, 2010
- Verb to have “Tener” possession, obligation, being in the mood for. E.g: I
have a date on Sunday – possession. I have to work – obligation. Page
- New expressions with verb to have “Tener”.
Tengo prisa = I’m in a hurry.
Tengo dolor = I’m in pain.
Tengo pereza = I’m lazy.
Tengo miedo = I’m scared.
- Where do go on Sundays/in the morning/at 3:00p.m?
I go to the library to study.
- Places of the city and verb “To go” page 29. I go to the library to study. A el= al
A la= a la casa.
In class work: 4 worksheets this week.
Homework due Thursday: 5 answers.
Homework due Wednesday: Oral exam questionnaire corrections.
Week of October 25-29, 2010
Verb to have “Tener” possession, obligation, being in the mood for. E.g: I
have a date on Sunday – possession. I am in the mood for dancing but I
have to work – obligation. Page 25.
New expressions with verb to have “Tener”: I’m not lucky, I’m lucky, I’m
cold, I’m hungry, I’m tired, I’m 16 years old, I’m thirsty, I’m hot.
Week of October 4-8, 2010
- New adjectives and their exceptions when describing male or female
- What’s your ideal man/woman/friend like? Como es tu
hombre/mujer/amigo ideal. Reviewing family members to describe their
physical appearance and personality.
Week of September 27- October 1, 2010
- Question words.
- What fruit, vegetable or food do you like?
- Description book page 12.
- More adjectives, describing a classmate.
- Verb “To be” nationality, occupation, time, description.