Teaching Styles, Methods, and Theories 3 Categories of Ed. Theory Behaviorism Cognitivism Constructivism 3 Categories of Ed. Theory Behaviorism any physical action is a behavior – therefore it can be trained Cognitivism Constructivism 3 Categories of Ed. Theory Behaviorism any physical action is a behavior – therefore it can be trained Cognitivism understanding how the mind works, and organizes things; logic, symbols, reflection, things are true or false, mental states Constructivism 3 Categories of Ed. Theory Behaviorism any physical action is a behavior – therefore it can be trained Cognitivism understanding how the mind works, and organizes things; logic, symbols, reflection, things are true or false, mental states Constructivism building and transferring information/knowledge, to build understanding and wisdom ? So what does this mean for teaching and learning style activity walk down memory lane Descartes, Chomsky, Gardner, Vygotsky, Bruner, Gagne, Dewey, Eisner, Freire, Bloom, Jonassen Rodgers, Pavlov, Bandura, Maslow, Thorndike, Tolman, Watson, Pavlov Montessori, Locke, Rouseau, Skinner, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Piaget walk down memory lane Maslow Aristotle Dewey Thorndike Plato Piaget Bandura Descartes Vygotsky Tolman Chomsky Rodgers Watson Gardner Eisner Skinner Bruner Freire Pavlov Gagne Bloom Rousseau Jonassen Montessori Pestalozzi Locke walk down memory lane Behaviorism Cognitivism Constructivism Maslow Aristotle Dewey Thorndike Plato Piaget Bandura Descartes Vygotsky Tolman Chomsky Rodgers Watson Gardner Eisner Skinner Bruner Freire Pavlov Gagne Bloom Rousseau Jonassen Montessori Pestalozzi Locke