Name______________________________________________________________________Date______________Hour___________ Definition or key words Father Experiment Classical Conditioning Repetition/automatic Pavlov Pavlov noticed dogs drool when exposed to food. He exposed his dogs to raw meat and rang a bell. Eventually, he would just ring the bell and the dogs would drool w/o any meat present. Laws or Theories Associated Interesting Applications Example 1 Example 2 1. Used to treat phobias, medical conditions, weight loss, etc. 2. Explains Post-traumatic Stress Disorder I keep cat food in the pantry. When they hear the pantry squeak, they run in automatically When you hear scary music during a movie, you close your eyes and your heart starts to race Operant Conditioning Cognitive Learning Reward/punishment/consequences Occurs in mind w/o trying to learn Thorndike Tolman Thorndike put cats in solid wood Tolman ran 2 groups of rats boxes that could be raised with an through a maze and timed interior lever. The cats did not them. Group 1 went through press the lever until he placed with no cheese at the end and tuna outside of the box. took forever. Group 2 had cheese at the end of the maze and went through quickly. Tolman ran group 1 through a second time with cheese at the end and they went through in ½ the time of group 2. This proved that rewards motivate, but learning happens in the mind 1st. Law of Effect, Learned Cognitive Map, Social Helplessness Learning Theory, Vicarious Reinforcement Explains why people develop Vicarious Reinforcement is superstitions used in advertising Your mom gives you $100 each time you get an A on a test. You know toilet talk facts. My nephew has to stand in the time out corner when he acts meanly You repeat the latest celebrity scandal you read in the checkout line at Schnucks Name______________________________________________________________________Date______________Hour___________ Definition or key words Father Experiment Classical Conditioning Repetition/automatic Pavlov Pavlov noticed dogs drool when exposed to food. He exposed his dogs to raw meat and rang a bell. Eventually, he would just ring the bell and the dogs would drool w/o any meat present. Laws or Theories Associated Interesting Applications Example 1 Example 2 1. Used to treat phobias, medical conditions, weight loss, etc. 2. Explains Post-traumatic Stress Disorder I keep cat food in the pantry. When they hear the pantry squeak, they run in automatically When you hear scary music during a movie, you close your eyes and your heart starts to race Operant Conditioning Cognitive Learning Reward/punishment/consequences Occurs in mind w/o trying to learn Thorndike Tolman Thorndike put cats in solid wood Tolman ran 2 groups of rats boxes that could be raised with an through a maze and timed interior lever. The cats did not them. Group 1 went through press the lever until he placed with no cheese at the end and tuna outside of the box. took forever. Group 2 had cheese at the end of the maze and went through quickly. Tolman ran group 1 through a second time with cheese at the end and they went through in ½ the time of group 2. This proved that rewards motivate, but learning happens in the mind 1st. Law of Effect, Learned Cognitive Map, Social Helplessness Learning Theory, Vicarious Reinforcement Explains why people develop Vicarious Reinforcement is superstitions used in advertising Your mom gives you $100 each time you get an A on a test. You know toilet talk facts. My nephew has to stand in the time out corner when he acts meanly You repeat the latest celebrity scandal you read in the checkout line at Schnucks Name______________________________________________________________________Date______________Hour___________