Harry Potter and the Antichrist

Harry Potter and the Antichrist
by Joseph Chambers
If there is one thing the Harry Potter series has proven to America and the world, it is that superstitions and
witchcraft have a much greater power to captivate than computers, Internet filth, and game rooms. In fact, a
great majority of religion and religious activity would not survive the month if there was not the elements of
sorcery that much of today’s religion has come to represent. The mystery of the Antichrist is using the many
and varied forms of divination and witchcraft to prepare the world for the coming “mastermind.” This
mastermind will possess a level of divination powers never before manifest. He will become the “god” of this
earth for a short season. The Harry Potter series is a giant step in this scary direction.
The above statement is a very bold proclamation. Without question I believe the Harry Potter series is a
creation of hell helping prepare the younger generation to welcome the Biblical prophecies of demons and
devils led by Lucifer himself. Infallible Scripture, the Holy Bible, has outlined the end time scenario and the
Harry Potter script sounds exactly like the devil’s part. Satan will actually be cast out of the midair down to
the earth and every fallen angel, now a demon, will be cast out with him. The activity of these demons will be
dark and brutal. Death, mysteries, strange paranormal powers and scary happenings will become the order
of the day. Casting spells, death by voodoo activities, and fearful sights will be worldwide. The Harry Potter
book reveals a very enlightening picture of the coming days for those “left behind” after the Rapture of the
What is so amazing about this series by J. K. Rowling is the excitement that the world has for this kind of
entertainment. The unconverted human heart is a dark place where anything of the same level of darkness is
relished and loved. Adults, as well as children, find great obsession with scary ideas that speak of the
forbidden realm. The devil and his demons, along with the witchcraft ideas out of his evil characters, are
quickly becoming the highest ideal of intellectualism. It is Satan’s day to say the least. It had to happen to
fulfill Biblical prophecy.
Let’s Trace The Harry Potter Series To The Present
It all began on a train ride in which the whole idea just dropped in Rowling’s head. The very manner in
which the series came to her would suggest “spirit influence.” She stated, “Harry, as a character, came fully
formed as did the idea for his sidekicks, the character of Ron and Hermione, who is the brain of the
threesome. She further said, “It started with Harry, then all these characters and situations came flooding
into my head.” Her description of herself certainly suggests a person open to “inspirations” from mystical
influences. She said, “I have a very visual imagination. I see it, then I try to describe what is in my mind’s
eye.” Such language sounds familiar to the world of the occult. It is amazing how similar the genuine world of
Biblical inspiration is to the masquerading world of Satan, the enemy of truth.
Berit Kjos, an excellent author, listed five points of Hogwart’s theology of the sorcery school, where young
Henry is enrolled. These ideas best describe the basis of this series of books. Each book is based on the same
general themes with new characters helping to enlarge the story plots. Look closely at these key thoughts and
ask yourself what the overall purpose must be,
Here is Berit Kjos’ list of the main Hogwart theologies:
* “Professor Snape who taught Potions said: ‘I don’t expect you will really understand the beauty of the
softly simmering cauldron with it shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human
veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses…’
* “A Centaur’s views on astrology – ‘we have sworn not to set ourselves against the heaven. Have we not read
what is to come in the movements of the planets? … Or have the planets not let you in on that secret?’
* “‘He is with me wherever I go,’ said Quirrell quietly, referring to Voldemort. ‘I met him when I traveled
around the world. A foolish young man I was then, full of ridiculous ideas about good and evil. Lord
Voldemort showed me how wrong I was. There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to
seek it … Since then, I have served him faithfully.’
* “Headmaster Dumbledore: ‘To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.’
* “Hagrid, the grounds-keeper at Hogwart’s, telling Harry about the strange power that saved his life,
‘Happened when a powerful, evil curse touches you – didn’t work on you, and that’s why yer famous, Harry.
No one ever lived after he [Voldemort] decided ter kill ‘em, no one except you…’ [Harry seems almost Christlike, doesn’t he, with his wound or mark, his psychic powers, and his victory over death and Voldemort.]”
(“Bewitched by Harry Potter,” article written by Berit Kjos.)
Those five ideas right out of the Harry Potter series give us an excellent view of what the main themes are all
about. Let’s discuss each of them.
Potions: Harry Potter Takes Drugs
The plot of the Harry Potter series is set in the “Hogwart School of Witchcraft.” He is there to learn how to
be a successful witch as his father and mother were before their death by the ultimate evil person, Lord
Voldemort. To be a master at sorcery one must learn how to use drugs. Listen again to this language that
glorifies drugs and their magical effect according to these books. Remember, these words come from the
Potion Master at this so-called school of learning.
Here are his words, “I don’t expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron
with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the
mind, ensnaring the senses … I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death – if you
aren’t as big a bund of thunderheads as I usually have to teach. – The Potions Master.” (Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone, p. 137.)
A doctor wrote anonymously about this aspect of these books. Here are his words; “This quotation is taken
from the section of the discussion by the Potions Master as he berates the students for their lack of knowledge
of making drugs when adding ‘powered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood.’ (Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone, pp. 286-287.) This plant wormwood contains thujone, a hypnotic drug, which is banned by
the FDA, and wormwood is used to make Absinthe, a hallucinogenic liqueur. Another record near the end of
the book, portrays seven bottles containing drug potions: 3 contain poison, 2 contain wine and 2 contain a
magic drug, which the children are to correctly chose from and drink in order to reach their goal – the
sorcer’s stone, which they are seeking, before the effects of the drug wears off.” (“Harry Potter Takes Drugs,”
written by a anonymous physican and father. This article is from the Family Friendly Libraries website.)
Certainly no parent or school official in their right mind would want these ideas in the minds of their
children. Drugs have always been a large part of witchcraft and sorcery. Often the drugs are used to induce
altered states of consciousness and to enhance the person’s ability to communicate with the spirit world.
Astrology – Trusting In The Stars
The entire idea of astrology is that we get our direction from the heavenly bodies and their alignments with
each other. Nothing connects to sorcery more directly than this idea. Our present world is flooded with
television programs, books, websites, and other information on the signs of the zodiac. The idea of birthstone
rings is rooted in astrology. My daughter, Tanya Turner, wrote a booklet available from this ministry in
which she documented this fact. Listen as she describes the diabolical activity in this realm. “Birthstones were
created during the Classical Period by the Romans, with each holding an astrological significance. In
astrology there are 12 signs of the zodiac each showing specific signs of weaknesses and/or strengths. A
specific gem, possessing the necessary properties was assigned to each zodiac timeframe in order to
strengthen weaknesses and build on strengths supposedly possessed by persons born in that month or period
of the zodiac. An article in The Gaston Gazette, March 22, 1990, made the following analysis: ‘The concept of
birthstones assigns a specific crystal thought especially beneficial to each astrological sign chosen specifically
to counteract or protect from weaknesses and to enhance strengths inherent in each house of the zodiac.’”
(“New Age Emphasis On Gems and Stones,” by Tanya Turner. Published by Paw Creek Ministries.) Parents
must learn the evil awaiting their child when we fail to understand this area of evil influence. It is raw sorcery
to teach someone to trust their future to astrological signs.
Lord Voldemort – The Ultimate Evil
The evil in the Harry Potter series is breathtaking. These books are not a “C.S. Lewis” ideal of good versus
evil with a lasting message that there is ultimately an eternal power of righteousness. The only power in this
series is power itself. Listen to that quote again from Kjos’ description of Hogwart’s theology. “There is no
good and evil, there is only power…” The latest book in the Harry Potter series and the “Goblet of Fire”
makes Lord Voldemort the main character of the first chapter. I read the first chapter as it appeared in the
Newsweek magazine (July 17, 2000). This dark character kills the keeper at “The Riddle House” with nothing
but a stare. He has a gigantic snake as a talking key associate. It is almost impossible not to see the
glorification of the devil in this key character, Voldemort.
Reincarnation: “Death Is But The Next Great Adventure”
The headmaster at Hogwart is the source of this intriguing false statement. To play with the idea of death in
such a confused manner is more than entertainment. In the third book of this series, the following statement
was made. “You can exist without your soul, you know, as long as your brain and heart are still working. But
you’ll have no sense of self anymore, no memory no… anything. There’s no chance at all of recovery. You’ll
just-exist. As an empty shell.” (The Prisoner of Azkaban, p. 247.)
Hell will actually be populated with a multitude of eternal souls without the God-giving spirit of the Godlike
life. The spirit of the wicked person returns to the God that gave it life. “Then shall the dust return to the
earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” (Ecclesiastes 12:7). It is very evident that
the above idea in the Harry Potter books is a distortion of truth. In the same series the following statement
was made to Harry, the young star. “You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us? You think that we
don’t recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble? … You know; Harry, in a way, you did see
your father last night … You found him inside yourself.” (The Prisoner of Azkaban, pp. 427-428.)
This is classical witchcraft. When your child reads where a professor told Harry, “After all, to the wellorganized mind, death is but the next great adventure (The Sorcer’s Stone, p. 302.),” I warn you that it is
more than reading entertainment. This is the doctrine of the Wicca witches. Reincarnation is a total lie. To
intrigue kids with such a false sense of death and life after death is dark and dangerous. A noted witch,
named Starhawk, stated in her book, Spiral Dance, “Death is not an end, it is a stage in the cycle that leads on
to rebirth. After death, the human soul is said to rest in “Summerland” the Land of Eternal Youth, where it
is refreshed, grows young and is made ready to be born again.” (Reprinted from the book, entitled Spiral
Harry – The New “Messiah”
Our world continues to look for a hero. Most of today’s citizens have rejected every great hero of the past.
The name of Jesus is so hated that it is politically incorrect to ever pray publicly in His name. Our Supreme
Court is determined alone with much of the liberal world to make the mention of His name unacceptable.
But, here comes one champion after the other in our day from the purple dinosaur to Harry Potter. Let’s
read again the words of the Hogwart groundskeeper. “No one ever lived after He [Voldemort] decided ter kill
‘em, no one except you...” (Excerpted from “Bewitched by Harry Potter,” article written by Berit Kjos.)
Harry has special marks from his battle with Lord Voldemort. Harry’s power has proven to be the only
power that Lord Voldemort cannot handle. In the first chapter of Potter’s latest book when the gardener falls
dead by Lord Voldemort’s powers, the author states, “Two hundred miles away, the boy called Harry Potter
woke with a start.” (Reprinted from the book, entitled Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.)
The World Culture Must Be Reshaped
Books like the Harry Potter series are more, much more than reading material, entertainment, and making
money. The cultures of the world must be merged to accomplish the “One World Order.” Louise DermanSparks wrote in her book, Anti-Bias Curriculum, “Good stories capture the heart, mind, and imagination are
an important way to transmit values.” There is no such thing as a book, movie, etc. that does not transmit
values, i.e. someone’s idea of what is acceptable or unacceptable. Anyone that tells you that it is okay to read
sorcery or witchcraft material just for fun is playing with your mind. Do not be someone’s fool.
The world is headed for a worldwide invasion of demons and dark underworld creatures. It is all a part of the
“One World Order.” Remember, the Harry Potter series is already being printed in over thirty major
languages. John Andrew Murray wrote an article about this subject that appears on the Internet under the
title, “Harry Dilemma.” He stated, “But it is the world of witchcraft found in Harry Potter that is the greatest
threat of all. This world--which will soon be marketed to our nation's children on a massive scale--is
presenting occult practices in a way that is attractive and fun. And while few students are seeking to become
witches or wizards, the desensitization to witchcraft that is occurring in America cannot help but have a
detrimental effect--and lead to serious spiritual consequences in the future.” (“Harry Dilemma” by John
Andrew Murray. Teachers In Focus magazine website maintained by Focus On The Family.)
He further stated, “By disassociating magic and supernatural evil, it becomes possible to portray occult
practices as ‘good’ and ‘healthy,’ contrary to the scriptural declaration that such practices are ‘detestable to
the Lord.’ This, in turn, opens the door for kids to become fascinated with the supernatural while tragically
failing to seek or recognize the one true source of supernatural good--namely God.
“This is precisely the problem with the Harry Potter series: Evil is presented in an attractive, ‘wholesome’
package.” (“Harry Dilemma” by John Andrew Murray. Teachers In Focus magazine website maintained by
Focus On The Family.)
Getting Darker: Heading For Hell
Mrs. Rowling, the author of this Harry Potter series knows exactly where she is headed. She was interviewed
by “Stories from the Web” and asked if she had “any clues about the next book.” Her answer was clear, “I
don’t want to give anything away, but I can tell you that the books are getting darker … Harry’s going to
have quite a bit to deal with as he gets older. Sorry if they get too scary!” (Reprinted from “Harry Potter ‘a
Sorcerers tale’.” This article appeared on the Let Us Reason Ministries’ website.)
She was interviewed by Newsweek magazine (July 17, 2000), where she stated, “In fact, death and
bereavement and what death means, I would say, is one of the central themes in all seven books.” (Newsweek
magazine, July 17, 2000, p. 56.) The author for Newsweek, Malcolm Jones, stated, “And in all of Rowling’s
books there runs an undercurrent of sadness and loss. In the first book the orphaned Harry stares into the
Mirror of Erised, which shows the viewer his or her utmost desires. Harry sees his dead parents.” (Newsweek
magazine, July 17, 2000, p. 56.)
Here is a list of quotes that express the reaction of different individuals who have written about this book.
A Time magazine article dated September 20, 1999, pointed out, after reading Harry Potter, “Who wouldn’t
choose a wizard’s life?” (Reprinted from “Should ‘Harry Potter’ Go to Public School?” This article, written
by Karen Jo Gounaud, appeared on the Family Friendly Libraries Book Report website.)
A USA Today news story by parent, Ken McCormick of Birchrunville, PA, discovered “a general nastiness,
underneath the mantle of cuteness” in the Harry Potter books. The article further stated, “The kids lie, they
steal, they take revenge,” the father of 8- and 11-year-old children told the newspaper. “This is a disturbing
moral world, and it conflicts with what I am trying to teach my children.” (USA Today article by Ken
McCormick. (Reprinted from “Review of the Harry Potter Children’s Book Series,” written by Art Toalston,
which appeared on the BaptistPress Archive, July 11, 2000, website.)
School Library Journal praised the Potter books and listed a quote from a senior librarian. Her article, called
“Witchcraft 101,” stated, “Witchcraft or Wicca is a small but growing religion.” She goes on to say, “the teen
who wants to know about spells is not going to be satisfied with [just] an entertaining novel.” (Reprinted from
an article entitled, “Harry Potter Controversy,” written by Pamela Newby, which appeared on the CBN News
Almost everybody certainly has an opinion about the Harry Potter books. It is almost impossible not to either
love or hate the books. If you love magic, the occult, or witches, you will be jumping with glee. If you do not
believe witchcraft is a name to be played with, then you cannot be anything but concerned. Remember, if you
do not believe in playing the devil’s games, this series of books has a name for you and it isn’t meant to be
complimentary. You are called a “muggle” and these books paint you as a loser or a know-nothing nobody.
That’s talking about us, the Bible-believing Christians.
Harry Potter Is Not The Antichrist
The “mystery of iniquity” is one of those great prophetic truths in Holy Scripture. This mystery is never a
person or a character in a book or film. He is a mystery or a hidden spiritual idea that will continue to grow
until the Rapture of the saints. The Holy Ghost will be removed in His central expression of authority in the
church to the presence of the Heavenly throne. When that occurs, the work of the Holy Ghost as the
“restrainer” will be removed from the earth.
Then, as stated in II Thessalonians, Chapter 2, the mystery of iniquity will be released to take on a physical
form. The mystery of iniquity will become the revealed Antichrist in a personal form. “And then shall that
Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the
brightness of his coming.” (2 Thessalonians 2:8).
The Harry Potter books are just another means of blinding millions to the truth. When people love
imagination, superstition, paranormal intrigue, witchcraft, and sorcery better than they love truth, the
Creator will allow them to be filled with their own desires. When the cup of sin is full, the King will say, “It is
enough.” My heart tells me the cup is at the brim. The King will soon have the final word and righteousness
will win the day.