Florida International University ENTRY SURVEY Robert Stempel School of Public Health Office of Student and Alumni Affairs 11200 SW 9 Street HLS II 566 Miami, FL 33199 (305) 348-7777 (305) 348-0289 fax ph@fiu.edu Degree: □ MPH □MHSA □ MS Specialization: ______________________ Certificate: Admission Date Semester & Year: _____________________ _______________________ The purpose of this survey is to give you an opportunity to help us improve the MPH/MHSA/MS programs in the Robert Stempel School of Public Health. We enjoy compliments and welcome constructive criticism as well. When we obtain the completed questionnaire, the first page which contains your name and address will be removed so that confidentiality of your answers will be maintained. The remaining pages will be placed in a file to be summarized and reviewed annually by SSPH. The file may also be reviewed for accreditation purposes by the Council onEducation for Public Health. If you have any questions or further comments, please feel free to e-mail Student and Alumni Services at ph@fiu.edu. Student Name: ______________________________________________________ Panther ID: _______________________________________ Permanent Address: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________________ Fax: _______________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________ Date: ______________________ □ MPH □MHSA □ MS I. First, some personal information, please. 1. Sex: Planned Graduation Date Semester & Year: _____________________ ↓ 1.Male 2.Female 2. What ethnicity do you consider yourself? (Mark only one answer). ↓ 1.Black or African American (not of Hispanic origin) 2.Hispanic or Latino 3.White (not of Hispanic origin) 4.American Indian 5.Asian/Pacific Islander 6.Other (Specify) 7.Refused/Choose not to respond 3. Are you an immigrant to the US or are you the child of an immigrant to the US? 1. No ____ 2. Yes ____ If Yes → From what country did you or your parent immigrate ________ 4. Are you the first member of your family to attend college? 1. 2. 5. No Yes Is English your second language? 1. No 2. Yes If Yes → 6. _____ _____ _____ _____ What is your first language? ____________ During the last 12 months, how many hours have you devoted to voluntary community service? _______________________________ If none skip # 7 1 7. In what areas did you volunteer? (Check as many as apply) 1. Environment 2. Community improvement 3. Tutoring, ESOL/adult education, special education, developmental disability 4. Migrant issue 5. Animal Care 6. Criminal justice 7. Hunger, homelessness 8. Elderly 9. Health or Public Health 10. Nutrition 11. Other (please specify) II. Now, tell us about your search for masters program. 1. To how many universities did you apply while you were looking for a masters program? _____________________. 2. Which of the following areas attracted you to the SSPH program? (Mark all that apply). Strength Need to Improve 1. Faculty 2. Staff 3. Content of Courses 4. Courses look challenging 5. Availability of Courses 6. Advising 7. Orientation 8. Student Association 9. Internship 10. Overall academic program 11. Other (specify__________) 3. Do you expect to have an opportunity to be involved in research with the guidance of a faculty member? (do not include class presentations or regular class assignments). 1. 2. 3. 4. ___ Program research ___Publication ___Special Project ___No, don’t expect to be involved in research 2 III. Individuals enter graduate school with various levels of knowledge. Please tell us where you fit on the following two questions related to the state of your knowledge, skills, and competencies. 1. Do you feel you have a solid understanding of the core areas of public health? ________ Yes ________ No 2. Please rate your competency to perform on the following core areas in your discipline, using a scale of 1 to 5: 1=no knowledge 2=low knowledge 3=some level of knowledge 4=high level of knowledge 5=outstanding knowledge COMPLETE ONLY THE BOX THAT IS APPROPIATE TO YOUR DEGREE. MS in Dietetics and Nutrition 1 Analyze nutrition science problems using in-depth knowledge of nutritional biochemistry and the macro (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins) and micro (vitamins and minerals) nutrients Develop and execute a research protocol that addresses a current problem in dietetics and nutrition and analyze and report the results; and Develop and complete a program of study designed to achieve student’s research and professional goals in dietetics and nutrition. 2 3 4 5 MS in Health Services Administration 1 Analyze the social, economic, legal and political issues related to the management of the health care system. Describe the history, dynamics, functions and limitations of the health care delivery system Demonstrate the theoretical and cognitive foundation of managerial practices in in health services organizations. Formulate practical program plans of legislative mandates and effectively translate these to diverse cultural settings Develop financial management plans through analysis of cost-benefit and cost-effective strategies; utilize accounting systems and practices to meet current and proposed funding needs, and to identify options available for budget reductions in the event of fiscal constraints 2 3 4 5 MPH 1 Demonstrate competency in the three core functional areas related to public health practice: assessment, policy development, and assurance. Demonstrate a broad knowledge and understanding of statistical techniques used in public health studies and investigations. Contribute to investigation of the distribution of diseases, disease outbreaks, epidemics and health conditions in the population, and factors determining the distribution Recommend technical and behavioral interventions to reduce environmental risk and explain their strengths and weaknesses for environmental management Describe the history, dynamics, functions and limitations of the health care delivery system and its relationship to public health problems Plan, develop, implement, evaluate and revise health promotion and disease prevention programs by applying evidence-based approaches. 2 3 4 5 3 2. Do you plan to be employed while working toward your degree? ________ Yes 3. No If yes, is it ________ 5. ________ Full time? _________ Part time? If you plan to work, which of the following areas best fits the type of work you will be doing? (CHECK ONLY ONE). Public Health Practioner: Which agency? Public Health Administrator Which agency? Public Health fellowship (e.g. with the CDC) Physician Nurse, midwife, or other health profession Medical School Bachelors program (Degree ________) (Major _____________) Research activities – biomedical/lab sciences Name ________________________________ Other public health (specify _____________) Other (specify _________________________ ____________________________________) Thank you for your time. Please return this form to: SSPH – Office of Student and Alumni Affairs 11200 SW 8th Street, HLS II 566 Miami, FL 33199 E-Mail: ph@fiu.edu Phone: (305) 348-7777 Fax: (305) 348-0289 4