Enclosed is the POH that I developed during the flight testing of my RV-6A. It is roughly based on a typical Cessna POH, with modifications specific to an RV. There are also specific references to my tail number and equipment installed in my RV-6A. For this POH to be useful, you must tailor it to your specific aircraft. The tail number can easily be changed with a search and replace. Other modifications will take longer, such as references to the trike, tip-up canopy, C/S prop, RMI engine monitor, internal ski rack, etc. Most performance figures (fuel flow, endurance, speed, ROC, glide performance, etc) were obtained from actual flight test data. I found it beneficial to print the checklists separately and use them during the preflight (pages 7-13, 23-26). This document is best used when printed on a color printer. The 8 ½” X 11” paper should be cut to the proper size after printing. The Annual Condition Inspection was taken from the RV-List. I think it was originally written by George Orndorff. The Van’s Airforce logo was downloaded from the Internet and I have no idea of the original artist. If George, or the designer of the logo, objects to these being included in the POH, I will remove them from all further distributions. This POH can be considered “freeware”. It is distributed free of charge. You may pass it on to anyone else as long as this title page remains intact. This manual was first posted online in the fall of 1997. Since then, it appears that it has been used as a template for many additional manuals that have also been published. If anyone copies information from this manual and then republishes it, I ask that you include a cover page indicating what data has been copied. This manual covers the performance of a 160 HP RV-6A. When these new manuals are then used by a third party, that person will not be able to know what information has been copied, and what was obtained from actual flight test. My goal is to ensure the sharing of ACCURATE data. I am not a technical writer and make no warrantee as to the accuracy of the information contained in the enclosed document. You MUST review, modify and be comfortable with the enclosed information PRIOR to using it as a preflight/ inflight reference. Due to the nature of homebuilt aircraft, I feel it is impossible to develop one standard POH to cover all RV’s. Use the enclosed information at your own risk. If you don’t agree with this disclaimer, just delete this entire document and get on with your life. This document is under constant revision. If anyone has any ideas on how it can be improved, please let me know. I hope this is of help to others. Scott Gesele N506RV – Flying (1000 hrs) sgesele@yahoo.com Van’s Aircraft RV-6A Pilot’s Operating Handbook N506RV PERFORMANCE – SPECIFICATIONS SPAN: ……………………………………………………………….. 23’ 0” LENGTH: ……………………………………………………………. 19’ 9” HEIGHT:………………………………………………………………. 6’ 8” SPEED: Maximum at Sea Level …………………………………….. Cruise, 75% Power at 8,000 Ft …………………………….. 180 Knots 167 Knots RANGE (includes 3 gal. for taxi, takeoff & climb): 75% @ 8000’ , no reserve .…………………………………. 695 nm 55% @ 8000’ no reserve ….………………………………. 840 nm 75% @ 8000’, one hour (8 gal) reserve …………………….. 540 nm 55% @ 8000’, one hour (8 gal) reserve …………………….. 650 nm RATE OF CLIMB AT SEA LEVEL …………………………….…. 2,050 FPM SERVICE CEILING …………………………………………..……. 19,500 FT TAKEOFF PERFORMANCE: ……………. ……………….……… 535 Ft LANDING PERFORMANCE: ………………..…………….……… 500 Ft STALL SPEED (CAS): Flaps Up, Power Off ……………………………………… Flaps Down, Power Off …………………………………… 47 Knots 43 Knots MAXIMUM WEIGHT: ……………………...……………………. 1800 Lbs EMPTY WEIGHT …………………………………………………. 1142 Lbs MAXIMUM USEFUL LOAD: …………………………………….. 658 Lbs BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE ………………………………………… 100 Lbs WING LOADING (Pounds/ Sq. Ft) ………………………………… 15 POWER LOADING (Pounds/ HP) …………………………………. 10.3 FUEL: Capacity …………………………………………………… Type ………………………………………………………. 38 Gal Total 100 LL OIL CAPACITY ……………………………………………………. 8 Qts ENGINE: Lycoming ……………………………………………….. O-320-D1A PROPELLER: Hartzell ……………………………………………. HC-C2YL-1BF AIRSPEED LIMITATIONS SPEED KIAS REMARKS VNE Never Exceed Speed 182 Kts VNO Maximum Structural Cruising Speed Maneuvering Speed 156 Kts VFE Maximum Flap Extended Speed Vy Best Rate of Climb 96 –20 deg 87 - Full 75 Kts Do not exceed this speed in any operations. Exceed this speed only in smooth air. Do not make full control movements above this speed. Full elevator deflection will result in a 6g load at this speed. Do not exceed this speed with flaps down Vx Best Angle of Climb 65 Kts Vs Stall Speed Clean 47 Kts Vso Stall Speed Landing Configuration 43 Kts VA 115 Kts AIRSPEED INDICATOR MARKINGS MARKING White Arc KIAS VALUE OR RANGE 43 – 87 Kts Green Arc 47 – 156 Kts Yellow Arc 156 – 182 Kts Red Line 182 Kts SIGNIFICANCE Full Flap Operating Range. Lower limit is Vso. Upper limit is maximum speed with flaps extended Normal Operating Range. Lower limit is Vs. Upper limit is maximum structural cruising speed Operations must be conducted with caution and only in smooth air. Maximum speed for all operations N506RV N506RV AEROBATIC INFORMATION Weight Limitation – 1375 Pounds Recommended Entry Speeds: Loops, Horizontal Eights …. 120 – 165 Kts Immelman Turns ………….. 130 – 165 Kts Aileron Rolls, Barrel Rolls .. 105 – 165 Kts Snap Rolls………………….. 70 – 95 Kts Vertical Rolls ……………… 155 –165 Kts Split-S …………………….. 85 - 95 Kts N506RV PREFLIGHT INSPECTION 1. CABIN a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) Documentation -- Available In Airplane Aeronautical Charts – CURRENT AND APPROPRIATE TO FLIGHT Seat Belt Securing Control Stick -- RELEASE Ignition Switch -- OFF Avionics -- OFF Master Switch -- ON Engine Monitor – ON Engine Monitor – RESET FLIGHT TIME Fuel Quantity -- CHECK QUANTITY -- VERIFY ENGINE MONITOR PRESET Flaps – DOWN Master Switch -- OFF Carb Heat – COLD 2. EMPENNAGE a) Tail Tie-Down – DISCONNECT b) Rudder Gust Lock -- REMOVE c) Control Surfaces -- CHECK freedom of movement and security d) Static Sources (both sides of fuselage) –CHECK for blockage 3. RIGHT WING a) Aileron -- CHECK freedom of movement and security b) Flap -- CHECK security c) Wing Tie-Down -- DISCONNECT d) Main Wheel Tire -- CHECK for proper inflation e) Chock -- REMOVE f) Right Wing Tank – SUMP g) Main Buss Alternate Feed – ON h) Fuel Boost Pump – ON i) Gascolator – SUMP j) Fuel Boost Pump – OFF k) Main Buss Alternate Feed -- OFF l) Fuel Quantity -- CHECK VISUALLY m) Fuel Filler Cap – SECURE N506RV 5. NOSE a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 6. LEFT a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Engine Oil Level -- CHECK, do not operate with less than 4 quarts Propeller and Spinner -- CHECK for nicks and security Cowl Hinge Pins – CHECK for security Air Inlet -- CHECK for restrictions Nose Wheel Tire -- CHECK for proper inflation Chock -- REMOVE Fuel Tank Vents -- CHECK for blockage WING Wing Tie-Down -- DISCONNECT Main Wheel Tire -- CHECK for proper inflation Chock -- REMOVE Left Wing Tank -- SUMP Fuel Quantity -- CHECK VISUALLY Fuel Filler Cap -- SECURE Pitot Tube Cover -- REMOVE and check for blockage Landing Light -- CHECK condition Aileron -- CHECK freedom of movement and security Flap -- CHECK security N506RV BEFORE STARTING ENGINE a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Preflight Inspection – COMPLETE Rudder Gust Lock Removed -- VERIFY Seat Belts and Shoulder Harnesses -- ADJUST and LOCK Canopy -- DOWN Fuel Selector Valve -- DESIRED TANK Avionics and Electrical -- OFF Brakes -- SET Circuit Breakers -- CHECK IN STARTING ENGINE a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) Mixture -- RICH Carb Heat -- COLD Prop -- HIGH RPM Master Switch – ON Fuel Boost Pump -- ON Strobe – ON Flaps -- UP Prime -- AS REQUIRED (3-4 seconds when cold) Throttle -- OPEN approx 1/4” Propeller Area -- CLEAR Ignition Switch -- START Engine Monitor -- ON Oil Pressure -- CHECK 25 psi at idle Fuel Boost Pump – OFF Autopilot / Encoder -- ON Avionics -- ON N506RV BEFORE TAKEOFF a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) i) j) k) l) Brakes -- SET Canopy -------- Main Latch -- SECURE -------- Secondary Latch -- SECURE Flight Controls -- FREE and CORRECT Flight Instruments – SET Altimeters – CORRECT PRESSURE A/H – ALLIGNED Autopilot – TURN COORDINATOR MODE Navigational Instruments -- SET Fuel Selector Valve -- DESIRED TANK Mixture -- RICH (below 3000’) Elevator and Aileron Trim -- NEUTRAL Throttle -- 1700 RPM 1) Magnetos -- CHECK (125 max drop, 50 differential) 2) Suction – CHECK (5” Hg) 3) Carb Heat -- CHECK for drop 4) Prop -- CHECK operation 5) Engine Instruments -- CHECK 6) Throttle -- IDLE 7) Carb Heat -- COLD Radios – SET Flaps -- AS REQUIRED Fuel Boost Pump -- ON Transponder -- ALTITUDE N506RV TAKEOFF NORMAL TAKEOFF a) b) c) d) e) f) Wing Flaps – UP Carb Heat – COLD Prop – HIGH RPM Throttle -- FULL OPEN Elevator Control – LIFT NOSE WHEEL (at 55KIAS) Climb Speed -- 110 KIAS SHORT FIELD TAKEOFF a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Wing Flaps – 10 Deg Carb Heat – COLD Prop – HIGH RPM Brakes – APPLY Throttle – FULL OPEN Mixture – RICH (above 3000’ lean to obtain max RPM) Brakes – RELEASE Climb Speed – 80 KIAS (Vy) ENROUTE CLIMB a) b) c) d) e) f) Airspeed – 110 - 130 KIAS Throttle – 25 in Hg, or full throttle Prop – 2500 RPM Boost Pump – OFF at 1000 feet AGL Fuel Pressure – CHECK Mixture – LEAN above 5000’ CRUISE a) b) c) d) Throttle – 23 in Hg Prop – 2300 RPM Trim – ADJUST Mixture – LEAN N506RV Enroute Fuel Schedule: Fuel Selector Position Left Left to Right Right to Left Switch At: (Aircraft Total) 37 27 11.5 Starting Total (Left) 18.5 8.5 8.5 Starting Total (Right) 18.5 18.5 3 Oxygen Duration (hours): (AL-645 Tank 22.8 cu ft max, with A3 Flowmeters, 1800 psig at 70 F) Crew One Two 10,000 ft 29 14.5 15,000 ft 16 8 18,000 ft 12 6 N506RV POSTFLIGHT AFTER LANDING a) Wing Flaps – UP b) Boost Pump – OFF c) Transponder – STANDBY ENGINE SHUTDOWN a) b) c) d) e) f) Avionics – OFF Autopilot / Encoder -- OFF Electrical – OFF Throttle – IDLE Prop – FULL FORWARD Mixture – IDLE CUT-OFF g) h) i) j) (After Engine Stops) Ignition – OFF Strobe -- OFF Flaps – DOWN Master – OFF SECURING AIRCRAFT a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Wheel Chocks – INSTALL Wing & Tail Tie-Down – INSTALL AS REQUIRED Pitot Tube Cover – INSTALL AS REQUIRED Cockpit – CLEAN AND SECURE Ignition Key – REMOVED Master and Electrical Switches – OFF Engine Monitor Fuel Quantity – RESET AFTER REFUELING N506RV Performance Cruise Performance at 8,000’: KTAS RPM MAP Fuel Flow % Power 23” 23” 21” 8.4 GPH 7.4 GPH 6.3 GPH 75% 65% 55% 167 157 151 2400 2200 2200 No Wind Range at 8,000’: All range calculations include 3 gal. for engine start, taxi, takeoff and climb. Engine is leaned for best economy. One hour (8 gal.) reserve: 75% Power ……………………………………………….. 65% Power ……………………………………………….. 55% Power ……………………………………………….. 540 nm 575 nm 650 nm No Reserve: 75% Power ……………………………………………….. 65% Power ……………………………………………….. 55% Power ……………………………………………….. 695 nm 745 nm 840 nm N506RV WEIGHT AND BALANCE DATA Make: Scott Gesele Serial: 22717 Model: RV-6A Registration: N506RV Maximum Weights: “Aerobatic”………………………………… 1375 Lbs “Utility” ……….……………………………. 1650 Lbs* “Normal” …………………………………… 1800 Lbs* * Recommended maximum landing weight is 1650 lbs Datum= 60 inches forward of wing leading edge (L.E.) Design C.G. Range = 15% to 29% of wing chord 8.7” to 16.8” from L.E. 68.7” to 76.8” aft of Datum Wing L.E. = 60 inches aft of datum Main wheel right = 84.25” aft of datum Main wheel left = 84.25” aft of datum Nose wheel = 28.50” aft of datum Fuel …………………… Pilot and Passenger …… Baggage ………………. Internal Ski Rack ……... 70” aft of datum 87.4” aft of datum 117” aft of datum 144” aft of datum Aircraft weighed empty in level flight attitude. (Includes 8 qts. of oil, no fuel) Right Wheel Left Wheel Nose Wheel Weight 428 420 294 Total 1142 Empty CG = 69.91 aft of datum Arm 84.25 84.25 28.5 Moment 36059 35385 8379 79832 N506RV WEIGHT AND BALANCE DATA Sample: Aircraft Fuel (6lbs/gal) Pilot Passenger Baggage Skis Weight 1142 Arm 70 87.4 87.4 117 144 (Skis weigh 9 lbs/adult pair) Total CG = Total Moment / Total Weight CG = in aft of datum CG Range = 68.7 to 76.8 in aft of datum Moment 79832 N506RV WEIGHT AND BALANCE DATA *With a CG Range of 68.7 to 76.8 in., all foreseeable loading configurations are within limitations. Max. Gross Weight Item Weight Aircraft 1,142 Fuel (6 lbs/gal) 228 Pilot 170 Passenger 170 Baggage 72 Skis 18 Total 1,800 CG: 75.81 Zero Fuel CG 76.65 Arm 70 87 87 117 144 Moment 79,832 15,960 14,790 14,858 8,424 2,592 136,456 Full Baggage, No Pax Item Weight Aircraft 1,142 Fuel (6 lbs/gal) 228 Pilot 170 Passenger 0 Baggage 72 Skis 18 Total 1,630 CG: 74.60 Zero Fuel CG 75.35 Arm 70 87 87 117 144 Moment 79,832 15,960 14,790 0 8,424 2,592 121,598 Full Baggage, No Skis Item Weight Arm Moment Aircraft 1,142 79,832 Fuel (6 lbs/gal) 228 70 15,960 Pilot 170 87 14,790 Passenger 170 87 14,858 Baggage 75 117 8,775 Skis 0 144 0 Total 1,785 134,215 CG: 75.19 Zero Fuel CG 75.95 Full Baggage, No Pax, No Skis Item Weight Arm Moment Aircraft 1,142 79,832 Fuel (6 lbs/gal) 228 70 15,960 Pilot 170 87 14,790 Passenger 0 87 0 Baggage 75 117 8,775 Skis 0 144 0 Total 1,615 119,357 CG: 73.91 Zero Fuel CG 74.55 Pilot, Pax, No Baggage Item Weight Arm Moment Aircraft 1,142 79,832 Fuel (6 lbs/gal) 228 70 15,960 Pilot 170 87 14,790 Passenger 170 87 14,858 Baggage 0 117 0 Skis 0 144 0 Total 1,710 125,440 CG: 73.36 Zero Fuel CG 73.87 Pilot, No Pax, No Baggage Item Weight Arm Moment Aircraft 1,142 79,832 Fuel (6 lbs/gal) 228 70 15,960 Pilot 170 87 14,790 Passenger 0 87 0 Baggage 0 117 0 Skis 0 144 0 Total 1,540 110,582 CG: 71.81 Zero Fuel CG 72.12 N506RV Engine Information Model: …….. HP: ………… Fuel: ……….. ……….. Oil Filter: ….. Lycoming O-320 D1A 160 91/96 or 100/130 octane minimum 100LL Champion CH48110 OIL: Avg Ambiant Air Above 80F Above 60F 30 – 90F 0-70F MIL-L-6082 Grades SAE 60 SAE 50 SAE 40 SAE 20 Below 10F SAE 20 Ashless Dispersant Grades SAE 60 SAE 40 or SAE 50 SAE 40 SAE 30 or SAE 40 SAE 30 Oil Sump Capacity …….. 8 U.S. Quarts Minimum Safe Quantity ...2 U.S. Quarts Operating Conditions: Oil Inlet Temp: Oil Pressure: Fuel Pressure: Cyl. Head Temp 82 deg C desired, 118 deg C Maximum 90 psi max; 60 psi min; 25 psi idle 8 psi max; 0.5 psi min; 3.0 psi desired 66 deg C – 223 deg C desired range, 260 deg C max N506RV ENGINE INFORMATION N506RV ENGINE INFORMATION N506RV ENGINE INFORMATION N506RV EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AIRSPEEDS FOR EMERGENCY OPERATIONS Engine Failure After Takeoff: Wing Flaps Up ………………………… Wing Flaps Down …………………….. 80 Kts 70 Kts Maneuvering Speed (Va) ………………………. 115 Kts Maximum Glide ………………………………… 80 Kts EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ENGINE FAILURES ENGINE FAILURE DURING TAKEOFF RUN 1. Throttle –IDLE 2. Brakes – APPLY 3. Wing Flaps – RETRACT 4. Mixture – IDLE CUT-OFF 5. Ignition Switch – OFF 6. Master Switch – OFF ENGINE FAILURE IMMEDIATELY AFTER TAKEOFF 1. Airspeed – 70 KIAS 2. Mixture – IDLE CUT-OFF 3. Fuel Selector Valve – OFF 4. Ignition Switch – OFF 5. Wing Flaps – AS REQUIRED 6. Master Switch – OFF ENGINE FAILURE DURING FLIGHT 1. Airspeed –80 Knots 2. Boost Pump – ON 3. Fuel Selector – SWITCH TANKS 4. Carb Heat – ON 5. Mixture – RICH 6. Ignition Switch – BOTH, LEFT, RIGHT 7. Transponder – 7700 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FIRES DURING START ON GROUND 1. Cranking – CONTINUE, to get a start which would suck the flames and accumulated fuel through the carb and into the engine. If engine starts: 2. 3. Power – 1700 RPM for a few minutes Engine – SHUTDOWN and inspect for damage If engine fails to start: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Throttle – FULL OPEN Mixture – IDLE CUT-OFF Cranking – CONTINUE Fire Extinguisher – OBTAIN Engine – SECURE ENGINE FIRE IN FLIGHT 1. Mixture – IDLE CUT-OFF 2. Fuel Selector Valve – OFF 3. Master Switch – OFF 4. Cabin Heat and Air – OFF ELECTRICAL FIRE IN FLIGHT 1. Master Switch – OFF 2. Avionics – OFF 3. All Other Switches (except ignition) – OFF 4. Vents/ Cabin Air/ Heat – CLOSED 5. Fire Extinguisher – ACTIVATE (if available) CABIN FIRE 1. Master Switch – OFF 2. Vents/ Cabin Heat – CLOSED 3. Fire Extinguisher – ACTIVATE (if available) WING FIRE 1. Nav Lights – OFF 2. Landing Light – OFF EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ELECTRICAL / ALTERNATOR FAILURE 1. Avionics –OFF 2. Master Switch – OFF, both sides 3. Alternator Breaker – RESET 4. Main Feed Breaker - RESET 5. Circuit Breakers – VERIFY POSITIONS 6. Master Switch – ON IF ALTERNATOR IS STILL OFF-LINE: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Master Switch – OFF Electrical Switches – OFF Alternator Breaker – PULL Avionics – OFF Main Feed Breaker – PULL Alternate Feed Switch Guard – UP Alternate Feed Switch – ON Avionics – ON as required Electrical Equipment – ON, as required Flight – TERMINATE as soon as practical, aircraft is on battery reserves only. In accordance with Item 15 of the Transport Canada and Bahamas Civil Aviation Department Standardized Validation of A Special Airworthiness Certificate- Experimental, I, owner of , as the registered authorize the following persons for continued operation of this aircraft in both Canadian and Bahamian airspace. Registered Owner’s Signature Date N506RV ANNUAL CONDITION INSPECTION REPORT HOURS: MAKE: RV-6A REGISTRATION #: N506RV SERIAL #: 22717 DATE: DESCRIPTION : COMMENTS: A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PROPELLER GROUP Inspect spinner and back plate.... Inspect blades for nicks and cracks.... Check for grease and oil leaks.... Lubricate propeller per lubrication chart.... Check spinner mounting brackets.... Check propeller mounting bolts and safety.... Inspect hub parts for cracks and corrosion.... B. ENGINE GROUP CAUTION: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ground mags before working on engine Remove engine cowl.... Clean and check cowling for cracks, distortion and loose or missing fasteners.... Drain oil sump.... Clean suction oil strainer at oil change.... Clean pressure oil strainer or change full flow oil filter element...... Check oil temp. sender for leaks and security.... Check oil lines and fittings for leaks, chafing security, dents and cracks.... Clean and check oil radiator cooling fins.... Fill engine with oil per lubrication chart... Clean engine.... Check condition of spark plugs adjust gap.... Check ignition harness and insulators.... Check magneto points for proper clearance maintain at .018 +- .006.... Check magneto for oil seal leaks.... Check breaker felt for proper lubrication.... Check distributor block for cracks, burned areas or corrosion.... 17. 18. 19. Check magnetos to engine timing.... Remove air filter and clean.... Drain carburetor and clean inlet line fuel strainer.... Check condition of carburetor heat air door and box.... Check intake seal for leaks and clamps for tightness.... Clean screens in fuel pump.... Clean and check gascolator.... Inspect condition of fuel lines.... Check fuel system for leaks..... Check electric fuel pump for operation..... Check engine controls throttle, carb heat, mixture, and prop.... Inspect exhaust stacks, connections, gaskets.... Inspect heat exchange and baffles.... Check breather tube for obstructions and security.... Check crankcase for cracks, leaks, security of bolts.... Check engine mounts for cracks and loose mountings....... Check all engine baffles.... Check firewall seals.... Check condition and tension of alternator and drive belt.... Check condition of starter.... Check fluid in brake reservoir.... Lubricate all controls.... Reinstall engine cowl.... 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 36. 36. 37. 38. 39. C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. CABIN GROUP Inspect canopy and windows.... Check upholstery for tears.... Check seats, seat belts, shoulder belts.... Check trim operation... Check rudder pedals.... Check control column, systems and connection..... Check landing, nav, cabin, and instrument lights... Check instrument, lines and attachments.... Check gyro operation, and electric turn and bank.... 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Check or replace gyro air filter.... Clean or replace vacuum regulator filter.... Check altimeter.... Check operation of fuel selector valve.... Check operation of engine primer.... Check condition of heater controls.... Check condition and operation air vents.... D. FUSELAGE AND EMPENNAGE GROUP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 17. 18. Remove inspection plates and panels... Check battery box, battery and cables... Check electronic installations.... Check bulkheads and stringers for damage... Check antenna mounts and wiring.... Check fuel lines and valves.... Check vertical fin and rudder surfaces.... Check rudder horn and attachment.... Check vertical fin attachments.... Check rudder bolts for wear... Check horizontal stabilizer and elevators... Check horizontal stabilizer attachment... Check elevator horn... Check elevator bolts for wear... Check elevator bell cranks and controls.... Check EHSI / EFIS Electronic Compass … Check autopilot pitch servo and pushrod Lubricate all bearings as needed..... Reinstall inspection plates and panels.... E. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. WING GROUP Remove inspection plates... Check surfaces and tip for damage and loose rivets and condition of walkways.... Check aileron mounts and attachments.... Check aileron bellcrank and control tubes.... Check autopilot roll servo and pushrod Check flaps and attachment for damages.... Check all wing attachment bolts.... Check fuel tanks and lines for leaks and.... Check fuel tank vents.... Reinstall inspection plates.... E. LANDING GEAR GROUP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. F. Check nose gear travel and damper tightness.... Check main gear attachments... Check tires for cuts and wear.... Remove wheel, clean, and repack bearings... Check wheels for cracks, corrosion and broken bolts.... Check tire pressure.... Check brake lining and disc.... Check brake lines.... OPERATIONAL INSPECTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Check fuel pump and fuel tank selector.... Check fuel pressure.... Check oil pressure and temperature.... Check alternator output.... Check manifold pressure.... Check alternate air.... Check vacuum gauge.... Check gyros for noise and roughness.... Check Cabin heat operation.... Check magneto switch operation.... Check magneto RPM variation.... Check throttle and mixture operation.... Check propeller smoothness.... Check electronic equipment operation.... Perform 2 hr Capacity Check of EHSI/EFIS Backup Battery …. G Known problem areas: a) b) c) d) e) f) Smoking rivets on forward bottom skin Chafing brake lines on gear leg fairing and beneath wheel pant Chaffing of wheel on wheel pant Fretting corrosion at gear leg fairing intersection Corrosion of exposed rod end bearings Rudder contacting elevator roots in flight (dynamic clearance less than static clearance!) Nose gear leg bolt security g) NOTES